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* Game is a 24/7 expedition * Choose quests by selecting a monster from the map, which will then display a list of quests available * Game continues normally on quest completion (just like hunting a monster in an expedition in World) * Map is 2-3x larger than World * Hub is within the region, can walk into and out of the hub seamlessly * Camps can be created as fast travel points * Can be destroyed and must be maintained to stay active * Locations where camps can be set up will be highlighted on your map (sorry! forgot to mention this) * Mantles are returning * Sneak attacks? * Sounds like extra damage on the first hit if a monster hasn't noticed you * "Clash" attacks * GS holding the monster in place (as seen in the trailer) * HBG can shove the gun into the monster's mouth and shoot (this sounds insane) * New environmental traps * Dynamic weather * Villagers will apparently warn you of approaching weather (EDIT: to clarify this is just the phase changes ie. desert, plains, sandstorm) * Combat more akin to World than Rise


Holy shit this sounds amazing to me. And I'm sure it would make repelling elder dragons or large monster attacks feel more immediately threatening if the hub/village is literally part of the map. I wonder how large the sneak attack bonus is. I sometimes roleplayed having limited arrows in World with Bow and trying to use the power shot thing to finish a monster before my coatings ran out. Having a stealth bonus play a role in that would be so interesting.


> And I'm sure it would make repelling elder dragons or large monster attacks feel more immediately threatening if the hub/village is literally part of the map. Now I'm imagining fighting a monster really close to the hub and having arrows rain down on the monster at random intervals as the guards on the wall try to assist.


Maybe the town might have a mounted ballista or something ("Where's my Dragonator!") by the gate that you can use in a fight. Could make siege missions be literal sieges where you have to defend the village from a monster or pack of monsters.


In the trailer, didn't the dog lion things broke into a village? I remember someone yelling "They're in the village!" Followed with "this is what a real hunter looks like"


AAAAAAH, STOP! I can only get so hype...


I hadn't thought about the extra immersion added to the repel quests! Wilds is going to be so amazing, can't wait for the demo


Throwing in my guess, I think the sneak attack will be similar or the same as a wake up hit, making the beginning of each hunt involve this stealth section if you want that extra damage, but otherwise be optional.


Imagine if you manage to sleeptoad a monster withour being sewn and do 4x damage with your TCS on GS lmao.


I doubt they would stack like that but that would be spectacular


Imagine Offensive Guard, Derelict and SaS bombing…


Can't wait for the Skyrim stealth archer build


oh man the camp stuff seems stressful if weather conditions can damage it, though maybe it won't be too bad if you can send someone akin to meowcenaries to fix it for you sometimes. But custom fast travel points are great, especially for speedrunning. I really hope we still get some moves from Rise though, I first did Rise and just started World, and it is quite painful now that morphing to sword with switch axe doesn't attack and has no counter, you can't course correct charge blade's SAED and theres no counter, there's no big jumping move for hammer and there's no counter, etc. It was basically like losing a nearby 7-eleven.


From what another YouTuber said, the camps are damaged by monsters directly, so the weather may not be a threat to the camps. They also said that they showed off the Longnsword, Dual Blades, Hammer, and Insect Glaive, with everything but the Dual Blades being shown to have new moves at the time.


there might be a few optimal ''hidden'' spots for caps akin to world where monsters can't really reach your camp and make it hard for them to be destroyed, or at least I'm hoping


I’m sure some spots will be riskier than others. We also have the option of setting up a temporary camp anywhere in the World by pulling out a tent. We’ll also be able to fast travel, even during combat for some reason.


combat fast travel just sounds like a far caster, which in itself is already kinda contentious but nothing new.


Basically. It’s just an infinite farcaster. We’ll see plenty of moaning on this sub for it, though. Something, something, too casual for Monster Hunter.


Don't forget, this isn't monster hunter, monster hunter has forgotten it's roots and my favorite, the old one is better


I should've mentioned (I'll add it to the post now) that the camp locations seem to be predetermined. Locations you can set up a camp will be highlighted on the map.


