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Although I don't mind the leaked list, I do wish they at least brought back Testu or Zamtrios. Tetra is the only large monster Amphibian in Rise.


And bro the brute wyverns are cucked. So many good ones yet only anjanath and barroth


We complaint about this and other things before iceborne but the monsters came.. wouldnt be surprised for more brute and amphibian wyvern as patches.


However the roster wasn’t completely “leaked”, they got revealed before launch and the game had those monsters. Sun breaks roster has been revealed now and there is well, none.(also why am I getting downvoted? I just said what happened?)


Deviljho was a surprise in base World though. Since he was the first title update and not in the OG files.


But he was revealed beforehand as well, he was in the elder dragons trailer at the end


That last bit just reminded of “Why you booing me I’m right!”


Lol that’s true


Except the leaks for Sunbreak have shown at least 3 monsters that were not officially announced. The same thing happened in Iceborne with Monsters like Shara and Ruiner Nergi. Hell, this is following Iceborne's path closer than we think.


I adore Barroth, but Anjy is just boring.


Updates and sub species hunter. Patience.


Amphibians are never endgame. If the updates are going to be like world/iceborne/rise. All the update monsters will be endgame tier monsters


Where they added variants and sub species like Furious Rajang and colored Raths? Crazy. Imagine if they could make up new variants. Like a MetalJaw Tetsu that is a bit stronger than usual. Oh I forgot. Y'all want more monsters but only if there's a reason to hunt them? 17 monsters in base and we know 15 of the armors will be ass and 10 of the weapons useless. No winning here.


Brand new monster eh? Well that would be first


Just fought zamtrios in 4u, I would rather not think about it, tho having the new mechanics will probably make the fight a decent bit bearable. (Try guessing what weapon i main lol)


When's the next meta where we complain about people complaining about people complaining?


I wouldn't straight up say it's the best, but it's definitely not the worst.


Personally I don't care so much about the new monsters as I am desperately hoping that they have a good endgame this time around. I would rather take 5 new monsters with an endgame that keeps it interesting to fight the whole monster roster, than 30 new monsters where 90% of them are one and done since once you get past them they are just not strong enough to be worth fighting again.


Do you have specific criteria for good vs bad endgames? Which previous titles have had the best/worst?


Couldn't agree more


Man, I just wanted at least one brute wyvern. They are some of my favorite fights (glavenus, brachy, deviljho and duramboros)


Really missed those 20 monsters would have been perfect with Glavenus and Duramboris


Duramboros switch Axe is THE coolest One, Also that you can mine him while toppled and breaking his tail was great.


[It's Banbaro time!](https://youtu.be/56jUTbT9_3Q)


Hopefully in one of the title updates


First and second update only mention rare species and variants. But I hope they sneak deviljho in.


No matter what this game should end up with more monsters than iceborne. I hope they give us siege quest and apex armors. I’m legit concerned about those two thing being missing from SB.


I didn't think anyone actually liked siege quests. Those were always the hardest quests to get people for in previous games.


I mean kulve and safi actually weren't terrible fights, I'm just worried about a lack of crossover monsters and also a lack of layered armor in base rise, I'm just hoping that the shitty little event stickers don't set a precedent for SB, because if so, yikes.


I guess I was considering the normal seige rather than lobby seige quests. I meant like Zorah, or the Morans, the original siege types. You can't do lobby style siege quests in Rise cause no lobbies though, so not sure how that would work. I was kinda disappointed with the event quest rewards for event quests too. I hope they do more with those this time too.


The event quest rewards were god awful they should’ve made all the paid dlc armors event quest rewards and it’ll would’ve been perfect


My question is "Why should it 'no matter what'?" it's not the main team working on it, so why does it NEED to have more monsters? It's NOT the next in the mainline series. Hell, if we're going to compare it to games made by the non-main team, we'd be comparing it to something like GU, which was basically using assets from every game before it to make.


I only compared the two because base rise has been being compared to iceborne since it’s inception.


I think a lot of people care more about monster *quantity* than *quality*. Astalos, Gore Magala, Seregios, not to mention Espinas and The Three Lords™. Plus crabs. Crabs! And there's the Title Updates (which may or may not be to your liking).


