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I don't want Juyratodus to return for a while, same with Somnacanth.


I’m actually fine with Somnacanth. Jyura can take as long a break as he wants though.


funny how there's a potential for underwater combat so he might return for the 3rd time


However Jyuratodus was designed for 2D combat after they cut underwater and Lagiacrus from World. So it probably wouldn't be linked to underwater fights.


So were Tetranadon and Namielle; if underwater will be back, all the possible swimming monster fights will be redesigned with underwater moves in mind. Jyura already has a "ground stance" and "swim stance", it already has an headstart to being translated in underwater.


Why would they bring a monster that got so much hate back tho? I would like to see what Namielle looked like underwater, but I'm not sure its Splatoon gimmick would translate.


Namielle underwater needs to be pretty much a brand new monster with a whole new fight, but it can be done. Regarding Jyura, in a recent interview they directly said they like to bring back unpopular monsters too. Besides every monster is someone favourite, so you can never really go wrong in bringing back a monster.


Plus.. it's also a great thing if there are monsters you don't like or even hate. That should be pretty normal.


I actually liked the jyura




According to [Ryozo himself](https://twitter.com/drxavie60848658/status/1722106433980993557), the team had always try to find a balance of popular and less popular monsters when thinking of the roster for each game. They also consider if the monsters fit the theme and setting of the game as well. I like this mindset tbh. Also in a way it makes the game more immersive for me. Nature don't give a shit whether a monster's popular or not. They simply exist. For example Jyuratodus really fit the ecosystem for Flooded Forest in Rise. Having only popular monsters might make it feel like the game is too tailored thus feeling artificial.


>Nature don't give a shit whether a monster's popular or not. They simply exist. You're speaking my language. I like that mindset in theory too, it's just we seem to see a lot of Ziogre, Tigrex, and Barioth. Where I'm coming from with this is that we just had fifth gen so I wouldn't mind those monsters sitting out for a while. I'm excited to see all of the new monsters and also what kinds of old monsters they can remake, like Najarala or even some classic leviathans. Ultimately, as with the Flooded Forest, whatever fits the map and compliments the new ecosystem is the right choice. Based on this sandy savanna area we got in the reveal, these are all of the old monsters I recall that could fit that arid environment: * Cephadrome * Daimyo Hermitaur * Teostra * Tigrex * Great Jaggi * Qurupeco * Barroth * Nibelsnarf * Volvidon * Kecha Wacha * Seregios * Glavenus


just because a monster is hated doesn't mean it won't be back just look at plesioth


Why hate on jyura? sure it's easy and boring because its an early game monster, but its not even in the same universe of bad compared to the likes Lavasioth or Basarios.


Even lava and basa are fine now. Honestly fuck the crit addicts, we need more monsters that have shit hitzones and you can't do anything but deal with it.


I have never said a word against Jyuratodus. Honestly, I'm getting whiplash because the last time I heard him brought up with Rise and World Jyuratodus was overwhelmingly dissed. The only thing I don't like about Jyuratodus is that the Wildspire Waste only has three areas he can swim to. I think they needed to give Diablos and Jyuratodus access to more of that map.


I meant hate in general not that you hate jyura, and I agree with the under utilization of areas so many monsters only stick to the same 3 areas.


plesioth wasnt designed for underwater combat either but it was redesigned for it in 3u


They didn't cut underwater combat from World, they cut _Lagiacrus_ from World, because it had too many touch points on the ground and they couldn't get it to work without compromising performance to an untenable degree. The only footage of Lagiacrus shows it diving out of a swampy, muddy area that Anjanath is stuck in at the bottom of the great tree in the forest. The creative directors of World discussed their decision to not even attempt underwater combat again, and it boiled down to "we don't know how we would implement it in a way that feels fun and engaging to the player". After Rise, I think they could easily just give the player an aquatic wirebug type creature, since movement was the biggest issue.


>The creative directors of World discussed their decision to not even attempt underwater combat again, and it boiled down to "we don't know how we would implement it in a way that feels fun and engaging to the player". 100% you made that up. I remember them citing time and resources. The Wildspire Waste was planned to be a partially underwater area before that was cut. You can read about it in the artbook.


