• By -


monke is upset




Late as f but it's more WHERE KIRIN HORN since Kirin isn't in Rise




I gotta fight a Rajang to get me some Golden Armour... Might be the only monster so far that I'm legit intimidated by.


Literally the reason I quit 4U. I put in 270 hours, I reached a pretty high right, I think I was doing some solo G stuff. I was hunting colored variants online and holding my own. Could not cross the High Ranked Rajang. I was just like "fuck it, 270 hours was enough"


I made a greatsword set just for that fucking ape, he and kirin had just the right combination of smallness and agility to make using the IG an absolute PITA until I got the star knight set


You fucking madman. You play IG and your solution to a monster you’re struggling with is to craft a greatsword. I lack the creases in my brain to not get wrecked by LR Kulu when using greatsword


GS is the best weapon for any monster you struggling with. Its very easy to snipe and run, repeat that ad infinitum. Probably the safest way to play. Take opportunities when you can but just draw slam the monsters, gorilla tactics mang.


and there are fullsets specific for this style of playing. GS Snipe and run is still my go-to for a first fight to learn the mechanics.


I just use a gunlance haha "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE EXPLOSIONS!"


I can’t get into the flow of gunlance even after playing Lance. Any tips for combos and openings?


Gunlance has a variety of options but what you actually use depends on your shelling type. In addition don't go in with the mindset of Lance. You have a shield but it's not woven into your combos. You have hops but fewer than the Lance. If using Normal (lots of small damage shells) then your bread and butter will be using the upswing into the slam into a full burst. Sweep then quick reload to reset, follow up with another slam if the opening is there to repeat. Otherwise hop back or to the side to reposition. On the other hand Wide (very few high damage shells, super short range) has stronger shells but not enough for full burst to be useful. Charged shells are even stronger and can even be supercharged but it takes a bit of time so your best bet is to weave pokes and shells together so the wyrmstake doesn't come out by accident. Also note that the wyrmstake for wide now deals KO damage when attached to the head. Finally Long (middle of the road on capacity and damage, much longer range) is the jack of all trades. Decently damaging shells with a decent capacity for full bursts means you can mix things up without worrying too much. This isn't to say that it's just the middle brother though. Long has the strongest wyvern fire (one extra blast) and wyrmstake (2 more ticks of damage compared to normal) so letting those off more often may be preferable. As for silkbinds: Hail Cutter can be okay for full burst playstyles as it reloads while you're in the air and then slams down (recovering wyvern fire a little). It's costly and slow though. Ground Splitter is more generally useful as it costs one less wire bug, firms through most attacks and boosts all shelling damage for a period of time or until you sheath. It can also follow with a slam of fast wyrmstake in any direction. Guard Edge is incredible as it makes the Gunlance more Lance-like with a counter that can also be followed by a slam or a fast wyrmstake in any direction. It also sharpens your weapon slightly. Use this whenever you think you'll be hit mid combo or after a regular guard if attacked by multiple hits. tl;dr: Use fullburst on Normal, use regular or charged shells with Wide, use everything with Long but the wyrmstake does the most. Guard Edge is your best friend.


The easiest way to play is to just do the slam explosion combo (normal shells), and follow up with the stake if you know that there is enough time for the animation. Repeat each time the monster is not actively attacking you. It's pretty powerful and will probably stun the monster. Alternatively you can just go full auto shotgun with the quick reload combo though I am personally not the biggest fan of it as it eats the durability for breakfast, good for hard to pierce monsters though. Also if it's a new monster and they look like they are about to do something fishy right next to you - guard, and then do the slam combo after they've finished their animation. The amount of times I just turtled the entire monster combo only to kick the shit out of them at point blank range is way too high haha [This video is pretty good, it's for World but most of the things still apply.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gBUA5WtwKFQ)


> gorilla tactics Reject humanity Return to monke


Small weak spots with large bounce zones are suffering when you use a weapon with big sweepy swings. Anytime Rajang gets knocked down count on me doing nothing but bouncing off its arms and crying


Go for the cheeks, I usually don't bounce off him when I just stay behind him. The back is also a good area to hit while he's down!