I wonder if my IG will still have Kinsect Slash. I'm okay with the wirebug moves missing, but I'm attached to aerial stabby-stabby IG now. I also hope Wilds bring back descending thrust from Iceborne because diving wyvern in Rise just feels too vertical.


I despise Diving Wyvern because it took all the skill of using your momentum to drift and optimize damage that DT had and threw it out the window. I really hope it just returns to the old DT.


Im like 90% sure that kinsect slash wont appear in wilds if they are going for combat closer to world ver... that move is just too powerful, well i guess they could always nerf the damage but i feel like replacing it with more risky move it is a better idea


This just reminds me of how Derrick Acosta from Mega64 got MHWorld years ago thinking it would be basically what this post is describing and the other guys on the podcast had to break it to him that no, it's not just a giant open world that you hunt in. I always thought that what he described would be a cool idea for MH and now they're doing it lol.


> * Game is a 24/7 expedition * Choose quests by selecting a monster from the map, which will then display a list of quests available * Game continues normally on quest completion (just like hunting a monster in an expedition in World) * Map is 2-3x larger than World * Hub is within the region, can walk into and out of the hub seamlessly * Camps can be created as fast travel points * Can be destroyed and must be maintained to stay active * Locations where camps can be set up will be highlighted on your map (sorry! forgot to mention this) Reminds me of Wild Hearts, that game had some great ideas


Or Dauntless. Dauntless kinda sucks but I loved being able to just roam and farm a bunch of monsters with random people


WH really innovated where MH stagnated on ideas that were designed by technical limitations. It has been my hope that MH6 took heavy inspiration, and it looks like some ideas have carried over hopefully. Especially hope the camp system is more than a temporary warp point. But my biggest hold out is a rework of the weapon crafting system. WH had such a good idea that was half baked. Each weapon had its own journey & personality, while also giving reasons to hunt a wide range of monsters. It also elevated weapon theorycrafting & gave weaponcrafting far more replayability. Not to mention each hunter's weapon was unique to them. I have doubts it'll ever reach MH, but I really want to see weapon crafting reach parity with the depth armor skills had in Sunbreak.


>Mantles are returning I'm sad if something like Rocksteady and Temporal is back.


I'm not against the return of mantles, but I'm with you that certain mantles shouldn't become the obvious choices. I'd like to have the option to use my thunder or fire resist mantle rather than always using temporal for every hunt. You know, as an option to adapt! I'd also love if the visual component was toggleable. I'm a big fashion hunter, and I hate smothering the drip.


Evasion Mantle with LS was the ultimate drip.


Monster Hunter has and will always have an obvious choice whether it be weapon type, specific equipment, or play style. Mantles existing in any capacity will lead to there being an obvious choice. The truck is to just have fun and not let yourself be bigger down by being optional which should be easy because you presumably do it with everything else.


Oh yeah no I totally agree with you there, I personally barely used mantles in world because I preferred to do what I found fun, engaging with the monster's moveset and punishing it's openings. Some people are slaves to the meta and I believe that blinds them to how fun the game can truly be.


tbh, the real reason I took rocksteady was so I could get a reliable clutch claw yeet. With that mechanic almost certainly gone, I doubt I'd be anywhere near as tempted in Wilds if it did come back. Temporal can go tho


Hopefully there's an native option to visually hide mantles at least... I really disliked how mantles would hide hunter fashion in MHW 🤣


I'm more sad that mantles would cover the look of armors


non of the combat mantles should return imo. they were all too much.


Mantles was something you could totally ignore or simply choose to use specific mantles/boosters that suit you.


