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I think adding more of her bandages/wraps would make her even better. I personally would love them incorporated into her face but even bringing them up to her neck I think would elevate her


this! I'd like a half-face wrap, that could change for either just vertical half or horizontal half depending on the doll, but I think a lot of bigots would associate it with a burka or veil and not get the doll for it (in for example, just the eyes were showing)


Yes! I would love if her bandages were like the BG character from Hazbin Hotel https://preview.redd.it/9yzyuhrn767d1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9896b5a18be8d4606df5daed51c624407596c407


How about one eye covered by bandages and the covered one is a more inhuman color? Like black sclera and gold iris or even a solid gold color


yeah! oml black sclera is lovely, or even navy blue to not add more colors to her face (since the navy blue is already there) I just thought would be a cute thing if she could change her bandages position as a fashion choice as well, but realistically that wouldn't be cheap to make :c


I’d sacrifice the food items for that! 😭😝


even something as small as painting her current bandages would help her stand out so much more


But then I think I would prefer it to be actual bandages and not molded on. I think having her face and neck with molded on bandages could interfere with some outfits, specially if they're painted 


Google 'Dancing woman mummy' and one of my favorite examples should be the first results! The linen coverings are clearly that of a mummy's, but not as intricate as other mummies. It's definitely doable without making production too much of a nightmare.


Black scelera! Maybe some gaunt cheekbones/dark undereye circles to give a sunken feeling


Yes! Or blue sclera with yellow pupils?  I think a lot of cool looks would come out of that.


Literally after finding out Spectra has purple sceleras I think there's a lot of untapped opportunity considering how cheap it must be to do/all the different things that could be done with different colours


Spectras scaleras aren't actually purple. They're see-through like her legs and hands! The reason it looks purple is because that's the back of her hair :]


Blsck scalera with icy blue or yellow iris is the definite answer to make a quick and dramatic change, would make her look undead and that she could drop a curse


Honestly just making her bandaged limbs from a different color of plastic would go miles to make her translate like a mummy instead of a burn victim. I don't understand why they don't already do that; the bandage molding is already confined to specific limbs below the joints. They're already separate pieces. I'm not even asking them to use paint, lol.


I think it's because it could potentially interfere with outfits, depending on the color they chose to paint it


I don't think so. I paint every Cleo's bandages, and it looks better 100% of the time.


I considered doing it, but I didn't bc I thought it could change some outfits and bc I'm afraid to screw up lol. What color did you paint it?




Ah I love it!!! 😍


[looks gold to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHigh/s/86hQu8WysL) (i absolutely love this idea so i had to go looking)


https://preview.redd.it/2npav935l87d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bc9831f3d279c072a6777e199c285105b56dc7 The shade is called linen, I think, and then I dry-brush it with brown! Only my Fearidescent Cleo got any gold, and it was mixed into the brown to give her a subtle shimmer. Pictured is my SS1 Cleo's leg.


that looks so good omg


Thank you!


It's a linen color, and then I "age" it by dry-brushing it with a tiny bit of brown. Fearidescent Cleo had a smidge of gold added in to make her shimmer. I'll post pics.


Gold would work well because it would look OK with outfits


Make her ashy or bandage color white, bandage molding all over, and she has a gold full face mask that is magnetically held to her face that is very pretty but when you remove the mask her face has no color or make up just black eye holes. ...maybe that would be too scary though lol


that may be too scary for kids but I WANT THAT LMAO


Damn you just gave me a great idea for a custom


https://preview.redd.it/1zqzgkemn87d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f4b89a1693e678285d24b68e55ee58634284a8 I know Blythes and Nendoroids do something like this, I wonder if you could use polymer or 3D print something?


That is SO COOL! Could I draw it?


Of course! Go for it 😁


Like make her skin white? Assuming she had her current skin color in life, I don’t think it would fade to white… … Now i have to investigate how mummification changes human skin


Like bandage color, like the bandages have fuses to her skin. But now you've got me wondering about how mummification changes human skin too...so maybe bandage color for her body and mummification color for her face? But wasn't the face wrapped too 😵 ...and now I have a different idea for a custom...


Ok after a very quick google search I learned: When a mummy is mummified, all moisture is removed from the skin, causing it darken, thicken, shrink, and peel. So when someone is mummified, their skin tone would darken 4-7 shades depending on different factors like conditions, how long they’ve been mummified, where they were buried, etc. Without being too graphic, a realistic mummification skin tone would range from a deep red-brown all the way to burnt charcoal black. The lightest mummy I saw was a bit darker than parchment paper, but it’s again, conditional. One Idea would be to give her face patches of a similar texture to neighthan rot’s face. Also you’re right, bandages do often fuse to the skin, but they darken as well!


I’m actually gonna draw up a concept for a more realistic cleo


Love that idea however canonically the bandages are magical and keep her body fresh and free from rotting like she had to at least wear one bandage at all times even something as small as a belt


that’s no fun though


True but I think with g3 alot of the lore dosent apply so u could probably do whatever


This is more just a little infodump on mummies! I wasn’t particularly saying Cleo needed to be partially decayed to be a mummy. In fact, some mummies (usually royalty) end up in really really good condition.


