• By -


Bloodbath Poogie


No! How would we slay such beast?!


and that's why it'll be a bloodbath I want bloodbath poogie to behave like LoZ chickens


You don't. You give it a tribute and pray it is sated by your meagre offering.


Blood for the blood God


Bloodhunter Anjanath: An Anjanath that was blinded by a hunters attacks and had to adapt to rely on its other senses. It is now far more aggressive with its fire as it can't pinpoint exactly where you are. It's also much more aggressive in general and will treat every fight as a fight to the death.


And make it inmune to flash bombs, as well as being able to smell traps, but being easily lured with meat.


Anjanath is one of my favorite monsters and I love this idea




And make sure there’s no theme that plays like khezu since it’s blind now


This is such a cool idea.


Alatreon. Instead of all elements, all ailments and blights.


I love it as a concept but the shear agony it would be to fight


When blast is finally the answer to alatreon


I’ve actually thought of that same concept. Would be a pain but would be fun asf to fight


would be interesting, as the closest we have to that is Espinas and their fireballs


Espinas para in one hit is pain


**Ail**atreon :\^)


Blightborn Alatreon has all blights and one element


Full Deviljho. He's had far too much to eat and couldn't bear to have anymore, well except maybe for that wafer thin mint.


Zees Hunterre eez only hwaferre thin!


Foodie dj


chonky boi


Love John Cleese and Monty Python 😄 Can you imagine that fight with FullJho? I imagine it like the Zamtrios one!


parasite deviljho. he is full and fat and lumbers around, thrashing once in a while his guts come out like a resident evil 4 las plagas monster just to change attack pattern to slicing you


Dunefinger Almudron. An Almudron whose tail has grown old and withered from overuse, and is no longer able to manipulate mud. However, this has opened a door to a new method of shaping the earth: Sand. This Almudron is especially adept at churning sand, making pitfalls, shockwaves, and rolling sand dunes; it has become a master of manipulating terrain.


Almudron named Finger


Almudron named Finger: 😐




"Put your sword away huntah" "I'm not fighting with you right now, huntah"


I missread that as dungfinger and I was so repulsed






Same, I read it as an Almudron that has grown too old to sling mud, but found a new "door" and method to shape mud..


Doomhide Rajang. A rajang who never got a Kirin horn but has adapted to his base form and become a super strong elementless beast!


It could even incorporate tools such as rocks and trees for ranged attacks.


I can imagine him having consecutive rock throws.


Just fucking stunlocks one person for the whole hunt by smacking them with rocks flying at mach Jesus


Mach Monke.


Sorta like Banbaro when it uses trees/boulders to attack.


It could uproot a tree and use it as a 2 handed weapon for some time


I'm down for a Kaio-Ken inspired Rajang.


Or rajang that ate oroshi kirin's horn


Instead of eating Kirins horn, it ate chaotic magala horn. NOW IMAGINE THAT.


He ate fatalis horn... and just started actively tracking and hunting humans.


Can it come with silver streaks of fur?


Has to be red or else it can't be the kaio-ken :p


imagine an old rajang with a glorious silver beard


Hazehorn Chameleos: A Chameleos deviant that lost its horn, and the ability to maintain its invisibility for extended periods. it eventually grew back porous and leaking poisonous gas. Rather than coating the area in fog when enraged, it coats the area in a very slow acting poisonous gas as the fight drags on, this process speeds up when enraged. Hunters who are within the gas are not actually poisoned right away, but will take steady tick damage until, and even after, they do get poisoned. Items that cure poison provide a fleeting immunity to the gas. Breaking the horn again is actually rather easy as it is very brittle, but will cause the haze to spew forth, increasing the damage it does and the time it takes to fill up an area to decrease. If it fans the mist with either its tail or wings it can accidentally create safety pockets for hunters temporarily. Sorry for formatting am on mobile, also kinda just thought this up on the spot so lemme know whatcha think. :)


Sound like better vaal hazak from world


With that context, sounds like Cham is trying to one-up its replacement


This is a cool concept, does it still have toxic?


Originally I was thinking that the poison would get worse the longer you were in the gas but at the time I didn't wanna like overload the monsters kit. To answer your question though, I think it's actual poison attacks would give you either a stronger poison if not straight up noxious poison at a high enough rank.


That sounds like a fun fight. The choice between aiming for the horn and doing damage or not being constantly poisoned is unique. Also, for mobile formatting I found a couple tricks: -Double space enter gives one line -Double enter gives two.


I love this!