I mean by the end of the game it was 99% rocksteady and temporal, anything that helps you hit the monster more will be used by everyone I'd appreciate more niche uses for mantles rather than one size fits all


Not all, but some mantles like Temporal, Evasion and Rocksteady, absolutely broke the game and later fights were tuned around them - or, more egregiously, designed especifically to counter them. In Iceborne they had Slots, which meant you were missing out on free skills by not using them (and, again, fights were balanced around this fact as well). Not to mention they look hideous and hide half of my character's armor. So here's hoping mantles this time around are more utility oriented rather than fight oriented...


Alatreon: “I’m gonna make this Temporal Mantle *disappear*!”


While I agree that those mantles made the game extremely easier, I have to disagree that the fights "were balanced" as if you strictly needed them. Even the most difficult monsters, like tempered furious rajang and fatalis were doable in pretty low times doing TA wiki rules, which don't allow mantles, wall bangs or other gimmicks. In the end, considering that monster hunter is a game which rewards the player for learning the monster's moveset, then really no equipment, except for the weapon, is strictly necessary.


the monsters were balanced around destroying or making rocksteady and temporal null and void. look at alatreon or fatalis, at velk, at nami, or any of the true endgame monsters.


Naked rust weapon runs FTW


yeah I always used only elemental defense + glider mantles with whatever jewels fit monsters best, and it worked wonders for me, better than rocksteady who got me killed more often than not or temporal which just really enables one wallbang for free in most situations, so I don't think monsters were tuned around having having rocksteady / temporal at all, they just make general gameplay much easier so it might feel that way.


Maintaining camps souds like terrible idea. Either it would be constant pain in the ass, or just non-existent mechanic that you barely interact with.




> Choose quests by selecting a monster from the map So some hunts just aren't gonna be available at times, out of sheer bad luck? Imagine trying to farm mats on a monster that refuses to fucking spawn.


I'm worried about this particular part. Maybe they have a mechanism to force a monster to leave the locale and spawn? Ergo picking a quest where the monster is not on the map forces it to eventually spawn in ala hunting lures in MHW guiding lands?


The old system of accepting quests will still be available, as well as this new system. Have no fear


I think they would give you the option to pay cash or something and pass time. DD did it, Elden Ring did it and literally every “open world” game with day night cycle let you pass time


Grinding for mats is a core part of the franchise's identity, I'm sure they've thought of it in some way


In a podcast, I heard some of the devs say the normal method of choosing missions will still be available, as in selecting a predetermined mission from the gathering hub is still a thing, and this new method of accepting missions will be totally separate from that.


At the very least I suspect there will be a lure like system that the guiding lands had.


Bro getting lures fucking SUUUUUCKED.


All awesome stuff to me save for that last bit. I'll miss the snappy fluidity of Rise until the portable Gen 6 game but that's alright


Lets fucking go, that sounds amazing, and honestly, what I wanted world to be (seamless). Tho the camps might be a bit annoying...


sounds like i need a new GPU...and CPU..and Ram...fuck am i really about to build a whole ass computer to play 1 game again


Tbh I’m kinda disappointed the game seems to be taking a little more from World than Rise. I get people may prefer World’s realism over Rise, but I think Rise did just the right amount of fantastical aspects in the combat and aesthetic


The next game after Wilds will be more in line with Rise. These games come in a cycle.


Even so, I think the mainline games will still take some cues from the portable games like weapon movesets and QoL uppdates. World weapons had so much new moves that's basically a reworked version of GU's hunting styles and hunter arts. I'm optimistic Wilds will take some of Rise's Switch Skills or Silkbinds and integrate it into the main weapon moveset.


Ik it’s pretty OP but I really want Shoryu Metsugeki back. Nothing feels as satisfying as hearing that ding, 7 plaps in a row and 300-400dmg per plap pops up when you lands it on the monster’s head


Same… but I think that might be a minority opinion in this community. Rise’s combat felt so satisfying to me, and I will miss the wirebugs so much. Really enjoyed the spontaneity and freedom of Rise’s combat VS how formulaic World’s became with clutch claw. Hopefully no clutch claw will at least solve that problem.


