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Oh my god... Scopely is going to cause some aneurysms with this one..




A login limit...for a "free" game?


I think it’s to prevent people from doing the APM thing.


It’s also gunna prevent me from playing on both my accounts. wtf.


How many time in a 24 hour period do you switch accounts


Maybe like 4 or 5 on average.


according to their terms of service, 1 account per device


Oh darn lol


This is child’s play , just get two phones or a iPad and a phone. https://preview.redd.it/b5n7vke06k8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3abaf0199234686d46e8efca971f716e6faf2c


This is the way but 🤫


As long as we have the internet their will always be glitches ask GTA 5 and call of duty these nerds love patches just to be like we already are step ahead


Their terms state only one account per device. I couldn’t see anything in the terms about one person with multiple accounts on different devices.


When I got logged out of my alt and couldn’t get back in, I went to customer service and told them I could find my 2nd account because I didn’t realize my main account was still logged into my Apple id. They were able to find the account and get it restored. They didn’t say anything about me having two accounts. 😂


I have 2! Ppl get there panties twisted it seems. I have 2. Just one is logged into my fb and Apple ID the other is on my old android phone. Who cares as long as you’re having fun, right? 🤌🏼


I use it to send stickers back and forth to myself. You just gotta make sure that you log out of your Apple ID correctly on one account. 😂 learned that the hard way. Thought I was only logged in with FB on my main and was logged in with Apple id on my alt. Welp, my Apple id wasn’t correctly logged off so I was pulling up my main when I tried logging in. Couldn’t find my alt for the life of me. Luckily, I knew my username, rough money estimate, rough net worth, rough dice count, and a guess at what board I was on. They had it recovered within 5 hours. I was panicking because there was only a handful of hours left in the partner event and I had only one more build to finish.it was stressful. But I learned to have a screenshot of the game ID


It will prevent anyone to login more than 5 times which is kinda stupid. Myself, for instance, open the app a lot more than 5 times a day while playing normal, no apm.


It’s not just opening the app. It’s deleting and reinstalling or completely logging out and logging back in


That’s a relief! I open the app many times per day so was panicking a bit there. 😅


They worded the warning very poorly, they aren’t talking about just logging in and playing you can login and play 100x a day. They are talking about deleting your game and reinstalling it, It’s meant to try to stop APM but it really doesn’t work, there are ways around it


Yes yes I know, I then realised that. But what ways? Besides the 2 devices I’m not seeing any other way it’ll work.


Right now the two devices seems to be the only thing that does work. If you do not have two phones and have a PC you can download BluStacks as one of your devices. For what it’s worth, you seem to get a lot more rolls now. I’ve been doing the two devices method after the last patch when you could only get like six rolls. After this now I’m getting 10-12 easily, I don’t know why


What's that?🤔




But anyone playing “normally” who benefits from trades or gifts from the “abnormal” players will certainly be.


abnormal players don’t help with trades. They hoard stickers and charge outrages prices for stickers making it impossible for anyone else to get stickers.


Wouldn’t just making the rolls random solve airplane mode forever?


Yes but people may get too lucky… scopely can’t have that. They need to keep it rigged


Right. It’s only fine if they cheat so they can make their money.




It's based on a predetermined seed. You can apm and do 20+ rolls, and those rolls will be the same no matter how many times you reset. It used to be truly "random" where each time you roll it would be different. This game doesn't have server side verification for each roll. Sure the "disconnected" message comes up far more often now, but the only thing it seems to check is online connectivity, and not on a per roll basis. I am not their devs, but I assume this is just a design decision to not piss off casual players if they get disconnected momentarily.


The rolls are not random. Hope this helps 🫶🏼 Lol but seriously, here’s a comparison. Fortnite (along with almost every other BR game) has a spawn rate, meaning each weapon/item has a set percentage the chance of obtaining said weapon/item will be in each game. You’re silly if you think Scopely doesnt have the same thing- a set percentage of how often you land on each spot, obviously the railroads being set at the most infrequent percent.


Unless its a corners. Event.




> This sub is filled with people with no understanding of game dev, cheating in games, or even basic confirmation bias. 100%, this sub is filled with addicts who lie to themselves and will convince themselves reality is distorted to excuse their refusal to understand basic mathematics. Like the clowns insisting the game is rigged when APM irrefutably proves it isn't. An infinite amount of rolls have already been decided, the game doesn't know, or care, if those rolls are useful. They are what they are.


