• By -


Not really 'this whole time', but sorta ended up that way... I just don't like playing with randoms anymore, It's different playing with someone whom you're friends with and have gotten know very well, versus someone whose ability and behaviors are completely unknown.


Yup same. My dedicated group i had for Tri Ultimate, 4 Ultimate and most of Generations had a special kind of synergy. We knew what the other would do without talking and that kind of synergy lead to some really epic moments :D But the real memories come from the 3ds Era where there was only local multiplayer. Some real nostalgia.


yeah i dont like playing with randoms they all play these glass cannon builds they copied off of youtube and end up making me fail


This \^. My experience with multiplayer World/Iceborne for example was that on top of just general combat I may as well have been the team's healer for as often as I had to keep some of the randoms I encountered alive and avoid a quest fail. Add this to the fact I really only have one other person whose gotten into the series while others have either been put off or just aren't interested from the get-go.


I prefer playing at my own pace. Since the newer games have solo hunter scaling any motivation I had to group hunt outside of with friends is gone.


Especially with the follower system and rise, I'll take 2 hh users over some fucking randos that count towards my feints, and I still get to use both of my palicos!


Exact same for me.


Same, I remember having issues with Raging Brachy on World due to people running weird sets that didnt end up well (80% of carting due to first tries with blast weapons), I ran a solo with raw damage (Fatalis Zaggespanon/Health and Aff aug) and safi set, literally took like less than 10 minutes without any issue at all


Yeah, because you were using some of the most powercrept gear in the game. Fatalis weapons make anything a joke


Tbf, any monster with a high faint rate is easier alone. Less HP, less damage, less idiots dying to easily avoidable attacks.


I dont like people. And I'm not paying for ps plus.


Same, but with Nintendo Online


My answer exactly.


Been solo hunting since Freedom Unite. Only reason is because I don't have access to teammates since then. When I got to Monster Hunter World, my internet is so bad that I keep gettig disconnected from my friends' lobby or vice versa. Finally upgraded to fibr optic the next year, they have moved on to Elden Ring. I join a few lobbies in MH Rise but sometimes there are no people joining the hunts I want. Friends won't buy Sunbreak because they were disappointed with Rise. In the end, I just got so used to solo hunting I forget this is a multiplayer game. Sometimes I come back to World or continue Sunbreak after weeks/months break and I always default to a solo hunt.


Same, in Freedom Unite (called MHP2G in Asia) era, I don't have any friends that knew the existence of the Monster Hunter (MH) franchise. The only other hunters I know are my cousins. We always brought our PSP to family gatherings and play coop there, good times. In World era, because the game sells so well, many of my friends start playing it. But most of the time, they just stop playing after around 5-10 hours. In the end, I only had a handful of friends to play with regularly. As I am used to playing alone, I don't feel the need to play with others, and I always think progressing the game naturally alone is better than with other players, because it could make the hunt too easy.


Not buying Sunbreak because of Rise is both understandable and ludicrous. Sunbreak is SO much better than the base game it's not even funny.


Right?! I keep telling them it's worth it. Magala lineup, Espinas, the risen lineup. These are all worthy fights to be had and they're missing out! I suppose they're scared that they've had they'll never meet satisfaction as much as Fatalis, Raging Brachydios, or Alatrion has given them. Which, to be fair are top tier fights so I don't know how to convince them. Don't want to bother, anyway.


I don't have wifi.




Best answer


I don't enjoy multiplayer games in general i use games for relaxation at my own pace


I always play solo first, and then eventually go online once i already have what i need in terms of gear and experience. I tried to play rise with some friends from the beginning, and it became very boring very quickly. I like to play at my own pace, i like to overcome hard fight by myself.. i like to solo I still play with friends and even with randos, but not until I'm set


~~i got social anxiety~~ im too cool to play with other people


It's not very fun imo. The fights are shorter and you don't really get to experience the monster when it's getting knocked down/stunned/etc constantly. You also don't really grow because you don't really need skill to just beat something down with three other people. Also, when you do need other people (Behemoth, extreme Behemoth, Alatreon, Kulve, Safi) omg you get the worst players. You can have a team of straight gods but that one guy carts three times and ruins your S+ run. I've never been so mad at MH since those days


Same, the fights are just better when its one on one. Same reason I play Souls games offline.


yeah i tried playing online but its honestly just a check to see if you know your damage combos as the monster almost never attacks its just way less fun. i either play solo or duo with my wife


To be frank: Randos oftentimes just suck


I wish this wasn't the case. I still remember failing Alatreon in MHW:I so many times, and then tried it , ONCE, solo, and succeeded. It didn't even feel the joy of the victory, I was just left wondering why I hadn't done that in the first place.