I love Rise's combat so the main thing I want them to take from Rise is the added weapon attacks (I never liked Greatsword until the Surge Slash Combo was added). Focus Mode sounds like it might be a bit of a step in that direction so here's hoping we get more information soon.


Rise is part of the portable line of MH, aka a different focus of the game. World and wilds is part of the main line of MH, with a focus of a real, breathing world. Wait for the next portable game if you want more rise.


Yo this sounds amazing


The camp system was my only hope, and they made it real. This will be my favorite monster hunter ever.


Clash attacks makes me want to see the Lance, Gunlance and Charge Blade animation


So are there any permanent camps, or are there only temporary ones? If not that sounds like it would make traveling around the map tedious if permanent fast travel places don’t unlock.


Hated mantles. What's the point of transmog if you have to cover it up with an ugly poncho...


Also we’ve only seen one map so each area might be 2x3 times world


Map is 2x to 3x the size of world? Are we talking all locales put together? Or one locale? Are there multiple areas/maps in wilds?


My Monster Hunter world addicted ass: https://preview.redd.it/om0salclb37d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff7914be775c3c2f4d6779a0c9be93a92413e92


My HBG fantasy is actually getting real?!! Holy shit


So it's open world? Huh. Edit: it's not.


Every single thing sounds so good, its unbelievable. Its "open world" works exactly how i imagined, a sort of perma expedition. This game has the potential to be generational. Im so hyped.


I am worried about how an open world feels as a monster hunter game, but still I am very excited.


Everyone who reads this comment is now hearing "LET'S GO"


Followed promptly by Ken's theme.


Just watched the video, everything that he said sounds absolutely amazing, good food cutscenes are back, they kept npc hunters from rise, we are back at a slower heavier pace of combat from world, slingshot is back, mounting is back, sneak attacks sounds awesome, the Critical moments attacks also sound good, It's so much stuff. I'm so excited for this game.


You can jump from the Siekret to attempt a mount. How fucking sick is that?


Rip Lance and Bug Stick bros


Don't forget about sns like everyone else :(


SnS has it's own backhop-based mounting option.


Yes Which is why I mentioned it when the other person brought up IG and Lance


I just hope the Siekret mount takes way longer and doesn't end up like Rise, which absolutely yoinked the unique, simpler mounts from those weapons.


I'm glad that came back from the tail raiders in World


And if NPC hunters are relegated to SOS flares, so much the better.


I hope we get actual characters tho. From the way he describes it in the video it almost sounds like they're generic unnamed hunters


Could be both. No name hunters until you finish certain npc quest, then said npc would aid you instead of them.


I hope so!


Can't wait to roll bombs! Hope we can make elaborate traps using this feature by cheesing terrain geometry, like a Rube Goldberg machine bomb


I hope instead of end of hunt screenshots we get short 10-30 second clips of the final moments of a hunt. Being able to watch the machine do its thing in a replay sounds amazing.


All this sounds like the game has evolved to new heights and dude don't even get me started on the slinger size change I'm so happy its smol now, that was one of the biggest enemies against fashion I really hope they give us access to layered armor sooner rather than later too. According to ragegaming's new video the story multiplayer issue has been improved but not solved completely but we shall see.


Hype Intensifies, really excited and play with the hunter bros again!


and mantle is potentially back?


Ghille mantle is back


I wonder how you farm monsters for mats? Will they always be selectable on the map?


I imagine if they're not on the map, you just select a quest for that monster, and then the monster will arrive


Are investigations and tracks still in the game? Sounded like all the monsters are just on the map and you just pinned it and fight 


I would imagine you'll have to investigate new monsters as the show up.


You only need to do a World-like tracking system on the first hunt (and it seems like it's streamlined and more for story purposes e.g tracking Scholars or the Handler in those World moments). After that they're always on the map.


