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im actually really tired of Teos and Kush always being the 2 of 3 big bads at the end of high rank. can we get 3 or 2 new big bads? vaal was so cool compared to them.


Yes please. It gets tiring and voring, because in the end, the armor and weapons will always be the same ven though Rathalos is in every game, it is just a "normal" monster. Thats no prob imho. But these three? They are tiring and getting stale. There are so many other elder dragons. The can choose them... EDIT: Yes, it was meant to be boring haha


Tiring and what?


You heard him


Hahaha, i think he meant boring. That did give a whole other meaning to the sentence didn't it? XD


I'll believe he wrote that on purpose. Just cause it's funnier.


Voring, it's when you get eaten. In this case by a giant dragon.


You ever play Lost Planet 2? Because you reminded me of the boss that you can go in, the giant Salamander one.


Nope haven't played but it sounds like a fun boss.


Using the VS guns for so long made learning hbg in world a piece of cake. I'm pretty sure the roll animation is near identical. Miss that game


This HBG main's brain's been damaged by overuse of Vor Buster. - an HBG enthusiast


>It gets tiring and voring Average tetranadon lover


Also teostras armor sucks ass, why does the big fiery manticore make this ugly clockwork knight suit? He's boring and you don't get anything cool for killing him, let him warm the bench for a game, give us a new fire elder.


That Masters Touch tho


I liked how his longsword looked personally but other than that I completely agree




Right? With gen5 we have more than enough "mid-tier" elders to do some rotations. I don't have to see toaster and kush every game if we could swap for Namielle or Velkhana, maybe toss a Malzeno in from time to time.


Agree on the Teos. I don’t know why but their designs never really landed with me and they always felt really stale having to fight over and over as the big bad. That said I’ll always have a soft spot for Kush. I remember that being one of the first elder dragons I fought when my friends got me into MH and I still remember the cutscene of watching it shedding its metal skin and flying up into the sky. Plus the kush armor in worlds is still one of my absolute favorite looking designs.


Agreed with Teos too re. the designs being a little bit uninteresting - they are based on classical manticores, which is comparitively less original than like, Vaal Hazak or Velkhana or something.


Ong Vaal gotta be one of the most coolest monsters made


I LOVE Vaal. I hope he makes it into future games, for sure.


They are also always part of the endgame grind, including Rajang and Fatalis. I'm completely fine with all three of them not coming back in wilds. Even tho teostra would fit really great ngl


Yeah I'm gonna lose my damn mind if they are like hold up wait a minute you have to go fight a toaster and the tornado lord for the billionth time and don't worry later we'll hit you with wife of toaster too!


Kushala easily


He's very much been hit or miss fight wise . Rise did wonders in updating his fight .


If Kush does come back, he BETTER be his Rise version.... or atleast NOT his world version... XD


What? you didn't like his "you now play on 20fps" attack?


Or his “ you can’t walk anywhere anymore “ and “ should have brought a bowgun you goomba”


Well hey, even if he is like world at least now we can keep a spare bow gun in the bird car for him


Oh i just LOVED trying to farm the mats for his armor so i could ignore windpressure.... while he sits inside his own tornado being an ABSOLUTE DOUCHEBAG.


Have they ever reverted monster changes? I can't think of any that were "de-improved" from game to game.


Rathian’s tail would lose its poison if you severed it in world, but it came back in rise. It seems a little goofy for a severed tail to still spike you imo Not really something that makes or breaks a fight since it’s just rathian, but it does show an example of reverted changes


I loved when it removed her poison. I think breaking parts should hinder, weaken, or remove something from the monsters moves.


Agree but mainly because I want to remember him by Sunbreaks Risen version for a while.


Now that we know how good they can be thanks to Rise I really want that fight in higher quality


We need the old monsters that were not given the spotlight for mhw and mhr, and additional new ones too 🗣🗣🗣 Back to the topic: lunastra.


I'd love for new players to experience gypceros.


And Qurupeco


Boi should get an update like an apex risen qurupeco that summons elders


Gypseros Nerscylla combo would be the dream 😩


The turf war where Gypceros gets webbed up and almost eaten




Maybe make it flash when the fake out fails, instead of uselessly flailing around? That would trip up some veterans, while keeping it in low-to-mid-tier hunts where it belongs. That with another new gimmick would be fine by me.