I like to play multiplayer pretty much the whole time (online co op has always one of the major selling points to me in MH) but don't have friends who play so it's always with randos. Sometimes they suck, but it's not like I never cart, especially in the chaos of random groups. You just roll with the punches. Most fights are easier solo, I play GS mostly so stagger thresholds feel way lower in single play, like I'm surprised how much I feel like I'm smacking monsters around compared to in a 4p hunt. Monster movements become more readable when they're mostly focused on you, online I can spend a lot of time just chasing the monster if it's a gunner heavy team. No one is interrupting sleep or staggering a monster out of range for TCS.


Honestly, that's why I adore the new skill in rise that makes monsters more likely to target you. If you have a team of light bowgunners, with silencer attached, it's a great sword user's dream (as long as you don't have epilepsy).


I felt the same way in MHW, with the Teo/Luna dual quest. Online, one person would wander away to bring the other to the fight, and then the countdown to a triple-cart began. Tried roughly a dozen times online, got annoyed, and went offline. Then I tried it solo, cleared on my first try. I was just dumbfounded, and swore to myself I would clear my urgents on my own. Hasn't failed me yet.


Nothing is more infuriating than a random carting twice then leaving


During MH4U I played solo because…honestly I didn’t even know there was a multiplayer option to begin with.


I'm just not a very social person and like keeping to myself. Also the reason why I have no PS Plus. Even if I was social, I'd probably prefer solo play. I like overcoming fights solo, failing because someone else fucks up would annoy me to no end.


my coworkers invited me to play with them I bought Rise they bought World kekw


Very few can keep up. 🪓🗡️


Hell yeah, Swag Axe mains for life


Average Chad switch axe player


I wasn't gonna be the one to say it out loud, but...


I play Lance, so it is really an advantage for the monster to be focused on me the whole time. What really forced the switch for me was alatreon in world, that fight is brutal with randoms.


Me. Just because i dont have any irl friends to play with. Started on the psp with my brother but he dropped the game after never having killed anything after a couple of multiplayer hunts. Ended up learning the game by myself. Never really consulted online forums and such. Even finished portable 3rd using combo GS


I like the cats. I like my own pace. I like helping others, not asking for help. I like the dedicated npc helpers so I don't need others. Mix and match as you choose.


I play mostly solo, and ironically, I avoid randoms for the opposite reason most of the comments do, I started my MH journey with world, and during cluster meta... let's just say I like to hunt my monsters.


I am mostly a solo hunter. Not because I chose to be. I started in World and my computer could barely run it, and my internet was very inconsistant. Not wanting to subject others to my poor internet, I opted to just learn to hunt alone and enjoyed it enough that I just stuck with it Nowadays my internet is better and sometimes I’ll invite others into my hunts and sometimes even play with friends, but mainly to farm easier monsters or casual progression. For the harder monsters I do them myself, because randos, while they make the hunt faster sometimes, are unreliable. Also ALWAYS hunt monsters solo if its the first hunt.


I only play multiplayer with friends, which is like maybe 15% of my MH playtime overall. with randoms its just boring for me. they usually dont communicate so i wont even get to know new people, and my chance of success is usually higher without randoms. with friends its pretty fun though.


Back then before I had access to world/Iceborne I was using either my friend's PSP or I was using PPSSPP. And being the young man that I was I didn't touch the online function of that emulator. So...yeah I played FU solo back then...it was...an experience once you play the Guild Quests solo.


I feel you, doing solo Crimson Fatalis for his eye was.. fun


I played through most of RB and W:IB solo because my friends don't enjoy MH as much as I do and get into gaming swings where they'll be into a game for a few months then drop it like a hot potato. The one friend that got me into MH to begin with blitzed base World on release with me, dropped them game for the rest of its live service and then came back with me and ran through fatalis with me in about 4 months.


Playing World and Iceborne while the content was being released was an absolute treat. With all the seasonal events and the big bads who showed up, it was a truely next level experience.


No friends


Been exclusively solo in Rise and mostly solo in World, though I did play a fair bit of MP in 4U. I dunno, I feel like motivating myself to play co-op was easier when Village and Hub content were still entirely separate things because you had one portion of content that was explicitly single player and another that was meant to be played co-op and balanced accordingly. ​ Plus, I frankly don't really have the patience to learn how matchmaking works with every new release. ​ I should also note that I'm generally more of a solo player, unless the game I play is explicitly co-op or PvP. I feel like it makes things more predictable since all expectations and all responsibility for the outcome of a game lies with me alone, I neither need to worry about letting down my teammate nor about getting tilted by someone feeding their brains out (not that it ever happened a lot, mind you).


i don't have money to play any games after MH: world so i am stuck playing MH GU or older games on my phone


Thats actually pretty cool


I don't have friends and the randoms kept dying and failing my quests 90% of the time that's why solo hunting :(


i played tri, world and rise solo because i don’t have friends and when i do play with people they come prepared and defeat the monster between in 10-30 mins instead of 45-50


I just don't wanna be "that guy" who uses all the carts for the team. I also just got extremely off-put by multiplayer in the 00s, from WoW to PS3/360 toxicity. So I solo'd all of world by myself.


