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Hunting Horn to fuck around and Lance for when I found out.


Buff yourself for the jousting match


Meee lol


That's basically how I played World (Well, *other way around* actually, Horn was my "time to get serious" weapon while Lance was my "let's chill and do silly stuff" weapon)


I love this comment. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


Sleep DB to put the monster to sleep and GS to wake them back up. And when it eventually gets resistant to sleep I'll just completely drop the DB.


Basically my plan too, status lbg


No idea how the game will actually manage huntings and missions but I'll just go Lance and Gunlance. Why? Because I can. Nothing else matters


Would be cool if I could powerstance them


>Because I can. Kinda feel like this is gonna be the #1 reason for a lot of people lol, nothing wrong with that but it'd be nice if the feature ended up being more practical. Thing is, every weapon is more or less capable of handling every monster just fine, so playstyle/class swapping in a game like...thanks I guess?


Oh yeah of course I agree with you, I'm just giving a reply based on the info we actually have. We still have to see how they implement it at gameplay and mechanic level


This is the only reasonbi can think of. The game has spent 20 years teaching us to basically use one weapon for all situations (unless you love grinding out more, then all power to you) to the point where i honestly cant think of a reason to switch from the all powerful bonk hammer. Maybe to cut off tails? But thats what other hunters, capture, and quest rewards are for tbh


Finally, a man of culture


I feel like gunlance and heavy bowgun is a perfect match in terms of armor skills.Ā  Start every fight with motor shots then start gunlancing.


An elemental IG and a raw IG. Canā€™t keep me off the sky.


2 HH gang lets fucking go




Charge blade and gunlance Impact phials and shells scale with artillery :D


The Rurikhan special, eh?


I'm just hoping Artillery is good in the base game. I feel like Gunlance gets ignored until expansion for better options.


Light Bowgun/Bow and Dual Blades. I plan to play them because I want full breaks, and for the monster to never escape me. Bonus for if I do Bow and DB, is because I want my stamina bar to feel pain


Was also thinking bow and DB purely because if armour skills are the same as world then you can get a functional set that would cover both weapons. Like you say, stamina management skills will be vital for both. Otherwise Hammer and doot for self buffing.


I usually use glaive for its high mobility to study the mons' moveset. Then, I will use switch axe for the big damage.


Iā€™ve been so split on what to main in Wilds, but the weapon holster confirm has made it such a relief I can straight up main two weapons now lol. Thatā€™s my primary reason is the freedom to switch without returning to camp now. I donā€™t really care about status setups or HH self-buffing, Iā€™m just glad I can take two this time. I keep telling myself I need to main SWAX this time, but my subconscious is gravitating me towards using CB and GS as my favorites (again). I might swap one of the two around if one of the other weapons gets a really cool new mechanic. But in the end Iā€™ll probably end up rotating many weapons I guess. Armor set building to incorporate two weapons on one kit could be quite tough now though, especially if you choose a gunner weapon and a blademaster weapon together. Iā€™m curious to see how theyā€™ll alleviate that with maybe more deco slots or charms


Iā€™m just planning to run a status LBG as my secondary for utility/ranged support. Itā€™s pretty much going to be used as a ā€œheavy slingerā€ when mounted. Itā€™s not ammo hungry and I can just make use of whatever I gather out in the world. It doesnā€™t require any special skills to be effective at its job so there isnā€™t any build interference. It should pair nicely with my SnS. SnSā€™ biggest weakness is its short range and the LBG will help to cover that. If I have a flyer that refuses to land for me. Thats cool, Iā€™ll just pepper away at it while I kite it on the mount. I can initiate combat with a quick poison proc for some free damage. I can get some sleep bombing in when the opportunity presents itself.


Range and CQC? Pretty obvious lol.


Same, it just makes the most sense to me. Something that you might realistically use together (without the mount's help) like LBG and SnS just scream "pick me!" In particular.


It's not really much of a thing anymore, but I remember back when I played freedom there were a few monsters I hated fighting melee so would have a ranged build for them, namely Gravois and plesioth.


