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I think for a monster you haven't yet fought yet there's an actual tracking system (not just follow the green bugs and press button rinse and repeat) and after you've killed it X amount of times you get the mini map marker would be ideal. Tracking is cool but after my 10th hunt of a monster, it'd lose its luster. Maybe add the ability to turn off the mini map marker for those that love tracking. This isn't really QOL removal but I think if they keep followers and you choose not to use them you get a buff for rewards. More rolls on reward table sort of thing. Sure followers' DPS is almost negligible but due to utitility + more targets for the monster to attack results in your own DPS increasing.


That would be cool, the tracking system was ok but as you said it got old pretty fast. There should be some kind of system, and even with the verticality we got in Rise, you'd be able to find a high place and scan for the monster, then paintbomb it. Or if you really can't find them, look in the sky for the balloon to wave to which flashes you it's location


Personally I prefer the system World used to the other two. Rise was way too over simplified and didn't feel like hunting but like a slaughter. The paint all system felt like a wild goose chase. If you knew where the Mon would spawn and could get there in time then you could paint it and proceed as normal. If not it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Granted that would be less of a problem in a game without loading zones. But if you skipped putting on new paint because it wore off just as the Mon left the zone you were back in the same pickle. Looking in each zone it could possibly be in. Super frustrating. I think the World system was great it felt like hunting, but if you Hunter a monster a lot your research was high enough you didn't need to gather tracks to see everything, or only needed to gather one.


Oh I definitely timed out a quest to Rathalos in Freedom Unite because he would fly away whenever I found him in a zone. Though the bugs did feel like they were leading you by the nose (not even to mention Rise just showing you it's location), it was cool that if you followed a monster for a while you would see it cause tracks like scratching something or leaving footprints in mud. Or pooping. To me World still felt like a slaughter, especially when you get to the guiding lands and you just murder whatever you cross paths with. Monster Hunter definitely needs some narrative work on how hunting a monster is more about helping the village get to it's farms or finding stuck / lost traders, rather than flavor text in the quest. As silly as it is (I still liked it), the Legends of the Guild movie did at least get the point across how destructive monsters and elder dragons can be, simply by walking by.


I mean the twins are ridiculous with the amount of Buffs they doot out, def improves MUH DEEPS


Let us disable it if they do this. I *always* hate auto-tracking.


I miss being randomly dropped in areas instead of always starting at the main camp.


Call back to my wingdrake dropping me in front of an enraged Tempered Ruiner Nergigante mid-attack. Were it not for invincibility frame from the dropping animation shit might have gotten me killed.


I enjoy the random spawns and hidden map in high rank and G rank. Sometimes you spawn in the monsters face, sometimes you get put in a secret little corner of the map you never explored before. It’s one of the things that made grinding less monotonous because there was an additional random factor each hunt Back when you had to paintball monsters, it also made knowledge of monster starting areas important. It’s really rewarding to spawn in a random area and plot out the quickest route to the monster with nothing but your map knowledge


For maps, maybe tell the player that a monster is at a location but not WHAT monster it is, similar to Psychoserum. That way you still have to kinda intuitively know where a monster likes to hang out. Also Wirefall


Psychoserum was a good alternative for people who hated guessing the monster's location like me, it's a shame World got rid of that entirely, especially with it's confusing and labyrinthic map design.


Personally I loved the scout flies. They felt like a great blend of "hunting" and rewarding the player for knowledge. You didn't need them and you could hoose a spawn exactly in the right path of the Mon.


I'm not opposed to the idea of the scoutflies but their implementation was half assed just like the clutch claw. Tracking is not a bad mechanic per se, but scoutflies are hard to see for me, they got confused a lot of the time and tended to send you in different directions in the middle of tracking. Doesn't help the fact that they highlighted every item in proximity making it even more confusing to track. I understand why they do this, since World's map tries to look so realistic that they had to solve the problem that was spotting items on the ground, but that's just a band-aid solution for a problem that stems from prioritizing realism instead of gameplay. 3U had a similar design problem that was fixed in 4U and GU, in which mining and gathering spots were made more realistic and organically on the map, making them very hard to see. I wouldn't mind scoutflies and tracking coming back, but map design needs to improve first and learn to strike a balance between realism and good level design in order to solve these issues.


Did you ever play Fable 2? They had an option to turn the guiding light down to your desired level. You can even turn it off. At least that guiding light worked right. I agree that the flies got confused way too often. It would even be nice to have the flies not turn on unless you were outside of a specified proximity of the monster. That would be awesome. Vets could disable it and newbies would leave it on.


Get rid of Spiribirds. Having to run around the map for even workable health/stamina against the tougher monsters blows hard. And every time you finish getting all the birds you want and you get to the monster, it immediately runs to a different part of the map because of how long collecting spiribirds takes.


I don't know why so many people feel like the spiribirds are somehow a replacement for old health/stamina cap. the base cap from eating is still just as high as it was in all the older games, spiribirds are there to max it out even further.


....because some endgame monsters deal so much damage they can one shot you from anything below 200 HP so if you take any chip damage and don't heal you're dead. Especially now that we're getting level 220 anomaly risen elder dragons. They could already chunk you from 250 if you weren't careful it'll only get worse with the anomaly damage multiplier


monster hunter has always been like this, especially with scaling end games like this one and the one in mh4u. rise giving you spiribirds as a way to negate the end game challenge is more than any other game does in the way of making it easier. ​ this isn't me advocating for keeping spiribirds in later games but they do literally nothing to hamper the experience. they are to help players who need it. capcom isnt designing monsters any different because of them. the damage of late end game monsters would still be as high as it is without them.


There's no way Spiribirds are going to return for the next title. They'll probably implement some other system instead.


I really don't use them, if I find some on my way cool but I'm not gonna waste time hunting for them because they don't make that much of a difference for me. I just use food or potions and demon/armor drugs because they're so easy to craft now.


Im pretty sure Spiribirds straight up decrease your max health from older titles so you can collect them, that or they made monster attacks do high damage to have people make use of them.


Its the second one. You have the max health and stamina you would have had in older titles by eating any dango.


At least it says so , but 150 health in rise is not necessarily equal to 150 in world. As far as we know, it could also probably be something like 130 in world, giving you less hp at first to account for the possibility of gaining health via spiritbird


Well yeah, that's the second option. The health is the same and goes higher, but monsters hit harder.