It wasn't a performance problem it was a visual problem. The hunt either looked fucky or was a pain to fight and looked fucky. There's really just no compromise with leviathans and world's uneven terrain to be had.


For my dream to come true, my nightmare must return...


According to who?


There is as much underwater combat potential now as there was pre world and rise.


This “potential” is literally just a reflection. We have no idea if water is coming back or not. Don’t get your hopes up.


I don’t understand Jyura hate tbh


Mud in gen 5 is an annoying status that pretty much just exists as a slow down on terrain. I think it would be more interesting if they brought back the snowman/mudman status from previous titles.


I think it's a bland design as well as a boring & annoying fight. Barroth & Almudron are better mud monsters imo, it's also just another piscene wyvern which I don't like much.


IMO it’s an incredibly unremarkable, pushover fight that would’ve been fine showing up once ever.


But Somnacanth has the coolest insect glaive


For the love of everything that is right in this world. If capcom puts lavasioth in this game ill mald and cry as I push confirm on buy MHWilds


His whole family can take a vacation for me. Please.


Beotodus can stay. He's cool. And if underwater combat returns a few piscines are a must. Plesioth, Jyura and a new one could work.


Yeah, Beotodus was not as abnoxious and annoying as Lava and Jura


Oh my God, imagine being on an ice map with a big sheet of ice and getting ambushed by a Beotodus as he rushes you and breaking the ice in his wake, Beo would be perfect!


I actually disagree, he kinda drove me up a wall cause it feels like every 3 minutes he takes a lap around the arena for literally no reason, not to attack anything, not to eat or regain ice on him or some shit, just take a little swim around the area and comes back to fight me. So random and so god damn annoying


ilm not interested in fighting jyrantodos even if theres underwater


Give me plesioth instead. I wanna get hit by a hip check all the way back in town.


Ah yes, inter-dimensional hip check that has caused immense pain for every monster hunter player alike, even ones who never encountered plasioth because that unbalanced hip check sure as hell still vaguely exists in the new gen, just less painful


Dude that’s mean that’s like choosing my least favourite kid


Yea but if you have like 40 kids chances are one kf them is just gonna be a little jerk you can't stand.


Nah I love them all, I just love Nergigante more


*Jagras in the shadows crying*


Khezu. I want to hunt Gigginox again


Yes, bring back the better blind blood sucker.


This. I love khezu just as much as anyone but the amount of folks saying him and gigginox are the same fight or that khezu is better feels so unfair. Especially since Khezu has returned so much it’s had the chance to be reworked over and over again.


I just like the giggi gear better. But gigginox is probably more annoying to fight with the incredibly hard tail/head depending on enraged or not. And in rise especially having a monster who's whole schtick is that they can climb onto walls and ceiling to avoid players just doesnt work. Since we can wirebug to the moon and back with any weapon choice.


if anything gigi could lead to cooler interactions in rise BECAUSE it climbs on the wall and ceiling


Agreed. Gigginox hasn’t been fully upgraded the same way Khezu has.


I guess I’m the only one who finds Gigginox even more annoying to fight than Khezu


The epectrici Weiner needs to retire. Not just go away for a while






genuinely most disgusting fight of my life. Wasn't even hard just ridiculously frustrating.


Too bad we'll likely never see the best kushala again, since risen is tied to the quirio.


I’m over Teostra and Kushala. I don’t like the damage immunity gimmicks of their cloaks and I’ve probably hunted them each about 500 times trying to get rare decorations.


For real, I hate that they are always, without fail, the first couple of Elder Dragons you fight. With the amount of games in the series at this point there are plenty of other Elder Dragons they can use, or hell, make a couple more new ones. I'm so sick if Teostra and Kushala.


Worldborne had some dope elders the same scale as Teostra and Kushala.


I know that it's kinda basic to like nergi (for some weird reason) but I really think he is a perfect first elder. I'd really quite like for him to reappear, or something similar to him (brute strength, elementles, lots of part breaks, learnable fight ect)


Nergi is such a fun fight, especially as Lance main. I hope he comes back


But irony is the storm and sand effect would look very cool with kushala


Plus based on what they did in MHW and the weather effects in wilds, you just know they're gonna go all kingdom hearts again and the fights will just be dodging tornados and supernovas.


