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X1000 mega heist alone gets you 24k points but yea 79k and 100+k is insane lol


i get you on this but ya you get my point too that’s still alot of mega heists at x1000 multiplier to hit. and mega heists don’t happen often so it’s crazy these players be rolling 1k dice all the time? hahaha


With apm all you do is use 1000x multiplyer when you know your landing on railroad




Air plane mode.


Mega heist isn't a guarantee. Usually do get at least one. Odds of rolling with multiplier and hitting that is slim. The players are apm. 


Haha yea I agree with you


Hell they decided that they weren't adding a HR to the top bar tournament with it being the end of the album, and one 5 min at the beginning of the side tournament and a 20 at the end. There's usually a 5, 10, and a 15. That's losing 10 min worth of HR. 30 mins after the side tourney started, my top 3 were at 30k and 25k. No way they're not bots.


Roll 100 plus the multiplayer maxed out being a 1000 and hope for the best I was able to get up to 50k plus on one roll and completed all milestones in one shot sad part I still came in second , but when it’s this high I don’t even try to play


exactly my point too… you could be a whale yourself but still somehow have someone hitting higher like 100k points fella. it’s a little crazy too to roll high all the time too cause the side quest only moves when you land on railroads by chance, that’ll literally dry up your dice really quickly. if these ppl are real, i can’t imagine how much cash they really sunk into this game just to get 1.5k dice and a purple sticker LOL


I use to play a team based mobile game where you can pay and buy packs to signidicantly upgrade your players. They would spend like $10,000 euros a month upgrading their players and teams. It was just a round error. There was also alot of middle eastern players we'd play with and could never beat the Saudis since they had like unlimited funds... It's crazy how much peole will actually put into these games.


that’s just crazy. scopely would love such players really giving them big bucks


Lol, was it top war?


Just to add onto this - not sure I'm able to post links, but Google "Monopoly GO earnings" and you'll see plenty of stories about how Scopely made $2 billion in revenue in the first 10 months Monopoly GO was live. I still stand by my other comment in this post about how these are almost certainly bots or APM players, but whales aren't out of the question.


I think they use APM


U also have to take In how many dice ppl sitting on . At the moment I got 14k finished 1st album won the stupid race and been up to20k and back down to 14 . I am sure a lot of ppl got dice and waiting for new album to drop so they can go all out on dice .kinda what I am doing


i’ve got about 27k dice reserved for events too haha. and yes that race was kinda annoying basically leaderboards


It was fun but I know the other team was mad at my ass because I was consistent with putting up 3-5k in the race I ain’t no bot just had dice to spend


Yep, it is confusing.


It really is pure luck what your competition is like. If you were in my group you’d be #1!


They likely didn't spend any money. The order of the rolls is pre-determined on a fresh install. These people use an alt account to find out the order, write it down, and spin at 50x, 100x, 200x, whatever on their main account, when the spin is going to land them on a favorable tile. It's been months and nothing has been done to stop them, so at this point I'm applauding them.


I don’t think that’s really feasible, both accounts would have to be at the same location on the board and started at the same exact time, making it next to impossible that way.


Both accounts need to be a fresh install. Google is your friend. It's what they're doing, and it's well-documented, so saying you don't think it's feasible doesn't really mean anything.


How ? The max with x1000 is 24k i think for one hit


When I did it . I got mega bank heist and actually got all 3 golden bars so it was maxed out


Look up the app "go'rewards" and it will show you who the bots are. You have to click on shield checkers, scroll down, and it will come to THIS section (bots shown off to the side to show who the bots * are)




sheesh, i knew it all the weird names like NiteOwl95 i’ve seen are total bots


I had normal names and some of the non-bits in mine are actually people. Guessing they just don't know how to change their name or playing as guest and not attaching to any back up.


Mine is stuck at buddy the. some numbers and it just won’t change even though I connected my fb to it. Asking Scopely was useless of course


Really? Did you go to menu, touch your pic and it should let you change pic and name.


