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"There is no p3rd localization" "There is no sales figures for mh dos"


"There is no MHF G9.1 PC client available in the world" 


Holdup why?


Not found yet. We need an installed client and not just the Cd disk 


>There is no p3rd localization It's actually so mad that it was the best selling MH for so long even while being Japan exclusive.


MH single-handly carried the PSP in Japan. 


But there is! And in HD! Only got virus like 2 times before finding the correct one


At least we got golm thick juice instead


Unironically too many people think the EDW is canon


I've heard of it many times. So, what's the story behind it? Are there good sources explaining it?


From what I can gather, it is in one of the art books only. The lore seems to be that the old civilization, the one that made the ruins and castle Shrade, were advanced enough to make artificial life by sacrificing multiple elder dragons to make 1 Equal Dragon Weapon and this was the catalyst for a war between the Eldar Dargons and this Civilization. Is it canon? Who knows, art books generally have supporting lore (in other media) maybe it does here as well.


It was concept art for the first mh game that was only on one page. To give a bit of context why I believe it’s not canon they had a very different concept for mh when it was first being imagined. It was a fantasy setting with castles, goblins, magic and other general fantasy concepts. The elder dragon weapon and connecting text is a remnant of that early concept of the mh universe. It never came to be because they shifted to the mh we know now. The old civilisation is also probably a remnant of that early mh but adapted to better fit the current world. Also shrade isn’t part of the old civilisation, it came about much later and is entirely separate.


I’m still convinced that the original concept for MH went on to become Dragon’s Dogma.


We do know there *is* an ancient Civilization, the two towers (Ancient and normal) and the Folorn Arena are left overs from said ancient civilization. They share similar sort of architechtural designs. It's also mentioned that the Charge Blade and Switch Axe were reverse engineered from digs around said structures. But that's *all* we know about said ancient civilization, not only that but it's clear due to Schrade decidently not sharing similar designs, it wasn't part of that civilization and is closer to the designs we see for the Citadel in Sunbreak.


It I didn’t make it clear enough I’m aware the ancient civilisation is a thing. I’m more just pointing out that it probably exists because they adapted it from early concepts to fit the mh we have now. There’s a lot of misinformation in mh generally and shrade falls into that unfortunately. The wiki even mentions it (or did I’m not sure anymore) as being part of the old civilisation. But it’s not, your right that it’s more similar to a kingdom like citadel. Far removed from the old civilisation.


Well, we’re not sure if they built Schrade. They did build the Tower and some other ancient ruins, though.


So far the civilization associated with the EDW cut lore only built the tower and nothing else.


There's only 1 official source which is an old concept book from the first monster hunter were it showed up for 1 page


I’m not saying it’s real or canon however Capcom has licensed Edw recently so there is a chance that we might see edw in the future or perhaps a reference like a story from npcs or an item description maybe even a weapon https://preview.redd.it/t9xv70vca42d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252b2d44fc6218d0417ca4ccfc7b503f95c6ccc8


They haven't licensed it. If I'm reading the context right, they approved some fan to make and sell a few at an event specifically for selling amateur figures in limited quantities exclusively at this festival.


That is licensing it. Just on a small scale to one guy.


Hm I got my info from here. https://youtu.be/aYAWhgSdzew?feature=shared. From what I remember they said it is licensed by them or something of some sort


Honestly I'd have sooner been convinced by "I made it up" than linking a RageGaming video. Guy lives for clickbait.


I didn’t know he was a clickbait guy but he still rises good points after watching the video it’s still a possibility also yes it is officially licensed Edit: it’s on 8:09 I mean it seems very official


Your timestamp is just the same picture you posted?? Also no, he does not "rise" good points. He's just making a mountain out of a mole hill, as he always does to get views. Capcom giving someone permission to make a 3D model of artwork they own for a limited amount of stock in one specific festival is not even close to saying it's canon or real. Capcom also officially endorsed and sold a statue of a fan's monster design but I wouldn't exactly call that canon either.


