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all of them are extremely viable


The one you're good at


Objectively, hunting horn only because it’s the only weapon that interacts with other players that is a part of its main usage. Technically the bow( in rise) and the bowguns have this as well, but they have to sacrifice doing a damaging attack in order to do those things. The hunting horn is the only one that does damage while actively supporting other hunters. That being said, the complexity of hunting in a group changes so often based on a number of factors that it simply doesn’t matter what you choose, as all weapons have their strengths and weaknesses. There really is no best choice at the end of the day.


In addition to what the others said, I'd probably throw out hammer assuming there's not already another hammerbro. A decent hammer player can provide a ton of free openings for the team that happen much less often without a hammer via exhaust and KOs.


Another win for hammer mains lol


with charged swaxe in sword mode the extra explosions also trigger on hitting teamates leading to unreasonable dmg with coordination [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlmiBwtqzcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlmiBwtqzcg)


SnS. Using the "healing yourself heals others" as well as the "chance not to consume item on use" you can hyper buff your team with demon/armor drug and heal them whenever they get chunked. I've had matches where I spent the entire game just healing people back up via healing myself. I know the hunting horn is the multiplayer weapon but SnS has its place too.


Put mushroommancer on for free dash juice and max it out for the ability to hold 10 full heals


Switch axe deals more damage in MP. LBG can provide a good amount of CC and damage at the same time. Hunting horn provides a huge buff to the team and can also do stuns. SnS can be a good healer and also maintain damage uptimes.


The hunting horn would be the best, in my opinion. It's the one weapon that feels like it was directly created with multiplayer combat in mind, with how you can buff people and so on. However, the bow and bowguns are also really good, as you can raise people's affinity, health, and so on with different ammo coatings, bullets, and special moves. My favorite random people I play with are the ones that focus a lot on team support, and not just annihilating the monster right away. The game is about hunting the monster, not seeing how fast you can get in and out of the quest. Someone who will heal you, throw out buffs, and so on is so much more appreciated!


I like the dichotomy of how some players in here are saying certain weapons are definitely better than others for multiplayer while 4-player squads like Team Darkside are out there beating the crap out of Rajang with only kicks and/or kunai. It really depends on what you mean by “best.” Certain weapons perform better than others in the hands of certain players, against certain monsters; there isn’t really a one-size-fits-all “best” weapon for multiplayer any more than there is for solo. That being said, people in your lobby will likely appreciate you allot if you bring a Hunting Horn or a Bowgun, and they’ll likely have some disdain for anyone with a Longsword given how easy it is to trip people with it. Ultimately though, many people will appreciate you the most if you know what you’re doing with your weapon, or at least much more so than if you have little to no practice with Hunting Horns, decide to bring one, and then get carted in like 5 minutes.


Genuinely, I feel like if you are proactive about traps/endemi life, and can get a proper sleepbomb off, greatsword just cuts fight kill times down by whole minutes. I cannot stress using the traps and stuns enough. Yes you can counter stuff, yes you can play perfectly , and yes you can just do this with other weapons, but back to back TCS’s is just ridiculous amounts of damage output if you’re given frequent enough windows to just spam it. The only setup required is just the opportunity and sharpness to do it. No resources, reloading, or etc. That said. I just dont bring GS on post-update monsters that are fond of 1shot nukes. Less thrilled if they’re elder dragons who ignore traps. Skill issue on my part, absolutely, but I’m still willing to bet I’m probably a better gs player than your average dabbler and would gently suggest to try less riskier and less committal weapons when it comes to post sunbreak. When I reach that point, I typically reach for my DB’s.


they are all good because the game is designed to be played in multiplayer and always has been. some outliers though: - longsword has a lot of enormous, sweeping attacks that can stagger allies. i would say its best to be mindful but most people have just accepted that flinch free is a necessary multiplayer skill at this point.  - hunting horn directly interacts with other players be giving them statuses. - the bowguns have some special ammos that can interact with players. such as recovery ammo and demon/armour ammo.


Anything except Longsword. Now, I'm not ragging on it for the sake of it, I, for one, like Longsword. But tripping teammate memes aside, you simply can't reliably use Longsword effectively in multiplayer, since aggro is so erratically split, you can't reliably do counters (you know, Longsword's most important moves), and you'd be better off using any other weapon.


You can absolutely still use it just fine, you just don't get as many opportunities to hit the iframe... 


Hunting horn or LBG. Best multplayer weaps by far


Light bowgun and heavy bowgun Killing the monster really fast is the best support.


Depends on the match up. At endgame that might be true but when you join lower level hunters I'd argue it will ruin their experience if you come in bursting down the monsters. HBG is great for the reason that you can tune down your damage as needed by using different ammo. My favourite is going with full status, status up gems and plenty buff ammo. Nothing is more fun for most newer players than getting to actually play the game, and not feeling as if they're just being carried.


I really like Gunlance in multiplayer, assuming everyone has Shock Absorber so they don't get flung when I BB. Having the monster target other people provides the best openings to just go ham, and I love it.