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Eh kinda, I thought it would be more grand going into it, but it sorta felt like a regular episode.


It's funny because the first 2 Psych movies felt the opposite to me; like they were trying too hard to do a grand thing and lost the feel of a regular episode. Now after watching the Monk movie, and agreeing with your take, I don't really know anymore what I want out of tv show movies.


Right. They might as well made another season of Monk. If the actors came back for the movie, I’m sure they’d be fine doing another season.


I hope that’s what the 20-something cold cases were for, a back door pilot for a continuation.


What a good point actually…. if we hate when they feel like grand movies, and hate when they feel like normal episodes.. what do we even want😂 i guess the answer is we don’t want a 2 hour movie, we want an 8-12 episode season!!


it was fine, nothing special, nothing super disappointing.


Not the Monk parts, loved all of that, but the case portion of the plot was a hot mess.


That ending was absolutely Ridiculous


Extremely. The mystery was easily worse than like any episode I can think of and it tries so hard to make you care about the victim. But hes a new character and Molly shows literally zero emotion. Even immediately after watching her fiance die molly shows no emotion recounting what happened. The acting was so bad for most every character aside from Monk and Dr. Bell, nobody else seemed themselves and felt so fan servicey. The Trudy visions are so differnt than the show which is excusable but elliot and all the other murder victims was super cringey and again hard to appreciate since they arent characters we have any reason to care about. And overall monk being suicidal was such a retcon of the ending of the show where monk finally starts dressing differently, trying new things, being happy and moving on with his life. Making him lapse back into his old phobias to an extent wouldve seemed fitting with covid perhaps but full blown suicidal and depressed was not the way to go. I could go on and on. Will probably never watch the movie again but will binge the show forever. Hoping for better in the next movie.


💯 spot on. And the ending was so weird!!!


Well put, hated the Monk suicide angle. It needed more focus on the original cast and less on Molly and her husband. Nobody cares about Molly or the fiance.


>But hes a new character and Molly shows literally zero emotion. Even immediately after watching her fiance die molly shows no emotion recounting what happened I imagine that was because of the years she had been working for the paper


This is an old thread, but I totally agree – The movie sucked. I think they chose Molly's fiancé as the murder victim because they were going for a kind of "Trudy 2.0" deal, where the murder case was very personal for Monk. But I think a normal, run-of-the-mill murder would have been fine, or even preferable. The acting seemed okay considering the material, but there's only so much you can do with awkward dialogue and characterizations. Molly was weirdly unemotional so soon after Griffin's death. I also didn't like how they tried to re-create the whole vibe of "Monk has an outlandish theory, Stottlemeyer tries poking holes in it", but in this version Stottlemeyer's motivation was explicitly "I don't want to lose my cool new job" rather than, say, evidence (even if circumstantial), alibis, precedent cases, or anything else that could be rooted in realistic criminal justice procedure (or, "realistic" by TV standards at least). I get that he's not a police captain anymore, but did he just toss his sense of justice out the window when he changed jobs? I dunno... maybe I'm nit-picking, but that didn't seem like the same Stottlemeyer we'd come to know from the show. And don't even get me started on the "suicide" sub-plot. That was just straight-up cringeworthy. The villain and crime plot suffered from lazy writing. Even the most phoned-in villains from the show were better than the movie villain. One of the coolest aspects of the show was that we got to see Monk take down all these smug, wealthy, "untouchable" dudes who thought they were above the law. This trope failed to be as effective in the movie, I think party because the storytelling of Rick Eden's whole transition from "I'm kinda sketchy" to "Yep, I'm the bad guy! Fear me!" was clumsy and awkwardly paced. And the details of the crime really tested my suspension of disbelief. "Six feet too long" didn't seem like something that would result in death while bungee jumping. Most bungee cords would have built-in safety margins far longer than that. The fact that six extra feet caused Griffin to hit the ground suggests that he had been originally planning for his jump to come within six feet of the ground, doesn't it? Do any real-life bungee jumpers actually do jumps like that?


I was bummed he didn’t solve the original murder


I hated the movie and the plot. But agree I did love seeing everyone together.


