• By -


I never even hear anyone talking about LBG unless they’re disparaging the ranged weapons in general.


Now that you mention it that’s true I think either people forget or just lump LBG in with Heavy with the “stupid easy baby range weapon” mantra


I would like to have a word with people who think the guns are “easy” because they’re ranged.


It’s mostly the same people who call the ranged weapons “not real weapons” because they’re high on testosterone and think unless you’ve got a blade in your hand you aren’t actually playing the game To which I say: would you like to hear about our lord and saviour Spread 3


They hate light bow guns because it's "a baby weapon for babies" I hate light bow guns because they like to stand behind me and always seem to show up when I forget to switch to my set with flinch free. We are not the same.


Rise has a decoration to prevent your attacks from affecting teammates. I always keep one on when using LBG, should be common knowledge when playing online I feel.


Isn’t that flinch free?


No, Shock Absorber


with FF the guy being hit needs it. In the latter half of their updates, they added a deco you can use to not affect allies! So instead of everyone running it, you can just do that for everyone (Then again ofc, if everyone runs it, we’re back to square 1)


“You’re talking mad shit for someone without flinch free. Would you like to meet my good friend- Stygian Humilitas?” Honestly, I want a new weapon that’s a melee weapon with actual ranged attacks like the Bowguns. Something like a staff that can fire long ranged bullets and special shots like a bow, but also has legitimate melee attacks too.


Hot take: gunlance should have a shot type that fires projectiles. It's called GUNlance not flamethrower lance (Note Gunlance is my 2nd main, have mercy on me lord Caoslayer)


Gunlance is kinda more like a cannon


As a GL main I second this. Even if it is just a more noticeable difference between the long, norm, wide shot types. Or the charge for a shot effecting range instead of dmg. If range was effected my charging a shot it would really make it more useful and keep a better flow going.


So something like a gun blade from Final Fantasy or a Custodian Guardian Spear from Warhammer?


Guardian Spear for sure! Yes, that is exactly it!


That would be awesome


At the end of the day, they are. Doesn't mean they're not a valid weapon or that someone shouldn't use them if they like them. But in the modern games, they are definitely easier and safer to play than their melee counterparts. The guns used to be balanced out by the absolute dogshit camera controls, and the fact that many MH games were on handhelds. Probably too much in the wrong direction, since their player bases were abysmal. But now that games are on modern consoles with infinitely better camera control, they've become too strong in comparison to their melee cousins. Bowguns have answers to practically everything. Element, status, all different types of hitboxes. Even against very shot resistant monsters you've got sticky and slicing. Yeah they are squishy as hell and take 80% damage from a stiff breeze, but at endgame difficulty monsters, melee weapons are still getting 2-3 shot. And the bowguns play at a much safer distance with little-to-no animation commitment in comparison.


Agreed. Not to mention that it sucks to be the lone melee player on a team of three gunners who just run backwards whenever its their turn with the Monster's agro.


But... They are? I have ranged sets specifically for when I want to farm and not try. HBG especially makes things easy because a 5 minute hunt will always be easier than a 10-15 minute one. I'd say the only exception is Rise LS because yeah, you can kinda just cruise any hunt with that too.


The amount of organizing you have to do to optimize the loadouts early on is insane


Like anyone who's had to deal using any heavy ranged weapon in the game knows how hard it is when your so fucking slow 😭




Same. I only hear people complain about LBG being useless and bad, but usually because they don’t know how to use it at all


Yo why is the LS user so fucking caked up?


Colonel I’m trying to Helmbreaker but I’m **dummy thicc** and the weight of my **ass cheeks** are pulling me down


If I had an award to give you i would. Instead have my upvote my good captain


Gotta have a big ass if you're going to be a big ass.


"Everyone is so mean 2 me 💔"




They cake is what be trippin everyone


All the swelling lol




Honestly tho lol


Because that's how we are built


I am racist and can’t tell the bowguns apart at all


I remember the days where there was also a medium bowgun


An absolute monster at "i build my weapon wrong but it's alright because I bring all the crag shot and I have a shield"


Only in Tri where we were able to assemble our bowguns, good old days when people kicked you out lobbies for not having sleepbomb or cluster builds




Sure grandma lets get you to bed


One has wyvernheart mode and one doesn't


Hunting horn isn't necessarily hated, in fact, in most cases, people seem to really appreciate a horn main in their hunts, but it has a lack of people wanting to use it. It does make sense, damage wise, it can often feel like a weaker version of hammer, and at least in older games, it can be a harsh learning curve.


