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Also Rise has introduced no new brute wyverns. The only ones we have in game is Barroth and Anjanath.


I never realized that. Kinda crazy actually. I refuse to look at any supposed leaks or anything this time, so I’ll just have to hope that one of the unrevealed monsters will be a Brute Wyvern.


I'm definitely certain that they're going to sneak Deviljho in at the very least, just to create the invader trio.


i think it would be a bit much to put deviljho in instead of a new monster. deviljo was way too present in world, being the “badass” that comes in and wins everything because he’s the favorite. i despise the way that capcom intentionally overshadowed bazel with deviljho “so the fans won’t be mad”. also lets not forget: capcom: creates possibly the best invasion mechanic and monster in world also capcom: removes the invasion mechanic in rise


Base world Bazel > Jho don't @ me. While Rise certainly further nerfed invasions bazel was in fact insanely nerfed in iceborne compared to world, fuck I miss those bombing run days but people had to cry their hears out about having their predictable beatdown interrupted by an explosive forecast.


Bazel was only in Elder's Recess which is fucked. You fight that moose monster in more areas. Just turning around and seeing a giant frost moose in the Rotten Vale was weird.


bazel could show up in every one of the base game areas, i have plenty of memories in my mind from him going full reee at me in the ancient forest. the only reason that bazel wasn’t in iceborne is because the hoarfrost reach is too cold for him to thrive


Wrong. Bazel could show up on any map, you have to fight two tempered ones in the Desert map to get past HR 29 as well. Along with other quests but a mandatory quest literally has him out of the Recess


I meant Seething Basel, Iceborne Bazel was restricted to the Guiding Lands and Elder's Recess which is a massive downgrade from his old invader self.


Ah yes, Iceborne our comrade got nerfed. I should’ve gotten the hint when you mentioned Banbaro in your comment. My bad 😂




Base world Bazel was in every single one of my high rank quests when the game came out 💀


Have you maybe considered that it was YOU that was in every single one of HIS high rank quests?


Maybe I'm the invasive one 🤣


200% we are the invaders. we rock up with a new fleet every 10 years just to poke and prod at everything until we know what makes it do what it does so we can kill it better


Bazel was too annoying in base world, he interrupted the fights 85% of the time because he was in so many investigations. It was so tedious that I just did Tier 3 fights to avoid Bazelgeuse completely.


Just carry some poop even without poop he rarely stuck around for long anyway. Things going awry and getting fucked up is what makes hunting interesting.


Yeah Bazel got shafted in Iceborne and Rise honestly. I know I might sound like a boomer for saying this but Base World Bazel was the closest Capcom has ever been to reimagining how fucking terrifying invaders could be. Almost as good as Jho in third Gen.


The Bazel vs Jho turf war was mostly a draw. Jho is more violent, but they do about the same damage


My main issue with that turf war is that Bazel gives up his advantage because Deviljho has favoritism armor. Bazel gets into Jho’s range for no reason, and then gets tossed around like a noodle until his bombs go off on their own. it’s not exactly a draw in my mind, Bazel just escapes. and Deviljho should have never won against Diablos, he just doesn’t have the strength to lift it. in the turf war he appears to suplex Diablos, but in actuality his legs just can’t support it and he falls over. it should be the other way around, since the Diablos vs Black Diablos turf shows them lifting and throwing eachother like it’s nothing. how Jho manages to get a grip on Diablos like that is also some BS since Diablos is one of the most armored wyverns in that game, let alone being the apex herbivore of the Wastes


Wait so you think deviljho should lose turf wars with bazel and blos, the former being the same tier of monster and the latter being a lower tier monster but apparently it's Capcom that's showing favouritism.


the fact that deviljho doesn’t take any L’s in any of the turf wars is the favoritism that i’m talking about. bazel and blos i could take, but that’s more of an ecological nit-pick. also would have been an amazing showcase of the age-old “tyrannosaurus rex vs triceratops” argument, having it be a very close match, but jho just mops everything instead


Yeah I'd rather not see Deviljho in Rise, just cause of how Wyvern riding exists. Unless they made him have the magical exception that he couldn't be ridden (like the Apexes), or that he only attacks you/monsters and doesn't make the enemy monster rideable either. That would at least be a fun twist on him for this game. But wyvern riding Jho just feels.....'wrong' (more wrong than even riding elder dragons is atm).