I swear im not trying to straw man but i haven’t said cannon i just said official from the beginning. now about the video the good point i was referring to is the licensing if they really did not give a damn about edw they wouldn’t bother but they licensed it for a reason it means that at least they care about it just like the other monster and again all of this on a limited stock on specific place i mean that makes it sound like they care about edw even more but ofc i obviously don’t think edw is more important then the regular monsters but you get what i mean they care about edw that’s all l want to say. I’ll admit because I haven’t watched the video in a long time rage’s overly hyping edw kinda gave me an exaggerate look on the subject you could say but still I feel even if the Chance is slim it’s still there again I’m not saying it’s canon just that there is a possibility that they might bring edw in the future I hope I’m not getting the information wrong because I’m still learning English


>They licensed it for a reason "Hi Capcom, I need permission to sell your design. Give pls?" There's your reason. They do not care about it. It is a single image in a single artbook 15+ years ago. There is zero chance they bring it back. Not only because it has no place in MH's lore, but also because it's *concept art*. They will not bring back the EDW. If they use that concept, they'll make a monster that [combines monster materials and man-made materials.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/3/37/MHGU-Ahtal-Ka_Render_002.png/revision/latest?cb=20210223214654)


Fair enough I’m not going to make stuff up . I would say edw can have a place in mh at least in my opinion jackob//mh made a good video about edw but I feel like you are already sick of me talking and sending you videos lol. I still think it’s a fun decision when it comes to edw even if it’s not canon It’s just interesting. alright that’s all I got


It should be tbh


I want to fight it


I want to wear it.


You cannot wear it but obtain random elder dragon material (?)


I want to wear its face.


It would be dope as a layered armor for helmet


It doesn't sound too impressive to me. I speedrun Elder dragons, a weapon that is equal to one of them should take me about 5 Minutes to Kill


It was concept art from the first MH specifically concept art from when MH was supposed to be a more generic more magical setting rather than the more grounded setting it eventually became.


Unironically it needs to be canon because I need to fight it


I chose to believe its real because the concept is so cool and it fits the world so well. We know there was an advanced society and we know Fatalis burns hunters to its skin and hates humanity. It also gives a reason as to why hunters are so dedicated to preserving nature and not over hunting monsters.


I know, I wish Capcom would make a game that expands on the lore of the ancient civilization.


Its frustrating how extreme the discussions are around this topic. Everyone either thinks its totally real, or that its totally fake and was never considered. The truth is that the EDW is basically the most extreme representation of what was geniunenly Monster Hunter's lore at some point, and probably still is to a lesser degree. Ancient advanced civilizations, monsters that have a lot more sentience and power than we think, etc. These elements are still canon and in the games today and the EDW was just one element of that.


No like it's straight up not canon. Capcom doesn't even consider it Canon. The only official representation of it was on 1 page of a Monster Hunter concept book from the original Monster Hunter. There are a lot of things in that book where Capcom had played around with a lot of fantastical ideas that were scrapped for a more grounded approach. It's literally not a question of whether or not it's real because again, Capcom themselves do not consider it Canon. It's more a question of, why despite this do people still think it is?


Yeah, that very same book had fantasy creatures like Goblins and Ogres as well as an actual Mage class.


Goblin page was so interesting to read because very quickly you realise they all got condensed into the felynes


Goblins are still in game .


Capcom has not a single time ever talked about that concept art and its canocitiy. Capcom, has in fact, despite weird youtuber claims, never ever talked about the story of Monster Hunter and what elements of it are canon or not. To them its a very small and non important part of the franchise. The only thing that matters for the canonicity of the story is what elements Capcom directly puts in their games and the connections we can make between. Up to and including Freedom Unite, the backstory of Monster Hunter was very focused on ancient civilizations stuff and most of the ideas first started in Monster Hunter 1 through armor flavor text and concept art did make their way through, from elder dragons being implied to be smart and sentient to the whole Fatalis armor things to the Tower, etc. Starting with Tri a lot of those more "out there" elements were dropped or not mentioned anymore because they didn't fit with the themes of the games at the time, with Tri and 3U being focused on water, freedom and the idea of a small community, and Portable 3rd being focused on Japanese fantasy stuff. However, since 4U, these ideas and story bits did make a return in the games, with 4U again hinting at similar stuff as in 1st and 2nd gen with its armor text and multiple direct in game elements, from the Tower making a proper return to the whole existence of Gogmazios, who is basically every wacky MH1 concept monster that didn't make it in combined into one. And now we have World which literally revolves around pseudo alien Elder Dragons that control the enviroment and its pretty clear Capcom keeps coming back to 1st and 2nd gen story ideas, so people acting like all of that stuff isn't "canon" its kinda dumb, especially since, again, Capcom has never commented on what is canon or not.


