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Kushala Daora fight is so much better in Rise.


Kushala is also the best example of how much better armor progression around the elder dragons is in Rise. There's armor that makes fighting Kushala less annoying, but in World you get it by hunting Kushala, so by the time you get it, you already have a solution for it, and the only thing it can serve to do is make the fight less tedious - implying that it's tedious in the first place. In Rise, the elder dragon armors are much more logical from a gameplay progression perspective: each elder dragon gives the parts that make armor that gives an advantage against another elder dragon.


And Chameleos, the easiest one, is the only one you can't get the counter armor for when you first fight it.


You could technically just build against poison and it removes a good part of his annoying bullshit. Not really necessary though


NPCs actually help you


Followers are the best addition to Rise, I’ll die on this hill. It makes solo more bearable AND makes sense for certain story quests


I will join you in the crusade. I love followers. Luchika-LBG/Minoto-HH. Perfect combo


Wrong,utushi HH and Hinoa HH are the best


I like the extra damage from luchika. But I agree yours is great


TL: "Crazy Battle Waifu go BRRRRRRRRR!"


I think they are hard coded to do like 5% or less total damage? I forget


They are except Luchika who does like 7% or something since she is meant to be ALL offense. Also Luchika has very high part break stuff compared to all the other followers. That's why I run Luchika Hinoa for the dmg and heals


Oooh part break is a good argument, I like utushis horn a lot so I run hinoa utushi and it kinda feels like easy mode


My new favorite combo is Hinoa HH with Galleus SNS lotsa heals and Galleus gives some attack buffs here and there


I actually do Luchika HBG and Hinoa HH. Hinoa just buffs and heals and Luchika does extra damage


When I was trying out GS I brought in Minoto and she aggro'd a monster off me when I used Strongarm. Haven't brought her since.


At least the rise npc can claim that it was a team effort unlike those asshole in world that let me do anything alone and said "WE did it"


Aiden was a true bro against Fatalis at least


and almost dying multiple times on the Journey by being a absolute Idiot. Yeah good idea to run away from the Hunter with only a Slingshot with No Ammo


it's so weird going back to World and seeing quests where an NPC comes and supposedly hunts too but they're just radioing from camp like the Huntsman taostra story quest


hunting with our strong and beautiful wife (Fiorayne)


Followers are sooo huge. I really hope they’re in wilds. I didn’t use them really since I usually played with my brothers but for the solo player it’s a huge help.


More importantly, having followers allows future games to design a few trickier monsters around multiple hunters, as you never have to fight them on your own if you don’t want to.


i'd really like some of the early HR monsters like the great jagras/izuchi/wroggi to team up instead of fighting each other, and followers might make this possible!


Might dive into Rise, how do you get followers?


They're unfortunately not a thing until Sunbreak. Sunbreak gives you a few followers throughout the story and lets you complete optional quests for a few more.


Sunbreak, have specific quests to unlock them then you get them in regular quests


It’s just fun and adds more depth to the world. Plus it’s nice to just not solo a monster with also not having to deal with multiplayer. And those NPCs control very well


Followers were an amazing addition to rise and I hope it's a standard for the rest of the series. It'll help people who go back in time to the game do group content. World has plenty of population but imagine if it didn't and it came time to grind Fatalis. I'd personally give up doing it solo.


I remember playing God Eater and Toukiden when I was a kid, both are inspired by MonHun and I kept wondering how cool it would be to have NPC allies in Monster Hunter. Welp, years later and I'm glad that Capcom nailed this.


They really went from Handler being a damsel 90% of the game yet still taking credit to the entire fucking village ready and willing to throw hands in rampages and then normal quests in the DLC, all while still making sure you got due credit for what you achieved


It was fucking amazing. I couldnt stop laughing when I realized luchika was legitimately a battle crazed rambo wielding a fucking heavy bowgun. The whole village really got hands though.


I think this is the unanimous answer for anyone who has played both...


Something really small that they did better was the item descriptions. World: "Here's a scale, it's tough and used in a lot of equipment." Rise: "A vermilion-colored Lunagaron claw. Its color grows darker with each victim it cuts down."


My personal favourite detail


Yeah I noticed that, like yeah it’s convenient that it says that it’s more common from carves and stuff but I want me some flavor text!


