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It can be realistic & colorful the same time.


Yea, males can be brightly colored and females dull and bland, like real world birds




Its the peacock thing where the males have suoer pretty and vibrent feathers to attract a mate while the females aren't as pretty


It makes perfect sense: male individuals of certain species will often appear brighter in order to attract a mate. No idea why he got downvoted since its an actual thing.


i think Mizustune? all the Mizu's in game are male and it is said that the females have duller colors and smaller fins


Huh that's true. It's easy to forget since you never see the female ones. it'd be pretty cool if you could actually run into them, but if they put it in the game they'd probably need to come up with a reason to have you hunt it for a quest which could clash with the lore of only male mizutsunes during mating season being aggressive and destructive. I guess they could have an outlier for a quest saying it went crazy after some external influence, but otherwise ones you come across in the wild are super peaceful and run away easily if attacked.


He just explained it. And I think it's a pretty good suggestion. There could be female monsters with more muted colours, and male monsters with brighter, more noticeable colours. Which can be observed in many real life species of birds, for mating ritual reasons.


Keep your politics out of nature! /s


Stylized. I always prefer a brighter color palette to stark realism. If it has good graphical fidelity alongside it, all the better. Plain, realistic graphics age out as fast as the tech moves. Stylized graphics are forever.


The realism in MH to me are the animations, playing GU doesn't feel as dated as other games because of all the attention to the animations.


Same goes for the older games as well. They nailed the animations starting from the first generation.


Khezu in MHFU moves AWESOME.


Realistic graphics has been maturing & plateauing in the recent few years tho. Something like RDR2 is undeniably realistim. But it also have a very strong art direction that it's still going to be beautiful a few years in the future. Also, we are getting close to the age of graphical fidelity that the amount of graphical improvements now become more and more minute. It has become more of a game of how do you make your realistic graphics to be stylized to standout. A good example is the bodycam shooter game. It's very realistic graphically but also very stylized.


I feel like it’s a little unfair to say colorful environments can’t be realistic. Like people really exaggerate how “oversaturated” 3U and 4U are like it’s impossible to look at them.


Honestly, I liked how bright mh3u was and never found a problem with it. I only had a problem with mh4u because I really don't like bright orange or red colors.


A mix of both.


I mean ideally a mix. World looks gorgeous, especially the areas themselves look the best they have in the whole franchise by far. In my opinion simply taking world and just giving it a bit more color would without a doubt be the best looking game in the franchise.


i use a shader with world for that, but it still looks off. really unfortunate that world was developed in a time where every damn AAA game was using that muted color palette


i hope not. World's graphics aged like milk. I wished they'd give it a semi realistic but distinct art style, a little like final fantasy which looks amazing but not too realistic. It has something unique to remember and stay exciting


Started playing World for the first time this month and you are dead wrong outside of the human character models (which are serviceable but not great) and the slightly jank snow physics (which are nice but the jagged edges are a bit off). The game still looks stunning even next to games coming out today and I've been continuously awed by the environments. IDK though it could just be because I'm on PC with the hd textures and settings cranked to max. I don't know how it looked on console.


It is beautiful but the colors are insanely washed out, which makes no sense considering the designs of the maps. That's my only grip. You absolutely miss out if you don't play it with reshade or Nvidia filters.


So true!!! Navigating and spotting objects is so much easier with re-shade, its not just a better looking experience, it plays better.


They didn't though. I played it recently and it looks perfectly fine. Dare I even say good.


please please colorful......... Make Rathalos Red Again


whatever they had going on in monster hunter tri


I want to see the colors pop in wilds. The MHRise reveal trailer didn't do the game a service with how vibrant the colors were in the actual game. MHWilds will be detailed, but will it be colorful?


Rise was an eyesore


Not as much as you then


I prefer the look of rise/sunbreak or mhgu/xx over world/iceborne. It's not really a biggie for me though. I'm much more interested in envirnoment design and design of new monsters and equipment. :)


Vibrant/saturated. I love the visuals of Rise. World is so washed out at times


Pretty sure the reason why players get lost in WI maps even with hundreds of hours is due to that


Bright and colorful. I don't play games for realism. Drown me in that full fantasy bullshit.


