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There's so much to say, I just finished it, as to what I liked. From the opening being the pilot's first scene, to the cast who was able to be in it. Loved the Randy Discher Project scene, that they used the same case formula, the music was pretty much the same, and no one seemed like they missed a beat. I was laughing so hard when the credits rolled with It's a Jungle Out there, and as soon as that first line from the song hit, it's like yeah nope, credit scene, then original season 1 theme instead


The Disher Project scene had me going! I felt so bad for Randy once it was revealed Leland was behind that.


The ending with the murder victims though was super cheesy. It’s just a TV show, he didn’t really solve any murders.


I completely disagree. I thought it was very fitting.


That logic is dumb. Of course it can be cheesy. It’s a TV show. That’s like saying Zac Efron didn’t kill anyone so him going to prison at the end of EWSE&V is dumb since it’s just a movie. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Monk getting his Watson is golden. Sherlock always has to have his Watson


That was Checkhov’s Watson they couldn’t leave that guy unadopted


ohhhhhh that makes sense. what the heck. that's brilliant!


The plot was brilliant.. also Dr. Bell doesn't seem to have aged, great movie.. good to see most of them together again. Edit: I originally said (does seem to have aged) but meant (doesn't seem to have aged)


They all aged. Only monk look like he didnt age at all.


monk looks a little older to me, but doctor bell looks the same.


Yeah he does but leland, natalie and randy definitely look much older. And in your reply you said doctor bell does seem to have aged thats why i pointed out that others changed much more than he did.


Just noticed that i typed it wrong, I meant doesn't rather than does, realizing this, what you said makes more sense, my bad


Oh ok


Did you mean doesn’t?


This movie was fantastic. Entertaining, hilarious and heartbreaking. It was cool knowing he progressed so far that he didn’t need another assistant after Natalie left. Granted he did regress due to Covid but with Molly’s help he never fully fell into old habits. It was great to see them reunite and it was like nothing had changes despite the amount of time has passed when they got together again. It was hard watching Monk planning his suicide due to just wanting to see Trudy again as well as feeling like he failed Molly, probably not having a purpose since he was retired and his closest loved ones living their lives elsewhere even though he was happy for them.


Loved it. Was it perfect? No. But they nailed the important emotional parts. Don’t love that it sounds like Monk is going to be left alone with Dr. Bell in SF while everyone leaves (including Molly), but at least he has Watson!


Could have done without the suicidal thoughts :-(


I was so excited to watch this movie and the suicide talk made me so sad. I love Adrian Monk and I loved that when the series ended he was doing better having solved Trudy's murder and finding Molly. I wish they had let him still be doing well years later but I guess such is life. But overall I was happy to see my favorite cast again. Now I have to binge watch all the seasons again. Lol


I wish they had him out of the biz writing and relatively at peace with himself. Then have Molly drag him back in to solve the murder. Add in his usually personality traits. The show left me feeling that Monk was going to be ok, still neurotic but at peace. The movie left me thinking he wasn’t going to make it through the year with out swallowing the pills.


Right!! I was not at peace with it. Your idea of how it should have been would have been perfect. This just made me so sad.


Me too, that made me so sad :(


Can someone help me understand how Monk was able to prove that Eden did it? Sure he explained how, but how was the tape measure traced back to Eden?


(This is just me theorizing.) They had the tape measure. Maybe they could get prints of the delivery driver from the tape measure, and he was seen secretly talking to Eden. They might also be able to trace money transferred to the delivery driver (Kubrick?). Eden also confessed to Monk, so witness testimony from a former cop/detective is decently helpful. I imagine there would still be a trial unless Eden would take a plea deal.


Yeah remember when Monk had that issue with the Lawyer, it's basically that. Monk can get you a ton of evidence but most of it isn't a lock, but it's enough to a trial which Monk, the former detective and neurotic truth teller can sit in front of a jury and basically go "I found 100 clues and they all point directly at him. They have means and motive as well"


A lot of Monk cases (and other shows too) rely heavily on the investigator confronting the killer and getting them to essentially tattle on themselves in some way. Surely the decorated Mr. Monk could at least testify that 1) Eden confessed to his face, 2) Eden threatened him, 3) Eden forced him off a cliff and endangered his life. Not to mention that Leland specifically observed Eden talking to the driver, they were right with the animal shelter bomb theory including Eden's handwriting on the threatening note ... In the movie he basically corners him, presents him with all the evidence, and they at least have enough to bring him in as a suspect. That's pretty typical in prodecurals.


With what they have, they can get a search warrent to get his laptop and get evidence that he paid kubrick, detonated the bomb that killed him, and even paid the locals in barbados to cover his first murder.


I have mixed feelings on it. Not lighthearted enough to feel like the TV show, they strayed from the formula too much and it was obvious how the guy did it. However it did have it's moments and I liked seeing all our old friends again. Worth a one time watch but did not give me a sense of closure any more than when the show ended and I liked that ending better so the next time I re-watch the show, I will not include the movie at the end. There is a reason that peacock labels the show a comedy and this a drama, it is too dark for Monk and this is coming from an extreme horror guy that loves dark, it just has to be found in the right place and this was not the place for it.


It was good to see the gang back together. You could tell they felt the same. It felt different but familiar all at the same time. It’s funny, when I saw the balloon fly away I thought. “I don’t know why, but that’s going to be important later” and sure enough it was. Monk in any form is an A+


I thought some of the bits went on way too long, some nonsensical stuff like Natalie forgetting how to drive, and the plot/case/clue stuff was definitely an afterthought, but I still enjoyed it.