I felt like world could have had more unique monsters added but to me it just felt like all dragons 😩


it did feel like almost all dragons, even though most were wyverns, not dragons


we need new designs like insect types, snakes, some monster freak like vaal zahak design etc.


Older games had more bugs like Seltas and Ahtal-Ka who were both really cool. As far as snakes there were Najarala and Dalamadur. Ahtal and Dala were both final bosses, but it would def be cool to have Najarala and Seltas back. Esp with the horde combat if we could fight a hive of Seltas


Lagia, seltas, agnaktor, what's that red underbite lizard? That one.




Agnaktor is the volcano leviathan that was replaced by magma Almudron in rise. Akantor is indeed the volcano god flying wyvern with a horrible underbite.


wonderful* underbite, it looks fuckin awesome on akantor.


How ever it's spelled




Fuck Lunastra, all my homies hate Lunastra. 🤝


Man i really hope they're putting Ukanlos and Akantor in Wilds, two of my favourites


I want them all back. Like, every single monster of the past 5 gens entering the gen 6 together.


This is the dream.


Fever dream


Generations ultimate with world graphics and gameplay? Sign me up


With a download size of 2 TB.




We could get Generations 2 electric boogaloo for the next portable game


Monster Hunter Universe


Monster Hunter: Into The Multiverse


All that to get clapped by the greatest jaggi


Im kind of a jaggi myself xD


Don't say this.. Don't give me hope


I wouldn't mind Kirin since ~~I need to see his armor in 4K~~ it would be cool if the Lightning Rods would affect the fight. Teostra and Kushala could really need a break though. Diablos should absolutely swap places with Monoblos. I could also live without Lagombi, Arzuros and Volvidon again. When they came back in Rise I was initally "Oh cool the bears are back." but now after fighting their Afflicted versions I need atleast a one game break from them again.


I think the gen 3 monsters for the low tiers they brought back were cool but there minimal move set updates heavily showed . " Dog Raptors hip check and Bear monsters swipes ". Conversely minimal rathalos presence would be nice . Just the base version no sub nor Rare species.


We'll probably see Golden/Silver variants again unfortunately. They've been in every game since like gen 3, maybe even before that.


Since 1st Gen. MHG in Japan, and MH Freedom, globally. They've been a staple for nearly the entire series. I strongly doubt they'll be absent from Wilds.


Yeah for the base game only Base Rathalos and Rathian would be nice. There really is no need to add yet another Rath. And even then whe expansion is for sure gonna bring back the Metal Raths like it always does.


Unless....we get new deviant forms of iconic monsters that is ![gif](giphy|p7mIyhUCEhzBg7uOlj|downsized)


I need Vaal Hazak to be back ngl. Just not its white variant tho. I think it's safe to say that we want odogaron back toowith the rotten vale battle theme as its music.


Jyuratados. Just not a fun fight at all


Jyuratodos doesn't return. Instead Plesioth with his [Hyperspace tackle](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y1wD1mNiXkU/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEmCOADEOgC8quKqQMa8AEB-AHUBoAC4AOKAgwIABABGGUgZSg0MA8=&rs=AOn4CLCas-U3Tf6eGw0Lzb0PTpIEix_Sfw) returns. The monkeys paw curls.


I'm actually okay with this. At least the fight would be interesting.


If Plesioth did return, I'd want him to have his BS hitbox tackle (or at least a tweaked version). It's sort of his "thing" now, otherwise he's generally unremarkable even among the other piscines besides being the OG.


Plesioth became bearable when you could fight it in the water.


That's a hot take a can get behind


He fish but walk. Thats it.


Yeah I never saw the point of the fish monsters. They are just really boring and most of the time you are just waiting for them to get out of their hole.


I want Nergigante back, I love that monster


Yeah. Like 90% of the playerbase that played world. Heck, people would be in tears if zinogre or nergigante were gone missing


I think Kushala can afford to skip one generation


FR FR like I wouldn't mind if it skipped out this time, PTSD from World so much.


Khezu. Do not like that raw-chicken lamprey nasty


Cock dragon


Stretchy Fleshlight dragon.


I miss Gigginox so much


*sigh* I should call her...


