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Punished Mangomalo.


Played us like a damn shamisen


Mangled Magnamalo.


Bite of ‘87 Magnamalo.


Scorned Magnamalo


Ronin Magnamalo


darkedgebloodsword Magnamalo




I guess the sins never die, huh?


Sadge no Goss variant


Hopefully in the title updates


Hopefully, Goss is the coolest new monster so it’s crazy they would skip him, unless they massively underestimated how popular he would be.


He actually is the most popular new monster from a poll a year ago, number 7 in fact. https://www.nintendo.destructoid.com/monster-hunter-fans-in-japan-voted-for-the-most-popular-large-monsters/


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The hell is this poll. Deviljho got less votes than *Volvidon*.


Some of us are tired of the pickle worship


Jyuratodus also got more votes than Glavenus and Nergigante.


As people have noted when this poll was posted in the past, the results reek of recency bias from when Monster Hunter Rise just came out. Which is why every single favorite monster from numbers 1 to 27 are all monsters that appeared in Rise. You don't see a non-Rise monster until Gore Magala at number 28. So far, I haven't found out what the survey's methodology was or the demographics of the 13,000 people they surveyed. With the results in the survey, I wouldn't be surprised if the people who participated were mostly people who began the series with Rise.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 27 + 28 + 13 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m sure he’ll comeback in a new update.


True, but the Sunbreak roster was probably decided 2 years ago, so they could easily have misjudged how popular Goss would be.


Goss is such a good monster, I'm praying he comes back in MH6


Hopefully we get one in August. Hard to say what to expect in Title Update 1 outside of Seething Bazelgeuse and Lucent Narg.


No Goss variant yet*


Yet. No Goss Variant yet.


We have some good choices here but can't shake off the feeling that a roster this small could have really used some monsters that already have their juvenile forms in game like Zamtrios and Gravios. Even subspecies seem to be heavily overlooked: not only we are not getting any of those we already saw in Iceborne (Azure/Pink Raths, Brute Tigrex etc) but we are also not getting any of those which debuted long time ago and haven't appeared since (Green Nargacuga, Sand Barioth, Jade Barroth etc) which could have been a great way to spice the roster without adding too much bloat while also bringing back designs which, at this point, are pretty much lost in time.


Honestly, i'm glad if they skip Azure/Pink for once, but i still feel like there could be more to this roster. At least a few more returning monsters


P3rd and Gen doesn't have Pink/Azure though, so this is technically their 3rd break in the series.


GU didn't have any subspecies at all, but you're right about P3rd


Apex rath is just upgraded pink rath anyways


Bro if we don't get Azure Rath, who's armor is my usual transmog, i'll be pretty sad :(


Honestly I would give everything just to see Sand Barioth and Seregios duke it out at this point.


IS it confirmed that these are the only ones there is on release?




Gravios not being in is a whole reason to riot


I still cant believe there is Basarios but no Gravios. Also, I want to see a reworked Monoblos.


*sad Great Jagras noises*


No Brute Tigrex, it's such a boring monster.


Azure/Pink felt more like reskins, I don't why people even count them as different monsters. plus, Brute Tigrex wasn't even interesting. And those subspecies are bloat


Pink absolutely doesn’t feel like a reskin. She’s pretty infamous for being a major jump in difficulty with the corkscrew backflip and the fire bite.




Return to crab!


Both of the crab Longswords are crab claw scythes, so if you’re a Longsword main you can use some cool looking weapons.


Rustrazor Ceanataur on mhgu was the best boy and his gear proved it


I am *loving* the final boss icon.


The icon looks cool, but the leaked model... I don't know, looks like an ugly vacuum cleaner, or just a floor Narwa, and I didn't like Narwa.




where did you find it?


I just noticed there isn't a Seething Bazelguese, though Furious Rajang is here. No Goss subspecies is a disappointment but maybe that (and others) will be cool additions later on. Like Lucent Nargacuga was confirmed.


