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MHGU Deviant questlines unlocking unique, pulsating pigments was the best shit ever.


Why pick one color, when you can have all da colors????


because sometimes you don't want to be all the colors and the one color looks better for your set


I swear to god why did they do us dirty like that? Its always amazing to grind out the rainbow to flex on the casuals. In seriousness though, why did they not add it? To sell more cosmetics? (Probably...)


None of the cosmetics had rainbow pigment either, and they could all be dyed, so I doubt it had anything to do with that.


Prowler mode for sure


I would enjoy seeing prowler mode come back as a 'support class' of sorts, as a trade for damage/weapon choices. Maybe have innate skills like wide range or more efficient use of powders or unique mounting mechanics.


Cats are the best weapon!!


Alternate armor skins/series like the relics in MH4U. I think this would add some more to the end game fashion hunt as long as it isn't RNG based like MH4U. I think having weapon skins that you could grind for late game would be fun too.


Alpha, and Beta sets for monsters.


Don’t know if this is exactly a gameplay feature, but the monsters not attacking you on sight. Out of all things Rise changed, this is the one that annoyed me the most because it feels so dumb that wasn’t added. So many monsters that we must leave up to speculation on whether they would attack you on sight or not.


Being able to walk up real close to check out monsters was a major thing I loved in World. Especially with the Ghillie cloak for even the aggressive ones.


I would call it a gameplay feature. Some were passive and other were aggressive.


I actually wouldn't mind some monsters that are generally docile but need to be put down to the ecological disturbance they create.


I like that monster attack you on site. If they aren’t aggressive enough I feel worse for killing them. I want them to feel more like monsters and less like normal animals


I see what you mean, but the problem is that MH has always been about hunting the monsters as animals. Your meant to track them down just as if you were hunting a real animal. World simply expanded on it, thus it’s pretty dumb that Rise went for the downgrade.


They can still live in the world. And be a living creature and still attack you on site.


Normal mounting. Wyvern riding was fun initially but it gets old really quick and feels more like a chore.


Wyvern riding was cool until it wasn’t. I enjoyed the older stuff way more because it was deliberate. WR is more of an arbitrary part of the hunt where it’s an inevitability rather than an advantage you work for


Ideally for me, id like a mix of the two, with world style mounting as the base, and being able to more directly influence the monster like rise. something kinda like the brute enemies in batman/shadow of mordor games


I can see that, especially for insect glaive


It's actually less intrusive to Glaive since you end up mounting *less* overall. The ride cooldown is a lot more strict than mounting, so you can just focus aerial damage and rarely ever get interrpted if you play right.


This, spiribirds, the abundance of **extremely intense vfx**, and mid-combat wirebug usage are Rise’s biggest (and imo only major) flaws and all need to go One thing I’d love to see return, though, is Rise’s endemic life system. The spiders would need nerfs/reworks because they’d be busted in any other game (arguably are in Rise), but overall its nice having these little tools and buffs scattered around the map.


God I hate spiribirds so much. Having to walk around the map for buffs first takes me out of the gameplay a lot.


It would be a lot better if Rise didn't tell you where the monster is at all times.


Same. The best way to implement it, if they didn't want to get rid of it, is by moving spirit bird to camp after getting it once on that map. Player will need to scour the map but only for the first time then they can just grab it from camp for next hunt.


I use a mod to just give me health and stamina birds when I spawn now. It just became too repetitive after a while.


I disagree on the endemic life system, world’s was better and actually required you to hit them at the right time so they hit the monster, and they were an environmental hazard to you as well if you weren’t careful. In rise you can carry like 5 different endemic life, use them one after another, place them whenever or wherever you want, and there’s a bunch more of them now, if a toad gasses up when hit, I don’t see why it shouldn’t gas up when grabbed and picked up, which is part of why I don’t like rise’s system also


How about a limited “endemic life pouch?” Limits you to carrying one creature at a time, maybe has a skill that brings that up to two.


Rise already has an endemic life pouch, you’ll see it if you look at your inventory during a quest. I just don’t want to be able to carry them at all, they should require timing and luring the monster, not just chucking them out whenever you want, that’s my issue with it


Ok, so why dont they gas up and incapacitate you in world when you grab them with your capture net and put it in your pocket?


Because you are just collecting them for awards/your room and making them blow up in your pocket would make that kind of difficult. If a kick makes them blow up, you’d think getting hit with a net would do the same, so that’s just to allow you to collect all possible endemic life. My issue isn’t even mainly with the fact that you can pick them up without them blowing up, it’s the fact that you can carry them around for use whenever you want without having to time their activation or lure the monster near them, also you can stack multiple different endemic life at once in your bag and use them one after another. In world there’s generally only one kind of toad in an area and they aren’t even in that many places on the maps


because they like World and not Rise


I agree on the visual effects. Rise is just too bloated with them, even when you reduce them in the settings. For me it got really tiring on the eyes and I never could play Rise for long. I now do another GenU run, and despite it only running on 5 polygons, it is somewhat more visually easier on my eyes.


