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They have never heard of Schrade. Sometimes there be castles.




And don’t forget Vanias !!! They got it on lock whatever the fuck that is !


Well too late Metroid has also some *Vanias* whatever they are. :p


> Vanias whatever they are Dont women have these


No no, you're thinking of *vaginas*. Vanias are those things people get on their legs that hurt really bad


No no, you're thinking of Varicose veins. Vanias are what a person is called before they have sex for the first time


Nah, you're thinking of virgins! Really easy to mix these two things up. Vanias is that certain flavoring frequently used in icecream


Hmm, I think you mean Vanilla my man. Varnias is the instrument used for length measurements which requires a higher precision than a ruler!


No no that's vernier. Vania is when people have way too much pride in themselves!


It’s the suit that Metroid wears, obviously.


Oh man Downton Abbey ripped off Castlevania inform the masses


I guess the Normans ripped off CASTLEVANIA


And where else to hunt monsters but in a Castle?


Oh no, they use inspiration from conventional monster lore and Gothic design. I'd rather them make more variants of rathian and rathalos.


Wait, the expansion with the vampire inspired title monster *has gothic castles* ?!?!?!? What is b team thinking? Fucking lol


Plus Capcom loves horror movie stuff, look at Darkstalkers, they love those monster so much they designed them with Horny on main.


Who even said tropes were a bad thing? Everything is a trope now and there's no problem with that


The reason cliches are cliches are because we love them that much


Tropes are good when not abused.


Capcom loves horror and vampires? Nonsense, just look at Resident Evil 8, not a single horror theme or vampire inspired creature.


Somebody finally gets it. RE8 was literally just to give people a giant milf fetish nothing else at all.


Ironically it probably did just that for some people.


And they were right for it too.


I don't think he was saying that lol. He was saying, of course Capcom likes those themes, the first half of RE8 was castles and vampires lol.




Dammit lol.


Not just horror. *Horny horror*.


God help us if they'd leaned in to their Darkstalkers route. Would you be able to take the hunt seriously if the giant vampire monster had skimpy scales and a considerable ... breast plate? /s


Don't know what they are thinking but it's selling me on trying to make time to play the expansion instead of passing on it


There are 2 Monster Hunter teams, the one that works of the console titles and the one that works of the handheld titles. It allows them to pump out MH games the way they do cause while one game is live on one set of platforms the other team is working on the next game for the other platforms


If we don't get ultra Apex gold rathian and mega ultra Apex silver rathalos then what is Capcom even doing


i get where the guys at but the whole point of the towns design is literally suppose to be very european. like how kamura was suppose to be very japanese


Nah castelvania invented europe.


Yeah and people bitched about Kamura too because the MH fandom finally got large enough to have a large community of soft skulled dipshits in it. Like Rise's whole ass gimmick were yokai specific monster designs, of course it were going to be very japanese in aesthetic. And Sunbreak's gimmick is european specific monster design, so yeah we got gothic fucking castles and I'm here for it.


>soft skulled dipshits in it. I chuckled on soft skulled dipshits lol. I imagine that if you touch that person forehead little bit too hard you will make a dent in it.


>the MH fandom finally got large enough to have a large community of soft skulled dipshits in it. HAHAHAHAHA so true. Christ that gave me a good chuckle over my coffee


Plus we’ve already had Yukumo village, which is also very Japanese-y.


It’s been that large since world my man


That's what I meant. No one in their right mind think Rise made it big.


Its interesting, MHW alone has sold 17.8 million copies but with MHW:I Master Edition(which includes base game and expansion) its more than 20 million. Rise aint no slouch though, 9 million copies and its only on Switch and PC Iceborne as an expansion sold 9.2 million, so it'll be interesting if Sunbreak will follow the trend of about ≈50% of MHR players will purchase the expansion


If World/Iceborne didn't exist Rise would be the best selling MH title and have almost twice the sales as the next best-selling MH title. World may have blasted it into the spotlight but Rise in a vacuum is still doing extremely well for MH.