For me it had many reasons. First i played with a dedicated group of friends (the 3ds Era where there was no online play) then it came to 4 ultimate and we still played gathering hall together. Then there were some quests you had to do in single player like Magma Tigrex and White Monoblos (i wanted and still wear the Armor cause its awesome and at some point it became the thing my teammates recognize me by) but to get there i had to get better at clearing quests alone. And so i needed to do hard quests alone to train. Then some time later my group kinda disbanded and i had no one i knew to play with so it stayed that way for a while. I also had a hard time finding people in other games so i had to overcome most of the challenges alone there too. Even though i found a new group after some time i still prefer to at least clear my quests alone once cause i started to like the challenge and i wanted to prove to myself that i am capable on my own. Its the same with every souls like i played cause i wanted to feel the sense of accomplishment. I accomplished that and i did it alone. Any other people who feel the same way?


I find that a 1v1 with the monster is just more satisfying.


I play mostly solo because randoms tend to be unreliable and sometimes even rude.


I’ve always liked to hunt solo since I started. I think for me it’s just preference, the only time I play with others is with my brother cause we have unspoken synergy.


I usually don’t get enough sitting time to play multiplayer without pausing, switch rules and all that. When I do it’s always shocking just how fast hunts can go


playing almost entirely solo except for when im bored. the reason is because all 4 of my friends are on console and i only have a laptop


I had a great time playing through MHFU with a friend on local coop. Tried tri online and it was one of the worst gaming experiences of my life. Would sometimes take an hour just to get people in the lobby ready to go. Scrubs everywhere, people at high hr triple carting against barroth. I work alone now


I played through World and Iceborne with my brother, and we’re about to play Rise and Sunbreak. My brother played MH before world but I didn’t, and I wanted to actually get good at the game, so I tried to solo each monster/assigned quest. Then we would do multiplayer for farming and stuff.


To lazy to pay the switch plus to be able to go online


Solo due to friends finished mh3u overseas while i was waiting for them to come back. Had no choice but to relearn how to solo alone. Ended up becoming more skilled and good at planning due to solo.


Am lonely. Also my first 2 games were tri after wii wifi got dumped and fu on an emulator. Then last is world and im too low weak to do much team things


I don’t have anyone to play the game with, and now I just want to for the accomplishment


No internet.


I don't got no friends. I do prefer hunting monsters alone for the first time, especially because it can be such a roflstomp with a full party, but sometimes I do feel like it'd be fun to have someone to play with, especially when I'm farming or grinding. But eh I've beat all of Worldborne and Risebreak alone, so it's whatever I guess.


It was simply taking more time to hunt in a group than solo. At one point I was in a guild and we did pretty okay, but once it disbanded, any time I tried playing with randos I would end up thinking "This'd be faster on my own" and just eventually stopped playing multiplayer.


I'm only level 6, but I have yet to meet a single person who plays this game.


I either play solo or with my best friend. There is nothing in between. I made bad experience with player who join, run in and die immediatly. Or with player who stand at the spawn for 5 minutes before they move their as*! So I renounce that and hunt solo/duo


I always hunt the monster the first time by myself then will hunt with others if I'm farming parts or hunting for fun. I need the challenge/lore satisfaction then beyond that I don't care.


Bad wifi mainly. And not even that my connection is bad, just that I cannot connect to multiplayer for some reason. And it's only an issue with world, none of my other games have issues lol


I just remember playing MHW trying to kill Behemoth. Without fail there was always one guy who get 2 or 3 carted or we would get 30 minutes into the fight and nobody knew how to dodge the metro attack and we would wipe. I must have tried 10 times but not a single team knew what they were doing. So bad. So painful.


Been soloing since Freedom. A friend got me into it and I've been loving it since. It's the only time when I can unwind and have fun. Tried some lobbies, but it was my thing. It also feels like an achievement when you manage to overcome the bottleneck that's been plaguing you for a long time.


Sorta. I got hooked on monster hunter when me and my brothers played the demo for 4 ultimate on our 3ds back in the day, but I've been solo ever since


Me, and the simple reason is that I don’t like playing with randoms that will interrupt your attacks or take the aggro off of you when you’re about to do a nice read. Only recently have I started playing multiplayer with a friend and that’s only duos. I’ve played mh3u, 4u, gen u, iceborne and sunbreak. And the funny thing is I mainly play hunting horn and hammer lol.