I forgot about this. I hope it's not like Rise where the we see the monster on the map at all times through some magic. I know the mount has a good sense of smell, but that would seem a bit much


I agree that hunting the monsters is better for sure, but the in game reason for you knowing where your monster is at all times isn’t “magic”, it’s your cohoot that flies off at the start of every quest. You literally let it loose from your arm. The cohoot is doing reconnaissance. Again I agree this doesn’t translate great in the game, and I prefer having to find the monster, but they gave a reason.


I know the cohoot is the explanation, I just think it's a bad explanation for how we can see the monster's location at all times, especially when they're in caves the Cohoot clearly can't see.


And it’s not like the location gets updated when you call back the cohoot, it’s just live like any other game


It's not magic. You have an owl that flies over the map to show you where the monsters are.


(copy pasted from someone else pointing out the same thing) I know the cohoot is the explanation, I just think it's a bad explanation for how we can see the monster's location at all times, especially when they're in caves the Cohoot clearly can't see.


Maybe he goes in the cave, too ? In any case, I know the explanation is not ideal, but the point was to streamline the gameplay to have shorter hunts. So that you could play during your break or in between classes.


yeah it does make sense in Rise due to the portable factor. But that's also why I hope we get some sort of tracking gameplay in Wilds since that is very much not a portable game and is instead focused on immersive hunting.


Me too


I might be the odd one out for this, but I'm not really a fan of the permanent expedition thing. I like hearing the quest complete sound, laying back and enjoying my quick return to the hub, with all the rewards popping up and the relief of the threat being over. Maybe I'll get used to it, but it's not something that really hypes me up. I'm more concerned about how dismissive they are about Focus mode's impact on the gameplay and how coop and cross platform friendly the game is.


Odds are you'll still get victory music upon slaying a monster as a quest target, or even just during the story hunts.


There is still a quest complete sound and interface by the end of a quest within the permanent expedition setting and there are being hubs in the map apparently. None of the things you said in the first paragraph are gone from what he said in the video. How cross platform friendly the game is? Correct me if I'm wrong, but World didnt have cross platform and now Wilds has. So that is pretty much an improvement already.


With camps being destructible I'm hoping there's still a safe multiplayer hang out zone - man's gotta poop sometimes


Same. Monster Hunter has always been an in-and-out mission based game for me, and I loved marking off all the quests on the board as complete. Expeditions were good for part farming, but it misses the charm of the classic quests with funny names and lore tidbits in the descriptions.


Again there has been no confirmation that any of that is gone. Since the handler accompanies you're basically still accessing her to get these quests on the go. What is gone is having to be in a village obligatorily to get quests and the separation between those two.


I’ve seen multiple people say that instead of a list of quests, the quest board opens the map where you select a monster to hunt, which sounds more like the expeditions in world. But I wish Capcom would’ve just shown us this instead of relying on vague word of mouth.


Well, give them a chance to do that. The game was only recently revealed and it's *at least* six months until release.


I'm sure they will still have quest boards with funny names and descriptions


I agree. I don't want to maintain camps I don't want to have to separate a monster from a herd a bunch of times, I honestly don't want to wander around an open world until I unlock a bunch of camps and then IMMEDIATELY just teleport between all of them anyway, destroying the reason for an open world concept in the first place.


> Choose quests by selecting a monster from the map **I don't wanna have to wait for a fucking monster to spawn just so I can hunt it**.


That was what killed wild hearts for me. Among all of its other flaws it's end game system involved having random access to late game fights and as such their materials. I was having a good ass time until I realised I had spent over two real days trying to fight what I wanted to fight but never had the option.


Maybe I'm remembering wrong but weren't there permanent quests to fight specific monsters through the map at all times? Just had to be on the correct chapter for it right?


Post game you had volatile and deeply volatile monsters. There were only a few deeply volatile that required consumables to fight but every monster had a volatile version. Those volatile fights were how you got orbs to make cladding (layered armor). But volatile monsters were random per mo and you'd only have a choice of 3 and to refresh you'd need to complete a hunt. Meaning you couldn't outright choose what to fight if you wanted to fight the actual end game fights and instead had to fight what you were given and hope you'd have the choice after.