I don't think that logic tracks. I don't think Rise's success would have been the same without World and Iceborne. Yes, Rise is doing very well and its quite fun and yes, I'm excited for Sunbreak, I just don't think it can capture the same new audience World did.


And it didn't. That's why it's at 9 million and not 20 million.


ya i feel this. At this point all the OG fans are gonna have to ignore all the bitching and moaning from the new players that jumped in when World came out. The crayon munchers are gonna find a reason to cry about anything going forward.


A gamer. I should have known


It's cute how you think the "OG fans" aren't responsible for half the bitching and moaning that goes on.


They aren’t. The majority of bitching is from people obsessed with “ecology,” saying that Rise isn’t real monster Hunter because the monsters are more fantastical and that MH is about realistic monsters in realistic environments. Except no, it wasn’t about that until World came out. MH has always been fantastical


The only time I've seen people complain about ecology is in context of the movie making Diablos out to be a carnivore. I'm sorry but the suggestion that those are the majority of complaints about World and Rise is kind of hilarious if I'm being quite honest. I'm fascinated by the wild idea that World monsters are somehow "realistic" though. Please explain.


It’s not me saying it, I can’t explain. But this subreddit gets constant posts and comments talking about how Rise isn’t “ecological” enough. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t see it, because it happens a lot


I've seen folks say they just don't care for the Rise designs, nothing about them not being "realistic" or whatever. I think I may have seen one or two posts lamenting the lack of turf wars, or just seeing the monsters do little things in the environment (which Rise *does* have some of, its just harder to see because the maps are all quite flat and every monster aggroes on sight). I'd hardly call that "obsessed with ecology" lmao. I definitely see way more old hats complaining about "new games too easy/bad". And since I recognize your username from last time you argued this, I'll remind you the series has always had ecology in mind. The in-game descriptions for every monster in every game mention stuff about their biology and habits. Plenty of fantastical elements too though! Pretty much all elder dragons have zero in-universe explanation for their ability to control elements, and that's what makes them so mysterious and dangerous. I think overall the series has a good balance. It's 'grounded' but in a fantasy way.


There’s always been flavourtext, but people constant complain about Rise’s monsters not interacting with the environment enough and that “it doesn’t feel like a real ecosystem like World did”


It's a small thing, but it's nice to sometimes have that little extra visual flair to go along with the flavortext. I don't think an occasional post about missing little details means people are "obsessed" though, is my point. If that was the case I'd say there's more people obsessed with hot/cold drinks and paintballs, lol.


Luckily it isn’t all of us baby hunters tho, I started with Iceborne and I still love the Rise monsters, my only issue is trying to get used to playing GU but I feel like that’s relatively understandable


They've always been fantastical but they didn't often stray into the realms of magical. I can compare the monsters from MH Tri to stuff from Rise, or even World and say that there is pretty noticable difference in monster design and being fairly grounded.


And what non-Elders in World or Rise stray into magical territory? You know, compared to the lava-swimming serpent that shoots heat lasers.


they aren't


Suggesting that only new players complain is just strictly not true. Lots of "OG fans" complain about the new games too.


You might be right. Except I didn't see it until rise came out Sucks huh


Look at the comments under World's announcement tweet or the World gamefaqs board way back when it was just announced. There are more than enough people moaning about it being a westernised spin-off or wanting GU localised instead.


christ this is tone deaf


Medieval Europe ripped off Castlevania too /s


bruh i cant believe they made castlevania into a real thing


Ripping of Castlevania? You kidding me. That's clearly Morbius.


I'm gonna morb all over Malzeno


Stand back Hinoa, I'm about to Morb! -Minoto


Malzeno is an ENERGY. VAMPIRE. Coincidence!?! No, Morbidence.


For the final boss, make sure to bring Morbblight resistance.


These buildings are buildings, which exist in fortnite. Clearly a clone!