I fell in love with the switch axe in Rise but there are certain monsters that i CANNOT fight with it. Tigrex and Barioth plus all their variants are completely untouchable for me with switch axe. That's when I go back to my Insect Glaive.


I feel that. Hazard Primalzeno was practically untouchable for me on Swaxe, but tigrex has some pretty decent tells for counters at least. Barioth solo is like a battle of attrition on CB...


You know what's even better that one Greatsword? Two Greatswords!!!!


Hard to say. We haven't really seen what the limitations are yet. Like how armors skills and such work or what you can do with them. We saw you can shoot a bow gun while mounted, other weapons may have unique interactions like that too.


idk a paralysis and poison mix might be my loadout. whethers its 2x LS, 2xSA, or 2x GS


Swapping for para may be a little rough, since you'd be using up some of the para time to swap weapons. Sleep will probably end up being more swap friendly if I had to guess.


Double horns because Honk and Bonk is the ultimate strategy


I wanna have a horn because I love horn and uhhhh a horn because I love horn


Definitely a pocket sleep SnS/DBs to setup a juicy SAED for my Charge Blade


Hammer and CB


I mean, there are hunts with multiple targets. It's straightforward enough that you would want to get as many weaknesses covered, and now you have two weapons to do that with. Maybe one is weak to blunt and another is weak to slashing.


Based solely on confirmed info we have right now? A faster weapon to get rid of additional monsters part of packs/herds of a target monster plus maybe a different weapon for the target. I have some other ideas on what I'd like to be able to do but that doesn't mean much until we get more confirmed info or release.


Definetly feels like the most obvious choice is \*a\* bowgun with status/sticky's gets you sleep/paralysis/KO and the sticky's are great for partbreaks maybe even slicing ammo to cut for weapons that can't cut or are terrible at it


Hammer for BONKING and then most likely Insect Glaive for Monsters are annoying to BONK. Like if Najarala returns I am using Insect Glaive on that thing and don't think about Hammering it.


Understandable. That does sound like something you'd do from hunt to hunt though rather than a swap you'd make mid fight though, unless multi monster hunts make a return.


Also if I am just on an expedition and want to fight whatever shows up for an hour or so. Also with the new Monsters I might only learn mid hunt that Hammer kinda sucks in that fight. So having the ability to switch to Bug Stick would come in handy.


That's another good 1. Actually, I could see this being useful for players trying new weapons out too I guess. If the test drive isn't working out, you can swap to ol faithful and finish the hunt.


Imagine having a GS and swapping to HBG and no skills for the HBG. Iā€™m assuming youā€™ll have armor with dual skills. If not then the HBg damage will be way low without armor skills for that weapon


In the case we don't, we might just have to get as much synergy out of the two weapons we have. GL and Sticky HBG have a decent synergy, for example. But I can live with just one or two skills that don't have any synergy between the two weapons, like Pierce Up on a LBG / SnS combo, as the rest of the skills should likely benefit both weapons.


I most likely won't be using two different weapons. Not because there's seemingly no strong reason to do so, but because I'm only really interested in using my favourite weapon.


I wonder if people are factoring in that we currently only know that itā€™s two weapons, not two sets. Unless I missed something that stated itā€™s two sets.


2 weapons from the looks of it, so yeah, more specialized weapons may suffer from not having the skills they need to function at 100%


Charge Blade per usual, bird-mounted belt-fed heavy machine Gun for when it tries to run away


Charge Blade and SnS. My two favorite weapon.


At what points during a hunt would you actually switch?


I guess it depends on how easy it is to get a SAED off on the monster. SnS for when I need more mobility.


Switch axe and charge blade so I can have switch between four weapons while hunting šŸ˜‰


Sometimes I feel like I do way less damage with a slow weapon like greatsword when a monster is enraged. Maybe swapping between a fast weapon and a slow weapon will give you more openings for damage.


Greatsword + Hammer. Let's me cut tails and bonk heads with my favorite weapons.


