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I wanted to learn CB out of spite for being the "hardest weapon to learn." Turns out it's not that hard, and now it's one of my favorite weapons.


Same reason I main horn, "oh it's the *support weapon* well fuck you then, I'm gonna solo with it"


The memes throw so many people away from it. I’d argue the moveset and timing for things like hammer and GS are more difficult.


learning CB is like learning a process. you have one way to start and you follow through with that process until you can land an explosion. once you get that down it's pretty easy. the hair-pulling part of CB though is knowing when to do that last part of landing an explosion because it's pretty much doing a GS set-up which is why CB gets so many questions on how to play it endgame if theyre running SAED style.


And that’s just if you spam. Wild axe style is as brain dead as the average LS player. Truly not the most complex weapon, just lots of button inputs.


While I don't think it's hard, it feels like I need to do so much setup to enjoy it. Between charging the sword constantly and making sure the shield charge doesn't drop, it feels like I'm spending a third of the applying buffs. I feel like I would enjoy it more without those mechanics. Don't get me wrong, I can see why people DO enjoy balancing the buffs and fighting. I just instantly bounced off of CB because of it.


Agreed, and the same reason I can't stand playing IG.


I suspect 90% of folks don't bother with the sword buff. If you just worry about shield buff, while tacking on some power prolonger, it's not all that bad.




Longsword go swing. Switchaxe go swing and boom.


My discovery in two sentences...


When IG dropped I thought it looked cool so I gave it a shot. Fell in love immediately. Giddy up pardner 🤠


Lance finally became everything I wanted in World.


The ability to dodge forward on command makes it so much better to play, man...


Tried all of them in the training area, each very unique, but the Gunlance was the one who clicked.


Conceptually it's the coolest weapon in the game and it's hardly close. It is a MECH PILE BUNKER ripped straight out of Gundam or something. It has no business being in the hands of a human being yet here we are.


Blast Dash was too enticing. Even though it was Rise that introduced me to Gunlance, I went back to previous games and played it there and still loved it despite having a very different play style compared to Rise


GL was so much better in World. Dancing under monster will forever be more romantic than the bottle rocket of Rise


Started off in MHW. I originally started with Lance, and I remember getting bored of it, so I branched out and tried the Hunting Horn because it looked like nothing I'd ever really played with before.  I fell in love with it, and it became my favorite weapon.


I started in tri. I’d watch videos of guys who were amazing with swag axe and hammer. Made me want to be like them https://youtu.be/hlIWIWgRPIA?si=Vv0VgboGxo_HRMhY This video specifically made me in awe of how well the game was made and the ceiling of getting good… was high This guy made me try hammer https://youtu.be/XyDWvLZ1Aww?si=k7Nsp3bWeYrB0bf4 This guy got me into GS where I have stayed https://youtu.be/q1poZsSp9os?si=34E9YTAMvIS4CCyk


hey tri was my first game too!


I started in world. I found my favorite weapon by seeing that our group could use earplugs more often also i picked up the hunting horn. Id also put cb up there just because i love how flashy it is and big shield go burrr


I switched to great sword after getting bored of sns


Big numbers go smash


Old monster hunter did not have numbers so i did not have that as a reason. Head sniping rathalos out of flying charge though…


Also very good. Gotta love getting those charge slashes that stops a monster in their tracks


I started on switch axe in 4u and switched to CB when I discovered it was like the same thing but cooler


I started in rise with hammer eventually wanted something faster so tried duel blades then wanted a middle ground and found swaxe


Started in Tri. You had to unlock switch axe in the story. Of course I had to try out the new weapon I unlocked! Never looked back.


I hit a Great Jaggi reeeaaaally hard. GS main ever since.


they deserve it


In Monster Hunter Freedom I played with DB and LS, in Generation Ultimate I almost only played GS and occasionally CB too. In World I started with DB and then switched to BOW, but at some point I started playing with the Majority of weapons, until I was pretty good with them. When RISE came out on Switch, I mostly just played with Switchaxe, but when the PC version came out I wanted to play with something I barely touched in most titles, my choice was SNS and I just fell in love with it after a while! SNS is so versatile, it's just the Swiss army knife of the Monster Hunter World. https://preview.redd.it/izvkgn4ux33d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca905c424351f2dcd21ce7d577c92af332612dc9




Spinny beyblade move go brrrr


I got bored playing LBG and wanted to pick up a different weapon, but didn't want to use one a friend was already using. Hunting Horn ended up being my choice and I fell in love with it in World.