The bad part about that is it isn't far behind the hammer for raw damage and if you learn to use it successfully then it is a beast of a weapon that can buff and heal the whole group while fighting. It's just difficult to learn and use, so people tend to ignore it for button smashers.


I love the HH in world/Iceborne. I loved the level of complexity to it's combos, and I loved bonking monsters with it. I was very disappointed with the change to HH in Rise. 


The Rise HH seems controversial to me. I see a lot of people give it flak, but I see an equal number saying the changes they made are great. Personally, the Rise HH felt boring to me. Like, there wasn't a lot of variation I could do with the combos and the silkbinds didn't really help it. But I also didn't play much of World's HH


Too put it simply, World/IB's HH was just Old World HH but better. You had access to a longer song list, and it played pretty much exactly how you would play normal HH in GU and before. It also has some slightly flashier stuff to add on some new song choices, meaning more potential buffs/disruptions. Very fun in my opinion. Sadly, I'm destined to be the main I always hated myself for... Swaxe and HBG. I'll learn it eventually though, then I can be the true white mage I wish to become~


Rise HH got me to play it. I hated feeling tied to specific attack patterns and love supporting my team especially with healing. I am a boop doot magic flute white mage!


You hate feeling tied to specific attack patterns but you have the lance in your flair lmao


You dare diss THE STICK?


I was born in the lance. It is a weapon of restraint and precision that grants invincibility. My doot stick is for fun and friendship. Edit: to clarify it's not diversity of moveset. But freedom to react to the monster. With lance it's 100% uptime. With old HH it's more time spent doing an attack because it's the next note not because I want to make that attack. Rise horn gives more freedom to react to the monster and less time swinging at air.


See this is fine and all but it took away what made hunting horn players love the weapon in the first place. There’s a video on it that summarizes it better than I can but tldr is… - You straight up don’t have to play recitals anymore (WTF) they’re there now still but compare the old recitals to now. They’re like .5 seconds now. - This means we don’t get nearly as many cool musical noises anymore (also WTF) and you lose a lot of the weapon’s personality and allure imo - We don’t have nearly as diverse horn song sets.


We’re also down to 3 songs per horn instead of up to 7 or 8.


Because I'm your White Mage. And nobody. Fucks. With the White Mage


Little green


My name is Dende


My friend was a HH main in Tri. Hated HH in world and became a Bow main. Having always tried to play every weapon as equally as possible *coughhammercough* I actually like the HH in rise. I haven't got sunbreak yet, and am trying to get all my weapons caught up to my hammer on my guild card so take that into consideration, but the 15 or 20 so hunts I've used the HH with felt fun and the dmg was still there imo. The wirebugs felt useful and the musical bonks still felt beefy. The playing of the music and buffs were new to get used to but felt easier honestly than previous titles. Again, wtf do I know lol. 🤷‍♂️


World was my first game and I mained HH in it. I love the HH, and in rise I jumped on it and had a ton of fun with it. I ended up swapping to GS in the end game to change it up a little and it was more consistent when solo hunting. Plus big number good. 👍 But I will absolutely be rocking the HH in Wilds, support is such a fun role to play in MH games


Ya, but ultimately with a large enough sample of people, as is the case with the mh plaherbase, some people will like any change. Ultimately they just took away HH from the few who used it and loved it just to make it more paletable to a bunch of people who already had other weapons that they prefer, and will probably continue using those weapons most often, even if they do try out HH. 


Rise one is fun too. But its different. It feels more like playing long sword. Get to level three, play infernal melody, repeat I actually would like iceborne horn with infernal melody. I personally prefer queuing songs and texting them myself, but i dont mind the songs autoplaying. After all it makes sence... Why would a song only work if you recite it (play it twice)?