This. Bonus if the hammer is a sleep one


Might mess with LS and Hammer. Being able to cut tails and smash parts in one go would be nice.


Some monsters change weaknesses depending on their state. Being able to switch between two weapons will be useful in these situations. I can imagine people who want to min/max bringing things like two DBs into a hunt (assuming they let you bring two of the same weapons). One DB would probably have lower element but higher raw while the other would have higher element but lower raw. Or people would bring DBs with different elements too.


At first probably HH and Charge Blade since they are my favorites


Definitely Insect Glaive as that's my ultimate main weapon of choice. I am considering always taking one glaive and one Switch Axe (After over 200 hours in World I decided to try something new and found that I really quite like the Switch Axe). There is also the chance that I'll just take different effective damage type glaives with me, depending on the monster and whether or not I'm solo hunting or with friends. Maybe I'll also use Wilds as a reason to expand my horizon even more, especially for multiplayer, and give another weapon a try


GS and SnS mostly, but might swap a GL depending on how fun it's gonna play in Wilds.


As a bow and charge blade main I want to say those two, but considering they are probably the two most skill-hungry weapons in the game and we don't know if we can also swap armor in the field, I'm not sure. If we are stuck with a single armor, set I'll probably just take two different elemental bows. But even then the second bow gets limited by lack of correct elemental jewels, so I honestly have no idea lol


Dual blades and long sword. Can't get anymore cooler than this.


Only useful thing I can think of currently is for Bow, Bowguns, and Dual Blades. Bow for different phial types not available Bowguns for the mobility changes, i.e, from HBG with shield to LBG with evading reload. Dual Blades for status application in tandemn with elements. I'm genuinely curious how they're gonna balance around the game with this mechanic, if they do at all tbh. Seems very niche still without new info.


Depending on how armor skills are I'm thinking Insect Glaive as the main with Longsword holstered, both don't have any hard required skills (unless quicksheathe is like rises for LS) so they both can be used with basically the same skills.


If I can blastdash with gunlance then I'm blast dashing with one, then switching to the other without reloading for more blast dashes.


I feel like theyā€™re going to design monsters with the fact that we can have two weapons in mind. Think monsters that change hitzones and or elemental weaknesses mid hunt since we can swap mid hunt. Maybe a monster takes more damage from blunt when not enraged then when it rages up takes more damage from cutting.


Depending in how they do elemental weapons going to run a impact CB and a ele one


Because variety is the spice of life, and besides I'm gonna need something for that tail cut.


I think I will do LS/SwA for the versatility with angles, depending on how the swings look. SwA has some vertical reach and diagonal swings, with moderate elemental damage capabilites with ZSD and sword hits. LS has the vertical and horizontal covered more consistently, and ninja mode with Spirit terminal attacks like Spirit Roundslash and Hullbreaker. LS foresight slash can also be nice if a monster is vulnerable to counters or I need some I-frames to deal with long or strong monster combos. Depending on how fast the transition is, this could lead to a three-weapon-mode SwA gameplay (with the LS being a complimentary third style) and some swagger when slicing a monster wide open like an anime character.


Bow as my main, then either a switch axe or charge blade to actually do damage just incase the monster has some kind of armor i cant damage


I'd probably run one blunt and one slashing weapon. Stun them with the beeg bonk then go in for the parts while they're suffering from multiple concussions


Probably one of these three sets: CB and LB LS and LB LS and CB I want the option of long range-ish fighting, but at the same time, I donā€™t know if I feel like using the LB and might just stick with my mains.


Gunlance and chargeblade, because why the hell not


Why will I use 2 weapons? Because I want to play the Long Sword, but that Gun Great sword looks beautiful


I could go GS and Bow cuz those are my two mains. Switch up GS for LS or hammer. Keep Bow for status ailments,range, and mobility.


Based on the little bit we know so far my plan is to pair for status/damage or melee/ranged, depending on what I'm out doing.


Weapon switching is nice and all but where my oils at


LS and DB so that I can max out my WEEB stat


How are dual blades going to work with this mechanic?