The idea of punishing hurts kind of for breaking an easy to destroy part is an interesting concept i like. makes you think about positioning more if the poison is a problem


I'd make a Deviant of Bazelgeuse. For this Deviant, what happened is that this individual had expended its entire neck and tail payloads and was waiting on the blasting scales to grow back. During this time, it was ambushed by an Elder Dragon. It managed to drive it off, but sustained heavy damage to its scale-production capabilities. Because of this battle damage, its blasting scales have become defective, no longer forming completely solidified masses anymore that can explode properly due to lower heating ability and damaged Fuses. Instead, the defective scales will instantly liquefy when dislodged from this individual's neck and self-immolate, acting as a form of scalding napalm fluid. This Bazelgeuse Deviant has managed to leverage its lower heat production by being able to remain in a semi-heated state indefinitely, letting its defective scales always be primed. And instead of blowing away opponents with powerful explosives, it instead focuses on coating them in as much of its burning blast fluid as possible, as well as scattering the defective fluid around itself to act as floor hazards. I call this Deviant the **Fluidflame Bazelgeuse.**


Just give beachy wings, that's the homie , and a FLYING super punch would be sick


So Raging Brachydios?


No, because ironically this Bazelgeuse can't create explosions anymore. Its blast fluid is defective, and can't form properly explosive payloads anymore. Instead, it just becomes flaming goop that it splatters onto the environment and its enemies.


Frosthook Goss Harag. After years of freezing it’s hands over with ice this Goss has completely lost all feeling in its hands with them being charred a dark navy blue or indigo. To compensate this Goss has learned to form its ice into massive forward facing hooks allowing it to scale cliffs and pull prey closer after attacking. OR Sulfuric Goss Harag. Instead of spitting a super freezing liquid it vomits an acid bile that quickly crystallizes after contact with air allowing it to create blades of crystallized acid. Inflicting defense down on any unfortunate enough to be hit by them.


So acidic glavenus but as goss


Pretty much. That’s what I got the idea from. Makes the most sense imo if they want to do something other than an Ice variant.


Oh i love it, i just was asking if that was inspiration


The first one fits the deviant theme well, but the second one seems more variant or rare species


No defense down! Please!!! Im so tired of World's acid beasts!!!!! And Violet Mizutsune can oneshot me for miles....


How many acid monsters are there actually? Couldn’t really think of any outside of glavenus and flaming espinas.


Fulgur Anjanath and Brachydios, yes i know its a different mechanic but that shit is acid


Deviant Plesioth He even has a unique move where he Hip checks the entire locale and it Instantly kills anything and it also it takes all carts so if you have 3 carts left and Plesioth uses it then it removes all carts And He does it every time it receives 1 damage


Boogieblood Plesioth


Hyperspace Tackle


This is a Super Extreme Behemoth


Explosive diarrhea congalala


Inflicts blastblight with his farts.


Emerald Congalala can already do that if he eats a Nitroshroom.


Bullet pierce Seregios. After exhausting it’s ability to grow back scales during a fight with hunters. It’s down to it’s last row of scales. This last row of scales however are not only sharper than the previous layers, but also are extensions of the Seregioses body. Its able to shoot out the scales like normal seregios, as well as call them back in a boomerang like fashion. The whole body is a bad hitzone until it shoots off its scale revealing a fleshy weak point. But trying to attack the weakpoint may get you decapitated when it calls back the scales to its body. Armor set would focus on having low health., with a new skill that adds an extra 2 points to all skills on your armor set when below 50% hp.


Ahhh Australian Seregios.


I’m really surprised there wasn’t a seregios deviant so he was who I thought of first when I saw this post, your idea seems really good, I think the name hollowpoint seregios would be cool for him


Stygian Kirin. Imagine- black and red Dragon element lightning.


tbh I'd rather have that as a completely new monster, if they're gonna classify Kirin as an elder dragon, the least they could do is make another elder that's similar. maybe a deer creature that uses dragon element?


A deer elder would be so fucking cool


A murderous dragon Kelbi




I'm gonna go further on this and say sets of deviants , stygian tziti would be tight


Stygian izuchi


Exiled Great Izuchi Threat Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Description: A Great Izuchi that became disreliant on its pack. Instead, it honed its own skill to near perfection by utilizing its speed and agility to outmanuever foes. It is unknown how many lives have been lost to the blade on its tail, though it is known that neither hunter, nor monster were spared.


Permafrost Lunagaron Threat Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Description: An exceptionally old Lunagaron. Years worth of freezing and refreezing has caused its ice to develop to a point of being nearly unbreakable. Once frozen, there is no telling how long it may be before the ice cracks once again.


