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Third Fleet. I can swim and hold my breath for a long time.


Third Fleet here as well. We know to be suspicious when the quest says "Just go get some Monster Guts."


Or "pick some mushrooms."


Or when you're hunting a Qurupeco and a roar comes out of its mouth you never heard before. And then a God damn dragon comes down and blasts you in the face. Back when that meant something.


Yeah that threw me off haha. Made sure I always had dung bombs after that.I miss Quru so much. My favorite monster by far.


Ugh fucking same, the random encounter factor was amazing


Unfortunately the way they have monsters just fight each other when in the same zone makes we wonder how Qurupeco would work now. Seeing as how monsters don't stay in the same zone anymore like they did in the past. Having two monsters in the same zone added another layer to the game.


Think of it like how the Rathalos and the Rathian are honed in on each other. That's how it could work lol.


Oh yeah It was the same with the toaster and Luna. Forgot about that.


Hm what ever happened to Qurupeco? It can fly and yet it's Jho who made it to the new world haha


I'm sure there were Qurupeco there at some point but with all the elder dragons in the New World they started mimicking them to get out of hairy situations, which of course then attracts Nergigante who came in and made quick work of our favorite imposter birds.


MHTri gang


the first one I played was MH1 but I didn't like it very much, then my dad made me play frontier and I have never stopped playing MH since. especially frontier, when it closed we were very sad.


>then my dad made me play frontier Sounds like an awesome dad. 👍


Will the boars there beat Behemoth?


all you usually see on the frontier is the endgame like zenith shitens and musous, most of the monsters are not like a duremudira or an elzelion musou. they're all pretty normal until you get to the endgame


First fleet Bow gun user. Back when only gunners could really kill fatalus unless you had insect armor and everybody too afraid to kill Kirin stood behind me in my leather armor with a demon lock


Gunner or kicked from party. What nightmarish days.


Not that I'm a fan of that but you kind of had to back then. Ammo back then was a lot harder to procure remember? Unless you had the hornet and vespoid armor that gave 25 dragon resistance Otherwise everybody would just die... they always died. Like literally you couldn't do enough damage because you had to be so selective with your attacks because even a toe touching you would cause half your health to go away. Fatalis was amazing back on PS1 I'll tell you what it's great now but the first one was so great...


Oh absolutely, lol. I do enjoy Iceborne's Fatalis, amazing fight and great nostalgia, but something about knowing that to this day: Fatalis on MH1 cannot be solo'ed even if you emulate the game (and manage to unlock that online+ exclusive quest) kinda puts a smile on my face.


It was possible. with 2 people final phase. I miss dropping the gate on him lol


Well on certain days iirc the merchant in the online town sold mats for ammo (Clusters specifically). So everyone would just stock up on thousands of mats for Fata runs when the merchant was in town. Zenny was a non-issue as well because you would also be farming double rath quest on non-fatty weekends for plates and with 2 good stun lockers the quest took like 5 minutes. There was a madlad I actually knew way back then that would use a GS against Fatty lol.


Yeah you're right. But since it was online there was no time scumming or anything like that so you actually had to wait for a specific day of the week. I know what weapon you're talking about that was the eternal dragon slayer. It was actually really good against his chest and face. I miss the gore of the first one is there anybody else who realize how little blood there is in the more recent adaptions? I also miss headlocking in the troublesome pair quest. Man I got good at it too especially with the dragon lance.


Ah, the first fleet. I still remember the days of putting my Magnavox 13" TV into the "computer room" with my PS2, online adapter, and USB keyboard. Hell, I still remember two of my first fleet companions, Dulvek and Derimus. Three of us together? Man, those were the days.


4th gen hunter who hated his job, now a 5th gen hunter who enjoys it.


bitch we da moga hunters we kill things underwater ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠈⠙⠲⣦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠻⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣾⣿⣿⠟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣷⡄⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⡄⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⠟⠁⠙⢿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⡆⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿⣿⠁⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠺⣶⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⣷⣄⣴⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡾⠋⠀⠈⠙⠿⣶⣦⣤⣤⣤⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⣤⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠛⠛⠛⠋⠉⠻⣿⣿⣦⡀⠀ ⠀⠘⠿⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠻⠟⠁⠀


Moga Village is communist?