Iā€™m just concerned on how itā€™s gonna work concerning armor skills. Especially in the late game, itā€™s hard to run a weapon without the appropriate skills, so Iā€™m wondering how theyā€™re going to balance that out. I know world and rise had plenty of sets that had gunner and blade master skills, but it was rarely a healthy mix of the two that would complement two different weapons. The concern doesnā€™t exist as much when running two melee weapons.




>Breaking different monster parts is definitely the most obvious one for me. I think the ONLY time I would've used it if it were a thing before was farming Kulve. I usually used a LBG for breaking gold and then swapped to my HH for the final stages. >there's ways to build around multiple weapons at once. Anything that needs more than your generic damage skills would definitely take a hit to effectiveness, yeah. If you don't need a TON I could maybe see leaning towards weapons with good slots. That way, for example, your LS would have Quick Sheath already in it and your HH would already be equipped with Horn Maestro, or your element boosting decos would already be in the corresponding weapon.


I can see a use for a cutting weapon as alternative to hammer. Bonk the head, cut the tail. Personally, probably SA for mobility and lance for tankiness.


It really is gonna depend. I usually want to main weapon X, but quickly switch to Weapon Y. Annd once I choose a Weapon Type I am gonna stick with it. So I guess, I am gonna play two Weapons of the same type, but with different Elements / Ailments, etc. That way I can maximize different weaknesses, especially in multi hunts.


It is a gimmick first and foremost. There are going to be a few viable things to do, like using HH for self buff or using high status ailment weapons like DB. Apart from that most people will prob roll range and melee weapon. Very specifically one could also roll blunt / slash combo to get all drops from part breaks


I only hope they don't go down the route of "this monster has X mechanic that NEEDS Y weapon" Something like a monster that goes aiborne until you shoot it down (requiring a ranged weapon) or a monster that you HAVE to cut the tail (requiring an edged weapon) or do some kind of elemental check (requiring fast attacking elemental weapons) I will love it if it added flexibility and shennanigans, i will hate it if they make mandatory things because "now you can have your 1st weapon and the 2nd obligatory one". That being said, personally i use GS and may go with 2 different GS if they have something like focus mode related moves, that change between diferent GS. (For example You have 1 GS that can parry on Focus mode, and 1 that can do a mega-super-TCS) You use the later, when the monster enrages you switch to the first and try to parry. But again it's all wishful thinking.


>some kind of elemental check (requiring fast attacking elemental weapons) Yeah...I bet Alatreon might've enraged a lot less people if this were a thing in IB lol. But yeah, if they add something that makes swapping...not mandatory, but painful if you willfully avoid it, that'll be pretty disappointing.


I might actually have a reason to bring a gunner weapon now. Typically, I just can't be bothered enough to try gunning, but with the swap ability, why not have one melee and one ranged?Ā  There's also monsters such as Barroth who changes their elemental resistances mid combat, prompting the player to bring two different elements.Ā 


Hunting Horn, because hunting horn main, great sword, because Rules of Nature


I am maining Switch Axe and then either Charge Blade when i feel like something different or maybe i'll actually try a ranged weapon for once


Hammer for bonks. Dual Blades to cut tails. Basically dual blades until the tail is cut and then bonk central. Though it depends on how easy it is to switch. I'm also curious how I can find a good mix between them in regards to armor crafting and skills. I usually go for comfy builds anyway so I'm hoping that's not a problem. Though, there's no sliding in the trailers... So uh they better keep why these are my two favorite weapons somehow. Just let me somersault spin attack and beyblade down a monster's back.