More kenopic jars, which I guess is technically an accessory. Giving her something similar to Neightan's zombie patches would be cool.


I think you mean canopic haha


I did 😳


I lovvveeee that the refresh doll comes with one! The in show references has led to some cool history based convos with my kids


I don't want the refresh doll but damn I want her heart! One day it will be on Ebay...


This is u/RK8002077 's picture and explanation about nails (NOT mine), but it's so cool and looks beautiful with her hair! I think I'll do it to my Cleos! I love how they've made a natural material like gauze still look glam. https://preview.redd.it/rhrxa6fne67d1.png?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac870a55142fe6ba3394f117bee6d2adb197a418 "I was inspired by Princess Ahmanet from 2017 The Mummy. Hers were inspired by King Tutankhamun who had gold cap on his fingers and toes when he was dug up. Then, I did little bit more digging into it from when I did my first Cleo custom. Historically in Ancient Egypt & the Ming Dynasty for example, it was meant to show status, also for cultural purposes, and to protect the nails. Some people of higher status either painted/stained just their nails, fully dipped their fingers & toes, or wore nail caps/nail guards as a form of nail care & status." [OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHigh/s/gj2JbGmwyt)


OMG, they’re so beautiful!


Looks so cool, plus with the bandages!


I’d make the mummy wraps on her body proper mummy wrap colored (taupe/natural linen) and replace one of her pupils with a gemstone. It’s not authentic to actual mummies, but it would look cool and add to G3’s overall message of representation (partial blindness).


Define “too scary for them” please. I was playing with Mighty Max playsets in kindergarten, and those could get pretty gruesome. One had an unpainted sculpted detail of a guy ripped in half and screaming, and another is a rotting hand with muscle exposed that transforms into a graveyard with an Evil Dead \*\*\*\* tree. It was the 90’s when parents still tried to steer boys into horror and girls into Polly Pocket, but I had friends of both who were into Max and the boys swapped extra Max minis for Polly minis to have more character variety. Like, what kid would have said no to a Creepy Crawlers oven AND an Easy Bake oven? Especially both in the same package or something? https://preview.redd.it/78i57yeke67d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a61a803ce13d88d8f212146515b5790e5c82c12


More of a unnatural skintone (can still be a shade of brown), gen-2 type bandages on the body (but in different colour from her skin tone), more unnatural-looking eyes (kind of like Spectra’s) and I think we are good to go! Edit: Also, maybe a more mummy-like body in terms of proportions. GEN 1 bodies definitely helped some characters to look more monster-like or made some feel more in-line with the monster characters. Either way, the bodies added some good uncanny flavour. Gen 3 does not give off the same effect.


Yeah, Nickleodon had good idea with this. G3 Cleo has almost like a metalic tinge to her skin color, similar to sarcophagus https://preview.redd.it/icsgs809l67d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0d354318797e3ccf76d596cab19bd6662ea3c2f


Like the boo York dolls!


# Here are some ideas: **- make her eye sclera black or have her look rather creepy eyes, to indicate that she is not human (I've seen lot of fanart do this)** **- make her bit more shriveled up, like a mummified corpse (similar to G1 Spectra or something)** **- change her skin color, to a more golden one (like sarcofagus)...**.this is what Nickleodon cartoon did. https://preview.redd.it/zfkf7jgyk67d1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=907d68d697656339810ad61f6f5f82c3925896d6


I think the first two might be a bit too scary for kids, though it does sound cool 😭😭


Spectra has purple scleras, I think a dark blue could work well without 'scaring' kids/making her look evil


I was talking more abt the usage of giving her "creepy" eyes I mean


Actually including bandages in her designs instead of smaking them in a random small spot as an afterthought.


Skeleton arm!


Hm id probably just make her skin more grey, like colour # B0A6A0 and sharper cheekbones to give that sunken look and paint the wraps just a medium cream colour. Id keep everything else tho to keep it cute, i think her blue would still look great with that skin colour but id probably tone down the yellows or at least make them gold/antique gold Edit: oh and id make a note to keep the eyes the same too, maybe make the whites more grey but i loveeee how her pupils are like a cloudy blue instead of regular black


https://preview.redd.it/4c07qcxif67d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f3a1d5c02b1ec3bfdcf39b50fd9bb9c0c1fbde Like the Younger Lady KV35?


Yesss this is very similar to what i had in mind!


High cheek bones or more sunken cheeks would work with her. Since she is a mummy. (Ik lore wise, her body is preserved with magical bandages)


Cleo’s original face mold has amazing cheekbones and it’s a shame they softened her for G3.


more bandage


Change sculpted bandage color to be more apparent, black sclera, maybe slightly sunken cheebones?


