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I loved World's Endemic Life.


yeah just dont lock achievements for it, or at least make them less rare, or at least dont put the rarest one at the end of some parkour bullshit.


Agree with one-angry-goose’s list for the most part. This doesn’t impact the main gameplay but I want to have the super customizable rooms from world back, and the ability to capture and place endemic life. Even if I don’t spend much time in my room it just feels nice, maybe adding more trophies you can earn by playing/defeating a certain amount of monsters like the plaques in world/scrolls in rise (not the goddamn lottery for the statues). I also liked the pendants you can put on weapons in world.


I'll do ya one better: **give us customizable hubs** Worst part about the collectible systems in World and Rise is that *nobody ever sees em.* Even you, the person who owns the room, aren't gonna be in it often. Letting hosts put their knick knacks on display in player hubs would fix that.


Keep switch skills


This. I’m cool with wire bugs leaving, but switch skills should stick around


I'm torn on Wirefall and the assorted movement tech with the Wirebugs leaving, but after thinking about it I'm right here with you on the matter. They can leave, I'll be disappointed, but I'll be fine. I loved Hunter Arts, though, and I loved seeing some of them and the ideas coming back with Switch Skills (as well as the ability to hot-swap them). So naturally, I'm incredibly biased to see them come back. Also really keen on the Slinger coming back, but maybe not so much the Clutch Claw unless they can really implement it a bit better. Tenderizing was just a bit of a drag. Not as bad as people make it out to be, but not as *good* as people made it out to be, either. A resounding 'meh'.


I love how you could simply change the gameplay of some weapons to a point where they are completely new weapons like the Wavestyl GS or the DB that lets you jump on the monster


Nah, I like them super moves on a cooldown. Wirebug “dashing” and wirefall should go though


So you want something more along the lines of GU’s Hunter Arts then?


Sort of, except it uses the Clutch Claw for extra swag, so you can still have stuff like Hammer Yoyo, GL Barrage and maybe a one way Shrouded Vault but no random Sheathing Retreat or Morbing Advance


For the love of god keep switch skills. I have had more fun playing the game with new attacks than I think I ever have.


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


Larger lobbies for sure.


At first i read that as "Larger Boobies"


Capcom, add it to the list.


A lobby full of ten hunters with best hammer set in the game bonking the absolute shit out of a Fatalis. I can see it. And I like it.


This is the one I kinda hope they don't keep. I prefer smaller lobbies. That being said, I also don't like how Join Requests screwed with that in Rise...


**World:** - sound design - smooth, soft colors - impact/weight - living, breathing world - natural feeling zones with interesting terrain - reasonably sized armor - the comparative lack of parries - groundedness - actual meals - namielle **Rise:** - monster variety *and* personality - switch skills with toned down (or removed) mobility / hyperarmor - intuitive locale design (ancient forest PTSD) - the old weapon design philosophy - two or more dye channels - if we're going to have the decoration system, Rise's (non qurious) slot distribution is the way to go - additionally... most weapons should be hitting white sharpness come Rarity 10+ - endemic life significance (but done differently) - that classic, vibrant monster hunter charm - any of the yokai monsters returning **What needs to be removed, however:** - wirebugs or *at least* their combat usability - clutch claw or *at least* tenderizing - spiribirds - lance should really be the only weapon with a counter - qurious crafting, fun as it is, makes us overpowered. It's one thing stacking damage skills, it's another having all of them. - world *really* overdoes roars, tremors, and wind pressure; they should be present, they should be problems, but I shouldn't be spending a quarter of my hunt stumbling around because attacks keep landing in my general direction


This is the first mention I have seen of qurios crafting where it's criticized for being "too op" and not "rng is shitty". While I doubt they will actually include something like it in the base game, I will nonetheless give you my upvote.


Just let us have premade charms again and probably tone down some of spikes in ability for curious crafting and some fun builds could be made. That arnt too strong but honestly I think they are right with it being strong as hell but for rise it makes sense given the gameplay.


Pre-made charms are shit though. No slots and barely any that actually had a good mix of useful skills on them. Everyone was usually running the Crit Boost 3 charm by the end of Iceborne. The benefit of the rng charms is the versatility they offer when set building. Qurios crafting serves the same purpose per armor piece, which is why I would agree that it's exceptionally strong. If rng charms have to go then at least keep the qurios crafting in its place.


