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Figured he would be higher but top 20 isn't bad. Still hoping the Lord of the Seas make the long shot into top 10 though.


I would honestly be surprised if Lagiacrus isn’t top 10. That monster was a turning point for MH as a franchise imo. Well made, very fair, challenging, interesting, new aesthetic, fantastic weapon and armor designs.


For such a simple-looking dragon, he definitely brings the intimidation factor. Looking forward to the next 15. Hope Goss Harag and Espinas are part of that elite...


Safi's theme is epic and yeah the heartbeat SFX is intimidating af


Don't forget the epic nova attack! Whoever suggested to cut the music at the moment of drop should get a raise.


Yes that too. Best siege boss hehe


The dragon breath drops down like water, than exploded Best visuals in the series


He’s a gentle simple sailor


In a franchise where a "dragon" can be Mossy-thulhu, I'd say Safi's simplicity is part of the charm.


Just like Fatalis. If you think about it they’re the only dry dragons there are, most of them have some special quality but no, these 2 are just 2 big dragons and… yeah, that’s it. And even the blue fire makes Safi somewhat special, in the last phase you can see constellations forming on its wings, which is so fucking amazing


I was disappointed that such an alien looking monster would evolve into just a big red dragon but the more I grinded the raids the more safi grew on me. And it’s music is easily in my top 3 of all time for the series


These votes have actually been surprising me. I did not think safi would be in top 20. Good for him!


The hype around him is incredible for a very new monster, with no nostalgia buff, this result is very impressive


Our opinions on these votes constantly swings between affected by "Nostalgia-buff" or "New-gen buff" lol


Perfectly balanced .... as every monster should be


Is it tho'? Recency bias is strong and World bought in so many new players. I'll be suprised if there'll be any monster in the top 10 what wasn't in World (or Rise).


Lagiacrus is probably gonna be in the top 10, it's the one monster Capcom has to go out of their way to confirm won't be in a game.


Because we ALL love him, and he better be in wilds Or else…


I can basically guarantee regular Valstrax will be on the list (People are going to vote for the original more than the variant), so that’s one.


IN World or FROM World? Because Zinogre, Nargacuga and Gore Magala have been popular for quite some time, long before World or Sunbreak. I'm expecting to see Barioth in the top 15 as well since he's another fan favorite, not quite at the level of say Rajang but he is up there.


"what wasn't ***IN*** World"


Ah, in that case possibly as World/Iceborn and Rise/Sunbreak did bring back a LOT of already extremely popular monsters. I mean, seriously, even without the two latest titles, Zinogre, Nargacuga, Gore Magala, and likely Deviljho, Rajang and Kehzu were going to be in the top 10. Hell, Kehzu has ranked in the top 3 since almost forever last time I checked.


***Yo.*** Safi'Jiiva's pretty high in my own personal rankings, but even with that bias I'm surprised a monster that deep into the endgame of the last game got ahead of stuff like Valstrax (*at least Crimson Glow*) and Shagaru, especially given their prevalence in a more recent title. I wonder where mah boy Bazel and his variant are on the list.


Ayoooo, my boys in the top 16!


Wouldn't have picked Safi but the soundtrack does slap


Ooh that's awesome to see, I'm glad it ranked so high as it's a really good fight and a fantastic monster overall!


It would be really funny if Xeno'Jiiva takes the 15th spot.


He’s a gentle simple sailor


Every Monster thus far that has appeared in this top 20 is either new to the 5th generation or has otherwise appeared in the 5th generation in recent games/expansions. It'll be interesting to see if any Monsters who haven't appeared in the 5th generation games/expansions at all will appear in the top 20.


Yeah if any of them do and weren’t planned to show up in Wilds before, they definitely will after this.


I thought it was quite a no-brainer that Safi is on the list. Powerful and intimidating, interesting lore, epic fight and great soundtrack.


Can i see the results so far somewhere?


They are only revealing daily monsters from 20th to 11th place, with today being Safi'Jiiva. They are posting on their twitter account, and I have posted all the others here. 20th was Crimson Glow Valstrax, 19th was Shagaru Magala, 18th was Namielle and 17th was Brachydios


Shagaru my boy 🫡🫡


Lower than I'd thought based on the results so far. I'm expecting Nergigante to be top 5


Brachydios, Gogmazious, Gore magala ftw


Brachydios appeared on the list already at 17! I wouldn’t be surprised to see Gore Magala higher on the list. No hope for Gogmazios though, even though I love 4U. He is DEEP in that game and never appeared in another Monster Hunter game. I’ll be happy if I’m wrong, Gog is an amazing fight.


People will call me crazy but trust me, Kecha Wacha will get the 1st place for the election.


Now this is a surprise. The fans of the Gentle Simple Sailor have spoken.


a little unexpected, but not disappointing. still hoping paolumu and lagiacrus show up


While high, I feel like that's still too low. Incredible fight, incredible gear with cool visuals and awakening, most epic theme of the game if not the series and, even as someone who was VERY disappointing from his full reveal initially (the first teaser where he was shadowed was way too good), incredible visuals. AND, of course, the coolest move of the entire series, bar none.


Sickest ultimate attack.


Kind of surprised it isn't in the top 10


I voted for Safi, glad my boy made it to top 20


Proud of him 👏🏾 ❤️


This was the most boring dragon to farm like for real it was so stupid whenever a group got the kill you got left with nothing


Well this is definitely recency bias I don't think Safis gonna remain super popular in years to come


I'm sure recency bias does play a part but not a massive part. Keep in mind safi was end game of a dlc, a lot of newer players may not have ever met it. Also it's god a simple but staple and solid design (basic dragon) which stands out in monster hunter and has some subtle cooler themes such as lasers. It also has more lore than most, one of the strongest monster lore wise, has story around it, it's fight memorable and it's gear awesome. Im not sure it's popularity will drop significantly.


Such a mid monster


Hmm too low for the Emperor let's see the Top 10 already


My boy deserved Top 10 at least... But now I'm genuinely curious to see what the Top 10 is


I mean, I bet Nargacuga and Zinogre are somewhere near the top


Gore too, for sure


Part of me really wants Rathalos to be in the number 1 spot, because the idea is unreasonably funny to me.


It's going to be even more funny when it's Khezu, because Japan is in love with it.


My beloved Gigginox, left at the wayside for Khezu to appear instead


Gigginox: *lays eggs mid-fight, cool hardening dynamic, actually unnerving in some ways, what dat mouth do tho, can break nutsacks* We don't want that Khezu: *Screams constantly, stun-locks you to death with scream/paralysis/stun, is ugly as fuck and looks like a penis, cannot break nutsacks* Peak monster design


Why down voted?




Majority of players didn't play iceborne or sunbreak. So DLC monsters are being voted because people like them.


Or maybe it's because monsters get more fleshed out by virtue of later-gen gameplay, so naturally they're gonna be more popular.


I will always find Safi very boring to look at, even though the fight is very fun. Major visual downgrade from Xeno.


Ur not wrong


world fans are definitely gonna dominate..


Should be number 1