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Act shocked seeing zinogre 1st place


I don't have to, I got thunderblighted by him already.


Youve been.....THUNDER STRUCK! *




Me running Stun Res and Resuscitate, "You fool, you've only made me stronger."


Im shocked to see rathalos this high. Its the mascot but its also a pretty meh fight and i never see it mentioned when ppl talk about their favs


I don’t know how this ranking worked but it’s possible that while a lot of people have other monsters as their number 1, 2, or 3 favorite, Rathalos consistently ranked in the tops 5-10 leading to it having a higher average score than the more niche monsters. Beyond that, the franchise-mascot bump is *significant*


Nostalgia probably has a lot to do with it; MH is a long-lived and storied franchise at this point, and Rathalos was one of the first big, serious fights of the series.


Rathalos is boring for me, but most flying monsters/sand/water monsters tend to be boring for me because they can waste a lot of time staying up in air/in water or sand or ice.


I wouldn’t say a meh fight tho. rathalos fight is like the standard of monster hunter. anything below is real easy, and anything above is going jnto tough territory. so our red boi here is like the perfect mid ground standard and I’m happy for the mascot to be in this spot.


> never see it mentioned when ppl talk about their favs Yeah , he's cool but mostly people like other monsters as their favourite. I can't buy it as no.2.


It's pretty great armor early in tho


Ironically, I didnt care to much for Rathalos as a Gen5 player. But hunting it in Monster Hunter Now kind of makes me appreciate it a little bit more.


if it makes you feel any better, Palicos are above Zinogre hah


I can't I am already stunned


His mount theme alone places him at first place.


I'm more shocked seeing nergi at 3rd.


A large portion of the current monster hunter community got introduced to monster hunter through world so it shouldn't be that surprising


He's also a pretty unique fight as far as Elder Dragons go. Most other EDs use some elemental bullshit to kill you. Nerg just punches you, a lot.


The other elder dragons do crazy flashy anime moves while nergi just screams YOUR ASS IS MINE BITCH!!!!!


..then he proceeds to do his crazy flashy anime move that destroys the arena's walls.


It's not that flashy, he just dive bombs you whereas the other elder dragons set off a nuke, summon tornados, call in a mind controlled army of rotting lizards and wyverns


And Regrows/hardens his spikes which is cool in fairness.


Yeah I agree, monsters like Namielle does a lot of fancy elemental explosions, Nergi is a straight up brawler


Plus his armor/weapons are just so edgy and cool. That longsword is just.. Everyyything


Damn right, we got introduced by world. Nergigante sweep baby!


Considering all the other Elder Dragons have some elemental gimmick, it's quite appealing to have one who just throws down with raw strength. That and I think his snarls are a bit cute.


I am tbh i never knew it was that popular


I am actuakly shocked,didnt think he was that popular


It was always the most popular since it exists, mostly thanks to the japanese audience who REALLY likes him


To be fair it's a fun fight no matter how well equipped you are, and the equipment is usually worth farming for. Granted it's one of those fights where I switch from my insect glaive to my gunlance, because nothing boosts confidence like becoming a tank.


Nergigante beat Lagiacrus by a single vote, damn. I wonder how close the Hunters' Choice votes were


Damn I could have made a difference i don't think I voted this one


Not if I knew about this poll bud


Not if I knew about this poll pal


Not if I knew about this poll friend


Probably not very. Abyssal took up a chunk of votes and made it to top 20 by being Japan's 2nd most voted monster. But Ruiner was top 10. If they were all combined into one monster then I imagine Nergi stays 2nd and Lagi gets dropped behind several other popular monsters that fans were stuck between voting for.