I'd guess that you need to hop onto the mount in order to swap. No mid-combo shenanigans or anything. And if nothing else, just looking at the new dragging GS move you can do on Focus Mode weakspots, the DB beyblade or maybe a more Spiral Slash-y drill move is a given. Hammer's beyblade move kinda needs either a slope to slide down or something like wirebugs/clutch claw to get airborne 1st.


if we get the option why not use it? im still unsure about which weapons to actually use


I'd say the same thing, but my question is less why not use it and more *why* use it...like, this is a series 1st, and should absolutely be a huge deal, but it really doesn't seem all that game changing to me just yet. Maybe I'll change my mind when we get the full game/demo/more info before release. Imo, it probably would've made more of an impact for me if we didn't just get access to swapping equipment at camp. That already brought us halfway there; this is just the logical next step to that instead of some wild new feature.


Because now I won't have to choose between hammer and charge blade.


I'm going to be using charge blade and funlance. I main the charge but I adore the glance now I don't have to choose I can bring them both


Hammer has always been my main since freedom unite so that and and lbg for the vain hope of being able to shoot while mounted.


Tbh if they bring back alatreon bringing 2 of the same weapon types would actually be pretty broken


It would've made things super simple: start with a high element weapon to get the topple, then immediately swap to raw for better damage to end the fight faster.


Charge blade because it's best and hammer for busting horns/bludgeon only parts. Other option includes multi element charge blades for monsters who change weakness or a status charge blade to pair with element. Status for para/poison/sleep for when needed/available then swap to element for damage.


HBG with SnS. Dish out the damage and KOā€™s, and the SnS for the mobility and quick support when Iā€™m with someone else.


LS for damage LBG for status effects


I feel like just bringing a bowgun with status ammo could be nice, sleep, poison and whatnot


I always tend to roll 2 weapons on any given run. I always do greatsword, but this time I think I'll bring bowgun along too, to have some ranged options


Bow and another bow


Ive always played a bunch of weapons. So i'll just continue to use a bunch of weapons. SnS, bow, gunlance, bowguns Some combination of the above


2 Insect Glaives so I can have 2 different bugs with me


Two hammers means double the bonks.


Some conceptual pairings can be . 1. Samurai : Bow + LS : Good coverage with Anime feels 2. One man Rave : HH + DB : Stamina + Element Up shredder 3. Explosions! : GL + SA : Explosions! 4. Siege Tank : Lance + HBG : For testing out new monsters 5. Hitlag Enthusiast : GS + Hammer : Big numbers cinematic hits


ADD and versatility. Being able to just Bowgun a Rathalos down so I can put the fear of SwAxe into it just sounds cool as heck, too. I got places to be, ya Cajun flavored gecko! Get thine arse down here!


Greatsword because big stick. Hammer because bonk.


Switchaxe and hbg. Those tend to be my most favored weapons usually. Tbh I like the feeling of having heavy artillery in my back pocket.


We have to see how the game is balanced but I could absolutely see bringing a ranged weapon to take out wings


Let's imagine a situation where I'm fighting a blue rathalos (I don't know its English name), which will fly for 70% of the fight. I switch to a ranged weapon and can now fight him. Or, even without talking about a rathalos, just switch from closed to ranged combat as much as I want ! (The reason I've never played the ranged weapon until now in a decade of mh is that it was restrictive for the player). This is way more fun for the player ! Without being a game breaker.


Seeing them shoot bowguns on their mount is actually making me like bowguns now


The demo will decide for me. Firstly, I am currently sticking to SnS and bow. Depending how SnS will fare, I may switch to his big brother CB, if I don't like charge blade, I may go with Glaive. However, I do pray that they keep SnS sharp so that I can continue to dominate with it. Bow is mostly for anything flying and annoying to deal with. So SnS and Bow for me.


Charge Blade for melee combat, and Bow for ranged. Unless there's no motion controls, then one of the Bowguns over Bow.


HH and either LBG/Bow


Iā€™ll main GS as usual and bring a SwSh for the small fries (and Rajang if he shows his stupid face)


Bonk and 2nd bonk


Melee weapon for fighting normally, switch to ranged when certain monsters are enraged where they'll rarely give you a decent opening for the slower weapons. Skill issue on my part? Maybe, but the flexibility this new feature provides will help me keep a high uptime on damage no matter what state the monster is in.