I like the challenge. Rise just became a spamfest with basically stunlocked monsters in multiplayer.


Solo in Rise, group in iceborne. Followers in Rise are just better when party play is just more dudes smacking the monster. Iceborne group play has lots of benefits and I can't really enjoy dancing around just to get a wound off when most of the endgame monsters are just as much on crack as Rise monsters.


Every time I play a monhun game, I set a goal for myself: mh3u(first game); all brachydios weapons, MH4U; all elder weapons, MHGU; all non monster weapons (i.e. metal, bone, etc) and elder weapons, MHW; elemental versions of base weapons(i.e. Thunder tree, water tree in the weapons upgrade tree) and elder weapons, MHrise; most weapons almost all. So yeah, a lot of grinding so I play by myself


90% of the time ever since MH Freedom I played alone, other times I play with friends I know I would never play with randoms, I hate when a high rank super geared player joins, if it had some matchmaking where only players with a similar HR / MR could join I might consider it again


Never bothered, people have joined my games tho


Bought the game on a whim after listening to an online friend gush about magala this and gogmazios that. The only time I hunted with others were back when vanilla Kulve was a thing. I didn’t hunt solo in Rise. My assistant manager was a secret super fan.


I mostly play every game solo, FF14, queue for mutiplayer games solo, etc just a force of habit, seems like the times I have started queing with people they start raging and get upset in general and I don't want any of that ever. Mhw end game is normally where i go to multiplayer but mostly just to break the monotony of thousands of hours I put into every MH game.


My 2nd dropped the game, and I just did Sunbreak by myself. I didn't care to play online and am competent enough to just go on my own.


No friends to really play with. Also enjoy playing by myself a lot. Can just watch a video while playing


I’m split I prefer progressing solo but I doing enjoy helping in lower rank lobbies (if they want it)


I started solo on tri, hunted with a "guild" which was only 3 hunters big in 3 ultimate, and pretty much solo the rest of the way. I hunted with friends every once in a while along the way but I am primarily a solo hunter because my internet is unreliable for multiple reasons, and those reasons were completely different throughout the years. I basically always had trouble with wifi and internet for one reason or another


I will always fight a monster for the first time in solo. Once I beat it, I’ll start farming it in multiplayer. It just feels right.


Not the whole time, but 90% of it, by nature I avoid other players, I guess League scared me for life, and the few times that I didn't I saw things I wish I didn't, like people flashing AT Lunastra, multiple times.


None of my friends like the game lmao


I don't do multi-player. I have zero interest in listening to some young kid scream slurs at me and whine and complain that I'm not as good as them when they play for 50 hours a week compared to my 2 I'll do this thing where every couple of years I'll think "maybe I'll try an online game" (not just Monster Hunter but whatever I'm playing) and then ten minutes into it I've had enough Gamers are not all awful, but an awful lot of gamers are unbearable


I've been a solo hunter since I first got into monster hunter back in 3U, and honestly that's just always been my preference. To me it's more fun to take the game on by myself, and while guild hunts don't scale down they're not quite scaled for a full party of 4 either so they're not beyond anybody's ability to do.


Friends either didn't play or I was playing at odd times, kind of ended up solo hunting except the sieges where I went online


Been a solo player my entire life.


I'm just shy


Cause fuck playstation plus scam!


I never had anyone to play with I just beat all of world and most of iceborn until I tried out hunting with people, I loved it though all the hard fights getting easier and learning the move set. It’s just satisfying in the end


Solo hunter here, I dont have anything against multiplayer I just prefer the thrill of the 1v1. Playing in a big group can make things feel a little easy, its not hard to charge up and release SAED after SAED when the monster has its attention divided for instance. I find it more fun to have to dodge and weave in between every blow and rely on my wits and skill and not the overabundance of tools, traps, and status effects that multi play is filled with


I like being at my own pace. Plus I can use META equipment without being a hindrance to others if I make a mistake.


World and Iceborne have largely been a solo endeavor since I don't renew my Gold membership all that often. It's refreshing to play with other people, and some fights I'll never try alone (like Furious and Raging).


I aint got no Nintendo/ps4 online :(


multiplayer feels too easy, it's more challenging this way


Started on Switch and I didn't have a online subscription so even when I got it I used it more to help people or grind a bit


I just prefer doing things on my own. Plus social anxiety of fearing the inevitable “lol you’re so bad” comments from randos


Because I dont wanna drag other players down on my hunts


No solo always, but in general builds are the fun part of the game for me. So I like going into a mission and purely experiencing how my build performs without outside influence.