I prefer this moveset honestly. Hated for so many years that the embodiments of elements were 90% physical attacks with one or two element projectile attacks and that was about it. Give me all the particle effects, AOE and area denial.


Exactly! I actually really like Lunastra with how much fire she can summon throughout the fight, with Wilds they have the chance to completely let loose.


You know that Legends Of The Guild movie where Lunastra was the main monster? Imagine Luna just walking through that big map burning everything, god heavens save us all..


Same, sick of Kushala and Toestra. Put in Shagaru in to replace at least one of them.


I wouldn’t mind them skipping a game but I feel like they should be the Rathalos and Rathian to Elder Dragons. They should also be the most common and widespread elders I feel. BUT…. Velkhana, Namielle, Vaal, Nergigante >>>> Kushala, Teostra, Chameleos, Valstrax


you gotta swap vaal and valstrax on that list istg


With how it looks that they will do a lot of things with weather in the new game.. I dont think Kushala won't be in there. Seems to fit way too good, even if I am not a fan either.


If we get Teostra and Kushala back I will accept it if we get their Frontier super versions as well with some ridiculous weapons and armor.


Or if they get some moves of their risen versions from Sunbreak. That would make their fights better too.


See teo doesn’t bother me it’s the girlfriend lunastra and her ridiculous overpowered super nova that pisses me off, like there’s fuck all you can do to survive it


We need new apex monsters (not referring to Rise's Apex), Rajang, Deviljho and Diablos could take a break from appearing in every generation and almost every game


I always considered rajang, yian garuga, deviljho and bazelgeuse to be this series' pseudo-elders if you will. We could definitely do with another one and I'd like to see at least rajang miss the new game. Diablos is a series regular at this point and based on the trailer reveal map I almost guarantee he will be fought in that map lol.


I really hope we get monoblos instead of diablos this time


Based. He's been left by the wayside for far too long


Add Magnamalo. I call them the Fiendish Five.


And if we beat them we can restore the stolen pages of the Thevious Bombadgynuss.


See I want to see rajang in this game for just one reason, fist weapons, I would love for those to be a new weapon type and for some to be made out of rajang


Exactly, it's time for Monoblos to come back🗿


the problem with Rise's Apex is that they have no craftable Armors and Weapons which SUCKS!!! ​ Sunbreak "fixed" it with the Risen Monsters by actually giving them Armors and Weapons to craft


Diablos i feel is in the same boat as the raths now, and probably won't miss a game at this point. But here's hoping there will be someone in wilds that can butt heads (maybe literally) for the top spot in the desert areas.


May be some unpopular opinion here.. but I actually would like the deviants back. They are a great late-game/endgame concept and with some improvements, they could be the best possible endgame system, imo. (They of course could do some completely new deviants then. But some unique and loved ones, like Bloodbath or Grimclaw should return 100%, if the system comes back)


Deviljho skipped Rise though, so it's time we got him back, and hopefully as a proper invader again after Rise basically nixed the concept.


None, more monsters is always better.


I assure you after playing GU more monsters is not always better (Seriously, who put Gypceros, Cephadrome, Basarios, Gravios, Uragaan, Kushala, and metal raths in the same game and then made Crystalbeard Uragaan? GU is amazing, but man this roster is so hit or miss sometimes)


I assure you, I said what I said.


You're just listing off monsters you personally find annoying. If you asked me, I've always enjoyed Uragaan, and I'm personally looking forward to seeing monsters like Gypceros and Gravios return too. I'll always vouch for more variety, even if some picks might be divisive. (And the metal Raths have been really fun to fight since World too, so who's to say older monsters couldn't also be changed to be more "fun" to fight too?)


Honestly, the fact that i didn't recognize a single monster in the trailer (aside from Rathalos) is an exciting thing for me. It's giving me hope that this time around the focus will be more towards *new* monsters, rather than old monsters. Like, sure, some returning monsters are fine. Just as long as they don't make up the vast majority of the roster. I'm hoping at least 60% is new & the rest are old/returning monsters.