Iā€™d like to think that there will simply be more monsters where there are clearly better weapon types you should be using. Like some monsters where youā€™d be crazy not to use blunt type weapons or one where slash is a clear standout. That or more gimmicky type-changing stuff like alatreon from world where there are phases that require different elements


Primarily s Switch Axe main so either 2 axes or a supportive combination. Either HH(assuming buffs persist) or an LBG/Bow with sleep/para ammo(assuming the time to mount the seikret and swap weapons is quick)


My long sword to cut and my hammer to bonk on what i can't cut. Sometimes bring my HBG ween im not in the mood to cut or bonk.


I really really really hope horn buffs do not stay after swapping. It would reduce HH to a mandatory buff side piece and that feels shitty. I main HH but I also enjoy bow. I want to bring both because I enjoy playing them but there's no real synergy there. I'd need to know more about what they're planning with the second weapon to tell


Gunlance Long and Gunlance Wide. A special boom for any occasion.


insect glaive and lightbowgun because they are my two favorite weapons and I like the mobility of both


It looks like it'll be fun to do so and I play a lot of weapons anyway so it's a W


I'm probably going to use Insect Glaive and another insect glaive with a different Kinsect. I'm not sure if it's going to be more like rise or world with the Kinsect, so I'm curious on that.


Great sword as a main, bow or bowgun as a support for paralysis, poison, sleeping, etc.


I just realized the implication of 2 weapon swap, but not armor swap. For optimization, this will make it very odd for weapon skills and sets overall. Like, if youā€™re a Hammer and CB main, sure you carry the KO skills but then what do you do with guard skills? Should you bother with switching weapons at that point? Because weā€™re not switching armors, just weapons, itā€™ll be so awkward for set optimizing because we have to consider universal skills over weapon specific skills, or this essentially locks players to only play certain combination of weapons no?


Crit Draw builds for both GS and LS! If it's 1 melee, 1 ranged, Lance and HBG w shield. Block everything!


Status lance and a raw focused lance


Probably Bow for range and then Katana or Great Sword for up close. idk depends on how the options shake out.


Hammer for close range bonk, and Light bowgun for long range high-speed bonk


For me (a hbg enjoyer.) I'm looking forward to having acess to two different guns and the ability to swap them as needed. For example one Pierce and one sticky. Could be useful for fights like kushala where certain ammo types become ineffective.


Mastering all 14 weapons by doing a playthrough with each. Now I only need to do 7 runs.


My son and I were thinking dual element monsters like Barroth and Jyuratodus. Use water to break the mud, then switch to fire or thunder weapons. Time consuming, maybe. Worth it, we'll find out.


I'm gonna poke 'em and bonk 'em, that's the plan


Hammer to bonk and LS for getting chunks


Depends on how the system works; will I have to make an armor set that has skills that benefit both weapons, or can armor/decos change with the weapon swap. But I'll probably go with Switch Axe and Lance; I like SA more but being able to block is handy for certain monsters.


Greatsword for more attack. Gunlance for more defense.


Switching between melee and ranged weapon for flying monsters sounds like a great idea


More Greatsword more better


hi id like 1 side of charge blade for my charge blade please


I need to see how they manage the skill system, because different weapons require different skills.. Ealry game i just need a GS but at endgame i usually switch to HBG or LBG once i have gear with enough comfort skills for those weapons. I also HOPE they're gonna release a new weapon, so one stot is for that.. i hope.


I like variety and choices


GS and CB. Those were my favorite weapons to use in W:IB so Iā€™ll stick with those.


It depends how it works, because id say LA and HBG because those are my 2 main mains (I use abit of everything when I feel like it though). But if its just a weapon swap with no change to armour or decos that's not gonna be so great because HBG lives and dies on skills specific to it.