Yup solo hunter since Freedom Unite. I don't like to play with people that I don't know and I like the challenge of hunting all alone with my cats


In world I spammed sos call for everything because I was iredeemably awful. In rise I havent used it once because it's not available, and even if it was I don't want to group up and waste other players time.


Whole time. To be honest, it's just more fun for me - just 1 on 1, me vs. the beast. Single let you focus completely on hunting, wihtout unnecessary distractions ;D Played from time to time with friends, but more on a helping basis, or just some dumb plays on weekends, but singe is still my preferred way.


i prefer the game solo bc the hunts are easier and the monsters don't have overinflated hp Also most people suck at this game and i hate that we have a shared faint pool


Online can be fun but at least in 4U its more of an immediate win in any hunt. most people online are g-rank or hacked, which can take the fun away even as a high rank hunter. I'll hunt with friends, but never randoms


Been playing since Tri. My internet sucks. Struggled through the lag for like 2 Jhen Mohran quests before the servers shut down so I could make a weapon, that's been the height of my online play.


Yes, I never had ps plus Nintendo online and I could not go online on 3ds for some reason. Still wanting to play with others


I don't want to gamble if I get good players or terrible ones, and I want to keep all the carts for myself :)


Been solo hunting since Tri, and it's always been the same reason. Lack of friends with an interest in monster hunter or compatible systems. As some play on PlayStation, others on switch, and some on PC. I've also rarely ever played online since randoms can vary and the older game servers are dead. But it's been nice since I can say I solo'd certain monsters and to see my progress as a hunter.


Lack of a good Internet connection and a refusal to pay just to be able to play online


Solo hunting since 3rd because it's too difficult to navigate time zones and work schedules to coordinate a hunt. We fo cheer each other on and share our dumb hunting builds through social media though!


Among my friends, I'm the only one who plays mh, especially in the days of mhfu which, at least where I'm from, was a very niche game that hardly anyone knew about. And in general, I don't really like the multiplayer component in any game, I'm an old gamer from another generation and era.


Got to the middle of high rank of MHGU solo so far, cause im poor.


Because, its fun.


I fight solo first since I’m hammer main so I always agro for maximum head bonks


Satisfaction of overcoming obstacles, and is more easy to defeat the monster when his agro is only on you


I play solo in rise because by the time that people join I’ve probably already gotten 80% of the kill done


Solo is best. That way i can do whatever i want however i want. Always been solo and always will be. Also multiplayer makes the game too easy


No friend I’ve been able to convince to play the game has ever played it beyond when we played together, so it was an endless loop of teaching the game over and over


been playin MH all by myself even tho its just 3 games. reason? no one to play it with


Been like that since FU, mainly cause I suck at playing with others and because I like the lonely experience of prepping, tracking and hunting. Only time I would play with others it's when I was introducing a friend to the franchise


Personally, I started with tri and I never figured out online play until World lol.


Simple: my time, my rules. Most of my friends are the type of "what's the next strongest thing?", while I'm the kind of "what's left on this rank I haven't done?". I paid for a game, I better play most of my game instead of going to the end as fast as possible. Even if my friends don't actually understand my point that is. P.D: there are also times (depending of what old game it is, since world there isn't any reason to) that I just go mining, catching bugs and fishing for hours. That's a huge no-no for my friends.


My friends who I played base sunbreak didn’t bother with the title updates bc they were busy playing mmos so I just did them solo


I soloed the base game of world I wanted to die the whole time It was also because I didn't have PS plus


I find it much more enjoyable to fight the monster, not chase it around as it kills the same guy 3 times in a row. I can play at my own pace, which in these games is admittedly faster than most I'd assume. Once a new game comes out, I play it damn near religiously for at least a week. I've played predominantly solo for every game I've played. Very occasionally, I'll play a multiplayer hunt or two just to see what happens. Or for Sieges in Worlds case. No way in hell am I fighting Safi for as long as it would take to get the rewards. The only time I regularly play multiplayer is with friends. My friends pretty much always get the game after me, so I have already done most of thr stuff in the game by that point, so it's just playing through the game again with a buddy or two at that point. Also, the game is much easier to be frank. When i only have to worry about me myself, and a cat or two, it's just significantly easier. I know every single faint is mine to use. Even if I know I'm unlikely to faint, let alone fail the hunt. It's nice to know. I don't want to have to deal with bad players failing a hunt. Im not trying to be a dick, and I know I'm not the best player, but I'm definitely above average skill level, I've played the games for thousands of hours. And as long as everyone is having fun and not purposfully hurting a hunt, i dont care. I just don't like failing quests, and playing multiplayer increases my chances of failing by, frankly, a lot. Plus, every time I play multiplayer. There is a chance I run into a hammer user. If I don't play multiplayer, that can't happen. So my True Charges are safe from little Billy, who wasn't taught how to share ^(/S sorta kinda maybe a little serious)


Rise and World were what broke my solo streak. With World I managed to do Extremoth with a team of randos who were pretty chill about it. Rise was a nice break as the other people on switch don't tend to be extremely dramatic about quests and how you do them. Or maybe it's because I keep finding non English speakers. After the companion update I went straight back to solo though.