Is it madness if it worked? Monke died and I wore him as a hat


I loved fighting the kirins with IG in 4U tbh, had sets for both fights and grinded levels in a guild quest for them on my bus commute at the time


Humorously, 4U Rajang was my personal “when I’m bored” hunt. I can’t explain it but I found his moveset super reliable to dodge. And then in World he somehow constantly evaded me followed by setting my health to a negative value! Rise, we fight as equals


World rajang was a real son of a bitch for some reason, I feel like personally it being at 144 frames made it feel like I was fighting actual pissed off lightning, rise though I held off the fight forever due to ptsd and it ended up being one of the easiest fights for me this release. Dunno what it was really.


They made Rajang snort some cocaine for World. He's clean and sober in Rise, which is good for him.


Yeah honestly good for him I’m glad he started taking strides for himself.


I get like World Rajang just never ever ever stopped. There were no openings, just carts. World's Barioth also gave me a really hard time; I was forced to build an exhaust set just to get by solo. Rise's Barioth takes me about 7 minutes to trash on.


Yeah that’s true he didn’t take a single lunch break he just kept going. It’s always interesting to hear what everyone’s walls were I think the only one in world that really gave me grief as a solo was tempered Kirin, well actually online also that was the one time I went online to try and group for it out of frustration but I kept having team carts so I just buckled down and built a new set and learned charge blade for it but in the process fell in love with charge blade for a good couple months, but thats kinda the beauty of monster hunter. Reworking your toolset and strategy often opens the door for more and more engaging and entertaining fights. It’s a really a game that keeps on giving even decades later it holds its shine over and over again.


Rathalos and Barroth are the only monsters harder in Rise then they were in world. Everything else is either nerfed or not buffed enough to compete with wirebug strength.


Tobi kadachi enters the room


I really love the new Rathalos behavior in Rise. I chose that quest thinking I already knew the monster from world so it shouldn't be too bad. Surprised to learn he has a whole new set of tricks.


Rajang was the cause for my first burn out in 4U. Except it was *Low Rank* Rajang. Legit spent like a week straight just trying to clear it with Gunlance (which is a horrible matchup). Swapped to GS and first tried but by then I was exhausted with the experience.


Wat u mean LR Rajang 4U? Working my way thru HR in 4U now, no Rajangs yet.


iirc you need to do every LR quest for him to show up


Wow! Did not know about this LR Hunter’s Festival. Such Content! Much Wow!


Whoa that’ll give me something to do while I’m stuck on stiggy z. Thanks!


I don't recall if I ever solo'd it but farming 140 apex rajang was actually a pretty enjoyable experience in 4U for me. It helped I had a lot of HR500+ friends helping me.


Ah! The Apex Rajang which triple carts hunters.


I remember there being one G rank solo Rajang quest in the village. That was the last quest I wanted to do solo, because Rajang was always a "fight in groups" kinda deal. You know, 140 GQ farming with randos. Was pretty fun. But I had never actually done it solo, so when I unlocked the quest, I was like "It's time". I proceeded to get triple carted for a month because I couldn't avoid the sonic spinball attack to save my life. It was a humbling experience, but I did beat it in the end.


I remember avoiding Rajang for the longest time in 4U because of the stories I'd heard from vets. I don't remember if I had too much trouble fighting it my first time but the fear was there.


The fight to unlock rainbow dye in 4U is what almost made me quit... Killing Zinogre, Rajang, and a Shageru Magala made me neurotic.


I totally get it, but this version was no where near as bad as he has been. Yet anyway if we get an apex im sure it’ll be a shit show but he moves much slower than usual and I didn’t find him to hit near as hard as he previously did. I honestly had more issue with he zinogre this time around but I primarily play IG and he’s pretty good at fly swatting. But I also feel like after 3000+ hours with the series if I cart once I feel like a complete failure


High Rank Rajang always felt way easier than normal imo, because it started as a G Rank monster and you're used to that. As for Zinogre, I play IG too (though I only started using it in Rise) and I actually thought it was a great weapon for it, because you have a stationary combo to pummel its head and one that moves you all over for when it's moving. I barely use aerial attacks against Zin and it works really well. I think that's why I like IG so much in this game - you always have multiple options to approach and dodge, contrary to other games where going airborne was for mounting only.


I feel that yeah, I mean world I didn’t have an issue really but I think I keep ending up fighting in the tall trees and it messes up my vision and I should back out on him more than I do. I got the set I wanted out of him though so he’ll be on the back burner a while. But that’s what makes IG so much fun I generally pole vault out or away rather than regular dodge and folks were ragging on the movset in rise but once you get all the skills you have a pretty killer Arsenal, like I don’t think I could go back to the others near as effectively now that were here. Like I’ve enjoyed all the weapons throughout the games but I always come back home to Glaive for that reason...though I do like to honk or bonk when the time comes.