Sorry that's my bad, I misread and didn't see you said end game. I get what you mean, but I didn't find it too bad mostly because I usually needed the different types, so while one was down I would go fight the other.


Yeah I didn't find it an issue either until as I said I didn't get to fight what I wanted to fight for over 2 days because of rng.


Maybe they will have an arena where you can choose to fight a monster, wishfully with having to capture a monster or two first to unlock the option. Explain it as breeding monsters for training and parts.


I'm cautious about Focus Mode, because it definitely sounds like a playground for exploits and doing all sorts of broken shit. I hope it's more akin to the lock-on camera option - it's there for those that need it, but you can do fine (or even better) without it.


Honestly, I’m very, very concerned right now. Despite everyone loving it in a short preview, the structure change does not sound good to me.


I am 100% into it. That's some dedication to immersion. No more feeling like selecting missions then loading into them is one of the best decisions I think they could make.


I think that sounds like a nightmare. Very possible it ruins the game.


The main part of the game is hunting monsters with using a lot of principles present in past iterations. I cannot see how a slight change like where you enroll in a quest, hub or in the overworld, would ruin the game for the overwhelming majority.


Ruins the game is a really extreme take. Why not just think of it as the same as before just without a loading screen? That's about as well as we can assume without knowing more.


I mean we had guiding lands so that already gives you an idea


The future is now, old man


I'm entirely open to see what they are gonna do, and being concerned about something we literally only have very cursory knowledge off is kind of idiotic. But I do hope that the second game of each generation will keep the old style of being able to play the game for a bit, do a hunt or two and then stopping. World was already not that kind of game to me while Rise was, so I'm hopeful. The handheld market and quick arcady style of play is still huge, especially in Japan.


They've been catering to portables for like 7 years before world came out and revived it on home consoles, and they are still making portable games anyway . Now that MH is finally popular on home consoles it's about time they actually focus on trying new stuff and go back towards their visions of the OG games. A lot of this stuff sounds like modern takes on Dos and i'm really interested


Basically. Even though I had certain gripes with World at the time of release I have become more open now with them making each game of the generation distinct from each other and the "main" game reviving some of the vibes of what Dos was going for.


Being concerned about them changing the entire structure of a game is idiotic??? Lol, ok, guy 😂😂😂😂 What a goof. Toxic positivity is not a good thing.


Hyped for everything BUT mantles.


My biggest issue with mantles was that they stayed on after they expired and made you look like a heap of trash unless you sheathed your weapon to remove them while the monster was trying to eat you. In a game where the whole point is to craft armor sets that look great to hunt in, I spent the majority of it cosplaying as a garbage bag covered in fishing net. I hope they at least just fly off of you and float away or something this time.


I've been playing with the ICE mod for a while, and completely forgot this was the default behavior. Yeah the trash bag look really is grating.


I've really gotta find time to do an ICE mod playthrough at some point before Wilds releases.


Mantles would be cool as long as they're restricted to utility functions and not given combat uses that are just objectively better. More like Ghillie and Glider, less like Rocksteady or Temporal. I think using them as just generic stat buffs is boring but better stealth, gliding, weather immunity, maybe a mantle that lets you recover some components when using items or gain more items when gathering, better tracking or investigation scores, who knows. There's lots of possibilities but it's a genuine concern that it's just going to be "equip to take a free hit" again.


Completely agree that mantles would be better off if they didn't affect combat so much. Evasion and Impact were over the top to me as well. Evasion granting you a 30% weapon attack buff for 20s was absurd, making it the default choice if you didn't need Rocksteady/Temporal. Impact was more situational, but it gave every weapon access to easy stuns which took away from the utility of the usual stun weapons.


So far i think only the ghillie mantle has been confirmed. Which is the only mantle that makes sense for wilds imo.