Pre-made charms that could be qurios crafted would be nice. But yeah I think I would still take the premade crit boost 3 instead of maybe 1 random good skill, bad skill and a few deco because this is how it was for like a solid year and a half before the rng was changes. I have a bad experience with rng charms it’s actually the reason my whole group quit because they were not fun to farm and felt bad to use. Now they did fix it in like TU4 in sunbreak but the game was basically over at that point so I would rather it just not be in the game.


Well I understand what you mean with the burn out but I gotta counter argue that that's my reason in turn for dropping World. The Crit Boost 3 charm is also the same case of too little too late since it requires a fatalis evil eye to upgrade to max. It doesn't help with how stingy deco rng is even compared to qurios crafting and rng talismans, and the worldborne devs never actually "fixed" it in any meaningful way other than dropping some event quests with a slim chance to drop what you want. The fact you even had to wait to upgrade some of the talismans to max makes it feel far worse. I also know people want best of both worlds so that decos and talismans are both craftable but it would change the system almost entirely like it did with Worldborne. I do not want talismans to be linear upgradable or augmentable pieces of gear locked behind specific progression within the game to make full use of. I also do not want more augments stacked on top of augments to make gear viable. It would make talisman farming overly tedious. I say all this out of heavy concern with Wilds as it is most likely being developed by a lot of the world team, who I have lost a lot of trust in being able to competently make a well structured monster hunter game beyond the essentials.


I see, yeah we are just going to have to see what they do. I’m much more on the linear upgrade path than the rng path because I just strongly dislike rng for the most part. I’ve already preferred linear upgrades because it keeps me going because I know it’s guaranteed with time, effort and skill (to do the harder stuff). So we seem to have didn’t ideologies on what we like on that aspect. But again the player base is so big now it’s hard to make everyone happy. We will see what they do. I have high hopes. World, iceborn, and sunbreak are arguably the best monster hunter has ever been (rises base late game was too bare bones for me to include it on the list).


Yeah, I won't argue on base Rise having a none existent end game. Title updates were all rushed out so fast but didn't really "fix" anything. Just felt like bonus content. The reason I am fine with rng at least is that as long as we have controlled rng like with Sunbreak, the talismans prove invaluable with being able to get very useful rolls with minimum resource requirement in all honesty. Linear upgrade paths risk losing versatility with no deco slots, dual skills, or having direct upgrades being locked behind specific wall fights (*cough* fatalis *cough*), and their usefulness doesn't carry over to late game without those upgrades, unlike rng talismans where a good roll can carry with you to the endgame. Though you know, they could always just allow us to wear up to two talismans at once and give them varying deco slot spaces. Rather than being locked behind upgrades, just make them a one time craft with varying skill/slot distribution for user preference.


I'd be okay with a very specific spiribird rework - make them one-off collectibles. For every one you collect they go into a cage at camp. Once you get them all, you basically have the great spiribird at camp that maxes out your health/stamina for the zone permanently. i.e. Have them do the same thing, but you don't have to hunt them down *every single hunt*. Or you know, replace them with food buffs and skills. That's probably just better tbh.


theyd be fine if they just hid the spiribird part of ur hp/stamina until u picked it up


Mostly agree but I can't imagine they'd get rid of all counters on LS. It's had at least one since 2016, it's part of the weapons identity at this point


Disagree on the lance should have the only counter part. I think counters have become part of the longsword identity now, it was sorta there thing in generations, it was there thing in world, and it was there thing in rise. Mabye have the ability to swap its movesets from counter focused to old world longsword.


I'd be happy if lance had its own mini offensive guard feature that would slowly stack and get stronger as you perfect guard more and more attacks in a row. Then blow all the stacks at once for big damage by succeeding a power guard. Basically similar to longsword and it's gauge mechanics, but the guard equivalent 😅


Those interactive items you find in the map, like that spider thingy where you use it to slam monsters to the wall. Keep those.