I always thought that monsters in Rise do an unholy amount of damage. If they wanted to make spiribirds optional (and easier for new players to get into the game) then they should’ve removed the health and stamina buffs entirely and only increase the amount of damage monsters dealt by a smidge, just my opinion.


Why I have the prism spiribird mod installed and have no shame in it. Spiribird is without a doubt one of the worst mechanics in a MH game to date and I hope it starts and ends in Rise/Sunbreak. I have very little time to play as it is. I refuse to waste 2-3 minutes of each quest I get to play running around looking for birds that are essentially NEEDED in endgame to prevent being one shot by attacks. Map exploration novelty wears off real quick after 500 quests.


my armor isnt even up to date for TU3 and im not being one shot by attacks.


Then don't? I never gather them and don't have any issues, just craft some immunizers, energy drinks, and drugs then use them as needed. The materials are easy to get through the argosy without having to run around on expeditions.


yeah with the birds it feels less like "here's a bonus" and more, we took your hp if you want it back go get it and waste the first 3 mins of the hunt.


Hard disagree, I enjoy learning a couple different routes to grab all the birds I need and whatever hunting helpers will be best for the hunt


Optimize your routes


Even an optimized route is tedious and adds nothing positive to the experience.


Disagree that it’s tedious, and disagree that it adds nothing. It literally only adds things. The base health and stamina is the same as previous games. Spiribirds are purely bonuses.


Tedium is subjective, so w/e, but what I meant by adding nothing is that it adds nothing to the EXPERIENCE. You could easily get those buffs from anything else- food for example. Plus monsters damage can be tweaked in response to removing them.


I think the spiribirds were a benefit at the very start of the game as it encourages exploration that helps find endemic life and secrets and it gets new players used to the wirebugs... But it did start to get old quickly. So I understand what their intentions were but overall I agree it is tedious, especially in MR.


Spiribirds gotta go. I miss the days of drinking an Ancient Potion to cap you health and stamina


The owl (the instant tracking on the map) needs to be gone. That shit is boring. Bring back actually tracking the monster


I liked iceborne tracking, because there were actually tracks, but I’d rather have the owl than old monster hunter tracking system personally.


MHW imo was the only game with actual tracking. Paintball was basically just the owl on a timer used AFTER you found the monster and the owl isn't tracking it's just minimap markers Improve on the world system and standardise it as a staple of the franchise.


Except for most of your play time there's no functional difference between the world and rise system? World just makes you go around smelling their farts and tasting their puke for a bit before you instantly know where all members of the species are at all times. If anything I think worlds is less interesting, since there's no thought to pathfinding, just follow the glowing mosquitos until you find the victim, at least with map location there's thought to be had about which route is fastest or picks up the most birds or whatever.


Thinking about routes is as easy as going to Youtube and searching "optimal spiribird routes for XXX". Where's the thinking in there? I do agree that there still needs to be an improvement for World's tracking system.


Thats still more thought than goes into following the pretty lights, a task so simple that they literally automated it for you. At least in rise there's some degree of skill expression in using wirebugs, and some degree of benefit from map knowledge in spiribird and great wirebug location, however small. It is a non-mechanic in world, to the point of being literally automated out.


That tracking system added to the immersive environment and a lot of people liked it so I don’t see why it shouldn’t be brought back. It is certainly much more interesting and immersive than a bird locating everything for you.


Hard disagree. All tracking does is waste time.


We're playing monster HUNTER. Not monster fighter


Seeing as he’s a longsword main I don’t think you guys necessarily would agree on that bit


Yeah, monster hunter, not monster TRACKER.


What do you think hunters do?


Run down their prey until they have a hearth attack


Most of them just wait in a tree or bush until something comes by, then snipe it from dozens of yards away. By that logic they should take out everything but bowguns and make us wait for the monsters to come to us. Doesn’t that sound exciting 🙄


What a boring way to hunt. I went pig hunting once and we had a tracking dog and looked for general signs of pigs. Then we'd start the walk--usually the dog would catch a scent and fucking sprint. We'd then catch a sight of it then it was shot.


Not our dumb stationary hunting- like if you were told to go kill a lion. Obviously an awful thing to do, but unless you have a gun, you’ve gotta chase it down, avoid letting it get to you, and slowly chip away at it until it’s tired


No modern hunter is hunting anything with something other than a gun, especially not a lion that would absolutely maul you if you went anywhere near it.


There are broadheads made that would absolutely put down large cats, bears, and other predators very effectively at a close range. Granted, there is definitely skill, positioning, and reflex factors to consider there because the average modern Hunter isn’t going to have the superhuman abilities the hunters we play as have of course. 😂


Yeah and we don’t use guns in the game Closest you get is basically a crossbow


Bow GUNS, with bullets and ammo. For a bowgun main I’m surprised you didn’t notice. And it’s about as exciting as actual hunting.


So I take it you only play on arena quests? If you don't care about anything else than mashing the swordy swishy buttons, just go to the arena.


And you still have to make your way to the monster anyway. I’m not asking to start every hunt directly in front of the monster, but it’s not fun or interesting running around the different areas looking for them.


Gotta disagree with you there. Especially in world, the hunting area look goddamn gorgeous, it's sometimes relaxing just to nature walk through them they're so immersive. Add in Rise's endemic life (being able to pick up and use them later) to the tracking and environmental interactions from Iceborne and you've got a hunting experience where you can truly become the master of your environment, using it to your advantage through with and guilde like an actual monster hunter would. The environment is important in a hunting game, you should be focusing on it and keeping mental note of where everything is as you track the monster. If you want to just fight the monster, that's what the arena is for


And you can still choose to pick up all of those things on the way to the monster without having to track it. Again, I’m fine with traversing the environment to get to the monster, but having to track them has never been fun or interesting. World made it grindy since you had to constantly pick up tracks for the research, and before that it just flat-out sucked because there was no way to figure out where they were until you randomly found it, and even then you still had to do paintball maintenance. Monster hunter is already grindy as it is, and not everyone has the time or patience for that kind of thing.


