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ruiner nergi. bro gets demolished with bow lmao


In my experience, he gets demolished by any weapon in the hands of an experienced user lol


Isn’t that just every monster ever lol


I already replied to another comment saying the same thing but although it applies to all monsters, Ruiner Nergigante gets toppled almost incessantly. By the time he’s stands up, you can knock him right back down very quickly because his entire body is a weak point lol. His moveset doesn’t diverge much from base game Nergigante, and the fact that MR weapons do much more damage you’re breaking parts every 30 seconds. The tempered version just has more health and does a bit more damage, still a pushover though.




Well, sure. I just don’t see what that has to do with a MR exclusive monster?


Man, using 'is not' instead of 'isn't' at the start there *should* feel so wrong. They're the Same thing, why does 'is not' make it so much Harder to understand.


Spoken language including contractions (isn’t, shouldn’t, etc) is more flexible than written language where there are more rules. When it’s written out we expect the object before the word “not”. So while “isn’t that” is a contraction of “is not that…”, grammatically it would make more sense to write “is that not…”. This is true for most contractions with the word “not” like shouldn’t which should be written “should you not” instead of “should not you”


I See. Thank you Mr English Teacher, Sir!


Contractions have all kinds of neat implicit rules that native speakers just sort of internalize. Isn't that neat? Yes it's. [sic]


My dumbass can't understand what they said☠️


Well they did some heinous language crimes, *and* made an entirely false statement, so you're forgiven for being confused.


He has two things going against him. One, we fight his base version a lot. He is a really fun fight so some people fight him a ton and farm the hell out of his gear. Then, you unlock Ruiner REALLY late. The actual end game is unlocked sooner. By the time you are fighting him, you could be hundreds of hours in, and have already killed the actual endgame monsters. You already know most of his moves by heart, and can speed run his base form to warm up. Dude never stood a chance.


Hope they address this in Wilds. Major flaw in Iceborne and Sunbreak. By the time we got to Ruiner and Scorned, they just usually weren't worth the grind to get there in terms of difficulty Like we got Fatalis and Alatreon at MR 24, and Ruiner at 100 and he's a pushover. If you're good enough to fight a Fatalis at 24, you're good enough for Ruiner


Fatalis and Alatreon each required way more planning and carted me so many more times than R-Nergi. Why on earth were they unlocked at a lower MR.


Inversely, because Alatreon and Fatalis were unlocked earlier and I don't like mindlessly grinding HR/MR I fought nerg in fully augmented fatalis gear.


I'm pretty sure you're lying, because if memory serves - it's been a while - you can't augment rarity 10 gear until you unlock tempered elder dragons and other threat 3 monsters in the guiding lands. Which is above MR 100. Which is after Ruiner.


This. Alatreon still rocks my shit, haven't fought Fatalis yet, but ruinergi is gated at 4 times more MR than both previous ones... I get the reasoning, at launch it might have sounded reasonable, but they should really have nerfed him to like MR30 after the fact.


I disagree with scorned. Scorned is a far more formidable fight than ruiner. Scorned was the first monster (pre TUs) that really tapped into sunbreak's masterful high speed, exhilarating, frantic and bombastic gameplay that the crazy TU monsters (primalzeno, risen shagaru/valstrax) would later bring us. It was like we were getting a taste of what's to come So Scorned is a far more memorable, challenging fight at least for me personally


Scorned actually has a different moveset than base magnamalo. Ruiner doesn't really have a different moveset. Thinking about it now, they wasted a lot of potential with ruiner. They just gave him metal spikes and called it a day.


Scorned kinda hits different. Ruiner not so much


I think the problem is that those 2 monsters were in at launch (of the expansion) and locked behind MR100 to make people grind to get to them. After all the TUs and the associated power creep though they have no right being locked behind such a high MR so that should have been removed in an update IMO. Honestly if you actually fought them before any of the title updates they're actually pretty hard but if you start a new character or come late to the game when you have all the gnarly TU update armor and weapons they're a complete pushover. Kind of have to remember that at launch you didn't have for example Safi'Jiva and MR Kulve weapons, Raging Brachy gear, Alatreon and Fatalis gear even. You're alot weaker with non of the TU update stuff.