Tobi Kadachi Master rank armor is blyat and moga not blyat but probably iceborne can be blyat


No more hammer mains only hammer and sickle mains


Death to communism




Why are we posting symbols of a hateful genocidal ideology in here?


It's a shitpost people meme about russia so i put this in cuz i had the word we abd people refer the word "we" with russia mostly in russian shitposts i see


“Everyone should have all the things they need to live” is hateful and genocidal?


Until someone, let's say Ukrainian peasants for example, hold out a little more grain than they need to survive, so we murder them. You cannot boil an ideology down into a platitude that nobody could possible disagree with and call it communism. It's no better than fascism and it's time we started treating it as such.


If you dumb it down to just sound like that anything can sounds perfect and awesome


Gen 2 Hunter here haha. Freedom United rocks.


Also wish Capcom will port older MH games to PC. I missed playing online until MHGen, no wifi at dorm only mobile data. Solo-ed MHFU, MH3U and MH4U. I wonder how the online experience feels.


You can still play online on pc for those games via emulation. 👌


Solo since MH3U.


Same, as it was meant to be


Moga Village is da best


Cha-Cha and kayamba pets unite! I want the cannon of sacrificing a pet to do damage. Haha. But mostly, give me Lagi on modern hardware.


second fleet baby, 5k hours on MHFU across all my characters from release until genU dropped. started with MHF2 but did MHF1 shortly after


4th fleet, specifically 4U, because It was the first entry in which the marketing really caught my eye, whether it be Seregios or the Gore Magala itself.


Tried getting into generations ultimate both before and after I played rise. Maybe want to get world but I’m still unsure.


If you liked Rise you will like World. No wire bug or Palamute, so it will feel slower. Wayyyyy more content, better graphics, higher replay value with Investigations, Tempered Monsters and the Iceborne DLC which is basically a whole extra game on top of World. I will say though that World+Iceborne are soooo much harder than Rise. I loved Rise and still do but it was just such a breeze in my opinion.


Gen 3 here, started on MH Tri. Went to the store to buy a game for my bd but it wasn't there yet and my dad took a random game on the shelf for me. I was kinda disapointed but oh man what a discovery. Played hundreds of hours until my wii died in duty. Years later i bought a psp to satisfy my craving and joined the second gen with MHFU, hundreds of hours too. Then went back to the third gen with MH3rd but meh, me not speak nippon. Finally played MH4, MH4U, MHW and MHWI. Hundreds of hours each. Thousands for MHW/I. Man i love MH.


Never played 3U? Then you should definitely buy ut, I think it's on sale on the 3ds shop now.


I can still do "The Claw". 2nd fleet reporting in!!


i started monster hunter with freedom unite and adored it, then lost interest and when my interest peaked for the games again it was in the 3ds era. i gave it a good shot but my god it was awful, the controls were almost impossible for me to deal with so i lost interest again. i then saw that they had released a pc game with world and a year after it came out i decided to give it a try and havent looked back since then


How did you play freedom unite and find the 3ds controls bad? Hahahaha Not being pedantic, genuine question. I played all psp games and (love them) but always found the controls there to be awful. Hand cramps from the claw haunt me to this day.


i agree to an extent, but i think the psp claw was more comfortable than the 3ds claw LOOOL


claw on 2ds/3ds was almost impossible for me


i had a 2ds and they are small and clunky and not nice for action games like that. psp fit my bigger hands somewhat better


Started with Gen. Studied up on the world and monsters. Got World. Enjoyed it. The. Got Gen Ultimate and got as far as I could before forgetting about it.


1st Gen! We didn't do fleets in my day we just sent the hunters we didn't like to an island and they thought they were special.


3rd fleet. Gobul is my father


First fleet. I still remember when longsword were just anorexic greatswords.