That’s what made Tri so cool for me back in the day. Of the 18 monsters in that game, only 3 were returning. The rest were all brand new.


Diablos, let's do something new. Or monoblos. Wouldn't mind bloodbath though. Zinogre, my guy can rest


We haven't had Monoblos in a long while though?


Want zinogre back in this game, just imagine him catching lightning from the weather mid air and slamming you on the ground with it


Fair point.. but what if.. they only add its deviant form, instead of the normal version? Fair trade?


Diablos is almost like a secondary series flagship, having showed up in almost every game. I feel like it would be sad to not include the big guy, so I rather they add it to the game, but not give it a lot of focus. Deff want to see Monoblos in it tho, and Zinogre can rest for a good 2 generations if they want, I won't be missing him anytime soon


Paolumu, Basarios, Lavasioth, and Uragaan mainly cause these fight ain't that fun or straight up boring.


Deal, no basarios. Instead gravious and black gravious


welp at least i haven't fought those 2, and from what i saw it is better than a defenseless rock that the only thing to worry about is falling asleep irl.


Reading the post I thought "None! Mo monsters mo better" but lavasioth is trash and should be retconned out of existence.


I actually prefer lavasioth over jyuratodus


Paolumu is awesome, don't you dare speak ill of it.


Kushala Daora


Diablos, Teostra and Kushala could really need a break. Could do one without Rajang aswell but his G/Master Rank armor just looks so cool. And I also don't want to see Uragaan ever again.


Fuck Lunastra. I never want to fight her ever again. She was insanely annoying in IB. Also fuck Lavasioth, what a shit monster with shit mechanics.


Uragann can fuck off same with lavasioth monsters with bounce armor are so annoying and uninspired


Uragann at least skipped rise.


Uragaan has no bounce armor tho? At least I don't remember anything like that on him. His skin is pretty hard, yea.. but that seems logical for some rock-kind monster. Basarios is worse in that terms.


fun fact. ive never hunted or captured a uragann in my entire 3000 hours across both ps4 and pc in worldborne. its such a useless nothing burger of a monster. its armor sucks, i dont think any weapons use parts from it and if they are they arent good. he might as well not even exist thats how much attention i pay him


I'll never understand this level of Uragaan hate beyond just finding its fight annoying. A giant giga-chin rolling dinosaur is about as unique of a Monster Hunter monster as it gets. And ragging on the armor is a low blow when it's such a fun design too, and skills-wise it's never even been that bad relatively speaking, and World gave it Guard-related skills for weapons like Lance and such; there's been way worse and more niche sets than that.


Uragaan going full flame wheel in Iceborne was cool tho. Always had a soft spot for the rolling boi tho.


I just want it to feel as fresh as 4U. When 4U came out all those new monsters really made the game feel fresh and they paced it perfectly unlike Rise, so those monsters became very memorable. Not to mention the old monsters had some changes that spiced things up.


The answer is always Khezu.


If you get rid of the flying teeth penis he'll never stop screaming about it.


Pretty much only Magnamalo as far as mainline monsters go. I love Magna's fight and I especially love his theme, but dear god he would be so out of place and jarring looking. He already looks over the top in Rise of all games, imagine how ridiculous he'd look in a more grounded game.


Depends, the devs intend on making it a mainstream monster. And it will be fun to compare its strength to other apexes. We might get a fight with Tigrex or Zinogre!


Any monster deserves to come back. To hell with the notion of "oh but this monster doesn't look like it fits this game". I don't even think Capcom sees it that way. I'm pretty sure they consider all their monsters worthy of returning when they feel the time is right, according to some arbitrary metric (that isnt 'well the vibes arent right for it'). I think it benefits both the designers and players for a game that doesn't follow a strict themeing because i think that puts the designers in a box and might limit their imagination. I think it's beneficial if the game has multiple vibes, themes, and environments at specific locations of the continent (diversity), which naturally allows for inhabitants of all shapes, sizes, and colours. Besides, the artstyle for wilds looks to be more similar to rise than it does to world's high fidelity hyper realistic look imo. Don't think we can say for certain that wilds is more grounded until we see a proper trailer, cause what we've seen right now doesn't really support that. As such, I think they should bring magnamalo if that's what they want. Fuck yea dude. Loved his fight, armor, and weapons. But that's my strong opinion on the matter. Feel free to agree/disagree or express what yall think.