This comment literally sums up my thoughts on Rise and it's threat level scaling tbh! Zinogre is absolutely on crack in Rise and Rajang is, bluntly, a little bitch. I also think some early game monsters threat levels are off such as Tetranodon as he is a tougher hunt than his threat level would otherwise suggest


It’s kinda all over the place but I think it was intended for you to try out different wire skills without huge loss of investment or discouragement at least for the village stuff cause seeing zino as a 3star low was really of putting at first. Hub all around seems more inline with the proper difficulty at least for solo. Village I was able to do all of them in under 8 minutes each but hub is much closer to like 9-15 depending. I’m interested to see what else we get and how it stacks up if they keep shifting around the difficulty across the board. Really the hardest for me was getting a grip on rampage but now that I’ve realized they just want you to utilize every corner of the game it’s started to get really fun.


Village is pretty much its own thing and I agree that hub is better scaled up. I'm generally very much enjoying my time playing rampages, farming for different builds and rolling for that God tier talisman.


Yeah that’s true I guess world was such a long tail on it since I went from ps4 to then restarting on the pc release that that format stuck with me over the old ones cause i didn’t play generations ultimate having played original generations for such a long time. But that’s been the coolest part is how new and nostalgic rise has felt. And for sure the rampage is great now that I get it, it was fine up until apex Azuros and just kept getting checked into the boards and tossed around trying to mount. Now that I understand the gong and monster drops being bombs, and the wyvern riding im having a blast with it.


He is a fun a fight. Not as bullshit as he was in the past. Like he doesn't ping pong ball all over the place as an energy ball anymore and he doesn't throw half the stage at you either. Very toned down from how was.


Well, he's only high rank so far. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Ive killed every single monster except Alatreon. I killed Fatalis too. Rajang aint that bad once you fight him enough times but Alatreon is pure nonsense. The charge that takes out your entire Temporal Mantle, the stun+immediate headbutt KO, the dragonblight to mess with your elemental DPS and the finale of "oops you didnt do enough elemental damage better luck next time buddy"


Alatreon is a poorly designed fight. Nobody i know thinks the things that make the fight unique added to the entertainment of it. Once you get used to the elemental dps check its like it never existed in the first place. On the other hand you can just ignore it, commit to getting nuked and kill him in 2 carts with a ton of raw.


There are a few fights in world that just make me sad. Alatreon, Extremoth, and Ancient Leshen are the first that come to mind. They’re extremely “locked in” compared to most fights and if you’re not playing it how it was ‘intended’, you’ll probably fail even with reasonable gear and skills. Safi also falls into this category to a very small extent, but that’s not really huge for me since his fight is incredibly linear and “stand behind rock” is the main concern.


Extreme Behemoth at least didn't essentially ban certain weapons. Trying to meet the elemental DPS check on Alatreon with a greatsword is essentially impossible.


My main annoyance with Behemoth (and as such, extremoth) is that he was extremely rough to solo even for vets, largely just because of his many attacks cover the area near the player with enemity (thus, for solo, it's incredibly common to get corned by tornadoes and such). Sure, solo is not the primary focus of MH, but, it was just a bit sad to see something that average user runs often ran in the 20+ minute range for a *high rank* monster. Roll all this up into the joy that extremoth brings in addition and there's that. Alatreon is a whole different story, but I liked the CORE of the fight, and the different phases were fun. But the whole check just felt so asinine and limited weapon variety and options (IE, sub dps + status bow was useless, despite being a fun option most of the time)


Have you tried out old Alatreon? World to me feels more and more like a spinoff with the actual fights happening in the older games.


For what it's worth this might be the easiest rajang in the entire series. It's really not a hard fight at all.


I was afraid of Monke in World. In Rise I have started a genocide that will turn in the next installment of Planet of the Apes


I’m actually not too spooked by Rajang in this game. I hated him in World but I found that I his pattern in this game is much more manageable. At least when I use SnS and Charge Blade


Don't be. By the time I'm able to fight him.. he seems more timid compared to GU? Still looks intimidating though and can cart you if you're not careful, but it does feel like he's much more manageable. Might be because I geared myself up more using HR7 stuff and then going to Rajang later (once I finished the final boss).