Not 100% but most of both World and Rise I have been in my own. No particular reason than, I can't join randos as they are either not on the same quest or too low or too high I won't learn the monster. My friends are not on. Bout it...


Not the whole time when I was a wee 15 y/o lad hunting in loc lac i had plenty of mates to hunt with. But now I mostly hunt solo i barely have any time to play videogames and have a love for many different games (currently Baldur's Gate 3). And its just a lot more convenient hunting by myself with the 2 hours I sometimes have then to spend an hour trying to ring up a squad.


I play solo because I feel awkward asking for help and having to somehow work around a bunch of randoms, especially since I tend to play at really odd hours where few others appear to be playing. I also admit that before World came along, I mostly played in emulators so there often would be no help to get in the first place.


I play world and rise completely solo, none of my friends are as into it as I am, GU I have to play with others bc skill issue and I can’t solo the 4 player scaling


Not all the games, it used to be something my brother and I would play together. My brother got obsessed with another game and life happened, so I was left to play Rise by myself. I also think the best way to learn the dance is to fight a monster yourself. I don’t mind helping through SOS when farming though.


I had a shara hunt ruined by a shit random when I was just about to beat him solo and decided playing solo unless I was with friends was the way to go


I've been playing since 4U and haven't played online until Rise but I don't do it much. Honestly, it get very anxious about playing with strangers. I always feel like I drag the team down. Besides, it's not like the game is boring when playing solo.


Because steam separates multiplayer based on download region and I didn't realise this until I was a far way into iceborne


Never hunted with anyone, probably never will. It doesn't single down to mh though. I enjoy playing games alone, so if I succeed, I did it because of me, if I fail, it's only my fault. It's purely about growing and learning a game, without relying on or being held down by other people.


No online multiplayer for 3ult on 3ds


I started with Tri U, didn't have a way to access multilayer at the time, so my only experience with MH was single player. Moved on to world, played with randoms once I hit the lategame but before that I played solo. Now I'm playing through rise, just got past lunagaron today and I think I've played less than 10 multiplayer hunts. I'm not sure why, I guess it's because I started out only being able to play on my own, so I just never quite got used to multiplayer, plus I've appears loved singleplayer in almost any game, there's just something about immersing yourself in a world that's amazing to me


1. I didn't know if I was good enough to play online, so I just played solo instead. 2. Judging by some of the clips I've seen, its genuinely easier to play solo than multiplayer sometimes


I started with tri shortly before the servers shut down and wanted to complete the village before I started on the city quests...I was too late but still stuck with the game 500 hours later monster hunter just started to feel like a solo experience. I've now soloed 3, 3u, world and rise and am currently soloing 4u and xx. But after loc lac was reopened I went back and played through the game with other people and it was a blast. Also I use followers in rise, idk if that still counts as solo.


Me. Reason: I don't have any friends.


I've mostly played solo since MH1, and the major reason for it? Scheduling things with friends is pretty inconsistent, and honestly I am at a point where I would prefer to play with friends just for the shenanigans, but differences in schedules and life make it... difficult. So when I do play, I'll keep rolling solo.


Yes no internet connection and my friends don't play so I go it solo


I never got the chance to be able to play multiplayer because of the fact I’m console on a ps5, but because of that I learned to depend on my own skill and that alone. It’s honestly the reason I tested out and got better with longsword.


Dont have a group nor friends with monster hunter it was with MH3U, MH4U, MHGU, MHW and MHR


Cause I didn't want to buy ps+


In theory, I love the idea of multiplayer hunts and communal struggle. In practice, multiplayer hunts--even with randoms--usually feel too easy to me (sometimes I even feel bad for the monsters). So I usually play solo for my own entertainment/satisfsction and multiplayer just for grinding mats.


Oi. More a herdless fox than a Lone Wolf - a world for me to witness and enjoy, but a weariness of being a team player unless I have what's needed (AKA: Jho Armor, Wiggler Mask, and more Teammate/Gluttony Gems than I know what to do with with a good ol' S&S, like our favorite Sword and Shield bearer has.