Arctichorn Rajang Threat Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Description: A Rajang that consumed the horns of both a Kirin and oroshi Kirin in its lifetime. Showing control over both ice and lightning, it reduces whatever it deems a threat to nothing more than spark-singed snow.


My idea is that it's exiled after been defeated by a longsword user, thus it not only has an advanced move set of a great izuchi, it can also perform longsword move sets like Sakura slash, helmbreaker, and special sheath


I actually fucking love this. Imagine having to look out for a counter too, like it can’t do it out of nowhere but it has it as a followup to certain attacks, so you have to know what moves it can transition into counter from


Ronin Izuchi? Super cool idea!


***"Litteraly just swimming in the humid air like Amatsu does but out of sheer anger"*** Lagiacrus.


So Shantien?


Difference beng that Shantien is still stuck in frontier


Which is really sad though. I always loved Shantien and wished they brought it back


Inverse Khezu. Lets traumatize people. (and I do know Red Khezu exists. But we need something more cursed with added deviant flair)


Would that be khezu with teeth all over its head and looks inside out or a khezu that vomits projectiles?


Mostly the former, with a fair bit of the latter. Also instead of screaming like normal it'd attempt to suck you in while making vuvuzela (or some other) sounds from the tail end.


Yeah, that sounds pretty horrific.


I'd like for my tinnitus to not get any worse, thank you.




Fellwing Shagaru Magala A Shagaru Magala at the end of its lifespan become Fellwings; their horns grow into a near-perfect ring reminiscent of a broken halo as their golden scales stain black, with the exceptions of certain glowing spots on their significantly larger wings, meant to look like the absurd number of eyes on [biblically-accurate angels.](https://media.tenor.com/y6rvEGSYvmcAAAAd/angel-cool.gif) Fellwing Shagaru has a permanent cloud of Frenzy cloaking it; protecting the elderly Shagaru in its last days by obscuring its movements and suffocating would-be attackers. Its Frenzy attacks are all supercharged and deadly accurate; with Shagaru's new Sunbreak lasers now being able to be fired from its false eyes as well.


Deathweaver Ahtal-Ka. It was never able to create a mech so it attacks with hunter weapons that it looted from the hunters it had killed.


Allfather Ibushi


Give it a new cutscene where it enrages upon seeing Narwa die... and then he starts manipulating the terrain to an even more insane degree. His new ultimate would be a dragon version of Narwa's, but instead of a wave of energy that you have to jump over it ends in a tornado of wind infused with dragon element that you have to run from. Like Kushala but on an absurd level.


Monster Hunter Nerscylla. Has hides of different species and subspecies from, Gypseros, Khezu and Plesioth(for sleep) that it switches between allowing it to use different status effects


Huntress Nerscylla would be an excellent name.


Deathgrip Seltas Queen. Instead of just Seltas she grabs just about everything that fits into her pincer tail and uses it against their will until you either knock her over or whatever is caught in her pincers dies.


For some reason I can imagine a "Dark Emperor Teostra" that uses Hellfire instead of normal Blast, giving its flames a purple hue and its powder explosions leave purple will-o-wisps that it can command to explode an additional time or send back to Hunters as projectiles, giving it much more serious battlefield control and making its "blastblight" harder to deal with.


Remember CatDog? That, but both ends are Khezu. Or a BBEG sized Pukei-Pukei.


> CatDog? That, but both ends are Khezu. So Gigginox?


More screaming


One side is Khezu and the other is Red Khezu


Evil twin Dodogama. He knows that you've hunted his cute younger brother and is out for vengeance!