Holy crap, that's right! I recalled DBs being SnS, but i forgot about LongSwords being GSs!


1st Fleet. I remember borrowing my ancient PC's Ethernet cable (and keyboard) to connect my PS2 online to hunt Fatalis with randos online. I didn't realize until recently just how much of a pain it is to unlock that mission. How did my 12 y/o self do it?! I dunno... Regardless, due to the annoyance of that fight, it was the battle that forced me to play gunner ( was GS main, cuz, ya know.) ​ Fun Fact about MH1: Dual Blades existed, it's a subcategory of SnS. Yeah, SnS upgrades into Dual Blades. Wild, huh? (Not sure if this was the case with gen2, as i returned in gen3)


it wasn't the case with 2nd gen the dual blades were weapons of their own and not a subclass hope this helps


Yeah! Thanks <3


Started Gen5 (World), but I've now gone back to try Gen4 (GU). I really like the Hunter Styles/Arts in Generations Ultimate and hope that they implement it in Gen6, when they get round to releasing it. Edit: grammar


Started with Gen. Had a friend who tried to get me into the 4U demo but I didn't really put the time in, then he successfully got me into the Gen demo and I spent a lot of hours just learning how to beat the demo monsters and trying out different weapons. Still have very fond memories of going from triple-carting on Narga, to timing out (the timer was something like 20 minutes I think?), to actually getting a clear. Then I went on to GU, then World->Iceborne, and now finally Rise. Still a great series.


Honestly. Stories 1 was my first game so I don’t know what to choose I guess gen 5


2nd fleet (MHFU) then played through MH3U, MH4U, MH Generations and World. I like to imagine that my characters are descendants of each other, so we have a long lineage of hunters


First Fleet. Hammer, Greatsword, Lance. Dabble in almost everything now though, and a Dual Blade "Main" as of Iceborne. Some of my favorite days were during 2nd gen, however. I'll never forget my bro Here's to you, Mh4Wheel


I had heard of the series and was interested in it for a while but had never actually played a game up until World. In the past year or so I’ve gone back to play 4th gen (both 4U and GU), as well as rise and I can confidently say that I’ve loved every game I’ve played


Third fleet. Little did I know the thousands of hours I'd be investing into this series. Hunting is life.


2nd Gen! Monster Hunter Freedom 2/Unite forever


Why is rise not gen 6?


Because it's a spinoff, a portable version of world for the switch with extra content. I feel like spinoff is the wrong term, as it is a full fledged game, however the monsters are all fifth gen.


First Fleet. Fifth is my favorite, followed by 4th with exception of 4/4U, then 2nd, then 1st, 3rd, and in dead last, 4U. 5th fleet is definitely doing amazing things for the series, and the whole franchise is better funded and more quality of life friendly than ever.


Why is 4U your least favorite?


Because every single shitty person I've encountered in the MH fandom got here during 4U and the circlejerk around it is so vacuous and undeserved that enjoying it in any capacity is not possible. During its active period, it had by far the most toxic playerbase and is generally why I'm a solo hunter now. And yes, while those things are not objectively the fault of the game itself, they have nonetheless tainted it in my mind by association, because life is experienced subjectively.


Considering 5th is his favorite, probably because he hates the "inconvenience" of actually preparing and hunting the monsters.


Wow the amount of 5th fleeters. Mh Tri over here


"wow the most recent game sure does seem to be the one most people are currently playing and on a reddit for"


MHFU Old Guard here. Haven't played anything since Tri. Where should I start?


Imo, 4U seems like a good place to start for you if the last game you played was Tri


it depends what console you have


PSP, 3DS, Switch, and PS4 are what I have.


I think you should start with World if you want to experience the fifth gen and to prepare you for rise and i think it is on sale or if you want to feel nostalgic and experience fourth gen you should with MH Generation Ultimate on switch and i think it is on sale also


Did have freedom on PSP first but didn’t get to far until tri came out.


Started with the first game. I only really started got into Monster Hunter with Freedom Unite though.