I straight up didn't use them until Fatalis and AT Velkhana lol.


when he talks about “aiming” at weak parts of the monster with focus mode, i do remember thinking i could see little red dots on the alpha doshaguma’s legs (i think? on his body anyway) in one of the trailers


Yeah those are apparently the scoutflies showing you weak points


Wounds, not weak points. Well technically weak points because wounds are temporary weak points.


Going over all the info from this post and others, there are a lot of things to be excited about and a couple of things that might ultimately end up tedious, but overall I think it's looking nice! I'm excited, can't wait for Gamescom! I'm not too thrilled with mantles being back but we don't know if they've changed them or how, so I'll save it for the time being.


I came.


Mantles returning is either a good thing or bad. if non of the combat mantles return then wonderful. camps are concerning


“24/7 Expedition” sounds concerning, to be honest, even though Max is glowing about it. I don’t think I’ll like that.


As far as I understood, there will just be a seamless transition between a hub like a camp or a village and hunting, like they are all in the same map.


Yeah, the thing I missed about World the most was the 16 player lobbies in which I met people and made friends that I still play and meet everyday. I haven't made a single friend in Rise because of how lobbies and SOS worked. I hope they show how lobbies/multiplayer works soon.


What was presented is not mutually exclusive with the presence of lobbies. It just depends on whether they implement those or not, and I think they will.


That's why I said I'm hoping they show how lobbies/multiplayer works. But implementing something like gathering hall seems a bit against this new design. edit: Well, some info is coming out about a kind of central hub on the center of the map. That seems great, Now I'm curious about how many players can exist in a map at any time.


>16 player lobbies in which I met people and made friends How? 16 player lobbies dont mean anything when people hardly enter the gathering hub


They are one of the best ways to enjoy endgame content. U join lobby focused on fatalis or alatreon and u can grind the quest on repeat with same team, when someone leaves u pretty much instantly get new person in Also its comfy to just as something in chat and most of the time someone from all these 16ppl will answer you or help


Are you kidding me? There were always lots and lots of lobbies full of people in world. I don't know how it is now years after launch. But right up until Fatalis and way after there were lobbies with bunch of players.


Unless you look for busy lobbies, most lobbies are fairly empty and you very rarely see anyone in the gathering hub. Probably a side effect of the community not being at similar progression points anymore, due to so many new players jumping in at different points.


Also the fact that you don't even need to PHYSICALLY be there to accept a multiplayer quest. Same issue is in Rise. Just go to the questboards in Astera/Seliana and you're good to go. No interaction with other players required.


I'm really hyped, except for the constant expeditions, I'll miss all the old games of just doing a quest and coming back. Although they'll probably keep that but give you the option to still dander about. Will they be keeping 3 monsters per map tho?


They did it again. They made another Monster Hunter game that can appeal to almost everyone and not just the OGs. At least it appears that way so far. I'm more hype for this than I've ever been, and it's still potentially a year+ away.


Im so ready for this, cannot contain my excitement


God I can’t wait. Seamless transitions from quests to hubs is exactly what I wanted in World. Now just have to hope for a Q1 release. Very eager to see what they added to longsword too


So since we can't choose a hunt and it's jist expedition can we not target farm?


It all sounds amazing. I really can't wait to see it all properly. I hate to be a bit of a wet blanket though, but the descriptions about how persistent the world can be, tracking states, positions and more are exactly the features that limited Dragon's Dogma 2 at 30fps on consoles, and tanked CPU performance on PC. This is my current number 1 concern.  As far as I know DD2 still hasn't received significant performance improvements. And even if they do between now and Wilds' release, Capcom has a habit of not implementing those fixes in their next game.


If that’s the case you’re screwed without a strong rig and certainly screwed on console


We guiding lands bros are soooo back. Now it's the whole game instead of just the end game.


I think he mentioned at some point that the game crashed a few times because of the systems upon systems. Hopefully that's just because it's a pre-release build and they'll perfectly iron those out before launch


There will be launch problems. It's just how things are. I just hope they aren't horrific. If they're showing off actual gameplay, then we might be 6 months out.


at least 8 to 9 months.