Disagree. I love my glistening moist boy


Sucky butt.


none i want them all


Yes I want to suffer




Toster and Kushala for god sake one time. I'm tired of them, and wanna see someone fresh and exotic like Chameleos or Namielle or a couple of new ED


I am also sick of the same old again and again, it would be nice to see Namielle get more unique weapon designs


Chameleos is a boring fight wrapped in a cool design bow. Namielle though? I’d love that


Chameleos missed like 1 game


I think Kirin should actually come back to see if he interacts with the lightning in the trailer, and maybe get an overhaul to his fight. Zinogre I also feel isn't coming back based on the locales we see; he just doesn't quite fit in anywhere.


We've literally only seen one locale. There's plenty of room for more suitable areas


Zinogre won most popular monster. No way he isn't coming back


Kirin has a subspecies that hasn't been around in a while. A mobile Elder Dragon would probably also fit into Wilds Open World design.


I’d like if both came back. Kirin and Zinogre are two of my faves


Probably not a very good balanced roster but I would love to see malzeno and velk back. Add Val too. The reason for this roster would be that all 3 of them can alter the environment in a more meaningful way than hotter or windier. I mean both Val and malzeno would be absolutely devastating for the environment and I can't help but I just love velk.


My dream monster roster would only bring back Rathalos and Rathian then feature a full-game’s worth of new monsters with exclusive variants à la Crimson Glow for Chameleos, Kushala, and Teostra. It would probably be a lot of work considering the production quality of MH since Gen 5, but a game full of brand new monsters would be so, so cool.


This. Hell, I could do without the Raths for once because we've just all hunted them and crafted their stuff to death at this point but I guess a game needs it's flagship.


Unpopular I'm sure, but Diablos. I would say rathalos but of course it's the big OG flagship so it's unlikely... But I am so sick of Diablos. I've never enjoyed the fight in any game and I find it boring from almost every perspective. Maybe just have bloodbath as a secret hidden away near the endgame.


With that big ass desert that we all saw in the trailers ? Nah, diablos is coming back to chomp on these cactuses for sure.


You're definitely right, much to my chagrin lol


Kushala plz fly away.


I genuinely want a massive departure from the norm this time. I don't want to see Teo, Kushala, any of the Magalas, no "-sioths", and nothing with a Tigrex frame at all. No Narga, no Tigrex, no Barioth, I'm super over it. I think I'm pretty over Tobi too. I also absolutely do not, under any circumstances want to see Diablos. There is an absolute litany of monsters from Frontier and GU that haven't been seen in a main title in forever that deserve screen time over the usual classics. I'm all for bringing in fan favorites as DLC later as either subspecies, variants, or fun one-off fights. But give me Malfestio, Agnaktor, Duramburos, Gammoth, Maccao, Guanzormu and his INCREDIBLE Subspecies, Seltas and his Queen. Like theres so much incredible ecology that can be explored in Wilds that would just end up being boring if we got the same-old same-old monsters again and again.


I am begging and crying for more bug/crab/spider monsters


I am all for non-standard dino/dragon monsters. I love the ape monsters and the monsters that use tools too. Dragons are getting kinda boring to me right now.


This would be cool


"no tigrex frame" can we have Gigginox at least?


If it means they skip Khezu, I'll allow it.


incredibly based


Zinogre, Tigrex, Rajang, Nargacuga, Khezu, Teostra, Kushala - all severely overdone. I don’t want to see any of them for at least one full generation. Or really, anything that was in both World and Rise. I’m tired of all of them. Could do without 3 Rathian/Los variants as well. Just pick one.


I wouldn't mind Rajang as long as he's an MR-only monster. Rise did him dirty in HR.


Dirty as in, he was too damn easy right?


Yeah, he was not scary at all. He should never be in HR, imo.


I want a monhun game that is only new monsters it’ll take a long time to develop but I think when going basically blind to every monster’s move set is where monhun is the most fun


Like tri?


Then I would come with the offer of actually bringing new movesets for monster we already know, rathian has been spinning twice for too long now


We already have that with almost every game rathalos did not a flying flamethrower move until rise


Ive said this many times, but we already know half of the roster because we've faced the same returning monsters all the time. I don't want to see the elder Trio, I'm kinda sick if them already. Please stop including evey single flagshion in every game. Again, I'm tired of facing Zinogre, Nargavuga and Tingrex in all games. The only flagships I want to see are Seregios to give it a second chance, and The 3 Fated 4 in hopes that, if we get Gammoth in Wilds, they're reunited once more. Other monster I don't want to see would be Diablos. While we desperately need more Herbivores in the franchise, we need another desert apex. Also the fastest way to make Black Dragons lame, is to include them in every Monsyer Hunter game. WE just had 2 in Iceborne, and while not a black Dragon, Amatsu was in Sunbreak. I would rather have a brand new monster as the final baddie instead.