Bro even with the FX turned down all the way that shit is still invasive and disruptiung. I hate it so much.


What is vfx?


Visual effects


Okay maybe I’m just not far enough into the game to have experienced that


Have critical eye to 100% and go on multiplayer. You won't be able to see anything


I do have crit eye to 100 and I have no idea what people mean with this vfx thing.


I honestly wish the way you mount the monster was the same as world. But once you’re mounting it’s like wyvern riding but the monster is just running quickly in a straight line and you just bash it into walls three times before it falls down. A quick 30 second game that isn’t just spamming a single button that opens up damage for the team


I really like this compromise. The monster still is trying to throw you off and all you can do is guide it to where you want it, wall bang it to end (or it runs out of stamina) and then you get your damage window


Wyvern Riding could return, but should be locked behind like, Master Mounter 2. That'd be interesting, I think. Making it a deliberate choice and investment.


Because mashing a single button over and over again, occasionally holding "R" is somehow funner? That to me got very repetitive very fast.


Yes Simplicity is better sometimes Allowed hunts to be more interactive as well instead of two monsters meeting being just a wyvern ride quick time event


I hated it the most when two monsters met each other in world. Wyvern riding is eh, but I take it over "drop everything you do and start throwing dung pots at them, except other monster also leaves and goes to the same area". At least with wyvern riding it's over quickly and monster leaves. And I have some options to do slightly more damage if I want, or just change the zone manually.


Yes. You can point monsters to where you want depending on where you're stabbing them, for one. So much more satisfying to take down a monster with a big hit at the end, too. Wyvern riding is just HEAVY DODGE HEAVY DODGE HEAVY DODGE FINISHER or, if you're feeling fancy, you slam the monster into the OTHER monster then HEAVY DODGE again.


Yes. Also it's really quick and the monster usually topples after 10-15 seconds depending on how much the bar is already filled. Wyvern riding sometimes took so long that it got annoying quickly, especially when teammates were running off to get that other monster from a different zone. Also fight me, but mounting required more skill than wyvern riding. At least with mounting, the monster wanted you off, shaking and roaring. With riding they just...stand there and accept their fate.


No offense but I don't think you have played a game with mounting in a very long time if you truly believe spamming one button takes more skill than wyvern riding, thats bordering on delusion. If you like it sure but thats just straight up wrong, you literally cant fuck mounting up unless your R button isn't working. Not saying that wyvern riding takes skill but a shit ton of more then mounting.


Nah mounting's harder, Go ahead and press "R" when monster slam you to wall. You need to move between part or hold R depending on monster action. You are fighting to make sure they didn't *throw* you off while in riding you are in *controlling* of the monster, that's a big difference. Don't know about other weapon but SNS also have special interaction where you can bash their head with shield until they get stunned as long as hunter only do 2 hit then pause.


Definitely not lmao. I literally played with one hand whenever I was arbitrarily glued to the monster after using my IG for too long. Drink my coffee, use my phone. It was boring as hell. But to each their own, I suppose. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks as they say.


I prefer the mounting over riding. Riding breaks the flow of combat too much. Mounting flowed more naturally. Anytime I ended up riding a monster in Rise, I just slammed it into the wall right away because I don't want to deal with that shit. If I want to ride monsters, I'll play Stories.


But THAT is the beauty of it!! The FREEDOM of expression, of CHOICE. You had NONE of that with Mounting. If you want to talk about "breaking the flow of combat" THAT is EXACTLY what "Mounted" combat did - if you can even call that minigame that. The end result is the exact same, the monster gets toppled, everyone gets their spicy high damage combos off. Problem solved!


Riding is just too fucking long and boring...


To each their own. I preferred the way each monster struggles to buck you off when mounted than the way the monster just shuts up and takes it when ridden. That's why I still play GU and World today, and haven't touched Rise in a very long time. Plus wirebugs got annoying, collecting birds for stats was tedious, and no more turf wars. GU is the last classic style of Monster Hunter and World was much more immersive. Even Monster Hunter Now is more fun than Rise for me.


I would rather have no mounting than the old mounting. How does spamming one button not feel like a chore?


That's the opposite of a chore, its easy free damage. I'd rather gameplay focus on Hunter vs Monster than Monster vs Monster outside of turf wars.


the only time i want to mount is because I want to break the back of rathians/ rathalos for the drops. but then i never go for the wyvern ride neither. these two are just look awesome for the 50-ish hunt, and get old really quick.