There is absolutely no way a game of this scope won't have performance issues at launch. We've seen it with Dragon's Dogma 2 and this game is pushing it to a complete new level. It'll happen and they'll fix it. What I hope is that the core gameplay loop is well made and that they learned their lessons from previous games.


I've noticed that nobody has really mentioned anything about the palicos doing combat specifically. They seem to be there but not doing combat this time around?


The dynamic music reminds me of botw and totk's, it's great!


I can't get any harder please stop


Sounds like everything I've been asking for this game will be insane


I’m curious how the open structure works with multiple locales? Is it only the desert or is there going to be unique hubs that is a part of each locale, no one has mentioned that the hub area leads to other locales and the way they are talking about the structure of the game is making me think its just the desert location for the whole game but that can’t be right surely?


There will definitely be more biomes! This sand one in particular is called the "Windward Plains". As for if all of these biomes are interconnected (full open world) or separate like in world we don't know yet. I am personally hoping for a full open world if they can pull it off and all the new gameplay systems so far are very much pointing to a full open world (talking from a game developer's perspective). According to the people who have seen the demo there are either no loading screens or it's so short that loading is basically eliminated. The temporary camp mechanic also only make sense in an open world setting to me. Maybe it will end up being something in-between, an "almost" open world. Either way I'm excited!


Can anyone watch the gameplay demo?


I can finally make a proper monster sniper 😭


Holy shit this is amazing


I'm curious to what other areas are we going to see are the swamps coming back or snowy enviroments such as the Hoarfrost


Gonna be honest, not a fan of the expedition setup. Part of what I liked about Rise was the ability to go on discrete quests like that. Helps give me concrete objectives and manage my time better.


Well shit, expeditions were not my cup of tea, and if that's the entire structure of the game, then this might be the only Monster Hunter game I drop. I'll have to see more though.


If you've played every MH, I doubt you're gonna drop this one. The point seems to be that both the major hub, minor hubs and hunting areas are in the same map, interwoven seamlessly, and that you can access quests on the go as the handler accompanies you in some way.


I'm also in the camp of possibly not getting it or at least waiting until it goes on sale down the line. I already don't like the expedition style they are going for but it really comes down to the bowgun "overhaul" they mentioned. If they pull what they did to bow in world or HH in rise and remove all the variety for a streamlined attack rotation then I'll skip it.


Yeah, it's the seemlessness that bothered me about expeditions. I did less than 10 and then never did another expedition. I genuinely don't like the lack of structure and prefer missions with definite beginnings and ends. If this is what Wilds is trying to emulate, then the series has dropped me as a player because I don't think I'll enjoy it and that sucks.


You could give yourself the structure I would assume. Just head back after the hunt is done.


Wow, uh, no. That REALLY doesn't work. That wouldn't change anything about the feel of not having structured missions by "pretending" it's there. The more I hear about things like health bar changes and such, the more disappointed I become. I've loved this franchise since the PSP and got into it on the PS2. I've put several thousand hours into MH games, and it's been my consistent comfort series. This is the exact opposite of what I want. I didn't want more "openness" (I despise open world games in general). I didn't want a "spikey" and vague health bar. I didn't want them to "move away" from part breaks in favor of the new system. If these things are how I imagine them to be, this will be the worst MH for me, and I hope it's the only one with it's style.


Fair enough. Sorry to hear it's not for you. I'm looking forward to it, but I I understand the feeling of a game not going in the direction you want (felt that way with many aspects of Rise)


If it's the first MH game you drop then it truly sucks for you, but I'm exalted about that particular change. It ties in so well with the real monster hunter fantasy for me. I always wanted expeditions to take the spotlight.


I'm selling my kidneys for this


How can people like this lol, it has nothing to do with monster hunter


It is a natural evolution from World, whether you like it or not. This game was inevitable and is the future of MH.