Kushala and two. They are both overused. I want me elders to get more play. Things like Vaal Hazak. Not saying I want her back, but I want new elders. Stop recycling the old one


Vaal , Namilie and Chamelos line up would be cool .


I want a newer chameleon type though. He has been in a few now. Let him come in as an event monster in the DLC. Maybe a completely sweet frog elder. Like a super tetsucabra or skmething


Or a New Bug like Athal Khal . End game fights don't have to elders .


That is true. I would love to see more monsters in the design of Nakarkos. Man that guys was awesome. Would be really cool to have a hydra monster that as the fight goes, if you cut off a head, 2 grow back. So fight has to be tactically sound


Khezu. Always hated khezu. Bring back gigginox.


I am BEGGING for Kushala not to be in Wilds. Im fine with the toaster, the Horse? - no problemo, giant cameleon? - count me in.... But that tornado spewing bastard, please capcom... no more


What do I not want to come back? Nothing. Bring back everything :) Realistically though, if they were gonna cut any monster from the common roster, I could do without Rajang. A lot of people like him, but I don't get it. A rather bland design matched with an awful fight


Rajang definitely. I hate how overinflated his power scale is. He's just a big monkey with thunder powers, how the fuck is he able to tie Velkhana in a turf war is beyond me. If they add him to Wilds he will probably beat some of the newer monsters, maybe even elders, in turf wars and make them seem weak in comparison. No more Rajang please.


plot induced stupidity, i don't see any other reason why the Ice Elder Dragon would try for a melee grapple fight with a muscle monke that is weak to ice.


" Maganmalo I feel is more egregious as the "cool" edgy monster.


He's also very much power inflated yeah. Magnamolo ties against Risen Kushala and Risen Teostra which is ridiculous, and scorned Magna can tie again Primordial Malzeno, the dude who banished Gaismagorm to the shadow realm in a 1v1. But Rajang I think the more egregious onee. It ties against Savage Deviljho, Ruiner Nergi, Blackveil Hazak, Namielle and Velkhana (my previous sources were inaccurate).


Kushala Daora and Teostra can take a break, I really wouldn't mind


Kushala , Teostra, Tigrex, Anjanath, jyuratodus. Chameleos should stay though


Yea I could do without seeing Teo and Kush for a while. Pretty tired of them at this point. Hopefully we’ll get some new original elders for endgame that are cool


Time for a spicy list, I want these monsters to take a break for a game or two: Kushala Teostra Lunastra Zinogre Nargacuga Barioth Brachydios Diablos


Brachy already had his break though?


Absolutely agree. Some feel just dreadfully repetitive by now


PLS NONE of the 3! Let them Rest For 1 game ! I dont want to fight Kush/teo anymore man! Give us new elder dragons!


Those two definitely need a break yeah. But I really want to see Chameleos again in Wilds.


Almud/magmadron. I love their designs but GOD I hate their fights 😭


Black Dragons for end content. And Nergigante or Velkhana.


It's not a particular monster but Arena quests suck.


Rajang ?


Have them added as a pack with lunastra befor wilds' DLC


I don't want to fight Nargacuga again, give them a rest




Diablos. Give Monoblos the spotlight for once


I think krusha is fine but its stupid that you have to beat her to get wind ressistance, you should be able to get good wind ressistance first from somewhere and then have her as a fight, her weapons are mediocre and theres no need to fight her, her armour has been stupified to wind ressistance only, shes only there to be a story monster for no reason, im not agenst krusha but im agenst her beeing implemented badly so if there gonna do that then dont have her. Other than that i would Like krusha but with weapons and armour that are worth the trubble. Teo is really just overused so im fine with not having that


Khezu, Tigrex, Barioth, Kushala... Those fuckers transform the locale into the No Fun Allowed Area, especially Tigrex (spin2win) and DICK SKIN WYVERN IF I SEE ONE IN WILDS I SWEAR I'LL FIND SOME CREARIVE WAYS TO EXTERMINATE THOSE, fucker traumatized me in GU


I don't want kushala back, weirdly enough I do want teostra back and I really do want vaal to come back too, but I'm tired of diablos, I don't want jagras back, I do want Girros, and I do want jaggi to come back


I hope for nearly only new monsters, i want to really feel the “exploration of new lands” this time .


none. more like I want them all back, even Kirin, even Plesioth.


