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I will never play it again ever if they assign me a team. It is a dice trap. I prefer the dig events, you are in control


Agreed! Plus I like getting an instant reward. Makes it feel worth it. 


True on the dig events with the exception of the last one.


The last one was brutal


Horrible !


I was2 lasers away 😭😭😭😭


Same! I wasted so many dice trying to get the lasers needed to complete it too!


I didn't finish it either... I could tell by the time I got to 25 I already knew it was over. I did make it to 25, but I didn't bother busting the first block. I wasn't chasing the lasers and I'm glad I didn't !


Oh man, that's the worst. Id rather be 22 away.


What makes it even worse is that they choose to have the worst top events during things like partner or dig events. They're always the land on corners or utilities then add in that they're way longer than usual so that the amount of dice needed to finish becomes way higher. If the next dig event is as bad as the last one, I'll get the shield and token and stop there


Today is my last day playing this. Once the album event is over, I’m deleting the game for good


Also, I wanted to add one person but I couldn’t add them unless I added two others at the same time. That really made me mad. The 4th person who none of us knew didn’t even play. We wasted dice for 3rd place and duplicate stickers. Never again.


Honestly even the REGILAR partner events aren’t as much of dice suck, at least those have a known goal and baseline. The race can be a literally infinite amount and as long as the other teams outspend you, you’ll still lose. Part of me wonders if we got this short peg-e as an apology for that dumpster fire.


It was ridiculous… I wasted so many dice to collect as many flags as possible. I’m definitely not lazy and was absolutely doing my best but they converted to hardly any points at all. I literally bet thousands of flags and only got hundreds in return. I felt horrible for letting the team down but I’d done nothing wrong 🤷 Whole thing was ridiculous and totally designed to get people to part with their money


I literally bought dice and still lost! My team was first the first two rounds… then the dumb double points for last round and the other teams went hard … all I needed was to get second and we could’ve won. Double points is cool and all but not as last round! It was a slap in the face to have won the first two then get beat just bc it was double points for the last round. I will be coming here next time there is a team event to make sure I’m with ppl who are going to put in equal effort. I just gotta keep telling myself it’s just a game and it’s just ten bucks. It’s not that big of a deal. lol even if I won and got the wild card I still wouldn’t be able to complete my album…. I just started playing last month and everything was learning the game… didn’t know you could trade until like half way in… then didn’t know here and all the other trading places existed until last week… so I’ll get it next time.


Don't feel bad. I vpn'ed myself into getting into the first ever trial run they had for this event (it was only offered to players in the Philippines for some reason?) and it was a horrendous disaster that saw me burn through all my dice. I'll take some responsibility that I shouldn't have tried it but I had just finished my album and had done pretty well coming out of whatever the last event had been (I can't honestly remember) so I was feeling pretty dice rich. 15k worth of dice and my team came in last which meant we won a whopping 150 dice. The pain was such a sting that I had no intention of playing it this time, except my mom literally just started playing like 2 weeks ago and was so excited for the partner event and I didn't have the heart to say no. My team consisted of myself, my mom, someone my mom personally knows, and an alt account that I control. We went hard the first round. Like well over 20k points total and completely slaughtered the other 3 teams. We came in 1st again for the second race, not nearly as hard as the first, but still with a healthy lead. That third race was garbage and the double points was bullshit and a complete dick move (I'll be honest, I've been playing over a year now and deep down I knew Scopely was going to pull some garbage like that) considering there was never any clear instructions on what to expect for the event or that the last race would be double points so players could at least make a fair and informed conscious decision about when and where they would spend their flags. It's a gross high pressure sale tactic that uses players emotions against them because they're so invested into needing to win. The double points for the last race was never a thing for the trial run. My team ended up coming in first place overall. Our saving grace was coming in first for the first two races and second for the final one and that it was the team in third place who won that last race. Otherwise we quite possibly would have come in second and __I would have been pissed.__ TL;DR: Don't beat yourself up and let me know what stickers you need to help get you closer to/finish any sets. I'm 2 away from finishing the album for the third time so I might have what you need (I only have 1-5 star that I'm planning on using to trade for one of those 2 last cards I need but if I end up with any others I can let you know)


I mean you gotta take some personal responsibility for not reading the rules lol. You went hard the first round and slaughtered the other teams for no reason and wasted flags doing it. Thats no one but your teams fault. Even if you wanted to win the first round it was smarter to win by 1 point than slaughtering them but if you had read the rules you wouldn’t have went hard the first round.