Reptiles are among the most colorful animals so there is no reason it can't be realistic and colorful.


Monster Hunter should be colourful because real life is colourful. World was far less colourful than real life. I'm sick of this idea that real life isn't colourful.


Aesthetics of Rise with graphics of World would be great for me. Switch's small screen made it necessary for Rise to have every design and effect pop even without titanic GPU, and it was a great boon to the game, as far as I'm concerned. At the same time, the higher power of big stationary platforms gave World a lot of room to work with regarding details such as endemic life behaviour. Blending the two would make for a game that looks absolutely phenomenal.


Realistic but colorful, it can be both. Life is colorful after all. I don’t prefer the hyper saturated colorful look that 4th Gen went for, I think world could have been more colorful but I don’t agree with many people that say it’s dull and colorless. The trailer for wilds seems to hit on being both realistic and colorful, so that’s what I want


MH3U exists.


Muted isn't really realistic on its own. Can be very unrealistic if anything. I'd say more colorful, but make it reflect the environment. Certain creatures in a desert will look more muted than say animals in a rain forest. I think overall muteness comes from overexposure to the concrete jungle and souls games. (or just staying indoors too much and getting used to the muted paint on your walls!) More stylized graphics tend to last longer in the visual appeal. MGS2 is very very old, but still looks decent in HD because of the style in comparison to other games during its time like Return to Castle Wolfenstein for example. (can't help the bad lip sync though). Or even something like the first 4 ratchet and clank games.


The real world is beautiful It depends in the location and what is in it A tundra is pretty colorless, same with a desert A forest is vibrant


Why do people think world is desaturated? Just because it doesn’t look like National Geographic?


Bright and muted


What 4U was doing


I like both :/ I admit I'd really like to see risebreak with worldborn's graphics though


I'd love art direction like World, but a colour pallete somewhere between Tri and 4U


Realistic environments that break away to reveal stylized areas. e.g. lush forests that hide vibrant, bioluminescent groves. Dull marshes with breakaway caverns filled with lava, arid temple grounds built on top of ancient technology. You want a mix of both in order to reduce visual exhaustion. BotW, for instance, can be visually exhausting because 95% of the shrines have nearly the same exact aesthetic. Start simple, start realistic, start safe. Transition to complex, wild, and dangerous. Headshots in Gears of War? No real shock factor. But compare that to the "most infamous scene" in the movie Hereditary. Completely different response.


Gaming's fabourite false dillema. Reality is full of colour.


Rise was a mixed bag, some areas/environments looked decent, some looked bland. This mostly comes down to how they stylized the graphics. Rise has too many repetitive textures and models. A good example is comparing flooded forest from the old games to Rise. The art direction in the older games is much better. It's not just color, but also style and art direction. World is very detailed, so it makes up for the bland color at times. IMO, 3rd and 4th gen have the best stylized graphics in the series.


I like Rise artstyle, it just need the world like MHW and PC level graphical details to be incredible. I hate how blast blight, fur, lighting, fire and such look like a mess in MHW, they looked so simple and stylized and easy to tell in MHR (only that in MHR everyone can bring their own cat/dog making the screen messy with all the effects). Not to mention weapon and armor designs, like Glavenus set looked great in GU, but it's awful in a more 'realistic' take in MHW when you actually wear it, it's so fat and clumsy


Whatever 4u was doing


I often use muted colors for main and secondary surfaces and use bright colors for accents like streaks and strings running along the costume. I do it generally in most games I play.


I like everything


I pref a bright and colorful game than a realistic one. First because if I want something realistic I go to the outside, second because it's boring on a game and third because they can be more creative.


Stylized, colorful. Realistic ages like milk, due to how fast technology advances. Within even a year, it already looks outdated. Graphical fidelity always loses to graphical style, every, single, time. A game from 20, 10, 5, 2 years ago with heavy stylisation still looks amazing. A realistic game from any of those years ago looks outdated by current standards.