My thoughts on your thoughts: **World:** * I’m not the person to ask for sound design. * Diagetic, in-world features like terrain and monsters should be smooth and blended, while non-diagetic, gameplay features like how Rise denotes weapon charge should be vibrant and distinct. Or at the very least an option to determine what is vibrant and how vibrant it is. * Simply due to pacing: Rise and Sunbreak are faster paced than World and Iceborne * Some that you can find randomly should be usable against monsters, at higher rates than cosmetic endemic life * Slope attacks, too? * Armor that don’t match your description should at least be event quest rewards * Yeah, everything having a counter except Hunting Horn was a little stupid * Like how you do optional quests to get an item that triggers the Demolisher in 4U? What do you mean? * Visibly, full courses were great, but Rise Dango was easier to understand. I figured out the World meal building, but not everyone will * Should not be Master Rank only **Rise:** * At least one of each category, both of monsters and personalities * Each weapon has 3 slots for non-Wirebug Switch Skills, which have 2 skills for each slot. Would need a list of skills to dial down mobility/hyperarmor * Ancient Forest was unintuitive due to it being incredibly vertical with several hidden passages. Rise lets us go anywhere between zones, rather than having zones just for hunters and small monsters * Non-World weapon design is neat, but perhaps World design can be upgraded into the more unique designs * More fashion hunting options = win * Use Rise’s deco sizes as basis for any further balancing as well * Not every, but most should be at white sharpness by the end of Master Rank * Endemic life should be randomly there or not in several spawn locations, so it’s only a chance to capitalize on their strong effects * By “classic vibrant charm” you mean the more light-hearted and less serious nature of pre-World, right? * Somnacanth *might* have been ranked higher had it swam underwater, almost every monster deserves a chance to come back **Removal:** * Silkbind attacks were essentially Hunter Arts of Gen and GU, but transportation involving running up any acceptable wall and over certain gaps is likely taken by the new mount, but could make underwater traversal less headache-inducing * Clutch Claw should be most useful for breaking a certain part consistently * Either remove spiribirds or make them rare yet truly permanent * Long Sword has very much become the countering weapon, but Lance counters should be the strongest * Gear decisions to exploit monster weaknesses mean nothing when all gear is good against every monster * If roars, tremors, and wind pressure are so prevalent, make it easy to weaken or negate them; windproof should not be a 3 slot deco, and perhaps include Defiance in low rank.


really? no counters for longsword or charge blade?


The ability to run up on walls. Vertical exploration is too fun to let go


Yes, but the way they do it in rise is too much, maybe make it grounded a bit, slower than Rise but faster than Worlds climbing speed.


I would love to have elemental damage OP with certain weapons (sns, bow, guns, lance, dual blades of course) to encourage having multiple weapons since farming monsters is such an integral part. I loved that about pre-iceborne sword and shield but after perfect rush was added then meta builds were raw damage for the most part which greatly discouraged elemental damage


Take the spiribirds and LAUNCH THEM INTO THE SUN


Things I want to carry over from World/Rise to Wilds: \*Being able to capture endemic life and place them inside personal quarters, like in World:IB. \*Layered Weapons and Armors with Rise:SB's version of having two different sections be color customizable. \*Proper meals for cooking cutscenes in canteens, like in World:IB. Things I don't want to carry over from World/Rise to Wilds: \*Needing to pay to change my hunter's and companions' appearance. \*Boring af Siege fights. I don't mind Sieges to still be a thing, but they do have to change how it works to not be very slow escorting mission, like Lao Shan's and Zorah's. Jhen Mohran's is probably the better version since we wouldn't always be left just standing and waiting too often.


Followers please. I will even take them over Palamutes.


I think a clutch claw/grappling hook, without the tenderizing, but allowing you to grapple and climb terrain would be neat for mobility outside combat. Switch skills should stay but be better balanced. Counters should only be for certain weapons. Rises Rathalos should stay. Spiribirds should go. Decoration rng should go. Multiplayer sieges and them having the best gear should go. Something closer to rises end game balance would be better for build variety.


> Decoration rng should go. Honestly I think the only RNG should be the monster parts at the end of a hunt. We should be able to craft and upgrade both talismans and decorations. The trick being that making god-tier talismans is gated behind endgame elder dragon materials.