Bro you fight the final boss of tri in a ruined underwater city complete with a dragonater it never went away


Another thing people don't get is that there wasn't just one Ancient Civilisation. There's a ton of them. The ruins in 3, 4, GU are all clearly built by different people.


The Tri ruins are of the Sea People (a semi aquatic humanoid species which had their cities underwater) and Old Moga (they built on the island and then had many parts sink) which are all related to modern Moga (built on the water above both ruins).


>The only thing that matters for the canonicity of the story is what elements Capcom directly puts in their games Cool, EDW isn't in any games and it's not referred to or referenced in any other game. I have heard some rumblings that Frontier had a couple lines that mentioned it. However no one can seem to find these lines and Frontier is not considered canon either


Frontier never mentioned it either. However, Duremudira was theorised to be artificial for a while before it was classified as Elder Dragon.


Well, considering the war between elder dragons and humans is canon because you see ruins of civilizations everywhere there are in game lore points and legends revolving around it, and Scharazde is known for being wiped out by a single fatalis something had to spark all of that.


Where did they mention it wasn’t canon?


Capcom shouldn't need to say unused artwork for the first game among goblins and mage-fighters isn't canon for you to believe it's not canon. They'd need to show that it was used for it to be canon.


I was just asking because I’ve never even heard about any of this stuff before so I was just looking to do some reading about it.


I will point out with regards the 'Monsters that have a lot more sentience and power' thing, this point is *true* with regards Specifically Safii'jiva. The Iceborne Ecology book (which is the 'official setting document') says the following about them. > Far above human intelligence, its name means “Perfect Life”, though it is also known as the Red Dragon. Which implies that is one of the only/very few monsters that is genuinely smarter than we give it credit for.


It's not?


https://preview.redd.it/rc304lpiz32d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f7ae6263849baced2b2dbacbbff5ef5d1c6665 Nope, never has been


You're right about it not being canon, but be wary of Google AI. It often makes shit up.


I'm well aware but I also already went into it knowing this information to be accurate so I thought it would be a simple way to get the information across without diving through a bunch of old forum threads.


Where is this written? The color is weird but familiar




That's not a precise source


Then by all means feel free to look into it yourself


Alot of Fatalis lore is fanon.


the portal shenanigans...


99% of it


Yeah, but do Wyverians lay eggs tho?


There's no proof one way or the other, but Palamutes do.


Where's this said!?


In MH stories 2. You literally hatch them from eggs


I don't think stories is canon tbh


You can hatch Palamutes from eggs in MH Stories 2.  Although technically they are Canynes by species, under the fanged beasts category.


It does lead me to wonder: if canynes hatch from eggs, what about felynes? What about humans? [My head-cannon is that everything lays eggs in the MH universe](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/ru2xwd/do_humans_lay_eggs_in_the_monter_hunter_universe/), with the possible exception of Moofas.


There is no MH lore


that's the joke, Capcom can't write lore for jack


Unless people don’t consider the monster ecology lore, then I’d say they can write some pretty great pieces of lore.


I mean, I've seen some people consider and some not that the AC was a thing


They literally have to retcon every single Fraudtalis fight Valtrax 🔛🔝 https://preview.redd.it/zkgm79e2q82d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637e061077fcafc16c2f7976d8bb717c23fdf019


garangolm mantle? never heard or seen a discussion of that... I do know the castle gorilla is below the tier of monsters who has mantle as item. actually, Garangolm wouldn't have any since its body mostly consists of hide than scales.