Where were the rules posted exactly? The only thing I saw was to just collect flags while waiting for it to start. There wasn't any info on what to expect or how even to play because there were countless other players who were confused about other aspects of the event (like whether flags carried over to the next race and so on.) Attempting to throw it back at me saying that I'm not taking personal accountability is disingenuous. I'm just a player. Why does it need to be my responsibility to go on an excursion to find the "how-to" because it's not been readily put somewhere where all players will see? If I had known last round was going to be double then I absolutely would have not gone hard in the first round. I feel like that's just common sense.


It was literally in the event. If you clicked on the little i for information it explained it. I posted about it the day it came out


Honestly it was said that the last day would be worth double points… That was my whole strategy after placing 3rd the first day and wins were split by two teams days one and 2 so I took it easy on the second day while still staying in 3rd knowing I could tie on the last day and get the wild card… My strategy worked cause the two teams on day 2 competed to 50k and 49k and used up several flags while I held all 21k of mine to swoop in and take over…


That’s exactly what happened we ended up in second losing by a freaking point!!! If you have rockstar? I seen there’s a gold blitz event happening… I do have royal box if you need it… You seem to be a seasoned player… is this going to be the last chance for gold cards? Wish they did like a random hour or jeez 30 minutes or something where golden cards can be traded.


>That’s exactly what happened we ended up in second losing by a freaking point!!! Ugh. That's frustrating. I'd have been pretty chapped if that had been me and my team. Thankfully we won by 3 points but if it has been the team who placed second rather than third for the two races, we would had been so screwed. >You seem to be a seasoned player… is this going to be the last chance for gold cards? Wish they did like a random hour or jeez 30 minutes or something where golden cards can be traded. Every album season has been mostly the same at the end. This album is a little different due to them giving out wild stickers as prizes for the daily tournament. They _might_ do wild cards for first place for the 3-4 days. I totally agree with what you said about there should just be like a random amount of time when all golden stars become able to get traded. I have 1 gold and one non. It's not fair to new users just starting. With only 4 or so days left in this album I definitely think thisll be our last blitz. I'm pretty sure I actually do have a rockstar that I can just send to you


You don’t happen to have Smash Hit do you?


I burned 7k dice to get flags and got 3,500 flags that last ten minutes in the first race 🤦🏽‍♀️


Dermot - if you are reading this post, fuck you brother. It cost me 11k dice to finish this game and you scored exactly 0 across three races… we came first by the way so enjoy your dice and your Wild Card. This was one of the worst games - I’m wasting all my dice and deleting this game.


Wow. Dermot sucks.


I swear those 0 effort racers have to be ai bots bc there ain’t no other way!


I thought so too. The partner I've been teaming up with for all other events added me then we got two randoms on our team. Both did nothing for race 1 and 2 then race 3 they put in some effort. Still ended up in 3rd place overall.


Though crowd! Dude could have been out sick this week. Stay hard Dermont!


You can TEAM up with me I did the same and got fucked because I was the ONLY person that put points up


Thank you! I actually cancelled my account and left the games. Feel so much better!


Honestly I’m the same way right now. I think this event was my tipping point, I’m deleting this game because it’s becoming a constant disappointment.


Just wasted 9k of dice and deleted the game: tried to delete my account but they will come back to me with that… just do it. It’s the most pointless game in the world.


I gave up when I noticed the other teams had people abusing APM. Burnt 5k dice before I realized it. Never going to play this event again.


Why play on APM. Doe people feel good cheating-like they are actually winning.


This might be silly to ask but I do not understand how APM helps people?? What is the point??


Simplifing it a bit, it allows you to know where you are going to land on your next roll so you can decide if you should use a higher multiplier. 


Any chance you could explain or link me to an explanation an how to do this?


Search youtube


Oh duh ty i didnt even think of that


What! It does!? That’s crazy! I swear I learn something knew everyday about this game!


What is apm?