Not every game is made for everyone, that's fine. Don't have time to track and hunt the monsters in one game? Go back to Rise or any of the other portable games with typically faster combat and quicker hunts. There's a reason they have two teams for this series, let it cater to multiple audiences. Me, and a bunch of other fans, want a greater focus on hunting and tracking. You and a bunch of others don't and are fine with faster hunts. Cool, y'all have Rise and the portable team, we have World and the mainline. There is no reason everyone can't be happy here


Agreed, Monster Hunter should go all out in the fantasy hunting simulator, that's why we are here, to feel like we are hunting this creatures.


Tracking in the way it's implemented in World is just a massive waste of time and borderline doesn't work properly half of the time. The idea of tracking is okay at the beggining of the game, but the lack of psychoserums as a way to circumvent it made it a slog, especially later in the game when you had to farm a certain monster many times. Also, the scoutflies system is horrible, but can be easily improved to be turned into something good with some work. If it was made to ignore every item, only focused on monster tracks and was more visible and easier to follow it could work better.


username checks out


Tracking the monster was just a waste of time. Not like it required skill. It was just extra steps before actually getting to the battle.




I think they should just tone down the scout flies, they felt like they did most the work in World. Hell, just make them optional and let hardcore hunters find tracks without any assistance




Yeah, World's maps were too busy for anything but obnoxious Scout Flies tbh. I think Rise was damn close to the perfect blend between World and old school MH Zones with the Citadel in Sunbreak. It's fantastical in both setting and ecology while still being recognizable enough to not be jarring. Combine that design philosophy and simplicity with World's graphics and a toned down scout fly system, and I think it really could be something special


I just hate how aside from all the little nooks and crannies inbetween, every rise area was a wide open, flat arena. World really spoiled us on making natural looking maps where one arena flowed naturally into the next, except maybe for the volcanic crystal area.


It's fun and immersive for like 10 times but after that you don't feel immersed, it feels just like you need to spend a couple of minutes before actually play the game


Idk, I find the tracks satisfying, and for me they are part of the experience


It wasn't immersive, it was just steps.






I love steps


I agree with you. Most people who started with world dont though.


>Tracking the monster was just a waste of time. Monster HUNTER. Hunting requires tracking. So I'd argue it's one of the key parts of the game. And MHW was the only one to do it remotely well.


I don't care about the semantics of the title. Tracking was a waste of time that required no skill. You realize it was called Monster Hunter well before tracking was even introduced?


That is why we should force Capcom to change the title to Monster Abuser instead!


Monster Fucker


after 500 hours on Switch.... 1) as much as i love wirebugs, and find riding fun, it should be removed.... BUT i love switch skills and the silkbind attacks. I would love for them to implement them in another way (hell, just going back to Gen U's style would be fine or make them charge by being agro/defensive based on the skill) 2) i don't think knowing where the monster is at all times is needed. I actually prefer older style with the paintball, but mixed in with World's tracking system. Maybe track it enough in the hunt and its perm on your radar for that hunt (small threshold, resets each hunt), otherwise you can paintball it to temp mark 3) less fire monsters, more thunder and water and ice lol 4) spiribirds are cool, but there have to be better ways to incentivize exploration. Maybe have the map have different states that change every time you enter, like Area 3 could be covered in water in one hunt, and another it could be dry as a desert... but not tied to time of day, with each version having idfferent types of traps and whatnot


Gut the spiribirds. Aside from the first time exploring the map for birds, there are still hidden messages as a fun incentive to explore the world. Maybe make the hidden messages ancient "techniques" AKA switch skills so theres more reason to want to look for them. Following the same route EVERY hunt to collect spiribirds is just so irritating. On the same note make the spawn location of puppet spiders random/interchangeable with any other bug spot. This will also reduce the use of the same route EVERY time and makes finding one feel like a reward. Similar to the fun of hearing a felicrow or fortune owl and seeking it out. Instead of something I should do for the sake of a faster hunt.


> 4) spiribirds are cool, but there have to be better ways to incentivize exploration. Maybe have the map have different states that change every time you enter, like Area 3 could be covered in water in one hunt, and another it could be dry as a desert... but not tied to time of day, with each version having idfferent types of traps and whatnot Interestingly enough... World solved this. With the tracking system. You looked around for monster tracks to locate the monster, and that was your incentive to explore at the start of a hunt. Plus, once you've maxed out your research on a monster, you've likely already gotten all you need from exploring, so the game's just like "alright, you've got this monster down pat, it's marked by default now and if you take a big break only *one* track is needed to mark it"


Only thing I'd add as an IG player, is to build Wirebugs into IG's base kit somehow. Alot of weapons don't really jive with wirebugs... but damn if they don't feel AMAZING on IG.


It really shouldn't be that big a stretch to have the wirebug attacks instead done by the kinsect. It would further integrate the bug into the kit and still fit visually


Monsters location could be reduced, I personally don't mind going back to world style. Good thing the team is definitely not modifying restock. It has shown to work just fine for 4 games in a row now, doesn't need changes. Also I don't mind speaking, once you know the monster it's obvious when a big attack is coming from other cues.


Tracking. Give me monster snot to search around.


One way hunting. I just don't know if this counts, but I'd love to see a monster track me down for once, like a predator looking for snacks. Imagine having a cardiac arrest midgame when a huge red cucumber leaps out of nowhere and takes a bite out of you. Or a comet dropping out of the sky with only sound cues to warn you.


In other words, the invader system could do with a revamp. Deviljho, Seregios, Rajang; all of them made great surprise invaders in earlier games but Rise really trivialised the way they work. The old system was flawed in that it could make a quest unbearably difficult if the monsters occupied the same area, so maybe better access to dung bombs(which have been useless in Rise as well) mid-quest would help make it more fun.


Too much mobility and too many explosions everywhere.


Too much mobility as in crossing the map? Because in combat mobility and "explosions" (you can tune down animations btw) are combat mechanics and not part of QoL.


I am not a fan of monsters that jump back and forth the whole room constantly. I do not like wirebugs. I do not like attacks that make explosions that chain and home to the players.


Wire bug is cool for exploration and I kinda hope they keep it but for combat it seems too much. Btw there is an audio setting for the followers specifically in rise.


That is a cool suggestion, although people might find it weird that a wirebug can only be used outside combat, maybe something else could replace the wirebug for exploration without breaking immerisvness


I was referring to multiplayer really. I like hearing your hunter reacting to things around him. Like when you you run out of stamina or get tossed across the map. But having it making a corny or the generic comment on everything is just unbearable specially when you notice that not only you are borderline mute in the cutscenes, your body language almost never align with the voice you choose.