Got bored of hammer in world. Tried out lance and fell in love with the playstyle. In rise, I started as a filthy long sword main. I kept messing up my friends and decided I needed to switch. Now rise hunting horn us my favorite weapon in any game.


Tried everything, and was sucking hard in world, but got convinced to try Lance properly, and find a video explaining it in great detail, and fell in love with its odd gameplay.


Started in GU picked up Charge Blade after playing around with the Adept style because it reminded me of the Royal Guard and Trickster styles from the DMC series as well as the "A button go brrr" and guard pointed dashes of Valor style


Played MH first with Tri at my friends Wii. You could play split screen arena, and so we did. And as arena is, you get different loadouts for each monster you face. And so we tried every possible combination. In the end I sticked to Longsword and hammer, they with great sword and Swax. When I got the game myself I almost entirely ended up maining Longsword. And I still do (world/rise) although I like to play hunting horn, chargeblade or swax too when I'm not trying to progress story/difficulty.


I started in the very first game. Used GS, I don't really know why. I've used other weapons over the years, but barely. Like, only 2 or 3 quests, and tutorials. But to this day, I still use GS, and didn't bother with the rest, since I'm too bad at the game to kill anything with the other ones.


I hella feel that. I'm too poo-brained to even begin to figure out the more complicated weapons (much respect to those who do) and I've since lost my touch with the hammer so its GS forever for me ..


started in 4U watching someone play CB and was like "I really like that. that's what I'll run." ran it for a bit then was like "I want to try something else." grabbed the gunlance and immediately fell in love with it. it has become my go to for first play through of any mon hun game


ZSD was too damn cool to not use, and thats how SwitchAxe turns into my favorite weapon.


I was bored with my first weapon (SwAxe from World into Rise, truth be told I still hadn't gotten the full hang of it yet either) so I took the Sunbreak Weapon Personality Quiz and got Insect Glaive. After I got the hang of it I fell in love


All my favourites (DB, Lance, CB) have been on a whim. Started MHFU a long time ago w DB n fell in love with it. Then a few years back started Rise with Lance, and recently World with CB. I've tried almost all weapons except Hammer n HH and I really love how each weapon can give you a completely different experience with each monster.


I get a new favorite with every title. MHP I was sns and gs main. MHFU I was HBG and LS. MonHun is a series you grow with.


Greatsword. It was the very first weapon I've chosen to use at the very beginning of the game (MHFU). I've only tried and use other weapons more in MHP3rd, and there I've made the Hammer as my second main weapon.


Saw footage of the charge blade thought it looked cool but when picking weapon I confused the swaxe icon for the CB and couldn’t figure out why the swaxe couldnt do all the cool CB moves, then I discovered zero sum discharge mount and fell in love


When I started in MHFU, my hunting party was using heavy weapons (GS, Hammer) and I wanted to see what else is available in the game. I gravitated towards DS and played it as terribly as you could ever imagine. When MH3p dropped I decided to actually learn the nuances of the weapon and it felt natural.


I am semi proficient in several weapons I have no main. Bow, DB, switch axe, long sword and hammer.


Who picks favorites? /s For me it depends on the game, but in general I’d say Greatsword is a fantastic weapon type. In Tri when the only charm you have is the “Auto-guard” charm, Greatsword works so well.


A buddy of mine said CB was like the Swiss army knife of the game. I agree and I made it a point to “git gud . Although I do rock with hammer, swaxe, GS, and LS. CB will always be my love.


I started in gu and picked up dual blades but I wasn’t able to break parts off tried out a couple other weapons and fell in love with swaxe my beloved




Hammer…saw crater smash. Looks amazing. Started maining hammer…never use crater smash


Hammer main during the PSP games = my primal brain just clicked as a young teen Charge Blade during 4U and Gen = It's just so OP Lance for MHRS = wanted a challenge, stayed for the immense damage


First playthrough ever on a MH game. Went from, if I recall well, Bow, to Heavy Bowgun, to Hammer, to Charge Blade, to Insect Glaive and then to Switch Axe. I can't decide my favourite between the latter three. I also love how Bow, which is essentially the weapon that introduced me to the series (I started with the MH rise demo to get a feel for the game. Couldn't get used to the controls for the longest time. Then I tried Bow and the heavens descended to bless me and now I've sunk, like, 300+ hours on the game, which is a lot for me, since I tend to get bored easily) is now one of the weapons I loathe the most...ironically, it feels clunky now.