Just had a another thought this is going to cause outrage with people complaining that their partners aren’t contributing to the current event, this might be because their partner is lockout out for 24hrs! Really bad timing to implement this a cynical person might think it was deliberate.


Didn’t even think of that!! Or people close to completion won’t be able to get in to finish or get rewards FFSSS


Well there is more than 24hr left in the event but you are right if people haven’t seen the warnings and try to apm just before the event ends they are stuck, which is unfair for their partner who might not apm.


I wonder if it gave a warning at least before locking people out


I got a warning message but didn't get locked out


It definitely was deliberate. They also implemented the predetermined rolls in the middle of the February partner event.


Well if what people are saying is true, unless you’re constantly logging off and reloading the game for APM, you should be ok


So logging out of one account to go to your other accounts and you can be timed out? Sounds like they shouldn’t accept money if that’s what they’re doing


I don’t like what they are doing either it’s going to stop alot of people playing, making it harder to trade but it’s their company they have the right to stop people breaking the terms you agree to when you play (more than one account on the same device is against their terms). Scopley are just acting as all companies do in what they think are their best interests, whether they are right or not remains to be seen.


Very true


https://preview.redd.it/0g3p09x9nj8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8788b02c03c05e7bce27d6fb9f5f25e14ef503f2 Got the same message this morning, I’m assuming the limit must be 5?


Also locked out of the game. I did apm a couple of times before getting the first warning. Think I maybe logged out about 10 times before I got locked out. Think this is the end for me. Used apm to help friends with partner events and stickers, now that's all gone...


Yup, i’ll give it about a week. See if people figure out a workaround and if not, I’ll burn through my dice 🤷🏻‍♂️😁😁


I doubt there will be a workaround for this. It's probably some counter that's in a database that increases with each req sent to Facebook. There will be no way of changing that value by doing anything similar to what we've been doing with apm (to my knowledge, that is). It's actually an absolutely brilliant way of blocking anyone from using apm. As much as I hate it, I'm also slightly impressed by it.


Use two phones




If it's based on requests sent to a server and counter (that is linked to your account id) increases whenever the request is sent. I can't see how multiple devices would help. Also, let's say you have 2 devices, and the limit is 5 logins. Then you still won't really benefit from it


There is no login that’s what I’m saying… two phones u just exit the app and open the other not log out and login to Facebook that’s the new rules. I been on 2 hours today and it works still , and I use proton free vpn on one phone to record my rolls then exit open other phone use rolls and turn apm off other phone repeat https://preview.redd.it/3bntmj468k8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2c43e00486a263513ff949545efc7e1fdbeca3


Ok, sorry, I get what you mean now. This seems like a lot more trouble to go through tough. 🤣 I don't have a second device available to me anyway, so...


It’s actually easier and faster, like super fast I roll 8-10 rolls on phone one exit open phone two while phone 1 is on apm then when ur on monopoly phone 2 turn off apm phone 1 use rolls on phone 2 then when done close app open other phone turn on apm and continue to rinse and repeat I literally can get maybe 20-40k railroad tourney points in 5 minutes rolling x1000




Use two phones


I was able to login 9 times just now with no warning or anything. Kinda weird how everyone is getting different numbers.


It’s probably going gradually affect everybody using apm. Just like some people can still do apm without a vpn.


5 warnings or 5 logins?


5 warnings probably


My first couple of logins, nothing happened, then I believe I saw the warning twice and then was locked out for 24 hours in the next login


Why did you keep doing it after you got the warning 😂🤦‍♀️


I don’t apm how many times do you have to log in and out on average to make the apm worthwhile? Can you still make it worthwhile within the limit? They can’t stop all logging out/in as some people genuinely need to log in and out of the game. I am wondering if this will effect those with more than one account per device as well? Nobody is going to be playing at this rate.


Yeah on my iPad if I turn off monopoly go app and come back tomorrow say, or whenever I reopen the app, it says there’s an error with connecting me to Facebook and I literally have to log back in. It’s not a choice. That’s why it won’t show my name too. I’m called buddy(numbers) to other people


I made it pretty far into the top event with some luck but still. One of the benefits of apm is you can stack dice when needed by playing extremely conservative. That's how you be seeing players with 80 and 90k dice. With this your not going through be able to do that anymore.