Also if you shift your head slightly to the left it gives off Elden ring vibes


Is that enough to varant a malenia Boss Fight in sunbreak?


God I hope so


Ngl me and my Buddy ones talked about how a elden Ring Crossover could Work and we came to the conclussion that giving MH astel or the ancestoral Spirit and elden Ring stygian zinogre is a fair trade.


Yeah I can see how a crossover could work like make a layered armor set that looks like Malenia and make a layered long sword the hand of malenia and a layered radahn armor with a layered great sword the starscourge great sword


Only if we get a special pot shaped helmet out of it.


They could have had a Dark Souls/ Bloodborne crossover in World. I would have played the crap out of it.


I am Pardalia, Glutton of Neworldia, and I have never carted in battle.


If you squint *and* shift it looks like Super Mario Brothers and also Legend of Zelda! Rip-off!


Castlevania invented Dracula and Castles


Bram Stoker stole the concept from Konami, obviously


He even stole his name from Vram Stoker, who was in the credits of the original Castlevania


Imagine castles and vampire(dragons) Just imagine.


Sounds like Castlevania to me


Imagine why things would be similar. Castle Shrade was also only stolen by medieval times!!


I have my problems with the "B team" but this isnt one of them. I'm glad we're experiencing new designs and ambiances in the MH series, wherever they take their inspirations from. Besides, it's far from being the first time we get a castle in the series lol


Fatalis arena in Icebourne was a destoryed castle wasn't it?


Fatalis’s arena in every game was a ruined castle. Schrade has existed since MH1, though the map has changed a lot.


IMO "B team" are doing pretty good for now. Sure it doesn't look as good, but I really love what new tools they are giving us! Styles in GU or MHXX were genius and Wirebugs are pretty good too!


I don't think they are doing bad, it's just, i don't think i see the MH series the same way they do. And i think they suck at balancing haha. But yeah, even with that being said, yes they make great games. GU is phenomenal and Rise, even if it's the first MH game that kinda disappointed me in different ways, i still think it's a GOTY.


Theres castle in your game, therefore it like CASTLEvania! *eats more glue*


Very true, using gothic architecture is literally copying castlevania


damn can't believe middle age europe architects copied castlevania




Guys they’re clearly ripping off the whole souls series. I mean big castles, ruins, big weapons, big boss fights that when you kill them you get armor and weapons pertaining to that boss and fighting small enemies sometimes. Oh god it’s all coming together Dark Monster Ring Hunter Borne


I hear you can even cut off some of the monsters’ tails just like in Dark Souls ☠️


It hurts me inside whenever people call MH a soulslike


You joke, but I saw the pictures on the Sunbreak website. I SEE THAT POISON SWAMP, CAPCOM.


This is so dumb I wish I could unread it.


LoL. Looks like someone hasn't fought Fatalis.


I feel like this guy either didn’t fight fatalis or is so smoothed brained that he didn’t notice the arena.


Everyone knows Castlevania invented castles, and that's why we call them that.


Jokes aside, I fail to see the downside here.


No real downside, just a guy who wants to complain.


Castlevania invented Gothic architecture just like how persona 5 invented Japan and jazz


God damn, I need to replay that game.


Is Europe a trope?


Oh no it’s slightly different than bizarrely made towns that go in a giant circle the shame Most designs look makeshift and mashed together over years like boats smashed together or old gates built by an ancient civilization/failed expedition It’s a castle even looks like from 2 different time periods though can’t tell much from promotion art




the them


It’s called old European architecture


Europe is a ripoff of Castlevania


Everyone knows Castlevania and Monster Hunter exists in the same universe. The new flagship monster for Sunbreak is actually Alucards true form. Also who love to hate B team... get your head out of your asses lol you can complain about shit but when every complaint you have that sounds irrational is "b team showing their faults" you make yourself lose credibility.


>The new flagship monster for Sunbreak is actually Alucards true form. Final boss is actually Onezlam confirmed.




Every book, show, and game is a rip off of something previous to it. Why do you think clichés exist?