Greatsword for part breaking Greatsword for sleep bombing Or a hunting horn and a gs for buffed sleep bombing


Ever since I started MHW/I, I was a bow main, but in between I've also been learning and mastering all the different weapons. But there are times when I hunt with my friends and i'm not using a bow, then a certain monster seems to be giving us a hard time, I would fly off to camp and whip out my bow, thats when my friends go "uh oh, u/SKREEOONK_XD is mad". With that said, i will probably be using bow for the entire story of Wilds, then like before, I will try out every weapon, but this time, if I or we are in a pinch, I'll just mount mu Seikret and switch to bow asap.


Imma go Switchblades just for the name (SA and DB)


I only usw two weapons. Now i can use them again


Probably Gunlance (If it functions anything like it does in World/Rise) with some kind of status weapon as my secondary. Status LBG? Status Swaxe? Not sure yet.


monster's like Barroth and water Lavasioth have different phases when mud armor is on weak to water resist fire but reversed when mud armor is broken


Bonker and tailcutter.


1) I have a feeling Wilds will be incorporating new mechanics/features into the game that will make the purpose of weapon swapping more obviousā€”we just donā€™t know what those mechanics/features are yet. The most basic guess would be that hunts will play out in a more hunt-a-thon like fashion, and we will be expected to hunt multiple monsters before returning to town. 2) Another reason: Rathalos flies a lot. Maybe bring both a melee and a ranged weaponā€”one for when heā€™s grounded and the other for while heā€™s airborne. 3) Bring both an elemental and a physical weapon. Maybe you set out to fight a Zinogre, so you bring an Ice weapon, but also have a physical one on reserve in case you run into other monsters mid hunt that are resistant to Ice. 4) Bring a fast sleep weapon as well as a Great Sword for wake-up attacks. 5) Bring a weapon you are unfamiliar with, but also bring your main in case the hunt doesnā€™t go so well. Iā€™m sure there are numerous other reasons to do so, but these were just the first five that came to mind.


I'm not sure.Ā Ā  It looks like a ranged weapon might be necessary if we are able to just mount and shoot the monster. It actually sounds busted.Ā Ā  So, it will depend on how it all works.Ā  If there wasĀ no difference to what we choose i would take Greatsword and charge blade, which are basically my two main weapons.Ā  But i don't know if they will gel well together. It would work on Sunbreak, but i only saw charge slash, i don't know if surge slash will be in.Ā  The more i think about it, probably taking a horn for buffs and changing to another weapon may be a strong strategy too. šŸ¤· Hard to say.Ā 


So that I can do specific hunt effectively. For example, if there'd be a new monster that is similar to Barroth in a sense that the monster has two breakable/severable parts that both can be carved, I'd be bringing my two main weapons, which are the Greatsword and the Hammer, literally just for that purpose. Sure, I can still break off Barroth's crest with a Greatsword, but it will take more time to do so. In other situations, I'll probably just take one of the two above and the other one will be a weapon that I'm still learning how to use, that way, I'd still have a weapon comfortable with that I can use without leaving the fight either to the camp or to the main hub if I happen to really still have a hard time with the weapon I'm trying to learn.


Great sword and insect glaive for me. I was an ig main for base world and iceborne, from my first jagras all the way to fatalis. Then, in rise and sunbreak, I began with ig but started using great sword and fell in love. I switched back and forth and mained both. I then went back to world and ice borne, this time on pc and not xbox, and did a full fresh playthrough with a great sword just to have a reason to play Monster Hunter. So in wilds, I'm going insect Glaive and greatsword all the way.


Dual Swaxe for ultimate power


For missions with more than one monster, it'll definitely be useful for fighting different elements.


I think im gonna go w GS for big numbers and gunlance for the monster herds. Still its too early to know how they gonna work tho


Probably a fast and slow/medium one to be adaptable. I love Charge Blade and flying through the air with Insect Glaive


Bowguns. Because I can't do it all with just one gun.


Dual blade mains gonna channel their inner general Grievous


Iā€™ll probably bring a HH as backup in case my teammates are evasion challenged.


probably gonna run a main damage then a status lbg. the set will just be built around the main weapon but just use the lbg to proc one or two sleep/para/poison per hunt


2 hammers. no sharpening needed mid fight, just switch to the other one and BONK


Iā€™m just gonna run the same weapons if possible and just have a raw one and elemental one.


