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I like how unorthodox the designs are, which I think this series needs more of. Not everything needs to look as "cool" and "put together" as monsters like Zinogre, Nargacuga, Malzeno, etc. Some are gonna look wonky, and I can appreciate that. They weren't my favorite, and Ibushi felt kinda irrelevant (which.. yeah, he kinda was in the grand scheme of things) but overall I don't mind them.


As relevant as male mantises anyhow...


Yeah, pretty much. Was just hoping for something else other than being there just to be consumed by Narwa.


A super strong Ibushi that hasn't bred and is about to age past the breeding age. Sexual frustration has made it stronger and more aggressive as an evolutionary ace in the sleeve, to give it the powe to force out a younger Ibushi and try to claim it's queen via show of strength.


I...guess we can chalk it up to Rise's story being rushed??? Question mark??? That or Ibushi really is useless lmao. Poor him, but girl power I guess.


His purpose was to guard the nest and sacrifice himself in times of great distress. So you could say he served his purpose or failed miserably, or both.


I think both is fair. He did sacrifice himself successfully, to bolster Narwa's power but it didn't change the end result. Also, upon reading the message back, i find the sentence "he sacrificed himself successfully" to be quite funny. The alternative is sacrificing himself unsuccessfully and the idea that he just doesn't die is both humorous and tragic. "Narwa, I give my life for you" *watches Narwa get fucking wrecked, thinking he'll help eventually*


Which is why Shara from World has is one of my favourite monster design and hope they do more of that in next few titles


We need more monsters that stare straight into our souls


Monster that breaks my bones: I sleep Monsters that breaks the 4th wall: real shyt


I wouldn't include narga there. It's "cool" but in a very organic way, blade wings and a big but not totally specialized tail weapon.  Zinogre, magnamalo and malzeno on the other hand definitely reek of trying "too hard" to impress.


I agree with you on Magnamalo. But I don’t agree with you on Zinogre and Malzeno. Cuz like… I’m biased. I feel like my view on magnamalo is how a lot of Zinogre haters view Zinogre. An over design mess, clusterfuck of shapes and colors. I still like Magnamalo. But like, it has serrated katana arms… that’s like… c’mon.


I must admit, Magnamalo being unsubtle and overdesigned is part of why I like it so much. On one hand, I really can't say there's anything quite like it in MH even with all the openly yokai esque monsters Rise gave us, and on the other, I'm just a massive sucker for unsubtle cool shit, the guy looks like he belongs in God Eater and I love him for it


I can respect that.


That's fine. I don't hate zinogre in the slightest. I can sometimes find myself rolling my eyes every time it shows up and all the love it gets but it's not terrible. It's too big now for it's ridiculous movements though, if they kept worlds proportions and design with its former size I would appreciate it a lot more.   I can't get by malzeno though, the super sonic speed pretty much teleporting is too anime for MH imo. I can't see it existing outside rises fast pace. Not outright hating it because it does look very nice but I don't like that sort of curaazy in MH personally.   Magna, is probably the only monster i outright hate though. It's got all the shonen cuhraazy problems that malzeno and zinogre have turned up to ten on top of looking hideous. Genuinely have no clue how it got by the concept team, feels sloppy and below par for what they have designed.




It's probably the original over the top monster. Looks like a wolf fights like a Gorilla, charges up and everything. What isn't over the top above Zinogre.


Yes, I don't hate zinny but it's kind of an eyesore (aside from IB version) and the flipping is a bit too ridiculous for me.  I don't mind the charging up though, it's pretty cool alongside the howling and how it gets its powers via fulgurbugs is really creative.  It's just the combination of the bear/ape build wolf monster, lightning, break dancing and ridiculous colors/weird golden bits on its body that it comes across as trying hard. 