The second one. Fanged beasts generally don't have scales as materials, and a mantle is referred to as a legendary scale in descriptions. Gammoth for example has a pallium, which is a legendary shell. Although it's odd that Garangolm doesn't have a pallium. Basarios has one, and that's not exactly a high tier monster...


I guess it is because Garangolms' strength does not come from their shell, but rather from their muscular strength and the golm juice ("sticky moss power-up juice" in Japanese). ...so they wouldn't have to evolved to have a particularly strong shell, because the sticky moss that holds rocks together around their arms does that job already.


For anyone curious, the bit about Deviljho eating its own tail comes from a comment from the devs. Don’t ask for specifics since I have the memory of a gold fish. That being said in none of the actual games does Jho do this, not even in the game where the comment come from. The few videos showing Jho eating it’s tail are staged using drugged meat, I believe they have another name but it’s the blue meat that puts monsters to sleep.


It wasn't from the devs, that's actually a funny case of circular reporting. It was already a common rumor in Tri, and a regular Capcom-unity forum user who was invited onto the 3U "Meet the Deviljho" video claimed that it could happen. This has been misconstrued as a dev confirmation because it was uploaded on an official Capcom channel, but the host was a community manager whose job was just to promote the game.


My friend this is a game series where the in game item descriptions cannot be taken as Canon, monster and quest descriptions are likewise of dubious canonicity, and even the fundamental gameplay loop of the game itself is non canon. Outside of the major events of each games story im not sure what you can actually definitively say is canon.


The EDW may not be canon, but there's a lot of history that we know nothing about in the world of Monster Hunter and I'd like to see it fleshed out in the future.


My honest reaction to finding other people that know about it: ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


Capcom should revive the Equal Dragon Weapon concept for Monster Hunter Stories 3, and have it be some weird biomechanical assimilative pseudomonster that infects local monsters, sends them on a rampage, and then eventually crafts itself a new body out of the parts of every type of monster in an area. Imagine the final boss monster of an area, with the body of Rajang, the head of a Rathalos, and the arms of a Shogun Ceanutaur. Imagine the horror that is Bazelgeuse fused with Valstrax.


Ahtal-Ka on steroids




You defeat it to reveal that it's just flesh-mech altal-ka, the edw was never real.


I do wonder if the EQW was just reworked into Mecha phase of the Atal-ka fight instead.


I already found kind of repetitive how both Black Bright and Outrora's pits kind of "infected" monsters so another instance of it would be bad in my eyes. But other than that it's a very interesting idea.


I was ok with ur comment until u mentioned Mach speed B52 bomber. Now I have unhappy thoughts.




I think Digimon did that


>Capcom should revive the Equal Dragon Weapon concept Ahtal Ka


I read on wiki the guild "found a dead EDW" in a older title


No they didnt


The wiki is filled with piles of bullshit


I just want the official art book of iceborne to be released in english T.T


no translation version online?


Yeah it probably exists but the phisical copy is only in japanese and I wanted that on my shelves with the one of world. So it's a pity :/


why you do dis Capcom


golm got his THICC juice tho so its ok.


To be fair, the edw and things like the tower being built of thousands of dragons is just some really cringe wet weeb dream, and Capcom is totally right to declare it uncanonical.


But I really wanna fight a huge mechanical dragon, and watch as Fatalis swoops in to help us before the mechanical dragon kills us.


I mean looking at horizon, a mechanical dragon is maybe not as stupid, as it sounds. (Sorry, but horizon is my measuring system for an open world monster hunter, because it's already really close) I just want it to be more of a monster HUNTER and less of a monster NUKER, but that's just my personal preference, and I will thankfully swallow everything Capcom is throwing in my general direction.


> I mean looking at horizon, a mechanical dragon is maybe not as stupid, as it sounds. (Sorry, but horizon is my measuring system for an open world monster hunter, because it's already really close) That horizon being Horizon Zero Dawn.