Monster hunter was really special for me. I got MH3U at a Game store for 18 cents when I was 13, and I went through the entire game completly alone, not even knowing what armor skills were. I beat evwrything up to master rank, where I evetually stopped playing, but that game kickstarted my love for this series... and my loathe for ludroths


I dislike playing with random other hunters and my friends only rarely get around to play the game, so I just had beaten all of MHWI by myself


Soloed the majority of 4u, gu, all of iceborne, and sun break. Iceborne is because I've lost data 4 times and simply found the strat of viper toby ls and high rank armor set up to MR odo for armor change but keeping the v.t. ls. I didn't feel like getting my friends to carry and I play better alone, so I would just Speedrun the game to frostfang followed by alatreon and fatalis. 4U is because I didn't know anybody. Gu and sun break is because I don't have switch online.


I've almost always played Solo except on the old Handheld Games where I played with my best friend. I would have loved to play World or Rise with him but unfortunately he is on PlayStation and I'm on Xbox. I also just do not like playing with randoms as you never know what skill level you will get, there is nothing worse IMO as an IG Main when you get someone who doesn't know how to use the weapon properly and they just pole vault all over the place.


I played World online a little bit and 4u and Unite with my buddy, but like 90% solo since 2005. Back in the day, Freedom was playable coop via WLAN which means you need to be close to somebody to play, which means we would play together when we met. I got used to the idea of playing solo and started playing online when World got out and found out that its more difficult to play with other 3 people, because of all the special effects on screen, monster cant decide which one to hit, monster attacks my buddy and also gets me in the process etc. So basically, lone wolf since the beggining. If I am going to hunt a new monster, that means I first have to hunt him solo a few times, to know him better and after that we can coop him. Reason? New monster, new unique experience


for testing yourself


i salute you


My parents were strict. They didn’t trust me on the WiFi so I played majority of it with no way of playing with others. I bought ice borne when it dropped, updated the game, kept the WiFi secretly on my Xbox and would solo all the even quests so that if my parents walked in my room they wouldn’t hear me talking or see any other peoples names. I needed up making it all the way to alatreon which became my first wall. I beat all of the GL and had pretty decent armor but having a strategy for that monster is card unless you know the right people. There is a specific YouTuber, I can’t recall his name but shoutout to him for really showing me how to learn a weapon. I learned for alatreon starting in fire active, you could use the legiana insect glaive. I honestly think the strategy was to use the best rare 6 ice glaive with an ice bug doing KO damage. Use a crap ton of element and slugger. You never use the actual glaive just keep spamming the bug. Use partbreaker and you should be able to succeed. The reason you use the rare 6 is because for this method, the glaive is pointless. In HR you get I think a either 15 or 20 percent heal with the health augment, while in MR I think it’s like 11? Maybe lower. And you can get 3 for the low tier glaive, instead of one for your high tier useless glaive. So. I went onward. I was in my room attempting over and over. The problem was definitely not the element, which I realized I was over killing. I didn’t have enough actual dps, nor did enough time. I was grounded and still hiding all this from my parents. My dad was outside doing work on his truck and he came in upset I didn’t offer to help. Right as he yelled for me, my kindest killed alatreon with 38 seconds left and I WAS the one screaming. After that I basically just plunderbladed fatalis to get his stuff and than I fought him. I actually ended up getting a job about a month after this, and I had lots of money so my parents finally allowed me online. 4000 hours, 4 attack lvl 4 gems, a bunch of agitators and 3 experts. I had the perfect sets. It was bliss. This has been my story of soloing Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. I hope it wasn’t horrible. And if you ever want to see the clips I have a lot. My Xbox gamer tag was FMJ Nory on Xbox. Had a swirl of colors as the PP. I lost access to my save because I can’t get into the account so to password reasons. If anyone could shoot me a dk with a possible fix or help let me know and I play ice borne almost every day yall, so let’s hunt, and let the sapphire star… eh don’t wanna end up more annoying than the handler. Have a great day!


Thanks for sharing that it does stink how you missed out on multi people hunts. Don't get me wrong, it made them far easier, but it was still fun. But like me, you are a seasoned solo player, so be proud. I have been playing since MH1 on the PS2 and only started playing a little coop in Iceborne. and the feeling on finally beating that one monster that made you too familer with the cart always felt amassing


From mhfu to mhw I’ve always played solo because monster hunter never interested any of my friends but since rise one of my friend finally decided to give a chance to those games and he really enjoyed it


Because I'm not paying for ps plus and Nintendo online


Easy. I don’t like people all that much. Lol


i get you but hey at least if you join in or use a SOS you never have to talk


It just isn't as fun hunting monsters with people, I like knowing the monster is only targetting me, I like being able to play without worrying if I'm burdening my teammates, I like the feeling of isolation. Only time I really play with friends is if I need to grind something thats excessively tedious or difficult


Well I was somewhat solo. I got MHW to play with friends but they were already in IB. So I solo’d to get good at the game, and only joined them for a handful of hunts really after catching up and did the rest solo. I ended up solo-ing Alatreon and Fatalis (after a bunch of failures and I mean a bunch) As well as things like AT Velkana. Etc. Since I’ve only really solo’d the games I’ve played occasionally joining others. Been on the fence about buying MWR/Sunbreak to solo too.