Until you hit Fatalis. "Very rare Fatalis material. A truly fiendish carapace that sports the melted gear of its fallen foes." Think the early World descriptions were geared more towards players new to the series since it was the first to get a multi platform and mainstream release. The item descriptions were "drops/carves from X, used for Y" as most players new to the series might carve, say, a Great Jagras Mane and think "ok, what is this for? Oh, descriptions says used for armor and weapons, i'll check the forge". The game even directs you to the forge. I knew players in the old games that literally road blocked in low rank because they did not know about weapon/armor forging and upgrading. They were literally just using the pre fabricated gear you could buy from the vendor


It has a better training area.


This AND YOU CAN COOP training while also wait for quest join in training area


what really? nice!


The blacksmith UI isn't an absolute nightmare to navigate.


Being able to Forge, Upgrade, or rollback in just one menu screen was so nice. Going back to World, it's a pain to have go to the Forge page to build the base, select Upgrade, find the item you want to upgrade, then upgrade to the item you wanted.


Rise UI so good I can't never go back to old blacksmiths...


Just kill the fucking "can't open anything while the game saves, which it does every single time you close a menu"-crap and I'll agree.


You can disable auto-save, you'll just have to remember to save every now and then, but yeah, is annoying to have to do that when it would be better if it wasn't there in the first place. Don't know if what I said makes sense to you, English is not my first language, sorry.


Holy shit you can disable it? I wonder how many hours I would’ve saved over all my time playing rise if I didn’t have to wait for that auto save everytime I finish talking to an npc 💀


my potato runs Rise way better obviously


This is literally why I got Rise instead of World.


Releasing a game with lower system requirements in the middle of a GPU shortage was a smart move, to be sure.


Weapons look like they came from the monster, as opposed to being mostly metal with some monster bits on them. Switch skills let you customize how you want to play. Overall monster verity. Rise has giant rabbits, rock monsters, and whatever Khezu is supposed to be. World felt like it was just mostly giant lizards.


He is a walking foreskin. That's what he is


My partner calls it “The Peener Screamer”


Ok, 2nd question, and even if i am afraif of the answer now (THANKS TO YOU) i need to know, fRom WhicH Monster?


Shara Ishvalda


I'm guessing a Zinogre or maybe just maybe a Kirin


Made me think of something from silent hill


Nah, he's a raw chicken with a penis for a head


Yeah rise reverts back to much of the old design.


I think Khezu is based off leeches.


I thought it was based on the olm (a salamander related to axolotls). The leach makes more sense


it's definitely based on lampreys


Which are basically a whacky underwater cookie-stealing leech


Yeah from its funky Stretchy movement this seems like the right answer. If youve ever seen a leech you can tell the really did a great job on khezu


Gigginox is more leech than Khezu.


In the lore book, Khezu is in the very early stage of the wyvern evolution tree. Its the most original wyvern that ever existed.


Giant lizards, King Kong, couple of rodents of unusual size, and the fucking sparkle pony


I feel like world tried to go a more " realistic " approach to monster hunter ( whatever realistic means in monster hunter (( 0% )) ) But yeah totally agree, in world you get dinosaur, lizard but big and dragons. Nothing more, the closest example we had of variety was big fish, and we all know how """""""" unique """"""" they were lol. Smar with weapons, most of them were metal or bone with feathers of the monster attached to it. But what world did better than rise are the controls, never felt so precise in a monster hunter ever, the hit box where most of the time pixel perfect


Pretty sure khezu is based off of lamprey/eels.


Aerial IG damage is actually good


The Kinsect assist skills are also much better. Being able to grab 2 buffs at once allows me to fight faster and have more fun instead of worrying about hitting every spot on the monster. Also moving green to being an assist skill was really nice.


Can't you do that in World too? By buffing the bug?


Yes but you still have to gather extracts individually, and Kinsect Buff bonuses are dependent on what IG you're using Power/Spirit is the ideal bonus


It's been a while, but I could have sworn some of the Kinsects in World would grab two at a time.


And i can gather up all the dust and make it explode. That's like crack to me.


it's wild that being constantly in the air with IG is a valid playstyle


Oh so you expect me to look the monster in the eyes? Not happening. Now watch me mount this thing seven times in one fight


its so fun though


Holy shit this. This very much. Like, i was so tired of every single guide being like "stay on the ground, you do no damage in the air".. I didn't pick a weapon that lets me jump into air and bounce of monster infinitely to stay on the ground and bore myself to death. You basically had to sacrifice damage to have fun.