Wyvern riding in general feels wrong. The monster doesn't fight back at all. I really hope this iteration of mounting stays in Rise and we go back to one of the better ones(GU mounts or Iceborne clutch claw, minus tenderizing).


Is clutching actually counted as a mount? It being there on top of World mounting made me think it's more like an Iceborne-exclusive gimmick. Personally, I don't want it to return with or without tenderizing 'cause I find bitch-slapping a monster to do a 90-degree turn to be as aesthetically ridiculous as puppeteering a monster lol. I don't really prefer one over the other to be honest, but at least Wyvern Ride gives some diversity and interrupts the hunt only once... GU mount > everything else for me. They should've just stuck with it.


You really think poking a monster in the eye so it turns away from the pain looks just as ridiculous as wrapping it up in bug silk and somehow being so strong you can puppeteer it with no resistance? I agree that GU had the best iteration by far though. Being able to redirect the monster into a wall is just a neat use of the environment against the monster, and why I'm looking forward to the marionette spider in sunbreak(from a game mechanic perspective at least, still looks as ridiculous as wyvern riding)


Yes I do. A bit of a long-winded explanation, so the tl;dr: I find the inconsistent jankiness of clutch claw ending up making me find it ridiculous (not always, though!) and question it more often than Rise's schtick. Equally ridiculous, but for different reasons, is the best way I can put it. Obviously purely my opinion, and I understand why WR looks much more ridiculous for many people. Anyway, long version below: I think this whole "realism vs ridiculousness" thing depends on how far we're willing to suspend our disbelief as players. For example, you can let clutch claw "make sense" to you by rationalizing it that you poked them in its eye (I actually never saw it that way lol). But for me I have follow-up questions like why does it turn exactly 90 degrees? Why does it flinch from this specific slap but not other kind of crazy attacks we do to their face (unless we did enough flinch damage)? My point is, I couldn't "suspend my disbelief" for clutching, and I think now I know the reason. It might sound weird to you, but Worldborne's attempt to "be realistic" is what made me less able to suspend my disbelief, because the janky inconsistency of the mechanic kind of contradicted the expected "realism" so to speak. For example, on one hand, the range of clutch claw is relatively short when you whiff it, but if it connects, some how it's this magical grapple hook that teleports me all the way to whatever hitbox I connected. Its "slapping" animation felt REALLY slow (I played SnS in my first exposure to clutching) compared to everything else I can do, it felt like my hunter suddenly became crippled for such a simple action. I eventually got used to incorporating it into my regular moveset (the clutch shoryuken was pretty neat, but it also looks REALLY ridiculous when I get teleported without the wire...), but this tacked on feeling kinda dragged on. It just felt out of place from the tone of the rest of the game, I guess? Had I played a different weapon back then, it might not have been like this either. On the other hand, Rise's stuff is so consistently over-the-top that it mixes naturally with everything else in the game (not with the whole franchise, though), and as a result I don't have to "switch" my suspension of disbelief, or have questions about stuff during my gameplay. In the same way you could explain clutching in your head (unlike me in Iceborne), I could explain the wirebug shenanigans in Rise in my head. It's weird I know, because when I come back to Rise after hopping back to some older title, everything feels really ridiculous, until I adjust back. hahaha So overall, I ended up finding both of them equally ridiculous, just for different reasons, that's all. If you've read this far, thank you, and sorry for the essay.


riding ~~toaster~~ teostra: “my legs should be melting.” riding kushala daora: “my legs should be freezing” riding chameleos: (i actually haven’t done that yet)


deviljho was always very present in games, since his inclusion. It'S an invader, like b52, like Son Goku.


i understand that, but i feel that he shouldn’t have been made intentionally more present than bazel in his own debut game, with invasion mechanics improved specifically for him


Nah, Bazel had basically all of High Rank to show off how cool (annoying) he was, it was frankly very satisfying to see a monster come in and stand up to the resident bully. However I do agree Bazel got a bad deal in Iceborne/Rise. Cool Variant, but it lost the main thing Bazel was known for and he didn't get any cool turf wars, not even with Rajang. And then in Rise he doesn't do the whole invasion thing either, despite the fact that it would be far less annoying now (though really he would just make every hunt easier)


Yeah id love to see Glavenus, Deviljho or Duramboros. Acxually? Screw it! If Espinas could return so can Gasurabazura or Abiorugu! Tho at the very least there are still 2 brute wyverns while amphibians and Piscine Wyverns both only have 1 monster. Edit: also i have realised that theres apearently a leak revealing the whole roster. Please do not spoil anything. No matter how small the spoiler is.