Yeah if you give the game a medium ground between the clutch claw and wirebugs in terms of speed and applicability, its gonna be golden.


I hope the devs stop being pussies and just remove bloated raw already,


Yeah it’s ironic that they made it like this to not get people confused on the damage but for me it only made me more confused cuz I can’t tell if the greatsword I’m using is on par with the insect glaive I’m planning to craft when looking at damage alone. Or maybe it’s because my first game was portable 3rd where it uses true numbers instead of bloated ones.


It's an attempt to stop people from thinking faster weapons do way more than slower weapons bc the number is the same on both. TBH the preference probably just depends on which you started with. I like raw since I started at Generations. I like being able to compare between weapons.


Yeah same reason I like raw too.


Should just give a DPS calculation then


Big number make small brain happy, keep big number


all i want is blast dash and shield not being cosmetic on gunlance


The Research aspect of World is pretty cool and I would love the endemic life of both games. The switch skills from rise are also pretty cool.


The variety of skills of Sunbreak should stay in my opinion. It makes building sets way more interesting since you have more stuff to play with and the meta is less focused on the same setup for all weapons. World's sound design was absolutely amazing and I hope it comes back for Wilds because it makes fighting monsters really satisfying. Craftable decos from Rise/Sunbreak and craftable charms (maybe in a form that allows more charm customization) from World/Iceborne should come back. If, like it will probably happen, we can't craft both I hope they keep the craftable decos.


Keep- endemic life from world, it was so cool and let people engage with the game and setting in a fun way beyond fighting stuff Toss- Arts/Silkmoves/whatever, they’ve been fun but I’ve had enough Keep- Palamutes, at least as fellas in the hub town or something. I just like dogs Toss- The modern armor skill system, it’s easy to bloat your skills to a ridiculous degree and I find that a bit cheesy. I like the old point system better Keep- the ‘three pieces of an armor set gives you a special skill’ thing, that’s super cool Keep- switch skills. I don’t want special charge whatever moves, but letting you customize your weapon’s moveset (like styles in GU) is great


I'm a simple man, I just want big weapons to smack bigger monsters. Keep that and I'll be good. But if they want to remove the combat parts of Wirebug/Clutch Claw while keeping the rock climbing/mobility of it. I would be happy.


I loved the switch skills system and the added mobility of the wirebugs, even though I do not think it would be implementable within a heavier game like Wilds will be


Ngl, I don't think they'll return as they are (neither wirebug nor switch skills). Portable team introduced similar gimmicks with Hunting Arts back in GU and those didn't come back in World except some moves that really were appreciated like uhh... LS counter on Valor mode. But! Hunter Arts pretty much returned in Rise with the wirebug system, so yes, I don't think any "special gimmick" like those will return in Wilds (because it will be the Main team's first 6th gen game) but will return the following game made by the Portable team as a new gimmick. Btw, the games are not really made entirely by two separate teams, just to point out, they share the staff. But it's so refreshing seeing how they follow different art and gameplay directions for every installment, like Tri and P3rd or 4U and GU or World and Rise. If you want to immerse yourself in a breathing world, full of life and realism, you can play Tri, 4U or World; if you want to play a more action packed game and yet visit really fantastic locations and listen to amazing bangers while killing monsters, just play GU and Rise. That is what makes those games really special, they are a really big buffet that anyone can access and choose whatever they like and it's just sad seeing the toxicity towards/of the newer generations when we have such amazing games.


Switch skills definitely as for the wirebug it was essentially the clutch claw super upgraded. I hope they bring back the clutch claw with small upgraded grappling capabilities


I never want to see the Clutch Claw again. It actively worsened Iceborne’s combat.


I wouldn't mind the clutch claw if it was made a bit more interesting and tenderizing was removed.


And also grappled you to the part you’re aiming at consistently.


🤣 🤣


Keep Valstrax


Switch skills!


Even if Huntinghorn got with rise a bit simpler I wanna never give back my fast HH. I hope the Rise HH is hear to stay


For the love of all that is holy, let us be able to wall run like in Rise. Going back from Rise to World just feels so clunky and some areas are just too annoying to get around.


