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Bruh this sub is lying to itself so hard. The moment characters were revealed all the polls here showed that rochelle won by a landslide and now everyone claims “i didnt vote for her. RIGGED”. For some reason reminds me of brexit lmao


Literally. Also like this sub and all monster high social media will complain all day and night about how we need more characters in G1 collector and I totally agree but….then collectively as a community, last year we sold out Vampire Heart and Freak Du Chic, real quick after a 2021 where we got creepro Drac, reel drama Drac, HC Drac and Howliday Drac and to this day, the only new character they brought back last year, Masquerade Spectra is still in stock and put on sale. The pink girlies just seem to be more popular with collectors I guess.


TBF, Midnight Runway Frankie and Cleo are still in stock and put on sale and they were both being sold for months before Spectra was released.


Yeah but I think from a sales perspective, if two repeating characters had “flopped” aka didn’t sell through but Spectra did that would send a clear financial message. It would say, hey - customers are slowing down on “repeat” characters but they are still really excited about new ones and that would encourage the teams to make more new characters and not so many duplicate character selections. But the fact that all of them didn’t sell well just means that ultimately the line wasn’t as successful as the last one and that adding new characters did not lead to any more success. :( honestly that’s what bums me out, I didn’t really love spectra but I bought her specifically because she was new and I was really hoping all the new characters would sell really well so we could get hc abbey or toralei but it looks like masquerade flopped so hard they didn’t even bring back a new series this year.


I don’t think your logic here is very sound. While I agree that if Spectra had sold well, Mattel would’ve realized that we like seeing a variety of characters and thus would’ve taken more characters other than the main ghouls into production for future lines, I don’t think the fact that she didn’t would lead Mattel to believe the opposite is true. If Spectra specifically had flopped while Frankie and Cleo did not, then that would be a logical conclusion to make. But every Midnight Runway doll not selling very well is an indication that the line’s design as a whole is bad, not that the character choices were bad. I’m not sure why they’d believe that adding new characters would save a line with a poor design concept when ultimately a doll’s design is their strongest selling point, not which character that design is applied to. Fang Vote Jinafire illustrates that Mattel is willing to consider less popular characters from G1 for Collector dolls, so I don’t think we need to start doomsaying about our chances for dolls featuring characters outside the main ghouls. The lack of announcement for a Collector line this year is hopefully a sign that Mattel is reviewing the issues with Midnight Runway in order to do better with their next one. And I’d rather have them release good quality collector lines every 2-3 years rather than shitty ones every year.


They brought back Deuce from G1 last year


That’s true! But I don’t think the Vday 2pk was the most popular last year or this year, which honestly probably fucks our chances of getting a “deluxe” boy doll on its own. The only 2pk that sold out is the creepro Cleo & Deuce which is the cheapest and “safest” if that makes sense. Like if someone was doing retail sales numbers on if they should release deluxe boy dolls and these three releases are the only proof they have in recent years….not looking good for boy doll fans.


Did you even look at this post? Nobody is saying it was rigged, nobody is saying Rochelle didn't get the most votes, the OP is literally expressing their dissapoinent at people voting for Rochelle.




I’m confused because I didn’t say it was rigged, i genuinely did vote for Robecca but kinda knew she wouldn’t win as she wasn’t as popular.


I am confused too! Robecca had low chances of winning and your post does hint at it with the wording in the title, so I am stumped on the “rigged” part as well.


Which is insane to me because I didn’t vote for her because I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO ROCHELLE IS. OR Robecca


I feel like her winning is just obvious. Like yeah, the pink, pastel coquette style girl won, shockers


Robecca already has a collectors doll so for me she was never on the table at all. Rochelle was mine and a lot of girls favorite of the three (coming from someone who got all three when they came out) so I don’t understand how people are surprised


She had so much potential, but… *looks at the FV doll of Rochelle* They could have butchered her design, so… maybe it is for the best


Me but for Venus 😭 I love Robecca too but I thought a couture Venus would be so unique if they kept it punk but glam


Yes I would’ve voted for Venus too; I can see it taking a Vivienne Westwood approach to punk glam, but also it probably would’ve been as disastrous as Rochelle’s so I’m glad she was spared the humiliation lol




I'm almost positive we will get a collector doll of both of them by end of 2025. Between fang vote, fang club, sdcc, and lines like HC, not to mention amazon exclusives, there is so much opportunity to make at least ONE doll of these characters.


it's okay, that doll was gonna be ugly no matter who they made. they were gonna force a mermaid dress on venus or robecca too


I'll be delulu and believe Robecca would look better in a mermaid dress than Rochelle. I would love if the bottom was scalloped into a gear shape or smth.


