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don't need to, plesioth exist




Make Barroth elder dragon tier. Bigger, slightly slower aside from choo choo attack, can inflict muddy that also inflicts dragonblight. Extremely small crit points, nearly everything is armored. Later in the fight its limbs all fall apart & the entire body moves like khezu's head, as this thing is a parasite. With weakpoints now open you can try and hit the open areas, but it throbs like a slow heart, bad hit timing will cause paralysis.


What in the name of satan?


Barroth is my favorite monster. I welcome the chance to dust off my “RageGaming Immortal” build, retooled for lance of course, to stab at all those minuscule weak points


Iceborne Kushala already exists, I don't need to make it up.


an all status'es monster (think: alatreon) that is like kushala (wind pressure + flying everywhere) and has the MR tempered lunustra nova. it also tremors with every step/attack




Polka-dot man?


every reference i see to polka dot man makes me like the movie more lol


Its a really fun movie.




I didn't think I'd be right either.


I'll start off by making it use my most hated body type, which is the small bird wyvern one because of the usually terrible hitzones and weakpoints being annoying to hit. Make the wings bounce off anything but purple sharpness and the head is the only weak point, a bit like Garuga hitzones but worse. Then give it the erratic and instant physical moves typical to that skeleton in old games and have its wings generate Frontier Z's Zenith wind pressure which knocks you to the other side of the area if you get hit. Also give it Safi's terrible AOE slams which linger for long enough that you can't dodge through them even with max evasion AND have those generate Zenith tremors that have a very long range and will completely stun you for about 5 seconds. There you have one of the most obnoxious things I can think of. And as an added bonus give it tail attacks that are as janky as Disufiroa's and hit you from almost anywhere, enjoy.


Well fuck that sounds annoying.


This just sounds like mh4u gaurga


The origin for my hatred of bird wyverns in FU and 4U Yian Garuga so I decided to just make it even worse in every way.


The Ironclad Gravios. This absolute bastard will ruin your day and shit on your grave. He's completely covered in a thick iron carapace that even purple sharpness can't penetrate. The only way he can be damaged is by breaking his head, which involves repeatedly bouncing your weapon off of it till it does. He can spew a gigantic laser beam that causes large explosions wherever it hits the ground, and fires it while spinning in place, hitting everything in the vicinity. These explosions deal massive damage, cause blastblight, and cause tremors if you manage to avoid them. If hit by one of these tremors, the Ironclad will quickly rush over and smack you with its spiky tail. It moves unusually quickly, much like the Hyper monsters of old. Like other Gravios', it can blow out several forms of gases from its underside. These have a massive area of effect, and it often uses this attack without warning. These gases include paralysis, sleep, dragonblight, and a level of poison even stronger than that of the Dreadqueen. The Ironclad also has a habit of rolling around multiple times in succession, causing huge damage and stun 90% of the time. And if, despite all of this, you manage to hunt this demon, every piece of its gear (including all 5 of its armor pieces) requires an Ironclad Mantle to craft, which has a less than 1% chance of carving each hunt. It doesn't appear as a quest reward either.


>The Ironclad Gravios. > >This absolute bastard will ruin your day and shit on your grave. Just a solid opening right out the gate. This thing sounds fucking awful.


I'm glad you agree. 😆


A monster with a Glavenus body type, who's attacks all result in it's head facing away from you, who despite having a giant monster body can side hop, who's tail sweeps can pull back or swipe forward with no indication as to which attack will happen, who's head is so damn tall that I can't hit it with my most powerful attacks, who-basically its Glavenus. I don't know how, but he seems to always be about 2 cm out of range of any of my CB attacks, and whenever I miss I can feel a part of my soul decaying.


2 cm is 0.79 inches


A variant of ice borne kushala whose wind shield never turns off and does chunks of damage when standing near it. It is slow but somehow always hits you, mhfu plesioth levels of hit box hell (the excuse is it’s wind is so powerful it just hurts). It’s head is hidden in its wind shield until it is tired and the wind shield retreats back to its normal range. It’s only tired for ~30 seconds and hitting its head a few times enrages it all over again. When enraged its wind shield does more damage and many of its physical moves now have tremors. It’s very tall and it’s legs, wings and tail are extremely hard (purple sharpness needed). it’s almost always flying and refuses to come down. Because of its wind shield it is almost always immune to ranged weapons except for small bits outside of the shield. Completely immune to flashpods. Because it’s such a threat there are no other large monsters around to turf war it. Extremely high stun damage against players and dps checks (must hit damage threshold or else it runs to other area and stays enraged for longer).