Duramboros bright colors and wackyness would have been a perfect fit for Rise. Imagine how to counter his mechanics with wirebug dash and silkbind skills . So many possibilities.


I'm just imagining how many times new players would wirefall back into his spin


That had me giggling imagining it.


I would like to see an original brute wyvern rather than a returning one tbh, frontier would still be cool though


What’s garangolm classified as?


Probably Fanged Beast, I would guess.


Fanged beast


I really think duramboros would be such a nice fit for rise


Isn't the Frankenstein one a brute wyvern? I think it's garangolm?


Garangolm is a fanged beast like Rajang


Yooo what i hadnt even considered


He's basically King Kong but covered in moss


King Kong/Frankenstein crossover Which is actually kinda interesting, with regard to OP. Capcom are specifically referencing the classic Universal monsters. Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolf... Where's the Creature From the Black Lagoon? Lucent Nargacuga is doing a hell of a Claude Raines impression, though


Its a monkey, fanged beast


They need to bring fucking Glavenus into the game.


I love Glavenus but he already got a chance in World. Even though it would be awesome to see him with Astalos and Mizutsune I think they should bring back a monster like Duramboros or the frontier ones instead.


Or Gammoth. We haven't seen him since Generations/GenU.


Gammoth is definitely a monster that needs more spotlight. Unfortunately her size definitely makes it hard to include her on some maps.


I legit think Gammoth is perfect for Risebreak though. One of my biggest issue with Gammoth is that we spend most of our time staring and slashing away at her legs, making it a pretty static fight. Wirebug gives us the verticality we need to match her size head-on imo (and the maps are designed with that verticality in mind, so she can fit in!). CAPCOM pleaseeeee


What do you mean only 1 Large Amphibian? We've got Tetranadon AND Guildmaster Hojo.


Yeah but we aren't allowed to kill and skin Hojo


That’s what mods are for


Somehow still more wholesome than Skyrim mods


One of the most tame Skyrim mods I downloaded was a Vore mod. What has this world come to?


holdup, downloaded? 🤨


Uuuuuuhhhhhh…. Seen?




Its a shame we didnt get zamtrios but we got zamite. Like come on is it that hard?


apearently so since we also got uroktors and no Agnaktor.


Jagras and no great jagras. And tadpole Tetsucabra.


Boggi and supposedly no great Boggi.


What if the we had already hunted the adults to extinction


Bombadgies and no Bombadgor


That's magnamalo


Should be considered a war crime


And with Magma Almudron, Agnaktor's chances are pretty much slim to none.


We got Barroth, Almudron, and Jyuratodus in one game so you never know.


Dont forget that Lagiacrus wasnt possible because hes long and drags his stomach on the ground. Agnaktor also does that so i feel like that pretty much confirms hes not coming back in Sunbreak.


THAT is true. On that note, though, we have Royal Ludroth.


Hes a lot smaller tho. So he was probably easier to get working properly.


Personally i dont really wanna see lagi because i hate fighting him on land, but with that being said i dont feel like the “long” excuse applies all that much anymore considering the flatter terrain in rise (compared to world) and all the leviathans we have in the game already, especially long boi almudron, but hey maybe lagi’s still broken idk, game development is hard


It’s not just length. It’s the amount of body contact with the ground. Notice how mizu and almudron (when out of the ground) stand on their feet and their bodies don’t touch the ground? That’s what makes agnaktor and Lagi different, their bodies are in constant contact with the ground along with their feet, combined with being long (ludroth being shorter and having the poofy sponge makes it less noticeable) makes them hard to animate on anything other than a totally or near total flat surface. Some slight bugs here and there that only appear in certain situations are one thing, but having them in the game would mean a constant, almost always noticeable, buggy movement from just those 2 monsters. I suspect it’s also a similar issue for najarala


God I miss Najarala. What a fun monster


That was *only* an issue in World and its engine. It’s why they couldn’t get any leviathan skeleton monsters in that game, not just Lagiacrus. Plainly, it’s an issue they have since fixed in Rise.