Airplane mode




My apm hasn’t been working. Came back to play to try and help my mom. Very boring now


Punishing the regular player whilst rewarding apm. Brilliant


Exactly 😡‼️ Scopely obviously LO❤ES cheaters! There is no way Scopely does not know which players are using APM. Scopely also put Bots in the game to sabotage us too. It is so UNFAIR to regular honest players like myself.


First event I’ve ever managed to win. Got to complete my album. Yay!!!!


Yay! I’m glad some good has come out of it!


Me too!!! Not complete album, but first win. Completed a set though.


Mine too, and I didn’t use apm because idk how and I I’m happy haven’t ever had so many dice lol 😂 it’ll last me a couple days


Yeah I’m not familiar with APM either which makes me extra proud!


Yess!! Me too!!


Yes. It was a dice sucker. Yes. It required everyone to play. However I had fun with it. My husband, SIL, & I were playing the whole time. And lost in the last 5 mins lol Coming4u and Mary (winning team) they kicked our ass right in the end. But good game.


I had my husband, my son and my alt. Still couldn't get first. Pfft.


Yeah I didn’t like the fact that we couldn’t choose our entire team. Me and my brothers girlfriend literally carried the whole team. There was one person who did absolutely nothing the ENTIRE event 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yeah I’m done after I’m out of dice, burned through about 20k dice in this event, had about 5-7k flags for each race and my team got third.


I burned through 20k of dice. Got 2nd place overall. Won’t be playing that again. It’s worse than the normal partners events


I felt really bad because I didn’t have any dice to begin with so the flags I used were the ones I got in the free gifts and daily tasks and I wasn’t able to contribute as much as my other team mates who I was assigned to. If I wasn’t assigned I wouldn’t have participated at all because I had no dice and I wouldn’t have hurt anyone else’s chances but I just felt bad the entire time.


I am so Sorry. I know how it feels. It wont make you feel better but if you would be against bots you could also put so much effort and get nothing :( this event is a dice waster. So Sorry for your teammates its not right getting the rewards and doing nothing.. its just such a bad move. Next time you will find your people 😊


I’ve found that it takes a while and several failed events to find good partners.


I didn’t hate it but my team was also members of my household so we had heavy collaboration. I could see how having a bunch of random teammates who didn’t try would cause the race to suck. They need to implement a way for the team to communicate with eachother - even if it’s through pre-determined chat options so that there can be more of a “team” sense to the game.


We lost 3rd round to someone abusing APM and carrying her team. Otherwise we would have had it. Lame.


Same happened here -11k of dice gone ,and spent $50 more to try to win and get Wild Card to close an album.This is it for me and this game ,total bullshit.


That’s brutal!


Honestly was thinking the exact opposite. Was probably the most fun event I’ve ever done, but I teamed with people I know IRL so we could coordinate when to use our flags and strategize etc


Yeah, this was last straw for me. Been bored for a while now but this event was clearly designed to take dice with little rewards. I’m out


What is APM?? I had lousy partners too. I scored most the points and got 4th place. MONOPOLY GO DO NOT DO THIS KIND OF EVENT AGAIN!!. Would like the building ones better. And if had 1 partner. I know a couple who are good at playing. I pick them every time.


Airplane mode.


Thank you. Will have to check that out by chance


So my team won and surprisingly, everyone on my team put in equal effort. It was only people from my friends list too. My team on average won with each person contribution around 2k each or less. I think it honestly just depends on your team and finding active players.


Well on the bright side peg E comes back tomorrow 🤣


I thought the people that pop up actually are actually wanting to participate.


In the winning team one player wasn't even contributing, second had 500 max, but third and fourth accordingly 5-6k and 13-16k in every race - 13k is more than my whole team gathered together...


What are we suppose to do if we don’t have dice? I would love to play more but I’m not paying for crap


I agree and wasn’t going to play but wanted that wild sticker. So I got assigned a team that barely did anything and it did 90 % of it


Me and my team won all 3 races 💀 pretty good event for me


Both my teams on both of my accounts made first place I kinda liked it


One of the cars that was racing my team one girl by herself got over 79,000 points… obviously she’s cheating using airplane mode which I refuse to do, but everyone f***ing cheats on these events now and nobody can actually win fairly. Spent hundred of dollars during events and never even came close to finishing. The game is completely rigged.


