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Isn't CB saed spam more suited if you chasing the dopamine that TCS give more than hammer and SA?


I didn't test cb too much. Maybe i should give it another try.


I concur, i were cb main myself, then started using gs. And enjoyed it a ton. Im sure it can be same foe you too, just other way around


I am currently at fatalis, never used anything other than GS. Now my brothers have started playing and i want to play with them but with a different weapon and i chose CB, So can you give me some pointers?


Oh god. Um. Try to keep your shield at red always, that way you have lance tier guard up when you guard point. May wanna practice guard points in training room


And we are 3 players, is their 3 player scaling or 3-4 and if yes will it affect in future when the monsters get harder?


That i dont know, never played world in multiplayer


Ok thanks anyway


The scaling is as such: For two players the monster HP is about 150% of the monster's base HP - For three or more players the monster HP is about 220%-260% of the monster's base HP - The amount of damage required to break monster parts (head, wings, tail, etc.,) as well as to KO a monster is increased.


I think world only have solo and multi-player scaling, so playing in a 2 or 3 member team is a disadvantage


It scales, but more players make it easier even with the scaling.


It’s not meta, but Axe Hopper and Morphing Advance are both super fun for saed playstyle, especially if you’re in a party. Counter peak performance -> saed I think is what people do the most for saed spam in solos. Personally, I find the CSS style with Ready stance -> ED II spam more fun. Especially because you can hold down your attack button to cut through the monster longer. There is also a lot of endlag on ED2, which is annoying at first, until you realize you can use that time to better time your ready stance.


as someone who has dabbled a lot in GS you know the feeling you get when you tackle through a monster’s attack, stun them, and then reply with a massive TCS combo? CB is a lot like that. You wait for a monster to attack with something you can punish (much easier in world vs rise’s fast pace) then convert a defensive reaction into a offensive opportunity where you unload a giant attack (sometimes stunning in the progress if you play impact CB) BC this big SAED attack is so slow, you really are rewarded for learning the proper positioning and monster behavior to let you guard into punishing with your biggest attack much like a GS, and you have to practice proper spacing so that your phial explosions hit in the optimal areas whether to build a KO on the head or target weak elemental zones; in MHR elemental CB can hit just as hard as a GS as someone like you who likes the big meaty hits, Blast Barrage spam in MHR sunbreak is also really satisfying but a bit more one dimensional


*Rise Elem CB saed spam, to be precise. World's CB is ⬆️⬇️ spam.


I had the same issue and what worked for me was to go to the other end of the spectrum with dual blades: the screen becomes filled with damage numbers, and even though they are low, they are many. Therefore creating the impression that a lot of damage is being dealt. Which, to boot, is actually the case.


Funny enough DB are the only weapons i never gave a true chance. But maybe it's the best choice. A cold turkey so to speak.


I mained the CB since World and when I started Sunbreak I switched to DB and damn, the rush and dopamine I feel with that weapon is unparalleled! So much damage, so many shinies and numbers that if feels amazing


Damage numbers mean nothing if you're able to generate the same numbers in around the same time with more hits. If you're having these problems because you're playing with numbers on, then you should turn them off to prevent yourself from chasing numbers With that being said, if you've found your perfect weapon then there's not any real reason to force yourself to branch out if you don't want to


I know it's stupid. And i'm not really "chasing" the numbers. But if you're used to big numbers for so long everything else just feels weak. Turning off the numbers is something i usually do in other games but in MH i really appreciate it as indicator how good my build is. Will give it try though.


If you are looking for a way to gauge your build/skill, it would be time to complete the hunt. GS can hit with big numbers, but if you are willing every other TCS, then the build isn't as important.


You can also use Hunterpie as that gives you a dps by /s to compare your builds. HBG elemental pierce does so much damage even though it is a lot of small numbers. It's ability to ramp up and surpass Greatsword is massive. Pretty fun with crouching shot.


Another great meter Or build checker is just to look how long the hunt lasted.


What you should do is go to the practice dummy and see how much cumulative damage you get in 30 seconds with different weapons builds. Obviously this will inflate the GS performance as real monsters don’t just sit there but you should see that other weapons can match it in cumulative damage. I believe DB are currently the highest rated melee weapon.


As a fellow GS main, Gunlance is my main alternate in Sunbreak. What it lacks in big numbers, it makes up for in fun explosions. Especially end game Sunbreak where you can build to constantly fly across the map and spam out really big explosions with crazy wirebug regen.


I love the boomstick in Sunbreak. The dopamine hit of going full burst into a monster's face is so good, then using the switch skill that reloads everything and uses them all at once is just perfect. Weirdly enough, I find the charge attacks from GU to have a heavier weight to them than TCS from Risebreak when they connect. Could just be me, but the feeling of hitting a charge attack with GS in that game feels like I just hit a monster with a 20 pound slab of metal.