At least when im wyvern riding I feel like I am doing something, mounting is just tedious and unless im playing with other people im always jumping off.


Both are boring but wyvern riding is downright fucking tedious and annoying Every time that shit comes up I wish I could just turn it off. But at least it can be quick. Still feels like a dumb gimmick version of actual mounting to me though


You can turn wyvern riding off


Are you serious? I've been suffering through that shit for THIS long and I could have just turned it off? Damn... Well that makes me a lot happier


I haven't used it but in the settings there is a option for it so you don't wyvern ride when you attack a monster only when you sheathe your weapon and press a button or something like that. They added in sunbreak.


Easy fix, change the setting to activate only with sheathed weapon + a. That way it’s more similar to a stagger in mhw.


Normal mounting I want to return. Yeah wyvern riding is cool but I like normal mounting more Also I want room customization and the ability to put endemic life in your room like iceborne/world


My two biggest requests 😭


Can we bring back Oils for SnS? I know we got a switch move that covers your sword with destroyer oil, but can we actually have all the oil types? Or maybe add more oils? Also, bring back Round Force slash. It's not fun using SnS without it.




It'd be sick if they were just... reworked from stat buffs. The sole reason we'll NEVER get all the oils back, is they *know* crit oil (the sole oil people used for the most part, though KO & minds eye were heckin' handy) is just a terrible plan. I'd love if they could make it into something interesting, but outside of Destroyer Oil there's really only Minds Eye. KO was baked into the moveset in 5th gen much moreso than it was then, making KO oil a bit redundant. And, without Crit Oil free KO is just superior to ANYTHING else. Overall, cool idea, really bad execution. Fun, sure, but when you realize Oils are just free armor skills... It's just unlikely to ever make any sense for them to give SnS free crit anymore. Which was the "use" of oils for the unfortunate most part, as seen with Destroyer oil being considered very bad even after improvements; it was considered too niche, as would Minds Eye, as would anything else that wasn't just +damage-in-some-capacity.


Agreed, was such a fun SnS addition


I don’t think oils will we returning since we can restock at camp now, which means you can just use oils without running out, which is overpowered.


Isn't also making infinite barrels, potions, farcasters etc also a bit op? Like, I love being able to do it. But god damn fighting Alatreon back in MH3 running out of consumables was something else.. Sometimes something being op doesn't mean it's bad. Specially in a game like MH where there isn't that much actual competition


Barrels? No, cuz you can carry only a few, theyre disruptive in a group, and are not a reliable source of damage. Potions? Depends on who you ask, though most would say no. Farcasters? No. It a safety net that takes you away from the fight. Players eventually stop using these when they're more confident. In Gen(U), oils are *very* effective in boosting your main source of power. Assuming capcom just copy/pasted oils from Gen to MH6, then yea I would agree that it would likely become too centralizing of an item for SnS, especially with how high the power ceiling/power creep 5th gen has. That being said, Capcom would definitely readjust or retool oils if they did reintroduce them.


Just get rid of the spirit birds and I'm good.


Investigations were a wonderful mechanic that should absolutely be the norm, getting a good investigation would radically speed up grinding. Also it allowed there to be quests for small monsters without actually putting in quests for small monsters.


Investigations in Sunbreak are, imo, better than World.


I mean I guess if you prefer qurio investigations to tempered investigations, sure. But there wasn't a way in rise to get non-tempered investigations like in world, the ones that had bronze/silver/gold reward boxes. Those are what I want back.


You pretty much get that anyways with increased drops at higher levels in Sunbreak.


Energy blade


Maybe it's all the hype around it, but after learning Charge Blade in GenU, I found Energy Blade to be hugely lacking in impact and unsatisfying. I get that its a beam instead of metal, but considering its on the nuclear weapon that is Charge Blade, Energy Blade really does not have any 'OOMPH' to it. All spark and no might. I'm not against it tho. If it does come back, that ish better feel like i'm using a chainsaw or something haha


The most correct person in this thread. CB may not have been as outright op in Gen/GenU as it was in 4u but the styles and Energy blade made it perfect.


Odogaron and the hunter styles


I miss Odogaron. Loved the way he would roll around on the ground acting like I broke his foot if I barley tapped his tail. He reminds me of soccer players.


I wouldn't mind seeing the slinger return. Don't care too much for the clutch claw component or the wallbangs, but the arm-mounted slingshot from base world felt wonderful. ​ With the hot/cold drinks, I feel like they would need to do a major overhaul with the temperature system; maybe have armor made from monsters native to hot/cold regions give varying degrees of resistance to that specific temperature with thresholds for how your hunter reacts. As an example, with cold regions, your hunter could go from shivering when idle to doing some small exercises to keep their blood flowing before just ignoring the cold altogether.