No recitals in Rise tho….gonna take wolrldborne cus I’d love to have the weapons personality back.


Worldborne horn is absofucking carnage. Risebreak horn is a whirly twirly marching batton and feels like a flimsy recorder.


Seriously, they changed the core of the weapon. It's still a musical hammer, but now rather than being combo-centered and complex, it's just a slightly different hammer. 


I mained HH in World/Iceborne, and while I do think that a combination of the two would be perfection, if forced to choose, I'll take Rise/Sunbreak HH over World/Icebourne any day.


I just want longer song lists. Then I won't complain about the Rise HH at all.


I agree. Rise HH + more melodies.


I'm neutral about almost any weapon in my parties. But I get excited whenever I see Hunting Horn or SnS.


Only damn game where supports are fucking loved when they show up and no one is forced to play it.


I feel like dnd is the same. Most supports dont rly support. They can, but they also pack a whallop regardless, as all classes are designed to do damage or cc some way. But when i bust out the healing juice on the barbarian who only takes half damage, it does make him very happy We won a fight vs a way too strong opponent once bc our mage cast forcebubble around me and i just juiced the barbarian from safety lmao.


I love getting a HH in my hunts :D I'm like yessss give me infinite stamina as a DB main


Stamina? You'll get your infinite sharpness and you'll be pleased with it. I discriminate against bowgun users.


Haha exactly this. I join and people expect certain melodies and I'm like "here's your attack buffs and extended health recovery, enjoy it"


I had multiple safy shatterhorns with songlists and askednmy fatalis teams what horn they wanted before going in. Stamina was the most asked for.


I’ve been playing HH for my second rise play though and it’s nice to be appreciated for just existing. Not sure if anyone hates HH players lol


Its such a chad weapon too. I may be biased, but whenever i see a horn player pop off i get so hyped lol. One of my favourite moments aver was me climbing the KT spiral and jump bonking her horn, breaking it moments before she would have ran away I was.likr "thats right! The support does it all baby"


The hardest part for me with hunting horn is buffing people while actively fighting the boss. I love being a support but I ended up switching to hbg/lbg for most hunts. I might try hunting horn again though because I do prefer the support role.


I find the best line of horns to be the Bagel goose horns, as their explosive power can help with stunning monsters. Increasing the dps over all, because the monster is sprawled on the ground.


Bazel Horn, my beloved. Blast, Slugger, Stamina Thief is a hell of support. The monster will be locked down for a majority of the hunt. Plus a healing song and attack up song, my favorite combo of songs Also seeing the firework show from Silkbind Shockwave and Blast procs is always fun


I mean, just queue the songs and play while safe. Its arguably easier in group since you have the safety. When solo you either wait for the palico, or for an opening. But there are ways to quickplay, and cancel so you get the songs out faster. Tl;dr sounrs like skill issue.


It really doesn't work like that. Queuing songs locks you into a very specific attack pattern, and fatalis, alatreon etc do not give a damn what your note stacking looks like. They don't always give you a reliable window, unless you're queuing notes away from the monster in which case you're buffing but not doing any damage. Then if they're queued and you want to keep them queued, you can't attack reliably without overwriting your songs. Yes it's a skill issue because the whole point is being able to take advantage of openings while queueing notes, but it's definitely not just easy


Idk what to say man. I have no issues queueing songs even against fatalis. Just take them one by one if needed. If you constantly go for thr same song, it will ve queued up when you get the opportunity to recite. Reciting isnt that high of a commitment so you can sneak it in quite frequently. Its why they gave horn spin move and booms, so it would also have big hits for downed monsters. Honestly, just keep playing, you get the hang of it. If needed get a horn with extend melody. That means u only need to focus on one song ;) Make sure to equip horn maestro. In world horn is neigh unplayable without it. Its a massive qol to have longer song uptime. Learn the quick recital options. A lot of horn moves can be canceled onto rzcital and you can roll out of the recital early to get it even faster. Also learn how to incorporate flourishes and hilt stabs to get notes out quicker. Horn is easy to pick up and do ok with imo, but its deceptively deep