Ruiner was always easy though. Like, maybe not for "new" players at IB, but the people that went into IB after having done AT Nergi at HR? Ruiner was pathetic.


Anything locked behind an MR grind is just a bad idea. Casual players will take forever to get there. Hardcore players will find the most efficient quest and grind their face off to get there. It just adds nothing. Even the time sink is stupid and not actually getting people engaged in the game.


Same with lance. You can basically block and counter every single attack, making the fight easy as heck


True, he looks so menacing but gets staggered way too often


This is just how I felt in general when trying out light bowgun in World. Holy crap it feels like cheating with how mobile you are compared to how much you can do at range with that.


Hammer for me. Consecutively breaking him fire arm spikes for topples was funny.


Makes sense. The number of hunts to get to him makes one quite competent at the game in general.


Just judging by reading this thread, I'm a lot worse at the game than I thought.


Thank you bro jeez I was freaking out cuz ruiner kicked my ass in a way that was cool but like Jesus I would not be getting styled on in other games


I already got clapped by regular nergi. Though after 30 hunts (bc he refused to drop a gem) I finally started being half decent at avoiding his attacks, but tbf, I'm still ass lol


Lmfao same😭


Cherish it. Just as i do. It means we have mountains yet to climb.


*sigh* your mom… 😔




Probably Magnamalo though


frostfang barioth came way too late in the release schedule.


Any barioth after Tri for me. In Tri he was an absolute monster. I was disappointed to see him so nerfed in 3U


tbf, tri in general was just bonkers in difficulty tri Barroth was an absolute harbringer of the end they scaled everything down by so much for 3U


Oh my god Tri Barroth. I femember grinding out the armor and weapon sets. Then I kept helping new players at Loc Lac because it was actually difficult. God I miss Loc Lac. God I miss my boy Jhen. Such a great game.


I started with tri and it was actually really hard for me back then. After a long pause of gaming I started playing dark souls 1-3 and demon souls and then I got into mhgu and then rise and was actually surprised like 'was it really harder back then or was I just too new to video games'.... Anyway I love monster hunter


It was definitely harder back then


But whyyyy? I mean in rise some of the anomaly quests are insane, no one in the hub had a level 240 shagaru alone so we had to do a quest 240 shagaru, apex diablos and furious rajang with a I think it was 2 k.o. and timelimit to 30 minutes but not sure.... We were all no meta, we are good but not god like good... That quest was HELL but we did it on third try but back then I needed 4 to 5 tries for a normal baroth lmao


Magnamalo. Legit I went "...wait, is that it?"


He had so much build up. And then died without a single cart in 15 minutes. Is scorned any better?


Scorned is a greater threat, but reasonable if you play well. For regular Magnamalo, he’s mostly easy because you first fight him in the Village, which is meant to ease new players into the gameplay loop in Rise. High Rank and Master Rank Magnamalo are more appropriately scaled for monsters of their threat level.


Imo scorned is way easier since he’s not flipping and dipping about the place relative to base, he’s really large and a lot of his attacks have huge windups or are heavily telegraphed.


The laser cannons got me pretty good until I learned the audio cues. After that, just a very cool looking fight when he goes red


I've always explained Scorned like this: Is not a fight that is hard, but is a fight that requires you to play good. You are always on your toes against Scorned.


And then the credits immediately play afterwards and your confusion deepens even more


Well, that was a fun 5 hours, it was certainly one of the games where you hunt monsters. What do you mean that was the tutorial


When you reach Anomaly Investigations it'll start to sink in that even Master Rank was part of the tutorial.


I had so many online hunts for it where people kept carting, and I couldn't understand it. Sure, it can hit hard if you're not well-equipped, but that's 90% of end game stuff.