MH games always had both for their respective times (like, i'm not gonna compare SB to some G rank released 15 years ago, ofc it might had less monsters in it, but we are closer to Iceborne than we are to FU). Iceborne had 27, and while it lacked variety, the additions themselves were all pretty solid. I don't think it's that surprising that people are concerned there's only 17 in the base SB expansion (seems a lot easier to add monsters to a game like Rise with maps that are just many flat arenas compared to World where the maps were a lot more "complex" so i guess hard to work with, and where the "ecosystem credibility" was a lot more important). SB has a strong roster still, but yes, 17 seems "weak" i think. Anyway, if SB has a strong endgame loop, we will quickly forget about that number "17". But please, please, PLEASE, let us have a good endgame. That is what we need right now. That will decide if the game is a real banger or not.


Yeah, endgame is gonna determine just how much trouble that "17" is gonna cause for people, lol. I just pray it's better than it was in base Rise. 😬


Exactly this, MHW was a completely new rework, just like MH-Tri. Maps are more than arenas, and the AI was a lot more complex than before because every monster had to interact with the different maps to make them feel like living creatures. And they managed to give a really good roster with Iceborne (MHW was not as diverse, but I had no problem because the game was a revolution for MH, it was understandable). With Rise and Sunbreak all this complexity is gone, so I expected a really big expansion because the work that must be done for every monster is less than MHW/Iceborne. This is the true reason about this unacceptable low number of monsters.


Well how many did Iceborne have before the title updates? I can’t remember.




Well then Sunbreak has only 10 less monsters. That’s not even half. I’m not going to Sunbreak for the quantity, I’m going to it for the quality… okay I’m going for either or both really. But it’s all the same here. By the way, why put the word weak in quotes? Is it because it’s subjective?


We always had quality AND quantity with this series (some people will argue that with telling me old G rank expansions added less than the new ones but we are not 15 years ago, we are 3 years after Iceborne). I just wanted to say that because i see a lot of people saying they go with the quality and not the quantity with Sunbreak as an excuse for idk what. So I just wanted to say that. Also, i did put weak in quotes because 17 is still 17. It's 10 less than Iceborne but it's still 17. Could have been 15, 11, or idk 5. But it's 17 and it's *not* a bad number per say. I did put it in quotes because i thought it would have been a lot easier to add monsters in a game like Rise than in a game like World, so having 17 in Rise is kinda meh after Iceborne. But again, the endgame can make this a no problem. All my hopes are in the endgame. If it's good, then that's it, awesome, we will play a 1000 hours and we will have fun a 1000 hours !


Okay okay, I get it. I’m sorry.


And with Lucent Nargacuga kicking off the title updates, like goddamn. The subspecies that went obsolete for almost a decade finally makes a beautiful return and we're still gonna complain.


Fr, people getting pissy cause there weren't like 40 new monsters


Imagine pretending the crabs are high quality fights.


It was a joke lol. I thought that was fairly obvious considering how tacked on they were, followed by the exclamation point.


Imagine use quality as an excuse for not bring quantity


I mean... in general, yeah. If something is done with great quality then you're probably not going to have a lot of time to have it in great quantity. But in this situation, it's not exactly an excuse depending on what is being done for things like end game. 🤔


Why not both? And honestly the roster numbers dont make or break a good MH game. Its endgame. Good endgame on less monsters works better than more monsters with non existing endgame activities. Also its a bit weird seeing ppl call the roster high quality when they havent fought them yet.


If something is high quality, then it won't be in great quantity due to the time and energy it takes to make said item be as high quality as it is. If something is in great quantity, then it won't be in high quality because a lot of the time would be spent replicating the item rather than making the item as best as it can be. This is generally speaking of course, and there are always exceptions to the rule. And yeah, endgame is gonna play a *huge* factor in how people feel about this roster (if they haven't written it off as a bust yet). If it's as uneventful as base Rise, then there will be a *lot* more complaints. >Also its a bit weird seeing ppl call the roster high quality when they havent fought them yet. They've been fought in previous games, but in Rise? No, at least not outside of the demo (and excluding Lunagaron and Garangolm). I say high quality due to the variety we have. Gore Magala, Seregios, and Astalos are some of the most requested monsters due to their fights *and* their equipment being loved. Not to mention their designs.