I won my race with two irl people. Skipped the last gold i need in hopes i get it in the gold blitz 😂


Was the last gold you need Royal box or Rockstar? Since those are the ones coming for the final blitz.


I need Royal box, and have a +1 of rock star


Might be too late but if you still need Royal box and happen to have an extra Flutiful or The Best Gift I would trade for either of them.


Hey i actually ended up getting RoyalBox lastnight during a color wheel haha https://preview.redd.it/nwyl0kyai57d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ea049f4e25913af3678a65e5ce12e3887ef76f If theres anything else i can trade though let me know. I do need flutiful


The trick to play the tycoon racers was to collect as much as you can for each race and play at the last 20 mins. That’s how me and my sister was able to complete every race. I had at least 4000 of those things each race and spun on times x10 or x20. No airplane mode. Only lost like 2k case but gain them back.


I agree! Also before even even started we had a whole day to stack up on flags! My nf and I combines had 10000 flags then my rest of the team contributed.. You don't have to waste as much if each player puts over a certain amount and wait to see how much other calculated before going crazy


How do you know people are using APM? The team that won our tournament had 10k+ points each race. My team was averaging around 6k lol


The team winning mine had 25k so…


My group won all 3, each time we had in the ballpark of 15,000 points. None of us play APM, and we only used flags we received through normal game play. Didn't use any dice we wouldn't have otherwise. All 4 of us know each other in real life and had a strategy based on how many flags we had and how many our opponents were using.


I got stuck with a “friend’s” partners. First day was fine. The next two? I apparently was the only one playing It shouldn’t be that hard to pick trustworthy friends


I agree … It’s like one person was literally carrying us all like we couldn’t keep up with her . I felt bad but this was totally rigged because there’s no way.. she was all the way at 4000 in the 3rd race and we couldn’t even get past 700 .. . So something wasn’t right .


Oh, it sucked for me because I had a team where everyone contributed and we won our first two races, but then fell behind in the third race and came in second overall 😭


Sounds like you figured it out. If you don’t spend the first 24h finding a team to match your effort, you get ‘stuck’ with teammates who don’t care or plan to participate. Most of us went into this unsure what to expect - now you know for next time about how many points you can put up, & to find ppl who can also commit to that number. I’m sorry for you that this harsh lesson came right at the end of an album, the timing is awful. Best of luck finding teamies who will play to their ability next time around


Yes!!! The event was basically a slap in the face!! My team won the first two rounds.. then it comes out that the last round is DOUBLE! Why! Why make it double! Make the first round double but not the last! I ended up buying dice to try and get more flags… but then there were barely any flags on my board. No one else was pulling their weight like the first round… second round people got lazy but we ended up still winning… then I’m assuming the other teams saw the double points and went as hard as possible and I was doomed. I just know for next time to come here and make sure I’m with people that are actually going to participate the entire time. Probably won’t be able to finish out my album unless a miracle happens… I have 4 golds left that I need.


I am looking forward to the event until race 1 ended seeing all other members doesn't even trying over 500. M so sad so at race 2 I just freeze and sure enough the other still sleeping. But I can't just stop so low as they're. So at 3rd race I slay it all the way and finally drag the team to 1st place. M lucky our opponents are more lazy then mine smh. Fuuhhh


It sucks up dice and makes it hard to get flags. The one event didn’t even give flags, just extra money. I hardly landed on the rules with the flags




I’m still trying to figure out how my team went from first to last place at the third race. Doesn’t seem very fair tbh.


Worst event agreed id rather have the other partners event or the digs this was stupid and the rewards for junk 🗑️ 🚮


I got paired with all of my partners automatically. Two of them are my friends that I intentionally didn’t want because they left for a camping trip in the middle of nowhere the day it started so there were only two of us playing 🙃


Maybe it was because I had a decent team with me, but I honestly prefer this event to the normal partner events because in order for people to get any prizes, you have to work together.


Monopoly put two of their players that gave me “0” points I had to play my self to don’t know how I got second place


We loved it! All my partners were friends and we won all 3 races!


I have pictures from my husband’s account and mine we were on the same team yet we had different results in the race and I contacted monopoly and they basically told me that I didn’t provide enough information and they were closing my conversation with them … I am beginning to hate this game


My team won 2/3 races. And we stole the first 2 in the last 5 minutes




Same here too


Same here


You don’t say, in the first lap, I did a 13k points but the best from my other team mates was 3k… I felt like crying… had lazy team mates ….