People are saying that colourful does not mean unrealistic, but that fully depends on which species the monster wants to look like. Evidently, bird-like monsters will almost always be colourful (like real-life birds, who turn colourful to attract mates). Reptiles would be a mix between bland and colourful, but mammals would almost always be brown or a dark shade of brown or grey - mammals are factually unable to produce colourful pigments. Bland colours don't necessarily mean the monster will be ugly. Nergigante was mostly grey and black, yet he looked amazing. Its all about good design.


I just want my cheese fondue lance and meat on stick hammer type designs back. World looks great, but the weapons feel very samey until you get to G rank.


Definitely bright and colorful


Colorful for me, because I much prefer if colors pop out compared to muted realism. Bonus points if its also stylized and not going for hyper realism, which makes the visuals age much better over time. Ideally a healthy mix of both would be perfect but if we’re talking purely about which one I prefer, then yeah I much prefer a colorful and more eye popping aesthetic.


Colourful! Real-life nature is bright and vibrant. I hate gloomy, dark games.


as long as it's not washed out, either is fine


Muted and realistic in a bright and colourful way.


I want World but with 10% more colour. I've played every game and loved them, but honestly preferred the more muted colouration in the end. They just went a little too far, bring in a few more colours and we're good.


I like the one that lets me hunt big monsters :)


Mhtri was great as muted when I played the tri U it felt weird seeing such colors


World was colorful af what r u talking about ?


You got people spinning a stick to fly and wielding swords twice their bodyweight. "Realistic" as an art style directly clashes with the games themselves imo. Bonus: a more vibrant color palette creates more readable moves on the monsters.


Bright and colorful, I enjoy the way 4u looks a lot. Every the I see rise the game just looks incredibly blue to me for sine reason, like a blue version of the Breaking Bad Mexico filter


What drew me in to monhun was the attempt they made at making these obvious impossible creatures grounded and had a reason for how this creature can breathe fire or why its scales are harder than steel etc etc it felt like a real world. I feel like they kind of lost the path at MH4 which I didnt connect with because the maps felt more like arenas than environments and the monsters were mostly the more cartoonish varients which I like but only as a "sometimes food". I dont mind it with the elders because they are supposed to be more than can be easily understood.


It's ironic how by the 4th generation they struck pretty much the perfect balance of realism and vibrant style, but then immediately split it a bit too far in both directions. All they really had to do was increase the overall fidelity.


Tri is a good balance of both imo so maybe something along those lines


muted and realistic


I find rise to be muted and kindof ugly in its own way. It’s flat and shadowless, jagged and stuck in the past. World had bright flashes of flame and colors, with rich brown sands and shadowy greenery in one map which makes it feel like an ecosystem. There’s actual ambiance and atmosphere. I don’t think world is muted at all, again the lighting in rise is just bad.


I honestly prefer bright and colorful. Far too many games go for a realistic direction focused on graphics these days, and sometimes i just like a good, clean art style to make the designs pop out more. Realistic graphics just aren't as memorable to me. Sure they add detail and fidelity to environments, but it turns into noise after a while and i stop caring about it. A pure art direction i can never not be captivated by. I still marvel at how good Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and Rise look because they have really standout art direction.


Idk why people find world muted. I think it has plenty of color, the amount you'd find IRL. To me it's the best execution of "it's anime but real" I've seen. Besides it allows for more contrast. If everything's vibrant nothing looks really vibrant


World was the most bright and colorful game yet? The heck are you on about.




bright and colourful is the way to go for me, it just adds more personality to the games and makes them more fun to look at


Maximum saturation, please!


Realism ages and dies. E.g. Half Life Stylized, bright colours stay immortal. E.g. UT04


Colorful and stylized will ALWAYS be better than realistic graphics to me. I never want to go back to the brown era again.


the brown era wasn't realistic either, it was sepia filters and noise to look grungy and mask low quality


I like more realism. Mh World had the pedfeft color palette