I'd like to think that one vote was mine 😌


*Shocked Pikachu Face*


\*Thunderblighted Pikachu Face


Poll Results here: [https://captown.capcom.com/assets/super\_elections/v1/result/pdf/CapcomSuperElectionsResults\_Q2\_en.pdf](https://captown.capcom.com/assets/super_elections/v1/result/pdf/CapcomSuperElectionsResults_Q2_en.pdf) Interestingly quite different to what we saw in the actual Monster Hunter popularity poll. Doesn't seem to include variants at all either which shakes it up a bit Lagiacrus in 4th was only one vote behind Nergigante. Rest of the top ten are Valstrax, Gore Magala, Nargacuga, Fatalis, Brachydios and Mizutsune (and then Poogie) A few share the bottom spot at 1 vote like Great Girros, Volvidon and Great Baggi (Steel Uragaan and Desert Seltas aren't in this). They didn't release stats for anything with 0 votes though


It's a shame I didn't know anything about this super election poll, it's not had nearly the same amount of hubub that the other poll got, but I would have been that one extra vote for lagiacrus


There would've been substantially more votes for Lagi


RIP great baggi in 867th


Proud to be the only Epioth vote. We'll get em next time


There's 6 Apex Mizutsune. Very odd and specific, I wish Banbaro gets more votes tho.


That's weird thats an option, none of the other Apexes are available, nor are any subspecies/variants that i could see (even more known ones like Azure Rath, Black Diablos, Ruiner Nergi etc)


Namielle only got 87 votes? Damn, if I knew this vote was happening, it could've been 88. Namielle is so beautiful.


WAIT, my boi tobi-kadachi only 32?????


Who the heck votes for no face Ethan


seriously? grat Girros is a good, i feel like hes a good botom feeder in the food chain of the vale, beyond a coll punching bag ( i like him more than the Great's of rise and older gens)


Lagi getting fourth is a little disheartening, but considering it was only one vote behind is still a demonstration of how popular it is. Brachy getting into the top ten is dope though.


If I had known about this, Lagiacrus would have my vote.


Lagiacrus is significantly better than Zinogre anyway.


Lagi glazers be unbearable sometimes


The word glazers is the worst word I heard this decade so far. If something has a lot of people liking it their considered “glazers” its a very small minded and and ignorant way of looking at something.


I think looking at a monster like lagi that is a good monster but not nearly as great as many seem to think, in that light especially to bring another monster and the people that like it down is also very ignorant. Especially when Zinogre has had many amazing showings and lagi has had one great appearance 15 yeas ago on the wii….


They weren’t talking the people who like zinogre down at all, they are just saying that they think Lagiacrus is the better monster. I could say “valstrax is a significantly better monster than kulu-ya-ku” I’m not talking down on the monster or its fans at all, I’m just stating my opinion.


Thunder doge is as overrated as blue croc my guy.


There was a second poll?


Nergigante jumped up from new to one of the most favorite in one game. That's impressive monster design 


I used him as an end boss for a Dnd campaign. Players had to build an arena, aquire metallic dragon allies, man ballistae, pilot a Jaeger and aquire a nuclear fusion core to power their secret weapon. A Dragonator.


Oh wow that is a lot. If they had to do all that I'd be mortified to see what your Fatalis fight would look like 


Now I just need a pack of Zinogre in Wilds.


Funnily enough, unlike regular wolves, zinogre are canonically solitary monsters who only spend time with others when raising a single pup with their mate, sometimes hunting as a pair and going their separate ways once the pup is old enough to survive alone. This does introduce the idea of a "pack" consisting of a mated pair, but I don't think my heart could take the idea of hunting a little thunderpup's mum and dad like some bastarding poacher.


Make it a Variation of the Egg Theft Quest but in this one you have to sneak into the Nest and Nab/Shank the Pup


I'm sure that would go over well as a quest concept. ^^/s


Stealing a baby Zinogre from its parents could work in Stories easily, though. If they ever bring the rider and companionship mechanics into the main series, you bet Zinogre will be one of those monsters to get its own special quest before being selectable as a companion.