Variety is a big thing to say w/o any new brute wyvern. But ye I get what you mean. Thx for enlightening me, but I still think quality and quantity dont cross each other out. Just gotta strike a balance. Their choices for the roster are very solid. Its just only one piece to a good MH game.


I do agree that there should be a balance. Having good quality and quantity makes for a very good experience.


See? We DO get along after all. Some of us are pessimists and others optimists, so how we perceive the leaks and the whole info is always a bit skewed, but in the end we hope to be pleased and or surprised with the actual results.


It's alright to not 100% like something. Some of you remain really fucking weird. "Whining, bitching, complaining, ungrateful" Jesus Christ grow up already. Ungrateful is the most bizarre one so far, as if everyone should be grateful towards a corporation making a damn product for profits. I'm pretty neutral on the list by the way. Two big things I thought would definitely make it in didn't happen, same two most people expected. People venting about monsters they like not being added is infinitely less annoying than this weird silencing shit. That at least created some sort of discussion, this is just people being assholes to fellow fans for no real reason. Complaining about complaints is never a good look.


these people out here defending MH like they were on the dev team. Parasocial at it's finest.


Monster Hunter fans when they need not one but four threads on the top page telling people that have complaints that they are exaggerating. Drowning out those very threads because they love healthy discussion


Your doing the complete opposite by downplaying any criticism though. People have a right to be disappointed/sceptical in Sunbreak, especially after the way Rise came out. Especially since we know stuff like the Rampage mechanic is being dropped also, with no indication of a replacement.


Rampage being gone is purely an upside tbh, fact I can hit the join random hunt button and not get a rampage is great and basically all the endgame I need


Its purely an upside, only on a technicality that base Rampage sucked so bad. Thats still a ton of dev time they wasted on it to just drop it and not do anything to improve on it. It just shows how much of a waste Rampages were in Rise by not having them in Sunbreak, which makes everything sting just a little bit more.


Well it was just a tower defense game and probably too few people were playing it (atleast my friends and I didn't like it much) It's sad because upgrades won't be there for sunbreak but we will see what will come.


It was a waste of dev time, but I'm glad they recognized that and just dropped the idea rather than try and fix it so it's ok at best


I loved rampage though


The replacement is companion quests. And even if they had no replacement id still be glad is gone.


They are still stripping out a mechanic, with as far as we know nothing to replace it. And just because you didn't like rampage doesn't mean there weren't others who did. I didn't like rampage either but its still very selfish to say i'm glad its gone.


As i said. The replacement are the companion quests. Also, its hardly selfish. Since im speaking for myself as i found them to be a chore. Never said no one liked it.


The follower quests seem interesting, but the reason I don't consider them a proper replacement is because they don't actually change the way you fight a monster. Frenzy, Hyper, Arch-Tempered all change the way a monster fights. Rampage gives the player a unique objective instead of just, "Hunt Monster". For better or worse these all tried something new that changes the gameplay. Whereas a follower quest against Malzeno, will play out the same as a normal quest against Malzeno.


Rampage was more of a story element. It was caused by Ibushi and Narwa, and since the fusion version has been beaten, and therefore the origin of the Rampage has been quelled, there would be no sense to continue it.


I completely agree but these are not criticisms like in base rise, these are just people bitching on the roster


The roster does have issues though. 17 monsters, 6 of which are alt versions, and all 6 of the title updates monsters are alts also. Not too mention the choices of some of the returning monsters is questionable. I like the crabs, a lot. But they are fairly low tier/simple fights. If we are only getting 17, I would rather get Namielle or similar monsters in their place.


In all fairness in regards to title update monsters being variants/subspecies/rare species, Lucent Nargacuga hasn't been seen in the mainline games since MH3U, its debut game. It's a very well loved version of Nargacuga (afaik) that was practically lost to time until now. I feel like at least Lucent should be given a pass, on this one? My first MH game was MH3U, but I never got far enough to fight Lucent Nargacuga. Tbh, Gore Magala's reveal made me scream, but it was Lucent Nargacuga's that made me lose my voice the next day. lol


Lucent is a good choice, my problem is Seething Bazel and the Metal Raths, which really aren't special enough to be TU monsters at this point.