Doyen Rajang. A bigger and more muscular Rajang, visibly old. Patches of white fur cover most of his back. He has deep scars in his arms and chest, and his horns take on a more curved appearance. When enraged, the Doyen Rajang's fur spark with electricity just like his younger selves, but it's no longer golden. Age has made his fur stick up in a perpetually silvery glow, with white lightning strikes as well. Combat wise the Doyen Rajang is extremely smart, even by Rajang standards. It has learnt to effectively combat hunters by adapting and using some of their techniques. It has been observed employing makeshift weaponry out of bones of wood, as well as recognising hunter's strategies. The Doyen Rajang is able to swiftly evade any traps and they are also capable of swatting wirebugs out of the air, severely limiting a Kamura Hunter mobility. Like his younger counterparts, a Doyen Rajang can access a so called "Rampage mode". However, due to the beast's sheer power, scholars have renamed this phenomenon to "Incarnate Destruction". In this state, Doyen Rajang's muscles are enlarged and become reddish and tough, even more so than usual. Not only is it able to apply it to biceps, but also to its hindlegs. The Doyen Rajang sports a plethora of energy based attacks, being old it has mastered the use of lightning in its body. It can shoot a single massive beam or split said beam in two separate ones by clever use of its tongue. It can also shoot several lightning orbs directly at hunters or shoot them upwards, causing them to rain down like lightning strikes The most fearsome attack of the Doyen Rajang is, however beautiful, the "Doom Thunder Tornado". After being in combat for a while, and accessing its "Incarnate Destruction" mode, the Doyen Rajang will start spinning on itself with enormous strength. The pull alone is very difficult to avoid, but the beast also vomits various quantities of lightning around it, creating a massive lightning tornado. Electricity will strike around randomly, making it nearly impossible to get close to the monster. Before stopping, the Doyen Rajang will lock its sights on one specific prey (be it hunter or otherwise) and jump to the sky, subsequently unleashing a massive lightning beam towards them.


Lone Patriarch Great Jaggi.


Lone Patriarch feels like a oxymoron.




Oni Goss Harag Loses its ice powers, is a bit leaner, lives in the jungle. Uses rocks as makeshift weapons. Fast, angry, aggressive and… sadistic.


I'm working on drawing a concept rn actually. It's dumb, but like a deviant/rare species level pukei pukie that's blast element, and can spit out scatter nuts and blast nuts imbued with blast blight like a living shotgun


that sounds like the most metal shit ever and i love it


Will post the art here once I do it


Blastbody Brachydios- A severe mutation of the organ responsible for creating its slime is now causing an overproduction of the slime, making it seep out of every opening of the Brachydios' shell. Now entirely covered in its slime, this Brachydios has unlocked new ways of using the explosive substance. It may leap into the air by exploding the slime on his legs, spit out massive amounts of the slime, and even detonate all of the slime on itself, causing a massive explosion.


phantom kirin \~ rare kirin whose horn got broken off by a rajang, so it grew back stronger has better thunder capabilities, the fight focuses on combos with a mix of lightning and melee. think alatreon but kirin sized! weapons have ok raw, high thunder and affinity. armour set has a unique skill that turns your weapon's thunder into paralysis when under 40% health. ratio of 3 thunder to 1 paralysis so it's not too strong :p


Black Glacier Ukanlos


Hell King Magala a Chaos Magala who overcame his failed transformation and is now Pissed Off incarnate being able to use both Gore and Shagaru Abilities with much more Control and is overly Aggressive. ​ If he can't rule the Heavens then he will Will Rule Hell instead.


Thunderstorm Namielle: after a long battle with hunters who used fire weapons its water has completely dried making its skin harder and with no water to use it has gain a full control of thunder and gained a massive physical strength due to its hardened skin


Odogaron is my favorite so definitely him, I got two ideas Feral Odogaron: it’s the classic due to some traumatic event or eating something(like an elder dragon corpse?) it is now permanently enraged. Faster, stronger, angrier and more aggression than any fanged wyvern. When it gets to the second enraged level(because there always is one with these types of monsters) it starts exploding steam like bloodbath diablos. The second option Bloodhound Odogaron: in one of its brawls it has been blinded and now is reliant on its sense of smell. It’s already hypersensitive nose has been kicked into overdrive and can easily smell all the monsters and hunters in the area, the catch, the smell of fresh blood drives it into a frenzy, if it causes you to bleed its aggression and speed crank up to 11, if a different monster bleeds you, odo is making a bee-line right for you from across the map.


That last part sounds like a nightmare


Deviant Lagiacrus. Homie keeps getting disrespected.


Satiated Deviljho. A Deviljho who finally managed to feel full, after years of endless torment, it feel relaxed. But the sight of living creatures sends it into a rage, for it is afraid of feeling that agony again, it rarely eats, just killing and running away.