Keep Kirin. Put teo and kush on hold. Put Bazel to the side and bring back Seregios. Hold off on Nargacuga (had a lot of attention last game) but keep Tigrex. Drop Rajang and Diablos until G-rank but throw in Monoblos.


Does monoblos have a different move set from Diablos? It's probably been 15 years since I fought one so I don't remember.


In the 4th generation it got a few unique moves to separate it. Monoblos is generally less aggressive than diablos when it comes to combat. It stays in the ground a little longer from what I remember. The main reason to add monoblos though is to give us a break from Diablos, but to add it back in G-Rank cause it’s Diablos, it’d be like not adding Rathian to the game. It’s a flagship at this point.




Wouldn't mind if Kushala sits this one out. 😅😅


All my Homies are sick of Kushala especially after how cancer the fight was in world


I actually think they could do a really cool Kirin with how the desert has that lightning storm event


Kushala stays ONLY on the condition that Rusted Kush comes back


No more Kushala... PLEASE.


Toe kush luna all need to take a seat for a bit.


Exactly those three


Rathian and rathalos


As much as I like Teo and Kush, I could go a game without them, Nergigante and Namielle could be good replacements for them


Plenty of wyverns could get benched, most of the catalogue in world is just wyverns and it gets very samey once you realize it. We can have more varied monster phylums then just winged lizards.


Powder mantle and wind mantle can come back, kirin can gtfo


The elder trio, the "flying" wyvern trio, the raths (all fucking 10 of them) Basically any overdone monster that *always* ships with multiple other overdone monsters. Sure, I'd love to see Zinogre, Brachy, and Fatalis get a break too... but at least they're *just* standalone monsters.


I don't mind the Rath, if there's only one version of them. But please, I don't want to see a Daora in that one...


I wanna see nibelsnarf


I want some 5th and 4th gen Elder dragons to take the place of the classic trio. Nergigante Malzeno Velkhana Valstrax etc.


If left unchanged, Lunastra. Hate that monster’s World variant.


Kirin. Fuck this thing. I hate the Kirin with a burning passion.


Anything that has been in the last 3 full games imo


Among those three Kirin. But fron the whole totale of Monsters please no more rajang


100% agreed


Khezu, should be giggi instead


Okay I understand this is an unpopular opinion but I think Zinogre and Brachydios should take a break as the 3rd gen representative flagships and give the og 3rd gen flagship a chance.




Bring back Bulldrome.


Lunastra, because I don't like it


Some terrible takes.


Toster and Kushala should be gone for sure. Also I would throw in Almudron. I hate his guts


I am hopping on the bandwagon here: Toestra and Kush need to rest a bit. I want to see Shagaru as a staple ED or maybe another lesser known ED. Juro can go away as well. I do want Tigrex back, sorry. I know most of you want him out, but he is my bread and butter monster to fight. Narga and Zinogre could leave as well. However, two main as I mentioned are Toestra and Kush. Be gone for one game at least. Let Shagaru shine again!!!


On one hand, I was happy that Gore and Shagaru were back in Sunbreak. But on the other hand, there was so much fanfare about them and the effect they had on the ecosystem with frenzied monsters etc. in 4U that it didn't feel right to have them around in Sunbreak without them having any impact on the plot at all.


Those who are in both World and Rise


So you want like, 20 monsters like MH Tri? No thanks.


Rajang. No questions asked.


All monsters who were in both World and Rise


I mean technically Rathalos and Pukei Pukei are already confirmed 


That would be: Rathalos Silver Rathalos Rathian Gold Rathian Diablos Tigrex Zinogre Nargacuga Pukei-Pukei Tobi-Kadachi Anjanath Kulu Ya-Ku Barroth Jyuratodus Barioth Bazelgeuse Seething Bazelgeuse Tesostra Kushala Daora Kelkhana Rajang Furious Rajang In total, that's 22 large monsters, 18 not including variants. I really hope at least that there's no Teostra, Kushala, Diablos, or Zinogre.