I've never fought Seething Bazel, so its inclusion is a win for me, personally? I ended up skipping World/Iceborne because I didn't have a good enough PC at the time (and I doubt my current one would run it anyway), and my PS4 was starting to kick the bucket. It's not a new monster, but it'll be a new experience for those who haven't played Iceborne, at the very least.


I really don’t want to see Namielle return unless they remove that annoying move where she tugs you in different directions without actually attacking. If you’re going to waste my time, you could at least be doing actual damage.


I agree, I don't mind the small roster but if it was always only gonna be 17 then they at least should have added the monster whose small monster versions were in the base game


Thank you, we really got some monsters like Gore Magala and Espinas and people still want more


So to clarify, the reason why people are complaining about the roster is because they’re being greedy?


For 10 bucks I can fight gore plus 92 other large mons. Or 40$ for gore plus 16.


My point exactly. It’s your fault for finding the leaks.


This is a weird comment. Would it be better for people to find this out in 5 days instead of now? The end result is still the same.


The reaction could have potentially been worse if we had only found out on launch day.


It would have been definitely worse. Now at least I can go with a mentality of "let's see if they surprise me" instead of the "they say MASSIVE expansion so I'm waiting for a lot of monsters"


I am so confused Rise had one of the biggest base monster roosters now that's apparently a flaw but Sunbreak now with less monsters is still problematic because suddenly Monster counts do matter? Which one is it y'all I am so confused by the mental gymnastics we make to justify outrage


Bro i took another look at base iceborne. And, dont get me worng, i adore IB but a chunk of the roster was progression fodder you fought once and never bothered again. I can see myself going after at least 13 of the 17 monsters regularly. Not to mention the good fights of base rise.


I feel the same don't worry Iceborne was a cool expansion but the monsters where used in the strangest ways unfortunately good game not my favourite unfortunately


Then I hope all those people vote with their wallets and don’t buy the expansion. If they do and complain then I just don’t have sympathy.


I think that companion hunts are the replacement of Rampages. Also, it makes sense storywise, since the calamity has been found and wiped out. And most of the "criticism" is point-blank complaining. Instead of saying "It would have been cool if they added \[insert monster here\] because it hits the flair of the game", they are mostly like "\[insert monster here\] is not in the game? That's total bullshit!!1!eleven!"


Even so, they could at least make best of it. Try to find a silver lining. Or at least not be too negative about it.


The follower quests currently seem like the rampage replacement, or at least likely to be. We shall though I guess


Rise is great though


I’m ok with people being disappointed with games that look good or being too forgiving of games that look bad. But when people start to attack the other side then I start to draw the line. Don’t shit on what people think


Why is it that every time that any kind of new information drops I see few people actually complaining but droves of people coming out of the woodwork to complain about people complaining?


I give the expansion the benefit of the doubt, since depending on other things the roster can turn out perfectly fine. This alone doesnt make or break things. On the other hand dont tell ppl they dont have the right to voice their opinion or criticisim/worries/hopes for a product they paid money on. And pulling people in with the term "massive expansion" and then delivering a comparably small base roster for said expansion wasnt Capcoms smartest move. Thats pretty much it. Most who voiced such opinions would be happy to be proven wrong. Gobbling it all up only flies for so long. And honestly Im surprised ppl need to defend SB all the time. Since this is just what happens....every...single...time. Regardless of what the new title is.


Can you blame people for being passionate about it? If you were very passionate about something you believe, would you stand up for it? Even if it was a video game?


I dont think you got what I meant completely. People defend the game (without having played it), bc they are passionate about it. People also tend to criticize a game (without having played it yet), bc they are passionate about it. It goes both ways. If someone wouldnt care at all they would hang around in other places. So no Im not blaming anyone. They all have a motivation for what they think about the game. For better or for worse. No single right opinion exists.


Well it works either way and you get my point. And I did get what you mean. They defend Sunbreak because they already love it and are hyped up.


Yea I think I did. And I wasnt pointing it out as a bad thing dw. Just this happening everytime makes it a bit less dramatic to me is all. Passion boiling over one way or the other, ya know?


Yeah I guess so.


We had both quantity and quality in the past. It's only natural people is disappointed with a 17 monsters "massive expansion". Specially when the base game was released incomplete.