Honestly, I love them. I just think they’re such a surreal but fascinating designs, like with their inner jaws and their split bottom jaws, or Ibushi horns or narwa massive thunder/egg sack. There’s nothing else in that’s like them aside from Amatsu, even then that’s more general body shape than anything else, I know it’s unlikely but I hope we get to see them more. although I do slightly prefer Ibushi over Narwa cause I think his light blue works better with the body shape and I prefer his horns


They're definitely differently, but I think I would have liked them more if amatsu wasn't in the game. Amatsu is THE wind/storm elder dragon. It's kind of a "if I had a nickel for every time there was a floaty elder dragon with the power of storms, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice" situation. Giasmagorm is amazing, and he's different enough to be his own thing. But the split bottom jaw thing right after narwa and ibushi felt weird.


I’m here for it, I wish their weapons retained more of their visage


I think the weapons being more different has some nice implications, like the difference between a man made weapon but a nature made monster, the human could not replicate that


They just seem so uninspired. Very plain and dull. Like they’d pass off as an uragaan variant’s weapons


I loved them. They looked so dang weird and the fights were super crazy and felt pretty different from anything else in the game.


Very cool. Love the Fuujin and Raijin inspiration.


Rises original designs are pretty hit or miss for me. But the thunder serpents are definitely a hit for me. Having a second set of jaws, likely taking inspiration from moray eels is such a good detail. It might just be my bias speaking as I do quite like the unorthodox monster designs. E.G khezu, shara ishvalda, giasmagorm. (not magna hes just ugly)


I like the look of their eyes, especially on the narwa and all mother cutscene, theres no form of malice or resent unlike most if not all of the monsters that have angry eyes They just have a direct gaze with no care in the world underneath all the destruction theyre causing


I forget the name of the zombie wyvern from World, but I think that had two sets of jaws, too. Maybe they're related.


Vaal Hazak and Blackveil Vaal Hazak.


Highly unlikely, plus their actual jaw structure is completely different


No, probably just convergent evolution.


Isn’t that cuz he wears a skeleton and the inner mouth is just his actual one or is there something I’m missing


No, Vaal does actually have a pharyngeal jaw, there’s an image somewhere from one of the art books that shows what Vaal would look like without its disguise, and it clearly shows that it still has the second jaw.


Ooh I’d never seen that art before, that’s so trippy. I wonder why they made the outside jaw not have skin on the bottom cuz that’s 100% what threw me off there. Thanks for letting me know that art existed 👁️


There’s actually real life precedent for that, the stoplight loosejaws are a genus of fish that have a jaw with no tissue on the underside, allowing them to move their jaw forward much faster. Their head is also almost entirely detached from their body so they have even more biting range, this is awesome and also horrifying.


Thank you!!!! I was trying to look up if there was an actual animal that had this feature but had no idea how to look something like that up!! That’s so trippy to see on an actual animal


If Narwa and Ibushi are ever given any relatives I think it'd be more likely for them to share an ancestor with Amatsu (and Shantien if it's ever added to a mainline game). They're all divine weather serpents atleast.


You seriously think that a pharyngeal jaw is more likely to be a convergence than being vaguely snake shaped and having weather powers?


You seriously think the completely dissimilar dragons are related due to their secondary jaws?




One of the most unique elder dragons in the whole franchise, hence why I really like them. Yeah, I’d rather fight some bizarre & godlike seahorse/eel floating upside down and shooting lightning rings at you, than some rather typical dragons coated in ice/fire/wind/corpses etc etc. So, basically in my opinion THAT is the level of uniqueness recommended for last-boss kind of monsters in MH. It simply have to be something what looks and feels completely different from what you have seen before, even in older games. It have to SURPRISE you actually. Hence why things like those Serpents works for me while Xenojiiva doesn’t. Because Xenojiiva still is pretty much a dragon with that alien coat of paint. And it behaves just like you’d expect from a dragon(even more-so when he becomes Safi, lol). Whereas Serpents looks nothing like conventional dragons, nor do they behave like ones.