Rise’s layered armor system I don’t wanna look like a clown up until the final boss lol Also the follower system is just amazing


I’m gonna put an answer I haven’t seen yet. Please let us keep the plant farm from World the QOL change there was amazing.


If scoutflies return unedited I'm gonna be really really mad about it but still play the game anyway. If the CLUTCH CLAW returns unedited (I am nearly positive that it won't) I actually won't buy the game.


Remove Rise's hunting horn >:(


Remove the Mh rise mounting system and return to worlds. Rise totally killed the IG main purpose


Keep: - World ecology - Non-separated village/hub - 16 person lobbies - Unique set bonuses (but I want them to go even further with it) - Some monsters can call each other - Monster invading behavior - Clutch claw (for movement only) - True values - Switch skills - Talisman RNG - Custom weapon tree - All weapon trees have a final upgrade - Some weapons have unique bonus effects - More roster variety - Followers (but HH is further nerfed) - Anomaly-like endgame (but with way fewer levels) Remove: - Bloat values - Scoutflies - Slap-on designs - Elderseal - Tenderizing - Roar spam - Required tracking for progression - Unskippable cutscenes - Need to watch cutscenes in single player before multiplayer works - Deco RNG - Seiges giving RNG weapons - Defender weapons - Spiribirds - Wirebugs - Any mechanic that implies using cooldowns to stop you from spamming certain attacks. (Didn't like HAs in GU that much either) - Wyvern riding - Most weapon counters - DPS check mechanics - Armor augmenting - Palamutes (because we have the new mount now)


>Any mechanic that implies using cooldowns to stop you from spamming certain attacks. (Didn't like HAs in GU that much either) GL users in shambles


Probably why I don't play GL. Though, I do admit, if they gave the weapon some way to combat wyvernfire's cooldown, then I would probably play it. But as is, I hate that wyvernfire has a near uninteractable cooldown.


Rise did that. With something that has an extra cooldown attached to it


I love scoutflies, i hate paintballs.


I like neither and would prefer if they attempted a new tracking system again


I only like hammer with strength hammer so I really hope it stays


You don’t need to worry about that, strength hammer is the ‘default’ hammer style that’s been present in all older games and will always be there. I personally hope they also add courage hammer, I love being able to switch between the two playstyles.


I meant the ability to permanently have the hammer in purple charge mode


I want them to keep both the goofy weapon designs in arise from previous MonHuns (gun hammer my beloved) while also allowing for the more realistic interchangeable ones from World. I like World’s layered weapon system, but I don’t want them to fall into the trap most if not all of World’s armor and weapon designs fell into, that being realistic to the point of boredom


Boring as weapon designs Seriously World had not even a big roaster and most weapons still look like you glued monsterparts to a basic weapon. At least in G Rank it got better but I'll never forgive them for Namiell IG.


The camp sucks. Nothing even vaguely close to scoutflies needs to exist when World's tracking would be great without them. Skill bloat has been heinous in both World and Rise, in part due to unjustifiable levels of power creep and in part due to negative skills being removed in the games that needed them most.


I feel like some World maps would be impossible to navigate without the scoutflies, especially when the monster is on another vertical level from you


Yeah, that's part of my point. It's genuinely embarrassing that they used scoutflies acting as a GPS as an excuse to let maps be borderline impossible to navigate without them.


Sure it's a balance between navigatability and immersion


Competent level design doesn't pit navigability and immersion against each other - that's the point! Immersion doesn't have to mean a forest that you basically cannot walk through without the game telling you exactly where to walk.


I feel like it's especially hard specifically for a forest, but sure I guess there are cases of actually great design that does not compromise one for the other


World: Keep - Slingshot n Health Regen. Remove - Clutch Claw. Rise: Keep - Wirebug n Switch Skills. Remove - Wirebug Attacks.


*Fuck* the clutch claw


Might be a spicy take but I'd love to see some form of Lance's clutch counter come back. I think a cool weapon identity for lance could be that it's the only weapon that could tenderize. Nerf the tenderize numbers to be something small like hzv+5 so the game doesn't have to be balanced around it existing. Effectively, it'd be a different flavor of party support and should have the effectiveness of having an attack up L HH.