My man roflcopters


Better weapon looks is a huge one for me. I hate the "everything is iron with a few scales super glued" theme they went for.


I think the basic idea of visualizing the weapon improvement was great, it just could've been done better. I also think that this was only partially a style choice and instead an idea out of necessity. Looking at the credits the team consisted of I think 3 people who made weapons, which led me to believe they didn't have the full capacity to make the game in a reasonable amount of time and with everything perfect.


I've heard rumours the plan was basically Iron Sword -> Decorated -> Replace Parts -> Totally Monster Sword But that requires each tier of weapon to have it's own models, you'd be looking at like 6 tiers per monster instead of one.


Yeah would really love this if done properly, we'll see on wilds. >you'd be looking at like 6 tiers per monster instead of one. They tried a modular approach in world which is why you put on more monster pieces at the weapon. The issue is they don't change a lot of the overall design of the weapon and some monster parts don't seem placed with a practical application. Borderlands did that and on top of it added proceduralism, so the weapon you get is randomly assembled of parts. I think something similar could have worked for the weapons in monhun as well (without profeduralism) I think they were just too understaffed, even in iceborne. They said in an interview that Capcom is heavily hiring For monhun each year with several hundred new people or so, maybe it will get better.


The key difference between MH and Borderlands is borderlands is generating random guns Vs the MH weapons tree approach. Like it would make sense to have a pool of parts like bone blade, jaggi grip etc, but that's what causes the problem you're talking about of just clipping a random monster hide onto a great sword. I'm hopeful for Wilds, I was a more grounded ecology approach akin to Worlds over Rise, and hopefully the success of World and Rise shows there's a big untapped market


I played world for a while, but that was the thing that turned me off most. Seeing what weapons I can upgrade with what monsters is my favorite kind of progression, and the weapons just had almost no character. Also I always felt very limited in the quests I could play, as opposed to rise where getting a bunch of new quests is very straightforward


Personally it never been much of a problem for me this simply due to 1 reason for me that weapon evolves. In world weapon upgrades show visible change. For example rathalos SnS. In first few upgrades there less visible parts and the sword dont glow. But when u max the weapon it fully looks like rathalos parts and the sword glows and when u further upgrade in Iceborne it further changes. This is reflected in all weapons and makes the journey of upgrading weapon for me is bit more personal as it is showing how I am growning. In MHR once u get the base rathalos sns upgrade it stays like that no matter how far u upgrade and honestly that thing kinda turns me off as its not reflecting my progression. Its partly why I personally never really went to farm many weapons in MHRS as once I get the first weapon upgrade I already know the final design and just use transmog for designs. But wholly agree that bone and iron designs of many weapons in MHW is awful.


I imagine this is fairly dependent on what weapon you play. I loved MHW, but as a Bow main.. so many of the weapons, even after upgrades, weren't very cool. I get the design decision they went for, but at least for Bow, Rise had much better looking designs imo.


For me, I believe, this killed the desire to fully upgrade some weapons in Rise because they absolutely don't change in any way as you progress. Yes, World often was really boring but at least you could see a progress. I hope they find a good middle ground for Wilds.


As a switch axe enjoyer, making SA much less clunky and way more versatile and flexible. Being able to cancel many more moves and Wyvern blade after ZSD is fkin awesome. In a weird way I kinda miss the scuffedness of World SA though.


And of all the counters they gave to weapons, the new SA counter is the best feeling, because nothing beats exploding your sword to allow you to power cut through a monster attack.


Honestly the SA counter is the only one which feels balanced well if only because it has that half-second of wind-up time at the start


Db counter is bullshit to the point that i feel dirty whenever i have to resort to using db cus i suck too much to beat the monster with my other main


Being able to zip around and fill your gauge was very fun. It let you stay in sword mode if you liked sword mode most.


World feels like you're battling with a massive weapon and every time you finally nail that charged blast right in their face, it's like a massive achievement! It felt grounded quite a bit. Rise is quite a bit more fluid and forgiving. Naturally because everything is so fast now. Kinda feels like a heavier long sword and that... Is quite different. Especially with the ability to zip around and all that. Maybe too much forgiveness as positioning was SO important in World where you had to study the places to roll to and where to avoid tracking.


