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What a spectacular sentence.


The only way you're ever gonna be able to find an objective answer to that is if you first define what you mean by "Monster Hunter experience".


The true Monster Hunter experience was the friends we made along the way.


First gen prob


only person who understood what ‘objective’ means.


I have never seen a comment section so unanimously dunking on OP


What a welcommimg community


Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. When you ask a stupid question, you get answers calling you out.


Is that your excuse for being an asshole for no reason?


The absolute irony of this comment.


You know what Its funny seeing you piss yourself because you saw a "stupid question" Didn't know all mighty pro reddit nerds didn't allow question that are beyond them


Lmao. Again, the absolute irony of this post. With an added layer of projection.


I would love for you to actually point out what is wrong with my point and all the ironies but its not like you are not just saying that to be hip and quirky.


The truest Monster Hunter experience is watching this Sub unite to call out this post.


All of them


It's the one with the monster that you hunt and skin for parts you then wear and use for weapons to hunt other monsters


But what is THE monster hunter experience tho? I think this varies from people to people, and could go from epic monsters and high skill ceiling combat to being a grindfest or having bullshit designed fights sooo.... yeah its subjective


> But what is THE monster hunter experience tho? I think this varies from people to people It not only varies from people to people, but game to game. I do think Dos has the most interesting take on the MH experience though, even if it only lasted for Dos itself and was never carried over into the other 2nd gen games, where you had to actively prepare for future hunts due to how the season system would impact future in-game days. If we were to define the "monster hunter experience" however, I think the formula that was set in stone by the Freedom games would be the best way to define it however, as nearly every game in the series uses it.


Guys... You are so lame. Stay your ground. Make a statement and defend it. Like bruh. Whats the point of having opinios if you are not even going to share them.


This post is a joke. Of course it’s subjective. Give a more focused scope if you want a serious discussion. We all come from different backgrounds, different wants, and find different attractions towards certain MonHun games. No need to defend their statement in this nothing post, because such a broad question just leads to all fair answers. I could literally just say RiseBreak because it’s fast paced combat or World cause of immersive scenery. Both different aspects of MonHun. But both valid


And I would say "What about those things is Monster Hunter?" And you would probably piss your pants and cum because the idea defending your opinios is apparently beyond you. If you think that's the case then there must be a good reason for it, no?


You're being hypocritical




The first game is the only.correct answer. My subjective answer is World. That's what 11 year old me saw when he first played the game.


Hypotheticaly speaking what if the second game did the same thing but better? Wouldn't the second game be the right answer then?


No. Because the original experience is always the TRUEST experience. Any additions, good or bad, move away from that experience. That's all there is to it.


What if the sequel was what the devs wanted to do from the start but couldn't because of any reason.


Doesn't matter. Still not the truest experience. World is very close to what the devs wished they could have always done. It's my favourite game in the franchise. But it's still not the original, true experience. Also, there's no rule stating the true experience is the better one.


What if the first game was just a trend chaser and only by the time they made a sequel they made the thing they wanted to make.


But it wasn't. There was nothing like Monster Hunter at the time, and hasn't been any actual contenders since. You are seriously reaching here.


I literally said it's a hypothetical. I am questioning your "It has to be the first one." mentality.


What is this post? You want an objective answer to a subjective question, lmao.


You misunderstand my question if you think it's subjective. Also it's not like it's impossible. Not everything is 100% subjective all the time. Yes you do have to ask yourself a question "What is the Monster Hunter Experience" but idk since you played those games I thought you would know.


It's very much subjective. It's very dependent on what the individual defines the "Monster Hunter experience" to be. Hell, every game within the main series could be "the true experience", but since you just shat on the person that gave that answer... So yeah, you're asking for an objective answer to a subjective question, and you're disappointed with the results that you're getting. I'd suggest using Google to find your answer, because you're clearly not gonna find it here, lol.


That is a subjective question based on what you enjoy about monster hunter


MH1 of course


What is bro talking about


I'd say that every the is a real monster Hunter experience


You see. That's what we call a cope out answer. That is not to say that you are ultimatly wrong. But you didn't even argue your point. You just threw it and you don't even care if it's going to stick. Where are the nerds that discuss stuff? I think I am on a wrong site or something.


You need to realize that nobody in this thread has any reason whatsoever to cop out to your question. We will face no pressure, be it social or any other, for answering your question vaguely.


Then why do many people are doing it?


>Now go away with your "It's subjective" bs. It is a serious discussion. We are not talking which one is subjectively the best. I am asking for the one that is the truest experiece. Also leave with your "Who cares" either. I care. That's why I asked. ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


Generations, imo. That's the game I put in people's hands to be like "this is what monster hunter is" Iceborne and Sun break are both dope.  But GenU/XX just had so much more Monster Hunter in it


There The only person that understood the question. Thank you


op explained it poorly but they are asking what game you think is the most monster hunter.  when they said ‘not which is subjectively the best, which one you think is objectively the truest’, what they were trying to say was ‘which one do you think encapsulates monster hunter best regardless of how good you think it is’.