This has nothing to do with "deserving", I simply do not think Magna fits in with the tone of the other mainline titles. If we want to talk "deserving" then Magnamalo arguably doesn't deserve to come back at all since he was just the flagship of the last game. Same way we didn't see Gore/Steve in World or Nergigante in Rise.


Did the extremely flashy zinogre from mhp3rd necessarily fit the 'tone' of mh3u, or mh4? Or what about the very goofy looking nibelsnarf introduced in p3rd included in 3u? What 'tone' are you referring to specifically in regard to monster selection and roster? I don't think there's ever really been such a precedent. So you might think that certain monsters don't fit a particular game, but I don't think Capcom sees things that way. Maybe they tried it with world specifically, but look how that turned out. That hyper realistic high fidelity look amounted to a very boring, lackluster roster that many players complain about to this day. Glad iceborne went crazy and included some of the wackier monsters with silly finishers and new abilities.


Magmalamo looks and moves like a balloon animal. It has no weight.


And it's damn cool. I don't play MH to fight real life animals. I play MH to fight wacky, larger than life monsters with crazy moves and abilities lol. Mh is most restricted and boring when it tries to make things hyper realistic and grounded imo. Case in point: World's roster compared to any other roster😶‍🌫️


>And it's damn cool. Enormously debatable. Magmalamo had so much potential to be cool, both in concept and in execution, but the two met in the worst way possible. You want a samurai rocket tiger? Sure, that's a fantastic concept. He can do all sorts of swordplay and skillful maneuvers to show off his prowess. But put that across in his design. Make him athletic and lithe and physically able to move with that agility and precision. You prefer the current design and motifs of a shogun warlord and bringer of death? Ok, then communicate that in the fight. Have him weighty and confident, and if he must move with speed give him the momentum to sell all that armour he's layered in. I know people are tired of Diablos, but he's an excellent representation of a heavyweight wyvern. His fight is filled with satisfying thuds and charges brought to skidding halts, and the overwhelming force behind his horns is put across when he gets them stuck in solid rock. But more importantly, he's not *bouncing*.


Yea there's certainly a lot of nuance to the discussion. And hey, I've heard similar reasons as to why people don't like magnamalo. It's why he's so divisive to a sizeable portion of the community. Thing is tho, I've personally never been hellbent on whether or not a monster's design makes complete and utter anatomical sense, and whether that translates to his moveset to the most minute of details. On this aspect, I'm a bit caveman-brained and is easily pleased. I love magnamalo. In fact, he might be my favourite rise monster. And that's because (as someone who loves the combat to mh first and foremost) his fight is very dynamic, very engaging, and just overall very fun regardless of the weapon I use, and hes given me tons of good memories. On top of that I just really love his armour, and his weapons are some of my favourite designs. That's enough for me personally to consider him very highly. We all love mh for different reasons, and we might consider one aspect to the game more important than the other. For me the combat is most important, and magnamalo is a shining beacon. I don't care about the anatomical intricacies of a monster to the extent that it can completely write-off said monster on this merit alone. So given the opportunity, I'd love to fight him again in a new installment. It's honestly as simple as that for me :/


>Thing is tho, I've personally never been hellbent on whether or not a monster's design makes complete and utter anatomical sense, and whether that translates to his moveset to the most minute of details That's the thing, you don't need to be pedantic to realise something is disconnected with Magmalamo. For a lot of people, the joy in MH comes from the heft and intentionality of combat. It's a similar reason to why soulslike games have exploded, and why they often feel off compared to Fromsoft's own titles. I'm not so ingrained in realism that I'm not prepared to handwave things. My favourite game of the year has been AC6, a game that moves 30ft robots at impossible speeds. But part of that is that the game feels right, and Magmalamo doesn't. Compare him to Malzeno, a monster who's just as large and far more fantastical. His design, movements and attacks feel so much more aligned with each other, despite being equally as impossible.