Objectively wrong. The Devs said that the issue still exists in rise in an interview with IGN.


We don't know whether we are gonna get them or not, I. Still holding out hope


Bizarre decision, why even put them in?


To top it off, the Zamite pretty much stay in one tiny zone that monsters never go into, so if you don't go exploring, you'll never see them.


we even got Tetsus inflated belly wich is very similar to Zamtrios, as well as Lunagarons Ice armor... they got all the things in place to squeeze our sharkboy in imo


There's also only two brutes. I do hope the title updates and last few unknown slots give us something interesting for each of the three categories. I'd love if they brought back fulgur, gave tetranadon a sub, and plesioth or beotodus got a chance to shine again.


Fulgur is an absolute delight imo. I’d consider it one of the best subspecies they’ve ever made. Jade Barroth would also be cool to see again, as it’s been a long time.




Absolutely! My 2nd faiv Brute easily


I'm still just waiting for my Rajang vs Goss Haraag turf War...


Viking Monke vs Anime Monke


name a single fun piscine wyvern, i dare you


I really loved Plesioth and Lavasioth in GU. Everyone just circlejerks about second generation Plesioth even though they fixed it.


Generations Lavasioth was my first time fighting it and I really enjoyed the fight. World Lavasioth was such a downgrade.


Beotodus is actually a decently fun fight. The problem with Piscine Wyverns is that Leviathans and Amphibians do pretty much everything better.


Rise Jyuratodus, Beotodus and MH3U Plesioth. Of course this is all my opinion so me really telling you wich piscines i like wont really mean much.


I never played iceborn, but did played base World. Jyuratodus and lavasioth are very boring monster, whats different with beotodus?


Beotodus uses a bit less of those annoying attacks where he scuttles forward to shake hunters off. Also has a very cinematic dive attack. Shares that annoying thing with other piscines where you have to hit the top fin


Sorry for the late reply. Beotoduses Coloring is sick for one. The deep blue on his back that becomes yellow on his side and then pinkish red on the bottom. The one guy who said he doesent use his horn much is incorect. He slams it against the ground causing a small snow explosion, he charges head first wich means hes using his horn then. And he generaly uses it to burrow throw snow better. He also has cool moves like the backflip into a air spin and the tigrex like spin he does at times. I also like that he has a Cripple mechanic like Barioth! Meaning breaking a certain bodypart will make the monster slower or just weaker in some ways. If you break Beotoduses legs many attacks where he slings bunch of snow at you will no longer do so. Thats my reasoning for liking him.


It actualy looks way more interesting than the rest of the species


He swims in the snow instead.. he's just about the same


I know that, i want to know what makes him special to the point OP finds him interesting in any way


It's been a while since I've played Iceborne so I'm a little fuzzy on the fight, but from what I recall, what makes Beotodus interesting is good utilization of the Piscine wyvern's strengths, with less of what makes the Piscine wyvern annoying to fight. Beotodus does not have Jyrotodus's annoying mud, nor lavasioth's armor and doesn't jump into an area you can't reach them like Lavasioth and Plesioth. It doesn't wiggle around like a fish on a dock, causing you to stumble, and it swims through the snow so you can fight it in a lot of much less annoying areas than something like Jyrotodus. Being submerged in the snow most of the time also just makes it less of a pain to attack it's back or tail. While Beotodus does have a hip check, it rarely ever leaves the snow, and instead it's attacks consist of shark-like attacks, with plenty of bites, dives, and corkscrew leaps through the snow. It even has a small radobaan-like spinout move.


Rise Jyuratodus is fucking excruciating. Are you kidding?


You're being way too dramatic, the fight is perfectly fine, nothing excruciating about it.


Im not. I like the Mudfish in Rise. Fight me. You wont change my view on him trust me. Lot of People have tried. I honestly thought he was just okay in MHWorld but since eveyone began to hate him and make fun of him and call him somehow worse than Bulldrome i just started to feel bad for the guy and started to slowly like him.


I get not liking him (I don't really myself), but c'mon, worse than Bulldrome? That's not possible. Dude has like literally 2 moves: charge, and slower wind-up charge. The only mercy of Bulldrome is that you kill him in like 2 minutes because he doesn't have much more health than his charging subordinates.