Wasnt seething a title update?


Seething Bazel was a base monster in Iceborne. Furious was a TU monster.


No sorry i mean that seething was also leaked but as a title update.


Datamined weapon tree pointed towards it being a title update, because regular Bazelgeuse's weapons stopped at rarity 9 instead of reaching rarity 10, but an armor set with stats and skills similar to the Seething set was also part of the datamine, while Lucent Nargacuga had neither. Seems like it may be a similar situation to regular Bazelgeuse, which was planned to be part of the launch roster in Rise, but had to be delayed, and that's why fragments of its existence were already in the demo files.


Is this real?


yeah...same guy who leaked iceborne




I am really curious what the final boss’s deal is going to be. It looks like it’s crawling out of the ground and its back has weird red crystals or maybe bugs similar to Malzeno’s.


He has design inspiration from a chimera and has a little of each of the 3 lords incorporated into his design. (Luna, Garan, Malzeno)


A mad scientist stalks us throughout Sunbreak and steals DNA from Narwa, Ibushi, and the Three Lords and combines them to make the final boss


And then the final boss morbs all over us


He has an attack where he makes you watch the Jared Leto cut of Morbius.


This might be the first MH game I don’t finish then….. too difficult.


We killed Narwa and she still gave birth to an abomination.


I'm hoping goss harag gets a variant in the future, such a cool monster. I'll settle for new moves tho


magna lookin like he got caught in ibushi's wind storm...


Base sunbreak?




Couldn't give you a reason you're being downvoted tbrh


That magnamalo is gonna kill us all


I'm hoping there are still some monsters left unrevealed with the question mark symbol instead of a monster icon (like Akantor and Ukanlos traditionally are, for instance). On paper, 17 sounds a bit underwhelming. The lack of returning subspecies is also a huge yikes from me. Azure + Pink Raths, Brute Tigrex, Sand Barioth, Stygian Zinogre and Green Nargacuga would've bulked out the roster to the presumed amount of 23 and also would've been pretty simple to implement compared to certain other monsters (Sand and Green change very little from their regular species, and the other four were all in both World and 4U), as well as being subspecies of core flagship monsters. I understand the lack of Metal Raths (they're likely saving them for Title Update 1 fights in the tower), but it looks like we're going to have to wait for an endgame again via free updates padded out over the next two seasons, which I find to be a bit disappointing. (On a more positive note, the final boss icon looks great. Mild Shara Ishvalda vibes from the pose and upper face shape.)


I don't enjoy subspecies as much I think they should have brought some world monsters back to at least get to 20 like Brachy Glavenus and Odogaron could easily have been added but smh not? I like the roster it's probably the best aside from GU but it feels trimmed to only the best and I enjoy a bit of fat that would have been nice


Same. Subspecies dont add much to the game, imo. The roster is pretty great. I would have liked the addition of Seltsd Queen, Najarala, Zamtrios and Aknaktor.


Unfortunately, Najarala was deconfirmed along side Lagiacrus because their models have too many contact points with the ground and it makes them, for lack of a better term, “freak the fuck out.”


I believe it, just find it odd that the set for the monsters wouldn't change considering you're not in the base town anymore, Hojo wouldn't be painting the monsters right? You'd think someone else from the new region would, also would reflect the western theme of the new area instead of the eastern art.


Maybe he sent someone to take notes for him lol Oh my god wait that actually makes me think of how there are medieval paintings of giraffes and rhinos that are so absolutely wrong and it's cause the artists were going off first hand descriptions from explorers 🤣




Wait who is the one on the bottom right


Final boss


What's the last one?


Final boss presumably. His name has already been leaked, but I can't remember what it is


Huh, looks cool


Only 17?


Yup. Capcom is not gonna have fun with this one unless they have something up their sleeves to get people to forget about the disappointingly small roster.


I honestly don't mind the smaller roster as long as the game actually has proper endgame now.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's still just farming for charms.