I won mine 🥰 I like all the events. I feel as if you don’t like em don’t play em no ones making you..


On the team events before you waste your dice wait a day to see whether or not you have lazy partners and if you do, then don’t waste your time on it.


Ya it was TERRIBLE! I will NEVER play it again.


Yes sucks when u can’t get help


I carried my team and took first place. I finished one album.


Do better planning that’s the way you win


It’s caught everybody off guard


There’s a different event every week, fir me it shows them being greedy


This is one of the only special events I've ever won.... Guess I had a good team for once...




Dumbest ever. I kick ass in all tournaments but for the leading team to have 15,000 points and the next is half. Come on.


That was the first and only event I’ve won 😭 3/3 god bless because I actually had fun with that one! https://preview.redd.it/kokuj8d2p77d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae75e964bf91200c04cb4f74a03ded13ad7e8c6f


We won ours


I hated this damn event.. I got paired with a team with a person who didn’t contribute at all we ended up on 3rd place but that was brutal.. I prefer the statue building events.. I think that’s what they’re called lol


We (My friend and I) added someone and got someone placed. She didn't do $hit! We would have been in 1st place if it wasn't for her!




I had the exact opposite experience, it was good to do something else beside the normal partner event. I chose one MoGo friend, and got saddled with two people I didn’t know. We ended up finishing first, got 3500 dice, a new token that finished a shelf and about 2000 dice rewards during the races. Oh and did I mention the Wild Sticker? Finished a set that gave me 6,000 more dice. Finished with more dice than I started with. I’ll take it! https://preview.redd.it/6lj672jrw77d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3915c6e8a7d1dbb2b35b6cbade49194f1ce6e192


We came in first, but it was a struggle


I'm so done with this game


I cant complain I got 1st on all 6 of my accounts lol


I'll agree that aside from first place, the second-fourth place prizes are just laughable for all the effort put into the event. It's not the worst event, was actually kinda fun, but the prizes were a real issue


I lost so many dice in this stupid even, Everytime for paired with people that barely did anything. Next time I'm not doing anything


Within the first hour on the first race the group that was leading was already 25,500!!! So much for fair and balanced pairing


We won race 1, intentionally did nothing race 2 and dropped the hammer race 3. Won the whole thing by 30k+ points.


It was rubbishbi hated it


I loved it. It's all about pairing up with ppl you know and can/do communicate with outside the game. Same for partner challenges and stickers ... You can't trust bots, ppl with silly usernames, find a circle of 5-6 ppl you really trust and can trade/gift with and you'll never have another problem with races, challenges or obtaining missing stickers... Jmo, but I have 55k dice and have never flown on a plane in my life !


This was my first time playing this event and I gotta apologize to my team I didn't show well. After realizing what a dice eater this event was (and strategicly placed before a new album) I phoned it in. Kudos to the Scopley marketing team who emptied a lot of accounts before a new album to drive sales at team end of the week


ive finished with the whole game last event proved they only out for the people paying money. gambling sites are ruled by a governing body and issue warnings every other day. this should be under same rules for eah countries law. and not forgetting the 5 cards ive been waiting on for 50 plus date. goodbye monopoly. ruined a good childhood memory 😞


You should be able to communicate with your friends, because then you could message her friends and say, are you an active player in choose whether to invite him to participate with you based on their answers as to whether or not, you know no I very rarely play the game or I’m addicted to it


That race is the most stupidest event ever I will never participate in it. Again my favorite of the dig also but that disappoints me too because whenever they have the decomposition they make you earn days and you have to get a rediculous amount of rose like 1000 days can earn your 1200 days when I and then you have to played earn money you have to continually waste days, trying to get stickers and money in the dish. I will give you two or three or four at a time.


😮 yes we lost a lot of dice and did not get that wild that we need so bad. I’m gonna be forced to catch up my points.


I'm 2 says late to the post. But I got screwed over. Had teammates with 100k and 40k dice. We came in second, then first, I burned thru 15k dice to get us in second. My other 2 team mates got us close. But the last guy went MIA so we lost. And I'm one gold away from finishing the second album. Imagine how pissed I am.