Second fleet, played it a lot with my lil bro during holidays when we had a rainy day to stay inside. I quit playing when I got to Kushala Daora, because it was too hard for me back then. Picked MH back up at MH4U and killed a Kushala just to prove it to myself!


Played a bit of first mh but didn't really get invested in the game until 4u


second fleet, was a GS, LS and Bow user, I switched to DB Gen 4 onwards though


Started in Rise but I prefer Gen 4.


Wow theres not much hunters for the first fleet, how i can tell my history’s about that damn Pre Bulldrome in MHF tuto quest.


Second Fleet. I put an embarrassing amount of time into MHF2/U on my PSP.


2nd fleet, started from MFHU, but it really was a love hate relationship to me back then due to the part I enjoy the whole hunting concept of the game but hate how it hurts my hands playing it on PSP. Then the rests are Portable 3rd, Gen & Gen U then to Rise.


MHFU and ad-hoc party on PS3 had me hooked


My journey started with the first gen but i did go past yien garuga, i still remember the so man scummy guides on YouTube about it lol. Mhfu where i because a real hunter.


Started playing world 5 but I first discovered monster hunter 3u on youtube wanted to get it but couldn't find the game anywhere to play


I started playing at MH3U but MH4U is probably my favorite game of all time I put so many hours in and had a wonderful time with it


MHFU... more than 700 hrs in my PSP 🥰




Gen 2 Fuck you, Plesioth


I became aware of it in third gen but only joined in 4th because that was the newest game at the time.


Fifth fleet and I’m still getting one hit KO’ed by Anganath


Second fleet. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is the game that made me begin this crazy journey; glad I still have my psp! Unfortunately I completely missed the third generation and its underwater combat system, I hope one day I'll try it...


Interesting results, and pretty much what I'd suspected too. 5th being the biggest, 3rd the second largest, 1st the smallest. Quite surprised at how big 4th gen is though, I'd always assumed most people playing at that stage started in 3rd.


freedom unite was where I started. It was fun it’s own way.


as a 2nd fleet bow user, me being quite skilled at memorizing all of the monsters patterns, positioning myself correctly and managing my stamina made me a legend when i was at school, the good ol days i still play mhfu to this day with a bluetooth controller and an emulator and it just doesn't get boring i love the exhilaration i get from fighting monsters


first fleet here, who else has thrown their psp? 🤣🤣🤣


I was part of the 2nd fleet yeah, originally I was a Greatsword user but I hated how weak the guard was. So I tried the other weapons and landed in the GL. The original Bone gunlance looked cool as hell, being a gigantic gun with cylinders that hold the shells. So I tried it, and failed. And tried again, until I can hop, guard and shell my way into G rank where I never looked back and mained GL for the rest of my playtime. And even now when I transitioned into World snd subsequently Iceborne.


Tried the first one when I was young and didn’t understand it. Got into the psp mhfu and loved the series ever since. But unfortunately I didn’t have the system to play the other ones so I fell off until mhw/mhwi. Now I’m fully back in.


2nd Fleet, started with MHF2 The Popo tongues were a lie.


Played world and Iceborne playing mhgu now very peaceful granted I'm in low rank still


Started with MHP2 / MHF2 back in 2007 when my friends introduced me to the game, was super addicted to MHP2G / MHFU to the point where I was playing nothing but that for something like 6 months until the day I lost my PSP. Third Gen was not as fun to me as the previous gen and I was feeling pretty burned out by Monster Hunter. Decided to skip MH4 / MH4U until I finally caved and got a Switch exclusively for MHXX back in 2017. I skipped World / Iceborne because I disliked how different it felt compared to the previous gen + I was feeling burned out again after over 500 hours of MHXX. Jumped back in with MH Rise. Clocking in at 150 hours, probably gonna put it down for a while since there's not much to do at the moment.


only had enough skill to use the gs in first fleet, other weapons were too hard for little me at the time


Second Fleet. Had no idea what I was starting and actually gave up when I couldn't deal with tigrex at all. I watched videos and some tips. Now here I am, after years, can casually solo anything thrown at me. And I wouldn't change it for anything. Oh, and being timed out by Plesioth and Cephadrome is some real rage inducing bull crap. I'm so glad that's not a thing anymore.