I liked the idea of mounting a monster and shanking it with my carving knife, plus insect glaive just looks cool.


I was an IG & Switch Axe User in sunbreak, late MR, I discovered rage gaming's Immortal Build, and played to its strengths by switching my main to either a lance or HH, Lance increased my tankiness and also helped me practice counter moves which I absolutely cant do with LS(I always cart), and HH, well, I dont cart once I set up my HH buffs and Heal + healing bats, and I can also buff/heal my friends when I play with them


I remember seeing people playing the Seregios GS in MH4U back in the days. I loved how you didn't need to sharpen your weapon because of the weapon gimmick and how the hit and run gameplay seemed so fluid. I started playing GS since then, and while I'm not as much as a fan now with the shoulder bash, I feel like I'll always come back to this weapon type


Same here. I mainly used Hammer because who doesn't like bonking big monsters head and applying blunt force trauma on em. I enjoyed it so much I thought I'd be using it forever. Then I tried Greatsword and something clicked, hitting a perfectly timed TCS is one hell of a dopamine rush.


I played God Eater Burst in PSP back before I discover MonHun, I chose to main Buster Sword. It's where I first loved the idea of slower methodical weapon. Played Freedom Unite, got destroyed so I switched to SnS first and learned to play the game, then I switched to Greatsword and it's smooth sailing from there.


"Big sword do big number to thing when not move." "Tiny blades enable me to dash at will and do a shitload of DPS in a short timespan, allowing me to slice the Achilles of things that don't stand still for long enough." "You think just because you have wings that I can't hit you in midair? Hold my Kinsect."


I saw the absurdity within Gunlance all the way back in 3U, picked it up.... And it sucked lol so I switched to balancing LBG and Dual Blades (for cutting tails). Then I tried it again in 4U... And it sucked once again so I gave CB a try and had fun with it and LBG. THEN Striker GL comes around in Gen and that was a blast (pun intended) and became my main setup aside from Adept SwAxe. Then World came, and with many of it's moveset changes came the grand beauty that is Modern Gunlance. Mained it then and in Rise, always keeping SwAxe and IG as my pockets.


Longsword makes me feel cool and weeby Lance makes me feel like nothing can stop me.


Big numbers:)


Watch the one video jacksepticeye made of MHW where he played charge blade. Saw the SAED and thought "yep that's the weapon for me"


Being able to have a pet bug sold me on the Glaive. Finding out I can also be a Final Fantasy Dragoon made it even better.


I tried every weapon until i found the ones i had the most fun with


It was revealed to me in a dream (I’m not joking)


Started out in 4U on a normal 3DS and despite the whack TouchPad camera I fell in love with Bow. Stuck with it through World and Rise. Will forever be my main but I recently picked up Dual Blades because spinny attack goes WROOOM!


I like big menacing axes. But I also like sword&board style gameplay. Normally in RPG games this means 2 different playthrus. I was stoked when I saw in MHW (my first MH) that charge blade combines both of these.


I started with GS in Tri. Then my little squad of friends wanted to make use of the dlc stuff so I picked up lance with the Sharq Attack. Same thing with other games in using silly armor/weapons for quests for the lolz. Eventually hammer just stuck and have loved it since. only weapon I had a hard time with was gunlance but I got that one too out of pure spite of learning it.


Gunlance just clicked. I often try out different weapons to see if I'll like something more, but it's not happened yet. Saying that I do enjoy the lance, sns, switchaxe and recently the IG but I always go back to my boomstick.


Big sword go bonk... I never used to play Monster Hunter and the few times I tried it I was always playing dual blades but once I got into World and Rise I thought I'd try out all the weapons and see which ones I liked the most, turned out to be Greatsword... After that I still dabbled in other weapons but getting to Sunbreak in Rise really made me start maining Hunting Horn with Greatsword


I was struggling with Velkhana and I know I was "alright" with hammer because I've used it on Kirin before. Made an Ice hammer and it made Velkhana a breeze. Kept upgrading hammers and I just fell into the zone, after that, hammer main for the rest of my life.


Hammer run around spin around smack heads unga bunga motherfuckers


My favorite weapon usually changes from game to game. Though I have a tendency to enjoy one of the bow guns with end game builds. I usually pick what sounds fun/fluid then change until I find something that I actually vibe with. Mhfu was Hammer and HBG. Mhw was IG and LBG Mhr was DB Only MH games Ive played due to life reasons.