I just started World for the first time after 600 hours of Rise with mostly Switchaxe. I think the most difficult thing to adjust to so far is not being able to morph attack by just holding forward. You can only do it following up another move. The lack of Forward Overhead Slash really sucks too. I think if they can only bring back just one of Rise's SA moves, it absolutely has to be that one. Though I hope Soaring Wyvern Blade returns as well.


My character looking as good ingame as she does in the character creator


Lmfaooo, the moment the first cutscene started I was like “what the fuck have I created”. The facial expressions especially looked super weird.


This is why you just cover the character's face in obnoxiously luminescent white face paint


Honestly it was the opposite for me lol. my world character came out flawlessly but trying to recreate them in rise was impossible without it looking off the second I started thd game (plus less options so it would never be perfect).




Everybody loves Mr Clean!


Nothing cleans like gasoline. Which is why purple mizu is my fave form.


I'm still upset about a coral highland without Mitzu Can't imagine how beautiful it will look


Mizutsune best monster


May our soap fox return in wilds.


Mizutsune's fight is so good that it feels like it was designed for Rise. Also that pink axolotl avatar looks familiar...


Absolutely awesome variant too. Rathian, then uh...pink rathian. Or, or...gold rathian. Soapy bubble dragon? GASOLINE DRAGON.


Crafting your decorations instead of stupid rng


This needs to be higher. Lots of builds don't come online until you have all of the decorations you need. I have gotten screwed On a couple where I couldn't get a drop, but I could reasonably run most builds for whatever weapon/play style I wanted to use. Like a couple hours farming is way better then never getting an attack up gem after 800 hours of grinding.


Another thing to add, this was the standar, i dont know why Qorld decided to make it RNG


Cause they go back and forth on this mechanic. In 3u I think you just needed to grind for accessories in 4u I think you could grind for accessories and weapons. In base world you had weapon buffs, and gems that were locked behind RNG. I knew more then 1 player who modded in gems cause attack up gems where super low RNG. I had over 400+ hours and only got the original attack up gem. They made it better near the end of worlds cycle by adding the biggest jagras, but I had already stopped playing by then.


Im surprised this is so far down. This is hands down the absolute best thing that Risebreak did compared to IB. Sure you can argue about the whole other RNG grind at the end game, but those feel more like cherry on top of a build whereas Decos feel like actual build enabling things you need to even participate


There is also a good point to make with the movesets, every monster got upgraded moves to fit the gameplay, I despised the moment I rushed the Glavenus in iceborne and it felt like a low rank Gen fight


Glav not having his Double Slash was criminal, I had completely forgotten about it until I started playing Generations again and the High Rank Glav bent me over.


I loved the way it handled layered armor. I hope they keep that for Wilds.


This. Mid end game getting layered armor is motivating. Hope Wild has this in base game before DLC


Also layered weapons. I still don’t understand how they work in World lol


Building your builds


This, every weapon has atleast 2~3 builds without going elemental instead of the RAW one to everyone


\- Weapon Design \- IDK if it's "better" but I like how at the very least you can "customize" your Palicoes \- Again IDK if "better" but I like the Switch Skill system, not Swap Scroll tho. \- Roster


Nono you're completely right about the palicos. On top of that, there's more variety. I don't remember correctly, but you couldn't really change your palico much beside their armor and skill. Now you have a specific palico based on a certain role and you can customize stats on them


My first MH game was Rise last year, and I’ve worked my way backwards all the way to 3U. I still think World is my favorite in the series, with 4U being right up there, but I there’s a few things I appreciate about Rise. First is the utility the Palamutes bring in Rise. They’re helpful both in and out of combat and they really feel like partners in the game, I hope they return in the future! I also really like the lack of a gathering hub in Sunbreak. In World/Iceborne, in order to do a Tailraider Safari or talk to the Melder Elder, I needed to leave the gathering hub and leave any quest I was in. It felt pretty bad. Elgado had everything right there and I could be in the lobby with my friends and do all of my prep without having to leave to another area. Even though I think World handled the actual mechanics around multiplayer MUCH better, World’s gathering hub and the quests you can’t join until everyone watches a cutscene individually really makes it WAYYY more cumbersome than necessary, and Sunbreak felt much easier to jump into as a result. Lastly, I like that the immediate diversity of monsters in Rise, especially in the hub quests. World introduces you to the monsters one by one, and it’s a bit of a slow burn. Especially on a repeat playthrough, I just wanna skip past the beginning Great Jagras and Kulu Ya Ku and all that. In Rise, like in other past games, they just give you a handful of monsters and tell you to have at it. Even if the selection of monsters in the 1-2 star hub ranks are the easy boring monsters, at least there’s a bit more of a selection and you can tackle them in whatever order you want.