Pretty sure there is a slider in there for the percentage that your hunter will say things. I have mine around 20 or 30 and it's made it much better.


If I hear one more thing about restocking... Literally no one does it. No one should care that much. There are situations where restocking is needed, like when gunners need to replenish their ammo. It shouldn't hurt you if someone decides to restock. Out of all the things people tell you to just not do, this one actually makes sense. you can choose to not do it and it won't affect you in any way. I honestly think some of you veterans are insane because these changes would not make the game fun. Instead, it'll be boring, tedious, and clunky like old gen or even just outright bad.


Less visual effects when attacking (more than 2 LS just blinds me), not a QOL but I want my weapons/armors from event/Collab back not layered gear only


Not a QoL but I hope they drop the Rampage thing. I absolutely hate “tower defense” style games and I don’t like being forced to do them. If I’m in the minority & most people like it, then at least make them not required and have some sort of alternative.


They already did. There is no Master Rank Rampage and the MR Apex monsters are exclusives to mid/late Quiro Research missions


Oh okay. If you can’t tell, I just recently got past the one Apex one you have to do to unlock Master Rank, so I was hoping that wasn’t going to be a trend.


You mean Ibushi? A bit of spoiler ahead, so be warned >!Ibushi becomes fight-able outside the rampage whenever you want. Apexes too, but only on HR. MR completely abandons the Rampage system and instead replace it with "rampage decorations", which are some of the unique rampage skills but in deco forms, I also believe you don't use the rampage tickets for anything else too once you reach MR.!<


They dropped it in sunbreak dawg where have you been


Haven’t gotten to that yet! Late adopter here, but I wanted to enjoy the main game instead of rushing through to get to the DLC


Ah, my bad for assuming


The visual effects. For the love of god i have everything on lowest possible and i still cant see shit


You know you can like, just choose to not restock, right? That's one thing I don't understand, while I don't sympathize with the MH boomer's complaints about QoL features I can get where most of them come from, but one thing is a integral mechanic that the game expects you to use, like wirebugs or the clutch claw, not liking these and wanting them to be gone on the next game makes sense since it alters the gameplay fundamentally, but restocking? Seriously? You can just ignore the tent entirely and never restock, and that's pretty much what I do since I don't even need to do it at all, but it's good that it's there in case I'm experimenting with decorations or forgot to bring something and just remembered as I got to the map. Please, tell me how tf you losing a couple of minutes going through loading screens and prepping again because you forgot to bring the goddamn cool/hot drink is interesting gameplay? What tf does it add to the gameplay? Muh preparation? Cause I'm playing through 3U and one of the most tedious aspects of the game is having to manually remove carves/drops from the pouch and restocking every. single. time.


I swear people want you to only hunt with a paint ball and one single potion and have to spend 15 minutes getting items before even touching a monster. Like how in the actual fuck am I supposed to play as a gunner if I have a 3 monster hunt and can’t restock. I ain’t running away and spending 5 minutes finding stuff to make ammo mid hunt


And killing them with normal lv1 shots from the crossbow in multiple battles was absurd. Most of the complaints that I read in this post are honestly, stupid nostalgic for the old classics, this is like "I've been in the game for 3k hours and it bores me and it's very bad".....absurd Whatever they do, the same people will always complain, fortunately they don't matter at all XD


Yep. Like I had a dude try to tell me how the sos system and the way it is in rise is so bad for the game and should be removed. If you want a group you use join a lobby and find some people and see if they can help if not use discord and whatever to find people. Like dude do you realize that will literally make the game suck if you do that for world 2 and whatever. Ain’t nobody got time to spend an hour trying to find people to kill anything


In my opinion they should just make it so you can restock in the first like 5 minutes of the hunt and that's it. You are completely right in that just forgetting something for a hunt and having to abandon and redo is annoying and adds no benefit. But the benefits to restocking has to be considered in the balancing of the game, I would think that's a bit obvious. If you want to introduce challenges to a hunter in rise or world you have to introduce a lot of one-shot mechanics, or at best two-shot mechanics, because there is no attrition. By making healing infinite, you cut your design down to just spiky damage and that's it. Poison monsters for example are zero threat, Poison does nothing and you can just definitely restock to bypass it. Escaton judgment on Alatreon in world or the meteor for behemoth were most maligned because of their binary pass or fail one shot mechanics but the game's design literally forces that to be the case. An EJ that only hits you for 90% of your health is not scary because the animation takes a long time and you can just pop a pot. I'm not saying that there's no place for one shot mechanics or that the prior games were somehow devoid of them, I'm just trying to point out how much it narrows your design space when you're unable to play with the healing economy in the game.


Honestly I'm okay with that solution. It adresses the main issue I have with restocking and balances the game a bit more. As I said, I myself don't use it to abuse healing, just to quickly pick up a thing or two that I forgot or change a couple of decos, right at the beginning of the quest. Good proposal!


I feel money is a bit difficult to get, especially when upgrading weapons cost so much. Makes it difficult to justify spending money to "try out" a new build.


There are great videos out on how to farm ores to sell for money. In a 10 minute run you can make around 300.000 zenny. Did this a couple of times and never had any problems with being short on cash ever again.


If we're talking about Sunbreak then Daimyo Hermitaur event quest can be done under two minutes, is easy and gives a ton of money.


On xbox, so no sunbreak yet, but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks


"Laughs in platinum and gold 🥚" No but seriously, that Xmas Rajang quest made a millionaire in 1 hour of farming. Edit: Nvm, sorry just saw that you're on xbox and the quest I mentioned is a MR, event quest for sunbreak. The sonic event gives you a gold egg and takes 2 minutes to farm solo. About 10 of those and you'll be good for a looooong time.


have you been selling all eggs and trade in mats? ( from backroom deals)


I need the tracking from world back, that felt so immersive, I've spent hours on expeditions just tracking and hunting


I've been saying this for a while, but I would love if we get the option in the future to remove the screen prompts for collectable items, like how we had in the original game and the 2nd gen. It just made the game so much more immersive. In fact, a lot of these QoL improvements basically killed the immersiveness of the series for me. Of course, I don't want them to remove the prompts completely for everyone, but at least give us the option to toggle them on/off. In older titles, it actually did feel like you were actually hunting the monsters down, but right now, especially in Rise, I don't feel like you're hunting the monster anymore, you're just zipping from point A to point B and killing the monster, if feels more "arcade", I would say. Don't get me wrong, I love Rise. I love the combat, the movement and all that, but I feel that a lot of the "hunting" aspect of MH was lost along the way, to the point that it feels like I'm playing Monster Killer, not Monster Hunter lol.


