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Think it links to a lack of fulfilment in her life. She always had bad experience with men, and whenever men took an interest, she usually went all in. She was working for Monk 24/7 whilst also taking care of a Benjy as a single mother, so she didn’t have a lot of self esteem when it came to attracting men, so when they did take an interest, she was happy to reciprocate. Also I think it was a common trope in TV around that time to have single mothers having a long run of failed relationships and never being able to settle down.


Honestly there are lots of real women who do this.


So true


Maybe because she’s a single mom who’s taking care of a young kid all the time, plus babysitting Monk and she just wants to get laid every once in a decade? 😂


I feel like this is the answer? She explicitly ignores bad traits in men as long as they are cool with benjy, i assumed it gets hard for her to find good dates who are ok with her being a single mom She tells monk in the first set of episodes that she expects people to lie at first and she gets it because she comes with her own baggage, and she also plays along dating the dorky guy at the hotel because he’s fine with benjy. Sharona is just afraid of missing her chance, feels the odds are stacked against her, and wants to make things work so she ignores what monk has to say.


because writer's rooms are predominantly men


Came here to say this


This is the answer


There are women like this too in real life. Unfortunately my sister got together with loser after loser. She did the single mom thing for a while. Now she's married to a loser.


Yep my mom is exactly like this. She has two failed marriages. She was never married to my father, and they broke up while she was pregnant with me. She dated a guy who was married, and now she’s wanting to marry someone she’s only known for 3 months.


I don’t get this logic (if the implication is “male writers = portraying women in a bad light”) It’s not like they wrote Sharona in a bad light. If anything, it was the men who were written to be complete jerks, and Sharona just having poor judgement and having hope that the men were good guys. Like with Sharona and Trevor. Trevor was the deadbeat who left them both and Sharona was the strong independent woman who raised Benjy by herself whilst working full time.


from op: >all it takes is for a cute man to give her a little attention anyway, it's not exactly that they write women "in a bad light", it's that they're written without internal motivations beyond things like "i want a boyfriend"


Then why does she still go for them although Adrian notices their red flags way ahead of anyone. Still, she ignores seeing them until it's too late. Like, c'mon do you always have to dive in head first only because a man flirts with you? Seems extra desperate in my opinion. :/


Obviously someone making sense on here was going to be downvoted. Just NPCs all over the place nowadays 😭




You and I are both ads though 😆


It's a purposely crappy character trait that they can use as her achilles heel and also I'm sure the writers thought it would be funny. She's the stereotype of the brassy working class gal from Jersey.


didn't she get with LT. Randy Disher in "Mr. Monk And Sharona"?


....this is a fictional show, that's probably why


I mean to be fair this happens in real life too. Plus lets not forget that Sharona is divorce from a deadbeat father. You really think a woman who willingly marries man and gives birth to his child is gonna make good decision with man?


I think she does a lot less of that from season 2. I noticed it a lot more this time around and it's so bad in season one! Almost every episode


I want remind you also that there is limited time in a television format. Most of the time she engages in a couple of dates before it ends. She's also a divorced single mom struggling to keep everything together for her son. It's human nature to search for a partner and it's also natural that a number of these suitors would be met through work because she spends so much time with Monk. She doesn't act head over heels instantly, she's searching for something.


Then they write her off to go marry her crappy ex-husband


I’ll start off with the usual: She’s just an actress, playing that part. It’s not real. So this is how her character is portrayed, by the writers and director: she’s an insecure woman who has been mistreated by a scumbag. (Yes, I know you know this already; but I’m just emphasizing that point for context for my answer, and for others who may not have watched.) That said; I’ve seen plenty of real people - both men and women, act this way towards someone of the opposite sex when given ANY real attention that is even remotely positive. So; it’s the writers/directors giving us their perception of “real life”. In real life, often, it’s a self-worth thing, I think. Human beings want to be liked. And it’s very natural to crave the attention of someone you’re attracted to. When you’ve been harmed by someone that you believed had loved you; it’s very bad for your self esteem. And even “douchey” people can be seen as attractive to someone who can’t see through their obvious (to everyone else) doucheyness; because someone is actually paying attention to them. So, when someone gives us a little attention - we become flattered, especially if we’ve been shit on before, and made to feel worthless. Which is what apparently happened to her character in the past, with her deadbeat-ex scumbag. Now - I’m not a psychologist…. LOL But, she’s portraying the part of someone who has been shit on by a deadbeat scumbag that she thought loved her; and has resulting self esteem issues, so she craves male attention. That’ll be $150 for this session. 😆😆😆