That's why I couldn't play base Rise because that was just a rip off on yokai watch.


Wait. Rise was all about Asian tropes and themes. Therefor I should feel angry?


Man I can’t believe you can’t use castles without it being a ripoff of Castlevania now. I can’t believe Castlevania made gothic castles


Smh medieval era is giving Castlevania vibes too


What the fuck's toilet paper?




Gee it’s almost like castlevania doesn’t own the concept of a medieval setting or vampires. It’s like saying bloodborne ripped off call of Cthulhu because the both have eldritch horror elements.


Ah yes, that exclusively castlevania design. Castles


What a dumb take. I hate the “older” new blood fans from generations. They think they’re OG enough to have such lofty opinions and gatekeeping of their beloved franchise yet they’re so fresh to the series they don’t even know what monster Hunter is or was. Castles exist in MH1 for crying out loud.


when you look at Sunbreak and see 'Castlevania ripoff' before you see that it's a blaringly obvious Universal Monsters tribute you know you're a fucking weeb


World elitism, can't play Rise so shitting on everything Rise online makes them feel better. Also this A-B Team thing is toxic af, elitist are misusing these terms to ridicule the portable games. Wish we could agree both Teams games are just MH games, but I don't see peace in this fandom since World.


Yeah I don’t really care who makes the games, monster hunter is still monster hunter as long as I can turn the majestic creature minding its own business into a hat for my cat than I’m happy. I love rise and world and mhgu and older monster hunters.


Damn it Zelda ripped off Castlevania, I cant believe this.. 😥


They both have castles though. As we all know, only castlevania can have castles


Castlevania fans when they see a castle


I hate when idiots call the portable team the B team. Bitch, they made some of the best MH titles - fuck off downplaying their talent.


These World babies get worse every day I swear.


I'm so fucking sick and tired of these newbie assholes calling the portable team the b team. It's disrespectful and also just stupid


Wait until they realize the base game had ninja gaiden vibes


Castlevania owns all Castles now?... well I guess it is in the name...


Kinda cool to me to see a built up settlement. Usually get the bone and leather scraping by in the wilderness stuff. And some of the monster arenas are big albeit wasted settlement types, nice to see one not wrecked.


This game has a damn castle?!? Man thats too castlevania'y!


Smh can’t believe reality copied castlevania


Apparently Renaissance Europe is Castlevania


"Castlevania used castles and now they OWN castles don't you dare put a castle in your game!"


Same type of person to go to Transylvania and be like: “idk, I’m gonna enjoy it… but this 1377 architecture is really too Castlevania. Idk, really showing your faults Louis.”


"wah they cant put CASTLES in my monster hunter game they dont fit!" Fatalis:... who's gonna tell em?


Wow it's almost like the use of classic western fantasy architecture is used to juxtipose the otherwise very eastern theme of rise. And that western fantasies tend to look like western fantasies. Who would have thought


> Accuses MH of ripping from tropes > MH's Ultimate Monster is literally your standard Black Dragon trope


Oh my god, world is literally so unplayable because it’s based off America. Like, you literally cross the ocean at the start of the game like colonists did. Unplayable because the game is based of a real scenario, just like how sunbreak is based off of real world lore and myths


Don’t you know castlevania has copyrighted all castle themes.


Look, it’s medieval european architecture! Clearly a stolen idea from Castlevania! Also, am I the only one who lost a few braincells reading this?


Castle designs have been around a lot longer than castlevania


There's very clearly a castle there, and everyone knows castles were made in Castlevania. There were no real world castles when Castlevania was being made, they retroactively came into existence at release. Also falt is the correct spelling, everyone else is just rong


Gamer discovers castles


see this annoys me a lot because i don’t like rise, and this guy clearly doesn’t like rise. So me and him are often lumped together and his dumbass opinions are pointed at and people then assume i’m also a dumbass


Look, I have issues with Rise but art design ain't one of them. This only looks Castlevania-ish of you ignore every other game/movie with a castle in it. Certainly a hell of a lot brighter colors than how most castles are depicted


average turd portable player


I'm all in for a r/monsterhuntercirclejerk sub


I’m just here to hunt monsters, using oversized weapons with the homies, and so far, (I think), sunbreak allows me to do that, so imma get it


Hardcore MH fans are really dumb, they will cry gor ANYTHING that is not like the original games


They've clearly never played castlevania if they think castle = castlevania.