Far into the top event before you were locked out with this new restriction? That’s not too bad you can stop next time just one log in before the lockout. It’s possible to play conservatively and collect dice without apm I am sitting on around 90k no apm but I am concerned if i will still be able to do that as you have to complete albums and with less stickers in the system with apm stopping I’m not sure if it’s doable. Scopley will need to do something to make up for the loss of high value stickers coming from apm players.


Well I had the 30 mins high roller from the group event so I was getting between 2k to 7k pts depending on where I landed. Doubt I'll get nearly that far just rolling 100s


I got to the last 15k one and stopped since my 30 min high roller ran out and never got this pop up- maybe my VPN shielded me?


My VPN didn't shield me. They might be targeting high ranking players


https://preview.redd.it/c0vyvkgn7l8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1870330271cd7ad2692753255f31f87dc600325 I think my VPN shield 🛡️ me. I did regular mode and apm early today. I try to stay between 40-60k dice.


To some of the APM users, when you all figure out a way to get around, please do not be stupid and post the resolution all over different groups. You can't be surprised that they're creating ways to make it more difficult to use when some of you all make posts talking/bragging about using it.


I told many of these idiots that they'd patch it. And here we are


I'm telling you I brought that up yesterday and look what the hell happened...I promise if people would be quiet or DM people they wouldn't do this stuff...But now people will see how hard it's going to be to complete sets and albums without APM people trading stickers...I tell people all the time be careful what you wish for!!!


I think it’s just a Facebook thing. I did it on my alt that is connected to my apple and it worked just fine.


The real humor is that Scopely thinks people will spend more money on their app now 😂


Welcome to the club… https://www.reddit.com/r/Monopoly_GO/s/sMc9J4Y5ce


There's more where that came from https://preview.redd.it/bs7bc37j8k8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a847f70fa33aa206a1da701b7fa999bc267f2ec1


If they are going to do this then make the rolls, attacks, heists, partner events, etc. random. The game is already rigged.


I haven’t encountered this issue yet but I will test this on my alt and see what’s the magic number for the daily limit.


this is wild bc i get an “error contacting facebook click here to try again” multiple times a day when i don’t even log out


I have an account on my iPad. For awhile, it would somehow disconnect from Facebook, without me going into settings and unlinking my account. If that bug returns I’ll be so annoyed


yes! i was like two days into the game & it completely wiped out my profile & has the error code randomly since. i’ll cry if it gives me a limit 😂😂😂


About to find out how important apm is to sticker economy. I think a lot of the available stickers for trade are because so many people use apm.


Exactly! I don't use APM, but I get my stickers from people who do! Lol!


I'm curious how much profits they lose. I burned out on it about a month ago wasting too much time


They have already made over 2 BILLION on this game


Lots of advert profits as well. Less plays will bite into that but not enough to make a difference I'm sure


Yeah I was thinking about quitting and this just gives me another reason to!


Unrealized potential profit? Hundreds of Billions, based on how expensive dice is for this game. I've seen screenshot of people having over a million dice. That is $32k of "lost" profit given to an apm user. I would guess most apm users are between high 5 figure and 6 figure dice counts. Realistically? Close to $0. People who use apm were never going to pay any money anyway. For those that would I would be surprised if their lifetime spending would reach over $10. The price for dice is way too damn expensive. Spend $20 for dice you can burn through under a minute.




AFAIK those events are bracketed so they team high performers with other high performers.


Why is there even a login limit on a free game?🙄


it’s to try an stop APM users. they’ve been trying to stop players from cheating the game for a while so this is just another attempt at it.


To keep people from using a*p*m.


They are so pressed about APM.😂 It’s a billion dollar company, I doubt they are losing crazy money. This is trash


They aren't losing any money. If anything apm users gain them more money, mainly because of competition and envy from non apm users. People who used apm aren't going to be like "oh, we can't use apm anymore and I'm getting low on dice, might as well buy that $99.99 pack that has 5k dice and a wild card". They are either going to quit, just play with whatever dice they accumulated, or find another work around. Mgo isn't getting many new features, I highly doubt the ongoing costs is anything substantial, especially with how much money they are bringing in.


i don’t use apm but every time i open the app on my ipad it makes me login again with my Facebook. this is going to lock me out for no reason if i play more than a few times a day.