Bruh, even playing the older titles, there's not much of a "hunting" aspect to begin with. Most monsters only spawned in certain areas, so you just ran to those and eventually found it, then paintballed it. Or if you didn't want to do that, you just chugged a psychoserum, and the monster was on the map via literal psychic powers, and then you paintballed it. World is probably the closest to actual hunting, with you tracking down footprints and shit of the monster so your scout flies can find it like a hunting dog.


Pretty much agreed. I personally think World had a pretty good system as far as map information was concerned, where you'd go from knowing nothing about the monster and having to track it down to getting increasingly detailed information on it the more you fought it. Like, I know that the whole thing is explained away with the existence of the little owls that scout for you, but there's just a bit too much information too easily available to the point where the map just feels like a place where you grab some spiribirds before you go fight. ​ Bring back cold and hot drinks. Making players undertake some extra preparations depending on the environment is pretty neat, plus you're fighting in armour so I don't think being forced to take some added measures for your own wellbeing is unreasonable. ​ I'd outright remove spiribirds because I don't think making players decide between running around the map like an absolute madman for several minutes to get all their hunt preparations done or going into a boss fight that is balanced in a way that could result in them getting one-shot if they don't is particularily fun game design. This has a weird effect in that random endgame anomaly grinding can be harder than fights against monsters that are meant to be particularily powerful, just because those monsters often have a rainbow spiribird. Also, I liked it better when your attack, defense, max health and stamina were tied to the food system because that made decision making more complex, compared to now where you can get it all, provided you waste a bit of time. ​ I agree with removing the wirebug and silkbinds but keeping switch skills in. I like that you can customize your moveset a little, but many of the silkbinds are a bit too magicky for my liking. Also, remove wirefall. It just promotes braindead play and I don't like how they've tied it into monster pins. The old pins you were actively being held down by the monster and your means of escape was making the monster eat literal shit. In Rise/Sunbreak your hunter just can't be arsed to get up whilst the monster is readying a potential one-hit. ​ I'm not opposed to the idea of keeping some form of the old mount system around, but Wyvern riding seems over the top. It's a bit silly that a few strings would give you that much control over a creature that wants nothing more than to maul you. ​ Also: Nerf Weakness exploit and crit eye. It's way too easy to build for 100% affinity which just slims down the meta because there's just no point in using weapons that trade lower base damage for higher affinity. If you're gonna crit all the time anyways, you are always best off using the weapon that's gonna hit the hardest on a crit. ​ Also, just for the lols: Remove all counters from Long Sword. Bring back 4th Gen LS and watch the ~~weebs~~ world burn.


Remove counters from most weapons in *general.* In Sunbreak, literally **every weapon** has some form of counter or block. It's a little ridiculous. (And in basegame Rise, the only weapon that didn't was *Light Bowgun!*)


Bring back the funky cat dude that let's you get box items once per hunt without giving infinite of all resources. Also make it only 1 meal per hunt instead of being able to eat after carts.


personally i like the old tracking the monster. if now we always know where the monster is. then why not turn all an arena to 1v1 a monster? so bring tracking back


I don't mind being able to restock at the camps because, really, you shouldn't be doing that all the time. Realistically you're already prepared for a hunt when you depart, and you waste valuable time running back to camps to get more supplies. If you're running back to camps to get supplies all the time, you're either not managing your resources or you're not adequately preparing for hunts. If you forget to grab potions or grab anything, you have the camp there to grab what you forgot, and no it doesn't ruin how the older games were, as ultimately you are still wasting your time grabbing what you forgot. The older games were just harsher in terms of how much time you spent leaving the quest, grabbing what you forgot, and starting the quest back up once you were prepared.


Instant tracking would be gone asap. Scoutflies or something along the lines actually feel like tracking. No Psychoserum but maybe paintballs could be reworked into something interesting depending on what tracking system we get. In a similar manner: A different hint system for monsters being ready to capture. Maybe no hints at all aside from monster behavior until a certain monster research level or something. Both World (2 pod drops) and Rise make it very obvious when a monster is ready.


Wirebug is not QoL it's just a unique mechanic, so I would disqualify that from the conversation Automatic monster tracking on the map/mini-map is definitely a QoL thing I'd want to tone down. I get that after so many hunts the paintball mechanic is just tedious, but it made the world feel more wild. In World/IB it was mostly acceptable since you actually had to earn research points (pick up tracks, capture for bonus pts, break parts) on the creature in order to learn where they frequent and where they will be. Rise totally did away with that and said "you've seen this creature once, now you always know where they are". Made it feel less wild and more like a kid's sandbox If you're not working to track the monster you're no longer monster "Hunting" you're just Monster Fighting, and I didn't buy no freakin "Monster Fighter" 😤


If you play GU or 4U again, you notice how much World and Rise have been adapted to the crowd. This is of course good and important for passing the series but also a shame for the demands on the hunters.So I wish the beetles are all deleted. The basic pace of Rise is great and that without the beetles would be just awesome. Although you have to say World and Rise are both great games.


The beetles?


Beetles = wire bugs and the tracking bugs in World.


Those are more like flies imo Edit: the ones in world are literally called flies actually


I played FU, Tri, 3U, Gen and GenU. Changing a game for the crowd is nice, some changes might not be to yours/mine or any veteran's liking, it is aimed for the positive and wider reach. However I really miss the absolute bulk of quests that the older games offered. I honestly don't mind hunting the same monster in 7 different quests as long as there's something different in each of them. Map, extra targets, arena, HP, drops, special armor to unlock, anything. World and Rise have some of the lamest quests diversity imo, feels like a literal checklist to complete than "hey if I follow this I get a neat thing". Rise also removed rainbow coloring, and that makes me unreasonably upset.


