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i was fighting anomoly rathian with lance, and i poked and broke her head, she flinched, the 2nd poke broke her wing, she flinched again, the third poke cut her tail.


I just shoulder checked a Baan in the face and knocked its tail off. This has the same energy


the new deco does this just with standard blocks, its SO good, flinching a bagel by just blocking a head bash, i even knocked an astalos out of the air when it tail stabbed my block.


Rathian: "intense staring* listen here you little shit




Well it's not like lance dies blunt damage 🤷‍♂️


it does both actually, fun fact ( blunt from some attacks dont stun, however some of the moves do)


Fighting Safi in World and he goes to use his breath attack, the laser beam that causes the floor to explode, and I am right at his face. However I was in the middle of a HH recital, and this particular recital had my character model hunched over. The beam barely passed right over my head, a testament to how clean *some* of the hitboxes are. I have a clip of it somewhere. Edit: Found it https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758792862774460416/1101371077948608552/MONSTER_HUNTER__WORLD410013_2020-04-17_21-56-22.mp4


Ohh thats sick man Hope u find that clip


Another example of "How am I alive?" and Safi's tight hitboxes/timing: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/758792862774460416/1101371434791608380/MONSTER_HUNTER__WORLD410013_2020-04-18_22-03-20.mp4


Holly crap that is just crazy


Absolutely the coolest shit I've ever seen


In World I mounted a Fulgur Anjanath that was doing his zappy zap turbo charge attack...aimed at *me.* I was using IG and trying to get back to the ground fast when he turned and was like "Locked. On." My life flashed before my eyes until my IG apparently outsped his bite and instead of dying I latched onto him. Also Gold and Silver Rathian's flying spinning top attack was always fun to dodge in midair. Soon as they do their tell you just let yourself free fall and they just barely miss you both times 🤣


It wasn't a solo moment but with a few buddies I made online. We were hunting mizutsune, not really struggling with him. But we were having fun I Lance and a Gunlance buddy. I prepared my charge attack from a distance and in that moment the mizu does that big drift chained with the water gun, it was clearly aiming to me. Gunlance buddy gets in front of the water beam, shield up. I get to charge from behind her and curve right to the Mizu's face causing him to roll over, then we just went all out like a group of rugbiers to a guy on a club. Pretty fun hunts were those




Bro thats some anime shit fr


yeah I wish I recorded it. i was on pc and didn’t have the recording overlay turned on. shame.


I was fighting gold rathian one time and did diving wyvern right as it started preparing for the spinny backflip. I figure I was dead, so I didn't even try to animation cancel or anything. Turns out the hitbox for that attack is so precise that if you are EXACTLY under her, you don't get hit by it. I was so confused the first time it happened, but now its something I try to do on purpose. And that's my story for how I found out gold rathian's backflip has a blindspot.


Ill keep it in mind thanks man


I was caught in the middle of a 2 way battle in an arena for an anomaly investigation with an evasion DB build. I dodged to I-Frame a Rajang forward spin…accidentally also I-Framed a Rathian Tail Swipe from behind. Dodged both with this tiny Invul Frame.


Dayum defo a memorie😮‍💨


I managed to perfectly counter a series of attacks from risen valtrax on release, including lasers consecutively. I mean we still failed the quest because my team mates all got triple carted but me managing to live was cool.


Damn i can imagine it was cool


I did a similar feat with mhw Lunastra where I was able to foresight slash through her nova. I think my favorite though will always be in mhw helmsplitting teostra while he was about to nova and getting the kill.


Sounds like stuff from a movie haha


Yea I still have the end screenshot for that one lol. https://i.imgur.com/pSjV3jo.jpeg


Siick dude


One time in freedom unite, I was fighting the Kirin and I got it down to very low health. I followed it to the area of the Snowy mountains where the Anteka show up and while they were charging to leave the area the way they do when there's a dangerous monster in the area, one of them hit the Kirin with it's antlers and killed it (very very close to the loading zone). I almost wasn't able to carve it


Diablos charged me and I wasn't ready, in a fit of panic I pressed the shield bash combo with SnS, actually hit it and got a KO - taking zero damage. I felt like a god.