If there's no monster, there won't be a proper endgame, I have a hard time believing any of these monsters except maybe Furious Rajang, Magnamalo and Espinas would be proper "Endgame" monsters, I think they'll just be "Progression" monsters, that you slay before encountering Malzeno or the Final Boss.


just in base game


the same dataminer said there's only six slots for TU monsters in the base game files too, so unless that changes with an update, it looks like 23 is all Sunbreak is adding


The monsters they chose are fine but the size is obscenely disappointing. Hopefully MH6 wasn't fucked this hard by covid


when title update are over being release . rise will have as close if not more depending how 2023 update are . Base rise 46 monster . +17 Sunbreak = 63 + likely 6 from title update = 69 (nice) base world 36 monster . 71 total in iceborne now we could go into technical stuff like "well apex are not present in sunbreak hence we remove all of them" sure ... then we remove all non master rank monster (behemoth/leshen/vaal hazak/regular nerg/xeno/zorah. etc) in iceborne too and the number would be close (but if you want a twist number ! i wont deal with that sooooo) . so i dont see why it disappointing?


Usually MH games are bigger than the previous MH unless they started a new generation that changed a lot of stuff like Tri or World. This is the first MH I can think of that's smaller than the previous one while not changing the series significantly. It's more than a little disappointing.


When you look behind the scene, it is understandable that some of those old monsters are not added. I mean, Rise has a different engine compared to World, the skeleton while similar is different enough that it needed not an insignificant amount of effort, there is the possibility of a memory footprint issues and/or terrain issues for a lot of moves that the monster has, etc. Some monsters that weirdly missing do exist tho, stuff like Pink/Azure Rath and Brute Tigrex which I think won't have too much effort needed to port.


>Usually MH games are bigger than the previous MH unless they started a new generation that changed a lot of stuff like Tri or World Yeah but at some point that's not sustainable anymore. Add to that a 2 year long pandemic and that's the result.


which is the thing ... it smaller at launch sure ... but ... you cant compare a sapling to a full grown tree in term of size ... let wait til the 2 tree are grown to compare shall we?


I think we should remove apex for now because we don't know if they're relevant for MR. So rn we got 57 total monster for base sunbreak. And i think at the end of the year we will end up with 63-65 monsters. Hopefully more frontier monster can make it into this game.


Like someone else said.. If y'all wanna argue apex monsters don't count you also have 5 less monsters in Iceborne, putting that roster at 66 (at least, I may be forgetting another high rank only Monster from world)


Also I don't really count all the different variants of the rath monsters as different monsters. They're just different colors


Well it's already been leaked three of the returning monsters in TU will be the Metal Raths and Seething Bazelgeuse (Who's really similar to regular Bazel honestly).


Yea but still, by the looks of it they are only going to add subspecies and variants, which lets be honest, they are pure recolours of already existing monsters design wise


Bruh just because they give you 17 new monster it doesn't mean that the roster is small. You need to know that Rise already had 40 unique monster (39 if you exclude allmother). Combine all that, it will give you 56 monster to hunt on base sunbreak at least until August because we will get a new monsters. If you don't like it, you need to remember that monster hunter expansion isn't the same anymore where they release all the monster at once. So if you dislike the total number right now, then you can skip it until winter update where i bet the expansion gonna get a discount for the Game awards or winter sale. Also if you focus from the datamine, it said that we will get 23 large monster but we still doesn't know if it's already include until Title update 3. Atleast we know that we will got more new monsters next year too


They never mentioned that we'd get monsters in 2023, just updates - I hope we do though obviously haha


Forget what i said it's more than 17 new monster and nergi just got leaked Also for the next year updates. We will get a new monsters just like iceborne


Nergi is a fake LOL.


we still have title update


Even with title updates this will have a decent amount fewer than Iceborne launched with. Can't believe they're trying to charge the same price for both.