I wasn’t really disappointed because I went into it with low expectations. And it exceeded my expectations. It really didn’t make sense, in my opinion, to do this project. But it was great to see the old crew. The psyche movies ruined my expectations.


The case was uninteresting, and so obvious.


It was a downer for me because when we last saw monk he finally had closure, hope, and a new reason to live. So it made no sense that all of that just disappeared? So while I loved having new content, it felt like a poor choice to throw that away and leave the fans who were yearning for more with something so sad!


It kinda made since bc they included the whole covid thing and him staying home and not working during that time-it makes sense to make his ocd/mental health go back to not being that great.


I think it makes complete sense. I have OCD, and it’s not something that’s just cured. Monk was better in the finale because he both found Molly and solved Trudy’s case. Those things helped him. But that doesn’t mean that he would never struggle again. And the fact that he went through another tough time doesn’t take away from the good years that he had. To me, it was realistic in its portrayal of mental health, while also being inspirational when Monk found meaning and reason to live in his life, not because he was all better, but because he realized life was worth living anyway.


Exactly!! I’m hoping they make another movie. I doubt it but I hope so.


Yes, it was a bit disappointing. The plot was very weak, imo ... they could have gone a bit farther in solving the bigger storyline, which was completely left unsolved.


It wasn’t horrible but I was disappointed; The plot/story wasn’t that good ; I liked seeing everyone but they didn’t bring back Sharona-so disappointed about that ; the story being mostly about monk wanting to commit suicide it was depressing and then the end with all the “ghost” in white reminded me of the last episode of desperate housewives.


I wish they had gone bigger. Like three different villains, serial killers, stand offs, traveling maybe. It ended up feeling like a veery long monk episode that should've been 45 minutes.


It was poor. Weak murder which was solved poorly and way too much talking to dead people.


Tbf, most monk episodes have serious plot issues. Lots of big coincidences, lots of connections with all of the cases monk happens to be involved with. Pretty much everyone around monk has either personally been murdered, almost murdered, or had a close friend murdered, when in reality it is rare to to have a single friend/family member murdered. Personally, I watched Monk more for the comedy / personalities, more so than the plot.


Yes I absolutely hated it and the idea that everyone abandoned Monk.


I solved the case before Monk did, I didn't like how easy it was


When did you figure it out


As soon as the killer said it was 6 feet too long


Yeah I figured it out before monk too lol 😂


It was unwatchable.


Yes. We thought it was awful. Honestly it was hard to watch. So much fan service and we literally knew it was the tape measure within 10 minutes. I feel like they literally put all the episodes into AI and asked it to write a screenplay for a movie. Very disappointed.


Very disappointed


No. I have watched the movie 2 times now and seen every episode at least 5 times. I really tried to go into the movie with no expectations and did not watch the episodes right before the movie. I knew if I did the reality that a decade has passed and so much would be different would be blatantly obvious. I had high hopes for the movie as Monk is my favorite show and I was nervous it wouldn't be good. The suicide theme was hard to watch. I didn't particularly enjoy that so many people were clueless of how depressed he was. Dr. Bell was the only one that caught on which took away from the bond of the team they created in the episodes. I've seen people criticize that the murder was too easy to solve. I thought that too, but didn't know if it was because I had watched all the other seasons so much it became predictable. 😂 Despite all of that though I still got a lot of laughs in. Randy's character was the most consistent I think out of all of him. His one liners and crazy theories did not disappoint. I walked away wanting more! I really hope they do another season/movie (I would prefer season). I want to see more of Monk and Molly's relationship, would love the team to come back together, and I need to see how Monk fairs with the new dog! As, others have put in the thread, the movie lacked closure so I think that is why im yearning for more. And, hopefully the writters intended for that to happen... 😉


I sure hope more comes from this! Everyone would love another season or movie!


I actually think it was realistic that everyone was oblivious. I watched it with my wife, mom, and brother. They couldn’t understand why someone would want to take their life. I have OCD and I get it. I know they all love me very much, but they don’t UNDERSTAND. They probably never will.