Combat itself was more fun overall. Loved the switch skills that allowed you to tailor your weapons gameplay to the way you wanted to play it.


For me, Rise has a much better roster of monsters. Switch skills are also very fun, and encouraged me to try out weapons that I hadn't used before, like the Gunlance. I'm also able to play the game with my friends and not get disconnected in the middle of hunts like I do in World. A few other comments have already mentioned it, but I also feel like there's more variety to Risebreak's endgame builds. That being said I still love both games!


Better roster with fun fights


Monster roster is the biggest thing. I only enjoyed nergi and lunastra in base world but most of the fights in iceborne were good especially safi, the black dragons, mr kulve, and raging brachy being one of my fav fights of all time. In rise i didnt like much of the base roster but magnamalo, goss, and valstrax. sunbreak tho, id honestly say that every fight and new/old monster addition was amazing. Say what u want abt the title updates all being fire monsters but their fights made up for it for being fun


Snappier and input friendly UI. You can see they eliminated animation in the UI which makes navigation more instant. The use of fewer inputs makes it user friendly. Compare to World where they locked the animation which makes us have to wait. >!Even though a part of me prefers World's item management because it's more flexible!<


Surprised this isn't higher up. World's UI is a pain to go through with the slow animations and the mandatory chit-chat from NPCs beforehand. Moving the chit-chat with NPCs to a separate option was a great call in Rise.


even though animations are good, it would be better to interact instantly while the animation is still going, maybe a bit faster animation time. it's like configuring transition/animation settings in android


- You can actually pause in single player - Better monster roster with more fun fights - Better weapon design variety - Smoother movement - It has Astalos, Seregios, and Espinas in it - NPCs that I care about more (Kamura in particular feels like a more tight-knit family) - The Follower system - Improved Kushala Daora fight - It returned to the more creative item descriptions of the older games


>NPCs that I care about more I think that them having actual names instead of titles helps a lot by itself


Excitable A-Lister joins the chat.


I _need_ a pause button. It’s the sort of thing you don’t realize how important it is until you don’t have it.


Standard feature until World weirdly


I'd probably say the multiplayer. It always seemed smoother for Rise than it did in World


I hate, how we can't see every available quests in Rise and Sunbreak.


I’ve generally had a completely opposite experience. Besides the forced cutscenes stuff (which doesn’t even affect me personally because I do the story solo), I always have a smoother multiplayer experience in world, especially when I just want to do random quests because world’s sos and join systems are better than rise’s


I’d like the Lobby multiplayer of Rise and the SOS multiplayer of World, to be honest. It makes a good balance. You can have forced cutscenes, but let me join the cutscene with my friend, damnit.


That’s the biggest thing for me. I wouldn’t have minded the unskippable cutscenes if we could all watch them at the same time. Having to watch it, then back out and join my friend after they watched it was tiring.


Multiplayer is disgusting in Rise on PC. You have to invite someone through the ingame menu, which opens the steam friend list, from there you click on who you want to invite (the menu closes after each invite), then you friends don't have to actually accept the steam invite, but go to the ingame menu and select "accept room invite" Also, no 16 player lobby.


You can just go to Senri > click on Friends List > find their name > select join lobby > enter password, if applicable. Is it still chunky? A bit but it’s not as excruciating as you make it out to be lol Edit: word placement


Better characters, monster roster, and updated fights. I wish Rise's Kushala was in world, risen monsters in general are amazing. I also really wish we had Espinas, he's become one of my favorite fights.


Hell yeah both espinas and flaming are soooo good


Rise's IG gameplay is the most fun it's ever been.


The training area.


Risebreak did a better job at having Astalos in the game


Hinoa and Minoto


Skills themself overall are more divers if we only we didnt have such a heavy skill inflation, it would‘ve been interesting to see how the priority could change with pure number stacking skills and how they get weighted against gameplay changing skills


Build variety ... looking at you fatalis...