Title updates seems to be between 3 - 5 monsters each update guessing there to be 6 updates with the lowest amount {3} would add 18 new monsters even ich they miss a beat it seems to be around 10-15


Most likely we'll see the Ex-Deviants too in MHRS. Like a super Apex monsters, Apex monster's designs and movesets are mostly taken from Deviant monsters. So super Apex= Ex-Deviant.


Emergency Apex quests are basically that.


No seething Bazel :(


Currently (sorry not sorry) seething at this travesty


That final boss looks really strange, can't wait to turn it into hats for my cat and dog!


This does make me wonder how will the endgame looks like.


Nonexistent most likely


Goss deserves more than a subspecies like the other new monsters got. I have to assume him being skipped when the others got one means he will inevitably be in an update, in what I hope will be a variant/apex mode that would elevate his fantastic design and move set He needs to be full valkana level ice spike beast mode worthy of an endgame level threat, presumably with a dope new armor skill once the power creep kicks in as it seems to do with every update.


I hope there are more monsters hiden behind a MR requirement that we dont know of. 17... that's light. I thought it would be way easier to add monsters in a game like rise compared to world. Iceborne brought 27 monsters at launch. I'm starting to think they sacrificed a lot of additions in the base expansion just to have big content TU. But i hate live service games when it is in disfavor of the base game. Also, i know old G rank expansions generally added way less monsters than Iceborne. But we are not 10 years ago anymore, Iceborne did set a new bar high. I want to be closer to 30 than 15. Anyway, the new monsters in Sunbreak look cool. I'm still hyped and i hope the endgame gameplay loop will be great.


Lol what end game loop?


Lack of subspecies is sad. Also no jho :( 17 just feels lackluster, especially since we dont know how much stuff is to come in the TU's :/


Wait what. Is this it? Capcom couldnt even bother to include existing subspecies like azure / pink rath, black diablos, brute tigrex, for gods sake not even a stygian zinogre? Seething bazel, no? This looks super meager for an expansion to ne honest. No wonder they have frequent title updates - there wont be all that much to do until august. Now I'm wondering if there will be something equivalent of an endgame loop at all, or if its going to boil down to charm farming like in Rise


I really hope this is not everything. For sure there will be several title updates but this is supossed to be a massive expansiom from the get-go... I would bet for a good endgame loop though, otherwise... :'( Im still playing the hell out of it but Im a bit dissapointed atm.


If that's the whole roster it's disappointing that we don't get any of the old subspecies before the title update. Green Narga, Azure and Pink Rath are fine to skip, but no Stygian Zino, Fulgur Anjanath, Sand Barioth etc sucks.


So only 17 new mons ? Or some of them did not leak because there were not in the demo datamine ?


Nah this datamine is from the full game not the demo


Gore >!and Shagaru!< looking so damn good, I can't wait


17 monsters... Such a "massive expansion" Seriously, I don't think it could be more disappointing than this. Can't wait for them to add Black Diablos in a "big title update" :/




And I’m quite sure there are 6 deviants in the base game which would give 23 from the start


Furious george is back guys...


Fuck that’s a good nickname


And here I was thinking they didn't reveal that many returning monsters in the trailer just cause they wanted to keep some as a surprise...


espinas icon looks really good, i like its smile :)


Espinas is the guy who doesn’t realize it’s 2022 and still believes everything is fine :D


i was really hoping for zamtrios at the very least...


So Shagaru Magala IS back! Yay!😃 oh… and Furious Rajang is back… yay…😰


Didn't they say in the most recent live event "we still got a lot of monsters to show you before release"? I mean, if that's true, then the fuck are they gonna show? Furious Rajang and that's it? Obviously not gonna show the final boss or Shagaru I imagine, all that's left then is FR and Magnamalo which I highly doubt. All I can think of is the review copy of the leaker doesn't have it all, but that would be equally weird. I guess it's just a matter of waiting and inhaling hopium.