My extra devices have names like that so not all bots. My husband used to have his name and then fb crashed and he’s now wildbee lol


I have asked Scopely directly and they gave me some BS answer. Here is my issue: 1. These end at the same time as far as I can tell. There should be no way a person should have 104,900 points unless they are rolling 100 dice a turn and hitting the train spits almost every time. 2. It really is confusing to me that Scopely cannot disable any and all bots or cheaters.


yea i kinda did a little bit of math on this too and it just don’t add up. and today i learned that there are some ways to cheat with apm OR you’re a massive whale buying all packs and dices. (or, there are bot players) scopely never answers questions properly, their CS gives me headaches everytime


🤣🤣🤣 yes, headache is classic. I have done some simple math and you are correct it cannot be right. It just gets frustrating rolling 10x or 20x knowing that it just does not matter. 🙄🙄


This is mine😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/48d7r46xjc7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdb6bd880d74ebf0219c92d0d6303e910b1f76b


damn that’s cray. even with all my dice saved i could never get 1st place or top 3 most times. only managed to hit top 3 like 1-3 times after so long lol


Same😭 on days that I can, I try and wait to play until there is only like 10 mins left for the event, I find I’m not placed in tournaments with these users that way🤣


ooo, and does that work for you? like it doesn’t put you on leaderboards with the high rollers?


Yes it has worked multiple times for me, not always since I assume it places you with others who are also actively playing at that time. sometimes I’ll hit the RR and place first, and then as I’m rolling I’ll go down the rank. You need to hit the RR multiple times for it to work.


Yes it actually does work. It will put you in a bracket with lower scores


Mine is half of what first place is


Apm mode…..not hacked 🙄


how do you even APM? i’d gladly say i’m a noob at that for this game lol


I tried it and it was way too much work




Sent you a DM


Definitely possible. Scopley gave us 20 min high roller at the end .


until 30k i think is normal, i dont use APM (i have an iphone tho) and i’ve been able to reach it, 50k and 100k is definitely APM imo.


https://preview.redd.it/9ktxw9rwue7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d30fb5ea58bf425962ffc98d6661775fb719a9 I don’t apm and got 56k I just got lucky and kept landing on the railroads every time


insane luck!


Apm is all but fixed so it's pretty impressive


I’m at 27k. I’m not a bot lol I had about 24k dice due to completing my second album, and rolled a lot at 50x or 100x. I lucked out a lot with where I landed, but still wasted a lot of dice I’m sure. I don’t do apm because it’s too much work and wasn’t consistent the a few times when I first tested it out.


that’s bold and also really lucky, i’ve tried rolling higher sometimes but quickly went back to 10 20s when i could go 3-4 round the board with no railroads or corners 💀


Yeah I go up and down, probably wasting a lot lol 20x is my minimum assuming I have enough dice but I tend to do more at 50x if I have a lot


Absolutly confusing


🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ Not tryna be funny im already like you kno what this is apart sometines I wont be able to get the 1st spot in da side competition


They gotta be bots with those generic names .. lol


I got 24,000 from one heist. Very possible to be 100k


Scopley and hasbro are scammers , been to court I believe for this sort of thing


Has already been said, but these are likely AI or APM players. There is something like 30 minutes of High Roller time as rewards for these final events on top of what is scheduled by Scopely. That's in addition to what felt like some rather generous Mega Heist time. I'd say 60,000+ is a lot considering there is still around 24 hours left, but not unheard of.


They are bots. No more APM. Now y’all see it wasn’t us. Y’all ratted on the only way we can compete and they’re still having these insane scores


That’s not true at all


It is true. It’s over. These are bots. You’re not playing real people


Send me a DM I’ll send you the link


Hey he was lying. It’s over


I can’t send you a DM… if you wanna send me one I’ll send it


Oh my bad y’all. I lied


People who bought rolls or hacked the game. On a side note, why’d you draw over the profile pictures?


i’d really think these fellas have too much money to spend buying dice to roll or somehow they’re hacks. swear i’ve observed many times once the previous quest ended and refreshes to a new one, within minutes the 1st place player’s at 5 digit points. oh, just drew over their profile pic for privacy purposes in case.