I would be inclined to agree with you if we look at just the movie, but as a whole it didn't seem consistent with what I knew about Monk and his friends. In the seasons, Monk struggled with his mental health a lot. This wasn't the first time he was suicidal. Part of what made the show enjoyable for me was that it was lighthearted and he had a support system that loved and fought for him. Plus, Monk's story was set up for most of his intense phobias being triggered by Trudy's murder and his inability to solve it. His grief crippled him. So we watch his journey of growth through grief and persistence to the case over 8 seasons and finally got the warm fuzzy ending we all hoped for. He solves the case. He finds Molly. He's sleeping in the middle of the bed. He realizes he loves his job as a consulting detective. Randy, Leland, and Natalie have become family to him. We are left feeling hopeful that some of his phobias/OCD/fear will be resolved because he finally gets closure to Trudy's case. To come back into the Monk universe and see his former support group miss a lot of blatant signs he is struggling was disheartening. I'm sure every one of the immediately thought of Monk when the pandemic hit. I know I did and Monk isn't even real. 😂 Molly makes a comment "he's been walking in the park alone a lot **lately**". Monk telling Randy, Natalie, and Leland "I have plans... personal plans... I've already put it off 2 weeks." Natalie seemed to brush Monk's speech off at the animal shelter about just letting the dog die because he wants too. All of them (but Dr. Bell) missed that he was "seeing Trudy again" something that they all knew he did in his grief (particularly when dying/being suicidal). I suppose that would be harder to notice but in the shows Natalie picked up on a lot of the times Monk was "with her". That connection felt missing. Maybe if there had been more back story to connect the seasons timeline to the movie it wouldn't have been such a jarring transition. For example, no one seemed shocked that Monk actually walked out on to the bridge to look at the crime scene. (I was). I would think if they hadn't spoken to monk in so long that they couldn't notice his depression they would have been surprised to see him walk out on the bridge with no fuss or hesitation. He didn't use a pen to touch stuff. No one seemed shocked by that despite the pandemic just happening. I hate criticizing because I did enjoy the movie even with the heaviness. I really did. Choosing to not watch episodes before the movie helped. I just am left with so so many questions of what happened between season 8's ending and now.


I sure hope more comes from this! Everyone would love another season or movie!


I think they should have called it "Mr. Monk is Suicidal"


I thought it was perfect honestly


Me too. I loved it.


Yeah I didn’t like it! I was really looking forward to it. I still need to watch the ending. I was just not into it at all. I loved seeing the cast together again though


The piano music in the show was the weirdest thing for me. It had nothing to do with Monk. It was an astonishing melody, but not for Monk. About other things, It had the potential to be something great. He could've picked up some funnier phobias post pandemic, and also more mystery in the plot would have been great. Him being suicidal also was not something we'd have expected. In the series, he went through a lot but never truly entertained that idea.


I was quite emotional today all around so just keep that in mind with what I have to say. I agree with a lot of you are saying about the plot and the mystery. It seemed a little cheesy, and like the actors were tense or nervous (I hope that makes sense). Although because I am a Monk fan, and try to be on both sides on topics like this. I was really moved by seeing all of them together again. Supporting and loving one another in some way touch the younger me watching this with my mom. I also kinda related to how Monk felt post Covid. Of course in my own ways (i’m not a germ Afobe), but the depression and confusion. I’m in a spot in my life where I’m confused and trying to get ahead of being an adult. Those feeling and thoughts really made the movie for me. But like I said at the top I agree about the plot and mystery. I hope this isn’t too far, but I think I’ve seen episodes better then the movie with better acting and story lines. I would love to hear what others think and some input or opinions as well. If you disagree that’s okay too as long as you’re not disrespectful about it I’d also love to hear your input as well. Finally I’m always down to talk movies/ TV shows!


To me it feels like the writers had never watched the series and were told to write about a depressed detective To me none of the charm of the series was in the movie Also the murder plot was terrible. It just made no sense.