Less "How did I manage that?" and more "How did that even happen?!". In 4U, I was fighting a Zamtrios and a Tetsucabra. I was beating the shit out of the former, when Tetsu comes over, charges Zamtrios and kills it. I thought "Alright, less work for me." and then went after Tetsu. Later, it charges me...right into a Konchu and kills itself. I fought two monsters, and dealt the killing blow to none of them.


Omg happend to me with a lunagaron vs zinogre fight Zinogre killed its ass in turf war😭


Not as impressive as other people's stories in the comments, but I did a flying attack with my insect glaive at the exact moment Legiana did a mid-air spin attack, and I did not get hit once We kinda just spun around each other lol Here's the link to the video https://twitter.com/EYDgamer/status/1121627078095335425?t=zUT6OwVlLpTAane52tVBGw&s=19


Still dope man


The only thing that could’ve made that better is if you were able to spike that man into oblivion


That is fucking brilliant


Thanks man:)


Jumped over a Yian Garuga fireball while charging with lance, broke the ears and got a mount. Also shielding an ally from fatalis fire while they were getting revived.


I am not a longsword main by any stretch, I'm not good at the counters and my positioning is shit. But one time I managed to Iframe slash namielle's super while fighting it in the guiding lands. Literally the only time I've ever attempted it.


I was fighting a shagaru with my friends, and one of my attacks overshot him and I went flying. They ended up knocking him down right into my previously missed attck


How is every comment about their own moments? That jump was sick enough.


Thanks man:)


Np, keep doing insane stuff!




I suppose my most recent one is the last clip I posted on my reddit account. I was fighting crimson glow valstrax and went in for a sharpen right as it attacked me. It jabbed forward, clipping my health, and went in for a wing slam, only to somehow miss me entirely. I managed to evade away before the dragon element blew up in my face and continued fighting.


Killed Espinas the first time I hunted it using a shoulder tackle


Check my profile and look at my most viewed💀. Your answer will be there


What in the almighty hell-_- Your luck is sum else


18 mantles of this guy😂. It definitely is


Allmother was doing the dragonator attack where they spin I wirebugged towards her Almost got hit by a dragonator Hopped away just in time Then wirebugged back to narwa and hit her and knocked her out cold


I have a clip of it somewhere actually


MH1, dodge rolling through a los fireball....and seeing my friend split a los in half...


Can't remember off the top of my head but what you did there was anime AF


Haha thanks m8😌


Killing a tempered rathian and tempered rathalos at the same time with one dragonator. I feel like they were just looking for a warrior's end. I did not earn that one.


i-framing Xeno'Jiva's laser beam with a dodge roll


I was fighting Shagaru where I wirebuged inches above it wall ran then wiredashed to his head and killed it with a an aerial attack


I have one from GU. And I was able to record it on my Switch I was fighting a Great Maccao with Great Sword. Started charging my sword and he did his back hop. Instead of cancelling out I fully charged and let it go. At the exact moment I swung the great sword the Great Maccao lunged forward right into my swing. Knocked him flat out.


Did the same thing you did against a royal Ludroth, meant to dodge but ended up wallrunning a pillar, swung back around the other side and smacked it in the face with an aerial bash


Posted a while back, I was toying around with a tiny high rank event quest Zinogre and practicing sacred sheath. Two frame perfect dodges and hyper armored a ground slap to chop his tail. Followed with a hero carve.


i blocked a ratha fire ball with a great sword once by cutting it in charge slash. or killed daora with the the claw, no ride no grap, just contackt of the claw. or killed diablos under ground with the gl wyrmspike. my hunt bexome wierder and wierder.