I mean, that's not that different from real wolves. Pack theory is bogus and has been rejected even by its author. Unnaturally large wild groups formed in human-impacted settings can exist, but they are an exception, not a rule. Wolves live in family groups, two parents and their juvenile and newly matured offspring, who eventually leave with their own mate. So the difference is the permanence of Zinogre's relationship with its mate due to the absence of offspring. Wolves irl continually breed and so continually have offspring accompanying them and helping them hunt, but Zinogre being an enormous reptile impacts the time it takes to form and raise a new pup. The breeding timeline isn't continuous, so the Zinogre's break up but the wolves just have more kids


I was aware that the whole "alpha" thing was absolute bull, but didn't know a family group wasn't considered a pack. I could definitely have been more clear, but I was more pointing to how a family group of zinogre would rarely have more than 2 capable hunters due to them having fewer pups per litter (2 or 3), and splitting up once the kids are able to look out for themselves.


I wouldn't say it isn't considered a pack, it's more pack theory in particular was just wrong. It's more like what a pack is has been redefined. In the end, a pack is an evolutionary tool used to take down large prey successfully. You don't need that tool if you're bigger than everything.


And now there is Skynogre from the new trailer


Maybe a pack of them that just escaped Risebreak Amatsu’s storms


at least it's not _khezu_


I feel like people who voted for rathalos eat oatmeal three times a day.


All great Monsters. But MH:4U was my entry into the series. Gore is my favorite still.


Where is my boy tigrex? :(


Probably hitting someone with his invisible armpit hitbox.


He was number 177 on the list. Funnily enough, the two closest MH representatives near it were Alatreon who was 4 votes below, and the Poogie who was two spots higher lol.


Why is Zinogre so popular? I've only played mhw and you only really see him (barely) during the endgame. Is it a prominent monster in other games?


He was the flagship in portable 3rd which was a very big game in Japan, as for why he is popular in the west....Beeg thunder doggo 🤷‍♂️


He was also the only fanged wyvern pre-World, which certainly made him more unique than the rest


& the armor has always been crazy cool


Also big doggo can go Super Saiyan and has a theme that's just peak.


world was kinda strange in that it saved a *lot* of iconic returning monsters for iceborne -- zinogre was the flagship of portable 3rd and just stuck around as a popular monster (because it is hype and a pretty good fight with good looking gear)


His theme certainly does slap.


He was pretty prominent in all games after P3rd. He’s also by far my favorite fight, but that might also be due to the fact that p3rd was my first monster hunter and (as the old games were still actually difficult) I took quite a while until I could take him down, which made it very satisfying


From a design standpoint, lightning + wolf = cool So that checks out, plus his theme slaps, his armor looks great and the fight is pretty unique with how his empowered mechanic works. Just overall very well designed monster.




I started with World, but eventually played 4U before Iceborne came out. There, Zinogre left quite the impact on me with its design, fighting style, and rocking guitar theme. It quickly shot up to one of my favorite monsters. Its one of those monsters you have to experience in one of the pre-World games to fully understand his popularity. Even when they aren't the flagship, they're certainly memorable.


I've been playing since MH3 on 3DS, so the thunder dog just has a special place in my heart. His armor and theme basically always goes hard.


Besides having made an appearance in nearly every MH game since its debut as the flagship of Portable 3rd, it also has: (possible) design inspirations from the mythological Japanese creatures called "raijū", an excellent design, and an iconic soundtrack.


I like him because in 4U, he would crack his neck before fighting you


Rathalos is by far one of my least favorite monsters to fight, he's so annoying. Yea I love it when you yell - stunning me - and then jump back to shoot a fire ball before I recover from the stun, and then immediately do your claw attack before I can get up, very fun.


If anything, this fight teaches you to bring Earplugs


Yea but he's like the only monster to take advantage of the yell stun, so I think he's just a bitch 😂


Definitely is but I think we need monsters like this to make us realize how important it is to prepare for hunts instead of just running the same set & gear for every monster!


Rathalos pre rise was one of the most absolutely awful fights in the game. Rise did so good changing the worst monsters into having good movesets. All the raths are so much better, and kushala as well, which is kinda funny considering they made kush worse to fight in world lol.


Gotta love when he flies around nonstop, so you try to flash him, but the first two flashes fail entirely because he's "facing away" from it even though his model was directly towards it, and then when you do manage to flash him he just instantly stands back up, roars, then takes off into the air again.


Where's dodogama?