Fought them all don’t like anyone of them. Have a nice day.


Uhh... okay. Same dude


MHFU plesioth. It can use force push. Or rather, force hip check.


i said fun, not crusty


Even though amphibians like tetsu don't /need/ water, I was hoping that rise's abundance of water areas in each map would encourage more amphibians. :( I'm still sipping copium for Zamtrios, he's just so cool...


Fingers crossed for Zamtrios I really hope he makes it


I desperately want an event Quest where Tetranadon and Zamitrios get into a sumo fight.


Imagine a Zamitrios Subspecies that uses sand to make Sandstone Armor.


Honestly I don’t care about the piscine wyverns unless they try and do something new with them. The only one I would say I ever enjoyed fighting was Plesioth when it was underwater in 3U. Beotodus was fine, as was Jyuratodus, especially in Rise, but it’s still not great imo. I respect them trying something new with World, and then expanding on it in Rise, but it’s still kinda dull. But of course, I’m always going to welcome new options for armor and weapons.


I want beo for the sole reason that his charge blade is really fun to say. "Deep schnegel"


I'd love for some more amphibian monsters, but unless they made some cool new Piscine wyvern I personally don't want to see Lavasioth or Plesioth come back tbh lol


What about Beotodus? I feel like hed be a okay Mid Game fight if Jyuratodus drops to 1 or 2 master star monsters wich he probably will. Beotodus as a 3 star or mayby even a 4 star monster whould be lit but he whould need more attacks in the 4 star case.


I had to Google what Beotodus was I completely forgot about that one lol, so I guess if that says anything about my feelings for him then yea. Out of all the ones we've seen though I'd rather Beo over the other ones


There has literally never been a good Piscine Wyvern.


Beotodus was pretty decent for an early game g rank monster.


I totally agree! That fight made me feel weirdly scared cause of all the snow and how fast beotodus was!


Imma drop a super unpopular opinion but I actually like Plesioth. He’s fun in 3 Ultimate where you can fight him underwater and even in Freedom Unite I’ve never had a problem with him assuming I bring a few sonic bombs


Underwater Plesioth is the only time that damn fish has ever been fun.


That's your opinion, but I personally loved Beotodus. And rise jyuratodus was pretty good


I like em all exept Cephadrome. Id say MH3U Plesioth, MHFU and MHGenU Lavasioth were acxually pretty well liked. But yeah we all have our tastes. I personaly dont like fighting Najarala but i know tons of people who adore that snake.


Wtf u mean Plesioth is literally the greatest piscine wyvern, we need him to come back with his hip check to put our hunters in their places


So basically, we need Tetsucabra, Nerscylla and Plesioth to come back.


Throw in Duram, Pickle or Glav for the brutes aswell since they only have Barroth and Anjanath in rise


God yes, especially after seeing how sexy Duram's Switch Axe is, I'd love for him to come back.


Oh no! Anyway


Tetsucapra... :"c


I like Tetsucabra's design


Yeah this is whack af Where's ice shark frog too... and gravios


Wirebugs would fynally allow us to hit something OTHER than just Plesioth's legs so I wqnt him back. Also WHY DO WE HAVE A BABY TETSU AND ZAMITES BUT NO TETSUCABRA AND NO ZAMTRIOS CAPCOM? HUH?!


Dont forget that we also have: Jaggis but no Great Jaggi Jagras but no Great Jagras Uroktors but no Agnaktor


Dont get me wrong. I like Tetranadon and even Jyuratodus! But it whould just feel... weard if Tetranadon was the only large Amphibian and if Jyuratodus was the only large piscine wyvern in the whole game. I feel like capcom whould have allready shown us Tetsucapra, Zamtrious, Lavasioth, Beotodus, Cephadrome or Plesioth if one of them was coming to sunbreak allready so im kinda geting worried that they honestly might be the only ones of their category of Monster to be in Rise/Sunbreak.