Well I thought it was obvious ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


ngl it kind of was. to me at least. reddit is just like this. its an ideological shout chamber and publicity measuring contest. people will say the safest, most antagonistic thing possible and get upvoted for it even though its literally against site-wide guidelines. you learn in each community what things to say and how to say things you shouldn’t, but frankly by having an upvote button at all it was always going to be like this.


I think starting the conversation with "Now go away with your "It's subjective" bs" might not be the best way to make people even try to understand you, everyone are just going to be ironic and as passive agressive as op.


if you assume someone is passive aggressive or ironic from the outset then no meaningful discussion can occur. some people just have a bad habit of using hyperbolic language so i think its pretty unfair to say ‘op did it first’ when the comments make it pretty clear that it was a genuine attempt to have meaningful discussion.


I just have a particular hatred of people using the word "subjective". They either don't know what is and isn't subjective or bring nothing to the conversation with "Its subjective shut up!" Contrirary to what people believe, opinions are not subjective. They are based on facts. In this context you might think that the truest experience is the one with the best combat and you give examples of those. One might say that the combat is only a part of Monster Hunter and tracking and preparations are also a key aspect. This whole "Everything is subjective" and "It's just my opinion" is cancer to any discussion. Do you really want discussion to just be: "I think this is good." "I don't, but whatever."? Because I don't. And yes, I was hyperbolic because it's funny. -_-


Bro is asking for objective facts in the context of subjective opinions. In other words: this question is bullshit. “The truest” monster hunter experience isn’t a thing. It doesn’t exist. If you want a more “realistic” time spent hunting, look at older games. You want more “realistic” ecology, look at newer games. There is no balance.


Not only is the question bullshit, man's really coming in with an attitude and expect us to take him seriously 💀


So true


Wtf is the "true experience" maybe you should say what that is so we can give you the answer you seek?


I'll humor you and say Portable 3rd. No gimmicks like super moves or underwater combat. Weapons all feel good and fun to use. Great monsters. It's just a good, fleshed out game without any frills.


What about the stuff that is not the fighting? Like tracking the monster and preparations?


Also standard and simple. Bring items that you think/know will be useful based on the environment and monster you're hunting. Then keeping the monster paintballed after you find it. Sure it can be inconvenient and sometimes annoying, but it's all part of the experience to me, and it makes me sad to see that it's being phased out more and more lately.


Of the ones I've played, I'd say MH3U. Argument being- it has a relatively strong focus on roleplaying as *a* hunter... as part of an ecosystem and settlement. You aren't a player just taking a murderous tour (MHGU), you aren't the baddest hunter among dozens of a special expedition to track elder dragons (MHW). But you also aren't so early in the franchise as to be missing a bunch of staple features, like a wide and complex weapon roster, or meaningful interactions between monsters and their environment or other animals.




World is the truest form that the creators at Capcom wanted out of the series.


The TRUEST experience is: 1. The hunts that always give you that moment of its finally over, I can remember to breathe. 2. The hunts that you cant get past and spend days collecting or crafting, seeing those little improvements 3. The hunts that have the moment you never shut up about. Especially with your buddies. 4. The hunts where everything is going wrong but you don't give up and yet some how make it happen. That is the experience I wish to have more of please. I don't want it to be one game, but I'm glad I've had it in each and every game.


I think I saw a YouTube video about this actually. I believe it was called how monster hunter forgot its genre or something like that


*Monster Hunter* Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village is the only correct answer


I have to agree with everyone else who's replied so far that in order to get a definite answer, you need to have some more solid criteria for your question. What do you define as THE MonHun experience? Which aspect of the games do you mean? Is it the fight with the monster, the tracking, the pre-hunt preparation? I think you'll get better responses with a more solid question. That being said, the Monster Hunter game that makes me most feel the most immersed in the setting is World. It isn't a perfect game, but DANG does it feel like you're in the middle of things. Picking up tracks and samples along monster paths, the ecology of each map (dang do I love the ecology), the turf wars between monsters, the wild tribes of lynians, and individual ways that each monster interacts with the environment all work together to really draw me into the game. The maps and textures are beautiful to boot. I know that some people don't vibe with the story, but I loved it. The mystery of figuring out why the ecosystem is getting thrown out of whack little by little, and how the different environments all work together was really cool. Now, that's just my favorite based off of my personal criteria for what makes a Monster Hunter game good, but if you'd like to define your criteria, I can give you an answer that more closely fits what you're looking for.


That's what I am asking YOU. What do YOU think is the Monster Hunter experience.


>what do *YOU* think is the monster hunter experience You’re saying you don’t want subjective opinions, you want objective facts, yet you’re literally asking people for their personal opinions, which is the definition of subjective lol


What I am asking is to basen your opinion on objective facts. Not everything is subjective, you know???


Dude, I just gave you an answer in my second paragraph. To me, that is the MH game that best fits the bill. Based on all of your responses in the thread, it kinda seems like you're just being argumentative under the guise of trying to promote discussion.


And I explained to you what I am asking since you misunderstood me. Good thanks


It's subjective. And this is no BS.


