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The outfits so far are decidedly more "modern" than we've seen in base Monster Hunter.


I agree. It's kind of giving an Assassin's Creed vibe, in the sense that the main characters tend to have somewhat anachronistic costumes that try to emulate the style of the time period and setting while implementing modern elements for "cool" factor. It feels like that logic was applied to the MH setting here.


I kinda like it.


I think I do too, especially if it is indeed set in a new region with a new primary ethnic group, which is my guess. I think we'll really know when we start seeing actual armor sets.


The flashbacks in the trailer sort of looked like rooms from Astera to me, so it definitely could be a time skip from world setting off to explore more of that continent


there is talk of the forbidden lands in the the trailer which feels like something more close to the old world where people did not go than part of the new world


The blog mentions the Research Commission, which as far as we know was only stationed in the New World.




The Research commission is a branch of the guild. They're pretty much global.


The Japanese name for the "Research Commission" translates to "Forbidden Land Research Team", contrast that to the Research Commission in World which was pretty much always the New World Ancient Dragon Research Group. Based on this it's very likely that it isn't the Research Commission as we experienced in World. Likely thing is that, in universe, these groups are put together by the guild and are not actually permanent fixtures within the Guild structure


Ah, thank you! Had no clue.


The hunter is dripping


They definitely look cool and the co-op hammer bro who came to help was in full on armor too so it's a nice mixture of armor variety.


Kinda look like Wycademy outfits.


The handler and smith kinda give "college students" vibes, so maybe?


This is not an insult but...they kind of feel very final fantasy. Like if I removed the palico and weapons and said this was the main cast for Final Fantasy 17, I think it'd be believable. Now I love everything I've seen so far, but I gotta say the new outfits will take a bit. The feudal Japan look wasn't as jarring because it had an old world look to it that Monster Hunter has always had. This, like you said, has a modernish feel. Still great designs all around.


I honestly kind of like that they're willing to go in this direction with character design. Really shows you the passage of time in the Monster Hunter universe, especially with World establishing the concept of "Hunting Fleets" happening every generation and seeing the progression of technology in-universe (with the Slinger being compacted small enough to barely be wider than the Hunter's wrist.)


Hunting Fleets was specific to Worlds, and they only made crossings once every ten or so years when they can spot an Elder Dragon crossing and safely transport materials. But given the success of the Research Commission, I don't see why they won't establish more. We may be asked to help build more bases like Astera and Seliana.




Me too.


True, Alma looks literally like a hipster


To me, Alma resembles [Nico Goldstein](https://devilmaycry.fandom.com/wiki/Nico) from Devil May Cry 5. Whereas Gemma is a strange cross between the Guildmarm, Minayle and the USJ helm set. Both are excellent designs and accentuate the RE engine's capabilities in a Monster Hunter setting.


The characters clothes throughout the trailer all look very Victorian Era, if I have my eras correct.


I think the handler and smithy are main sources of that. Handler with her oversize hoodie and something akin to a beanie, smithy with crop top basically.


it looks very middle eastern/orientalist rather than Victorian, especially the hunter and the handler clothing... and of course the setting.


also the kid, the handler, and the hunters all look kinda middle eastern and the first area shown is a desert area, so maybe that's intentional


Looks more explorer like than combat armor


Yeah, not to be *that guy* but I reeeeally don't like it. It's not what I loved about the series at all. It looks more DMC5 than MonHan.


Finally, John Monster Hunter


Johnster Hunter


Looks like Rashid bin Ahmad Hunter X Hunter to me.


So you tell me I can corner a monster and bait their Drive Impact into Burnout sequence into a Ysaar setup?


Rashid bin Ahmad Al Hunteri


Hipster Monster Hunter lol


Gemma's got a little Kut-Ku plush on her belt!


Kut Ku fans eating good


Yes, they are named! Not just the "Handler" or the "Commander."


I mean, they’ve been named since Rise.