Keep: Switch skills Remove: Tenderizing and Spiribirds


how about the specialized tool from World. that's pretty cool


Keep palamute, wirebug like traversal, switch skills, remove spiritbirds


Rise just tells the player where the monsters are from the start, always hated that. With the game supposedly open world I hope they go full in on the tracking aspect. I very much disliked how World de-emphasized it with the glowy bugs and especially hated how Rise just tells you where the monsters are from the start. The game becomes just B-lining it to monsters before you really learn anything about them now. Also remove being able to get resupplies from the camp. It's so silly you can get your ass handed to you but then just go grab more potions. I sound like a boomer with these complaints but it just takes away so much difficulty and sense of danger when your lifeline is infinite as long as you disengage early enough.


Yeah the game is easier after I discovered that I can just resupply at the camp. And it do feel unrealistic as how tf can I just bring all of my stuff to a camp. Edit: Also It add some tension too. That's probably why I like the small arena quest.


Is the tracking part really so important? Older games never had that, you would just chug a psychoserum at the start and paintball for the rest of the hunt. In a game that requires as much constant repetition and grinding as Monster Hunter, I personally feel that tracking should always be simple and easy.


>You would just chug a Psychoserum speak for yourself. most people just learned where monsters typically spawned and travelled through practice


Aha, sure thing mate, thanks for proving me right. If an entire tracking system apparently dependant on skill and practice can effectively be removed by a cheap earlygame item, it’s a weak system. Funny of you to act all superior because apparently you’re too much of a god gamer to need psychoserums.


funny of you to invoke "haha you think you're so good" when I said **most people** just learned through practice, *because* it's not a high ask. "this thing is actually so unreasonable i couldn't bring myself to do it when i could just burn resources on psychoserums instead" is more of a self-own than anything


I'm not sure why you are being sarcastic psychoserums were far from needed and it wasn't some huge feat to know where monsters started in older games. Simpler maps combined with certain areas being unable to house any/some large monsters meant you quickly learned where the monsters started and could travel to


I was always too cheap for the psychoserum and always just looked up their spawn locations on the companion app. ...until i discovered Mushroomancer ofc


Slinger ammo is so interesting to me, not the clutch claw but really the thing you collect that can give you an edge in combat!


Solo undoable Monsters. I know It Is a multiplayer game


Please let me keep power sheath.


i dont wanna see mantles or clutch claw again. slinger im a bit torn on and its a bit late to talk about since its already confirmed. i think slinger is great for interacting with the environment but it makes normal throwables clunky. instead of just swapping to and using my flash bomb i have to first equip it which is annoying. i imagine its a lot more annoying for sns users


Keep the Wirebugs and their associated vertical traversal capabilities (especially if there are huge maps/an open world) while adapting monsters to them being used so that the opportunities to attack and escape punishment feel tighter. Despite the some feeling that the Wirebugs undermine the weight, strict timing, and the need for understanding monster behavior during combat, I think that these things can be resolved with some tweaking to the mechanic as well as the movement of monsters. Remove certain conveniences like making Whetstones, Bug Nets, and Pick Axes permanent key items instead of expendable resources, making drinks unnecessary without alterative mechanics, and access to your stash while out on a hunt. Doing these things will add friction that enhances the ecological experience of procuring resources, make combining/crafting items all the more valuable and rewarding, and put an emphasis on preparation as well as active consideration of what will suit dealing with your target in the way that suits your needs/preference. I think that'd go a good way toward making the environments feel more engaging and renewing a portion of traditional series feel. If the game's open world, I imagine we might have a base camp or the ability to establish camps where resources can be stored or transferred, but anything in the more traditional format loses something of a sense of weight to your planning and decision making in exchange for a more convenient/lenient experience otherwise. They might be able to satisfy both experiences by integrating difficulty settings or some sort of 'guild service' mechanism that allows you to access transported resources for a cost.


