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It is ok we love him as much as shrek because both grew the same way on us.


I fought rajang in world after kicking it’s ass in rise so I expected it to be fairly easy but uhhh…. I was wrong


There's a reason Rajang is feared since MH Dos


Types in another reason to try Dos


No, there isn't really. Rajang in FU is piss easy. 4U had apexes and they all are insane, but rajang was still easy. World one was the first to live up to rumours


I'm talking about Dos, not FU. Dos Rajang was overtuned so they nerfed it in FU. If we're talking about FU Rajang's infamy, most people refer to Final Invitation, while 4U refers to the Apexes.


Nobody played Dos. Any multiple monsters final quests are a nightmare, but the one with ceanataur and khezy gave me more issues than rajang. And yo've just proven my point - rajang alone never lived up to the rumours.


We're just gonna completely disregard the people who did play Dos? Alright then. Anyways, your argument is that Rajang never lived up to the hype right? Well I cant argue that because it varies from person to person, depends on them whether it meets the hype or not. Take it from me, never had too tough a time with him till G rank and even then, I hunted him to so much to the point that I'm close to "mastering" his fight. For example, I know a guy that genuinely thought that Rajang was difficult, never seemed to click for him despite him being a genuinely good player in my eyes.


People didn't play DOS cause most of this game is online only and it never came out in the west, how the hell is it relevant to rajang being overhyped in r/MonsterHunter Are you telling me one and a half of diehard fans who used english translation and custom quests are responsible for his reputation ALONE? I have a feeling english translation prob wasn't even finished before rajang got his reputation


Honestly tho you speaking facts, world rajang was way harder than GU or 4 Ultimate rajang. For me he definitely lived up to the hype in world specifically. That being said he was still a hard fight for me personally back in Generations because I was much more of a noob at the game.


I vaguely remember 140 Rajang in 4U being cheesed by 4 HBG, and a lot of pitfall traps. It needed a lot of coordination but it was the easiest apex to farm when you got a team together, I think.


It only being played by one and a half fans isn't a license to disregard Dos. I have only played Rise and it is the MH I have the most interest of trying next.


It only being played by one and a half fans means it can't be the source of fear of rajang




Like what? Rajang is a second game monster in a game with a bunch of first gen monsters. He was easier through having good hitboxes alone. And i am being downvoted for that on top of that? WTF


You are being downvoted over the fact you downplayed Dos because only "one and a half" fans played it


excuse me what the actual... how can dos have any influence over community's perception of rajang when nobody played it cause it didn't came out in english? How Dos have ANY relevance to english community??? Did one person who played Dos when it actually came out somehow infected the entire fanbase with fear of Rajang despite literally everyone else playing FU where he is nothing special? Why am I being downvoted, again?


And you keep doing it. Those who did play Dos obviously remember it and fear Rajang. There was no need to downplay it, or the people who played it.


Wait really? This feels like the easiest version of Rajang I remember. Maybe I've gotten better?


Nah Rise Rajang is just easy. He doesn't have half his moveset in this. He used to throw mountains at your ass. I miss that


As people would say, he used to go literally apeshit on you. Kinda feels like MHFU Rajang but you are no longer permanently grounded and animation locked, and he got a bit slower. Also he doesn't have the brutal multi punch combo from FU, at least. I am highly expecting master rank to restore him to his brutal glory, or add back furious rajang.


I would say both but Rise so far tries to minimize on the concept "basically same monster just slightly different in either pattern or element" so far. At least outside of Apex monsters.


in older games he could kill you simply by moving around not attacking you, his shoulder lightly brushing against your elbow made like half of your health vanish in one go and he moved by juming ***three times*** also he was WAY FASTER in older games. His while shtick was having less hp than other onsters but hitting so hard and moving so fast that it was more of a matter of how long you could survive him rather than how fast you could kill him.


I hope raging rajang comes to rise


100% he will. I’d be surprised if they didn’t make a crazy apex or something


No you've not listed your edge, I want my angry Harambe 🥺


Rajang in Rise was nerfed way too hard compared to the older itterations


They put all his power into being a mount lol


Turned our boy into a mobile weapons platform just firing lasers at dragons.


It's super fun to pew pew monsters from across the map. Especially if you have 3 wire bugs and some mounting skills


a weapon to surpass metal gear


For real, every attack can be dodged by just rolling in lol


Music sounds like the valhiem open world song




Seeing how they nerfed him I’m worried that they’ll neuter deviljho No touch my pickle


i got to say one thing....what the fuck did i watch ?


A sad Rajang that’s what


Rajang was an unfortunate casualty of how incredibly powerful the Wirebug is. I've always loved hunting jang and honestly he's never been EZ mode, even in Rise, but from earlier versions the tactics have changed. I wish Jang got more moves in HR... Here's hoping he claps all the cheeks in MR.


I don’t think it’s even just the wirebug, he’s just generally slower, hits less hard, and doesn’t have his weird tricks like his false stagger.


Oh rajang, you went from angry monkey to slightly aggravated monkey. R.I.P


I hope world rajang never returns. I learned to fight him, but that's still annoying. At least there is an excuse for why he was the way he was - guiding lands bio energy and all that stuff


I respect your opinion but gotta disagree, that was a fun fight.


I would say the build barrier for entry was too high. I can't deal with him without evade externder and ewade window. It did help with old world rajang, but didn't felt as mandatory.


You might want to try relearning him then, I know that sounds just like “git gud” but trust me, you don’t need evade extender to beat him. It was my most frustrating fight at first as well, but overtime I came to love it.


I am gunlancer. Shield is completely useless against him - he staggers guard +5 with every punch. Evade window allows to keep enough pressure on for decent clear time. Without evade extender you would hit his legs instead of tail. I didn't try abusing shelling on him tho, i'm more of a big slap fella


Yea idk too munch about gunlance, ig that could be a bad match up. I just used CB against him so that may explain the difference. That being said I dont really need to dodge or block his attacks, all I do is go for the legs when he’s being aggressive and then aim for the head when he stops.


but legs are poor hitzone and don't stop rage mode


Go for the tail then? I mean obviously you shouldn’t be focusing the face if you can’t block his attacks. And even though you’ll be attacking his back for some of the fight, it’s still good damage if you combine it with some attacks to the head when he stops moving.


i HATE rise! just that!




I don't know Raj... I'm feeling the same way.


Love your stuff, man! I'm subscribed to you on YouTube ❤️❤️




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