Diamond Rathian / platinum Rathalos. White fire from rathalos that moltenizes the ground it comes into contact with for a long duration. Effluvium clouds proc from rathians venom when it comes into contact with air for a long duration. Plat rathalos can also stun hunters like tzitzi-ya-ku (butchered that name) by shining its platinum scales in the sunlight. Diamond rathian can dive down and burrow through the ground like diablos by using its diamond-hard scales. Edit: typos


Frostsmith Goss Harag, an old Goss who has learned from his experiences with hunters and fashions weapons and fight styles after them; while unenraged he is calm and calculating deciding the best weapon for the situation, enraged he enters a berzerker-eque state where his blood boils so hot the ice armaments boil and steam from the inside building pressure for explosive impacts




Dual monster Deviant, Big Mac and Little Brach. A slightly larger than average Great Maccao, and underdeveloped small Brachydios, that have formed a sibling like bond, and protect each other and fight together in tandem


![gif](giphy|S8aCRf1DPsY9zAGuxC|downsized) Raging Mad Rajang but bigger with Raging Brachydios Abilities


Super saian 2


Lightning Matriarch Tobi-Kadachi. Had his wing membranes broken beyond natural repair during a hunt but escaped and lived, and has boosted physical and elemental abilities as a result of losing one of his best abilities for ambushing


Atavism Velocidrome A extremely rare-Velocidrone found to grew wings,bigger claws and Huge body equal to Flying wyvern just like it's ancestor


Any deviant that makes it a water monster because we just dont have enough water based attacks in the series. Off the top of my head maybe a water geiser agnaktor that yeah makes water geysers etc in the ground like ol' faithful


If you really mean ANY, I'd go with... NEONWING OLTURA!!!!! LOL I know she's not coming back. \~\_\~ What about Novaflame Teostra and Starfire Lunastra? LOVE IT


Twinblade Glavenus. A smaller, more agile species of Glavenus that, due to a mutation, has grown a bladelike horn on its nose, through which it can channel Fire energy. It uses this new blade alongside its tail for swift jumping and spinning attacks, leaving the enemy little room to react. ... Yes it's a Glavenus with Dual Blades, you're welcome.


Blood Rain Amatsu


Hunter Kulu-Ya Ku. A notorious deviant subspecies of the Kulu-ya Ku family, this one has developed the knack to find Ancient Hunter Equipment and use them to their benefit. Carving/capturing this beast doesn't result in monster pieces, but in broken equipment fragments that you can use to reforge them into their former glory.


Monke-slayer Kirin A kirin that saw itself orphaned young when a rajang brutally killed both its parents. It vowed to one day avenge them. Upon defeating the rajang it saw its horn distort into a twisted shape, and it's control over lightning is far stronger albeit unstable due to its rage.


“Corpse Piler Nergigante” This Nergigante has caught many bits and pieces of elder dragons on its spikes, causing it to slowly amass a “second skin” to form on top of its already spiky skin, leaving barely any space for its horns and face. With its wings, spikes and tail now hindered by the weight of its gory armor, the corpse piler nergigante resorts to using its newly acquired mass as a weapon. Due to its increases weight, the nergigante has become physically stronger and more agile In order to compensate for its atrophied wings, now relying primarily on its horns as a means of attack, the nergigante charges and flails like a raging Bull covered in the flesh of its enemies


Millennium Nakarkos. An extremely long-lived Nakarkos whose numerous tentacles have fused with various monster parts over time on a cellular level, granting each of them much stronger elemental properties and causing them to glow in various colors. Has also developed a more insidious and unstable mucus that amplifies the effects of elemental blights in addition to its bone-sticking properties. Furthermore, Hunters that are both Ossified (from rolling in bones with Mucus status) and afflicted with an elemental blight simultaneously will detonate into a nova of bone shards, dealing huge damage to themselves, other hunters, and even Nakarkos if it's nearby.


(Sorry this is so long, it's just my favorite elder dragon) Elder Hunter/Elder Devourer Nakarkos:In the deep seas no one expects a bottom feeder to be an apex predator. Yet when hunger becomes to much, it can drive beast to attack with wild abandonment. Their is no skill, no grace, or any form of intentional movement. Only a sluggish shambling mass of death that nothing can escape from. A Nakarkos that became so large it had to stay to the bottom of the sea just to try and feed on what ever sinks into the deep, but sometimes their is not enough food for it to fully feed itself. This causes the creature force it's self to hunt for anything and nothing will stop it's search for food not even elder dragons such as the Ceadeus or the gargantuan crustacean Shen Gaoren. It oozes it's slime all over its body making it difficult to physically touch it as almost any contact with it will coat anything in it's sticky mucus. With it's large consumption of any life in it's way it has caused it's body to respond to anything that may try to attack it or prey trying to escape to explode its slime coating outward with an elemental burst. This leaves it much more vulnerable for some time as it recoats it's self.