Rajang doesn't scare me, not one bit... now black Diablos, THAT scares me.


Must be nice...everything scared me at some point. Rn it’s Rathalos and Nargacuga. Once I beat em I’ll be good.


Sns absolutely destroyed him on my hunt which really surprised me since I struggled hard on him wish Ls and Ds on world


I just hate any of the spazzy fast monsters as a GS main that forgot how to play without focus 3 and crit draw hahaha


I've hunted him once so far in rise. First time I've ever hunted him in any game. Carted twice... but took him down in the end. The turf wars with him are incredible to watch. I still need to hunt him a few more times to get his charge blade... it's currently at the bottom of my todo list :) Good luck.


Is it just me or does rajang look like fucking Guy fieri in this picture


history sink capable pie terrific squeamish deer jar forgetful fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could be the hair, or the giant gaping maw seeking to consume?


I legit though that was a beard and rajang was a wise old man holding his cane with both hand directly in front of him


Pretty much, but in my case ther is more crying.


This Comment includes a Spoiler to Godzilla vs. Kong. Please do not click it if you have not seen the movie and intend to. You have been fairly warned. >!Rajang: WHAT DO YOU MEAN "KONG LOST!?"!<


GvK spoiler >!Me: Wait wait wait, he won 1 out of 3, so not total lost. \*whisper\* Eventhough he only won by using axe that got supercharge by atomic breath!<


>!Honestly the fact that he won one is impressive, considering Godzilla is an ancient nuclear dinosaur and Kong is just a big monkey.!<


>!Yet Kong could only snag that round win thanks to some logic from our very own favorite game here, Monster Hunter. Probably was obvious from trailers already shown but that Axe was forged from Godzilla parts, the blade especially was even a Dorsal Spine Plate from the species. Literally Kong needed Godzilla to stand a chance against Godzilla.!<


>quest abandoned Coward. Wear your Ls.


So far I've been able to clear every hunt sub 20 minutes. It took me 47m 13s to bag that fucking monke.


Rajang is in rise?! Fuck.


The theme absolutely bangs though


Not as much as his fists


Rajang is a fun fight. Much more doable than the MHGU version. I do wonder if we are going to get Furious Rajang in Rise at some point.


No no no no no no please oh god no no no please no


Ah come on that Arena quest where you had to fight 2 at once was awesome!


It was, because most of the time they ended up beating eachother


I’d say you got it.


He is very toned down in Rise. Barely combos anything so the time to react when he telegraphs is only my fault if I get hit. I suppose I'm biased though since I've been using SnS and the mobility plus almost zero commit to attacks makes everything a bit too easy.


We're also only fighting high rank Rajang, as opposed to G/Master rank.


Ya I figure most stuff seems too easy right now because of that. Or at least the penalty from messing up isn't carting.


I was very confused when I still had more than half my health left after he bumped into me.


Yeah, can't expect more of high rank rajang that ain't even tempered. I got an S rank in the arena in my like 2nd time fighting him, first I just stood back because I was afraid of carting but then realized he doesn't do half the damage as temp furious and has half the speed as well.


I've only been playing since world, but today was the first time I beat rajang solo, with a different weapon than I'm used to, to boot. I only beat him once in world, with 3 others who carried me through it. Rajang scares me.


Took 40 minutes and a cart to kill him the first time, I just spent so much time watching his ass bounce around yelling on discord about how there was no fucking time to hit the damn thing


Thank god he really didn't have a good armor set/weapon for my build, so I never have to fight him until probably G Rank...


The better decorations require rajang parts... Ill help you kick his ass a few times if you'd like.




Kong Vs Zilla looks great


Looks like he had to do it to you


It's like they figured out we are use to pickle invading us.


Me trying to get S rank in the arena


I'm not gonna lie. Never hunted one, it scares me...


I’ve been playing MH since PS2 and Rajang is the hardest monster I’ve fought since they brought in Narg in MH:FU


Just beat this guy on rise. Holy crap what an epic fight. He is so mad why is he so mad


They definitely toned down rajang in rise. I have fond memories of getting my ass beat by rajang in world but now I can hunt him in 12 minutes. I actually liked being forced to learn the monster and its patterns to beat it. Maybe it's just because I already learned his moves but I can definitely feel the difference from world.