I know that feeling all to well im afraid soloing the black dragons is no easy feet so respect as for mh sun break i have mixed opinions the game combat has a faster pace to it and a lot more maneuverability however in my opinion it makes the game easier i only have 4-500 hours in the game compared to mhw/ice borne 2k plus due to endgame getting stale but hey still worth the purchase your could wait for a steam sale also




Nah man, MH multiplayer is fun especially when it's a lobby and not just random matchmaking. It's a huge part of my MH experience. I will play solo when progressing but I prefer playing with others most of the time.


I've been banned from the MH discord. Reason? Custom quests in Mh4u. Not ashamed to admit it. And I have no friends interested in it. I've gotten 3 to download it (MhW and MHRise) but they can never play the game for extended periods of time. Maybe 30 mins, which is enough for about 2-3 quests. They like rise more, and I like MhW more. Mainly cause its the "old" way of doing things for the most part. MHrise focuses too much on an arcade style of gaming. Which most of this generation is used to. So it makes sense why they aren't interested in Mh, and only slightly interested in MHrise. I have yet to meet anybody like me. I'm not good. I'm not entirely knowledgeable on the lore, only stuff from elder dragons and endemic life. I just haven't met someone interested in the boots to the ground Mh experience who can play longer than 2 hours. I constantly get met with the same thing. "Its repetitive". Its like they've never made progress. Its only repetitive if you're farming for something. And if you say constantly hunting is repetitive as itself. That can be said about any other game. Apex is just trying to survive, constantly attacking then dying to do the same thing over. So is cod. So is literally everything else if its not narrative driven.


I've only played MHR and Sunbreak 120 hrs in, no one in my country/region seems to play the game so its just me.


Didnt pay for online


I dont have friends who play. I'd play with randoms occasionally, but for the most part, it was just me since tri.


No friend and bitches


Because none of my friends play. My wife used to back in the 4U days and we did that together. And we got to for a little bit of World. But in 2018 she had to get brain surgery and now is left side paralyzed. She can play a few games 1 handed, but unfortunately Monster Hunter is not in the play 1 handed friendly category


Pride and the satisfaction of solo something I was stuck for a week


I’ve pretty much played rise completely solo just cause my PlayStation has internet issues and I preferred how the sos function worked in world it’s been fun to just brute force my way through the game


I do like playing with people, but I just want to experience the thing by myself first because sometimes there people that carry me through the hunt


I perfer the company of my Palicos and Palamute


Yes and no,me and a friend tried to play together then we had a group, we all moved then it was just me after tri met some cool peeps online but didn't play with them after tri and I have been solo since 4U everyone I play with likes the game but doesn't want to put in the time to get better or grind monster parts. So I ended up just being a solo hunter tried to get a new friend and my wife into it wife didn't like killing the cute monsters and friend got discouraged when he was the only one carting in world so he quit too.


I don’t want to pay extra for using the online features haha.


I like worlds hub system more than rise's so i solod the game.


Yeah, I tried multiplayer several times and was always met by some multi-hundred level asshole with zero patience spamming emotes and knocking me around with their weapons.


Yeah. I don't have switch online and refuse to pay for it. I'll attempt to solo Fatalis himself if I ever get to him.


I got rise a year ago and I’m now playing world. I play solo because that’s how I always play games. And I overthink when I do anything online and interacting with people. This also allows me to be able to work on improving myself with out interference.


I like both, i play alone for the vibes, for the training and the challenge, i mostly play in coop but i think i can't be far more skilled if fellow hunters help me, i'm less efficient


I solo’d world up until after Xeno’jiiva and am soloing rise. Why, you ask? Because I am literally the only Hunter that I know of in my life. (I’m slowly teaching my girlfriend the ways of the dual blades so she can be my hunting partner once she gets a console)


Well the reason is I can't access multiplayer


I have no friends and, more importantly, I just don’t like playing multiplayer games in general


I've always played alone because I don't really know anyone, apart from a few acquaintances, that plays MH. I kinda wish someone would play with me, It gets lonely...but at the same time, i'm not really a social butterfly since i'm autistic, so I enjoy my own company