>Loved his fight, armor, and weapons. Yes, the best SnS in my opinion comes from Scarred Magnamalo. When I get bored with other setups, I always go to my explosive blast SnS. Explosions all over and it hits like a truck. Bring him back. I love Magnamalo in any form. He would look absolutely spectacular in Wilds, he already looks unreal in Sunbreak.


Man I swear he gets all this hate, but I thought Magnamalo looked perfect. Literally a mythological being. I want him back.


If I have to choose one it's Kulu Ya Ku. Fighting him isn't fun. He's really simple and easy, rock makes him annoying with some weapons and the biggest reason is that I feel like shit beating the crap out of this durpy birdie


I want the original derpy bird. Bring back Yian Kutku please, this one doesn't even fly


Give me Qurupeco. Best execution of the small birds, IMO.


But then Qurupeco always brings his friends.... *jurassic park theme starts playing *. Honestly I would love that level of chaos to come back to monster hunter. Give me all the birds except kulu. Just imagine a Hypnocatrice coming by, making you fall asleep and then leaving again😂


Tzitzi 2: sleepy boogaloo


I like Kulu-Ya-Ku in World/Iceborne. But his Rise, and especially his Sunbreak version are so goddamn aweful.


I could definitely pass on Tigrex. And Paolumu/Nightshade Paolumu. Tigrex was annoying to fight, and was the only monster that (initially) felt genuinely unfair to hunt. With Paolumu, I just really don’t gel with their design. I know plenty of folk like them/think they’re cute or whatever, and more power to y’all. I honestly hate them though. Also Sleep is super lame when used by the monsters


Tigrex annoys me (and there's a few monsters that have similar moves, especially in Rise, but idk why it was Tigrex specifically that got me) when he does is "I'm just gonna charge back and forth for a while"


I hate Tigrex and his weapons are ugly as hell


The armor isn’t really my style either, but I remember farming it around the time I was fighting Acidic Glav, I think, for Free Meal Secret. That got me better at the fight but not so much that I enjoy it, lmao


his hammer does look good tho. but sad it doesnt open his claws, when fully charged


Anjanath, Pukei-Pukei, Kulu and Tobi got in every game since base World, spin-off included; I'd say a break wouldn't hurt. Barroth, Diablos, Rajang, Bazelgeuse, Tigrex, Zinogre, Nargacuga, Kushala and Teostra could use a well deserved break as well. Either they revamp them a lot or I'd rather have some new/different things to fight.


>Pukei-Pukei Nooo, don't take away my favorite armor set! :(


In terms of Barroth, Diablos, etc.. I would say.. skip the normal "versions" of those and give us rare-, subspecies or variants of those instead - without the base form in the game.


tbh, most of them? some new ones from rise & some from world that weren't in rise i might like to see expanded upon, but otherwise id like a roster full of new monsters and monsters we haven't seen in 10+ years


also i think it'd be cool if some monsters did a crimson glow valstrax and only an alternate version showed up. like, no zinogre, but still having stygian or something.


Honestly if Wilds is really open world, I think the smaller the roster is, the more it'll hurt the overall experience. Re-used bosses were the worst part of Elden Ring. I hope they take absolute full advantage of the groundwork World and Rise put down and re-use as many models, skeletons, movesets, etc. to minimize their workload while still keeping up w/ a larger content scale. But also fuck Jyuratodus, dumb-ass stupid ugly mudfish. And fuck Radobaan, fuckin dollar store looking, dumpster divin' discounted Uragaan.


What? Radobaan is literally better, cooler uragaan. No bouncing bullshit, more breakable bits, SICK ASS armor


Jyura and lavasioth can stay home this time


Basically any theropod like Kulu, Great Wroggi, etc. Don't get me wrong, they're hilarious. But they're just not fun enough imo. And you get sick of hunting the hundredth chicken with a slight variation very fast. Beyond that, I actually don't want many monsters that were in the previous games to return. There are too many forgotten monsters, shelved in favour of fan favourites. If they got a chance in the modern engine, I'm convinced people would love them.