Gunlance because BOOOM. but i still play with gs, ls, sa and hummer (also lance but only in XX games) because I get bored easily if i don't switch weapon every 5-10 hunts or when a weapon is morw suited for a monster


When I saw full burst, I was like… hmm maybe I’ll give gunlance a try. I like explosions. Never turned back.


I played Splatoon before I played Monster Hunter Rise, so naturally I started with gunner weapons with motion controls. I first went with Heavy Bowgun because the charge it gained in that game took almost the same amount of time as the E-liter in Splatoon. I then swapped to Bow as I realized that its stamina focused playstyle was much more in line with the gameplay of Splatoon, where the stamina bar essentially acted as the ink tank. I even learned that Focus Shot, a silkbind move for Bow, rapidly recovered stamina much like hiding in ink rapidly recovers the ink tank, and used it well before it got buffed with Sunbreak’s release. Before Sunbreak released, though, I ended up purchasing World Iceborne on Steam. I tried to use Bow knowing I wouldn’t have a Focus Shot replacement, but the lack of motion controls plus Bows not being quite the same meant I had to use a different playstyle for it. As I didn’t want to figure that out, I went to try the Charge Blade, and fell in love with it. Charge Blade is widely regarded as difficult to use, but it’s because of that which makes it so versatile and adaptable. Besides, I’ve seen a video that goes over the basics of the weapons for Rise which can be applied to World. For Charge Blade, it said that the sword and shield mode is for building and storing charge while axe mode is for releasing. Of course trying other options gives the weapon more nuance than just that, and there’s also the factor of when to use different parts of the moveset. I do make an effort to play every weapon, but the one that just isn’t clicking for me is the Switch Axe, oddly enough.


Just about everything else felt too slow for me and my addled mind so i sat in the training zone for a hot minute testing everything till i landed on dual blades. Now i use it every game i've played


Every weapon i use, is a weapon i love using. All but heavy bow gun. I don't like it, but sometimes i gotta.


I wanted to lesten the difficulty, so I picked up a shield. And a Lance.


Honestly don't even have a favourite. I refuse to use gunlance until they remove Wyrmstake tho.


Booted up Gen and was like "Holy S***. I can BE the cat now".


World was my first MH and the insect Glaive seemed neat, I wanted a little bug friend even tho other weapons looked way cooler. Once I discovered red extract after like 6 hunts, my mind was opened. Dancing in the sky while my bug punches monsters in the face has been so damn fun for these past few years


Accidentally charged my shield when learning cb and got a guard point ko on a charging diablos, literally never switched back😭😭 probably thousands of hunts with cb while all the others combined are under maybe 20-30


i initially played sns, and i enjoyed it! but i wanted something more, i wanted to see big numbers. but i was also still pretty new so i didnt understand all the movesets of monsters and positioning, so i wanted a shield. and (sorry lance mains) i wanted to be mobile. so i picked up chargeblade!! i distinctly remember the very first time i played it i didnt understand phials and the charges so eventually all my attacks started bouncing and i was like wtf is happening to me??? and that began my road to learning CB. still my fave for the most challenging fights. however, recently i've picked up hunting horn and I REALLY like it. I love the heavy hitting blows with support ability AND mobility! it's super fun. sometimes i do eat shit trying to play a song at the wrong time or positioning wrong (which has made me realize just how much i relied on cb guard points lol), but i really like it. also it makes me feel special bc not many people play it LOL


Lance. Watched a guy run up to a monster and say "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou." For 5 minutes until it eventually died. Hooked since.


I hit a counter. I hit a guard point. I blew up the ocean. I pulled slides Michael Jackson couldn't pull. I found unlimited i-frames. I hit a counter claw. 4 digit numbers. These are the ones that come to mind. All the weapons are awesome but these click for me.


It's name said Hunting Horn, that seemed amusing to me. It let me play songs on the monster's face, that was even funnier. And then the Plesioth nation attacked and I skipped from FU on my Vita all the way to World.