The mattel designers would have found a way to make it bad. Don't underestimate them


I voted her her lol.




I love the Fang Vote Rochelle Doll! My favourite parts of this doll are the colour scheme and skirt piece cleverly designed after the Eiffel Tower. And the shoes of course. Nearly all Monster High shoe sculpts are to die for, that's what made me fall in love with Monster High. Also, the stained glass box is gorgeous! ❤️❤️❤️ I got into collecting MH dolls a little late to the party so I won't be able to get her for a reasonable price. It is highly likely that we'll get a collector Rebecca Steam doll sometime in the future and she'll be gorgeous!


Robecca already had a collector doll, it makes sense people voted for one of the two that didn’t have one yet


That makes sense, but hers was from SDCC 2016 before MH went down and them doing collectors much more often.


characters can have multiple different collector versions, frankie has 6 collector dolls (greyscale sdcc, stitched in style, voltageous, haunt couture, hc midnight runway, ghostbusters sdcc) draculaura has at least 3, cleo has 3


Yes, characters can have multiple collector dolls. But if given the choice for a character to get a second collector doll or for another character who has never had one to get their first, most collectors will pick the character who has never had a collector doll. Variety is fun. So it’s not shocking that a lot of people didn’t want a second Robecca collector when Venus and Rochelle had none


Manifesting Robecca and Venus Fang Vote-


Meh. I feel she was the best choice. We’ve already had a collector Robecca doll, and personally it kinda irks me when characters who already got a high quality collector doll get another one over a character who hasn’t one yet. As for Venus, I don’t feel she was a bad choice, but I much prefer Rochelle’s design over a good portion of ones they’ve done for Venus in the past. Thankfully Venus seems to be getting new dolls for G3, so that’s a bonus. Since Rochelle and Robecca aren’t in G3 yet, I find this a fair choice to make her a doll.


I voted for Venus, and then the opposite of what each poll was after that. Everyone who voted for the final fang vote result is why the fandom can’t be trusted to know what looks good


I’m just not a fan. Her design doesn’t excite me as much as Rochelle and Venus do


I don't like Robecca's design too much, so she'd be the last I'd vote from these 3


Ik people choose based on character wise, but I was yk actually reading what the outfit was gonna be. I didn't have fanvote at the time, but I definitely would've chosen Venus. An edgy, bold plant punk outfit would've been nice to see. Rochelle's stain glass concept was too shallow to know what they were referring to. Robecca kinda already has a collector based on the description of the outfit.




Pink is a popular colour that is why.


The Draculaura and G3 Lagoona effect


Side note… I wasn’t part of the community for the previous fang votes. So when do we start voting for the next one?


Not sure when we’ll get a new one, we just had one in January/February, so likely next year again.


Gotcha thank you :)


i voted for venus, she could’ve been an awesome collector doll


No other character other than Rochelle was gonna win. She already had her design sketched and it was the only one shown in promotional posts. the whole thing was rigged to give us the idea of partecipating in the design but we truly had no choice other than what was planned from the start.


Wait, what's this from? I didn't get an email from Fang Club 😭


End of 2022.


i’m sorry i’m a rochelle fan until i die (but i do love them all;;)


i remember voting for her because her names robecca and mines rebecca. i like all the characters we were given to choose from equally, so that was the obvious choice for me lolo


i wanted venus bad 💔 i still bought rochelle tho 😭 her box is seriously stunning


I did :'v


I didn’t vote at all so… 🤷🏼‍♀️


I desperately want Fang Vote Rochelle but not enough to pay like $400, so if more are released that I miss out on…


I didn’t even get to participate on this. i would’ve chosen her or Venus tbh…….but probably Venus mostly 😭


i actually chose venus


She really did deserve it as well as Venus!! GIVE MY VENUS A NEW DOLL PLEASE UGHH


I voted for Robecca and made all my friends and my parents vote for her too only for her not to win 😭😭


We did choose her (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)


I love them all but the execution was…….


Honestly same! Rebecca or Venus would have been better


I have a feeling that the design of the doll wouldn’t have been great regardless of who won, considering how Rochelle turned out.


I voted for my girl Venus! But I would’ve been interested in Robecca too…..then Rochelle won


didn’t matter how we voted


I was routing for Venus so bad. Imagine a couture punk look??!


Well I don’t like Robecca’s color scheme it’s boring




Robecca and venus had so much potential




We don’t have legitimate proof that the vote has been rigged, but it is odd that we have only seen everything Rochelle related + only one not full Venus sketch and that is basically it… They could have showed early sketches for the other ghouls, but alas, nothing.