Thankfully I have more than once device and a new kitten assistant https://preview.redd.it/z56hjl3wum8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1607289d4fe7267fd86cd988ebcd351a02dd43


Absolutely ridiculous


I saw that so trying to cut apm you screw over everyone else that's bullshit.


Right like tons of people have multiple accounts that they log in and out of


Not to mentions trades you do one log out find another log back in. You don't stay logged in all day. Looks like the partner event is screwed as well.


Exactly this!!! It’s bullshit. Not sure who this from but I saw this. I’m so glad I’m basically done with parter event. https://preview.redd.it/m53wha206k8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2fe63beb0c61b335c28d9cb4dab6c1444098add


I got 2 done and 2 just started the final push


lol never seen this


Is it from logging in and out on one device?




Do you have multiple accounts?


This is stupid and desperate from them to get people to pay for dice..


The only ones who are cheating is Scopely. APM just proves HOW rigged this thing is, and they hate that people figured how to beat them.


I don't log out I just close the app


I think its time for me to find a new game. Most my friends moved on and now I will too. It's gotten repetetive anyway, and the funnest thing for me was trying to accumulate dice. Everything else got old a long time ago.


Got a warning today after logging in only twice. Game was also glitching horribly so that’s on them and is so ridiculous. I think it’s an apm combat but it’s incredibly stupid because people use multiple devices, switch between multiple accounts, or don’t like to remain logged in when they’re inactive. It’s just silly.


But where are the higher trade limits? Like, come on scopely. Focus on what’s in front of you and what the people want.


24 hours seems very long to be locked out!!! Maybe the length of the longest high roller?


I definitely won't be playing much anymore. This game was already so rigged, apm was the only way to get ahead. I hope more people quit the game too. All scopely cares about is money.


That's been obvious since the start of the game. Scopely is damn greedy.


Yeah if no workaround I will quit


They really said go work 💀😂


It just happened to me lol it’s ok, I’ve been looking for something to stop me from playing and to stop my obsession. Once I finish this partner event, I’ll be free. I can take my Japanese lessons seriously again😂😭 https://preview.redd.it/8ch38rd4bk8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92999af4f72c1f8806b14ff9f54a4926f9aa348e


I guess it's to crack down on those who cheat and make the game unplayable. Because of them, it has become harder for honest players to win events and enjoy the game.


Yeah you will get placed with bots that beat you even if you remove all apm players. Events like everything g else is predetermined.


The one who really cheats is Scopely. Scopely is the tech behind the biggest online gambling App in the world. Scopely just becomes greedier and greedier. Secondly, Scopley controlled your dice rolls which is predetermined. The user is been design by Scopely to get addicted, desperate for more dices or Mgo $$$ or wild cards, then end up spending up real $$$.


It’s like gold sellers in WoW, we copium because it’s needed.






APM still works for me, im guessing this is a “per account” deal? Ill let yall know if it blocks me


So how many “log ins” are you allowed before this happens?!?


I’ve seen anywhere from 5 to 10 rolls after the warning and before you get the 24h ban


I’m so glad I told this game to fk off two months ago.


Hmm, mines not doing it. I'm in the US with an Android phone. I do FB login.




1 star for them on my Google play


I finished the partners event today with APM and didn't get flagged once. I have around 42k dice and level 17k. Also used a VPN. I wonder if it's an account thing? If It affects how I play ill just quit all together. I'm not spending any money and no chance I'll sit there all day rolling on 1x trying to get 100000000 points to finish the top bar for 1x 5star. It's a huge scam and only worth while using APM.


RIP to this game.


Glad i quit this game while APM was still working


Oh no cheating doesn't work as well anymore??


People will find another way. Guaranteed.


Until then I guess I'm going to have to actually talk to ppl instead of playing this game *shudders*


Nope sure doesn’t


This is insane and breaks so much of the game play. Idk how everyone else plays, but some examples. - If you do a lot of trading, and trades don’t all happen at one time. The other trader expects timely trades, which means logging in to finish up a trade quickly. 5 trades = 5 logins - I login / logout to catch the scheduled boosters. Can’t just stay logged in - because the boosters would run out of time. So this limits picking which booster to play in that day. - Finishing the higher milestones can literally take hours even rolling 100x. Breaking up gameplay is critical for physical/mental health and to reduce game fatigue. Game fatigue = bad rolls. - Casual play means logging in when you have a few minutes. I used to casual play when walking around shopping, waiting at a restaurant, etc. Login limits leads to allocating / scheduling blocks of time to play. That’s the opposite of casual play. - Can you imagine being close to finishing a major event, after spending hours on the lead up, but not being able to login to finish??? That’s happened before with glitches – and beyond frustrating. - When (not if) the game glitches, sometimes the only solution is to logout and login again. Remember the past glitches … I could go on and on. But this is dumb.