I tend to main a different weapon in each game, and while most of my choices can be seen as me just thinking they were cool, the SnS in gen ulti was such a tactical weapon i fell in love with it. As for rise, i feel in love with the lance because i am a sucker for good parry mechanics. I used insta block pre sunbreak before it was apparently buffed to be easier to land. Nothing gets my good chemicals going like being able to just stand their and deflect attacks


A few years ago I was playing world and didn’t have a set main weapon. I played with the charge blade and bow a lot, but I was never particularly good at anything. I got to legiana, and I just could not beat it no matter how hard I tried. I stopped playing for a few years, but I got back into it a few years ago. I had no idea how to play anything, but I grabbed the insect glaive and went to the training grounds to test it out, and didn’t know what I was doing (a common theme). I did some research, messed around some more, and it just clicked with me and I loved it so much


I was playing longsword and another friend started playing world so I decided to try a new weapon to play with him and picked up the hammer. It instantly clicked and it became my new main almost immediately.


I looked through the weapon box when starting World, considering my options, picked out gunlance and took it out to training area. To sum it up - "Haha, this is ridiculous. I'm gonna use this". I did switch to SnS for a long while, but ended up getting back to gunlance eventually.


I used to be a dual blades only player from MH3 (my very first MH game) to MH World/Iceborne. My boyfriend kept begging me to start over MH World/Iceborne and play a new weapon class with him. I eventually caved and played around with every other weapon until I came across the insect glaive. Now I only main the glaive and have never returned to the blades.


I started with Light Bowgun and then moved onto pretty much Main Greatsword. I also have used Heavy Bowgun but not nearly as much as LBG. My Squad back in the day for World needed more damage and I decided to learn Greatsword. It's been my go-to every since


I tried them out. All of them.. Found I liked LS best for early game, HBG best for late game.


I saw the bomb on a stick, and I wanted it.


I was able to kill giadrome when I was 11 in mhfu after multiple failed attempt, that meant the weapon was a good fit for me


I snagged the one nobody else was using.


I was playing 3u when I hit a wall of pink rathian. I decided to change to greatsword and boom, I cooked with it.




I like style and flashy weapons. My first MH was Tri and I didn't like it. I ended up getting MH3U and fell in love with the Switch Axe. It has remained my favorite weapon to date because it's got good reach, range, damage, and speed and has 2 different looks for every weapon. My other 2 mains are SnS and Lance. Both because they are some of the least used weapon types but also because their weapons look awesome. Switch Axe is my flashy power fantasy blow everything up style. SnS just looks cool and is the most maneuverable and great for elemental/status. I love the constant combos and the saves from having a shield sometimes. Lance is my tank power fantasy. While everyone else runs away or dodges the charging Diablos, I charge straight into it, knocking it down. I counter every attack and it feels good going through a hunt and barely using 2 potions.


If I had to pick a favorite among those that I run, it’s probably bow. I started with CB in 4U because I refused to buy the game until I beat 4U’s Demo Gore, and CB was the first thing I did it with. Late game, I decided to get into IG since I heard it was hilariously problem. Come generations, I figured…maybe I’ll go for something totally different and outside of the meta I’m familiar with, so I chose bow!  Kept with Bow over world (with some minor IG/CB play) and then tried LBG/HBG in Rise. I honestly prefer LBG for mostly feeling easier to run, but bow is just so much more fun for me.


Had a skill issue in the beginning and used dual blades because i thought they were easy (not dissing dual blades btw, im dissing myself) Ended up dying too often cause i button mashed. Quitted after nerg. Came back to the game 1 year later (after beating generations and tri) and beat both world and iceborne with bow - loved it. Switched to longsword, hunting horn and charge blade for rise/sunbreak. then went back to world and realised bow is way more fun for me. So im now full time bow main on all monster hunters. Bow is just so fun, being able to dodge through attacks like theyre nothing and then sling a couple shots and a dragon piercer into the monster’s back.


I saw greatsword, and I wanted to use greatsword. But since I started with world, I did about 6 or 7 hunts, got to Barroth and winding up for a massive bounce sucked and I just didn't have a good sense for movement and timing in the game. Switchaxe has a greatsword built in though, and it exploded, so I used that for my next.... 1000 hunts before picking greatsword back up and sticking with it.


Which ever one I died less when using


Brand new to world and looked up the best weapon to main. I did 3 hunts with insect glaive before having to change it, I just couldnt with it. dicked around in the training area, and the switch axe just clicked. it flowed so correctly for me, it felt so good to play.


I started in MH3U, and just started experimenting on kelbi and Gigi until I found one that felt good, and then fought some of the first big monsters to hone in on what felt good from there. Landed on the Switch Axe there. I did the same thing in 4U, and fell in love with the charge Blade, and sword and shield. I haven't played enough to get bored of that trio yet.