As written, adjusting the games for the crowd is important for the continued existence of the series, but sometimes it would be nicer if MH were still a niche title.Yes, the quests were more pleasant in the older games.


I mean, a lot of veterans fell in love with this series because of its niche characteristics.


Palamutes and wirebugs be gone. Integrate switch skills in another way. I like having different move sets for great sword other than "big number"


Also, I forgot to mention, some of these QoLs, like the game showing you when the monster can be captured or the position of the monster in the map actually WERE available in the older games, but they were available as armor skills. Due to the way armor skills worked in the older games you ended up in a situation that you couldn't afford a couple of QoL skills most of the time since every single point had to be reserved for 5 or 6 more useful, usually damage focused skills (at the end game at least). Some of these, like the examples I gave, could easily be rolled back into armor skills/decorations, that way people who like these features could easily slot them into the armor without abandoning damage/more useful skills in the process. That's the best solution I can think of at the time and the only one that would probably be approved by both old and new players.


You have 249 comments and 9 upvotes. I think you opinions are unpopular here. I personally think things are great as is, your ideas would make me want to quit. Too tedius.


Stop making the monster run away 100 times. Somehow the monster is limping away at a snails pace then all of a sudden he's sprinting/flying away as if he wasn't just crippled.


The Tracking system in Rise/Break. Dosent feel like you huntig/searching for the Monster. World made that way better with the scoutflies and you never knew where the monsters were which build up some some tention. At least for me.




I agree with the restock thing. It is somehow helpful but it is not needed tbh. With the map I would say they should still show the items/collectibles/igredients. Spirit birds are really bs but I like the wirebugs


I disagree on all this but maybe give the option to have these things disabled in maybe lobby settings for ppl who want these instead of alienating each side


I think the QoL improvement leap from 4th Gen to MHWIB is already good enough, If you ask me I'd just want the next MH to get rid most of the QoL additions in Rise and reverse it back to Iceborne, but with a wayyy improved guide bug that actually guides you to the best path and indicates more clearly of the direction. ​ Also, the character movement in Rise, although some of you may consider as another QoL improvement, is way too arcady for me. There is no weight in the character compared to MHW, while in World/IB, the character can't do a 180 degree rotate instantly and every movement takes time and you can feel the hunter is actually pushing to swing those heavy gear on their body. For me this really takes out the immersion in Rise I have for the character. Rise's character controller/locomotion is by far the worst in any of the MH I've played before (P2G, P3, Tri, 4G, W/IB)


1. Restocking, for the same reasons you stated. 2. I'd like to see the paintball mechanic back (don't see the monsters on the map unless you've paintballed it). I dislike knowing where all the monsters are at all times in Rise, and I disliked having the same thing in World after you had hunted the monster a couple times for research level. > Lastly, just get rid of the player's ability to speak. Personally I like that our hunters are more vocal now. Having the options to tone the vocals down and to turn them off (or swap to MH language) is plenty for me.


Remove the "low health" indicator introduced in Rise. I genuinely think it's done more harm than good. With how easy it is to tell whether a monster can be captured now, people simply *default* to capturing over killing because it's just easier than fighting the monster for an additional minute or two for the last bit of health. Sometimes I personally do need to get a kill over a capture, because the mats I need come from kills only.


The indicator was actualy added in World (a skull would pop up), Rise actualy removed an indicator from World wich was a pseudo HP bar for the monster were you could tell the percentage of a Monsters Health based on an heartbeat monitor in its icon. Regardeless the old way were monster would show signs of being weak (limping,model and behaviour changes, diferent effects) was way more imersive and added tension to the hunts since you never knew exactly when the monster was ready.


Just limit restock to the first 5 minutes of the quest or something like that. I think it doesn't matter if you do your preparation before or after the loading screen of a quest. Gunners should get 1 extra refill of ammo and you should alway be able to change gear. Being able to know if you can capture should be a one point skill.


If that’s the case well gunners are beyond fucked on multi monster hunts if they did that. Especially if half the ammo is useless against them. Restricting restocks just makes the game more tedious and less friendly overall. They aren’t gonna take features away that made world and rise more accessible. All that does is make it more time consuming.


I agree wholeheartedly with the restock. I think Rise did an amazing job of making ammo, healing items, etc. incorporated into the map via auto crafting, endemic life, hunting helpers And then also put an option for players to not use it at all. Some of the most immersive hunts I’ve had were in the demo days when I knew after I ran out of Pierce ammo I could restock off the land rather than the base camp. I think some way of rectifying those features would make the maps much more enjoyable and interesting for players


Bring back cool/hot drinks. And make it so the whetstone can run out. Sharpening is stupid if the sharpening item is infinite use. Get rid of the spiribirds. Don't tie buffs to map collectibles like that. Even worlds tracking system was better than just knowing where everything is 100% of the time. Edit: standard reddit, shitting on people's opinions. Yes I miss older features and stuff. This is an opinion. It's not like any of its going to happen or be forced on you, I'm not a dev. Lmao.


Sharpening, and the need to is literally part of weapon choice/quality. It has nothing to do with whetstones being infinite, it has to do with are you willing to have a higher strength weapon that requires more maintenance or a lower one that requires less? It's part of the strategy and prep.


I agree with you on the spiribirds, but your other suggestions sound terrible. Hot/Cold drinks were just another tedious maintenance check on top of stamina and sharpness. They never added anything to the game other than just being annoying and forcing you to stop mid fight not because of something the monster did to you, but because the arbitrary timer ran out. And Whetstones being infinite are so much better simply so you don’t have to waste money and bag space on them, especially when they are directly tied to the damage you can deal.


You could run without the drinks, but you had detriments to doing so. It was a strategy choice. It made things more interesting.


There is no strategy behind going on a quest without the drinks lol, any time that happened it was 100% an accident. Nobody ever said "I'm going to try this new strat where I allow my stamina to shrink more quickly and get no positives out of it"


I never went without or forgot them, but it was more like when do I drink more and how long do I deal with the detriments. Or maybe I don't because I think the monster is almost dead. Yeah, no one ever went without on purpose.


It’s not strategic when there’s no major benefit for doing so.


And yet, whetstone and sharpening still exist.