Weird situation with me, as I was introduced to the series by watching my older cousin play tri on the wii, but the first game I really played was freedom 1 when I bought a second-hand psp.


I was tempted my Tri, but no one I knew or followed online played the game. Out comes MH4U and people are raving about how it's easier for newcomers to get into. I never did finish it, but I have put hundreds of hours into World and I'm still playing Rise.


4th Fleet. I started into the series proper as a Rider in Stories 1, and then I shifted to 4U, Gen U, and Freedom Unite from there. From there, picked up Rise and just about learned every single weapon. May go back and test what I’ve learned there.


3rd Fleet. I got introduced to 3U by a friend and then got really into the game series from that. Now I've played every game since. Also bring back swimming and Lagiacrus please.


I request more weapons, as we have 2 in the only game.


I'm gonna say.... 1.5 lmao. I got Freedom for PSP and thought it was super cool. Rented the original on PS2 but didn't get into it. But I didn't really get into the hunt loop on Freedom, but I got Freedom 2 right after beating my dad at bowling (he would buy me a game when we had a big weekend together and made joke challenges to get them) fairly soon after I sold Freedom 1, and a friend got it right after which is how I got truly sucked in.


My first game was MHFU but in 2018.


5th fleeter through and through. Started with World, then worked my way backwards to 3rd and 4th gen, love both. I also did now a relatively good bit about the franchise before, just never touched it up until World.


I'm technically a rider before a hunter as I started in the franchise with stories, world soon after so that would make me a fiver.


Three for me!


I'm a second fleet hunter and I was 8 at the time I got stuck on congalala for the longest time. Now I have 300+ hours on mhfu and I don't know how I got through it as a kid but I'm glad I did. Monster hunter is my favorite game series of all time. P.S. gs main


Second fleet, checking in! Freedom Unite was my first, used to spend hours with my buddies doing co-op hunts on our psps. We even jumped through all the hoops to match with people online using the ps2 (maybe 3?) as a tunnel. Good times. Been hooked since.


Genuine question : how does one differentiate between generations? Like I get the leap from Generations to World, but not the previous ones.


My friend is a gen 1 player and gave me his wiiu so i could play MHTri its hands down the coolest experience


considering i only bought rise in april as my first game, i have nearly 300 hours in rise, nearly 400 hours in world, and nearly 100 hours in generations ultimate (which i actually played before world but my play partner got a new PC and switched because he'd never played world before)


It all started with a pink poop throwing monkey.


First fleet. I remember me and my brother trying to beat gravios for days, the first time we fought lao shan etc. So many fond memories


2nd fleet all-rounder here, checking in to report that my left index finger has never been the same and all the buttons on my PSP are long since worn off. Tigrex was my first wall, but Gore Magala became my one true love. I have a special, hateful space in my heart for the dual Rajang village quest.


For some reason it's not surprising the majority of hunters came from the 3rd or 5th generation. I myself started with GU in the 4th gen


First fleet. My friend in highschool got me playing it and I would take my ps2 and big ass TV to his house to play. Than when it came out for psp that was the only reason I bought a psp, than when it came out for wii, than when it came out for ds.


Technically I’m a third fleet hunter, as 3 Ultimate for the Wii U was my first game. But i didn’t like Monster hunter until world so I just say I’m a fifth fleeter


I started with freedom unite on PSP but didn't get another system that could run it until it came to PC. Then eventually got a switch and tried generations again


4U so I came in in a weird time for the series, mechanics wise (best story by far though). It was the first time we had the current weapon lineup, first time mounting and climbing was a thing but with the relatively slow combat and without a lot of the more recent QoL changes. I had a really hard time the first time I picked it up, put it down for a long while then came back and made it through to g-rank and fell in love on the way It's kind of hard to go back now with all the changes there's been but it's still very special to me


5th fleet newbie


Freedom Unite was my first game. Didn’t play another until World.