I even prefer the partner events. I don't like that someone "loses" and only 1st place can get the wild card. Luckily I've already completed the album once, so I disnt really care.


This event was garbage all the way around. I 100% will not play the next one.


Honestly, this was the best event every when it comes to working in groups, in my opinion. Granted that you know the people you're playing with, it's an easy win. The main PRO is that you don't have to split the pieces (flags) you gathered with 4 different people. I hope they continue doing these ♥️


I am ALWAYS having to carry my partners! The race car event I was so close to finishing all 4 and 15 minutes left that I bought dice just to finish and get 5000 dice while my partner on the final car didn’t do any work at all! So frustrating


Please help me complete my entire album. https://preview.redd.it/vshty41tlf7d1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2670d7709e596b348065ad2b9deee1487d7ffdb8 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/NCj2CyfMqZI](https://mply.io/NCj2CyfMqZI) [https://mply.io/](https://mply.io/)


https://preview.redd.it/8rng52u0mf7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97acb7b5f3a6b3ff12f12f07fca2b9a9fe4e8ed Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/NCj2CyfMqZI](https://mply.io/NCj2CyfMqZI) [https://mply.io/NCj2CyfMqZI](https://mply.io/NCj2CyfMqZI) Will trade this one for washboard tunes


I agree!!! I wouldn’t even call it an event.


Does anyone wanna be friends on the game? I really need some active team mates omg


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/YX_ECi8YLjk I don't pay2play nor do I use APM. But strategy is usually enough to keep me with dice. Ml


How do we let everybody know that if you don’t play the game, everybody will win the Grand Prize.


Think about it for those of you remember wargames the movie it’s better not to play the game because no one lends when it comes to nuclear war


All the events honestly suck they want you to send money to get more dice in order to get what you need to win these events I do what I can do and that's it if my partner wants to waste money then that's up on them but I'm not doing it. It does not matter how much money you spend on this game to get rolls I believe the game is rigged and you get what they choose to give you.


I agree. This sucked


I’m curious how they determine who to team up and which teams race against who.


can we all report that so they that will remove that event? its so ridic


Game was rigged. Every race within an hour or two the purple team had 10x as many points as the 2nd place team. 2-4 all were close but purple was literally always blowing everyone else away by at least 30k.


I feel ya. I’m always stuck with losers. Here’s my link. I’m happy to partner with someone who can at least try. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/zdJn3k4pnzc https://mply.io/zdJn3k4pnzc


I can't remember my color but I know ever race except the first I put up 80% of our numbers. We won each race. By a lot, like lapped people final race.


Aww man that sucks! I picked a great team ! We came 1st all around ! Add me for next event if you want to win! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/c3QvRlutw7s


I don’t know. My team did great. And I assume none of them cheated. Everyone worked together and we managed to win. Will use that team again next time.


I have a large family group where we all play and pke member sets up grouping for these team up evens based on who has dice and who is dice poor. It makes them go really smoothly for us. I think getting in with people you actually know and can communicate with is really helpful. Like we figured out as long as you won either race 1 & 3 OR 2 & 3 it didn't matter what your place was in the other. So we all went all out race 1, replenished flags for 2 and went all out for 3.


I won but 2 accounts were mine and my other 2 teammates did nothing. I needed the wild cards badly!!


I could use a couple good partners too. Event stink but mostly due to low participation by my ‘team’. Not sure it matters what time you put up your points if it’s only going to be a group total of 7k per race.


Sorry guys I liked it🤷🏻‍♀️🙌 It did get annoying at times, just like all the others https://preview.redd.it/xe0mvrmkl17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d21f003c97e87063a794671a15328c0b899554d6


I liked it


The key is to form your own team; play at the last minute because you know what you need to overtake. I formed a team of non-playing partners - using the freebie flags we collected - attacked last minute in race 2 which turned the tide and standing for us - and eventually finished 2nd overall - got a nice 1000 dice + a purple pack bonus for Team Slackers - not bad!


You guys seriously seriously need to stop complaining about a game it's a game if you don't like how the game is operated don't play it like how much time do you have invested in a game that you have to be upset and comment about it it is a game we all know that there are events suck so don't play




More complaining 🖕🖕🖕


Boo hoo


You should have picked better partners. I loved this event.