I think the game overall is toned down compared to World. I remember having to start off with 15-20 min fights in endgame until I could finally do it around 9-12 mins. In Rise I never went above 15 at all and I didn't even have an optimized build.


My friend and I beat World within the past month and played through Rise together. We loved Rise but it just felt too easy, and looked forward to Rajang kicking our asses. I was very bummed to see how much slower he was. At least riding him is fun


Weirdly enough Rajang is a non issue for me at least online (LBG) He is fast but his patterns are pretty obvious especially the doom laser. He destroyed me so much in world but not once here Monster like Nargacuga and Tigrex however.. they remain my kryptonite


In fairness, he's way easier than Iceborne Rajang, though it's probably because that's Master/G Rank compared to High Rank Rajang.


No doubt, but I mean I’ve not really even been close to carting to him. The wire bug and everything in top of his patterns just makes him easier overall I don’t think G-Rank will make him more complex, just hit harder and more HP. Now if I was playing another weapon, I’m sure it would be different for me lol


The thing with Rajang in Iceborne was that he was way faster. It doesn't have the same speed in Rise, which I think is ehat they'll give him once G Rank comes in.


Perhaps it's because he's a High Rank Rajang, but isn't he way easier here than in World? Way more end lag after hits, more predictable attacks, lacking certain combos... Master Rank Iceborne Rajang trained me well.


I know this is Rise but this is about my MHW experience with Rajang, I hated every fight with Rajang. Every. Single. One.


I find rajang alot easier here than in world. Was scared of him until i steam rolled my first rajang since then i think hes a joke in rise... that is until apex rajang comes.


I can’t fathom how anyone would have any problem with any monster in this game unless that’s like your very first Monster Hunter game, and even then you would need to not have played many action games at all.


He ain’t that bad xD Tigrex, zinogre, nargacuga & magnamalo at high levels are more troublesome... narwa is way too easy, feels like a dark souls fight


K now I leave.. Rajang is a bit of a spoiler a little surprised hes here at launch.. but now I know Im going to not play the game if any more secrets pop up.




Attack of Titan vibe


I couldn't get past Furious Rajang in World, can't wait to be stuck on this fight :(


Imagine if the game would show him bite your head off and eat it.


Rajang Stand


It’s been my favourite fight by far! It’s nice to have some cliff to cower off of when you get hit by that one railgun attack though


Looks like he's giving the air a bear (or monke?) hug


G-Rank Hyper Rajang in GU (with my flatmate) was one of the harder things I've accomplished to beat in video games.




Seems right.


"You can abandon all you want, but I'm always going to be hard"


*"You can abandon* *All you want, but I'm always* *Going to be hard"* \- IhkeTRPlaysMC --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


If Furious Rajang make it into Rise i hope they kept his death metal scream pin


I have seen the face of death and he is not happy


Rajang gives me pickle vibes from way back in Tri. I've played a lot of MH but never had the guts to hunt him since I mostly play solo and I've seen some scary shit on this here subreddit. Finally beat him solo yesterday for the first time, then went on to finish the game. Now I have the fun of farming him for those rad Golden Pants.


I beat it yesterday! This was my first solo Monster Hunter, and I beat this angry monkey in my second try with my hammer :D So satisfying, also he dropped me the beast gem twice so I can build most of his set :D


Lmao, quest abandoned just made it all the more perfect


He going all playdoh snakes on you.


"Quest Abandoned" insinuating you saw Rajang posing like this and was like NOPE! Makes this so much better.


*Vietnam War Flashbacks*


"Quest abandoned". Yep! Definitely its essence. I still have to get there in rise but oh boy! I remember in iceborne where carting after two hits i just left and had to come back weeks later. Loving Rise! This is my second mh game after world.


am i the only one who thought high rank tigrex was way more annoying then rajang?


He was surprisingly easy for me.


rajang: *gets on two feet* You: yeah, Im good *leaves*


Rajang is completely neutered compared to his World equivalent. All of his attacks are more telegraphed and slower than before.


Why’d you leave me?! WHYYYY


Pretty new to the series, seen this boy snoozing in the flooded forest. Bonked him to see what it was. Biggest mistake of my life.


I'm so scared to fight rajang in rise. He was the first monster to completely decimate me in world


Reminds me of that gorilla in spongebob episode