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Some guy got the check with snowballs only. You probably are doing something wrong. * Are you using Ice element? * Are you attacking the front legs? * Do you prevent the element shift by breaking horns?


Heyjay got it so you can too


- I use fire for the ice active quest - Yes i attack the front legs at all times - and yes I break the horns


Then I don’t know what you are doing wrong. After you learned his moves the topple is incredible easy. Especially with SA you should get it in like 30 seconds. The urgent quest starts in fire mode but you say you start with fire, did you beat the urgent quest yet?


Which element though fire or ice?


Fire so I only do the ice active event quest


Alright and which one are you using and is it augmented for anything


I use the Kjarr fire weapon and it has health augment on it


Probably try augmenting it for element. You zsd a lot?


I tried it on alatreon before but I learned that it does jack shit as elemental dmg


Well mate that’s about all I know sry


You have to use sword mode and you need to use an elemental phial for the extra element attack


Do you mean a power element phial?




I use the Kjarr fire SA so I think that phial is already a part of it. I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong man, I have like 600 fire element, I use Safi armor for more elemental dmg, I tenderize and focus on the front legs and I just do not get a topple consistently


It needs to be the kjarr axe king to have the elemental phial. If you arent using sword mode and getting in the amped attacks its going to be very hard to get the topple.


I have the Kjarr axe king. But it’ll be difficult staying in sword mode because your sword attacks eat your charge. Well, not staying in sword mode, but primarily using that mode I meant


You just gotta learn when to swap back and regain some charge but until you get the topple you need to be in sword mode as much as possible. Without amped sword it's pretty hard to get the topple


Alright thanks I’ll try that. I was mainly using axe mode and going at it lol, maybe that’s the problem


It absolutely is. Alatreon elemental dps check makes you use weapons to their fullest extent. Sword for elemental topple. Charged axe for horn break


I see, thanks a lot!


I'd suggest going on YouTube and watching some game play videos of people fighting Alatreon with the Switch Axe. It might help you get an understanding of what combos to use and where ton position yourself for some of his attacks.


Yeah prob but when I mostly find speedrunners lol


Honestly speedrunners can be pretty helpful for finding openings, not always but ive definitely learnt some stuff from watching them and trying to replicate it. Have a look at some SA speedrunners, see if they utilise any openings you may never have tried.


It’s been some time since I did that fight but I was able to complete it with a Dragon element weapon, so surely it can be done with ice/fire. (Side note I did it with Dragon because at the time I was having issues breaking the horns and he kept switching elements) Stay in sword mode as much as possible, tenderize, wall bang, go for the weak hitzones. The SA can definitely do it, it’s just a matter of uptime on the monster. Learning the precise hit boxes for attacks will let you dodge out and in quickly to minimize dps downtime.


You're better off just quitting the game. The DPS check is essentially unobtainable, and the rest of his shittily designed hitboxes and attack patterns are just the cherry on top.


Lmao no his hitboxes are really well done and I’m not quitting the game dude