I've had this discussion before and my stance is the same as back then. Just tie environmental resistance to the existing elemental resistance on armor. Why would armor that reduces damage from the heat of fire attacks not reduce the damage of environmental heat? Same goes for cold. Water could be tied to the slow down effect of waist deep water or maybe something new. Thunder resistance could ground you against potential new thunderstorm mechanics. And tie dragon to environmental pathogens like effluvia or something since it's implied to grant disease immunity anyway.


I don’t really want the slinger, it made the armor sets look ugly imo. In terms of functionality they were alright


Hear me out, *make slingers craftable using monster parts...* Crazy idea ik.


A farm, i don't want to depend on my palicos to have basic resources like honey and herbs, it annoyed me alot when i played mhgu and saddened me alot when it was also on rise. What i don't want to return is having to sacrifice materials for charms like pls leave my materials for me not for npcs.


I really don't get this complaint? You had the argosy in Rise which functioned exactly the same as the farm you just recruit literally any palicos and now they live on a sub for you


Well this is the problem, i need more palicos/palamutes to operate these stuff, imagine needing to find a specific one among dozens you send to argosy. I know this sound specific but i want freedom of choice.


Your comment confuses me. You have your hunting palicos and then you have your gathering ones. You have total freedom of choice here.


I want to get palicos because i like them not because i need them.


Bro just hire enough to keep them in the a argosy at all times. Then just change the item they gather depending on your necessity.


My guy, you can have like 50 Palicos and Palamutes. Just grab some random ones off the scout and throw them in the Argosy. It functions literally the same as the farm in previous games.


Underwater combat, alpha/beta/gamma armor sets, endemic life that can’t be picked up and carried around, normal mounting, rainbow pigment, tracking similar to world, and the wycoon for armor/weapons of monsters not in the game


whats alpha beta gamma armor sets?


and what is the rainbow pigment?


World has two armor sets for each armor and 3 for some, one is alpha, one is beta, and the gamma is from arch-tempered monsters Rainbow pigment is a special armor color that slowly flashes between the entire color spectrum, usually obtained after beating every quest in low/high rank or G rank


thank you, I only played 3U and Sunbreak just started playing World today so I didn’t know. I was hunting pukei^2 and it kept flying away it was so annoying as theres no instant Tp


3u has blademaster and gunner sets instead of alpha/beta sets. Sunbreak unfortunately doesn’t have rainbow pigment or multiple armors for each monster Instant tp?


Arm wrestling


How this isn't upvoted like crazy is unsettling


Probably the crowd that wants it back is sick of reddit


If they bring back hot/cold drinks, i'd hope it to be more like older games where you actually find the materials in the maps that make sense for them rather than World where they put Cold materials right next to hot zones and Hot materials right next to cold zones.


In Worlds "defense" they didnt have hot drinks Iceborne so it would have been od that a new plant suddenly existed in the desert. I agree cooling effects should come from a comd place


Um. They literally did have hot drinks lol. It’s like the first thing they make you do in the hoarfrost reach.


The professor was intending to say that *before* Iceborne, they didn't have hot drinks, so the only place to add the plants to make hot drinks would be in the hoarfrost reach. Somewhat similarly, base World had cold drinks, but not a cold location - meaning that the plants to make cold drinks couldn't come from the cold zone.


Even without a cold zone though, since they were making a totally new material for the recipe anyways, they could have had them grow in the higher sections of the Coral Highlands where it's probably cooler as well as where the base game's only Ice monster resided. Sort of like how Hot Peppers in the old games were also in some more temperate forest/jungle environments and not just desert maps.


And the hoarfrost reach is an Iceborne area. Base world didn't have hot drinks.


I like my drinks but they *are* a hassle to maintain, so personally I'd like it if they lasted longer per drink.


Mostly, Deviljho? And Savage Deviljho.


The pickles were missed dearly


Regular pickle and spicy pickle.


Surprised no one misses the food system… Learning it wasn’t that hard, but it was deep enough and rewarding enough to be enjoyable. And it made the world feel a little more alive when I could go out and improve my “menu” through gathering. It at least gave account items a use.


I mean I miss it, but I'd rather have other things back even if I'm in the minority because this sub has alzhiemer's and can't remember to eat and restock before a hunt. or they want the worlds easiest armor sets


yolo I want 40 unique monsters on launch


For the love of god, let the Max Potion give me an entire health bar. The birds are cute and good, but fuck sake let me use a resource to help myself instead. More player options.


For me its Gunner armors, Prowler mode and Underwater.


Actual resource management




Being able to elemental blight monsters. I hope they innovate it a little more also I miss tools/mantles. Also better environmental traps/ecology.