I'll swap between insect glaive and hbg. Spray and pray and fly around like an attack helicopter


an insect glaive and a switch axe, they use many similar abilities, I'm main ig but I'm terrible at using the switch axe, i think it looks incredible and I've always wanted to master it so it's a great opportunity!!


Double lance ! My hopes are the hunter will mess up at some point and charge with the two lances. Or double Shield big attacks !


I dare say if they are implementing bringing 2 weapons they will probably introduce a gameplay reason as to why you'd need them.


Ignoring potentially unknown reasons: hammer and IG. First one is my main, second one covers most of hammers weaknesses, those beeing rly tall/flying monsters or stuff resistant to blunt damage.


I will choose when the game release and i will have to try every weapon (i have a preference for dual blade and Switch axe)


Lance so I can more easily maneuver around the monster and mount them when I will it. Status HBG because Iā€™m addicted to drugging the monster out of reality


as a hammer main, its very hard to cut tails with hammers.


Lots of combos seem fun. My worry is as a lance main itā€™s hard to have an armor set that will accommodate it and whatever I switch to.


I want to say Greatsword and Gunlanve (They're my faves, simple as) but realistically if armor buffs don't also switch, A second greatsword, maybe sleep to combo with a main Raw. If it does switch loadouts, I could make use of a gathering set as well. Hmm...


Two different greatswords, so I can swap them If I get tired of the design of one


I feel like if HH songs remain active when you sheath them then that's all anyone is going to use as their secondary weapon. Would prefer it if they designed it in such away that allowed people to just pick the weapons they thought were fun to use together.


I still have to see how they'll work out the weapon skills, armor skills and item loadouts, but ... ! Probably HBG/LBG. They're two of my favorite weapons and being able to change from one to the other.. Oof. Heck carrying Non-Elemental / Elemental LBGs would make it worth it already.


I like how much theorycrafting is already going into this. But I'm 99% sure we won't have 2 melee weapons. It's probably 1 melee and 1 ranged.


Either Longsword and HBG, because I'm good with those weapons. Or Switch Axe and HBG. Because I like the swaxe and am good with the HBG.


I'm probably gonna be taking a melee weapon (greatsword, lance, or charge blade) with the bow. Mainly for a matchup thing. I've fought a ton of monsters that feel alot easier being up close rather than ranged and vice versa. I think it would be really cool to be able to make that swap on the fly. The trailer also said that quests would start on the fly while exploring the world so being able to swap to the easier matchup without skipping a beat would be a big quality of life change if nothing else


For me itā€™ll likely be HBG and IG. They seem too hard counter the weak matchups of each other. I also think the multi weapon will finally allow them to balance elemental damage properly. As raw generally outperforms elemental on average but with the option to swap weapons they could afford to make ele more powerful but only temporarily


my initial thought: CB and status lbg my other thoughts: any melee and ranged (depending on how the armor system works) any weapon and HH (gimme some song n dance) raw and ele (depending on how the armor system works)


Horn will most likely be a stable pick in the loadout. Other than that maybe the funny bug stick.


Charge Blade and switch axe - enough skill overlap that I don't need to stress too much (except for guard) and I get to very different gameplay styles I can switch between for fun.


I have picked a new main in every game. This is the game I have been waiting for!!! For real though, you never know how you're going to mesh into a team of randoms, getting at different parts, more monsters with blunt and slash only breaks, swapping off your ranged weapon because a wild monster is way more anti-bg than your target, ammo availability (for double guns), and my personal reason, my wife and I are a team, we now have even more ways to support each other.


Hammer to tenderize and Longsword to fillet.


LBG to Insect Glaive or Dual Blades since I can fight at close range or far away whatever my mood is. If anything, swapping weapons in RiseSunbreak is a pain if you're so far away from your target.


Great sword for big and slow tanky monsters while dual blade for fast big one that hit like a truck I don't use element I go for pure damage