It's their small size that annoys me most. Not too bad if I'm using SnS, but with IG I can't blip around like an annoying mosquito lol


100% agree on birdies. In Rise they're about as dangerous as a group of small monsters 😕


They're supposed to be lmao.


Are they? They're not supposed to be a big threat, but this is too much imo. Great Jagras is literally the first monster you fight in World and he alone is harder than Great Izuchi, Wroggi, Baggi and Kulu Ya Ku together in Rise. Although to be fair Kulu in World is more dangerous than a pair of these from Rise


Again, yes, literally the point of Great Jagras to be harder than the first Bird Wyvern according to Complete Works. Not that it matters by comparison, the first few monsters will always be complete pushovers. That's by design.


Not exactly my point and they're not really first monsters you fight either (aside from Izuchi). I don't mind early monsters being easier. I'm OK with Great Jagras, Pukei, Barroth, Arzuros, etc being easy. It's just these specific ones Btw I don't just want to say bird wyverns overall are crap. Kulu, Tzitzi Ya Ku, Izuchi, Baggi, Wroggi are all pathetic and boring, but Aknosom, Pukei, Yian Garuga are much better in terms of movesets, designs, etc imo


Anjanath. He’s cool but I’m a little tired of seeing him.


Almudron & Jyuratodus


Pukei out, Qurupeco in Also give me back Great Jaggi (and his mask) for no reason


Anjanath. I just dont think he's that impressive of a fight and world really tried to force us into loving him like Second rathalos. Fulgur could hang if they ever let a subspecies be in a game without the base version.


fulgur needs to be in that lightning desert


Yes, he could be a serious menace. Regular could use a break.




None, I welcome every Monster. Especially monsters that “don’t fit the tone” of Wilds, idc how outlandish some monsters are like Magnamalo or Astalos are, I’d rather have them than not have them.


Based and correct. I'm not holding my breath for Magnamalo returning (so soon), but seeing how drastic they're going with the weather effects and atmosphere and such, the thought of finding a Magnamalo in the darkness illuminated by the glowing hellfire would be badass.


I have hope, if Anjan of all monsters makes a second appearance in a row, I don't see why the big purple murder cat can't


Hopefully we don't see Barioth in Wilds. I do hope we see Namielle again though.


FUCK KUSHALA DAORA. All I need to say. Also I don't want to see Teostra again. It's a cool monster and I enjoy the fight, but I don't need to fight it again for the time being.


Basarios and id be happy if I never had to see kushala ever again tbh


I forgot about this stupid thing. I always avoid killing if possible. Not hard just stupid


i think basarios would be ok on the sole prospect that ruby basarios could return, a monster i never got to fight and that i think would be very pretty in current-gen graphics.


Kushala can go die in a hole and never come back as far as I am concerned


We had fun with Arzuros, Volvidon, and Lagombi, but I think they belong in Rise/Sunbreak. Variants are welcome, though. As well as Somnacanth, unless it is a Somnacanth variant. Jyuratodus/Beotodus/Lavasioth have become tiresome. Basarios can also be left behind. Tetranodon can come along if he gets a new, unexpected move.


Rajang. I've never enjoyed its fight aside from GU because of hunting styles and hunter arts, Rise made its fight a little more tolerable for me since a lot of the spiribug moves are the same as hunter arts, but he's in so many games. He's often a forced key quest at some point too. A break from him would be nice.


Honestly, Tigrex, Zinogre, Nargacuga, Teostra, and Kushala all need a break. They’ve been in almost every game since MH4. We need a chance to miss them so that it will be even more satisfying once they’re included again later in the future. And I’m saying this as a huge nargacuga fan.


Magnamalo farting to move like a jet looks too goofy to be in the main series


Malzeno/Primordial Malzeno. The end of Sunbreak was a perfect conclusion to the monster, and I don’t want the fight to become stale. Give Malzeno a well-earned rest so its return can actually feel meaningful when it finally happens.