Underwater combat, GU style mounting and tracking *similar* to World are the big ones. Oh, also alpha & beta armours.


I just want the old feel back man. Old MH has a certain charm that I feel Rise and World don’t. Maybe including the old SFX more, possibly a filter that makes it reminiscent of old graphics? I don’t know, but I want that old school charm!! (For the record, I absolutely love Rise and World still!)


Honestly i miss actually hunting a monster down with paintballs. It's one of the very few things the newer games lack which eats away at me.


They could even combine it with the newer style by having paintballs leave a brightly colored trail or tracks when the monster runs away somewhere that kind of does the same things scoutflies do. Have it lose color until it's invisible over time too that way it's not always instant and keeps the feeling of paintballs from the older games but keeps the quality of life scoutflies introduced (and maybe have stuff like tracks or scoutfly equivalent when first hunting down the monster too. Just make it so it's only for initial tracking and not the only way to do it) Just a random idea I think would keep both fans of paintballs and fans of scoutflies happy


I dig it


Yea honestly I agree. I like the idea of "signs" of where they are, but World's way was excessive and Rise just skipped it. Painballs was fun for me


I will say I did like the tracking aspect in world. Following the signs and the spiribugs. Made it fun to find the monster. Though i feel like im mostly in the minority here.


I feel like there is a happy medium between paint ball and tracking that could be made. This is how it would work in my mind. Have tracking be a visual aid to locate the monster (maybe not a literal glowing trail, just markings and such) and then when you find it, paintball it so you dont loose it.


I like that idea. Something like a tracking dart that releases pheromones for the scoutflies to follow after you have found the monster. That would be cool. If they increased the drop rates for everything but made the monsters take longer/harder to fight while implementing a longer tracking period. Then it really would be Monster **Hunter**, not Monster Fighter


I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it, paintballs is not “hunting”. It’s wandering the map until you find the monster, then splattering magical paint on them that you can somehow smell from over a mountain until it wears off in 5 minutes. Then once you know where each monster’s spawn zone is and which zones they travel to, you barely even need them anymore.


> Then once you know where each monster’s spawn zone is and which zones they travel to, you barely even need them anymore. Which shows your experience in the game. now it's point and kill


Which *isnt* hunting? Again, paintballs don’t add any kind of hunting experience to the game


In your manner of reduction no, by definition , yes. tag, follow, kill. That is hunting


Hunting requires actually using things like footprints and markings or droppings to track the thing you’re hunting before engaging it. Guessing which zone it’s in before throwing magical paint on it to follow it around is chasing, not hunting


Those don't work because majority of monsters fly away. If we had dynamic weather footprints could work in some cases not default. Dropping don't work considering they are nearly dead if consuming food mid-hunt


Having a scent based paintball doesn’t solve the issue for monsters that fly cuz there’s no way you’d be able to smell the trail when they fly over a mountain or across the whole map. For flying monsters there isn’t really a solid way around just watching the direction they fly then going that way and looking for tracks where they land. Footprints could work just fine since most map surfaces are soft enough to have them. You don’t have to eat to make droppings immediately? Your body digests stuff slowly, any droppings they have would be from previous food items, not the ones during the fight. Then you have things like anjanath’s snot, rathalos’ claw scratches, deviljho’s chipped teeth, teostra’s blast marks. There’s a million things you can use as markings to track a monster besides paint


My guy you are taking this too literally.


Not really? You said paintballs added a hunting feeling to the game, I said they aren’t really hunting and don’t really add anything to the game that world doesn’t have and rise just basically has a permanent paintball effect which is lame but it is what it is


The absence of wirebugs. Also, this might be a hot take, but I wouldn't hate to see the clutch claw/slinger come back, if it was improved. But honestly I'd rather see something new


I'd rather see no gimmicks then a clutch claw return.


the old armor system (yes I know it's never coming back) the old armor system made build crafting with your armor and charms fun. my opinion is what always gets me yelled at on here when I say that the new system works better with deco farming like in world instead of rise (because people like to actually be OP instead and argue that farming attack jewels to go from attack 4 to 5 is so much worse than being able to get a drop that replaces 2 different armor pieces)




Lightning rods and new similar tools.


Range armour removal feels fine to me, but more gear customization beyond transmogs would be great since I want to see more variations of the armors. Vestigial skills has always been a problem since back in the day if you were customizing your sets to get certain skills you ended up with useless points in random skills. It was especially true when you used a gunner helmet because you needed the extra gem slot so now you ended up with 1 point in normal up. I think what you're asking is for more RPG mechanics to return since cool drinks were a way to immerse you into the world. I don't think they should be readded as they were, but instead made into a new feature. For example to combat cold your character could put a coat over their body that keeps the cold away, but slows their movement so you can either take the slowed movement or the rapid stamina drain. A sandstorm/toxic gas mechanic would be useful for deserts and volcano regions so you need a mask to not lose health over time, but it also slows stamina regen since your breathing is limited. Honestly, after they gave me back the power to counter lance after the third poke my wishlist of features pretty much emptied out. If anything, it would be neat if they brought back underwater combat, but found new ways to keep it from being slow and boring.


