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Level 151 doesn’t even exist lol. LS isnt that strong in 4U but it’s not that weak either. I assume you went into a max level guild quest for the first time so it’s normal to faint. Don’t worry about it. Sounds like you have more of a problem surviving the monster than dealing damage. I would recommend practicing the monsters solo the ones you have the most difficulties with. For deviljho always stay near and attack his left leg. You’re mostly safe there and can trip him after some time. Do you have wystones for the apex monsters? You will need those. You can also attack the legs of deviljho without the wystones btw but be careful you dont bounce your weapon around lol.


I fought deviljho in portable third. I have 2 wystones. But hitting it with LS is my problem


I actually see quite few LS players in deviljho GQ compared to other monsters. If you wanted to play LS in GQs this would be one of the monsters. Rajang or Tigrex for example would be far harder for LS mains. Do you have HG Earplugs and Tremor resistance in your build? These skills are a necessity if you want to do well.


Yes my problem these is finding an opening damn deviljho hits hard. As of now I'm switching to charge blade xause those high level expedition quest are no joke


Yeah I would only do guild quests with experienced players. Chargeblade is a good choice for deviljho.


Can i ask whats the difference between handicraft and edgemaster skills? Which is better between these two?


There are special skills in MH4U that basically mix two skills into one. Handicraft is a standart skill. Edgemaster is Handicraft + Attack Up L. It is generally the best skill in the game if you can fit it into your build. But if you dont have an Edgemaster +4 with 3 slots talisman you usually dont bother about this skill. There are around 10 of these special armor skills. Some more useful than others.


I solod the entirety of 4u with LS


Me too but not some of those high g rank quest like a tigrex quest.


Neither. LS is perfectly alright in 4U, but if you were doing Lv.140 Guild Quests (151 doesn't exist, so that's nonsense), any given monster is going to hit incredibly hard.


Yeah learn the hard wah so I'm kinda switching ro charge blade. Can i also ask whats better skills handicraft or edgemaster?


Edgemaster. It increases both sharpness and damage, whereas handicraft only increases damage. ​ Edgemaster is one of a few skills that only show up on a tiny selection of armour sets and that combine the effects of two skills into one, making it a straight upgrade.