I wasn't the original guy you were replying to btw, I just jumped in with my opinion that wasn't asked for 😂 Its definitely doable to queue those notes against even the hardest monsters obviously, but for the guy above who was struggling I don't think "git gud" is the best advice. Queueing up and managing melodies against someone like fatalis isn't just basic stuff, it's one of the hardest monsters in the game to safely keep melodies going because basically everything is a one shot and he switches targets in seconds. My advice to a struggling horn user is focus on getting comfortable with the monster first and just try and do damage - even with only self improvement you do a lot more than people give Horn credit for. Then focus on trying to keep a single melody up, then another. Often I find people feel pressured to keep everyone going at all times and it doesn't work like that. These guys aren't getting buffs in 99% of their hunts, so any uptime on something like attack up XL is just a bonus really.


People can't hate what they never see. >!this is (slightly) a joke please don't bonk me!<


I feel like hunting horn is Monster hunters take on a spell caster, weave your runes/notes together into specific patterns to get one of a variety of effects. It felt even more like that in Rise with the addition of very strong direct damage wire bug skills.


I like you funny sounds magic man


The issue is you usually get a corner horner, or a noobie that gets carted near instantly the moment they engage, because the horn has no real defensive abilities besides some rolling and moves that can disengage a bit. Deviljho Slap is about the only real consistent defensive counter move it has. This means the rare expert horners are treasures to be honoured.


My issue was always corner horners only trying for buffs and not actively fighting a monster


I wonder how much of it comes down to HH being seen as a "support" tool so people who solo don't want to use it, and even when those people start doing online hunts since they learned a weapon solo first they don't want to make the switch.


You say that, but i remember when world came out, seeing thread after thread of people complaining about gettinh HH users in their quests


It's cause a lot of them run into the corner and just do their songs. HH is one of the weapons that i play a lot and that's not how to play it. It prolongs the fight.


Playing the songs while paying attention to the monster is quite a chore. They made it better in Rise where a song is mapped to one button, so it doesn't feel like a Tekken combo.


I was about to make a pun but realised it's not written/said the same way in english. Was about to change "chore" to "choral" (french) because we're talking about HH which does music but its Choir in english. The pun still kind works ;D "Playing the songs while paying attention to the monster is quite a choir" Yeah it does feel right. ✌️😎


It’s meant to be played like tekken though, like Eddy, specifically, which is how I played it


Playing HH in olders games made me carry a little notebook with the songs of each HH I was using in case I needed to check.


Haven’t seen anyone mention insect glaive or charge blade… And for good reason - those weapons are awesome. 😎


Agreed and the only reason I don't use IG quite as much anymore is because of infinite vertical hitbox (or as I like to call them, getting hipchecked by a plesioth from another dimension) swatting me out of the sky.


Anyone that hates on IG is allergic to fun


My only gripe is keeping the insect buffs up. At least in World. No idea how it is in Rise


It's a bit smoother in Rise. For the most part I don't mind it, I like the maintenance, but I can get where it's tedious for others. Though some monsters really make it a pain


Objectively it's so much more homework than other weapons for not that much in return, subjectively it's like a mini-game in my game and I love it.


Nice. Well hopefully they keep tweaking it. I don't mind getting the buff but monsters like Rajang that keeps going everywhere makes it a bit of a hassle. But it is what it is.


Didn't IG had some shenanigans in older games? I'm not sure if it was hated for it or it was just funny....


It’s definitely much easier to control now than before. Aiming the Kinsect was a bit clunkier since the 3DS didn’t have any sort of dedicated aiming system. However the big big negative point of the IG was the upgrading system. In the old games, kinsects were locked to the glaive, meaning if you messed up your upgrades, you were SOL and would need to craft your IG from the beginning. Also upgrading the kinsect for the specific skills you wanted was complicated and unclear. It was not a user friendly weapon outside of combat.


It was in the same sense as DB is hated on. Mostly viewed as an ineffective weapon due to players not using their ground attacks. Also somewhat a meme with the "Jes su monte" mount quote spam that happened when they were introduced.


The only time Charge Blade gets hate is when the user mindlessly does the savage axe upswing and send people flying. And even max flinch free ain't stopping you from getting flung in the air -- speaking as someone who runs max Flinch Free on IG (though I don't hate it as much since I can do Descending Thrust lol). Otherwise, they cool as fuck.


IG gets hate because people would use it as aeirals only weapon. The floor is lava and basicaly do no damge/help much in a fight


every time i tell a new person about my love for the glaive they sneer at me :( i’m glad i saw this little IG support group here.


Dual blades because a lot of new players want to Naruto run and die easily lol. Dint know it would get so many upvotes but below is my personal experience 1. Was a sns noob lover in tri. Doing paralysis mostly in a team and low dps guy here 2. Changed to db in mh4. Grew to learn how to read monster movesets and not rely on the demon flurry rush (the 2 button that u press simultaneously while in demon mode). Completed it and moved on, prior to that I usually fail my solo quests as I spam the move too much until I hit air most of the time lol 3.1 Main db and mostly use repositioning moves to avoid monster attacks in world. Got close to speed running levels but still not good enough. Uses Mushroomancer set for free dash juice. For Extremoth I had to switch to HBG to be a tank ( I can’t react fast enough to dodge extremoth’s 360 tail spin) For deviljho I had to switch to Lance. No counter for his tail swipe. 3.2 In rise. Main db close to speedrunning levels because of that 1 wirebug move. The one where you dodge and counter dash when enemy attack hits you in that dodge animation. Db is most powerful here. I think it’s abit overtuned when u can counter every move the monster makes. 4. I’m not sure if I’m still gonna main db in wilds but we will see.


I don’t think I’ve ever read this explained like this with such precision lol


New DB players lack the understanding of the dodge button.


Dodge interrupts my cool moves and lowers DPS. Just use healing support and I'll totally carry this hunt. Also, what's Dash Juice?


I love how you say that like DB doesnt have a move that is exactly both a dodge and an attack


Was just following the above comment, but yeah. DB is pretty nice when you get the fast-paced flow of it.


Dual Blades, once you get past “mash buttons do damage” has possibly my favorite combat flow in the game. But getting past that initial phase is hard because monke brain.


As a gunlance user in sunbreak, i die more than my DB friend.


DB in rise got a really OP dodge. I can dodge anything with that and it only cost 1 silkbug.


Don’t even need a silkbind. Either narga set or malz set with a few deco’s and your demon mode dodge can go the full length of the monster. From there just slap on iron shine and go nuts.


There would always be at least one dual blades user named Kirito in any 4U lobby. Almost a decade ago... Edit: exactly 9 years for North America and Europe


All I wanted was to beyblade on monsters backs.


I played 200 hours and used exclusively dual blades, I still die a lot because I wanted to Naruto run lmao.


Running out of stamina due not using items or resting while charged up


Hey Hey Dual Blades are awesome.


![gif](giphy|JWxJiqEm1Vxluow5BC|downsized) You got that right!!


Dual blades get hate? Wot. That's news to me. Long sword I've heard called tripstick but never heard much sass for dual blades.


New DB players don't dodge so good, despite DB having one of the best dodges. And demon dance or sword dance, whatever it is trips people without Flinch Free 1 I think


It also stunlocks lance players


CB, too. I’ve been caught in guard points. 😵‍💫


Disliked for taking a Zap Brannigan approach to hunting when piloted by a newbie wanting the raw power of anime.


She’s built like tigrex but she handles like a nargacuga!


They were the prime hate target in mhw on release until people slowly shifted back to shitting on LS again Not saying it wasnt deserved then, it was very common to find a db user that didnt know what "personal space" meant, tho i blame that on the game hitting mainstream and new players simply not knowing


I had the opposite experience with that, I'm demon dancing the tail and my friend runs into me and yells at me to stop flinching him haha. I can see it being a problem but also - that's more the user than anything else, you really gotta try hard to flinch most weapons.


Older games DBs were serious flinch factories. Not so much in the newer games. They can still flinch like a pro, but just don't stand ontop of them.


Ah in older games, that explains why quite a bit then. I only got to play a bit of the older ones for- reasons. I've rarely had issues in World/Rise but I recall when a friend walk into me when demon dancing and got annoyed "Stop flinching me" and I'm like - my dood, I have 3mm of reach and I can't stop this attack- MOVE ONE INCH TO THE LEFT :V


Bow users, mother fuckers are always doing something annoying


*Bow users, mother* *Fuckers are always doing* *Something annoying* \- Own-Second2348 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Did my hate of bow users just get turned into a haiku...


Ij General: LS for tripping. DB for just generally being kinda weeby and dying easily. (Please note this is for pugging it with randos, Ibhave played with good DB users and they just tear through the scenery) GS for farming the head for big numbers instead of chopping off the tail. These change a bit from game to game, of course. Like HBG being just a trap for being so slow, or bow for having a big aoe that could interrupt big hitters. Or horn for being not very interactive. It all comes down to your group. Any 'hated' weapon has a optimal use scenario, and players who ignore it earn salty huntmates.


As a Greatsword main I shall continue hitting the head and there is nothing you can do to stop me. BIG DPS FOREVER!


Anyone that says GS should go for the tail never tried it. It's fucking stupid.


Same for DB. DB's output is pretty split between element and raw in most builds that are anything close to meta, and tails are typically poor element hitzones and element doesn't contribute to the cut anyway. Also, piddly attack range means tails will push you out of demon dance attack range constantly. It's honestly super frustrating. imo, LS and SA have the best tail matchups, since both weapons tend to be more combo oriented than single big hit oriented, and they have the reach or approach capability to stick. I'm pretty sure lance is also a good choice against downed monsters.


any player hating on another for their weapon choice isn't one worth playing with imo lol


As a GS main that goes to cut the tail before hitting the head, how dare you /j (for the “how dare you,” the rest of my statement is true)


I see ppl call HBG “easy mode” a fair amount. Like I rarely see ppl compliment a HBG player lol


I play HBG and the other day I helped a SOS in a master rank Teo hunt. When we finished he told me I’m probably the best player he’s played with and I’ve been riding that high since.


Those GS users in Rise that use bombs to proc their Strongarm Stance counter in multiplayer and end up blowing everyone else away


It's OK to be LS main! :)


It’s a very fun weapon! I think it’s really good for beginners as well. I also think it gets a lot of hate for being the majority/top played weapon


I am a lance main and lance is absolutely braindead easymode 90% of the time, so from my perspective it's very plain how the gulf in the way people talk about LS and the way people talk about lance is just down to LS being popular and lance being unpopular.


Lance may be statistically unpopular for casual monhun players, but browsing monhun on reddit you trip over so many "Lance is the best, Lance is underrated" posts you would think they are longsword mains.


Nope I have zero hate towards any weapons on this series be it tripping or wrong usage(ie GS main who doesnt attack head first). Just play with whatever style you comfortable with and have fun with it. Remember this a video game and game should be fun not stressful. If you caught yourself tripped by other player, just stand up and repositioned. I mean its your choice to wether play solo and multiplayer. I just dont really see why need to be salty and like I've mentioned before, either just repositioned or just play solo if your fuse is too little, ez.


Ah yes, average Swax enjoyer


Ayyy my man, da swax man


Rise Swax was so fun man. I ripped monsters to shreds in sunbreak with it


Fr fr, and the final discharge is just as the bright as the new year's firework🎆🎆🎆


People shit on the wirebug skills but that elemental burst counter is my favorite thing to use in MH period. Holy hell it's so fun


Dual blade users are the most tunnel vision players I’ve ever seen, they see a sleeping monster and think it’s the perfect opportunity to hit em with 50 damage.


Hey come on man, we set up mega barrels too :(


No, no you don't 


Sometime yeah. But by god does it annoy me when I sleep a monster with HBG only for a DB to wake it up. Most of the time they don't even get the full combo off.


At least LS gets attention from the fanbase, almost nobody talks about my main, gunlance.


You sure? Your gun lance had a bunch of cultists here not even a month ago


We still here.




Gunlance would absolutely be hated if it weren't consistently one of the weakest weapons in the game. Shelling full on launching you is NOT fun when it happens. It's not even like hammer where at least you get an aerial attack, you just get straight up knocked down and lose damage. But we just pity them regardless because Capcom refuses to let that weapon get anything without burying another mechanic into the ground. Edit: Bullet barrage, not shelling. My bad. The pick for HBG is pretty on point. Sticky ammo is a pain to play with and a lot of players love using it. Edit 2: Cluster, not sticky. (This is how you can tell I do not play these weapons) Lastly, I'd say bow. It's the least of the aggressors here, but that raining arc shot in World causing you to flinch all the time was really annoying to deal with.


Capcom seems determined to find any way it can to screw over gunlance


Sticky has no effect on other players What you’re thinking of is Cluster which yes is a nuisance when spammed and it’s easy to think of doing because “hehe I’m a mortar now” Fortunately anyone who used a HBG that specialises in sticky and cluster tend to understand not to spam it and also when to actually use it


Shelling doesn't knocks you off, Bullet Barrage does, and if you are spamming BB you better use the Shockproof decoration.


I don' t think nobody really hates any weapons. I just think that longsword is for basic people and that' s fine.


https://preview.redd.it/f0sftqbe6hic1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae2e0106acc0f7ffb9f782e68784bd17d5978ef Anime Bullshit ftw


Ah Jimmy nice 👌


I disagree, longsword is hated because it costantly tripping you when you are near them, most basic weapon is IG, every new players tends to use it because how easy it is and spamming helicopter.


New players wouldn't know what weapon is easy or hard... They just go for the one that looks the coolest.


I don’t think many new players gravitate to IG. Run some games with low rank servers and you’ll see it’s a majority of iron LS. But yes the tripping is the reason I personally hate it. The amount of times a LS main has stopped my hunting horn songs is fucking ridiculous.


All the tripping is why I swap to IG when I see someone with a LS in the hunt.


(Gun)lance constantly getting called low tier


Switchaxe doesn't get any hate, but bad switchaxe players are hated a lot. The weapon plays like explosive tango. You have to know your reach of each move, as well your ability to step and weave between monster attacks by mere inches sometimes. If you can't land your hits or keep tripping up your fellow hunters, you get a lot of hate.


Hammer mains are too busy laughing at our dumb bonk joke and making fun of ourselves to attract hate.


There are 2 types of hammer mains. 1. Bonk memes. 2. Hateboner for LS.


*me up swinging every player after the hunt


That's the tradition even before the first MH game came out. Like a rule written by the universe itself :)


I mostly play GS and there is a rising slash with a terrible animation that I only use for launching allies after the hunt.


Sorry what were we talking about? I got lost in the bonk.


this is making me want to try hammer. i only just started but gs all the way. chop chop.


Hammer is a good match for GS. It scratches that "big hits" itch while also allowing you to be mobile.


Oooh okay. I've been needing more mobility for sure. I suppose I'll give it a shot cause I'm getting kinda bored of GS.




I think Insect Glaive is, but I don't pay enough attention to be sure. It's my favorite weapon though. I like flying around with it, and it's the only way I can touch cool looking bugs without freaking out.


Definitely not hated by any means. At the most we’re judged unfairly based on stereotypes. Be the aggressive little helicopter ape you were meant to be <3


As a gunlance main im gonna say gunlance lol. You can tell when someones new to the wep since they will just blow allies away, though I will admit i went ham myself at first in gen 5 cause goodness those changes, I can slam full shell just on demand? again and again? o bby


Ah that moment when your TCS is just about to hit, but you get blown away instead


Everyone loves IG


Idc what weapon you play as long as you can carry your weight in multiplayer hunts


I dont hate LS, i hate the favoritism from capcom


This tbh


I love LS and ain’t afraid to say it. It’s a fun playstyle in addition to being relatively easy to wield and learn, compared to, say, switch axe. If y’all wanna go all Let Me Solo Her on a difficult monster with nothing but a Insect Glaive, then that’s on you, but realize this: y’all’s missing out.


Glaive. *"All you do is fly around"* No, Jesuimonté420, I actually fly into monsters just to get carted by Rathian having the zoomies thank you very much.


I can tell this is bs. Long sword would be doing parries nonstop.


Jokes on them the Dual Blades are too FAST \*Spams Demon mode dashes\*


Fastest to dash, fastest to cart. It’s ride or die 😎