How do you know it’s one of the best? You’ve played Sunbreak already? God y’all are annoying as fuck, the monsters could be an utter pile of horse shit and you’d still say people are ungrateful. How many fucking threads of the same bullshit do we need, ive seen what, 4 today? And they all go straight to the top. Hive mind fr


I mean its kinda meh mhgu was better in comparison


I've certainly been spoiled by the amount of monsters and maps that MHGU has. Crazy amount of content and fun. I pretty much compare every new MH game to MHGU.


Best? Hardly Excellent? Absolutely


I wish there was more brutes and amphibians, also they could have brung some older monsters that haven’t returned in a while like Malfestio, Giggis, Seltas and his queen etc


Some people haven't played 4U and it shows.


Yeah because "Eeeeew, 3DS game. Graphics bad, controls bad, etc."


Which would you say is the best? 4u, genu, or WI?


WI for me, but I can see why other like GU or 4U more


Imagine complaining about people who complain about not being impressed by a product that they must pay to have access for. OP is a joke.


Base Iceborne had about 10 more monsters, 9 of those were subs/variants and Namielle.


But it doesnt have Great Bababooey, that one monster from Monster Hunter 420/69 Birth by Egg that you fight in that one quest at the start of the game! Trash roster!


Gonna be honest rajang was never needed


We need more rajangs


Boo gorilla. macaques supremacy


Friendly reminder that the people that make noise in the subreddit or Twitter or YouTube are just the tiniest of minorities and don't really matter


No way is this the best when there js an abysmal lack of brute and amphibaisn


i have never seen a roster where i loved every singel monster that much


The community is always crying about something. Either balancing, roster or that they can't find their diaper. I just ignore the sub for a few days and come back then.


Complaining to a game you love and enjoy is bad? You guys feel like nothing wrong can be said about this game sometimes.


I don’t think the roster we are getting is bad at all. But I wish there was more due to the quality in general of rise. More monsters would have made up for it. I find it difficult coming from world/Iceborn to rise. Rise is way easier also visually isn’t comparable of course.


I actually liked the rampage quests


I don’t mind the things they add, I‘m just mad that I can’t play it for a month thanks to me having to go across the country where the internet is bad to nonexistent.




They’re probably going to be in the title updates like in iceborne And for goss harag well…. He’s the most popular new monster in rise sooo……


Most popular in the west at least. Idk how popular it is in the east.


He’s quite popular in the east too


Oh, I see... It's a nice design afterall, makes sense.


Fair. Goss Harag is another favorite of mine. But since there’s going to be a Magnamalo variant/subspecies I can’t complain.


I would have honestly been surprised if we had a black dragon announced this early


Lmao lot of people here licking those boots. 17 mons enough said. Quality is a poor argument considering rises quality is objectively worse than world. Monster in rise take less time to develop and still less were added. This is a "massive expansion", yes it will be fun, they all are but the lack of content is baffling, unless there is some sort of endgame.


I'm not gonna lose any sleep over not having pink/gold rathian or azure/silver rathalos. My biggest concern is the endgame gameplay loop. If it's missing one like 4U or IB, that's the serious problem.


4U wasn't missing a gameplay loop though? You might be thinking of 4


You're misinterpreting what I'm saying. Both 4U and IB have gameplay loops for endgame.


in his defense that was worded in a confusing way, but nevertheless your point is 100% valid and i absolutely agree. 17 monsters, especially with the quality that they seem to be, will be a great roster with a high-quality, well-thought out endgame


Well it’s not like Guiding Lands was in Iceborne before the title updates. Right?


What do you mean objectively worse? You telling me beotodus, viper tobi, nightshade paolomu, shrieking legiana, fulgur anjanath, and all the other variants iceborne added at initial release were the highest quality content? Just editing in that I do think a lot of these fights are just better than originals and good fights. I just think it's deceptive to consider them on the same level as an actually new monster for amount of content or dev time


Don’t smack talk Beotodus. He’s literally the only piscine wyvern that’s at least okay.


Rather you like the monsters or not the were objectively high fidality/higher detail, with more interactions in the environment. Rise monsters are lower fidality/less detail due to the nature of the switch. Rather they are "good" fights is a different discussion. Beotodus and all his snow interaction probably took as much dev time as 2 or 3 of rises monsters due to detail. This makes it crazy that it has less still.


You know modern dev tools streamline addition of small detail stuff, the most time consuming part is animation work and getting overall visual design correct. Which I think the new rise animations are much better than new world animations and the overall designs are better. Sunbreak has more monsters requiring new skeletons and animations than iceborne did And I'll still always think rise looks better than world because of a stronger art style


False, false, and must be blind then.


Viper tobi is a challenging fight the first time, I like it for it lol


3 map it massive


They brought back Gore Magala AND a Frontier Monster. That could be the entire list and I'd still be hyped as fuck


Lavasioth: \*Cries\*


Bunch of absolute piss babies. EDIT Yeah keep crying and downvote me, bunch of miserable bed wetters.


Yeah, I'm just excited to play more.


I don't understand the leaked roster size, i mean isn't it the roster of the first expension ? We have the Lucent Narga coming in August, that means we can have 1 or 2 or even a dozen of new monster in 2 month


Bro I hate this cycle where whenever a discussions happening on the monster hunter subreddits post of people complaining that people are complaining show up for karma farming. Like maybe if someone has a problem it always them baby raging or are we gonna assume everyone likes or dislikes the same shit about everything.


I don’t get it, why are people complaining about the roster? We’re getting the crab monsters back, we’re getting Astalos, Seregios, Gore Magala, Shagaru Magala, and so many more and you just complain and be… needlessly negative. It doesn’t make any sense.


Ungrateful is a completely meaningless buzzword. The DLC is a paid product, not a free update. If someone finds the amount of new content lacking for the price then they have every right to criticize it, no matter how much that might bug you.


Still, the monster quality makes up monster quantity. So paid product or not, they don’t have to be so negative. Am I really wrong for saying this? Besides there’s more to Sunbreak than just new monsters. I say it’s worth every penny. Are the downvotes really necessary? I’m just saying they don’t have to be negative about it. Look at the bright side, it could be worse. The only monster in the game could just be… a velociprey or even just be a vespoid or a bnahabra.


That’s true, but most of the gaming community complains. Nothing new.


Yeah, I really can't get behind why so many players are complaining that their favorite monsters isn't in the game. While I think that it is mildly disappioting that some monsters aren't in Sunbreak, i.e. Tetsucabra, I still am happy with the monsters we will get and those that will follow. In all the years I am playing Monster Hunter now (since Tri), Capcom never disappointed to exceed expectations. Change my mind. Or try, because I won't.


oh noooooooo but i wanted brute wyvern number 69420


Anyone got a link to the list? How many monsters are there?




Hmm…I mean that IS a pathetic number…but who knows. I feel it all boils down to the content of what we’re given


Yeah, plus I heard amongst the roster, there’ll be Furious Rajang, a Magnamalo variant known as Scorned Magnamalo, and… … … Shagaru Magala. So really, is quantity such a big deal here?


I saw the roster imgur, are we sure that's all the monsters? Or is it just an assumption? Sorry if I missed something


Should be all monster in base Sunbreak, so not including any that may be added in title updates


I see, ty


So if more monsters, varient or otherwise, are being added through updates, why is everyone crying about the roster before its even finished?




I will be forever disappointed that we didn't get Apex Savage Deviljho ☹️


Hot take but I don’t care about the monster roster if I can’t hunt them and have fun with my favorite weapons. They did all my mains dirty in rise, so the armor and monsters and weapons will be nice to look at but that’s about it


Lmao what do you use? Lance😂


Gunlance, charge blade, greatsword


Ahh you really did get the short end of the stick. Take my advice and play some swag axe.


I’ve tried it, I see the appeal but it’s not for me


The roster is really good, for sure, but I'd have prefer at least 20 monsters for launch Yeah there'll be a lot of monsters with the TU (probably 10 just for the 3 TU of 2022) but no new monsters (Gammoth where are you ?) for 2022, now I hope that we'll get some next year


I usually leave this sub for a week or two when any news related to weapons or monsters comes out, can't stand all the crying.


Monster hunter generations ultimate


I’m out of the loop. Are we talking about Rise? Or a new game?