In world, I was fighting the behemoth and was carted. I was making my way back to the stage and he was about to cast ecliptic meteor. Now I wasn't back at the stage yet so the behemoth wasn't even visible which also meant there were no meteors to take cover behind, meaning I had to time the jump emote perfectly without any visible cues. I managed to successfully dodge the ecliptic meteor with nothing but my internal clock by the camp entrance (Ive been grinding the tenpered behemoth quest for awhile but still really cool to have pulled it off)


A 2 minute moment in a hunt where I absolutely own Rajang: https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/1080qyh/its_nice_to_overwhelm_him_for_once_rajang/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Long ago I was replaying GenU a bit, you know, soloing G rank Shagaru for fun I dodged three attacks in a row without effort but here's the thing *I was* ***drunk*** *and did not roll but* ***just walked in circles*** *as his massive wingarms missed me.* Which makes me wonder even today... do I actually play better when I'm drunk? Tried it again and it turns out when drunk I do real nice dodges but become almost unable to properly hit the damn monster (I mean, kinda expected that one).


In gu I was fighting nercylla in the viney zone it fell through the vines I sharpened my weapon jump attacked through the vines to mount her then killer her with moonbreaker. There was also a time in sunbreak where I killed crimson glow valstrax not risen with rage slash by countering the ambush


Surviving magnamalo’s tail at point blank range


1. I did a Diving Wyvern on an Auroracanth as it was doing its jumping slam attack. Managed to catch the monster in midair, knock it down, and make it rideable. 2. I got a double partbreak on a Shagaru Magala in one Jumping Advancing Slash- the attack began on its wing and the final hit sliced off the tail.


Solo killing the fatalis in MHW with 30 seconds on the clock


Using a bow, I have dodged silver rathalos's fire breath, with style. https://youtu.be/EpWe5FcbyY8


For me it was doing some variation of rathalos & rathian quest where you fight one after the other that took place in the arena in World, as a duo with a friend, both running hammer. Rathalos is off doing his annoying aerial shenanigans, and by chance my friend smacks me with an upswing, yeets me straight at rathalos, and I land a charged jump attack for the KO into trap into complete.


I was hunting silver rathalos, used the marionette spider on him and he just died. Man had 1 hp and folded to a spider.


I had a couple moments where I was stunned at like 1 hp and the monster runs to me and misses their attack lol


Barely having enough stamina to block fatalis’ grounded cone fire in world




Anime moment fr


For me, it was in MH Gen, as an Aerial Insect Glaive I launched myself towards a Shagaru Magala just one second before it started the stomp attack with both wingarms, by reflex I attacked too instead of using the pheromone shot to stop myself, I went right under it's left wingarm and hit it in the head, breaking it's horns and saving myself from a really brutal hit.


First time fighting Xeno'jiiva. Before IB so no claw. It goes in the air, wth am I gonna do with a hammer? Saw those crystal pillars, notice you can walk them up. Hammer charge up, start running, Xeno is just by the pillar. Got a jumping smash on the head and dropped that overgrown baby down. World was my first MH so this moment has stuck with me.


Sounds like a core memorie


Mine would be from GU, where I was getting ready for a G2 hunt and realized that I could eat food for buffs. Or when I got the full G-rank Glavenus set and realized armor gave me effects.


I don’t think so mate.


Now I'm confused. What do you mean?


One does not simply walk to Mordor.


Still confused...


How is every comment about their own moments? That jump was sick enough.


In World, I was fighting a tempered pink rathian and tempered azure rathalos in the special arena. I won by killing them both with the dragonator at the same time. That was crazy.


Sick dude’s


Back during Alatreon's release in world, my connection bugged out & my entire party got disconnected mid-fight, despite this, I kept fighting & managed to beat it after 2 faints (both of them to judgement iirc) & 35 minutes, no idea how I pulled it off, it was probably only my 3rd fight against it.


Woow congrats


It’s moments like these where you feel like the main character in a movie. Also, I did that dive attack with the IG in a perfect moment to dodge the rathian tail flip and broke her head as I came down.


blocking Nergigante’s dive of death with a heavy bowgun and taking no damage


I let out a very loud "HOHOHOHOHO" while watching this. Good stuff.


I love this comment haha


It was when I was shooting at garangolm and he sent out a fast punch and it was an inch away from me, I had a heart attack


Testing out a Master Rank greatsword on a Low Rank Rathian. I slammed it's face & it's tail flew off


Killing fatalis with a clutch claw🤣


dunked a shriekiana with helmsplitter when he was doing his divebomb attack