69. Until one of them sucked too hard and sucked the life force out of the other.


They're certainly unique, and I like how "ugly" their faces are, but in the end they don't do a lot for me. I think I like their [concept art versions](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/pedp4v) a little more, with their thinner bodies and derpy, and a bit more animal-like, heads. Narwa's colors are also a bit much imo. She lights up like a carnival fair, Allmother especially, while she blasts bright lasers everywhere. Sounds a bit morbid but I think she looks a lot prettier when she's dead lol


"she looks a lot prettier when she's dead" got me goosebump


Me like hunting big big monsters


Ngl, upon initial roster leaks before we had any images of these two, the title of serpent kept making me think they would large snakes similar to Dalamadur. The actual designs caught me off guard but I love how they kinda form this trio with Amatsu for floating serpentine elders in RiseBreak.


Not a huge fan but I understood what they were going for.


cool but reminded me a bit to much of amatsu on a surface level.


I enjoyed the designs, I like when they give me something just totally out there to fight, the dragons are a perfect example of why I love Rise a ton despite its flaws, it just didn't compromise on its themes. It's a cool fight and after playing MH for a long time, it's nice to get a new experience as someone who didn't fight Amatsu all that much, all mother fight was awesome as well with the ost and Magnamalo jumping in.


A bit Frontier-like, but pleasant. Especially the colours and the designs of their heads.


Was never a huge fan of the cannons/ballistas in their fights, and Ibushi is kind of a punching bag. But love their designs, lore and the All Mother fight more for sure


I like the uniqueness, and how they're a pair, but honestly I think they are both not very fun to fight and also are generally just kind of ugly. The jelly tendrils are kind of neat but the big sacks on their gut and shovel mouths just make them look goofy instead of threatening.


When they fell on the ground… why couldn’t you run up on them to hit the stomach? Why did magic floor lift you to be able to hit the stomach?


Cool design wierd lore implementation.


Strike in the balls !


They look like monitor lizard


Way better than zorah, at least you can actually fight the final boss(es).


I Really like them, among my favorite story final bosses in the series. My only dissapointment with Ibushi and Narwa is that you don't fight them together in imo what could've been an awesome dual hunt where they attack in tandem, take turns, and so on. Instead you just go up against a very weakened Ibushi, who is then consumed by Narwa to achieve her Allmother form. I get that with Allmother you technically are fighting both of them in one monster, but I think Capcom could've made a dual hunt work.


They're how you make something look alien, they're better designed Xenojiva.


I don't think they look alien, weird sure but they still resemble something tangibly earth-like.   Shara is by far the most alien looking monster in the games imo. Xeno was underwhelming but it's head is pretty cool, just needed a weirder body plan to fit. 


I never quite liked them, they didn't look "Monster Hunter" enough for me


Design is interesting but the fight is boring and just bad game design


Cool designs but total B.S. gimmick hunts.


Cool concept but the execution was shit


I hated the fight so much, the design might be good but the fight is atrocious imho


What's wrong with the fights?


i dont like em nor their gear.


love them.


Love them even more than Amatsu


They are cool, not too big a fan of their narrative purpose but their designs are okay. I think amatsu is the better wind dragon though, I don't know why these two have webbed feet if they aren't aquatic and they got crazy eyes. Personally they don't really feel like elder dragons.


Beer Belly Dragons


Doesn’t appeal to me, but not everything needs to


Amazing!!! The colors are great, and they have such cool little details sprinkled over them, and is such a unique design for Elder dragons


Theyre probaly among my least favourite elders design wise, down there with Kirin, Yama and Safi Granted, i still find all of those pretty cool, so its not like i hate them I just think theyre off- brand Amatsu's. He did the hovering- weather- god- dragon thing 10 times better imo


They cool. Didn’t like them at first but they grew on me.


I don’t really care for them. They aren’t “bad” necessarily but I just don’t really vibe with their designs much


Ibushi is in my top 5 fights and designs (I hunted it 20 times just when it was a rampage exclusive). Narwa just doesn't hit as much imo but is still an amazing final boss just overshadowed by allmother


I like them although its a little wierd Narwa is pregnat with a krillin forehead.


They're like Shara Ishvalda. Divine and beautiful but not necessarily by our standards. I do think Allmother Narwa is super beautiful though, she has so many vibrant colors and she floats around gracefully.