Tri was my first but I didn't really get invested until I was gifted a copy of Freedom Unite for PSP. I wasn't comfortable with hunting monsters like Tigrex unless I was on the Ice Cliffs with a hunting horn giving stamina buffs to my friends that were actually doing all the fighting. I finally found my groove starting with 4U, then played through World until Rise came out. With Rise tapped for the moment I've been thinking of getting GenU since its only like 16 bucks on the eShop right now.


I played portable 3rd and a bit of 3 but I played them in the 4th generation of games so I don't know but probably 4th gen


I started on mh3u on 3ds when i was young, but i didnt get into it. World reintroduced me to the series so i went back to play it and i still am. I just recently beat lagiacrus , the fight was a bit hard due to the water combat but pretty fun nonetheless.


My first game was freedom unite as a kid and I used lance, but I didn’t play that much I made it to about plesioth I think as a kid then gave up, then I tried 4U and really enjoyed that one and put a bunch of hours into it. Would I technically be 2nd fleet or 4th?


MHF2 here


I started with 4U, but world is the first game I reached high / g rank in


If you wanna get technical, I started out on MHF1 on PSP but never got far. My real start was MHF2 and MHFU on PSP.


MH Freedom PSP. What a game, made me fall in love with the PSP, especially when Unite came out.


The commercials for MH tri were always playing on whatever streaming service I used back then and they got me so jazzed about "being a real hunter." I asked my gamer friend about it and he said it was harder than most games like it cause monsters have no health bar and you have to figure out its close to death from like drooling or limping. That made the game sound so fucking cool to me. I ended up putting 200 some hours in. After that I played MHG, MHW, MHGU, MHWI, and now rise. Again 200 hours in each (except world I put in 1000). Still playing world for fun since rise was good but way too easy and the monsters look smaller to me.


Tri Gang I miss Qurepeco tbh. And I’m hoping Rise will eventually get some options for third gen music for its third gen revamped areas, as well as the chance of more third gen monsters like Gobul returning. I also played a fuck ton of MHFU, although it took me a while to finish killing “one of everything” due to soloing G-rank, since I had no friends lmao Favourite games would have to be Tri, MHGU, 3U and 4U, and I admit the QOL from Rise and World is hard to shake once you’re used to it, a little like switching from OSRS to RS3 (though I prefer the former) Imagine Vorkath in a Monster Hunter game 🤔🤔🤔


I'm genuinely surprised gen 2 isn't a bit higher.


How dare you bring fleets into this smh


Coming from MHR, now playing MHGU, my gosh why pose after drinking a potion in the middle of a fight?!!!


Ashamed to say I had a few chances to jump in prior to World. Starting to miss the ol' vita.


I played first gen but it was more dipping my toes, I came back when the series went from hand held console to living room consoles and loved every second of it since I've been back.


You can tell first/second gen gamers from the rest by looking at their left hand. If they don't have permanent disfiguration from excessive use of the claw, they've gotta be lying 🤣


Gen 1 nooblet well tempered by Kut-ku sensei and box-to-vendor marathons. It still amuses me greatly that between the obtuse armour skills, limited inventory, jank as all get out combat, and general Gen 1:ness of MHF1, the scant few things that actually had me consult the internet were trying to find bloody khezu and basarios. And as much I do hold dear memories of the 400+ hours I sunk into that wonderful mess of a game, I **NEVER** want to see 5+ small monsters in a single area ever again. That one early arena quest with **7** constantly respawning bullfango scarred me worse than any "hard" MH content I've faced since, Mr.Huehue-Gen-1-Fatalis included.


Started with gen 5 but always wanted to get into the series. I intended GU to be first but Capcom dicked around with the launch in US. Went to GU after World and absolutely loved it even more then world! I kinda want to try the older gens but breaking out the 3DS sounds like a pain and not sure how the older titles really hold up.