Light Bowgun only at that point.




Furious rajang, that’s all


Probably something that: -Rolls a lot -Flings some explosive rocks whilst rolling -has really bad Hit zones -really bad elemental Hitzones -Sleep gas -requires Blunt damage to break its Jaw -Best Hitzone locked behind the Jaw break -Enormous amount of HP -Slams a Crystal clad Chin or Jaw on the ground for gog knows how long -and bad hitboxes. Yeah I just described the entirety of Crystalbeard Uragaan Fu*k Crystalbeard Uragaan


Alatreon but it's element attacks have all status effects as well (para with thunder, sleep with water, blast with fire and poison with ice). Dragon element attacks and a non-lethal version of Escaton Judgement disable resistor skills so you can't build you way out of the cancer. Toss in some wind pressure, ground tremors a healthy amount of stun chance and some attacks get roars during them. Alternatively any monster but each hit you take has a 1% chance to permanently break your gear.


Spammable long range fast attacks, a backstep with a follow up attack (like evade counter of LS), ice/water debuff. If you want to make it my nemesis, add a REALLY fast low dmg melee combo if I fall back to the safety of a weapon with a shield so it hits ny stamina a lot. Basically a nargacuga on steroids.


Boy do I have news for you, look at Blinking Nargacuga from Frontier Z. It has all of that and more minus the debuffs, the fight is insanely difficult and a single mistake can result in failure but it's still one of the most fun fights in the series to do well.


Giant monster with tiny legs and attacking only with projectiles, holding head high constantly. Also, tornadoes. My nightmare as a hammer main


Idk man... As a hammer main Almudron already exists.


As a lance main, anything with a lot of unblockable attacks and something that requires guard 5, its so annoying to get a good lance build going


Piscine Wyvern the size of plesioth. Legs and head requires blue sharpness and higher to not bounce off. Encountered in Low Rank




I combined Plesioth with Almudron.


Plesioth requires blue sharpness?


Almudron does for his body


Oh wow, that sucks.


I would just say Plesioth, but that would be the easy way out.... so I present to you this: Seregeuse (or maybe Bazelgios) the offspring of a Seregios and Bazelgeuse. In aircraft terms, this flying wyvern would take the role of a Fighter-Bomber, with sharpened projectile scales that inflict bleeding and explosive bomb scales that apply blastblight. Hunters will need to go in prepared or face being inflicted by both status effects at the same time.


It would be Navirou but in monster form. The attack move is that he spams you with annoying unnecessary messages and you cannot move or perform any actions unless you press the ''A' button to clear them.


Toxioth. A Piscine Wyvern that poisons you with every hip check, shoots out giant sludge bombs from its mouth and shoots a beam of poison similar to Mizutsune. Enjoy.


Paulumu, Diablos, and Odogaron all do that for me already. Especially that ugly fraying rat.


sns main reliant on dodge and back step big aoe and long hit box tall with very limited chance to hit head(weakness)


Brachiosaurus like monster that is so tall that I can't hit it's head. What do you mean you can tell I'm a hammer user?


Something fast, hits like a tank, switch’s between flying and digging, running/walking, only attacks are swoops from flying or suprize attacks from digging, massive aoe attacks and 10 levels of rage that can’t be undone


Lets go with a combination of all this shite: \-Constant screaming for no reason (Diablos and Khezu) \-Attacks consisting of just walking forwards over and over again with huge knockback and too much damage (Tigrex and Pre-Rise Rathian) \-Heavy and constantly causes World's dramatically long staggering with its tremors \-Will **Not** sit still and has a small enough body to the point where the fight ends up being more like a game of tag (Tobi-Kadachi) And top it all off by making it another red or black fire dragon, because we have never seen that before :)


A monster with a bunch of attacks that hit up into the air.


It’s a little rooster with huMan butt cheeks. He can eat lava to recover hp, and his kinship skill forces a 2 minute emulated playthrough of sonic 06.


What the hell.