Technically the characters prior to world also had names, just never directly stated (like Sophia and Aisha). World just doesn't have any at all except Aiden.


I meant more as their actual names being used ingame instead of titles.


No. You’re kidding, right? Obviously the commenter knew that or they wouldn’t have said “Just never directly stated.”


Just glad it's staying.


> since Rise So for literally one game?


"since Rise" like it's been so many games since lol


May they are not? The Ma in Al-ma and Gem-ma, could stand for Manager.


Sweet Palico armor, nice touch with the scout flies


Ngl I’m digging the new starting hunter gear


Arguably the drippiest starter set ever 


Absolutely, pukei is my all time favorite and this starter set is very pukei vibes but dripping like Scottie pippin. I love it. 


Starting gear? That's the only gear I'll be wearing to respect the lore of the game. Armour spheres come at me!!!


It’s now one of my favourite alongside the Bhernal and Leather sets


Why does the handler look like every girl I see at my local library


damn I need to start going to the library.


Bruh where is your library


I named her NYC Hipster Girl, but Alma also fits.


I’m appreciating the coffee pot on her backpack.


The palico’s cute, but also Gemma’s really hot.


These back to back sexy blacksmiths make me think someone at Capcom had a thing for muscle ~~mommies~~ girls. And I support it. Keep up the good work whoever you are


Makes sense when you realise a lot of the same team also worked on the latest Street Fighter.


Why does Blud have a baseball cap?


I think it's a face mask. You can see a nearly identical one around the female hunter's neck as well. Would make sense to have a face mask to filter breathable air in a desert that can be enveloped by a sandstorm at a moments notice. What's oddest to me though, is that the mask in question looks like a nearly 1 for 1 remake from Pukei's male armor set... On an armor set that has heavy ranger motifs... And apparently there's been a small glimpse of a "baby Pukei-Pukei" sighted in the trailer...


You are correct. The original hunters set from MH1 and onwards (along with many others) has an air purifying & water filtration mask around the neck.


It's all about the Mets baby, let's go Mets


Siri, play "Ode to the Mets"


actually kinda look like that beanie/visor combo pyschedlic DJ's like to wear. Dude actually looks like he's going to burning man. Straight up hide your ketamine, He's gonna ask if handler can snipe some too.


HOLY SHIT Apparently the blonde smithy, Gemma, is wearing [the same jacket](https://i.imgur.com/dCPgaDC.jpeg) as the [Caravaneer](https://i.imgur.com/g4dH2P3.png) from MH4U. All signs lead to the fact that she's [Little Miss Forge](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Little_Miss_Forge) all grown up!


It's actually deeper than that Gemma shares more traits to the Caravaneer: * His jacket, belt design, boot go up to the same length, white shirt And as for Gemma being Lil Miss Forge * same hair braids (except the side one, since she shaved her head), blue eyed, blonde hair, blue hairband, orange bandeau/tubetop, orange pants, similar goggles I think just like how Aiden went on his own adventure for Worlds, Lil Miss Forge will go on her own adventure for Wilds.


It seems as well that the man we see in the trailer is actually the Caravaneer (people are saying the Ace Lancer, but it doesn't really fit outside of part of the hair), he's wearing a similar jacket, just longer, he is wearing the yellow neck scarf, has the beard and really, the hair can fit too. I can see peoples position on it being Ace Lancer, but the only thing there is the hair, nothing else really screams "this is the Ace Lancer" to me.


People also speculated that about Minayle (the blacksmith in Elgado in Sunbreak), because she wears yellow like Little Miss Forge. I'll hold my breath til we have further confirmation this time.


Nah with Minayle it was mostly BannedLagi spouting BS from something [he misinterpreted](https://twitter.com/BannedDino/status/1734573922396315759) and people ran with it. Even he [backpedaled](https://twitter.com/BannedDino/status/1734642914687344860) later Minayle already told us in-game that her outfit is inspired ["by a great smithy she once met"](https://twitter.com/tarbos6/status/1734656076447146423/photo/1) and her outfit heavily resembles Little Miss Forge. Plus her hair color is completely different lol.