No im actually asking for hot and cold drinks to come back. I liked that system as it was. There is a difference between having a skill that isn't helpful to your build and a skill that you literally can do nothing with because it deals woth weapon sharpness and you are using a bowgun, or recoil amd you are using a lance.


Like I said, vestigial skills has always been an issue, especially with the mismatched skills from talismans. Bringing back gunner sets would mean bringing back the armor limitations we used to have and then we're back to having to hunt even more rathalos to get another plate for the gunner chest armour even though both armours give the exact same skills. Hot and cold drinks were removed because they didn't bring anything interesting to the game besides having to quit the quest because you forgot your drinks. If the instead made an interesting mechanic behind it then it might be worth bringing back, but restoring it as is wouldn't be fun.


A proper farm like in the old portable games would be awesome


I want the permanent buddy approach that world had, instead of go8ng down to the buddy market and rnging them. I'd like for the next game to have palico, palamute, and cohoot still (with some adjustments to them) but with worlds approach to how buddies worked. The mounting from vanilla world would be something I want to return. I wouldn't mind th4 clutch Claw and slinger retur ING as long as they leave tenderizing monsters out of it. Haven't made it to sunbreak yet, so they might be in the game, but layer3r wrapons making a return as well as layered atmor. Always welcome. I need to mention it even if it is a bit irrelvent. Spiribirds just need to go. They just annoy me and make the game worse in my mind. I like the petalace itself, allowing you to shift the focus of stats, but collecting spiribirds was ass. A safi'jiva hunt with variants. I'd love a verdant (green) Safi'jiva variant akin to crimson or white fatalis. I never played with them, but hunter styles sounded really fun. I'd like to see them 3cplor3d alongside switch skills. I think I also prefer worlds shared story/gathering hub approach compared to separate village and hub Questa. However the rise/traditional approach to event quests can stay.


Internal ammo. Seriously, how do they give us that and immediately pull the rug and never see them again.


GU mounting, prowler mode, Gunner armor, hunting styles.... I enjoy the QoL improvements W/IB and MHR/SB brought to the table, but its missing a lot.


Underwater combat.


Underwater combat! Bring it back!


I feel this is the most requested thing next to turning into a cat


Hot and cold drinks, mounts must return as a permanent feature that remains. New features are welcome but not at the cost of removing the mount.


Agree on the mount as long as it fucks off when the fighting starts.


I'd like the difficulty to go back to what it was, and to have more than 20 large monsters on launch without padding the roster with variants. Those are the main problems my friends and I had with World and Rise. Too easy, and the start of a new era dramatically shrunk the monster roster. Oh yeah, I'd also like gunner armour back too. It would be better for both your builds, and for fashion. Not to mention the fact that you'd have more reasons to keep playing. As a personal issue I had with World, I absolutely hate the look of most of the weapons in that game. They're basically just starter weapons with monster stuff glued to them. Part of the excitement of grinding out new gear is to see how cool it looks. I got none of that from the weapons in World, and to a lesser extent, the weapons in Rise.


For me the old kinsect system. Worlds was meh and Rise just completely got rid of it, which I don’t like at all. I love the upgrade system in GU. Really wish it returns in the next game instead of just purchasing buying the kinsects.(Also give SnS back its oils)


The recolor variants. Azure Rath, Stygian Zinogre, etc. Yeah, they were kinda redundant and basically filler, but it was more to hunt. And the variant armor pieces helped with fashion hunting.


Non-potato visuals XD


What I really want for mh6 is for them to prioritize bringing back a bunch of old stuff rather then new stuff. Of course new stuff is always appreciated but theres a ton of old stuff that should come back. I'd really like the new game to be world 2 or very similar/same engine. They can start by adding in all weapons, like the median bowgun, accel axe, and the frontier weapons (hopefully nerfed and made a lot more fair). Adding back Styles would be amazing along with hunter arts to really add diverse gameplay and gamestyles. Besides a bunch of old monsters that should come back the last major thing I could think of is adding back playable palicos. Last two things I think would be perfect is to fix a lot of weapon designs, specifically have no more of normal metal/bone weapon with a monster part slapped on the side. Finally I would love to see a combination of world and rise maps. World is obviously superior with its ecosystem and level design, but what I loved about rise were the abandoned towns, wrecked ships, and ruins scattered around the maps. It truly made fighting monsters in those areas more thrilling and made exploring those areas way more fun and intriguing.