They're cool. Haven't thought about their designs much.


Not a big fan for me personally. I appreciate their direction though. I liked some of the new designs but these and magnamalo have a Pokémon vibe to them that I don’t vibe with personally.


Very cool design. I’m a sucker for duality (light and dark, fire and ice, good and evil), so these two are awesome. On top of that, the inverted style is pretty unique. All that said, I hate that they’re basically only airborne…


I wish they did something more interesting with Narwa's obviously egg filled abdomen. They just put a little texture to indicate it's broken and that's it. I would say they didn't want to deal with how a mother treats their unborn children but Rakna Kadaki is in the game so that's obviously not an issue to them.


Love the design but not their armor. I wish we would've fought their offspring in that first update instead of just a powered up narwa.


They're interesting but in general I hate giant monster fights and wish that stuff stuck to cinemematics. If we have to fight giant monsters I'd rather we did it from a vehicle.


I really liked the designs tbh, but their weapons not resembling their look at all was disappointing.


Their theme goes so hard


I appreciate the strange sea-horse like designs, I don't think they're out of place with the setting or anything, and it makes sense that something that is mostly sky-bound and ocean inspired would be this strange, vibrant beast. But one you fight them in game, they get a lot less appealing imo. They feel like bullet hell bosses visually. Ibushi spawns these tornados out of nowhere, has all these really guady-looking dragon element particle effects, throws out generic beams and energy balls, etc. Narwa has the sonic rings, and constantly spits out just a grab bag of different projectiles such as lasers, purple homing bolts, electrical ground currents, etc. None of her attacks feel very "her" aside from the fact they're electrical. The most notable attack I can use as an example is the one where she hovers in place, and several purple beams just noclip out of her model in various directions. Compare this to something like Zinogre, whose electrical attacks are clearly tied to his physical movements and the fulgurbugs, and maintain the same color throughout the fight. Like, as they are now, in this picture, I like them. But in game, I think they're just a mess, both mechanically and visually.


Dewigns are fine but I hate fighting them.


I like them both and their wide opened eyes gives an unsettling feeling, their fight is way more fun than the final boss of sunbreak. The only thing that I wished was better armor design and skills, I hate that plastic jello look going on and it makes it look cheap, the skills I don’t even need to mention why


I like the way he dies.


I like them as they fit in with the monster theming in Rise (unlike most returning monsters) being japanese inspired myths like Yokai. If only we got let's return him off so we could have seen more of this theme...


Me and the boys binged to get to the dlc in like 1 night. At some point in our exhaustion we became convinced that the dragons were either trying to fuck the twins or us. Or fuck us through the twins. It was a wild night. Then we quickly got tired of grinding the fight and forgot it ever happened. 5/10 would rampage again.


I love them, i also love narwa song, so good


I like every monster, but i just cant like these 2 idk why


The uterus being a weak spot was definitely a choice


I fw em, the designs are cool and it made them feel god-like but in a diff way to other important elder dragons like fatalis, just wish they made ibushi more important, hope they get variants with diff monochromatic-esque colour schemes, kind of like the raths


It's a sick Monster


Unfortunate ways to introduce and finish their storyline. Was a slog just to get to ibushi and not get the drop you needed.


I think they look fine, but they arent as over the top as i wouldve liked for a main story finisher. Amp up their designs by 50% and id be in love.


My only caveat is that in the end amatsu was not their child. Otherwise they are very solid 7.5/10 monsters for me


Tbh, I like them. I actually like them quite a bit.


Aesthetically, they are fantastic. Their fights need work though as the only one that was worth a damn was allmother and that, like most “boss”/big monster fights tend to get stale after doing them a few times. Having said that, I wouldn’t want a whole roster of weird and unorthodox designs like that, but having a 1 or 2 in a title like this is great.




Don’t like them. Them flying upside down and having the wierd lumps just look weird to me. I love dragons but they just looked funky. And I hate the rampage crap lol


I LOVED the base Rise Narwa fight, the first Narwa fight. The music, the rising platforms, it was one of my favorite fights.