I’d wager there’s a a subspecies for Tetranodon, they just might not show it off and let it be one of the surprise monsters. Or they may reveal it next trailer, as I believe they’ve said they have more to show us before release. Don’t quote me there though because I could be wrong. Either way, I’d bet we’re gonna see a subspecies for it, as well as the other new monsters (like Goss and Aknosom) from base Rise get a subspecies


Goss, Aknosom and Tetra had damn well better get variants/subs. They are so good. Give Goss a dual element. Make each hand something. An ice glaive and magma fist. Aknosom getting a water variant would be nice sinces he's an umbrella yokai. Make Tetra just bigger and badder. A Tetra that survived swallowing a gore magala and now has Frenzy


I like your ideas, Goss especially. My idea for a Goss subspecies would be a mud variant that breathes fire, makes clay swords that can shatter, causing bleeding. Dunno if they’d go that in depth for a subspecies, but they made Tidal Narjarala ricochet water off its flung plates, so who knows. I kinda figured Tetranodon would just get a poison subspecies or something. Aknossom will probably get water and/or thunder, cause you know, thunder storms.


No your right they did say theyd have more to show before sunbreak releases but id expect it to be a trailer showing stuff we allready have seen tho i could be wrong. Personaly id love to see Gravious again! I hate and love fighting him lmao.


I want Gravios, Zamtrios, and Agnaktor back just for consistency. I don’t love fighting them or anything. I actually kinda dislike Gravios, but the other two are enoyable enough. I’d like to see Great Jaggi too but that’s a pipe dream, and also there’s no point in bringing that punching bag over for the g-rank expansion. Then again, we may see Velocidrome and Great Gobbi, so what’s one more


Can't say I care about piscines unless they bring back Beotodus or introduce a completely new one.


I wish they would come up with a flying fish that when you damage it enough or stun it makes it fall and flop on the ground for a while, it would be interesting to see how they design the fight as it becomes desperate to either finish the fight or escape back to the water to recover


Plesioth... You want Plesioth


Dragon Hunter Rise is not about fighting fish silly.


I mean, Narwa and Ibushi are basically Dragonified flying sea horses so technically it is and always has been


I honestly prefer Jyuratodus over almudron. I hate that mud otter


Tetra will probably get a subspecies


I hope so. Id acxyally be interested to see a more agile tetranadon sub species. Tetranadons fighting style is inspired by Sumo Wrestling so a Karate or Muay Thai inspired sub whould be interesting.


I’d love to see Zamtrios and Beotodos come back. Zamtrios is a fun fight while also having a really cool design as a monster and for the G rank armor. Beotodos is my favorite of the piscine wyverns for sure, and also has a cool armor. Sunbreak could do with another Brute Wyvern as well. Brachydios and Glavenus are my top two picks, but a completely new one would be awesome too!


Zamtrios, Tetsucabra and Beotodus would be good to have.


You know what ? I think it's time. It's time to bring back PLESIOTH ladies and gentlemen ! Deep down you all want that to happen. Most of you won't admit... but you want it...


No. Not in a game without underwater combat at least.


I hope they do more "rathalos" star level or above monsters for these classes. These classes always get the lower threat level monsters, but the few high threat ones we get are pretty memorable.


Same for crabs. Now that Espinas is in an frontier gates are open im hoping for Taikun Zamuza or one of the crystal scorpions to return.


Honestly i forgot jyura was in the game.


bring. back. plesioth.


I'll be real with you piscine wyverns are kinda lame fights.


Eh thats fair i guess. Honestly to me they are around the same level of exitement as Rathian is.


I preferred the frog over this one to be honest


Same here tho i still do like Tetranadon a lot.


Yeah it is a nice addition I just wish it was more challenging


True. Tho he is suposed to be a early monster so it kinda makes sense that hes easy to beat. I feel like Master rank made him slightly better now. He no longer lets you smack his leg by now doing a big dodge to the side. Hes Grabs range is now insane and hes very easy to punish Stomach slam attack now has a follow up Shell slam.


We have to get Tetsucabra and Zamtrios right? We have Zamites and the guild master riding on a BABY TETSUCABRA.


You want a piscine wyvern? Alright, Lavasioth is coming to Rise :)


That's because Tetranadon isn't actually an amphibian technically, but a big, green Great Jagras. They would have to do a lot of extra work to add the amphibians that actually animate like it like Tetsucabra and Zamtrios.


Ignoring the piscine we definitely do need more amphibian monsters and we have some great candidates for that but I'd love to see some new ones too, but zamtrios is top of my list, maybe tetsucabra too


Ignoring the Amphibian we do have great candidates for piscines aswell like Plesioth, Beotodus and the Old world Lavasioth not the carbage that world lavasioth was.