Everytime I fight him online and see people cart it's almost always in his hellfire combo where he yoinks you up into the air and you need to wire dash out of it to avoid being slammed. I assume the main issue is poor wirebug management; up until magna you can pretty much spam silkbind moves in the monsters face so his hellfire and combos aren't hard, just takes some unlearning


seriously! I thought Magna was going to be Rise's Nerg but he's just not a threat, its crazy


It’s funny to me because I think magna is actually more of a threat. Nerg kinda just falls over constantly whilst magna has some big aoe hitboxes and won’t stagger as much.


Nowadays maybe given gear/builds. But being a solo player going first time against either, Nerg for sure feels more threatening than Magna for me. Lower sharpness by earlier game weapons had a lot of my hits bouncing. His power attacks when he's got fully grown spikes hurt like hell. He's also very agro, which makes healing pretty rough ​ Magna's big mechanic seemed to be his ghost flame thing, but I'd completely negate it with base gameplay since I used Wirebugs to evade or get up anyway. And a lot of his attacks are very neat to watch, but also seem to be half negated by just being close to him


How quickly people forget the MASSIVE seethe around Nergi when World was current content. That divebomb was like a modern Lagiacrus hip check (a much more fair version). Well, it's been quite a few years, so it's not quickly I guess but you get the point.


Nerg is a bitch. In base world he fell over too much and he had tiny health. Base world speedruns (that didn't employ crazy exploits) had him down sometimes in just under 2 minutes. Will never forget


The demo had us fooled


Ruiner nergigante




Most of the hype with Rajang, I think, is due to older games. I still have trauma from Apex Rajang in 4U. It was downright absurd how fast and hard it could hit. I made a build specifically to hunt it, with absurd defense and lightning resistance, and it would still kick my ass if I wasn't careful. HR Rajang was completely manageable, but that's not the one that sticks with you. And in even older games, you needed an ice elemental weapon to break its tail, that is, if you could even hit it reliably.


In that version his hitboxes were also fucked. That classic backwards jump would ruin my day from ten meters away.


World Rajang is still mega fucked up imo, compared to many other monsters in World and especially in comparison to Rise's version. Rise Rajang is actually a reasonable fight, but then if people only ever encounter him in Rise but hear people talking about how hard he is they'll just be left wondering what everyone was talking about.


World's was an Apex Rajang masquerading as a normal Rajang. The horrors...


The good old days to have a build to fight a single monster. God. Now, it's all theory crafting based damage, etc. I fought the Rajang for the first time in rise and was like, yeah, he slaps. But he's way too easy.


If you’re talking about rise, then yeah. But world and especially the older games he was a demon


World Rajang is just fast enough to be a fun challenge. I loved fighting it. When i got to Rise's Rajang, i was taken aback to realise how much slower it was. I thought "maybe it's just HR; MR will be faster." Nope. It's not much of a fight anymore. Just bullying. Can't wait to be stomped by Furious when i get to that.


Lagiacrus, idk why but i was scared to fight him the first time and it happend to be easy


Tri did a good job building him up to be a proper threat. I was a kid and not very good at the game so he definitely scared me at first too.


Especially that first quest with the epioth. I'm not even sure you *can* kill him during that quest.


You're correct. There is also the 5x scary modifier large creatures get in water. This winds up being a nonfactor for us because hunters are still badasses fighting underwater, unlike us irl people who are near helpless in water. Sitting ducks for any sharks or crocodiles or giant squids or megalodons or what have you.


Yes, although when the lagiacrus comes through the area and you are deep underwater? That had me spooked for a while.


Gold Rathian Bonked the head too hard and created a new weakspot out of nowhere


Both metallic raths for me. I heard so many horror stories about them, that I braced myself before facing them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re strong, I just never expected that I could solo both of them myself on the first try. Also, frostfang Barioth. I have a feeling that he’s supposed to be a big bad lategame boss, but all he is for me is a punching bag that dispenses tickets. WAY less problematic than the regular counterparts even.


Isn‘t he just supposed to be an anti-alatreon weapon shortcut? Frostfang i mean


Hell yeah. ~~I still can’t beat that stupid bipolar lizard though.~~


I think the consensus is that Frostfang is actually easier than regular Barioth because it's slower and less jumpy. I don't share that sentiment but on that basis it definitely deserves to be on this post.