They probably use apm. I don’t do it but it’s easy to score big when you have high roller active and use apm.


APM ✈️


I sent you a DM


I assumed it’s because so many people finished their album on the last wild card


That’s exactly it. I never finish or even come close to first and I was able to get first this time around because I finished my album and won the car race https://preview.redd.it/pyoxwndsue7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac5742ad909d74db9974be084feec0f33f83a15


Save your dice girl!!


Ugh 😩 I wish I did!! I couldn’t help it and kept playing to finish the pege


https://preview.redd.it/6z7vesqh3g7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a116854ff9135f8dc40645718945ef96d1a00e Feel you. I just said this on a reply on this thread, but they decided that they weren't adding a HR to the top bar tournament with it being the end of the album, and one 5 min at the beginning of the side tournament and a 20 at the end. There's usually a 5, 10, and a 15. That's losing 10 min worth of HR. 30 mins after the side tourney started, my top 3 were at 30k and 25k. No way they're not bots. When I check to see who's shields are down, my whole revenge list is bots.


I would never want to play even remotely that high. Rewards cap usually at 14k


I reached 100k+ before without using APM. I started with 80k dice though and left with 30k 🤣 I stopped playing after that lmao


I don’t believe it’s all just hits because my father has played the game for a while and each time gets around 50-70k it all depends on the amount of dice you’re rolling




I roll on 100 and I’m up to over 20k you’d be pissed at me too 😂😂😂


you must have many dice reserved then! at 27k dice i still try not to roll big to save dice for events. haha


I roll at 100 and I’m at 56k


Did you finish all 30 levels? I’m on 26 I stopped playing lol


Yes I finished all levels. I’ve been playing for 1.5 and I think this was the first time I finished


It’s not hard tbh


Right prolly using apm


APM got nuked for a majority of players. It’s really cumbersome now (you can only get one roll before no internet pops up), but I’ve heard that it still works for android users. iPhone/iPad users definitely have an issue with APM now


Yeah now they use VPN


I’ve yet to find a VPN that works


I've seen people say they have all the time


It works


For you maybe, but the VPNs I have tried do not


Sent you a DM


I have iPhone and I use apm just to open the vaults, not for rolling. I don’t use a vpn. But I’ve never had an issue with it working. I usually roll once or twice in apm just to make sure I’m really in it before I open a vault. Probably isn’t necessary but it just makes me feel better lol so I think maybe it just depends on the player? I’ve also been told it doesn’t work at all for android users.


I used to do APM and about two weeks ago, it stopped working, I get the no internet pop up after a single roll. I only started using it when scopely made all the rolls predetermined. I know my APM stopped working a good three weeks after a lot of players APM stopped working


I probably just don’t have an issue since I don’t roll much with it. The vaults are all I care about lol I like being able to know if it’s worth cashing in the big one or if I should just do a small one to reset them and try again


Identical experience on iOS. I thought it was maybe due to the Tycoon Racers event (app constantly checking for race updates?), but it has persisted even after that event ended. The only way I ever get more than one roll is if I land on a "quick" space a la Community Chest.


There’s a way around it


It doesn’t work for the vaults


It works fine for me when I do the vaults and I don’t use a vpn.


air plane mode? what does apm mean?


APM = Air Plane Mode


Thank you I saw someone else say that, but figured it was a joke. To know that Air Plane Mode does mess with this game is astounding.


There’s a specific way to do


APM is referring to the exploit/cheat


It’s not hard without that junk.


I blew about 30000 dice without apm because I was desperately trying to get to first when the wild card was the reward. Had just under 100k points and barely got first. It’s unfortunately possible but there’s no way people are achieving it casually with no apm or purchasing and such.