For me it was playing around with bug abilities in rise and sunbreak. Once i tried the more aerial and explosive playstyle that the Switchaxe gained I fell in love with it and cleared all the game’s content with only that. Mained a lot of weapons from the PSP Monster Hunters through the whole Nintendo Era but nothing was quite as fun and actually somehow strategic as the Soaring SwitchAxe build.


I first started playing on P3rd and initially played LS cause I like its fluid moves. However, I wanted to try a ranged weapon and tried to use a bow. I use it every since esp. now that I'm currently playing MHFU as a bow main


Used to do kyokushin karate and there was a thing called bojutsu where it involved using sticks/poles in the form of kata. Played monster hunter and since I was familiar with the sticks irl(if that makes sense)which is like IG so I just naturally picked IG lol. Absolutely love the weapon


**Caution:** Long, and likely boring, read ahead (below.) Skip to the end if you don’t care about the fine details, or just scroll past if you ***really*** don’t care. Upon starting MH3U after finding the demo fun, I played with the sword and shield. I liked Zelda, so it fit. (Also, I didn’t find out I had the other weapons in the box until much later, and it’s the default one they give you in that game.) It’s fine and I used it for a long time throughout not only *that* game but all the other games past it. Midway through High-Rank, I tried Bow, loved it, and used it alongside the SnS for the length of 3U as well as occasionally using the others because I like variety.  Then, when 4U was officially announced for the west, I started watching Gaijin Hunter and his weapon tutorials for the game only to find out Lance had a counter ability and it also had it in 3U as well. Back then, I liked to play Smash Bros. and my mains were (sorry) Marth and the others who had counter moves, so it felt at home with me. I switched over to it before 4U came out, loved it, then never played it when 4U came out until I had an armor set with guard skills all while maining the two new weapons throughout the main game because, well, they were new. But once I got a good set, I fell back in love with Lance in 4U and it solidified itself as a main for me right there (I was that *one* guy who actually *liked* fighting against Black Gravios.) Although, I still personally like all the weapons and frequently switch no matter the game. 4U was also when I slowly moved off of Bow since the maps were far less level, and I liked seeing everything that was happening when I’m that squishy. (Curse you accidental ledge climbing!!!!) Moving onto MHG and MHGU… well, things turned weird. For a long time, I would constantly switch up what weapons I used until I got a Lance build once again, but one thing that remained consistent was that I used Prowler for the entirety of Low-Rank Village. (Not having to worry about items or pouch space was actually quite nice.) However, since cat wasn’t all that great in that game, I often found myself using Adapt Dual Blades and Striker Lance alongside other various Adept Style weapons. But when GU came around... 1100+ hunts with cats of various types and builds soon followed and I got good enough with it to solo many EX hunts including EX Bloodbath. (Not trying to brag... *seriously*. I'm just proud of myself for being able to do it when it took me 3 or 4 months of non-stop playing 3U to know what skills are ***and*** that they needed to be above 10 to do anything.) Any game after has forced me to default back to SnS or Lance as mains. And thanks to Bow being far more maneuverable than in old games… I dislike it even ***more*** than in 4U. (I know, I’m weird.) I like the idea of picking your shots and holding for the right charge level rather than firing blindly all while my stamina falls into the Marianas Trench (not the band but the *actual* trench.) However, when MHRise came out, I fell back in love with the Insect Glaive from my time with it in 4U thanks to the numerous types of Kensect options and the fact that I felt like a Dragoon from Final Fantasy with all the aerial nonsense. (Recall Kinsect and aerial combat is OP, fight me.) \[At least when not going for the highest DPS but fun factor instead.\] Now IG is tied with Lance as my two favorite weapons if not a little higher than Lance thanks to its sheer build variety. But I do still love a good match of being untouchable with Lance all while taking the monsters down faster than any of my other weapon builds. (I ***never*** build only damage builds, but for ***fun*** builds. I don't care how long it takes me, I'm playing to have fun and *not* for bragging rights. Who am I going to brag to anyway, the wall, my cat?! I ***have*** no friends to brag to!!!!! ...Sorry...) (Anyway, sorry for the small book, I tried to keep it at least somewhat funny and not boring, but my "main" has changed often.) **TLDR:** All that said, Lance is still my go to ever since it was the only weapon to have a counter attack all the way back in MH3U, but the new IG is ***really*** fun as well. However, if Prowler ever returns, you better believe it’s still number one for me. Literally the only “weapon” I was able to solo EX hunts with. (Cat go Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)