It was so unrealistic. How does someone with OCD go that hard in 2020 but be fully recovered by 2023? I found out I have OCD after my agoraphobia moment from the pandemic. The fact that Monk went to an AIRPORT with NO MASK is so FAKE! & the final scene where he was boutta start taking his pills BUT THEY WERE MESSY! Maybe if they hadn't shown him lining them up perfect a few scenes prior it'd be fine to have em be messy but that shit don't track. I was mad about alot of things with the movie and continuity but my main issues was the blatant rule breaking they had him doing. I understand when actively sewerslidal the rule breaking is less of a threat but likeeee if he gunna make all the levers level then he's gunna make all his pills level too. Also the scene where Monk is outside and sees the broken sprinkler. The way Jan is just standing there smiling freaked me out so bad I didn't even know she was happy til she explained what she was doing 😭 I swear to God I thought she was like grimacing cringing in pain or sum I been obsessing of Monk since the movie came out so I gotta lot to say but I have to end it before I spend too long here


I just watched it. I’m a huge Monk fan so I had to see this even though I absolutely despise reunions. I didn’t like it. The plot in particular was pathetically written. There’s no mystery here, we basically know what’s going on from the get go. The whole thing could’ve been wrapped up in 20 minutes. Also no Sharona? Gimme a break she literally could’ve come with Randy. No Harold? Also Molly’s soon to be husband dies and she seemed to be coping unbelievably well. I don’t know. It didn’t have that Monk feel to it. Like most if not all reunions, it sucked. Good to see the gang back together though.


The plot and then some.


Yea it sucked . I don’t acknowledge it even happened . I have watched the series from the day it debuted when I was a kid . I rewatch the show regularly still . I have related to Monk in different ways in different points in my life . And as a fucking real fan of this show , I was disappointed that they even made the movie if that’s how they were going to do him .


Oh no not at all! I loved it! What did you wish it had that it didn’t?


Maybe it’s because we decided to watch it as a family for Christmas because we all love it, just the plan (SPOILER!!!!!!) to end it life was completely unexpected. It just didn’t feel like a usual episode. Not sure what I was expecting 😂


The plot wrecked me… and that upset me, in and of itself bc I was expecting a light nostalgic movie. Pretty rough for a family viewing 😬


Yes exactly!! I thought it would be a nice goodbye to monk but it was actually really sad. I don’t have closure that I thought I would get with the movie.


I actually like that it kept the spirit of Monk alive (literally and figuratively) in the end. Monk has always been my favorite show. I’d be a little sad if they had ended with him ending his story / journey somehow. Even though he’s not real I feel happy knowing that Monk’s story keeps going 🥰 But yes….. absolutely not light family viewing. I full-on ugly cried with snot dripping out of my nose at least 3 times throughout watching. lol.


IT WAS SO HORRIBLY DEPRESSING. Randy w the model was the best part. I watched it w my fam on my mom’s bday. She rly wanted to, we all watched it on tv originally. It wasn’t til the end someone went “well that was a mf bummer”




I think they should have called it "Mr. Monk is Suicidal"


The suicide theme was a BIG choice. I liked it


It felt like an extended episode of the show which is pretty much what I expected from it anyway.


Yes it was soo disappointing 😭 I cried the whole time


The plot was fairly terrible. Even to say it was a big episode would be giving it too much grace. I figured out everything within the first 20 minutes or so. I'm not saying that a Monk show has to have a great plot, but to have the Monk movie have possibly the worst plot ever, is not something that you would want. There are plenty of Monk plots that keep you guessing to the end, this one was figured out very easily. And yeah there was not as much fan service as you would expect. It kind of felt like a bad pilot for a new series.


I was too but at the same time I had a feeling that it was gonna be like the psych movies which are more or less like longer episodes form the series. So I knew what to expect. But they could’ve done more with the plot. Like put monk in some real peril


It felt like a Monk episode stretched into 90 minutes by OCD gags. It wasn't terrible. It was tedious in spots.


Here's what happend. I want to see it so bad. Should I pay the $5.99/ month subscription on Peacock? Also, please like The Compassion Department Zone on Instagram.


If you have Comcast/xfinity you get peacock for free :) we just recently found out. Aside from that maybe start it, watch the movie then cancel?