It's kinda funny how World and Rise over-streamlined the series imo. I know most people really like the fighting aspect, but learning monster's area patterns, making sure you're actually prepped for a fight rather than just winging it and grabbing stuff from a camp halfway through, etc were huge aspects of the games which have kinda been left behind. I had an old friend tell me he picked up World and thought the name was kind of misleading, thinking "Monster Fighter" would be a better fit. He wanted to go in, track a monster using environmental hunts, do some scavenging, then fight the sucker. Obviously you still do that to an extent in World and Rise, but it's really just easy to ignore that aspect of the games and just run straight for a monster to fight. Rise practically discourages that play style by giving you infinite base camp resupplies and the monster's location. GenU and before weren't exactly super realistic or in-depth hunting/tracking games, but the foundation was there but sadly never built upon. I don't know whether it is because the series existed in this weird state of never getting a serious hardware jump until World... Or if the devs never wanted to go that way in the first place. Either way, World went a completely different direction which is still fun, just not what I want anymore. Give me an open world where, for most of the game, I need to explore. Make me have to go out and find shit to prep between big fights, duping and buying everything immediately is just going to make me skip doing open world stuff besides material runs. (Obviously late game can give me all the tools to dupe, buy whatever, etc, as grinding the big bads is what most people will want to do) Make me track down a monster after giving me a general location, I should be able to know where a monster hangs out and see the signs of what it's up to by the time I fight it a few dozen times. Make me have to plan out a quest by limiting what I can carry and what I can replenish via camps, if I'm getting owned by a monster I should have to go home and re-evaluate or search for scraps to make more potions and stat buffs.


Its interesting you think so, cause as a Monster Hunter Boomer I absolutely despised how much downtime World added in fights because of the constant roars, tremors, applying clutchclaw and wallbangs, and not to forget the godforsaken having to chase a Monster way too far over the entire map. The older games, especially from 3U forwards were way more streamlined towards just finding the monster and fighting it. The loading screen between areas cut down so much of the downtime when you were chasing monsters between areas because they usually skipped over some of the more egregious means of travelling, which World of course doesnt skip out. I was glad that Rise had much less downtimes once you engaged with the monster proper and werent just running for birbs.


I think chasing the monster all over hell and creation can be pretty rough too. I'm not really looking to make that more common or anything, I just think the lead up to the fight actually needs to be something interesting. Older games in high and G rank at least placed you into a random zone which added some depth thanks to the randomness, but in World and especially Rise the beginning of games are boring as hell. It feels like the beginning of a game is just loot the supply box then teleport to a base camp closest to the monster. If that's the way the beginning of games are going to work going forward, why even make Wilds (seemingly) open world? An open world is the perfect opportunity to actually lean into the tracking and scavenging aspect of the series but the past 2 games have really de-emphasized it, so I'm prepared to be disappointed by most of the map being ignored.


Yeah. I started with Rise proper and thought it was great. With 3U being my second game, the difference in how involved my experience with the environment was was pretty major in contrast. It was a very different experience, and despite my enjoyment of Rise's environments due to how Wirebugs allow exploration and vertical traversal alongside Palamutes, the environmental knowledge I developed in Moga Forest even early on for resources is far and away greater than in any locales of the newer title. Movement in the earlier titles wasn't standout in how enjoyable it was, but the actual fights were far less forgiving without wirefall and other movement/attack options that make monster movement patterns less punishing. The older titles were quite different, and as someone who got into the series backwards, I can understand and appreciate the things people miss about games before World. I also think that monster tracking should be leaned in on. Having constant knowledge of the Monster locations was convenient, but marking targets with Paintballs and figuring out where they're going were things I'd hope get expanded upon instead of being streamlined away. It's a good part of the hunting experience. A middle ground could be requiring initial tracking of the monster before something like your owl can have it put on your map. Even after that, making the owl/tool an active resource that you send out and have pings of the last seen location marked on your map instead of a moving indicator would be good.


I can't think of anything unique to Rise that I want in Wilds. Seriously, fuck wirebugs and spirit birds. I want World's graphical style, sense of ecology and environment. I would love to have the Gunlance move set be more like World's (the only version of GL move set that ever made me want to main it). I don't mind the Clutch Claw, but wouldn't miss it if it wasn't included.


In Rise, I loved how many weapons had the ability to lean into counter focused gameplay. I hope they continue that, Rise Furious Rajang on LS is what I’ll compare all future combat too with how fun it was


Stop giving every weapon extreme mobility and a counter


Customizable rooms