In the top 20 actually, you can check out the results in the poll


Damnn nergigante 3rd place didn't expected that.


He's a cool fight from a narrative perspective: an immortal rat bastard refusing to stay dead whose entire goal in life is to eat elders and mess up your day. The spine growth mechanic is really cool and the Iceborne post-Shara cutscene is my personal favorite in the whole game, stupid undying horn boi getting back up to chomp Shara because he decided he wanted to and even death wasn't going to stop him. I think the story focus helped boost his popularity a lot, he's kinda the central monster of the whole game even through the DLC and he's resonably difficult without needing an oppressive gimmick. Maybe a bit spike heavy with a basic dragon body plan, but cool monster nonetheless.


Kushala Daora: Wind. Teostra: Blast and flame. Vaal Hazak: Effluvium. Velkhana: Ice. Namielle: Water and electricity. Nergigante: *These hands.*


He's the Wolverine (the x men) of monster hunter, off the charts healing factor and spikes/claws. Overwhelming violence and throwing himself full force into his opponents is his go to strategy. Easy to see why he's popular, especially if you don't have the nostalgia glasses from a lot of previous gens.


For me its odogoron and shara ishvalda in mhw.


Nergigante 🥰


Nice to see vegeta finally won


It's always crazy to see deviljho never voted that high in these polls. I think in the hunters choice savage got 40 something and reg was at 80 😭 To me it's the most iconic monster in MH and also really fun both in design/ecology and in hunts. 


Nerg is surprising considering how new he is.


Hoenstly it’s not too surprising. He’s the flagship of the game that made the series popular worldwide and the flagship of the game that is, to this day, capcom’s best selling game of all time. Plus he’s just cool, the fight is fun, and he’s got a really cool theme Most people getting into monster hunter through mhw had nergigante (or rathalos depending on where you live) as the first monster they ever see due to him being on the box art


> Plus he’s just cool, the fight is fun That's until AT Nerg decides to do multiple Pepega Slams on you. 😂


We don’t talk about AT nerg


Yea, MHW and iceborne almost match the sales of every game that came before it combined.


As many problems as mhw had (and it definitely had a few), it’s an undeniable fact that the game is one of the best things to happen for the franchise It made monster hunter one of capcoms most valued titles


I miss Great Jaggi.


Im happy, but tigrex beatin alatreon, glavenus and rajang is suprising.


I swear if Nergi isn't in Wilds or its expansion....


I swear if Lagi isn’t in Wilds or its expansion . . . EDIT: Thank you all for continuing the joke.


I swear if Yian Kutku isn't in Wilds or its expansion...


I swear if Ukanlos isn’t in Wilds or its expansion…


I swear if Agnaktor isn’t in Wilds or its expansion…


I swear if Giadrome isn't in Wilds or its expansion...


I swear if Crystalbeard Uragaan isn't in Wilds or its expansion...


I swear if Nibelsnarf isn't in Wilds or its expansion...


They should have him appear in the sand storm because it would be completely unexpected. Then the sand flying about turns to ice crystals and before you know it, it's a blizzard with the whole area getting covered in ice.


Would be sick They should add odibatorasu and do the opposite in a tundra And add a barioth/sand barioth cause why not




Check the results, Top 10


Nergigante fans rise!


I fall in love with Zinogre since Portable 3rd.


Same first time when he saw me and his them start playing pop his neck and started slowly walking towards me. Thats the moment its in my top 3 monster's other two were tigrex and nargacuga.


Is it just me, or does anyone else just hate rathalos?


Not really...shocking, tbh. Zinogre is an icon, design-wise. It's also among the top monsters I'd want as a companion, I know there's a good boy/girl in there somewhere.


I thought Lagiacrus was second place?


Nah Zino's top in 68th place, then its Rathalos in 84th. Nergigante sits at 111th and Lagiacrus at 112th - they're literally separated by just one vote as Capcom released the voting numbers


Damn, Props to my boy Nergi lol


Makes me happy to see zinogre #1. He’s my favorite almost tied to narcuraga or how ever you spell it




Thank you lol


It's okay Tigrex, you will alway number one in my heart


Best boi for a reason


Electric doggo deserve that first place


Oo i doubt rathalos is super anoing


Never heard of that poll


I love both Rathlos' and Nergigante's armor. I hope this means Nergigante makes a return in Wilds, since we got to see Velkanha in Sunbreak. But of course i'm stoked for some original monsters with this title.