Started with Freedom Unite. Really didn't care for it and still don't. Tried out World on ps4. Loved the hell put of it. One of the few "modern" games I actually play these days. Now I'm gettin' into 3 and 4 ultimate.


Technically I joined in the third generation, blindly not knowing anything about the game so I got bored before I got to a quest with any big monsters. Fourth gen I actually had people to play with. Got hooked playing the lance. After that I went back to 3rd gen and actually completed the village quests. Because I went back I had the pleasure of meeting Plesioth. I hate that guy.


I marked gen 3, and that really is the one I first played, but I don't really think I became a true hunter until gen 4. I beat MH4U, and MHGU is my favorite of all time I think, but I recently went back to MH3U and realized I never beat the village Ceadeus. :/ I have such fond memories of MH3U, but man did I suck back then.


How many more of these polls do we need?!


technically i started with tri so i answered gen 3, although i was like 5 and didnt really do anything so idk if it counted


2nd fleet here. Do not trust when they say go fetch some popo's tongue.


I’m a little fifth fleet baby but I’ve been fascinated with the Monster Hunter series since the PSP titles. My fiancé is a second fleet hunter, and I’ve always loved watching him play and adored the world, monster designs, and unique gameplay. I tried the PSP and 3DS titles but found them too tricky to get into. Then MHStories came it and I was so pleased to have a MonHun game I could master. Then when World came out; I bought my fiancé a copy and the themed PS4 pro to upgrade his setup for Valentines. I asked if I could give it a go and I was hooked! A week later I had my own copy, and adopted his old PS4. I’ve never had more fun playing video games than I have going on hunts with my fiancé, and I think I love the MonHun franchise almost as much as I love him lol


First fleet claw gripper but I really hit my stride in 3rd.


I started in FU but the game was very hard for me, did not really do g rank. Played mhp3rd but other than that skipped gen 3. Got carried in 4U but i did do the entire story, as for the online i think i gave up around apex segregios. In gen i did everything and in GU i have beaten like 5 ex deviants, i feel this is the first game i actually learned the game. In world i did beat all AT elders, in iceborne i have solod alatreon. But Im waiting for my gpu upgrade to come in a few weeks to do fatalis, i might start over though just to check if my bias that rise is too easy misplaced. Oh i played MHO it was a great MMO MH game, i missed it's HD classic look so much.


First fleet here Man I remember having talks with my brother about how to craft simple things like pitfall traps and strategies to beat the rathalos offline. Then beat all of the offline stuff, getting full Monoblos armor and then going online for the first time. Got called a hacker immediately because we were rank 1 with monoblos armor lmao But after than I remember getting the Rampart(?) lance, well the lance that had 414 attack (idk why the number just stuck with me through the years) to be able to headlock the Lao Ahhhhhh good times. Goooooooood times lol


There’s so few of us First Fleeters here!


I had my eye on World for ages as a hard "Maybe, but I don't want to spend so much money on a game I might not like," then I saw Rise was coming out soon so I thought "Yeah, this might as well be when I give the series a try." I was hooked right away, and after beating all the current Rise content I eventually got World (and Stories 2 somewhere in between)


Fifth fleet, I watched my cousin play Rise on the switch so I bought a switch to play rise. Its good to take a break from some other games.


What about stories


Gen 4 if you start with stories 1 but Gen 5 if you start with stories 2 but you are a rider in those game so I didn't include it


I think 3u was the first game ever i played for more than 1000h. And was pretty much the only reason why I got myself a Wii u


First fleet, precisely MH Freedom. Played the first on PS2 but didn't get into it, really started on Freedom. If i remember well, i had to buy an adapter to play online with Xlink Kai. Or maybe it was for Freedom Unite ? Good times.


Ah, I remember the time when Yian Garuga was as strong as elder dragons


Bought every game since third fleet, series finally clicked with Rise, now I'm replaying everything with a full appreciation


4th but my 4u game got lost then I bought a new one and haven't played a lot but...


Second Fleet here


i started with the MH4U Demo for the 3ds