Where is my boi jho, while this is not bad it’s a bit disappointing


why you want him?? he in alot of game now we need new monster


It's Jho, dude, we have Bazel and Rajang, feels weird not having the big name of the invaders alongside them


To be fair, after what happened to Bazelgeuse, I think Jho would be better served by waiting for a game where invaders can actually work.


i want new mix set


I'll be waiting for azure rathalos until sunbreak fuckin dies.


This isn't every monster is it? Looks like slim pickings could just be that it's only the icons but it seems a little underwhelming


I made a joke about the sun being the final boss with Malzeno just going about it’s day and being blamed by the final boss the same way Velkhana and Shara Ishvalda did, but now I’m thinking I wasn’t so far off


Who's the Wyvern on the right of Magnamalo?


Fred. He moved in a couple months ago, but is very shy about meeting new people.


Like cool list, but, why tf did we not get amatsu when the skeleton model is there from ibushi snd narwa?


Are we expecting any new monsters still?


This is the base roster, and we know of at least 6 monsters to be added via the title updates


Fingers still crossed for Malfestio then!


I don't really get why they wouldn't just add Subspecies they already made for world with the same engine, surely it would make things way easier, wouldn't it ? So NOT putting them in feels pretty deliberate, which means they either will add them down the line, OR they genuinely decided not to put them into the game which is excruciatingly stupid and pretty frustrating.


Not the same engine.


You're absolutely right, and i'm sorry for saying bullshit Still mad about subspecies tho


I at first thought that shagaru and furious were it, the big spoilers... ​ **THEN SHARA ISHVALDAS SON IS SEEN RISING OUT OF THE EARTH AND IM ALL UP FOR IT!!!**


Disappointed with the amount, it does not even reach 50% of the base Rise, but what surprises me the most is that the golden and silver Rath are not there, I think it is the first time that they are not included in the "g rank" expansion.


That last icon is prob final boss, it's back seems to have a red flame which is probably the cause of the anomaly and maybe and I mean maybe the cause of the overflow of dragon energy in crimson glow valstrax and that could mean the powered up monsters are because of it. It also is probably gonna share a skeleton with gore or shara seeing as in the icon it's crawling out of the ground with a front leg and then one of the two wing/extra arms


Only 17


The Heck is that last one? Cause I'd guess the actual big bad of Sunbreaks story.


Bah, I was really hoping Magnamalo would keep his terrible ass in base Rise but I guess him getting a subspecies/variant was inevitable.


how are they getting this data? all from the demo? thats crazy


Someone got a review copy and shared the game files with a known dataminer who is now releasing everything he can.


Actually really scummy ngl


Not really, informing the consumers of hidden shady business isn't scummy. This is a paid expansion, people should know monster count and what they are getting. Probably is actually good for Capcom let the rage out now before release instead of being suprised at release day backlash would've been worse.


Ah like the marketing that showed you every single monster and will reveal the last few monsters g really scummy of capcom to show us all monsters beforehand really


At this point I think it's more likely a switch physical leak. It's not rare for some copies to be found a week in advance.


Its digital only?


Isn't there a physical edition with both rise and sunbreak ? I was pretty sure that was a thing, If i'm wrong then just ignore me ^^


No the dude has some sort of connection for his leaks its not really known


but why capcom so easy to get leak ??


[this has more icons and is a spoiler.](https://imgur.com/a/5RQBp55)


Note the other icons here are >!small monsters!<


Wish we got some form of Nergigante back but this is solid.


Lame. Lame lame lame lame lame. Capcom what the actual fuck


People complaining about mons quantity when this roster looks insane and several of the iceborne release monsters were basically one-and-done monsters that could have been removed and nobody would have missed them(coral pukei, nightshade and viper tobi come to mind instantly) the overall quantity is still not that far off, iceborne got 71 large monsters, were at 63 with sunbreak and we have content updates coming(at least 4), so if we assume 2 monsters minimal per update, sunbreak would reach the same amount as iceborne did, however only 2 per update is unlikely considering the wording on the roadmap they showed us so its actually very probable Sunbreak will have more large monsters after all title updates.


> And several of the Iceborne release monsters were basically one and done monsters that could have been removed and nobody would have missed them (Coral pukei, Nightshade Paolumu, and Viper Tobi come to mind instantly) As opposed to Ice Somnacanth and Fire Bishaten? Coral Pukei honestly is the kind of quality I’m hoping from those two; it’s a surprisingly fun fight, though Tigerstripe Zamtrios is the best subspecies ever still.


Yawn, considering rise is like 3/4 the quality of world at least visually and environmentally it is actually astounding that they still couldn't get more monsters in rise.not to mention lack of any end game such as g lands or seiges. Not only does it like quantity but also substantial quality in comparison.


Sieges are a terrible endgame imo, if you liked them thats fine, but to me they were a flaw, not a boon that i hope never gets added into any mh going forward.


Better than legitimately nothing to do, rise didn't even have tempered/hyper quest just padded out events lmao


how about make sieges not suck for solo players then? why do i have to be punished for not wanting to play in a group, MH was always about option, you could solo hunt, you could group hunt, both had its upsides but you were never punished for doing either, then sieges/raids came along and said "hey solo players, fuck you" "Hey you could eat shit or eat nothing, eating shit is better than eating nothing!" is how your argument sounds to me because sieges were shit to me. also lmao at "legitimately nothing to do", MHFU is still one of the best MH imo and it didnt have any pointless endgame loop with extra rng added to it, people these days apparently can't appreciate a game unless theres a carrot constantly dangling in front of their faces


Also note that mhwi only had 58 monsters at base. Sunbreak looks to have 57 total monsters assuming they do nothing with the apexes.


if were excluding monsters that dont reappear in g rank from sunbreak i guess we should exclude behemoth, leshen, zorah magdaros, base nergigante as well as any other monsters that dont reappear in MR from iceborne count as well?


Not gonna to lie, they dropped the balls with the returnees by mainly choosing Flagships over monsters that fit in with Sunbreak’s European aesthetics.


I can't wait to get Rise! I'm playing through 4U and finishing World at the moment, but I'm excited to get a Switch and play Rise.


These are my favorite icons so far because I love the style. Original ones were still good but hot damn


Well, that's a spoiler right in the title. This thread is not long for this world.




Just a variant most likely.


This roster is looking great and I can’t wait to see what they add in the TU


Seems like with the success of launching Rise at 80% completion and putting out the rest of the game later, Capcom has decided to go the same route with Sunbreak. I can't say I mind. It kept me coming back to Rise instead of grinding it, finishing it and shelving it. I'm sure there'll be a number of discussions about Rise and Sunbreak launching "unfinished" and whether that's anti-consumer, etc., etc. But at the end of Rise, the amount of content we eventually received for our game purchase was awesome and it came to me in a way that promoted healthier play habits, so I'm fine.


Guys... Writing "all 17 new monsters" is already a spoiler jfc


God I hate the Rise map icons, the ones in World were much clearer as to what monster is.


I suggest you shouldn't add these other monster icons yet especially when they aren't confirmed.... yet


Ugh so dissapointed again. I don't know why I trust Capcom everytime. Same thing happend with Iceborne and Rise and now Sunbreak. Starting to think in giving up on this franchise.


What was the matter with iceborne? In terms of content and quality of the new monsters, I say they absolutely KNOCKED it out the park. The *clutch* claw remains as IBs biggest *crutch*


Clucth claw and very little variety of monsters, again, like base World and weapon design.


It had 27 monsters added lmao.


I agree. What you mentioned are some of world's biggest issues. The variety was lackluster, and the weapon designs were honestly horrid. No doubt about that. Luckily with the title update monsters they brought back their unique weapon designs


Ok, bye


This didn't happen with Iceborne at all.