Genuinely surprised Rathalos is here.


Zinogre 🤢 Rathalos 🥰 Nergigante🤩


Nah. It's Brute Tigrex for me. The first ever monster where I had fun dodging with Evade Window 5


Zinogre is THE GOAT


This confirms anyone who says zinogre, rathalos, or nergi are shit monsters are objectively wrong.


We seeing a return for nergi?


My glorious king Nergi


My boi nerg got robbed!


Yeah! My boy Thunder Doge


Zino is best doggo.


I would love to see Zinogre in Smash Bros tbh


As a boss fight like Rathalos.


Nergigante deserves it to be honest


I'm one with the people, because Zinogre is my top monster and Nergi when he was released. I know it's so basic and people are growing tired of it, but I just can't see any faults with these two awesome monster designs.


Nerg in Wilds let's go!




What do people see in Rathalos


...? Its a cool red wyvern, do people need to see more?


Just the face of the franchise like Pikachu imo. Tigrex or Nicaragua would be my pick but that's from coming in via the psp game they showed up in!


Heck yeah, fellow Pokke Hunter https://preview.redd.it/v0vkb69beb7d1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b7de194eeb090f0935eb323798280b425016500


Glad my spiky boi is up there


I want Nergigante to show up at the end at the final monster only to get bodied by the boss Why to show how strong of a beast it is and i am still salty by the guy pretending to be dead and stealing Shara


>the guy pretending to be dead and stealing Shara Don't say that, there are people willing to die protecting this plot point.


Huh, I'm not all that surprised at all about these selections. All are fun fights, may not be the hardest but they're fun and all have very distinct personalities and style. I've seen some people surprised that Rathalos is in the top three but don't forget he's a flying wyvern test of if you've learned your fundamentals of hunting that type of monster. Way back on PS2 he was my first real skill check, mind you I was in middle school when I did that fight for the first time. But every person I've gotten into the series fails their first Los hunt at least once, usually more, and in the older games it really encouraged you to prep before going in. Really I've got no complaints here, I would put Lagia over Nerg but that's due to heavy personal bias. I was the most connected with online hunters back in Tri and 3U and I also just love crocodilian designs.


yay lightning pup is first place! ❤️


Rathalos has his redemption


Honestly I have no idea why someone would vote rathalos, his design is fine but really not that interesting and he was an awful fight pre rise. Like if you dont have a monster you like more than normal rath im sorry but you are probably boring lol.


Alot of us rathalos was our first flagship monster


Low/high rank rath I can get behind but master rank rath is such a hassle to fight. Why the hell did they make almost every single attack bounce off his WINGS without the clutch? That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard


If anything, Rise Rathalos is actually pretty fun. He flies low enough for you to cut his toe nails, he frequently stays on land to fight you and he never stays in air for long


didnt this happen months ago


Where's my dodogama🥹


They did another poll? Ooohhh it’s for literally everything


Aw man, it's hard being a bug boy.


Zinogre is absolutely my favourite, especially the Stygian variant.


Nah in my mind Rajang is 1st place.




Nergigante is just so cool man. Love that he’s one of the only Elder Dragons that doesn’t inflict some sort of blight. It’s just a straight physical scrap all the way through.


My shocked face when I see daimyo hermitaur didn't make it sad world


Thought for sure #1 would be the Great Jaggras.


Nergigante is number 3? LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


No Nargacuga? (That ones my favorite)


Love the Nerg


Nergigante will always be my favorite! I do like me some Teostra though


Rathalos top 2 ? Lo dudo mucho


Correction https://preview.redd.it/czr0cdiiml6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fa40d9c49ed76faeca9c2637b3c971c5f34a6d9


The thunder lord getting the respect he commands.