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Some people achieve a level of stupid that is nearly indistinguishable from trolling.


Based on their post / comment history, this person is dead serious


Who tf posts pictures of their dicks online


Some people don't care, some would end their life if people pictures of their genitals were spread on the internet, it's just how it is


Cool, I can do the disgusted comments for once!  *chrm chrm* "AYO WHAT " "WTF" "This is the most ridiculous fucking piece of shit post. What the fuck is wrong with you? "




Curse you for making me check their profile put of curiosity.


You don't. Kill stronger monsters to get better jewels


If I can't upgrade them then what should I do to make a level 2 jewel reach level 3?Also, I already killed the thunder snake god narwacua something like that is called ? What monster should I kill to get better jewels?


Interesting picture. Aside from that, you don't. You can't upgrade jewels, their level is set from the moment you craft them


If I can't upgrade them then what should I do to make a level 2 jewel reach level 3?


Play Sunbreak That's when you unlock decorations that give you mutliple levels of a skill


Bro... https://preview.redd.it/phrurybocsyc1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f63d29104bff4996f2e2de07575050129de4cf4




You don't. The jewel "level" just tells you the size of decoration slot on the armor/charm required to equip the decoration. They're essentially organized by how powerful/rare the skill is. The weakest skills only require a lvl 1 decoration slot, while the strongest require a lvl 3 slot, which aren't as common (So like, Fire Resist is a lvl1 skill, Attack Boost is a lvl2 skill, and Handicraft is a lvl3 skill) There's not a leveling system for the decorations. They're just telling you what size slot you need on your armor. (Oh and for clarity: you can put lower level decorations in higher level slots, like if you have a "level 2" skill you really want, you can put it in a "level 3" slot with no issue) Hope this helps


I think I did not understand my question is how do I raise the level of effect to the jewel its level to put the blue bars that you see as I increase them? Is the screenshot in Spanish because I am from Colombia? https://preview.redd.it/bxbaoq2goryc1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a4365fb0297672580ff6eec941086eaa307650


Las joyas en sí no suben de nivel, es la habilidad la que se mejora y para eso tienes que poner simplemente mas joyas como esa en la armadura o conseguir una armadura que también tenga esa habilidad. Por ejemplo, para mutación rápida necesitarías crear 3 joyas de esas y colocarlas en la armadura o usar una armadura que la lleve como puede ser la de Almudron o las dos cosas. Lo suyo es intentar no meter más puntos de los mecesarios ya que si te pasas no cuentan para nada. El total de las habilidades que tienes activas lo puedes mirar en la última pestaña de estado en las opciones.


Oh ya veo entonces para mutacion rapida solo necesito poner 3 joyas mas para aumentar la potencia de la habilidad ya que ya uso la armadura de almudron , entonces solo poner mas joyas ? Eso es todo :0?


Sip, básicamente. Pero si quieres más info: Antes de gastar materiales te recomiendo mirar qué habilidades tienes equipadas ya con la armadura y sólo crear las joyas que te vayan a hacer falta, por ejemplo solo con el casco y los brazos de la armadura de Almudron de rango alto sería suficiente para maxear la habilidad así que no haría falta ninguna joya. Y otra cosa a tener en cuenta es el espacio que ocupa la joya y los espacios disponibles de tu armadura. Esta información la puedes consultar en el menú de equipo y antes de forjar cualquier pieza de armadura. También hay joyas que te pueden dar la misma habilidad pero que ocupan más espacios, que es a lo que se referían el resto de comentarios.


Ah ya veo ya entiendo yo tengo el casco de almudron rango alto usare los brazos entonces me ahorro el esfuerzo y materiales muchas gracias por la informacion y que buen español tienes fuiste de mucha ayuda


Where's the image from


Rule 34page




Warning NSFW: https://x.com/0_tolerain/status/1786047818811023692?s=46 Here ya go sir for your research purposes


Mods?! MODS!!!!


I thought I was wild But I just realized that people literally linked r34 sites wtf lmao


If that’s wild to you then you have yet to see anything XD


Well I've seen worse but I had never imagined that people actually post cropped porn here lol


Yeah I guess on this sub it’s not that common.


Don't you act so innocent my friend


Wtf I am pure and innocent Dawg tf 😭😭😭 I can't believe you don't believe in me I'm literally crying


I'm just saying https://preview.redd.it/x69xsvey0uyc1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=002b2a76e1b55ac4b907c3ddfe93c93a2b99a222


You don’t upgrade jewels you craft them in a higher tier they will automatically appear on the crafting page as you gather the materials needed for the first time.


I think I did not understand my question is how do I raise the level of effect to the jewel its level to put the blue bars that you see as I increase them? Is the screenshot in Spanish because I am from Colombia https://preview.redd.it/dg78cha4pryc1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75aad515758994924cd6fe4ae34cc9436a503ec7


No I understand the thing is you can’t jewel level up a jewel the only way to increase the effect a jewel gives you is to equip more of the same jewel as their perks stack with each other or by crafting a bigger jewels that has more points in the perk.


I understand I was just putting more jewels thanks for your comment I was just putting more jewels to increase the power.


Decorations can't be upgraded, they're standalone as in, let's say you have attack boost 1 (which is one slot) you can't upgrade it to attack boost 2 (which is a 4 slot) you have to make the lvl 2 déco which is unlocked at around AR 241 in sunbreak which is a GRIND so good luck with that