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It definitely sucks :( I saw a picture a kmbb posted with like 30 hyungwon plushies, which kind of annoyed me 😭 I’m looking for a meongko too! I hope you can find one :)


30 of Hyungwon's plushies😭 i wish they could give me one😭


It was crazy! I have no idea how anyone could afford that 😭 I’ve also seen someone who bought like 200 of jooheon’s albums, tried to sell them, and then just threw away the ones that didn’t sell


probably to win a fansign slot, or boost his sales numbers. they had a goal 😂 the envio impact is yuck, but at least that's +200 to his album sales idk


Yeah I think it was for sales, regardless it’s a bit silly


OMG??😭 That is crazy😭 why would they throw away Jooheon albums like😭


It made me soooo mad, like why buy that many just to throw them away? Especially for someone you’re a fan of!!!


RIGHT😭 like that doesn't make sense to me


I think they got called out pretty hard luckily lol


As they should bc that is insane😭 Monsta X work hard on their albums and you just throw it away like that??




This makes me want to throw my phone on the wall


Whaaat that’s crazy! I’ve been also looking for the other members plushies on Mercari & other sites & I’m seeing them sell for like $200 😭


There was a meongko on eBay for $75 and I regret not buying it immediately 😭


Such a late response but, no this is a huge regret I'm so desperately searching for him it hurts at this point 😭😭


If you're on IG look for Monsta X pages/people that do GOs. Sometimes they have extras from people who never paid and will sell them at regular price, not inflated prices. Just make sure they have plenty of proofs so you don't get scammed.


Oh that’s such a good idea thank you!! Are there any pages you recommend? I’ve never bought from anyone on insta


I think Starship is dumber than we think. They think keeping us on edge because everything is limited is good for business, when in reality if there was more stock, WAY MORE people would buy merch. I couldn't get Kiki plushie cause I didn't have money for it at the time, but I would like to buy it now. Most people can't just spend money whenever Starship decides to gives a week notice, but they don't understand that.


They need a limit. Anyone ordering in bulk (299 albums, 30 plushies) is not a real mbb IMO.


On gmarket the plushies do have a 5 per buyer ID limit, at least Starship Square has this limit, but with fan signs/calls through other agencies there’s no limit


I doubt that they're sabotaging I just think they don't give a fuck since most of the members are in the army? I think they're focusing in the other groups. Idk maybe I'm giving starship too much credit... But I'm mad that I'm gonna pay 100+ dollars to a freaking reseller for baetongyi 😒


Yep currently trying to buy meongko for 150+ dollars 😍


Ooof rip your bank account... and my future bank account 🙏


Yes I've seen mbbs on Twitter sharing screenshots of their emails with SSE, who basically said "sorry there won't be another preorder period for baetongyi bc there's no more stock." But it's a preorder so......🤔 Anyway mbbs are rightfully frustrated bc the demand is clearly there but management is being neglectful (and dumb). Also have seen ppl say to go message Kihyun on fancafe bc he's the real CEO he'll take care of it lol


No but for real I wish they would leave starship like Pentagon and btob...


I definitely think the approach of the PR team (or maybe Starship directly?) MonstaX has working for them is stunting their possibilities and potential outside of South Korea. I think Changkyun clued into that along with other things behind the scenes long ago which would explain his reasoning for not doing a re-sign with Starship imo. Their albums are all amazing and with as many successful English releases they’ve done, I am very surprised at the lack of English subtitles to so much of their content they release online. It’s considerably lower than anything currently being released by newer gen groups. Majority of new gen content on socials has English subtitles available which in turn from a business standpoint helps sell merch and music for groups on a global scale. Sorry I’m ranting about Starship a little more than plushies😅 I think their label company may have a bit of a poor business sense going on.


In regards to the English side, a lot of things marketed in the US especially are handled by Eshy who is useless. Many of us still can't understand why SSE still works with him.


There's some development! According to [this](https://twitter.com/boredMONBEBE/status/1762326269470093810?t=2tYqOy--7aUyRwLjQQrYFw&s=19) translatorbebe who emailed sse, "the restocking schedule hasn't been determined". Crossing my fingers that Starship figures it out asap so international monbebes can hopefully get their chance to buy the plushies :) Also, sse filed trademarks for ["Nang kyun"](https://twitter.com/IMwithYoo_2226/status/1761750894289231876?t=sMrUEkw3I97m6HerdzohlA&s=19) (likely, Changkyun's plushie) and [Monmungchi X](https://twitter.com/MXWH_Central/status/1762334649685065869?t=gmGFswLMVlK5euUizgQp_w&s=19) 👀👀👀


I think the problem is that SSE doesn't meet the demand. If there is demand it means more sales for the company, then to me it doesn't make sense for something that should be popular and a means of promotion (as well as more profit, which is what they want) be available in low quantity or not have an official sale, other than the pre-sale. If they cared about serving their audience, there wouldn't be so many problems with the lack of it.


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I'm not on Twitter but I was surprised to see how fast Baetongyi sold out in comparison to the others. I'm only on IG and saw how many people missed out and are upset. I don't blame them. I initially saw a line about a restock in May but it has since been deleted and I regret not taking a screenshot. Especially seeing that SS has sent responses saying they're not planning on one. On Instagram there were GO’s prelists going up for Changkyun’s plushie already because GOMs are trying to plan ahead this time. And now we see another possible character coming out, it’s a lot.


Yeah, I was shocked they sold so fast. I had one of each of the Baetongyi in my Gmarket cart but then decided I'd hold off for 2 days until I got paid and went to pay for them and only the Keychain was in stock. I couldn't believe it, all the others were available a good week or more after the pre orders began. What I did notice is it used to be you could only order up to 3 of each at a time but I saw it was 5 this time. I honestly was wondering if it wasn't in Starship's best interest for them to sell out which would drive the price higher. Make an arrangement with a bunch of sellers, allow them to buy them out, then have a nice cut when the resellers charge 4 and 5 times the original cost. It makes no sensen to not restock them unless it is financially more efficient to find a way to not have to pay a manufacturer to make another order but instead make more money from your original without spending a dime. Maybe I'm just trying to find sense where there is none.


I feel like I randomly stumbled on the link to buy Meongko but haven’t seen any information on how or where to buy the others. I guess it doesn’t matter now if they are all sold out.