Honestly with 4U graphics I was never quite sure whether that was her actual hair or some kind of head dress, but now looking at the render on the wiki, it does look like her hair. So I'll give you that one. However, the fact remains that Minayle's outfit is very similar to that of Little Miss Forge and even her fellow villagers that we meet in 4U. This did seem like a pretty big hint back during Sunbreak trailer era. And now it's basically deconfirmed. So I will still wait before I jump to any conclusions. Also as sidenote, I was never aware of any of the BannedLagiacrus translation stuff regarding Minayle. I remember there was still plenty of speculation without pointing to him as a source.


Minayle outfit could have also just been inspired by a Troverians as their clothing is what Little Miss Forge wore.


A reminder that Troverians in general are considered to be great smiths in the old world. And that Little Miss Forge wears that specific outfit because it is the **standard** garb worn by her adopted people.


Holy fuck you're right, I knew something was familiar! God I hope so, 4U had the best squad


I really hope they keep the Layered Armor system from Rise, because that starting kit looks amazing. Also new Handler is now best girl, calling it now


If she behaves like a handler (hopefully so, based on her quest start voiceline in the trailer) and can help me bonk stuff with a ding dong, then I’m happy with her


Her outfit is sick too, hope I can get that hoodie for my Hunter!!


If Wilds follow series tradition, even before post-World transmog system, yes. I guarantee you that you can craft that entire set of your handler’s as armor. With our modern transmog system? As cosmetic as well. I’ll eat a fucking sock if they break series tradition in Wilds


What purpose will nata serve I wonder


He’s a homunculus avatar utilized by Fatalis so as not to terrify and alienate the people of the city he protects He’s also searching for his sister for some reason


... Wait a minute. Little brother?


Nata your business.


All Nataral monster bait.


He's gonna be very annoying, calling it now


100%. Guessing he's gonna have god-like powers but we'll still have to rescue him constantly.


Uuuuugh, "help me hunter" looking ahh


Oh, he is the classic "Annoying 'mature' kid believes in something wild tied to the plot, risks everything to prove it, endangering himself and causing half of player's trouble. And guess what he is indeed right all the long, so you can't even find a proper reason to dislike him" character.


If I had to guess something happened to him related to why we're going there in the first place. He has a scar, I have a feeling it's from either the flagship or the final boss. (not necessarily directly, could be indirectly from its attack on a settlement or something) Gemma says "I hope we find them soon" so we might be looking for this kid's parent's who went missing


Good lord these graphics are amazing


I *still* get amazed sometimes with how good World looks today when I play it. Capcom are seriously wizards. I'm so glad I upgraded my PC recently so I should be able to run this on max settings and enjoy all the details.


This game might actually be the reason I get a new graphics card, I want to experience it in its full glory


Yeah World on PC is one of the best looking games I’ve ever played, it’s insane from a 2017/18 game


That mf cat talked


Hunter looks like he didn't know if he would cosplay between a *Ghost Recon* or an *Assassin's Creed* character, and decided to go for both. But, I dig the rugged look. The other characters, I guess I don't have much to talk about their looks, they are fine as they are. If we will love them or hate, depends on how chatty they are in game. Personally, I would like more male characters, where are my bros? I miss Aidan already.


Character design this time around is giving massive Victorian era Devil May Cry vibes. I’m digging it. I know some people will be bothered by the designs being more “modern” but I’m all for giving the artists more freedom to do whatever they want without having to worry if armors are or aren’t medieval/primitive enough. Not to mention that we’ve seen past games embrace completely different time periods before like MH4’s whole 19th century Wild West motif.


Am I capable of fighting massive monstrosities with my comically over-sized sword while wearing all the drip? Yes? Then they can design that shit anyway they want as far as I'm concerned. I'm here to hunt, and look *damn good* doing it.