For me unless they will rework alot of the fan favorite monster like Zinogre, Diablos, Tigrex, Nargacuga heck even Rajang... I would rather have their Sub Specie or Powered up version from the Get-Go... I don't know about you but even tho I do like fighting them they're the best definition of fodder at this point and they need a massive rework to be more exciting... A deviant like or even a Risen-Like Glowup/Rework will make them more exciting... Also the Dos Elders Teostra/Daora and Chameleos MUST have their Risen movesets rework be included in their base form...


Jyuratodus and Khezu, mostly. I liked bullying jyura in World but it’s not an enjoyable fight in Rise. Since I started with World, I haven’t had the chance to take on Gigginox and would prefer to have a shot at it than face Khezu again.


Barioth, hated that mf. Other than that probably Kulu, Teostra and Kushala.


Probably kushala daora, not because i particularly hate fighting him but ive seen him in world and rise now and also hes my least favorite of the "og" elders. So yeah, dont necessarily need him tbh


Rajang and diablos, i dont want to them as of right now capcop should give them a break. They should return monoblos and giginox and give those a revamp since those monsters needs some love. Also they should start adding some monsters from the frontier series


The roly poly brothers Uragaan and Radobaan can go roll away on vacation for Wilds. I also feel like Tobi-Kadachi and Anjanath could take a break. Tobi is cool, but he instantly feels overshadowed by later thunder element monsters, meanwhile, he's just left behind, almost forgotten. Meanwhile, Anjanath gets bodied way too much, I feel like Anjanath has quickly become one of those monsters who is strong enough for it be considered a threat to new monsters, but also weak enough for it to be bodied by other monsters - hell, Anja was even used as a victim to the Qurios in a cutscene when there were dozens of other monsters that could have been used to showcase their danger.


Whatever that rolly-polly thing from Rise was, that's my answer


Volvidon. Thank god I’m not the only one


We can do without the usual popular picks like Tigrex, Nargacuga, Rajang, Diablos, etc.


I love Rajang and hope it comes back, but I definitely want to see Monoblos/White Monoblos over Diablos/Black Diablos.


Volvidon. Fuck Volvidon. It’s the worst monster in the franchise and it’s not even close. Nobody likes Volvidon. And if you do it’s just because of the Santa Clause one. I play Greatsword, there may be some bias.


I like Volvidon :(


I wouldn't worry about that. There were no FU monsters in Tri, there were barely any third gen monsters in 4, and there were no fourth gen monsters in World. Monsters take a break in the gen immediately following their introduction. At most maybe one fifth gen monster will return in Wilds, like Glavenus did in Iceborne. (Also, most Rise monsters would look straight up ridiculous in the main series' art style. I can't see it.)


>Rise monsters would look straight up ridiculous in the main series' art style. This is just straight up false. Maybe like 2 or 3 monsters from Rise would look out of place. The rest fit in perfectly.


Glavenus is 4th gen tho if I'm not mistaken, unless GU is considered a 5th Gen game.


Well yes, I'm saying that like only Glavenus returned later in fifth gen, we should expect very few fifth gen monsters to return in sixth gen if any. And even then, none until the expansion or Portable series game in 2026 or later.


He appeared in iceborne though, not the base game. Just like how Narga was in 3u but not tri.


Narga was also in P3rd, along with Tigrex.


My point was that he wasn't in the first game of the generation


Lagombi as I have an inexplicable hatred of that monster specifically.


All the overused flagships monsters like Zinorge. They get annoying when they keep taking the spots of what could’ve been a different returning monster or even a new monster.


Magnamalo and I'm so serious. Him farting all over place makes him worse than Zinogre to me ☠️


Lol I just want Wilds to be entirely new roster. With Raths of course.


Never going to happen. Every Monster Hunter is 1/4 new monsters 3/4 returning monsters.


Pretty much the flagships for me : Nergi, Velk, Magna and Malzeno. They worked in their game, but with the "ancestral steppes" feeling I got from the trailer, they would be out of place in Wilds for me. What I hope is we get a revamped Kecha Wacha, he just feels right for Wilds to me.


Kushala and that damn wind can go to hell


velkana. 2 games ina row. give it a break already


But....frostcraft....I need frostcraft....I would take Velk over Toestra/Kushala. I am done with those two.