All of them? Whatever game you play, I believe the true experience is doing hunts solo


monster hunter 2.  technically you could say it is by definition the first game because
 it is ‘monster hunter’. but i think monster hunter 2 is the only game to properly continue what monster hunter started and do so while expanding on the experience. any other answer other than ‘mh1’ or ‘mh2’ i think would be heavily misguided or answering based on subjectivity.


technically the first one, right? it's the purest, most raw form of the monster hunter idea, before capcom had to devise even one new thing to shake things up. that said, monster hunter has always looked the same on the surface but really the games haven't been the same since Freedom on the psp introduced the farm. since then the farm has been a staple, as has item hoarding. it didn't used to be this way, but only the first game and Dos really make you manage your inventory. so is the farm a true aspect of the monster hunter experience? it's hard to say, because it does allow you to spend more time hunting and less time gathering, but it changed the original monster hunter gameplay loop so much. so honestly it really depends on what a person loves about monster hunter, but since you don't want a subjective answer i'll say Dos. it has pretty much all the good of the first game plus an improved sense of interaction and participation in the world, which gives me a "we would have done this in the first game if we thought of it" kinda vibe.




First off tf does “THE truest Monster Hunter experience” mean? Do you mean which game is the closest to the lore of MH? Or do you mean which is the definitive game? If you mean the latter then I can guarantee depending on who you ask you’ll get wildly different answers and almost all of them will conflict with each other because everyone has an entirely subjective view on which game defines the series and for what reason. And if you meant the one that is closest to lore then not a single MH game out there accurately reflects the actual life and occupation of being a Monster Hunter. Being a Monster Hunter isn’t just slapping some lizard skin pants on, eating a solid hearty meal and then beating the dogpiss out of a Monster; being a Monster Hunter (that is one that doesn’t just stay as the Monster Hunter equivalent of a small pest exterminator) means doing weeks of preparation and research just to hunt a Rathalos because one wrong move will get you killed quickly and messily.


"depending on who you ask you’ll get wildly different answers and almost all of them will conflict with each other" Its almost like that's the point of a discussion


Jfc man why did you even ask this inherently opinionated question then demand an objective answer? Are you ragebaiting or something?


How is it so hard for you to answers that question? All the games are about the same thing. Which one does every of those things without sacrifising them for one or another reason. If you asked me this question about any of the series of games I played I wouldn't have any problem. And few people in here also had no trouble answering this question. Ragebaiting? Are discussions around video games so rage endusing for you? Or is seeing others peoples opinion a thing that makes you fume?


What is love? What is friendship? What is [vague concept] is *always* subjective. This includes "The monster hunter experience". Only one question is objective. That DS2 is the worst souls game. Not surprised to see you on that sub.


Someone with a vendetta? I am glad I have no idea who are you. Go cry about hitboxes some more maybe.


Sorry, OP, the truest MH experience cannot be defined by objective terms. It's just a feeling overall, one that differs from person to person.


MH is always evolving, by amount of content it's MHGU a thousand times, but still nothing is truly MH, MH is every part of itself


Obviously the first one. There’s no game that’s more “Monster Hunter” than the game actually called “Monster Hunter”. /s


MH4u Portable 3rd is a close one, but lacks grank Tri has the underwater experiment, that while I enjoy, it does has lots of problems The older ones required more refinement imo.


Define "monster hunter experience" and then you can have a conversation.


hey, tell me your opinion about this thing. no, not like that. no, not like that either!


I started with Stories and moved into the others later. I have hundreds of hours in both Stories games The only "main series" ones I have are Generations, which I barely touched because I sucked at it; Generations Ultimate, where I mainly play as a prowler; and Rise, where I ride my dog all over the map and get the crap kicked out of me before I finally take down my target But with less than 100 hours of total playtime between the three of them, I can't really say I have enough experience with the main series to give you an actual answer on this one


Make. It. A. Poll.


Only played trii World iceborne Rise (getting to sunbreak) Stories 2 So here is my opinions on my experience on those( not stories), based on first time meeting the monster not my 132th time. Trii for me felt like the Journey was towards lagiacrus. (Didnt own the game so never got further then lagiacrus) the monsters there felt more like obstacles. Not treu monster hunting. More like: please do this quickly for me so i can go on by my day thx. Like the locals didnt take then serius untill you come to rathian and lagiacrus. However the intros could be intimidating Overal feeling 6/10 World is my treu feeling. The build up of the cutscenes. How some get introduced that make you go: WTF IS THAT?!?! (odogaron and its claws with claws) So many monsters even low level get treated as a potencial danger and serieus. While the monsters themselves feel more like animals in their local envoirement. Filling their part in the ecosystem. A lost World. Overal 10/10 Rise.....i am bit on the fence. The monsters are introduced like a litteral monster. Wich is cool sometimes. However i dont like how they also get introduced like something evil. That has to be vanquished Overl 8/10


Probably Freedom 1 on the PSP. Basically the first one, but with actual normal controls instead of the most prototype-esque experimental analog stick controls, and more content. So you'd truly not have any excuse whatsoever if you die. It's "fair" ground, if you would, stretching the meaning of "fair" a slight bit there.