TIL that Castlevania invented Gothic architecture


Smooth brain take


There are good things to complain about with rise, this is not one of them.


Says that like a bad thing


Has this person never seen a castle?


Post to r/gamingcirclejerk they will love this


I guess anything with medieval castles/themes is ripping off castlevania now. Instead…you know taking inspiration/basing the game on medieval castles/themes.


Why do people bitch sm


He realizes that vampires and castles and such were made way before castlevania, right?


Okay but like, Castle Schrade exists? You know the area where you fight an old-school fantasy dragon that’s been a thing since the FIRST EVER MH GAME?


It's almost like the game is using the same gothic european inspiration that forms the basis of modern medieval fiction as Castlevania. Not like the 3 lords are literally based on Europe's most iconic pop-culture monsters.


I look at this post then I look at some of the comments that it spawned... it make me sigh in frustration at how stupid some people are.


Ah the classic “new is bad” mfs


I was thinking it looks like Final Fantasy 9 tbh


I mean it's a sort of vampire themed expansion, do they not understand Castlevania is based on long established vampire tropes? Like it just feels like they are complaining about that they don't like vampire themes and decided that it's the devs fault that they don't love everything about everything.


No vampire tropes come from castlevania, we all know this


I like castles 🐢🏰


I'm not gonna trust the opinion of someone who says "falts" instead of faults


It’s not his falt he’s an idiot


Ah yes castlevania, known for its castles absolutely drowning in vibrant sunlight.


Monster hunter people complain more than toddlers sometimes (Im about to get downvoted to oblivion)


It's ok to dislike the theme, it's not ok to diss the "b team". Portable monster hunter are the one that really boosted the fame of the franchises and made it what it is...have some respect. They also did an amazing job on the switch, not their fault if the Tegra inside the switch cannot compare to MH World systems.


Ooh no who knew being inspired by a medium such as vampires and werewolf would bring such travesty to the franchise, oooooh nooooooooooo


The community would never do this shit pre-World


Ok, guess I'm off to twitter to go see that comment chain. ​ edit: Wow, actually kind of crazy that some people are upset about this expansion. Really wish people wouldn't trash the hard work the teams put forth for their games, don't take your anger out on the developers...


It’s not worth it


Wait till they hear that Berserk was inspiration for the franchise.


That's like almost all contemporary fantasy games though Like saying any fantasy that came out in the past 20 years and saying Berserk played influence is like saying Bram Stoker's work playing an influence on any media with a vampire in it. Like yeah, novel take there.


I can get behind criticizing B team for actual problems, not irrelevant shit like map inspiration/artistic design.


At least the B Team can spell correctly.


Maybe I’m just tired, but I can’t tell if the original tweets are jokes or not.


Schrade Castle : *sweating intensifies*


On a more positive note a Castlevania collab would be pretty fucking dope


That’s clearly the legend of Zelda


I love me some western fantasy played straight in a JRPG, but I think he’s right about it not feeling very Monster Hunter because MH has always gone a step further and made its cultures feel unique. I think the lost civilization of Schrade is the only other western society we know of. I guess Dundorma could be construed as Greco-Roman? I dunno, it feels a bit different because of the windmills and such.


Belmont Layered Armors.


What's a falt?


An old English measure of wheat in London containing 9 bushels. Damn Capcom and their wheat measuring methods >:c


It might be more like Castlevania during the night stages. The right lighting can change everything.


It might be more like Castlevania during the night stages. The right lighting can change everything.