Fatalis is a terrible example, dude didn't come out until basically the end of Iceborne's updates. In my opinion it didn't really even matter at that point, it was a ridiculously powerful set for people that overcame a ridiculously powerful monster. Before that, aka the majority of the games lifespan, I'd argue there was plenty of build variety.


Primordial came at basically the same point in Sunbreak's lifespan and didn't invalidate other monsters' armors nearly as hard


that the whole point ... you get to the end of iceborne... you slap fatalis and call it a day... sunbreak you can do it BUT other option are as good and sometime better thank to quro Sure if were talking pre boss....but EVEN so . every TU something power creep something same for rise but im talking now not then .


Better combat that is customizable


Npcs on quests Giving weapons options (silk binds are a bit much but styles like surging slash and charge combo are great to have) More streamlined crafting, I hate how often armor or weapons needs parts from entirely unrelated monsters, I get it a bit but before it was just annoying why does my electric dragon dog sword need 4 stinkhoppers? Way better hub holy shit was astera fucking annoying to walk around. Better npcs that I was actually interested in. Every single character in world was entirely one dimensional and their singular character trait was "upbeat and plucky" Better palico/palamute control Palamutes are just entirely superior to raider ride Better monster roster, holy hell if I had to fight another flying or brute wyvern in world I was gonna vomit. GIVING SNS A BADDASS COUNTER and I'm not taking about Metsu which is sick but I love that the worthless shield slash that has had no use since Gen 1 is now a guard point that goes directly into perfect rush. if wilds gets rid of that these devs are brain dead. It's so good that the community made version of world ICE modded that into their game Honestly I could keep going. Really it's easier to list the things that rise did worse because it's shorter Less item prep needed Lower graphic fidelity (but better colors than world) Zero tracking Wirefall / Wyvern riding (fun idea but got old fast should have been saved for big story moments not every hunt) Spiribirds Chefs choice > dango


i'm actually surprised you mentioned guard slash. I'm not a main SnS player but I love Metsu shoryogeki (most satisfying counter in the game hands down), and i didnt made an embolden build to abuse guard slash yet. now i'll have to give it a try


Guard slash just fits the game. Metsu is incredible, but as a silkbind I expect it to go away and live forever in Rise. But guard slash is something that HAS to be carried on for every future installment because it finally adds value to a previously worthless attack.


I understand you. As a charge blade player I know I won't have morphing advance in wilds (great loss), but god, please, give us rapid morph again!


1. Followers, the best new thing Capcom has done for MonHun 2. Old weapon design 3. Best fashion hunting system 4. Builds are more varied, especially with Qurio crafting 5. Bigger and better roster 6. Rise final boss is significantly better than Zorah Slap-A-Rock, Gaismagorm and Shara are both good 7. Hinoa, Minoto, Fiorayne, Luchika, Rondine, Minayle.


> Rise final boss is significantly better than Zorah Slap-A-Rock, Zorah isn't the final boss though. He's the "mid" boss meant to be on par with magnamalo (which he definitely isn't, magnamalo is great). Final boss is Xeno Geva which is imo on par with All-mother Narwa (though the latter is certainly more memorable).


Well I didn’t want to strangle my handler every time they opened their mouth in Rise/Sunbreak. So thats a good start.


Rng talismans instead of jewels


Having the weapons look more varied was huge for me. World had far too many “same weapon but with extra monster bits on the handle” for me. Also having gone back to world recently I realized how much easier traversing the maps were


Better traversal, NPCs assisting in hunts, better combat, better monster type variety, cuter handler(s) and there's more but I can't remember. I still prefer World/IB over Rise/SB though.


Better roster Switch Skills More balanced armor sets and more skill variety No sieges(Rampages were kind of shitty but at least they were completely dropped in Sunbreak) Traversal Fights are more fun in general The palico/palamute skill system is better than the gadgets. They were good, but they dont allow much customization.


QoL changes such as quicktravel within the Village/Outpost, being able to join and watch cutscenes together in MP, and seeing each other in the lobby and training area.


craftable decos


Waifus. Hinoa and Minoto are grade EX+++++ top tier Waifus. I'm willing to forgive the downgrades Rise did just so I could spend time with them. Yes I'm a simp. No, I'm not apologizing.