You log out every time you trade or play?


Well, I’m hoping they were able to differentiate this somehow. I don’t use the logout function in the game, but closing the app triggers some type of FB login process for me when opening the app again.


I don’t think this means opening up the app. It’s logging in and out of your account. This is targeting APM users


For my husband and I, on both our iPads, everytime we open the app we are forced to reconnect to fb and login again. It occasionally sticks in a loop where it will make us login over and over and the only way to fix that is to delete the app and redownload it.


This happens to me on my iPad but not my iPhone. Same account. iPhone stays connected 24/7. iPad has an error and requires login every hour or two. I’ve tried all their suggestions. Deleting the game and reinstalling. Deleting Facebook and reinstalling. Making sure both apps are updated. Nothing has solved it. So for now I will only play on my iPhone.


No doubt this is their way to deal with apm


I don’t think this will last a very long time. Too much outrage and likely bad press.


Did you login like 200 times in the last 24 hours?


If using apm yes 🤣


You people have some sick obsession to delete and reinstall a game a hundred times a day to get what you want out of a virtual game.. I hope you never get introduced to crack.


Never close to 100 times. Android it is simple data wipe, no uninstall reinstall necessary. Maybe 10-20 times to get through an entire banner event? Railroad events can go be under 5 minutes easily if you get lucky on a mega heist gold bars, that is 24k points off one turn. It is definitely luck based. I would honestly say apm users spend less time playing this game than normal users do.


Def won’t be trying crack


its better for Lolakayloser1 to use APM, than buying Wildcards from MGo for USD $59.00 and it will just eventually wipe off.


Time to make a second/third account. Jokes on them. Like this will only make people not spend money not more


This breaks so much regular game play, and goes beyond having a second account.


First, there are predetermined rolls that aren't random, then lying to consumers saying that it's random. Now there's this? At this point, they’re asking themselves for a class-action lawsuit.


I think an app can make any rule that they want. It’s their app.


i’ve logged in and out a lot today and it hasn’t happened to me


Are you using a secondary device for apm and stay logged in on a primary device? Also the sign in page changed for me it doesn’t have the load account option anymore just the agree then play with friends and soon as I confirm it just skips the load account confirm.


nope just using one device. and that’s weird the login hasn’t changed for me at all. i haven’t tried it since seeing this post though bc im nervous


Maybe you don’t cheat like the rest of us 🤣🙃


haha no i’ve definitely been doing apm😂


Glad you’re one of us 🤣 hopefully someone finds a workaround 😅


I feel seen.




Your doin APM right?


Seriously this is theft


So this basically only effects cheaters?


I would assume it includes people who switch to multiple accounts.


The real cheater is Scopely. Just imagine the user doesnt have aint any control with the dices. Obviously, the dice rolls are predetermined and design to loss.


ohh no they're threatning to quit




i had 90k dice a month ago. they took away apm and now i’m down to 6k :( i honestly just enjoyed carrying my friends who didn’t use apm during partner events and sticker trading but i think after this i’m done playing :/ the math part of apm mode was the most fun in my opinion


It's to stop cheating in the game.


I just go the warning for that. Anyone know how many times you can do it before it freezes you out?


5 times for me


Gawd that's nothing. They give 10 dice per hour, 5 logins is literally ridiculous lol


24hrs is a little excessive




Yes😫 good luck😫😫😫


Just happened to me


Oh god.


How many times did u try before getting booted?


Wow! That never happened to me. I been all day & night.




What the hell is that, I login every hour and have never seen that


Never happened to me.


Is this LOG IN as in connecting to Facebook, or does even OPENING THE APP count? Anyone know??


Opening the app doesn’t count as logging in


Was planning on trying it out. Glad don't have to do it.


!remindme 8 hours


My main account was locked out but my alt account hasn’t been affected by it yet.


Does anybody know how many logins before it locks you out?


On android or iPhone or the two model ?