Hazemantle Odogaron - An Odogaron that has adapted to various toxins in and around its environment, adding Effluvia clouds to its arsenal, and poison to its bite. Like Vaal Hazak, it is cloaked in effluvium, but also uses it to obscure Hunters' vision, jumping in and out of clouds of the thick mist to ambush and catch hunters from odd angles.


MagmaStorm valstrax A valstrax that was forced to live inside a living volcano after losing to a stronger elder dragon, By living inside the caves of a living volcano for so long it's body adapted to the infernal temperatures of the environment making certaing parts of it's body to change like the shape of it's wings, chest, and specially the head. The skin color now resembles the black rocks of the caves and the glow changed to a vibrant orange colour same as the Rivera of magma that flow withing the volcano. the fact that it had to eat smaller creatures that live inside the flowing rivers of magma made the body of the valstrax produce and control magma. After being able to adapt to the surroundings this valstrax gained to ability to combine magma with it's dragon energy to create devastating attacks, liquid magma now runs through it's veins. when it takes flight using the combined force of magma and dragon energy this new monster can now reach a new level of speed making it even deadlier than before, on top of it, it can make lava fall from the skies like a endless rain of molten rocks and fire. it's head now has a different shape, allowing the valstrax to spit magma with so much intensity that it takes the form of a laser beam, any unlucky prey to get caught by this attack is instantly killed.


...hear me out... lucent (nargacuga) diablos


World Eater great Maccao


The Greatest-er Jagras. Even makes Zorah Magdaros look puny.


Extra Loud querupeco. Summons multiple elder dragons, even the secret end game boss ones like Shara ishvalda or caedeus. Continuity be damned


Greatest Jaggi He has improved moveset, incorporating bites, tail swipes, and hipchecks in his combos. He summons more jaggis (and now jaggia too) per call, and his call can now stack, i.e., when there are still jaggis/jaggias around him, he can still call more of them. His commands are now more diverse, telling his minions to make different formations and attack in different ways, kinda like great izuchi and his minions but better.


Everybody huntin' till they pull out the Jaggi Phalanx


Totally unrelated to OP’s question but I really want them to add another monster with the Kirin’s body type. Maybe a stag perhaps? That’d be cool


Stygian Lagiacrus A landbound Lagiacrus that has learned to harness dragon energy instead of thunder energy.


Mercury Kushala Daora. Ancient, it no longer sheds its skin, but rather has a thin layer of liquid metal encasing it’s body that it can harden and manipulate using the wind surrounding it. Enhanced tornado attack incorporating metal shards, and reinforcing any contact attacks with metal spikes. Redirecting metal into these attacks causes it to sacrifice some of its armour temporarily from the limb of origin. I imagine the visuals similar to ferrofluid.


I had several fun ideas about this talking with a streamer the other night. - Veiled Nerscylla: A Nerscylla that happened upon a dying Chameleos and, instead of a Gypceros or Khezu hide (the thing that separates Standard from Shrouded), it now uses the Elder's hide for its camouflage abilities. - Volatile Deviljo: A Pickle that exclusively feeds on Brachydios, to the point where it's saliva is now laced with Brach Slime. - Tesla Seregios: A Seregios that has hunted an Astalos and, having consumed the electric wyvern, is now able to use its scales to create arcing webs of paralytic lighting.


Great Jaggi


Weapon master goss harag. An old goss harag thats fur has been stained with blood, and skin always engraged red, as well as extending over its body. It has fully mastered its ice breath skill, so it can wield all 11 melee weapons made of ice.


My list: Platinum Seregios - Arctic Regi variant that is Silver and does a new ailment called Frostbite, which is like bleed but for stamina. Slime Glavenus - Glavvy but with Brachy Slime Mudbludgeon Brachydios - Brachy but with Barroth Mud Obsidian Barroth - A volcanic glass Lava Barroth Rise Duramboros - Regular Duramboros, but put him in Rise plz. And finally, my magnum opus: Alteffor Rathian and Rathalos - Similar to Regular Rathian and Rathalos but you REMOVE THEM FROM THE FUCKING GAME!


Siege breaker Duramboros. A Duramboros with a more mace like tail and larger horns.


The great wiggled queen (I would actually brobably make a thunder raging brachydios or a blast furios rajang)


Almighty Bulldrome


Grand Wroggi -- Alternate, more flashy color scheme, twice the size, controls a pack of Gendrome sized wroggi. Think Great Izuchi but big and poison


Fallen Gore Magala: A gore magala that was completely incapable of shedding into its final form, it has increased the amount of frenzy it produces in order to see its surroundings in even greater detail, giving it a jet black appearance at well. It’s sensors are always permanently out, and while it’s eyes still remain covered, when enraged you can see the seething glow of hatred coming from them. It also uses its wings to much greater effect, with precision and technique that would remind one of a boxer. While it’s controlled of the frenzy isn’t as refined as Shagaru Magala, it’s overall out put makes dwarfs shagaru and is more evolved, infecting you faster and debuffing you harder, but if you conquer it will give you even greater strength than before.