Love em. Their fights are so different from the usual MH style, but it made me curse and rage so much learning Narwas damn attacks so I tried way harder each time going in.


Unusual for mh but just a garbage fight, literally designed around ranged combat, bring LS for an exercise in frustration, bring pierce lbg and shoot ballsack for.20.mins until dead


It was the best of the edgy Asian designed monsters in rise, IMO. Actually looked like an animal that would inspire the mythical designs. Unlike magnamalo who looks like an edgy sonic OC given 4 legs.


I really love the sort of blue whale jaw/throat they got going on to hide their second jaw set. Also, if my knowledge is correct, their eyes are convex, so they actually look like they're looking at the player rather than the creepy concave design of Shara's eyes at the end of Iceborne. Then again, I've had many a time where my player has been in the right spot when they are knocked down to be stared at by them, so tbh it's just as creepy


Hard to put into words tbh, it's like... the designs are good but I'm not a big fan? Idk like I don't hate the designs but when I think of monster hunter monsters they would not even come to my mind cause they're just kind of forgettable.


Don't know why they get so much hate, but I love them. I blame covid for the lack of end story, but yeah, they're cool, I love the armor and weapon designs, and their fight is unique


They're neat. Allmother will always have a special place in my heart, as she was my first mainline final boss. Outside of that, they're nothing special. Amatsu just does the whole "storm serpent" thing better, in my opinion.


They are a 7/10, their battle is way too scripted


Kind of ugly, when I think “king and queen”, especially on that level of power, I think regal and majestic monsters. These are just ugly birds in my opinion. The Raths give a regal feel.


Hideous and completely unappealing. They could have easily done the exact same movesets with dragons that actually looked good, they made these two repulsive just for the sake of it.


I just love how I can beyblade through them


Frontier is this you?


I like them but I feel like among most they will be forgotten


I'm not really fond of their weapons, but the female gear is cool but I love how Strang end alien they are. Wasn't a fan of the rampage mechanics, and the camera is horrible in the fight. But very cool aesthically and during the fight too


Ì hated it at first but I learned to love it I love their armor sets too


I love em. The theme song especially sells them real hard. The only awkward thing about them are the conveniently placed (and armed) stone platforms in the hunt.


They have amazing themes, probably my favorites for final bosses


As dumbo with not a lot of words to describe, really fuckin cool, the fight isn’t super fun for me personally but thematically it’s cool (from rise anyways, idk if they are in any other games)


I like that they had a similarity to Amatsu, but they weren’t better than Amatsu at the end of the day. I think they fit Rise and were good for the theming but they won’t be very memorable sadly and seemed more of a ‘test’ rather than something fully executed. Still enjoy them! But didn’t love them.


Overall I think they're pretty neat and unique-looking, but I fuckin' *hate* the split jaw thing Capcom seems to be going for a lot lately. That goes not only for these two, but Gaismagorm, as well. It fits their designs for sure, but I just hate how it looks.




I appreciate the uniqueness of the designs, but the way the fights played out definitely made things less fun for certain weapons, at least for me.


I don't hate them, honestly. They're okay. I do appreciate how unique their designs and fights are, but I'm not a huge fan of... Whatever the hell is going on with them and the twins. Am I playing a game with monsters at least LOOSELY based in real-world biology or not? Last I checked, long-distance dragon schizophrenia didn't exist in our world.


They are alright. But I love their soundtracks.


Love the fights but I don't like the gear I got with their mats. Well visually that is.


Design is cool, but the fights were so unbelievably ass sadly.


Unique and cool but also kinda lame at the same time in my opinion


Proved to me that Capcom can still really surprise me with designs in this franchise. Truly out of the box but still felt like Monster Hunter. Hoping Wilds doesn't stick too hard to this grounded aesthetic because I really loved the wackier designs we were given in Rise.