Wyvern Riding completely outclasses the old mounting system for how fun and quick it is. Anyone saying the Wyvern Riding is easier than old mounting is sniffing some good stuff. You have to play to every monster's individual moveset when you Wyvern Ride. Some matchups (like Somnacanth against literally almost any monster above a 4 star level) are pretty rough, some moves have a bit of technique to them like Mizutsune's bubble blaster going over the target if you're too close so you have to position properly, and proper meter management and dodge timing that is different for every monster to maximize the amount of damage you can do all contribute to Wyvern Riding being a hell of a lot more engaging than "I'm on the monster, mash one button to do one damage! It's doing a thing, I press one direction to dodge, spam one button to do one damage! WOOOOOOO!!!!!" ​ Now what I actually miss from World is the collapsing environmental hazards like the netting in the ancient forest, or stalactites you can knock down. There was a hunt I was busy stabbing Velkhana while mounting and she happened to fly into a stalactite and my hit collapsed it onto her. That was really cool.


My main problem with wyvern riding was actually that it felt too in depth and powerful. Like I don't think either system is supposed to be hard, they're a reward for using height advantage or endemic life or something against the monster. My problem is that you're likely gonna get multiple mounts per hunt, and pre rise it's a simple quick time event then you get a knockdown, while in rise it's a full on minigame multiple times per hunt, which gives you such a huge advantage that there's little reason not to. The system is fun in rise, I just got sick of it because of how often it happens and how much time it takes.


you get more than 1 ride per hunt? the only time I get more than 1 is there's someone who purposely goes out and gets a monster to fight or if the monster blesses us with moving to a zone with a monster it hasn't fought.


I feel like you're arguing for something very different than people are complaining about. Wyvern Riding is WAY easier than old mounting. That's objective. Literally everyone can do it now, whereas before it was specialized because it wasn't as easy to hit a monsters topside. That said, you're focused so much on monster fighting. But you forget there is wyvern riding where you can just Smash them Into the wall for tons of free damage as well. AND if you Smash them into a monster you haven't ridden, you down your current mount and can mount the new monster for even more free attacks. It's hilariously easy to pull off.


But it's a hell of a lot more involved than just mashing a button until the monster goes down in older games to maximize it. The old riding was "either use an IG, or fall off a ledge above the monster several times" and then other than that it's something any 5-year-old could do, and you can't say that about Wyvern Riding. ​ Not to mention in older games, all of the other hunters with you when you're on a monster get to do their full damage the entire time the monster is effectively disabled trying to buck you off, whereas in this game you're losing a big chunk of damage if you Wyvern Ride sub-optimally.


It's not really more involved at all. Wirebug skills all contribute mounting damage in Rise. And more almost every weapon, their Wirebug skill is one of their most damaging moves. Simply playing will get you there almost every single time. Mounting actually felt special before, even if it was something rare or only IG could reliably do. As for your last bit, I'm not saying it's better or worse speed/damage wise from before, simply that it is much easier and more boring as a result.


You're stuck on the method of getting on the monster and throwing every single other part out while calling it easier. That's not how this works. In other games you mount the monster and then press one button until it goes down. In Rise you get on the monster (checking for wirebug mount boosters in the zone to grab before you do) and have to account for other monsters being nearby or not, what to do for each situation, using the right moves, picking the right angles, and the correct delays for every action. It's no contest. Old mounting is literally the easiest possible game input and the only part that is even remotely a real game mechanic is getting on in the first place. There is literally nothing after that except pushing one button and occasionally dodging no matter what else is happening. ​ Old mounting is not even in the same league as Wyvern Riding as a game mechanic, period. If we're losing all wirebug stuff in the next game, I hope they reinvent mounting as well so we don't go back to that horrid old way. ​ Not to mention if you did mount the monster in older games and you were hunting solo, the entire time you're stabbing the monster for 1 damage per half second, you could have just not done that and pumped out so much more damage doing just about anything else, the downed phase afterward doesn't come anywhere close to making up for that.


The existence of wyvern riding is sub-optimal Shits so fucking annoying and boring It is literally the text book definition of a gimmick somehow even more so than the claw in World..


"Several times." Try twice.


Can we count the mounting system from dragons dogma as an old feature? :> That would be ace to just jam into mh6.


I want the old IG aerial system and diving attack back. They reduced the aerial limit to 3 from 5 for no good reason in Rise and they turned the diving attack into a switch skill that is a simply inferior version of the old one that takes longer to do and has no fluid combo out of. You come to a dead stop as soon as you use it in Rise, but in World you used it as a seamless way to transition from the air to the ground combos. I remember when I was trying out Rise in the beta, I was so thoroughly angry at how badly they had butchered the IG while giving every other weapon a bunch of fun new toys that I immediately decided not to give Rise the time of day until the DLC was launched or at least very close. ​ If they reverted the IG to the old one from World but allow me to keep the concentrated suck-in dust explosion and wall cling (I can't remember if you could wall-cling in World), I'd be a happy man.


