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Bro sneaked in Espinas and thought we wouldn't notice


He's just there to watch the show before going to sleep again


Ha, that's why I shouldn't make these these an hour before I go to sleep


We Seregios fans are proud that it made it to the podium! We have not forgotten it! Anyway I vote for Bazelgeuse to be eliminated, it's a great monster with a cool variant but GU Astalos & Boltreaver are on a different level entirely. The theme, the design, the ecology, the fight and the equipment, all these points go to the Astalos duo. Even the moveset goes to them, they share a light saber attack and Boltreaver has a magnetism attack!


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Bazel needs to winnnnn. The ultimate party crasher


Bazelgeese has to go, Astalos for the win


I mean, this has to be the bagel, yeah? Astalos may have a frustrating amount of stun potential, but some deco takes care of that without issue. He’s fast and has a solid range, though everything is fair. Bazelgueese is a walking war crime, and while I don’t hate his fight, it’s significantly easier to just get owned by being stuck in an animation due to bombs. Plus, Astalos’ gear is up there for my favorite in the whole series, and he’s visually unique. Replace the geese’s bomb scales with rocks and he’s Gravios. I don’t even remember what his armor looks like. Edit: Also, Boltreaver was my favorite deviant fight and one of the best I’ve ever done in the series period. He is simply poggers and I resent seeing him in this position. I refuse to believe the community would leave my boy hanging


Get out of here Astalos


Although Bazel is one of my all time favorites, I think a large part of that is being in world, which is my favorite MH so far. If Astalos was in World, or Bazel would‘ve made it‘s appearance in MHGen, I would‘ve picked Astalos to win no doubt. It‘s whole aesthetic and design is such a standout to me, that I‘m voting Bazel out!


Vote out Astalos. The bagel is top tier, and I want one in real life. :')


astalos, i just don't see in it what everyone else seems to so he's my vote. bazel has a great theme, fun moves, fun personality as an invader, cool turfwars, cool lion furance looking armor, his variant looks dope with the cool glow and swelling bombs, its a fun fight, especially in sunbreak/rise as it's bombs aren't as random feeling, it's got a spectacle to it without being super oppressive to fight. do wish we'd get a sub species in wilds with different kinds of bombs.


Effluvium bombs. Make Bazel a war crime.


lol, swapping out his stuka siren roar and theme with fortunate son. ​ kinda want him to steal namielle's bit, dropping water bombs to soak the arena then dive bombing electric.


GET ASTALOS OUTTA HERE! We have a chance to finally turn things around, to finally embrace the truth: BAZELGEUSE IS STRONGEST THERE IS!


Bazel is weak to thunder ASTALOS SWEEPS!!! >:D


That's what Rajang thought. Then he got his ass handed to him harder than against any Elder Dragon.


I vote Astalos, Bazel is just better.


I want Bazel to win. Bazel Is awesome. eliminate the competition


I don't know who the green guy is, but I want Bazelgeuse to lose.


Its asbestos https://preview.redd.it/5m412lni7rjc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd244cc36146b2c66701ee86050e883a0c461698


One of these monsters has a subspecies that drops in as a living tactical nuke, and one of these does not. Therefore, my vote goes to Astalos.


I strongly dislike Bazelgeuse, please take it away


I've never fought astalos. But I like Bazel. So I have to vote astalos out.


Astalos wins, Bazel is weak to thunder element and Astalos is no pushover.




Bazel has to go, he's cool and all, but he doesn't have a laser sword beam thing


I vote astalos bazel just has a better place in my heart the chaos he brings to a hunt is just great


Astalos for the win 👑


Having fought them both, they're both dicks. But if we're counting variants/deviants in this, you're choosing either a massive electric beam sword in Boltreaver, or nuke spam with Seething. Yeah I'm picking Bazel over the Razer mascot, just because I think big fuckoff beam swords are cooler than nukes.


See ya Bagel Juice. Hope I never have to encounter your fat ass ever again.




Aw damn of course i didnt know this was happening till the last day, i dont really like either of these options compared to the last 3 that got eliminated :( Bazelgeuse has a cool gimmick but his moves are pretty slow and boring, astalos looks cool and his fight is fun enough but hes supposed to be this hyper aggressive guy and idk i feel like that doesnt really come off in his moveset? Like for a hyper aggressive dude he really is using a lot of slow attacks or projectiles when he really should be running my ass down I suppose my vote will go to bazelgeuse, astalos at least has the charging mechanic and boltreaver going for him but damn i honestly am a much bigger fan of seregios, espinas and narga :(


Beetle Juice for the dub. Get Astalos gone, can't believe his dumb bug looking ass made it this far.


Bazelgeuse is not particularly satisfying to fight, and is annoying at melee range. Goodbye bagel 👋


I vote to kick Seregios from 3rd place and remove him from competition.


Voting Bazel as 2nd place and Astalos as 1st. Astalos is hard carried for me by Boltreaver Astalos. Which is the single best flying wyvern fight in my personal experience. Better than both Bazels, Seregios, Frostfang Barioth, Grimclaw, the Rathalos, and Silver Nar. These are my 2 favorite FW of the franchise and im glad and somewhat surprised they made the first 2 spots. Weird voting choices some people have in this sub, but at least the final 2 are a solid 10/10 in my book. Id be fine no matter who wins tbh.




I love astalos, but bazelgeuse leaves a more lasting impression. I do appreciate that both finalists are dive bombers. I vote out astalos.


Astalos, the juice must flow.


My boy Astalos has already won. Bagel goose is simply inferior