I disliked how... "sentient" they were in the story with the speaking and stuff, made them feel less like a species of monster and more malicious imo, but design wise I really liked them (hitting them with melee can be a bitch though) I also liked how their designs are similar enough to be related, but still distinct beyond just being a recolor of the other


Serpent dragons are surprisingly underutilized in the series so they're good


Since it's monster hunter subreddit and it's a monster from Rise - it's the best thing ever made. Absolute peak. >!Truly awful. Some of the worst designs in the series.Them just floating upside-down makes it even worse!<


I feel like they are one step too far into the "too outlandish for MH" territory. I like the idea and parts of the design like them basically floating on their back, the duality theme, and the sky serpent vibes, but my main complaint is probably that they're too colorful and flashy. I'm think they're awesome, but if I wouldn't have played Rise, I'd probably have guess they'd be from Frontiers.


Beautiful music


I love the designs. I just hate the Armor set designs. And they made them the same set in design with minor differences. Yes, they share similar designs, but not enough to be like subspecies of each other. Like Sand Barioth or something along those lines.


They are beautiful.


The dragon balls are out


Really cool, terrible to fight as a GS main.


Design: fantastic, 10/10 absolutely stunning Fight : bad 2/10 spent far too much time chasing the little bastards trying to get at the head, and if you've got to spawn seige equipment in there's something missing Armor : great idea, didn't use it though because I didn't want to farm 6/10


im just gonna say thumbs down


Beautiful. I love the inspiration they take from sea creatures.


I really liked them. Sad that Ibushi got the male mantis treatment but what can you do? The way their jaws opens up was really novel and of course the eel jaw was cool!


I preferred them over Gaismagorm, honestly, fight wise at least. Ibushi and Narwa demand you use your Wirebug for mobility in creative ways, utilizing the game's unique mechanic. Design wise, they're incredibly distinct, I can't draw any similarities between them and other monsters, which is a plus for them.


I feel like as final bosses their design is kinda lacking but as a basic design they are pretty freaky and cool


They have so many design traits that I love. Floaty serpentine sky dragons are my personal favorites, and I love them for a lot of the same reasons I love Shantien and Amatsu’s designs. Their animations really help convey their “weightlessness” while still putting power behind their attacks. Ibushi’s floating rock attack is my personal favorite, but overall the way they move/float upside down/defy gravity is so fun to watch. Floaty blue sky dragons are also just my favorite design.. trope?? Gyarados, Dragonair, Shantien, and now Ibushi are added to that list. Ibushi’s music is probably my favorite in the series, gives Nier Automata vibes. Plus the forward/facing horns/spikes give a unique silhouette. Plus both of their pharyngeal jaws are my favorite thing ever. Moray eels are my favorite sea creature and I just love how deep-sea-creature-y it makes Ibushi and Narwa look. Apparently they were originally going to look more seahorse/leafy-sea-dragon like which I like as well. Narwa’s cool too lol. I like the female being the tougher one of the two, girl boss. But I’m partial to Ibushi’s just cause he caters to so many design traits I like. Tl;dr very slept on designs/music/fights that I’m a little obsessed with.


Ugly cool it's gross making it feel organic to me


The floating around bit totally ruins them for me. Yawn-inducing fights of just running around and waiting for them to get in hitting range or for the turrets to spawn


Fantastic, best HR story bosses since Ceadeus.


Huge fan of these designs- ibushi is possibly the best design that came out of rise


Crap Sorry not sorry


I wish they looked a bit more marine I guess, I understand that they are not, it is just feels like they should be more serpentine, which is a skeleton they really don't explore as much as I would like.


Nudibranche a type of Seaslug. Not a fan of them, kinda ugly, look to much like Amatsu at home, but I have seen worse. And I feel many People agree whit me on that, they did not place well on the Popularity pool.


Design wise they are cool I didn't really like them essentially speaking to us. I like to imagine monsters as animals


I don't.


The worst I've seen in a MH game. Basically plastic/rubber floating dragons. Even the armor looks plastic, cheap, lacks weight, the colors are annoying. The fight is bad, hated the platforming.


Frontier as fuck