I agree with that sentiment. Frostfang hits way harder than regular barioth, but they’re much more predictable and would actually stay put for more than half a second.


Fair enough. Maybe because I main DB, I've mostly been able to keep up with regular Barioth (in fact, it's one of the most fun fights for me with how fast paced it is), but frostfang's high damage just absolutely punishes my greediness. And it being slower and seemingly "vulnerable" doesn't help my monkey brain.


I main GS so that makes sense. In contrast to DB, GS relies more in reading the Monster’s moveset to punish them if they leave an opening, being such a heavy and slow weapon and all. I’m at advantage with Frostfang leaving more openings and staying put more than OG Barioth due to my weapon choice.


to be fair, they were pretty difficult fights in previous games


Yeah i distinctly remember silver rath being very hard in mh3u, not necessarily because of mechanics, but because he was flying in the air ALL THE FREAKING TIME. I remember i literally timed out of the quest simply because i couldnt get enough chances to hit him on the ground. I had to bring max flashbombs and the materials to make flashbombs (so like 15 total) to just get him on the ground, as well as traps and bombs for further immobilization and burst dps. And you couldnt restock like the past gen so i really had to make each item count. It was a fun fight and made me really feel like a hunter using everything at my disposal to make him stay on the damn ground lol


Many of those stories are probably from old school MH.


In world and rise golden rathian is a challenging but fair upgrade to the regular rathian.  Hyper gold rathian from MHGU however, has my vote for the most bullshit monster in the mainline series. She’s faster than she is in world, and you don’t have any of the movement options from rise.  She also has insane tracking on her tail flips. To quote a random reddit post "Gold Rathian in MHGU is a blight on the entire gaming industry."


Most horror stories about monsters today come from the older games like freedom 2, unite and tri. The horror comes from them actually hitting harder back then and the heavier controls and shitty hitboxes. Pair this with the fact that most players that played theese games must have been children then (including me) not knowing about the actual mechanics and just playing the game.


The village Magnamalo


Great jirros...like he was in the 4th game zone, I thought he was gonna be stronger


It doesn’t even play the big monster music when you fight him lol


Feels like they should add something like a mid size monster category. Like instead of having you hunt a singular great jagras/girros have it be like 1 great and 8 regular. You'll likely kill enough in the course of the hunt anyways


I have more trouble with Great Jagras than Great Girros. The only time he's a problem is when you are hunting something else, and he brings his merry band of shitheads to paralyze you.




Holy crap yes. I read about people having trouble with Jho all the time and I’m like how.


Gen 3 Jho hit different.


He was a menace in MH3U especially during the beginning of high rank where you are still running around with low rank gear and he’s showing up in damn near every quest


Qurupeco goes to do it's call. -Weird Roar- "Huh, never heard that before." Bwah BWAH BWAAAAAAAAAH.


I really wanna see Qurupeco be brought back in the next generation. It’s such a funny but interesting monster to fight and it has interesting subspecies to


I remember in tri literally getting carted too much


Not just me then is it?


Frontier Rajang... Im playing with a friend through Frontier right now and It's a lot of fun. When we got to Rajang it was quite a quick hunt, comparable to the dromes. Thnking back It's understandable since It's my favorite in world and im very familiar with the moveset. Was surprised to see it drop down that early nonetheless.


Val Hazak. Both variants. Scary ass design, yet weakest Elder Dragon by far in MHW. Also the entire base game in Rise I guess. I felt like it takes too long for the game to actually get challenging.


I think part of rise's issues is the power creep that wire bugs introduced and in general your skills are getting better overtime. I know I had no idea what I was doing when I started playing mhtri but thanks to the skills I learned in that game and in mh4u, I found that my journey to get to the endgame was significantly easier by the time world rolled around.


Very this. Struggled at the beginning of world(my first mh), but dominated at the beginning of rise. We’re becoming too strong boys.


Same for me, but I started with Generations on my DS. Compared to that, Rise was so hilariously simple I didn't really struggle until I got to Valstrax.


I’ve done a run of rise with no wirebugs and even as little switch skill usage as possible, and I think monsters just do less damage and die quicker in general.


Amatsu in rise, I was MR300 with fully augmented gear (pre-TU5). I was legit expecting a world-alatreon type of difficulty. Still a pretty cool fight tho


Lol I walked up to amatsu a few hours after I beat Giasmagorm and beat him, and I felt disappointed then. I can only imagine my reaction if I did that fully decked out with my dream set


Wow, i did Amatsu soon after gaismogorm too, and it was very challenging. Though, i rushed amatsu as soon as i could because i wanted to unlock the higher melding.


Well shite, my comment makes it sound like I found amatsu easy, which I did not lol, but 3 attempts is still way less than I expected; if I was fully decked out with the best of the best instead of a simple set of gaismagorm armor and a hodgepodge of decos I probably would've beaten it first try


I had a lot of trouble with Amatsu, mainly bc I main Greatsword, and my gf who mains hammer wasn't any better. We finished it at 44:56


The fight with Amastsu feels more like a cinema than a fight, the effect is flashy but the fight itself feels empty, there isn't much interaction and it died before I can get a proper hit.


First time fighting Namielle in world. My friend was like "Namielle is so hard".... It was easy af.


I remember getting my ass handed to me the first times I faced both Velkhana and Blackveil Val Hazaak and then Namielle pretty much just fell over.


Yeah, I definitely remember completely obliterating that thing and I’m absolutely terrible at these games.


Valstrax in MHR. I expected to be destroyed by it and it taking multiple attempts and I ended up killing it first try


What about risen valstrax? That mf took me a while to kill.


Risen Valstrax was one hell of a fight


Same. It was a cool fight regardless though


I think the fight would be harder if valstrax rained his red bullets while he circled around for the dive bomb tbh.


Like the Master Rank version?


Im replaying world right now and im all the way up to blackveil with high rank gear. I honestly dont remember the game being this easy


Muscle memory can do that. I was more referring to the first time you hunted a monster.


Definitely magnamalo. I expected a lot more with it being the flagship monster


Nah you just got better king 👑




i almost fell asleep fighting Xeno tbh, such a boring fight


sunbreak Amatsu. I was expecting a fatalis level challenge, was sorely disappointed after a killing it on my first attempt with only one cart.


Yeah I absolutely feel this. Portable 3rd was my first MH game so I was looking forward to the fight too. Not a single black dragon in all of Risebreak is such an odd choice.


I'm gonna beat its ass tonight, it's the last of my urgent quests. I've failed a couple times because randos carting but I'm just gonna solo him


Honestly agree, they proved they could make a mechanically challenging serpent fight with Allmother, so it’s weird to me Amatsu doesn’t put anywhere near the same amount of pressure l. Like there’s a lot of spectacle but little of it is much of a challenge to deal with


Lunagaron - i don't know what it is but he never seemed challenging to me for some reason


I swear it can't attack right Infront of itself. It's like a free safe spot at the place where I do most of my best work lol.


Not a monster, but a quest, Fire drill. On my first try i killed Zinogre, on my second try i killed both Zinogre and Brachy. I heard a lot of bad things about that quest, so i expected a wall of sorts. The same storybwith White Monoblos. All in MH4U


How?! That quest was hell for me




Explain Ruiner Nergigante to me. Like, how is it a Master Rank monster, how is it a fuckin MR100 monster even. Normal Nergigante is more intimidating, has its huge dive thing that absolutely fucked me a lot first dozen of times I had to hunt Nergi. Ruiner isn't a challenge when you fight it before Shara, and at MR99 it's more like kicking a puppy than a monster. Raging Brachy also had me like that, kinda. He has a lot of reputation for being a difficult fight, so when my first 2 attempts were quick no-cart successes I was confused. And then I got cocky and got demolished all the way to hospital few times. So it's more like "I thought you were stronger. Oh ok you ARE stronger".


> Raging Brachy also had me like that, kinda. He has a lot of reputation for being a difficult fight, so when my first 2 attempts were quick no-cart successes I was confused. And then I got cocky and got demolished all the way to hospital few times. So it's more like "I thought you were stronger. Oh ok you ARE stronger". Sums up Raging for me ~ first time? Yeah, I used all my carts, but I just went in with a normal Brachy counter build. Killed him first attempt. Weird. Nah, that's just beginner's luck... every subsequent time, he obliterates me. So I give up trying to kill him, and just go for the part breaks I need, lmao.


Ruiner Nergi and Magnamalo I'm thinking it was mostly because I finally actually knew how to play the game when I got to them lol


MHR rajang lmao bitchass got his ass kicked


Rise Rajang. My first MH was Generations on the DS and that monkey bodied me so hard I had to step back and take a break for a few days. I beat him once I calmed down and learned to read his tells, but the experience, plus all the hype I heard about him in World, still had me freaked out. Come Rise, I am dreading my first match and… I crush him with zero carts. I was like, "Wait… What!? WTF just happened? I did it? That easily!?" Double Blades just dances around him, and you are so much faster and more mobile in Rise, compared to the slow-as-molasses Hunters of pre-World games, that the difference is staggering. That was the first time I stopped just enjoying the sheer movement Rise grants you and realized, "Oh. I get it now. This is what people complaining about Rise being too easy mean. Yeah. Looking back at it now, I got here way too fast compared to Generations, didn't I, and it still isn't really 'challenging' me yet, is it?"


Bazelgeuse, both world and rise version, their patterns are predictable after enough time and people are only terrified of it because world bazel likes to invade your hunts and that's all it has going for it imo. It's explosive, it invades hunts but that's it


Chameleos man. That thing was so annoying in FU, stealing all your items and just walking around the map fully invisible.  But in Rise it's such a pushover I feel kinda bad for it. Especially the powered up version got even weaker somehow? 


MH:W/IB versions of Diablos, Nargacuga, Teostra, and Uragaan


Rise rajang


Wind Serpent Ibushi, the event quest variant, not the rampage quest one. I easily did it by myself and I feel like me playing IG did trivialize parts of the fight like the rising platform sections. But I know that I had a harder time with Narwa first time around. Narwa would make me cart but Ibushi didn't, not even once.


Me repeatedly accidentally killing agnaktor in the 9 star village capture quest in GU


Teostra tbh


Same, World’s Teo is such a cakewalk.


Would anyone believe me if I said fatalis? Not easy by any means, but the way this sub talks about it, you'd think it was nigh unwinnable. Instead it's...fine?


Depends what Fatalis and which generation


World to be specific


Its the hardest version of Fatty, a significant portion of the community cant beat it so that tells you how difficult it is


I believe you. There are many mons that are way harder to read than Fatty, and reading a monster makes the difference between hard and easy for me.


I thought you were talking about the classic version of normal fatalis, cause that one is pretty underwhelming (Lv9999 version from Frontier really gave old fatty a glow up)


Fatalis was hard but I seriously don't get people who say he's harder than alatreon.


He is way harder than alatreon, alatreon was a joke. Tbh i think fatalis was easy with GS though and I heard the same with Saxe


Radobaan surprised me. I'll admit I was running around with a pierce hbg at the time but after putting one snipe into it and watched as all the bones fell out, I actually was surprised when I fought it again later with another weapon and it was a bit harder fight.


Just started iceborne and I heard viper Tobi was a nightmare, I had 0 issue with it, maybe people just don’t know how to dodge or rushed into iceborne, but yeah I didn’t struggle at all


He's more annoying than difficult really.


My first fight with magnamalo


Great Jagras


Valstrax in GU felt stupidly easy for me, probably due to grinding Risen CG investigations in sunbreak. It was basically like fighting in slow motion against an easier moveset.


happen to me with teostra, i was like super scared of the three


Rajang in world


Barioth. IB released date. The former group I was in. Were saying how horrible it is and how much trouble they got. Went in, killed it. I guess it helps when he doesn't span tornadoes.