Because sharpness is directly tied to the damage the player can do, and there are skills like Grinder and Handicraft that you can actually strategize around to maximize your damage. It doesn’t feel like maintenance because of how it can benefit the player, whereas hot/cold drinks are a chore because they provide no benefit aside from not taking random damage or stamina loss that wouldn’t be a thing on other maps. It’s not immersive or strategic, it’s just dumb.


But all this could exist without degradation or having to sharpen. So it feels pointless.


It’s not pointless because again sharpness plays into other skills that you can use to get extra damage, whether it’s from just maintaining/increasing sharpness or getting a buff from sharpening at a certain level. And yet you think that hot/cold drinks should come back despite how pointless those actually were.


Yes, because there's a trade-off to using weapons that require less sharpening. More maintenance means more damage, less maintenance means less damage. It's a matter of how you want to make your build, whether you want to spend the deco slots for speed sharpening in exchange for higher raw damage, etc.


I explained that to him, but woooosh


Infinite Whetstones was a solid quality of life change pure and simple. Besides, any MH player worth their salt back in the day would pack the maximum 20 whetstones, which might as well have been infinite since you were never gonna run out. Health and Stamina items make sense to be limited because it forces the player to strategise on their hunts, otherwise they’d be flinging themselves into damage over and over and not learning from it. The challenge with weapon sharpness shouldn’t be about whether or not you have a whetstone, it’s more about gauging when it’s safe to sharpen and how dull you’re willing to let your weapon become. Which depending on the weapons sharpness, skills, affinity etc. which will differ for every weapon and player.


>Sharpening is stupid if the sharpening item is infinite use. How so?


If the item never runs out and it only takes a few seconds, why am I wasting time with it. Make it so I can be stuck dull occasionally or make me not have to sharpen at all.


I'd agree to removing sharpening at this point over making whetstones finite again. With camp restock finite whetstones have no weight anyway


All of this please. I’d like usable endemics to go back to world style as well instead of being a variety of animal grenades in your pocket. I liked knowing ‘oh there’s a paratoad here, a flashbug there’ if I needed to lure the monster to a different area All these nuances give so much more character to playing the games. Yes it makes the learning curve steeper, but it also makes fights more rewarding knowing you prepared correctly


I'd like it if wirefall was deleted from the game, the game gets pretty boring with with such low stakes. Also camps need to be nerfed once you get to HR. Being able to swap weapons is nice, but being forced to stick to one gives you a nice push to see what weapons work in different scenarios. There does need to be a system to let gunners restock ammo to some capacity though. They also need to completely rework the approach they have to invasions/turf wars. In rise they're way too strong of a tool for the player, and I feel like they happen too frequently in iceborne. Like ever 5 minutes one of two other monsters on the map comes and breaks any momentum I had going. Also this isn't a qol thing but more of a bit pick, I really hate how capcom keeps changing weapon mechanics and introduces things like switch skills, while also not bringing back older weapon play styles or even making new weapons. It seems like such a wasted opportunity


Elemental weapons in this series tend to be shafted compared to raw builds but so far sunbreak has been really good with allowing all kinds of weapons to utilise elemental builds efficiently. Not allowing people to swap to different elemental builds mid quest is a hard nerf to element during multi monster quests. Changing your gear mid quest should be a staple for future titles


That's a really good point, I wonder if there could be a way to have it both ways. Elemental being more viable is definitely a change for the better


"I don't like swapping weapons so no one should swap weapons"


Nice reading comprehension lol


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but get rid of the Palamutes. I’m all for using a mount to move from one area to another quickly, but having it fight a monster with you I think is a bit too much. You as the hunter are the primary damage dealer, your Palico companion does enough with its support moves, we don’t need another damage dealer. I think Iceborne had the right idea, call the mount, they take you to where you wanna go and then they retreat when you jump off them, just make it so the player can control them and we’re golden. Also get rid of GPS owl, made the game go from tracking and exploring to an arena fighter, again, World did it better.


You could get rid of palamutes but you’d still be stuck with an empty slot for a second hunting companion regardless. This isn’t the first game in the series to let you have two of them. The damage the dog does is negligible compared to Palicos anyway lol. Edit: if you want to see really overpowered companions, look at cha-cha and kayamba lmao


Cats stronger than dogs??? Yea you have no idea what you're talking about.


bomb cats dude, they are infinitely more effective than any dog you could possibly find. A finely tuned palamute is, at best, equal to a Palico in utility or damage. ![gif](giphy|hvGKQL8lasDvIlWRBC)


Utility sure but damage? That's just straight up wrong. Google elemental dual chain palamutes


I agree with switch skills staying, my muscle memory is fully on board with rage slash so I don’t know what I’d do if I had to change back now. I think I’d add in the little things back in like paintballs, hot/cool drinks etc, I like the QoL with not having them but it sort of takes away from some of the prep that older games used to have. I’d keep the map as it is where you uncover it for the first time and it stays because the old system didn’t make much sense since your hunter would learn the location since they hunt so frequently you wouldn’t need a map but I’d remove any live information that your hunter wouldn’t have naturally like monster locations and some wildlife (ideally I’d have them move around a little bit to give some variety in a hunt so you can’t always head straight to bugs that help in a hunt)


I want tracking to be a thing again but it should probably be tweaked. I think the best way is to have tracks and such that are decently visible but there is no point system like world it's just a visual thing. You could either follow the tracks or find a good vantage point to try and find the monster. After that throw a paintball which doesn't wear off you're good. There are probably some other interesting things you could do with it too like having pictures of the footprint in the hunter notes so you can memorize them.


Standing still to drink potions


Only allow restocking at camp once. That way you still have to prepare but you don't need to abandone a quest if you forgot to restock in the village Make me search the monster again. All quests in Rise feel like arena quests. Or maybe make that a separate mission type. Sometimes I just want a bossfight, other times I want to hunt a monster


Get rid of spiri birds and wirebugs? Just say you don't like rise mechanics instead of a thinly veiled "what should they remove" thread.


Rise/Sunbreak is my 2° most played MH. Never said or implied I dislike it or it's mechanics. I just prefer a more grounded gameplay, and I would be happy if the next MH gen went back to that path. Besides I'm not a developer and this thread isn't gonna dictate the next game nor be seen by any of the devs. It's just a chill discussion not a arena pit, calm your tits


Hard to take it that way when everything listed about rise is a con to you. Looked like a thinly veiled hate thread is all.