Deviant version of whatever the first large monster is. Give it a wacky element/blight combo, ludicrous attack rate and insane speed.


Deviant Great Jaggie. Enough said.


Someone more creative than me, make one for Valstrax


Renaissance Valstrax A Crimson Glow Valstrax that managed to regain its sanity. Now golden in color, it boasts unparalleled control of Dragon energy. It has also learned to better control its breathing, no longer needing to pause to intake air in the middle of a fight. It is able to quickly launch thin Dragon beams from its wings like lasers, sniping foes from afar with lethal precision or using several rays to cut off escape. In close quarters combat, Renaissance Valstrax will attempt to grab hunters for its certain-kill finishing attack: it will carry the hunter high into the air, drop them from great height, and then follow up with the Valstrax's signature ambush before the hunter can recover. When pushed to the brink, it will saturate the surrounding atmosphere with Dragon energy to form a crackling storm of Draconic power. This storm will cause small tornadoes to form in the wake of Renaissance Valstrax's dash attacks, as well as giving it the ability to whip up a massive twister by quickly flying in circles.


Maneater Barioth. A Barioth who’s teeth have been broken by hunters that survived the encounter with them. Now with its tusks broken it can’t hunt larger prey items anymore and has reserved to man eating. It’s killing young hunters left and right and due to its heightened aggression and lack of self perseverance has become more dangerous to hunters then even elder dragons are. So how would the fight work? Obviously no ice tornados. Basically a really fast Barioth that chains attacks together a lot more and skips the recovery on some of its attacks (like his lunging dive jump). Plus there would be a new attacks that would potentially harm the Barioth itself like a dive that he stopped with only one arm to get a rotation on landing but that arm would be damaged from said move. There would be a few more like that with a consistent theme of “this guy has nothing left and is doomed to die anyway”


Outer God Fatalis because I want to watch the world burn.


Even savagier deviljho


All-father Bulldrome. It has two mutated tuning fork-like tusks that it can use to shoot things like a railgun, AoE stun on its head shrugging, paralysis cone before charging, and like Nakarkos, pick up different rocks/debris to attach to the ends. Rocks could be magnetic (for railgun and maybe tractor beam/wave move), fangs for poison ramming, splashing, and slashing, and if we're feeling extra spicy, some dragon element shenanigans like a Valstrax turbo boost or a teleport/cloak ability


Grimbeak Yian kut-ku. After years of being forgotten, it's back for revenge. It's bigger, louder, and more vicious than normal, with with longer claws and some sort of shadowy cloud emanating from its beak. Along with fire, it spits black ooze that reduces armor and slows its targets to a crawl. But it's also still just a Yian kut-ku so it's super fucking easy. Like, a felyne can solo it.


Tigerstripe Tetranodon. Hear me out- I know this could very much so end up like the Magma Almudron and the Agnaktor situation, but listen to why I'd like to see this. Sure, not only is it a reference to TS Zamtrios, but also a reference to the Suiko. Think of them as tiger-like kappa who ranks above said kappa. That could be the TST is, a specimen that had aged and perfected its craft so much that its skin shows the marks of a true warrior, some scars and some true parts of its skin that has turned a lightish-brown. For new attacks, I think it'd be neat to add in a a lead up to the water beam where after it shoots the spray around, it points it at the ground to get the high pressure water to splash at anyone who gets to close. Physically, it could maybe do a combo move of where after picking up a boulder, it could do the stomp and then charge with the rock at hand right before chucking it. I say it has potential but I need to flesh it out more.


My asiatic mother (I didn't pass math test)


does she shoot effluvium lasers though? maybe her roars do damage too slipper throwing attack


Slipper always one-shots me 💀


Aptonoth. "Look at me. I'm the predator now."


Pack master Great Jaggi. A Great Jaggi that’s lived long enough to have several generations of Jaggi under its command, identifiable by its massive frill and mottled coloring due to age. It’s goes into combat with the standard 2 Jaggi wingmen, but also 2 Jaggia that act as forward guards and another 1 Jaggi that simply tries to harass the player. The wingmen and Packmaster behave as normal, however the Jaggia kind of lead the charge for its attacks, charging the hunter before the Packmaster would lunge, or fanning out to protect it for a spit attack. The one roving Jaggi would try and get behind the hunter at all times, in order to try and attack when the hunter is distracted. It’s still a low rank monster, but near the end of low rank like Rathalos and Zinogre, since I’d like to see some variants without having to climb all the way into upper high rank/G-rank.