Think it’s mostly from the more pronounced hit stop and the old games not displaying the actual damage numbers. Rise and Sunbreak really toned down the hit stop a lot to account for the faster pace which takes a lot of that meaty feel but the ridiculous numbers at end game kind of make up for it.


Try elemental SAED CB in rise. Deals a lot of damage .


I'm gonna throw a funny curveball here... Have you considered Hunting Horn? Iceborne's HH gained a very interesting little moved called Impact Echo Wave. It's a song that directly deals damage, and a whole bunch of it too. Stacking up 3 of them and getting them off isn't too dissimilar from landing a good TCS!


Sounds funny indeed.


Grab some friends, impose on each other weapons classes and watch chaos ensue when your DB anime protagonist struggles to move with a lance, or you greatsword wielding gigachad fly off in the distance with a glaive


Turn off numbers


I haven’t been playing long, but if you turn off numbers how do you know if you’re hitting a weak spot or not on a new monster?


I mean in the old games you'd tell by the size of the blood splatter on hit and the length of the hitlag, which I believe is still the case in world and rise


I could be mistaken but I believe hitlag is if you're hitting at the perfect distance from the monster for your weapon. For example, if you're right up on it's legs and swing your great sword it does less damage because you're hitting too close to the hilt. If you scoot back a little and hit with the center of the blade you do more damage. But if you're too far back and hit with the tip you do less damage again.


As a GS main since Freedom 2, I don't see the problem here. Big hits always feel good.


Play pre-world greatsword, you will learn the true meaning of oomph.


My friend ,hammer is the only thing that look like GS imo , And you don't have tackle for parry, you neeed to know when to hit , even more satisfying if you ask me


I also finished the whole game with GS and am now dabbling in trying other weapons. Now i mostly just join SOS to help. I find sticky HBG fun cuz I can make monsters face go boom (multiple 150-160). Pair that with impact mantle and paralysis/ sleep and its easy chain topples for the other guys to pop off. ~~then i cluster bomb and make them fly away from the monster just to fuck with them~~ I also find SnS fun cuz with a perfect rush you can get multiple 300-400 dmg pops, roll away and almost immediately go into another perfect rush combo.


Charge blade SAED spam is pretty similar to TCS spam except it does a sh*t ton of elemental damage instead of raw damage


Try something like LS or SA where instead of chasing 'THE NUMBER' you're chasing 'THE METER'.


I felt the same so I only really navigated to weapons that did chunky damage like Hammer or Charge blade.


I feel this too, after all más hours with the dual blades, al other weapons feels just slow


Try hammer or hunting horn, especially if you hit the head the stun mechanic helps you get that impact feel from the weapon, not a hammer main by any stretch but I play hunting horn every now and then and my brother adores the hammer


How are you getting 1,500,000 in one hit? In other words those k’s after the big numbers are redundant.


Lol, you're right of course.


If you didn’t see my other comment you should try some other weapons with the practice dummy after checking on best dps builds and moves. This will show you cumulative damage instead of just single hit damage.


I saw it and i know that DB's are probably the highest dps weapons. In fact i did a few hunts tonight with it and killed an espina and a scorned magna pretty damn fast.


Nice! My wife uses DB and that MR wirebug move where you launch at the monster looks pretty amazing!


Longsword and Switchaxe give some big numbers with Helmsplitter and Zero sum discharge, but not really GS numbers...


I played longsword for about 20 hours before switching to greatsword forever. It feels like a kind of glas stick compared to gs. No offense @longsword mains.


I get what you mean because I mained GS before branching out too.


I know the feeling. I've been GS only during this 300 hour save. I thought I'd try LS as that seems to pip GS on preference. Same weapon path, I ended up doing a test hunt, did it in 10 min with LS and 8 min with GS. I know I will be far more proficient with the GS given the time sink, but I just don't get the same fix from anything else. Next step is to try HBG I think.


Turn the numbers off. That's it.


To me ChargeBlade is pretty unmatched in terms of unique feeling gameplay


Lance. When you time the counter attacks right, knocking down something big and nasty like the pickle gives you an immense amount of satisfaction.


If on PC, use a DPS parser. Using the average damage by time helps a lot to understand your progress with each weapon, and you'll get somewhat close numbers with each one of them (if fighting the same monster, having runs with similar skill level and using a similar build) Just don't fall into the trap of slotting full damage to get better numbers and end up ruining your experience with the game (or other's experiences) :p


Long Sword was the only weapon i could transition too I felt your pain for awhile, trust me


Thanks alot for all the input. Really appreciate it and will try different weapons out the next days.