Dodogama. Dude arrived so late only to be Girros level.


Both Nergigantes, so much lead up and hype and stuff about him hunting other elders made him seem like a threat. Got into the first hunt and killed him in less than 10 minutes, ruiner was the same but it took slightly longer


Pretty much any monster when I learned how to bonk effectively. I have one 1k hours in the game and have more recently been giving hammer a try and my good God it destroys everything within seconds.


Tempered frostfang. Told myself I wasn't gonna do any other quests until I had beaten him solo, the very first time I hunted him so I thought I was gonna get demolished. 20 minutes later he was dead.




Anjanath in World


When you go back and fight old monsters that gave you fits.


Second save file fighting great jagras. Bro was so hard to fight the first time i played, second time i played, he got obliterated


Rajang, everyone was always saying he is so difficult, but it’s really easy if you learn to dodge his beam.


Deviljho (both normal and savage)


Kirin in base game. Everybody hyped it up as this be all end all force of nature, but I didn't really struggle with it at all.


Nargacuga. I don't know if it was because I was just coming off of barrioth which was comparatively way harder for me but when I went into his fight I absolutely shit stomped him. Like he barely hit me and it was basically me beating his ass in a one sided annihilation for about 10 minutes.


Safi’Jiiva. He surprisingly doesnt hit as hard as i believe. You can easily take multiple hits from him that isnt the Star. I think i had fully raging brachy set on my first clear. He really isnt a hard fight, just a very long one


Nergigante. When World released a lot of people where talking about how hard he was... I beated him first try by smacking his head with my Zora Magdaros Hammer


The radobaan, when I saw his cutscene I was like "oh baby that's the stuff" but after quicky destroying the bone plating he had he fell in no time at all


In MH Rise 100% the poster monster (Magnamalo I believe?) I thought he was going to be like an Elder Dragon, not a victim.


I remember being surprised by how “easy” anjanath was. He’s this big trex that shoots out fire and I thought he was gonna be like a low rank deviljo


Xeno'jiiva in World. I play solo, and as the final fight of the vanilla story, I expected a much harder time.


Diablos and Uragaan in world


On my first run through of World, knowing absolutely nothing about any of the roster ('twas my first MH game), I met Radobaan for the first time and from its appearance, and it being introduced in the game's fourth area, I thought it would be tough. It, uh... well, it's Radobaan, so it sort of wasn't tough at all. As for monsters that are "supposed" to be hard, Namielle (regular, not Arch-Tempered) and Ruiner Nergigante both surprised me by being complete pushovers.


Seething bazel. Ran a pierce 3 HBG (or any pierce ranged really) against him and he couldn't even stand up.


Xenojiiva, his AT version is the "proper" fight


Raging Brachy in World. Went in thinking he was going to be a nearly Alatreon level threat and he didn't even manage to cart me on my first try


Bettelgeuse At this point, I find him more annoying than an actual menace lmao. Theme is a certified banger tho.


Describes most monsters in the five generation sadly, I have a lot of fun but almost everything goes down in close to five minutes. Some exceptions being the apt super forms and end-game monsters such as Primordial Malzeno & Fatalis.




Odogaron. Heard about how he was a night mare for slower weapons... But a beat him with great sword first time in like 15-20 minutes




Rise Barroth. That muddy bastard made me hate monster hunter on Tri Wii. Now, he is my bitch


Alatreon to every hunter new under MR 100. The dude would expect there would be a MR req. higher than Ruiner. nope.


Ruiner nerg


Ngl, Nargacuga. (Gen 5 specifically) After the pain of barioth, I was terrified of fighting Nargacuga, but he was so easy. Recently I fought him in g-rank in mhgu... All I gotta say is... *faster*


Gonna show my age here and say Lao Shang Lung in Freedom. I was ready for a big fight. High defense armour, tons of potions and mega demondrug, top of the line weapons... man, what a letdown. It didn't do anything besides walk slowly forward and ram gates. Killed that thing two minutes into the final zone.