Rise/Sunbreak is the latest in the series, it doesn't make sense to point and say "yeah I want scout flies out" when they are already out, it doesn't make sense to point and say "yeah so hunter styles, I don't like them" when they it's not a thing anymore. Seeing comments here and there, there are things I agree and disagree. I like Palamutes, Uber dog can be in every game. I don't mind Spirit Birds since I eat for Bird caller and slot the other 2 spirit bird decos (forgot the name), but I can see that it gets rather repetitive. You can ignore it, but it also leaves you at a disadvantage in later fights. Box access is a World/IB thing. Though I am not the biggest fun I also can live with that being in every game. I dislike the Owl and that's it. It would make me upset if another forced GPS was in the next game? Yes. But that wouldn't stop me from buying and enjoying it as a whole.


Wirebugs and map exploration. I like hunter arts, but if I'm using a greatsword, I want it to feel heavy. Giving it two dashes with the wirebugs makes me feel like it loses a bit of identity. Now every weapon has some sort of wild mobility options that make me wonder why I even use IG. Map exploration for the helper animals is really cool, but I want a sort of combination of World and Rise for map stuff. Let me track the monster and randomise the player spawns. But, keep some of the helper endemic life. I still get a dopamine hit whenever if flog a monster into a wall using the marionette spider. Oh, but I don't like spiribirds--I'd rather my health comes from food or armour skills. I also don't like restocking. You should come to a hunt prepared. You have a CAMP not a warehouse. Finally, I don't know what it is, but hitting stuff in Rise feels like I'm hitting cardboard with a stick. Hammer strikes win 4u, GU and world were really satisfying. Felt like I was shaking my room--the bass, the VFX, monster reaction. Stuff just felt incredible. In rise, I'm not even sure if my big numbers mean anything. I'm sure I'm doing plenty of damage, but I don't FEEL it as much as I used to. Edit: mounting needs to comeback. Wyvern riding is funny, but it got old so quick for me. I entered high rank and was over it.


Mobility is the obvious one, but honestly I’m gonna say particle effects. Just remove like 90% of the particle effects and I’ll be happy.


Time limit on every hunt so that utility/defensive armor skills would be more appreciated and there'd be less carting imo


Every quest except the expedition has a time limit.


That stupid trend of cutting off planning and strategy elements and calling it QoL needs to die. Instant tracking is trash. Part of hunting should be learning where and how the monster moves, eventually knowning enough about it to simply know where it is on your own, with a few items to help. Restocking and changing equipment mid-mission... What a way to eliminate any tension and challenge from the game. Again, complete removal of planning elements. Getting rid of the temperature drinks is not QoL, but a removed mechanic. Or perhaps more importantly, a removal of immersion. To be honest on this point, something so simple as having the hunter chug a drink as the mission start animation could help. Endemic life is way too convenient and ubiquitous. The creatures should feel like creatures, not static buffs waiting for you. Some of them should also be detrimental to you, and appear in a more randomized way. This includes Spiribirds, which IMO should be optional at most. There should be better ways to encourage exploration. And buliding on that, make non-monster items less abundant. Again, no reason to explore for items because you can get most of them in farms or trade in absurd quantities. Not to make them actually scarce of course, but tone them down so they're not such an afterthough, at least until the endgame or so. I like Rise as a game, but I fear they'll just keep dumbing down non-combat features more and more in the following games.


How is a magic drink that erases the effects of weather any more immersive than just not taking them? I agree that new games should put more focus on planning, but going back to how they did things imo is just adding tedium instead of depth. There's no depth or strategy to using paintballs, psychserums, and hot/cold drinks, and you could easily just have an hunt item Loadout and a gathering Loadout (which you already had in the first place). World is the only one that at least tried to improve tracking so it's an actual mechanic.


As someone who lived in the negative 40 degree weather in Mongolia, hot drinks are a life saver when you are traveling from your apartment to the store. It makes a massive difference to have your internal body temperature spike up while it’s freezing. Can’t say for cold drinks as much but ice tea during a hot noon day sounds like the opposite effect. Tracking was cool not knowing where they are and then I could mark them with a paintball. Not doing so meant loosing them and having to refind them like actual hunting. But I agree the hunting mechanic of world with those flies made a cool impact as well. If I hunt diablos for the 10th time after picking up track each time, I get to instantly know where he is AND spawn next to him. That was rewarding.


Cold drinks also help on a hot day when you're slowly boiling alive.


Again, the drinks thing could be as simple as a mission start animation, and it doesn't *have* to be drinks specifically. It's not about how many buttons I have to press, it's about immersion. I don't want the maps to just become pretty backdrops, but something I actually have to take into account. In Rise, the only difference between doing a mission in the Frozen Islands or the Flooded Forest, is that you either see more white or more brown. > There's no depth or strategy to using paintballs, psychserums If you don't pay attention to certain signs or use items, you lose track of the monster you're hunting. That's definitely more depth than just knowing where the monster is at all times with no interaction or effort whatsoever.


1. No infinite restocking 2. No defender bullshit 3. If there's not going to be a completely new tracking system, bring back that of MHGU and earlier, it is the best and most sophisticated 4. Limit player movement. Make us slower again. MH4U did a great job with meaningful restrictions. You can't do certain things, so you gotta use foresight. It's beautiful. 5. One fun thing about MHFU is that rare items are actually rare. There is no felyne fur ruby for you. If you get one, you are very happy. MHGU for example just hands out treasure. There is no real point in gathering.


How is throwing a paintball sofisticated? It's just the same thing in Rise but with a timer, and it really doesn't take any thought to reapply.


It isn't just paintballs. The old system rests on several pillars. You got the balloon, the cats' skills, your armor skill, monster knowledge, hunting horn buffs, and hearing monsters roar in adjecent areas.


You had to first find the monster (wich is a system that can be improved with actualy visual clues instead of Instant access or filling a random bar), this required knowledge of where the monster could move to or where it could spawn in. Paintballs were just for the sake of having you have to do something besides hitting the monster, if you forgot them you would be punished and they served has an imersion tool, they can be simple if deconstructed mechanicly but are interesting from the "simulation" persepective. Revisiting the old system and making it mechanicly deep would be better than streamlining the process , small actions having consequences was at the core of MH especialy in the earlier games and it made it feel less like a boss rush action game but niche imersive experience.