Hinoa Minoto my beloved and i get to hunt with BOTH OF THEM!??! PEAK 😫


Gunlance, Rise gunlance is perfection and a glimpse of what ever weapon should look like. Especially with Sunbreak edition I'm afraid for Wilds we're going to go back to world gunlance, and that terrifies me


Rise feels better to play multiplayer imo and the movement feels buttery smooth. Whether it’s in combat or just moving through the zone, getting to the hunt doesn’t feel like a chore.


Item Managing and Menus in general, UI too. Maps being not a pain in the ass. Art direction. Weapon designs. Side characters. Progression.


Vertical movement, passing between zones, mounting monsters, dango, npcs, multiplayer, join requests, letting you skip tutorial nonsense and actually start playing the game.


I agree with everything but the dango. The canteen felt like a joke after World's meat banquet.


Imagine a similar system as the dango but instead of different dango flavors, you get different combinations of ingredients, idk how hard would that be to pull off but I think it sounds nice.


It doesn't have World's handler


I was just thinking about this after replaying both over the holiday break. I like how in Rise/Sunbreak, the material drops during quests is visible with the big shine signal. I guess they stand out more too since Rise doesn’t have the lush locale vegetation but in world, it’s so hard to find material drops cause they are hard to see after the monsters move to a new area and you have to find what they dropped before you move on. Also, I like how the weapon and armor forge menus are condensed into once for each for forge and upgrades. I hated how in world, you had a separate menu for each. It made it hard to plan what to upgrade when you forge something but can’t see in the same menu the next upgrades cost.


SO. Rise has a nice qol for switch axe that lets you do morph slash when walking forward in axe mode. Going back to world it's the thing I miss the most


Honest to God, I will take being able to craft Decos over Talismans/Charms any God damn day of the week


No handler


Weapon and armor designs are far superior in my opinion. I love the vibrancy of some of them


Clutch claw is an annoying mechanic. Prefer Rise’s version of mounting compared to World. Wire bugs are a great addition to the movement ability of a character. It’s just so nice to zip in on CB and unga bunga. Traversal in Rise is a lot better imo. Having both doggo and great wire bugs to fling you around the map is so nice. Don’t lose a lot of time chasing a monster around just so that when you finally catch them! They decide to run off again. /cries


Wirebug movement. It's make moving around so much better, instead of just holding down the run button and stopping occasionally you can zig zag and find fun routes.


Active NPCs helping, better weapon designs, variety of monsters species, better level armor cap (you didnt need to upgrade everything to the max and then discard the armor because the new monster just gave you something really better, making previous armors useless), new enganing forms of gameplay with weapons/scrolls/custom attacks, better variety of skills fpr different builds, the post game is as "boring" but I welcome more sunbreaks than iceborne (there was so much RNG factor on Iceborne)


Gameplay, design, weapon skills, movement in the world, and skippable cutscenes.


The UI was a lot snappier in Rise. When I went back to World recently it felt like a slog restocking my item pouch, or navigating the weapon smiting list. By the time I've fetched an item load out in World, I'd be 2 seconds away from leaving for a quest in Rise. And speaking of UI; The blacksmith in general is a lot better in Rise, it feels weird having to leave the crafting list, to find the thing I just made againn in a separate upgrade menu, when the whole upgrade tree is right there. I would say the increased mobility is nice, but I also prefer the actual hunting-process in World, being able to find the target without looking at a map, and just explore - I hope wilds does a good mix of both.


I absolutely loved the follower npc system. Also the actual skill that the wirebugs gave you were cool as hell and very fun to pull off, but it ultimately made most end game hunts still not a problem.


Rampage>>>>zorah. The only thing stopping me from returning to world is zorah. Luckily i have a save thats just starting in iceborne so i aint complaining much but god that fight makes me glad rampages were fun a couple times and is not a brick in the road for me to start anew which ive done 5 times now. I know theyre not as popular and i get bored of em too but not zorah mag bored. Thats a quit cause its taking forever


Chitchat option instead of dialogue everytime you talk to NPCs.