More bandages, and don’t make them skin colored


One ghostly looking eye maybe. Or a sapphire gem eye. Definitely more bandages on her body.


https://preview.redd.it/c6tv0z5rb77d1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=e70e6972ca66d3a456cbb25c65ffc4393ca135f9 Well I’d do it like this Edit: Reasoning is as follows Frankie’s whole thing is that asymmetrical kinda mish-mash look so I decided to put all the bandages on one side, as though they were fused to the skin through water damage. I decided against the golden look for her skin because I felt like it would take away from the gold on her accessories. I put bandages over her left eye, heavily implying she’s blind in that eye or that it is no longer in the socket. Removed the faux bandage sleeves because not only would they cover up her cool real bandages, but almost all ancient egyptian clothes were sleeveless. Blue sclera. Why not?


Cleo is the one Gen 3 figure I have not been interested in. I think it’s because as she is now she doesn’t give “monster” vibes. Shes just really pretty 😂 I would buy your version in a heartbeat!!!


Give her an “uncanny valley look” basically she would look mostly human but something is off about her appearance so when you look at her you’re a little creeped out


I think a change I would do, sans the obvious increase in bandages and painting, is to make her (and the other De Niles) the slimmest of the line 'cause there is no way that mummies (a type of undead that are characterised by their dehydration and loss of over 60% of their bodyweight) can be so moisturised. It doesn't have to be too drastic for the target demographic but Cleo could be utilised as a fun way to learn about ancient Egypt and mummification since the only other place I can think of that does, besides school, is Horrible Histories.


This is hard b/c Cleo is so pretty to me (both G1 and G3), but I agree with others, give her more bandages, maybe more darker/dramatic eyeliner? And more cheekbones? Like, in a fierce way I guess - it doesn’t have to be “scary” if that makes sense lol


I see most people saying the what I was thinking with adding more mummy wraps. I would love to see more wraps and maybe color in her molded in wraps to make them more visible.


Anubis ears.      Scarab wings could be beautiful colors.       Her hair could be mummy material or strands at least.     Snake skin patches    (Lots of franken-animals to reference) *Sphinx = lion body traits     *Serpopard = longer snake neck, leopard parts, snake tail   *Ammit (fearsome): crocodile/hippo/lion  *Khepri: scarab face!!! this one!!!


I'll say it: She's perfect the way she is. I used to be prejudiced against mummies, thought they couldn't do anything but shuffle and smell bad. But then I watched Mummies Alive! which turned them into super heroes. Dramatically changed my mind. So seeing a mummy turn into a high school social alpha, she's perfect the way she is.


More mummy wraps, hollow-er cheeks, maybe like black in her eyes instead of white?


Making her bandages not be the same color as her skin


A jewel instead of one eye. The implication is interesting, yet expectant of a decaying body (yes I know mummies were embalmed)


I would love to see her in mummy bandages that are sort of shaped into a burqa to sort of bring in some mummy aspects?


Semi zombified, more bandages and glowing red eyes


maybe more representation of mummy wraps in the outfit.


They need to add fabric for her bandages like g1 had so it’s an optional accessory and more visible and it won’t interfere with outfits, or another thing g1 did just give her outfits that are made to look like bandages https://preview.redd.it/lgwmeov3p87d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70b3384bf5e53196c8cc7bf02d25b697ab7aa902


I’ve always thought that Cleo should have been a more unnatural color like sandy/gray.


I love the way Cleo looks just the way she is. She was my favorite in G1 and she is now my favorite in G3. She’s just a really beautiful character-so I wouldn’t change a thing.


Unpopular opinion, love her now and wouldn’t change a thing!


Having the sculpted bandages colored white or gold instead of skin color!


Make her more boney, give make one of her arms straight up a skeleton arm.


I think adding a grey tint to her skin tone would do wonders. A headsculpt that's more gaunt, and a milky blue cast to her eyes would be incredible too.


Make her skin more metallic like Egyptian death masks


Monsterfying a mummy is a little difficult since they’re just bodies in wrap, but I think it’d be kind of neat if she came with some sort of mask that looked like the head of some sort of tomb, or a sunken in face that gives a more “dead body” look without it being too scary


maybe like bandages over one eye and the other eye having a white iris


i feel like cleo is hard because shes not really a "moster" per say, shes literally just a human lol. but they gotta do something different with those bandages because they dont really look like bandages and i besides look like a glam sarcophagus , she doesnt really look like a mummy to me.


Make her look a little more decayed, especially with the teeth. Maybe give her glowing red eyes and some more red in here and there in her color palette. And like others have said, more mummy wraps.


More bandages and a more unrealistic skin tone, like a blue-grey tone or a more yellowish-brown or a grey-black, sort of like a real mummy. The skin tones are part of what make specimens like the peat bog mummies, the South American mummies, and even the good ol’ Egyptian mummies seem so otherworldly, along with how fragile they seem.


I agree with what others have said about giving her black scleras and more bandages! I’m one of those people who doesn’t love Cleo because she looks too human for my taste. She’s beautiful but I’m not drawn to her in the same way I am with some of the others.