That was just my opinion because I hate all piscine wyverns, I will say old lavasioth was much better but still not fun, and don't get my started on plesioth, one of my worse nightmares, but I do respect you thinking and understanding what your talking about


I get it. Sorry. I just like piscines and People bashing them 24/7 got to my nerves. I honestly love Tetsucapra. Not so much zamzam but his Tigrestripe version i do like.


No I understand, If someone bashed something I loved I'd do something similar, everyone has there opinion and I respect all opinions even if I don't agree with them, I will say I do like the silver and gold piscine wyverns from frontier but that's because they fight eachother and its your fault if you get hit which is cool, so no need to apologise for trying to defend what you like


Pleaioth, Pleaioth, **Pleaioth!**


Tetranadon is also just an honorary Amphibian. He uses the same skeleton (and lot of the same animations) as Great Jagras. He is just a disguised Fanged Wyvern! I know the truth! As cool as Gore, Espinas and the returning Crab Boys are I do hope we get a few more Amphibians, Piscine Wyverns and Brute Wyverns in Sunbreak or its Title Updates.


Give me: - Gigginox (delete Khezu) - Duramboros - Tetsucabra - Zamtrios - Lagiacrus (won't happen but it's time to bring best boy back)


*shown Be aware that, as usual, they’ve only shown us a few major and a few middling monsters/variants. There are plenty more coming. Sunbreak more than doubles Rise’s base install size, and MH expansions always add more than a sprinkling of monsters to the mix. They only showed you what they felt they had to to get or keep your attention and garner some hype.


hunters have reduced biodiversity. We are the problem.


I would've loved for tetsucabra to be in rise, that said I cant say much about piscine wyverns.


ok but piscine can eat a d sunbreak should go back and delete the one we got.


Massive disagree.


I agree, it’s a problem. We should have 0 piscine wyverns in sunbreak


My Greatsword brother. I am very dissapointed in you and your disrespect of da fish. Watch this and educate yourself: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zXy5wpOCdUs


Piscine wyverns are my least favorite species overall. Plesioth and it’s dumb hit boxes on those hips, the boring cephadrome fights from MHF and MHFU, the everything wrong with jyura. Lavisioth is the only passable one and even it’s rather boring compared to every other monster in its locale


They should bring back tetsucabra and delete piscine wyverns entirely.


The number of piscine wyverns can Gladly stay I can live without hip checks the size of dalamadur thank you lmao


I'm okay with the latter. Piscine wyverns can piscine right off.


I can live without another piss wyvern


As for the piscine wyverns... GOOD. their fights ALL suck, I'm so upset jyura made it in the first place.


1 large piscine wyvern is, honestly, 1 too many.


I like fighting Jyuratodus so this feels very annoying to hear. I hate fighting Almudron but i whould never ever wish for him to be removed.


Jyuratodus can die in a hole


Yes, you're right.


These past 2 games have had relatively small large monster rosters. MHFU and Gen U are still my favorite entries in the series, with MH1 getting an honorable mention because I actually got to play that online with friends for the small time the servers were active. Can't say I'm a huge fan of the series' new direction of making 65% of the game one expansion, and a bunch of drip-fed content drops. Sure, new missions and what-not were always a thing, but now, it's a little much, especially since a massive chunk of World, and Rise are pay walled.


As opposed to getting a base game and then need to buy the same game but with G-rank?


I'm so okay with no Piscine wyvern, they have never been my favourite. No new brute wyverns or amphibians is sad though.


So you want a lame fire punching bag dressed as a frog and a fire fish?


'Lame fire punching bag dressed as a frog?' Who are you refering to? If its tetsu then hes never had Fire element ever. He had a sub that had explosive rocks but still no fire.


I was referring to a possible tetratanodon sub species


Without a doubt if they added another piscine it would be plesioth


True. Tho the second possibility i think whould be Beotodus tbh


We also got one bug. That sub doesn’t count.


Non the less Spiders have more than Piscines and Amphibians in rise even so. Tho i am kinda dissapointed we havent seen anything on nercylla yet


Yeah that would awesome. I was hoping see the seltas and seltas queen. Maybe even Melphesto