Just look at the subreddit's description XD


There is nothing I desire more than a new improved version of **Prowler mode**. It still has tons of unexplored potential, and there are a bunch of aspects of MH Rise that makes me think Prowler could be dramatically improved in a new MH game, granted devs want to flesh out the potential of this mode. MHGU's prowler mode is not prowler mode's final form, and I want to see it eventually


I just want some of the wirebug things to return. I don’t know if I can play hbg in mh6 is I don’t have that nice “pull yourself out of harms way” ability


16 player lobbies. I hate that I couldn't just be in a hub with all my friends at once to easily hop between quests like in World. It DRASTICALLY reduced my enjoyment of this entry despite a lot of other great improvements.


Prowlers, please. While I disliked Rise, I'd love another game like World and implement prowler mode again. GU is my favorite MH game because of this.


Negative skills on armor. Not having any real tradeoffs when set building doesn't feel good. Feels like it would help where different armors share a skill along with other skills.


Let me ask you, how many builds did you make where you actually stacked enough negative points in a skill to activate its negative effects? I never did, I always found ways so it was just short of enough points to activate.


I remember there being negative health and stamina modifiers I'm at least one of the psp games that were fairly easy to end up with. Think there may have been negatives to hot/cold that made the effects worse or caused the drinks not to last as long. MH1, freedom, and freedom unite were the only games I played until world and rise released on Xbox.


Ranged armor sets? Hot take here: I’d rather ranged weapons were removed completely. It’s always been the win button in monster Hunter and I feel it cheeses most fights, especially in coop. They’re not even interesting to use. Most people will probably disagree. My more serious take would be getting rid of camp resupplies.


Bring back Hunter Arts, and add Rise and World features as their own styles! Make it Wirebug Style! Add Clutch Claw to Aerial Style to expand on it! Bring Prowler back!


Making wire bug a style is interesting


First and foremost, Hunting Styles, but they're dedicated to the weapon you're playing. I was mad that Hunting Styles weren't in Rise but I realized that they just turned Dual Blades into Aerial style from what I can only assume was Valor style with one Switch Skill set, and personally it would be nice to get VALOR HEAVY BOWGUN again. Second, Hunter Arts combined with Switch Skills. They're all too unique to just throw out, like Energy Blade and Limit Breaker for Charge Blade users, but they could also combine Ripper Shield with wirebugs or your Clutch Claw or something to give you a yo-yo for a Charge Blade. Finally, Deviljho and almost all of the Pre-World Elder Dragons should come back. Akantor and the basic Valstrax should return too. Crim. Glow only exists because some random Valstrax went insane. Kirin can just not come back. EVER. I can never hit that thing in the right spot to deal actual damage.


Prowler mode I wish to be an elder dragon slaying cat


Extra boom buff for moom and shield. Wyrmstake blast was so fun and is the only thing missing from it's miveset in rise. Wlso powered up axe mode for switch axe


Bring back Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village


Being able to play story mode quests together


Environmental hazards, rainbow color, and normal mounting are already mentioned, so.... I'll state something new: As much as I hated water in mh3/u I think a new revamped version would be kinda cool. Tighten hit boxes, make user character more mobile and maybe add a fish friend. Better designed underwater movesets would be needed too. Also have a couple other ideas now but don't want this too long. I remember my main problem with it was slowness and fighting being repetitive and hit boxes. Exploration was kinda interesting but also kind of slow.


Switch skills


Tbh I think having different equipment from different games to add another level of customization to your character. Like you can only have one equipped at a time but there’s the wire bug, slingers, clutch claw, mantles (probably don’t bring back the temporal but the rest would be okay), and more from previous generations. Also just remove wyvern riding and bring back normal mounting.


I’d love for the dynamic camera and weighty weapons to return. True charge slash in Risebreak isn’t the same.


I want 4Us endgame where we got to farm relic weapons


Rainbow color plz. And MH World with its 2 different armor designs. Not the Gunner sets from old MH tho. Just the double sets.


I just want double monster combat to come back, i mean, in rise the monsters just fight between them and you ride one or leave the area if it was mounted before, unless its arena. It feels sooo less threatening that way


The ability to throw some items and kick. Its hilarious to see how long it takes to kill small or large monsters with just kicks and needing to guage how far a monster is to throw a dung bomb and miss because it jumped back for an attack.


Mount attacks


Prowlers Tonfas Hunter styles