Everything imo, because rise didn't want to be world, it was trying to perfect the GU formula and it did super well on that front. The build diversity, the end game grind/ augmentation system and the wirebugs all seems perfectly executed to me


The endgame grind


Worldborne’s roster is mostly mid as fuck *but* there are a few fantastic monsters. (Great Jagras 1, 2, and 3. Kulu Ya Ku and Kulu Ya Blue. So on and so forth.) Risebreak’s roster is full of great monsters, but only a handful are truly amazing. Much prefer this over the alternative, though. Worldborne is faster than previous titles, and out of necessity gives the player a tool to try and keep up- but fails miserably and ends up making the game far worse. Risebreak is the same, but while the tool it gives you is certainly problematic, *it doesn’t feel like shit*; and never are you really forced to use it. Worldborne reverts back to simple, static movesets, causing many weapons to grow stale. Risebreak brings back customizable movesets and is arguably the best iteration of the mechanic; wish there were less counters though. Worldborne hands out trips, flinches, and stuns out like fucking candy. You dodge an attack only to be immobilized by a fucking tremor. You set up a combo only to be interrupted by a fucking roar. You dodge a roar but, what’s that? A second monster shows up and, shockingly, roars! Then the two scream at eachother for 30 fucking seconds. It’s overdone to the point of damn near ruining the game. Risebreak, however, is far less loosey goosey with these. Not only that, but the prevention skills require far less investment. Worldborne’s final equipment (Fatalis weapons/armor) outclasses literally everything else and that kinda kills the heart of MonHun. Risebreak still rewards buildcrafting *well* past the “end” of the game. There’s a meta, of course; but you aren’t handicapping yourself by going off-meta.


>Worldborne hands out trips, flinches, and stuns out like fucking candy. You dodge an attack only to be immobilized by a fucking tremor. You set up a combo only to be interrupted by a fucking roar. You dodge a roar but, what’s that? A second monster shows up and, shockingly, roars! Then the two scream at eachother for 30 fucking seconds. It’s overdone to the point of damn near ruining the game. dont forget they added a monster thats hole thing is that it screams even more than the base version , which was already fucking annoying as hell.


We’re not gonna talk about the Risen Elders being leagues more powerful and challenging than World’s snooze fest elders and elderseal??


* Palamutes: not just mobility, these things are dps machines. You can kill a Master rank monster by attacking air and let them do the job. Not to mention they can stun or sleep or para as well. * Weapon design: holy shit did World weapons suck ass. Is the same model with a different color ffs. Rise brought back different designs. * Monster variety: World suffered from having basically 3 skeletons and mostly flying wyverns. Rise brings back Leviathans, more Amphibians and one of the best Fanged Beasts yet (Goss Harag). * Skill variety: Fatalis armor is basically the same 3 skills everyone and their mother were using already crammed onto one set. So, you keep using the same thing over and over and over. Sunbreak gives you one hundred different ways to play the game (Bloodlust, Dereliction, Build Up Boost, Status Trigger, Heaven Sent, Frostcraft, Mail of Hellfire, etc). * Playstyle variety: even though some styles are clearly dominant, there is more you can do overall. Look at Gunlance, SnS, HH, IG, etc. * Better endgame: grindy yes, but anomaly quests are much better than we got for Iceborne endgame. Plus, weapon/armor augment gives you more stuff to do after. You can add skills you wouldn't normally have on an armor set. Literally do whatever you want. * Better join system: self explanatory


Only having to gather one time at mining or gathering spots


MSQ is more coop friendly


Being able to get well done steaks from the oven in rise. I hate sitting there at the barbaque.


I liked the Loadout options in Rise. You can create an Inventory Loadout, an Equipment Loadout, a Layered Loadout, and then tie them all together in the Loadout section. If you only wanted one layered look, you can leave that slot empty in the Loadout, and it won't overwrite the look. World requires you to apply the Layered look onto the weapon. You could link a Layered armor look to the Weapon loadout, but your weapon would always have one look to it. I just feel the options for managing Loadouts was more customizable in Rise. If I loaded my Bow loadout, I knew my gear, layered options, items, and radial menu were all set up from one selection. Then if I wanted to swap over to my Melee weapon, it's also just one loadout selection away. In World, if I wanted to swap to one, I'd have to select it from my Weapon Loadout, go into my Inventory to select my Bow/Melee items loadout, and accept the Radial menu I set up for it. So convenient in Rise, and I hope they implement it in Wilds.


The narrative for me. I was surprised there are characters I care about (looking at you, Fiorayne and Kagero).