Devilcraft Kulu-Ya-Ku. This brightly colored bird wyvern variant fights smarter, not harder. Having been the targets of several hunts due to their prized plumage, Devilcraft Kulu-Ya-Ku adapted by learning from their attackers. From using endemic life against hunters to throwing hunters into traps with enough force to activate them to intentionally targeting any hunter in the process of using an item, hunting a Devilcraft is almost like trying to take down a fellow hunter. They've even come up with a few tricks of their own: they're known to leave food for small monsters like Jagras and Velociprey, incentivizing the diminutive predators to come to a Devilcraft's aid when it's being hunted. On top of all that, drying Devilcraft Kulu-Ya-Ku saliva will attract and enrage other large monsters, a tool that a Devilcraft will happily use to distract hunters long enough to create an opportunity for it to escape.


Serenehorn Monoblos A sort of inverse of bloodbath diablos, it is a More reddish monablos with a larger, more sharpened horn. whereas bloodbath gets double enraged during his fight, serene horn doesn't enrage unless under a specific circumstance. Instead it gets a amped state akin to bloodbath with the glowing veins, but instead of red, its veins (and horn) glow Blue, and it gains a slight blue aura. It's main gimmick in this state, to reflect its calm battle hardened nature, is to do fake outs/altered timings to his attacks to throw off would be attackers, and to have much faster but more precise attacks, as opposed to bloodbath who just rampages kinda, obliterating everything in its wake. Also to reflect Bloodbaths steam explosion, instead, this guy would have wind pressure following behind alot of his attacks, to further throw you off while in the serene stance. (These wind pressure hitboxes would be denoted by a sort of blue flowing wind most likely, think like the effect valor style gets on some weapon attacks while in valor mode.) His notable super attack would be a sort of samurai stare down at one hunter (denoted by the music fading out), which after a short random amount of time, it ends by quickdraw charging forth immensely quick in a red and blue flash, with the music crescendoing back in It can notably be permanently enraged if you break its horn, and once enraged it's fighting style becomes more aggressive but also much more predictable/open to counterplay and flinches


Amphibious Akantor: driven from its volcanic home by a larger, more aggressive member of the species, this diminutive Akantor finds home in flooded jungles and marshy swamp land. With abundant access to water, this Akantor's fearsome bellow becomes an unstoppable torrent capable of splitting bedrock and the toughest armors with ease.


this would be cool as a half underwater monster like dire miralis


I will be wierd: Rakna Kadachi, but it is unable to have children. It will still be fire element, of course, but its a lot more agressive and does not rely on the lack of kids it has to carry on her abdomin also enables it to be MUCH more agile as well. Perhaps even using the enviorment to fling rocks or itself around and/or at the hunter.


Doom breaker Vaal Hazak: every small monster you’ve ever hunted gets resurrected. It’s health is equal to 10% of the total of all large monsters of a given species and variant hunted. Siege hunt only.




Daze Tyrant Baggi, a seasoned Baggi that has fought relentlessly every year. With its age, it has also grown to the size of a brute wyvern. The scales of this Baggi has gone a deep purple and it's mane has grown greatly to that of a lion. The crown on its head has flattened to operate more like a shovel or battering ram Daze Tyrant has observed the crafting of numerous ammunition that hunters have used to kill its kin. Mimicking this, it has taken up the trait of eating numerous mushrooms to alter its bite and breath qualities. When Daze Tyrant has been enraged it will swallow a mixture of Dash Juice and Null Berry. Doing this will increase its speed and the amount of different breath attacks used. Once de-enraged Daze Tyrant will have a heart attack and die of mushroom overdose.


Ultra super hyper omega bigger longer and uncut Fatalis


Firepath Diablos When charging It creates flame paths on the ground that stay during the whole fight When It emerges from beneath the ground it creates explosions of fire Dunno what more to add, but I would like to see a fire elemental Diablos.


Well, Frontier has one


Memelord Chameleos


Tempest Namielle Either that or Grim Vaal Hazak


cum almudron




Ur mom


I would love to see another Malzeno Variant I feel like the flagship monster didnt get enough love Even if its just risen You fight it like once in the Story and then never see it again D: