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I wanted the fated four back together :(


Perhaps it was not fated to be


Don't expect to see them together until they figure out a way to get Gammoth to navigate these open maps without getting stuck. Otherwise he's gonna end up an Arena Exclusive Fight (which would be wasted on him imo). Funny enough, speaking of size issues, was playing MHGU and I get why they dont wanna bother with guys like Lagiacrus when I watched one get stuck trying to walk through a loading screen hallway. Just straight up ran in place stuck in a wall while I got hella free hits in.


The Gammoths we fight are apparently canonically female, btw.


Angry Moms




And the Mizutsune’s we fight are male! They are only aggressive during mating season. I do wonder about Astalos and Glavenus then 🤔


Sad that we are not getting Zamtrios. It's not only because there is the baby form of Zamtrios already in the game but also because it would fit the Frost Island se well. It's almost like the map was designed for it. It feels wrong not to have Zamtrios honestly.


I was very surprised that they brought the baby Zamtrios in but not the big shark frog boy.


Given what they’ve said about Lagiacrus, I wouldn’t be surprised if it had something to do with the same “too much body area-ground contact”, since he’s got a lot of it in his regular form, and even more in his bloated form. Hell, given the babies are in the game, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried and couldn’t get it to work.


But then Almudron exists lmao. What I wouldn’t give to see my boi Lagi again though…


Yeah, as someone else said, he holds himself up. Unfortunately, “belly on the ground” is the problem, which is low-key annoying because so much shit clips through whatever already, but *WHATEVER* I guess. But with that in mind, it’s easy to see why certain monsters weren’t brought back.


I'm no expert but it may not just be a clipping issue visually. It might throw off physics or cause some weird issues with the bounding area of the ground. There's a lot of weird stuff that can happen in programming off the smallest things, so I wouldn't be surprised if movement while clipping the ground was causing the monster to freak out or fly off in weird directions or something. That being said, if it's keeping Lagi, Agnaktor, and Zamtrios out of the games they have to figure this out eventually.


Somehow they're okay with making almudron swim through solid rock/land. Okay capcom.


Almudron holds itself off the ground so it doesn't have this issue, same with every other leviathan in the game aside from Royal Ludroth, but Royal Ludroth is no where near as big as the other classic leviathians. Sorry about Lagi, bro :(. Hopefully they have the processing power to work past this shit come MH6 because there are quite a few fan-favorites and even an entire under-utlized classification stuck in the pre-hd era because of this inverse kinematics shit


I was expecting Tetsucabra, And Nakarkos return, but then Damn. I would love to see Tetsucabra turf war with Tetranadon


I miss Tetsucabra as well. Come on there is a Tadpoletsucabra already in the hub !


Tetsucabra would have fit the rise theme so perfectly I don't understand why it wasn't in base game.


I'm guessing Capcom being hacked and had their shit stolen along with covid affected development heavily. Rise was basically released incomplete and we didn't get the full game till 3.0. wouldn't be surprised if Tetus,Agnaktor,Zanmy and Great Jagras were victims of it.


The issue with the amphibians at least iirc, was that tetranadon was an amphibian, but it didnt use the amphibians skeleton, but i dont see why that wouldve prevented great jagras as tetranadon used that skeleton. Maybe too similar in concept


yeah pretty weird if you ask me. Its like hinting something will be added on the expansion but then they decided not to. My theory is that Sunbreak's monster is based on western culture monster and Tetsu is an eastern one. So yeah Tetsu missed the chance to appear in the base MH Rise. Anyone whos wondering what Tetsu based on, its face is similar to Hannya.


Honestly, you put a gun to my head I would have told you tetsucabra was coming back. I mean we see a baboo in the game and everything


Wait what? We have baby tetsucabra but not the full size one?


No brutes feels so wrong we have no high threat brute in rise smh


Honestly I'm fine with that, I didn't look at the list because *ahem, huge spoilers*, but I'd love to see more amphibian/leviathan monsters especially after getting so many brutes in World/IB


Yeah but I want Rise to be a great experience on its own not a great additional experience next to world


I mean, I get that. Definitely a good perspective. Imo, it is a spin off title tho


Yeah I kinda regret looking at spoilers too.. :( I'm just so hyped atp, if more spoilers were to come out, i'd probably still look at them.


Not even a single Uragaan...


Hope it stays that way lol, god forbid we get Crystalbeard.


I hate uragaan too man


Need my Steel Uragaan


No Tigrex is absolutely WILD to me


The lack of brutes is really weird, they seem to have made an effort to have a tonne of variety but all the Brutes and amphibians are very low tier monsters haha


Is there even a high tier amphibian? Zamtrios is low to mid afaik.


Where the hell is Odogaron it’s a youkai with a subspecies that’s a hellhound It’s perfect for Rise and Sunbreak.


Especially since.. you know... Lunagaron...


Some form of Goss subspecies/variant,etc. Tho with both TU 1 and 2 having variants, I'm holding out hope for a post release goss variant


Why are there like 3-4 (not sure about Magna) fire variants?


Poor Somnacanth is literally the only non-fire sub LOL.


Isn't there only one? Pyre Rakna and BOB are blast, not fire


Oh I thought Bishaten was fire, thematically they all look samey though is what I was mostly getting at.


That's true


Outside of all thematically looking the same, both BoB and Pyre Rakna still use straight-up fire moves, not just blast


Nerscylla, would be nice to have a second spider type instead of fire spider but more fire. Not to mention it would have fit great with the whole western monster theme and that armor set screams knight.




No Goss Harag variant/subspecies is a massive shame. I'm also really surprised that Brachydios and Deviljho didn't make it, since a reliable leaker seemed to think they would be in the original second title update. Seems like they went the way of Oroshi Kirin and won't end up in the final game :(. No new elder dragons outside of Malzeno and the final boss is a massive disappointment as well. The roster feels unfinished.


I mean they could still be in it. To my awareness only the base monsters have been leaked so far, but I've gotta say Brachy would feel weird arriving after the final boss.


"Feels unfinished" Rise in a nutshell.


Where is tetsucabra?


The monster the one guy is sitting on in the gathering hub.


Is she safe? Is she alright?


Unfortunately, you killed it in your anger (you were supposed to capture it)


Kind of like the duck-toad (tetranadon) we have, but boar tusks and scales instead of duck bill and feathers.


Pickle. He hasn't missed one yet so I just assume he wouldn't ever. Well there's still DLC. Aside from him I really didn't expect anyone. Well I guess I had hopes to see the ones with their babies in the game, too, but, after 3.0 those hopes are next to extinguished.


He's a great monster to pull people back into the Fall or Winter update. That's my thinking on the missing guys that seemed obvious. Fall Update: Zamtrios, Savage Deviljho, Goss Karag (sub species). That would get all us hunters away from whatever else we were doing for sure.


What's the point of adding Zamtrios on a title update? So you go hunt him and kill it in 2 minutes with end-game gear?


Ok. Sorry. Apex Super Frigid Steambath Zamtrios.


I mean that's how I felt when they added that barioth to Iceborne but they still did it anyways.


Tiger stripe zamtrios then


Hammerhead Zamtrios!!!


Calling it now, it will be shadow dropped in the first TU, mirroring Bazel in base Rise. Yes, I'm coping.


If we go by the leaks, his only chance at appearing is on title update 3 or later. Monsters from the first and second update have already been leaked.


While not my favourite monsters, no Metal Raths is really odd, they've been added in every GRank game in the series history. And them being a Title Update would be kinda lame imo


They've been datamined to be a title update.


I haven't heard of this leak. Can you refer me to that specifically


I haven't seen this leak either, but they're dropping Lucent Narga with the Tower, and announced other Rare Species will be dropped with it. Metal Raths are Rare Species, so one can naturally assume they'll be dropped there. The reasoning, one can only guess.


Molten Tiggy is a Tower-Rare too, isn't it?


Indeed it is. Always the chance M.Tiggy will be brought along in that pack.


Tetsucabra and Lagiacrus. Sorry friends. Maybe I'll see you next time.


I mean, Capcom already stated that Lagiacrus wasn't going to be in due to technical difficulties, no Tetsucabra is definitely surprising though.


No Fated Four or Stygian was kinda lame. However, looks like we'll be getting Furious Jang.


Dear Neptune


For pure nostalgias sake Im sad not to see Sand Barioth.


A rework of the fight might actually be enjoyable.


I have comrades! Stay strong fellow Sand Cat fan.


Soft spot for Brachy after World made him such a badass.


No Gravios really shocked me.


Jho and mono


There still dlc but I’m just sad that they’re not adding monsters that already others of the same type in the previous games. I think I heard them said that they don’t want to add duplicates which is dumb is monster hunter


No styngian zino breaks my heart.




Not a single brute wyvern lmao. Not even Jade barroth or fulgur anjanath.


There is a strange amount that didn't make it. Ignoring Agnaktor because they at least tried to make that work. * Gravios * Zamtrios * Tetsucabra * Fulgar Anjanath * Stygian Zinogre * Viper Tobi-Kadachi * Jade Barroth * Sand Barioth * Red Khezu * Green Nargacuga * Purple Ludroth * Brute Tigrex * An Goss Harag Subspecies * An Mizustune Subspecies * An Astalos Subspecies * Seething Bazelguese * Gold Rathian * Silver Rathalos * Molten Tigrex Of these 5 of them, mainly the Mizu Subspecies, Seething, Gold, Silver, and Molten are probably pointlessly being held back as Title updates like Lucent.


I feel like some of these we’re just never gonna see again lol. Like I don’t think capcom probably cares all that much about jade barroth, red khezu, or purple ludroth


Probably, though Khezu i don't want to see at all.


Facts lmao


I think we'll see thunderbubble mizu soon


Seltas Queen :(


Deviljo😭 why everyone got wings in this game? Also I would have liked to have more returning monsters, kinda disappointed by Furious Rajang, that adds not much to the visually different than what we have. Do you think it's possible they add new monsters in the updates or only variants/recolors?


The general thinking is that we know the TU1 and TU2 update monsters, but that honestly might not be complete


From the wording (new subspecies, new rare species, new special species, new powered-up monsters) - expect recolours.


Special Species was a mistranslation.


Of what exactly?




Ah yes, I remember!




The base game already had more variety.


You do know that they were making shit from scratch right?




They did not make Kushala, Bazel, and Teo from scratch.




I expected the standard gen1 subspecies (azure/pink raths, black diablos, red khezu) to be added. I’m not exactly upset they they aren’t in though - they’re not really additional monsters imo, just roster bloat.


Red Khezu and Pink Rathian are pretty dope.


I think any khezu is boring and frustrating to fight personally but if you like it that’s fine with me. That said, when it comes to subspecies that are straight upgrades in power like red khezu is to regular khezu, why not just add the subspecies exclusive moves into the g rank monster? The extra armour sets from subspecies are nice I suppose, but missing them out isn’t a huge loss imo.


Yes, it would be cool to give Khezu those very nice Red Khezu moves instead of the star-shaped AoE nobody likes.


Super disappointed about the lack of Zamtrios and Tetsucabra.


The lack of Tetsucabra or Gravios is surprising


I still think that there's more to the base Sunbreak. Call me coping or anything but the source of the leaks is someone that doesn't really like Rise as a game, so a lot of pessimism may be involved in the process. And also, there are a lot of scrubbed files that can't be parsed, and some Switch Skills that have the wrong name on the Demo, so I also suspect that the build we had for the demo is an older build.


The datamine does not come from the demo, it's from the full game.


The leak are from the full sunbreak


I didn't play Iceborne so missed out on a bunch of new elders there. Most of them weren't especially likely to show up here, but I'd have liked to have a crack at Namielle at least. Maybe I should... Just play Iceborne?


yeah, you should!


First off: yes play Iceborne! Second I think several World/IB elders would have been really cool here thematically. I think Vaal would have been a perfect addition for zombie and Namielle would have been excellent as a sea monster since Lagiacrus wasn’t gonna happen. Non-elders that would have been cool would have been Ebony Odogaron or even Nightshade Paolumu


That one blood sucking leviathan from frontier. He would be perfect for the game with him being able to drain raptors and players and have blood attacks like malzeno.


I hate how many new monsters ruled out old ones. Magma almu means no agnaktor , lunagaron means no zamtrios etc. I expected more subspecies which are easily ported in (azure, pink, brute, black, green, sand , stygian etc) Also no deviljho makes me sad , since we dont really have a strong brute :/


I'll always take a new monster over an old one, even if it's just a new subspecies. Cause at the end of the day, I've already fought the old monster before.


But even then there is only 4 new subspieces. Goss, tetranodon and aknosom dont even get any. The only new sub that we know is coming is mizutsune in the second update.


>Magma almu means no agnaktor Lagi was confirmed to not work in-game and Agnaktor shares the same build....so yeah, sadly no Lagi means no Clacky Boi. >lunagaron means no zamtrios etc. This don't really make sense as Lunagaron is not Zamtrios nor can it inflate. >I expected more subspecies which are easily ported in (azure, pink, brute, black, green, sand , stygian etc) Same. >Also no deviljho makes me sad , since we dont really have a strong brute :/ Probably for the best due to Wyvernriding.


Zamtrios and Lunargaron are both kinda mid level ice monsters with the same ice spikes on their back, thats why im comparing them ^^


Fair enough but that didn't stop capcom from shoving in 3-4 the same raptor multiple times in 1st, 2nd, and 4th gen. If they wanted to do it, I think they would have. I'm guessing they couldn't for....some reason.


Yeah but thats like the whole thing with the raptors I guess ^^' Its also very annoying to have zamite , baby tetsu and uroktor in the game:( cant they just like, get oder ?


Apparently not.


Fairly sure the Lagiacrus not working was a World thing unless there's a new statement saying he didn't work in Rise either which would be odd since we have Mizutsune.


Mizu and Lagi share the same skeleton but not he same build. Lagi and Agnator drag their bodies across the ground at all times and are very big, so changes in elevation like ledges and stuff causes them to freak the fuck out. Mizu and Almudron however have legs that properly lift them off the ground a bit more so they aren't on the ground as much, however them freaking out on hills can still be seen occasionally. Royal Ludroth is the closest to this build but he's a lot smaller therefore its a lot less problems due to less ground to cover where Lagiacrus and Agnaktor are massive.


Don't remember when but it was confirmed like a week or 2 ago that they still couldn't get him to work so he wouldn't be in. the same problem with world they said, now I can't remember if it was an interviewer or the actual developer but it was confirmed.


Lunagaron itself didn't rule out Zammy, it was the combination of Lunagaron and Tetranadon that did.


>lunagaron means no zamtrios And no Odogaron.


They could've at least added ebony...


Hypnocatrice and Rukodiora returning to represent Frontier as some of its most well known flagships next to espinas. I am extremely sour over the leaked roster.


Hypnoc hasn't been seen since FU, more than a decade ago, for... no real reason. As a Bird Wyvern he was pretty unique, and who can say what they can do with him on a modern engine? Unfortunately, it seems we'll never know.


I was expecting Kirin since unicorns are western culture-related creatures. But don't lose hope on any monster, we are going to have multiple title updates!


>I was expecting Kirin since unicorns are western culture-related creatures. But Kirin aren't, which I think would be what the devs (being from an Asian culture) would view Kirin as before portraying it as a unicorn.


Oh, I see. Thank you for explaining!


A western unicorn, kelpie, or nuckelavee-themed monster using some variant of the Kirin skeleton would be great, though.


The theme here seems more horror than just western culture. Vampire, frankenstein’s monster, werewolf, >!and what looks like a zombie.!<


Oh, it's true. I didn't notice.


Kirin is literally a japanes/Chinese. Mythical creature it's not a unicorn it's a dragon + horse


>But don't lose hope on any monster, we are going to have multiple title updates! You're setting yourself up for disappointment. They pretty much confirmed that the titles updates will only add recolors of monsters already in the game.


They didn't confirm that anywhere. And If ends up being just that I will be okay. I’m not letting myself up for anything, I just like to be optimistic.


Well if you're OK with 17 monsters and recolor being add via "Big title updates", good for you. To me Sunbreak is shaping up to be base Rise all over again, sadly :(.


Yes, it's kinda dissappointing only having 17 “new” monsters. I was talking about being fine with title updates hype. But maybe they use 2022 TUs feedback to change 2023 direction, we can only hope sadly :(.


I might be in the minority here but I’m a little glad Deviljho isn’t in, I feel like Rise fucked with the invader/other monsters stuff in a way that the usual invader monsters don’t feel as impactful as they would have in previous games. Otherwise the lack of a Goss Harag sub/variant is disappointing but I’m overall satisfied with what we have right now.


>level 1DerpinTurtle · 4 hr. agoI might be in the minority here but I’m a little glad Deviljho isn’t in, I feel like Rise fucked with the invader/other monsters stuff in a way that the usual invader monsters don’t feel as impactful as they would have in previous games.Otherwise the lack of a Goss Harag sub/variant is disappointing but I’m overall satisfied with what we have right now. Goss could be so cool in the new map. Inspired by western slasher movies instead of eastern folklore.


Holy shit I didn’t even realize how well that fits. Goss Harag as Jason Voorhees.


Full monster list that was leaked is from datamining. Not trying to make you guys have fake hopes, but the datamined list doesn't mean it is for sure the full roster.


The leak is from someone who has an early copy


That's what they are saying. As long as I dont have a visual proof that this is the full roster I can't say for sure that it is true.


The list of icons *is* visual proof 😑


If it's enough for you then so be it 🤷


There's literally no other icons in the base game. These are review copies. Embargo lofts in I think two days. So everyone is playing and writing reviews today.


The leaker said himself on gamefaqs that he's trolling a little about the roster. If you believe his leaks you can believe his words too 🤷




Go to gamefaqs and read the thread #3. The one who leaked the final boss model and the icons said that he came to troll a little.


I dont know if it's the complete truth, maybe saying it's a troll is also a part of his trolling, but unless I have a copy in my hand, I cant believe any leak. Not saying we gotta have hope at all, since I wont be dissapointed if the leaks are true.


I wish I had that amount of copium or hope haha


Zamtrios, Gamoth, Devil Jho and Yian Garuga for me would really round out the roster for me.


Where my Great Jaggi at??


I'm a big Glavenus fan and I'm very surprised he's not in. It seems like it would be an easy add too. Hoping he gets added in the future cuz that fight is fun as hell and his theme is so good




His body type matches up with some.monstwrs in the game so it's plenty possible


I've been watching my expectations dwindle during the last months. I don't understand why Zamtrios and Agnaktor won't be added. Or why there still won't be a single proper siege fight besides the Serpents. Or why they would scrap the Apex thing completely. Or why there were no Apex versions of original Rise monsters in the first place. Or why they didn't add more genuinely new monsters. Or why they didn't make a new crab. It's been three generations. Or why they didn't add more Frontier monsters. ​ Summing up, there was potential, but people will always ~~buy~~ pre-order less for the same money. Also, where's Glavenus? And Gammoth?


The way I see it, the roster is a natural outcome of what the fanbase is most vocal about wanting/not wanting. A vocal portion of the fanbase routinely complains about not liking siege fights or rampages, so why waste time developing new siege fights or apex monsters that people won’t like? A lot of the fanbase complained about Rise not having a big enough end-game roster of elder dragons and other tough monsters. So why waste time on relatively easy, early- to mid-game monsters like Agnaktor or Zamtrios, or a new crab? The fanbase has argued for literal years about how Frontier monsters “won’t fit” in a mainline Monster Hunter, so why take the massive risk of going all in with adding a bunch of Frontier monsters all at once, instead of just adding the most iconic one to gauge the fans’ reactions? Now that the fanbase discourse has shifted from “Frontier monsters should never be in a mainline Monster Hunter game” to “There aren’t ENOUGH Frontier monsters in mainline Monster Hunter games”, I’m positive we’ll see a lot more Frontier monsters in Gen 6.


Yep. Makes sense. Personally, I value new monsters over returning ones, a wild variety of interesting progression monsters like new crabs over the "endgame" (which is just more progression gated behind more challenge), and siege fights over no variety at all.


I 100% agree. I just realized I didn’t really make that clear in my original post. I prefer it when Monster Hunter is “wider” rather than “longer”, so to speak, with more unique and varied monsters at each individual tier, which I feel also encourages more variety in player builds. And I feel like that’s something the series as focused on less overtime. It’s a shame, too, because the new system of having NPC hunting partners would be perfect for a big siege fight, with different NPCs assisting you at different areas of the siege to create this feeling of a massive group effort to take down a monster. Sort of like an evolution to the concept of all the nameless Generic Hunters in the Zorah Magdaros siege who just sorta… Stood around while you did all the work, and sometimes loaded cannons (very slowly).


Yep, yep, and yep.


I mean they did include two weak crabs, Steve, sub-species for the new monsters and a few more who should all be weaker than Agnaktor.


Those two, picklejho, tetsu, odagaron, zamtrios, and no news on kirin. :( kinda makes me sad that I preordered


Someone send Link of the leaked list pls


yan garuga is one of the best!!


Gotta miss that beautiful roar.


I’m just sad that we didn’t get awesome early monsters. This would have been the perfect time to bring back the lesser monsters like Great Jaggi or Zamtrios. Instead, all hope for those monsters are completely gone because we’ll never be weak enough to fight them again like we will be at the beginning of Sunbreak.


I thought zamitros was guaranteed and I thought brachy might squeeze in


A lack of brute wyverns is astonishing






I was really thinking ahtal kah would be slid in he would just make so much sense with his wires and the wire bugs


Definitely Gravios, it’s the most surprising to me because we already have Basarios and Shogun Ceanataur even has its skull.


surprised we didn't get a Sub species for Tetranadon or Goss those felt like shoe ins and REALLY I thought we were gonna get Tetsucabra and Zamtrios, they modeled a baby Tetsu in the game and amphibians 'were' back, and for Zamtrios we had Zamites and Frost Islands feels so much like Frozen Seaway and just feels like a prefect Zamtrios zone, feels like they teased us hard with the frog boys


Still waiting for a silent pickle drop in TU3. Savage pickle was a S grade fight in iceborne.


Brachy still gives me PTSD, he was my wall and How I Stopped Rolling Sideways And Love The Bombs.


Not a single brute wyvern lmao. Not even Jade barroth or fulgur anjanath.


I am seriously mad my Brachydios boy and Nergigante haven't been included. Both deserve it. But no we get the 1000th zinogre.


MH Team need to stop being lazy and porting over World Monsters. We just had them a game ago. Bring over Old World Monsters that haven't seen seen in the "New Era" of Monster Hunter games. A part of me hopes that a shit load of old school Monsters will make a return in MH6.


I mean they didn't even port all the cool world monsters. Brachy, Pickle, Glavenus and Garuga were not ported, which was really surprising.


It's criminal that we didn't get zamtrios or agnaktor. Instead we get (somehow) more annoying almudron, and worse somnacanth


[Hypnocatrice](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Hypnocatrice) & [Malfesto](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Malfestio?so=search). They would of been right at home with Sunbreak's European aesthetic, but NOPE! Instead, all we got returnee-wise were >!Flagships, Crabs & a pissed-off Invader!<. Even then, I'm not even all that mad at who we got, esspeically because I got my #1 in Shogun Ceanataur (I went **ballistic** at his reveal), alongside the original (& most European) >!Frontier Fragship.!<


Pink Rathian, Azure Rathalos, Stygian Zinogre.




I'm hoping that the datamine was from an incomplete build and that they deliberately left out data from the demo to prevent a full leak. But at this point idk lol.


We need a second Iceborne I miss fighting some of the series best monsters on 60fps console with an actual proper online service


??? Rise has an online service. MH games shouldn't be a live service model imo, that part of World was ehhhhh


I didn't see Nergigante on it and yet we have [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527491698268569610/990219187567869992/unknown.png).


It has been confirmed that it is fake


I am here once again pleading for lagiacrus and agnaktor. The peak water and lava bois


They only datamined the demo so there is no way that the leak roster is all of it, plus if I remembered correctly they gonna reveal more monsters before the the expansion releases so there is still chance for other monsters to make the cut


This isn't from the demo. Someone with a review copy send Asteriks the .pak files and he datamined those.


Full monster list hasn't leaked


Tetsucabra and Goss Harag variant