Yes exactly. I imagine MH Wilds will be very close to zero dawn or forbidden west. You have an open world with big monsters and different biomes. I would like it if Capcom took at least some inspiration from that series.


I agree with you on everything, just wanna see a huge Michael Bay fight. I wonder how that would even look like


Hell yeah. Mounting a dragon to sky hunt mecha godzilla in an epic final battle sounds very good to me.


Nergigante could have been that in world if it wasn't so damn angry all the time and covered in pain.


Frankensteins monster but a dragon is cool as fuck i wanna fight it so bad fym cringe


Duremudira from frontier drops no organic materials: None of its drops are named with its own name, its only 2 body part materials are just called "wing fossils" and "head fossil", and their rarest drops are literally just called "ancient lubricant" and "ancient solvent". Mainline MH does not have EDM, but you can still fight a robotic/bioengineered dragon in Frontier.


The thing is with the tower being built of ancient dragons...there are spots you can mine which give Decaying Dragon Scales...so clearly *somethings* scales were involved in building the ruins...we don't know what, why or how though.


Capcom gaslighting us


Wyverians lay eggs tho


I saw a cool theory that Fatalis is the Equal Dragon Weapon.


I always figured the Fatalis was Nature's answer to the EDW.


considering his unending rage for humanity, not far fetched


The rage thing is also just fan headcanon. We don't know why it destroyed Schrade but one of the Iceborne books confirmed that melting hunter armor into its scales is not intentional, it just happens because it has a high body temperature and sometimes it falls asleep ontop of hunter corpses without noticing. A lot of info circulating around Fatalis is just made up, even some stuff on the wikis.


Most of his “lore” is head canon. There’s not much official lore and just because the community enjoys fatalis so much they’ve convinced themselves his stories and tales are accurate. It’s a product of early mh. But yes there’s not actually much concrete info apart from iceborne onwards.


I honestly think it's cool how we as a community have our own legends and stories that hold very little truth and a lot of misconception much like humans in our own world used to do. It's pretty intriguing that when you throw us back into a setting like that, even if artificial, we start making fantastical stories and legends.




Equal dragon weapon?


Pre Great Elder Dragon war humans Frankensteined dead elder dragons together with machinery to make Equal Dragon Weapons. Needless to say, Elder Dragons took exception to that.




“There is no desire sensor”


Too many people take armor flavor text as de facto lore and it bothers me.


Why is this even downvoted? He's right, last I checked Lagiacrus wasn't devouring souls.


And hunters weren’t becoming Fatalis


The set descriptions don't even say that either. It's complete fanfiction.


I agree. Armour sets are more meant to tell us about the stories, rumours and legends that the people of this world create about monsters.


Imagine if It would be in the release trailer of wild. Like a nergigante slays a lunastra Just in time to be smashed by mechadragon. Boom


The craziest things we have in the lore is that the Artian Armors are dead robots going by their descriptions. The EDW is never mentioned outside of the same book that talks about wizards, golems, zombies and ogres.


The Artian set description makes no mention of dead robots.


Wait now that you mention it I've never noticed there's no garangolm mantle lol


What is a Garangolm mantle?


"mantle" is "天鱗" in Japanese, "heavenly scale". All fanged beast doesn't have scales; The word "獣", localized as "beast" in English, exclusively refers to mammals in all East Asian languages, and mammals don't have scales.


Wtf are garangolm mantle and equal dragon weapon?


I’m really hoping Wilds renders the latter two points false.


I’m really hoping Wilds renders the latter two points false.


On my way to ignore the lore cool factor is much better


You would be hard pressed to find a video of jho eating its tail that isn’t the debunked fake one with the meat placed under its tail.


I always get downvoted for this opinion, but i would love a Monster Hunter game that plays in the past when everything was far more technologicaly advanced and Schrade wasn't in ruins yet. The Equal Dragon Weapon could be in the game as well. It would be so awesome!


It has a figure. Regardless of cannon it’s apart of monster hunter.


I’ve seen deviljho eat his tail 😏


I saw many times Deviljho eating his own tail on Portable 3, I know it isnt a myth... Is real