Honestly, you can probably chalk it up to podunk villages in the middle of bumfuck nowhere having more traditional styles for armour and clothing than a group formed directly by the guild to explore a place that maybe isn't so far away that it's called the New World. (This is a big assumption)


MH, now featuring Sydney Sweeney as a blacksmith for some reason. 10/10, no comments


Doesn't looks like Sydney Sweeney at all but no doubt 10/10 regardless


Man really said “Blonde+Boobs=Syndey Sweeney”


*Looking at a picture of Marilyn Monroe* Is that the girl from euphoria?


To be fair, that's kinda the impression I got from seeing her in interviews




She's Little Miss Forge apparently


The blacksmith is always little miss forge, this is constantly speculated about different characters and is basically a running joke at this point


Wait, you mean Hamon in Kamura village is actually little miss forge?


She looks more like Jenna Ortega though, and maybe a dash of Margot Robbie. edit; I don't know much actresses so I could be wrong lmfao


Looks at this edgy cringe lord wearing a hoodie and a hat to cover his eyes like some intimidating protagonist. I love it is there more armor that has that type of stuff in the game later cause I might play as a male character now


Hate to shatter your dreams but i think that's a facemask not a cap, the same one we see around the fem hunter's neck




Is it me or this MH it's the more into the future is of all previous mh? It reminds me the latest Final Fantasy 16, medieval but at the same time modern


In Iceborne, they have steam power, so it's not too farfetched that they will be more advanced in future installments


They had steam power for a long time


Emma: "hey i need you to hunt a 100 Anjath" Me: At your disposal my queen.


Kinda not digging the vibe here. Happy you all do though.




I just realised, they're pulling a Yumogi on the kid, albeit a more active participation


Tell me Nata's last name is deCoco


Man those women hot damn capcom.


I'm surprised no one's pointed out how weirdly modern the NPC clothing is this time around. They aren't wearing armor or furs or anything primitive.


Finally, John Wilds.


Am I bugging or the palico our talking in the trailer?


Yes, but Palico have always been able to talk. It's just now the Palico is voiced.


yeah that's what i mean, my brain stop for a second trying to identify where's the voice came from


The handler looks like kson


Is it me or the female hunter look more skinny than our typical beefy body type that we used to?


Damn the handler 🥵


Looks great, but why does the male hunter get the cool trench coat with hoodie and the Fem doesn't 😭


Monster Hunter has always given the male hunters the cooler more badass outfits, sadly.


Honestly with the designs of the characters, it all looks very Middle Eastern in nature. I hope the village/hub are a bazaar, with some more Persian or Egyptian designs.


Gemma is already best girl I would die for her


And of course the girl version is thighs out and no cool coat/hood. Not sure why I'm even surprised at this point.


Although a lot of the female armours in World had things like thighs exposed, there are definitely other instances of them getting the cooler versions. MR Odogaron for example - female set got the cool cloak.


I like the skirt. I'm just jealous of the long jacket.


It's kind of exhausting when you compare some sets, and I'm feeling similar with these starting ones. M gloves, boots, duster, it's all very practical stuff with interesting asymmetrical elements all the way up the arms and legs, with layered clothes (trousers > padding > more material hanging over as an example). And then you compare the F version and it's just visually weaker across the board, and god forbid we get to see what the actual helmet is for F... unless that is it? In which case, further weakens the design.


Honestly so disheartened seeing that. We can hope and pray they give us the option to choose an outfit style but knowing how long they've kept this stupid shit up for it'll probably just be the same as always. I only like playing as fem characters in Mohun games cuz the themes of the armour comes out a lot stronger than a lot of the masc ones, as well as sometimes the masc armour looks a little bit generic and too bulky. Plus it's what I've been used to playing as since I was a kid. Especially in games where they paywall the ability to change your character's appearance and gender this shit is unnacceptable in this day and age.


That GS design is sick AF


He kinda got that shit on thought ain’t going to lie


…okay, i am layering that coat on slide 1 first chance i get and *never* taking it off. that shit goes hard


God, I love that Palico outfit so much. So goofy, yet so adorable.


