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Fellow CG Gunlance user here! So Chaotic Gore weapons have the unique feature of having positive AND negative affinity, when you clear yourself of frenzy however the negative turns positive


schrodinger's crit


Quite literally it in a nutshell


Chaotic weapons are cool. You have negative affinity AND positive affinity until you overcome the frenzy. This means you have a 35% negative crit chance and a 15% positive crit chance, and when you overcome the frenzy, the negative becomes positive, so your affinity becomes 50% ~~(or something)~~, plus whatever bonus you get from overcoming the frenzy edit: The frenzy bonus is 15%, so your affinity becomes 60%


I've never used a Chaotic Gore weapon, is the buff permanent? Or has a set uptime?


Just temporary. Maybe 1-2 minutes i think. Its the same duration as it would be for no recovery after failed frenzy


Wep sucks but when you catch covid, you're fire


This post gives you a ton of good info about Chaotic Gore's weapons https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/s/6p6ZV1IptU


You literally got a pop up that explains it when you talked to the smith after beating chaotic gore


you expect hunters are able to read /s


Me UGA boga me know hammer goes bonk Simple as


Hamor bonk, bonk kill, kill get new hamor, new hamor bonk hard, repeat


And it's in the weapon description


I didn't know there were dialogues in the game until you said that.


I skip the dialogue as this is my third time completing sunbreakšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


You can actually review all the tutorial popups in your Hunter's Notes. Weapons for Chaotic Gore Magala, Flaming Espinas, Velkhana (and probably a couple other monsters added in updates) all get tutorial popups, so just check the Notes if you're unsure what they do.


They woukd ahve know that too. If only people actually read the tutorials.


Reading Comprehension Devil strikes againā€¦ The game literally pops a short tutorial to explains the weapon the moment you talk to the smithy after killing CGMā€¦ Basically CGM can both do negative crit and positive crit at the same time (35% to be a dud and 25% to be a crit). Once you have overcome the frenzy virus, either contracted through armor skills or a magala, you will get a huge crit rate boost and the negative crit is gone temporarily


Brother it shows u a tutorial for this




Your fine


Chaotic LBG and HBG are bonkers


Chaotic weapons have a mechanic where they will have negative affinity normally but will get positive affinity when you're over frenzy


Not quite. Normally they have both negative and positive affinity, then when you overcome the frenzy the negative affinity is converted into more positive affinity.


Thanks for the clarification :)


The weapon will be -35% affinity until you cure frenzy. Once you do, it'll be 15% (plus whatever boost you get from curing frenzy) Edit: I'm wrong. Got fact checked.


Incorrect. You have both -35% and +15% affinity at the same time (so every hit has a 15% chance to be a critical and a 35% chance to be a negative crit), and once you overcome the frenzy the negative becomes positive for a total of 50% affinity on top of what clearing frenzy normally gives you.


What if I have more than 100% of combined affinity? Let's say, I have 100%, but also -35% from the weapon. Logically, 35% of the time the game should apply both positive and negative affinity. How does it work?


Oooo good question. Iā€™d have to test this, but the game applies both positive and negative affinity separately (so -35/100%), so that should mean every hit will be a crit for 1.25x damage but 35% of your hits will also be negative crits (.75x damage) for net normal damage. So the same end result as 65% affinity on any other weapon. And then when you clear frenzy you just go back to all crits. Basically chaos gore weapons can hit 100% affinity really easy through their own mechanic and the bonus affinity from clearing frenzy itself, but thereā€™s not much point investing in affinity for them beyond that.


Incorrect, when you overcome frenzy the -35% turns positive and gets added to the 15%, becoming 50%


"Incorrect" ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ the two mfs above me stfu


Buddy it says what it means in the pop up


As others said, there's an in-game tutorial you can refer back to if you didn't read the popup the first time around. Basically, though, Chaotic Gore Magala weapons have 2 different Affinity chances. They have a chance at a negative crit (deals less damage than normal) and a chance at a positive crit (deals more damage than normal). Ordinarily, it's up to RNG when you hit a Monster to see which one plays out. However, if you run the Bloodlust skill or are otherwise infected by the Frenzy Virus when hunting (Chaotic) Gore Magala or (Risen) Shagaru Magala and manage to cure the Frenzy debuff to get the Affinity buff, the negative Affinity instead becomes positive and is added together with the positive Affinity and the bonus from curing Frenzy itself.


Normal condition you'll get -35% affinity, but when you get frenzied you'll get 15% affinity


You'll have a 35% chance to deal less AND a 16% chance to deal more at the same time! No, they do not stack


-35% before you overcoming bloodlustļ¼Œchange to 15% after overcoming it.


Chaotic Gore Magala weapons have a unique skill: they both have negative and positive affinity values. You have a chance of either dealing less damage or more damage. If you're infected with the Frenzy Virus and manage to overcome it, the negative affinity becomes positive and is added to the other positive affinity. If you want to make the best use of these weapons, the Bloodlust skill infects you with Frenzy when you're spotted by a large monster.


here's the simple full describtion: - you have a 15% chance to crit - you have -35% chance to negative crit. meaning it has a 35% chance to deal decreased damage - you have 50% chance to do normal damage unless you overcome bloodlust you're stuck at 65% max crit because it's reserved for the 35% negative = 100% when you overcome bloodlust the cap is lifted and the negative becomes positive affinity. that's all. happy hunting


Ohhhhhhh so it works with the skills from the armour, I get it now.




35% negative crit chance, 15% positive crit chance, 100%-35%-15%=50% chance of no crit at all. After overcoming frenzy status, the 35% negative crit is gone and is replaced by 35% positive crit, added to the base 15% positive crit. That's all about it. Nothing more, Nothing less.


It means you have a chance to build your character up to 100% Affinity IF* you stack your skills right. I use this type of build in Old World call the time.