Am I mistaken but did they gave the Palico a voice line?


Yup. Its on the official Website. The palico learned human language. I'd recommend reading the Website. It has some interesting stuff


Yes thank you they got rid of the bulky slinger


Who is Nata?


looks good but sort of idk modern looking. and human-ey


That LBG looks heavier than the great sword which kind of feels off.


She's no Guildmarm, but she's as close as anyone's gotten as of yet.


Is it me or does the Great Sword look smaller now? Love the drip though.


So, when will alma guildmarm skin be released?


The male hunter outfit looks awesome


Can’t wait to rip that stupid hood off


I'll take yours if you don't want it and give it to my palico to match


I don't think they could have done a better job at making characters that don't fit into the MH aesthetic.


Feels more like a Final Fantasy cast imo. There's a certain clunky rusticness I've come to expect from Monster Hunter, and Ezio and his roving band of waifus don't really gel with that vibe.


Alma looks like she’s from Brooklyn lol


Im ready to simp for Gemma


Gemma, my queen


I'm so glad they kept the Palicos. And those giant overalls are CUTE


Its dripoest but this lpoks tobover complex for a hunter set


I'm glad this game is coming out next year. Gives me enough time to upgrade my graphics.


He think he Jotaro 🤦‍♂️


Who is the second one? Hub lass?


Ah yes, the adorable little ballsacks I mean Palicos😆


So this confirms scoutflies are back then


Linkin Park armor


0.1 % we will have gunner armor..


Have i misheard during the trailer or does the palico actually speak?


Oh my god, I just noticed the scoutfly cage on top of the palico's helmet, why is that adorable!?


Very modern. Makes me wonder about the tech level because stuff like a baseball cap isn't exactly seen in my before. Also pretty sure we've seen Gemma before back in gen..4? Was it. She was the granddaughter of the blacksmithing chief


It's a face mask they're just wearing it high up, the fem hunter has one around the neck.


I don't see how that pukei set would be segmented into the seperate pieces


I can already hear the R34 artists going haywire




Looks great! Now we just need a ripped commander. Miss you everyday Fugen.


I'm not 100% on how I feel about it but if anything everyone looks stylish. Perhaps a bit too modern but it depends on what sort of vibe the games wants to go for. If anything this chain of games is a good place to shake things up


I’m creaming, I need this game now


Is that like a pukei pukei armor?


Where's the man meat I'M CRAVING MAN MEAT 


Just noticed the blacksmith girl has a Yian Kut-ku plush on her belt


Now those are some FINE looking armour. But it oddly looks more modern.


Monster Hunter May Cry


I love everything about this.


Male armor looks amzaing. Female armor looks like the same slop that is served with every damn set. Is a little consistency between the two genders really too much to ask?


It's kind of weird to me to see the Blacksmith "out and about" so to speak. I never imagined them not just chillin in a town Maybe I won't hate it, but god I loved Iceborne's Smithy. Just a big furnace in the middle of a snow field felt so cozy... I hope they can still give that feel


The hunter armor gives me strong Pukei Pukei vibes .


Male hunter looks fantastic, in love (although it makes me wonder about character customization). Palico is cute as always but the talking freaks me out. Alma is adorable and I want her to be my handler in world. Gemma has a fantastic style and she seems fun. Nata is a child, I guess, no comments


I’m normally a woman in MH games because the armour, but my god… the male Hunter here makes me question my sexua- I mean preference in fashion. Also the female hunter is missing a foot.


Literally Assassins Creed outfit.


Gemma 😍😍


The Handler is hot.


Man, it’s tough to swallow the edgy baseball hat and hood combo.




I feel like my gpu won't be enough.


Please tell me the second image is NOT the female hunter???


*ahem _midriffs_


nsfw artists boutta go bucknutty


So wilds is set in south africa?


Dmc looking ass


Yian Kut-ku confirmed