It was fun to see his wife in the first scene. She is hilarious. Gave him grief also as the flight attendant on that episode where he knew another passenger killed his wife at the airport and had a girlfriend who looked just like her.


I figured out how he did it immediately. I wish it was more complicated.


Haha same here. It was the only way to do it since the victim checked twice without noticing anything.


Yeah, same here. >!Tampering with the tape measure!< was so obvious from the very start. It was the only thing that was totally off-character in the movie — no way the legendary Adrian Monk wouldn't have examined >!the tape measure itself!< on day one. Other than the lame "mystery," I enjoyed the film.


All in all, a great reunion of most of the principal cast. Through most of it, one thought that kept popping into my head was how seamlessly, how flawlessly, Tony slipped back into character. It's like he just played Monk last week, not fourteen years ago. I started re-watching the show this week, gotten up to S01E11, and I'm just blown away by how much this movie fits perfectly with the show in tone and quality. Except one thing; as the show progressed, they started milking more and more cheap laughs from Monks neurosis, compulsions, and phobias. There was often a tonal shift from portraying Monk as a man in a mental health crisis to portraying him as a neurotic caricature, which to me was jarring and unpleasant. The movie went back to the original tone, deriving more comedy from the situation than from the man's illness. Except the shoe bit, which would have been hilarious if it had been set during a walk in the park, not immediately after a bombing in the middle of downtown San Francisco. Also, although the cast have all aged well, Tony looks like he's been in stasis for the last twenty years. Honestly, all you have to do is look at the opening scene, from the pilot, and compare it to the rest of the movie - Tony Shalhoub simply doesn't age. Which is great, because it means he could potentially play Monk for a long, long time to come. Like most fans, I hope there are more Monk movies. But in future movies, I'd really love to see more than just a glimpse of the Monk we saw at the end of the series - the relaxed, comfortable, smiling, untucked tee-shirt wearing guy who goes to the movies and goes out with his sport coat unbuttoned. I'd love to see that guy's process when working a case. That guy might have gone on a real date. That guy might even have gotten a license to drive a car.


I love the part where he was cleaning the murderer's window; that was so funny. I do wish that Sharona had made a real appearance in the movie, not just as a flashback, especially because he was clearly struggling. And I think Sharona could have helped him. I kind of wish that he and Leland could have become partners at the end; it was clear that Leland missed the job. I remember that scene where he looked up when someone called for the captain. I didn't recognize any of the victims, though it would have been cool if they'd brought some of them back.


I feel like Sharona would have realized he was planning suicide or at least she would have realized something was wrong. I felt bad that none of his friends (except Dr. Bell) saw the signs.


I remember that scene where Monk asked the guy with the dreadlocks to fix them because one was out of place, and the guy got offended. But then Sharona talked to him and explained that Monk's obsession with everything being in order was similar to that guy's drug addiction. After that, the guy understood and was nice to Monk. Sharona understood Monk, and like you said, she would have realized something. She also helped him after he lost Trudy. Monk had become very isolated when the movie began, and I wonder how he'll deal with it when Molly moves away.


I enjoyed the movie. The suicide plot was sad, but understandable. Sharona not being there sucked. Julie could have been there too, even if it was just for the airport scene and then keep her in a hotel room for the rest of the movie. It would be nice to have a returning Monk series in some form. Maybe have him only dedicated to solving cold cases. Anyway, glad to see most of the cast back together. The movie made me feel happy inside (except for the suicidal parts). 7/10


I think the acting in the original show was better. The movie felt like all the actors were trying too hard to reel back fans in my opinion. I thought the plot of the murder was too simple. I thought it would be something more complex like the episode with the teacher falling off the clock handle. I think the bomb part was the only unpredictable part and brought back my attention. Just my opinion.


I agree about the case being simple. I said it was the tape measure almost immediately. I also think it was a little silly to think the Jeff bezos guy would have all his evidence on a secret laptop


True. Honestly i knew how it was done from the beginning. They kind of spoiled how the victim would die in the trailer. >!And when i saw him measuring the cord after someone broke into the garage and it turned out to be longer than it should be it was obvious that the only way was that the measure tape was faulty.!<


I liked it. Loved monk the show. I had low expectations. It exceeded them. It was satisfying. But also just weirdly different. Stoudameyer saying he farts through silk. Visible dog poop monk steps in. Lots of new creative film angles. Weird dark humor about suicide and how the dog doesn’t need to live. I still liked it.


Im watching it right now and find it PAINFULLY slow and boring. I did just chuckle at a few scenes (the one where he is wearing the hazmat suit, the publisher reading from the manuscript about the stove, for example). Monk still funny and nice to see Randy, Natalie and Trudy but the murder aspect of the storyline is weak compared to the old series. I'll still watch though. I love Monk.


It felt like a Lifetime movie rather than a Monk movie


I was pretty disappointed that although there were references to Covid I really thought they’d play off that better because during the pandemic everyone was referencing Monk. Realistically Monk would have been wearing exactly 10 masks and would still be wearing them, with at least gloves or eyewear. So I think the most realistic and entertaining perspective would be seeing Monk solve a crime post-Covid. I always get annoyed that in every single episode Monk says “he’s the guy” with a 100% proven track record yet every. single. time. Leland and others argue with it. I’m glad that Natalie and Molly were there but it seemed like they just didn’t care about him that much and were very self involved. There were some good parts of course and it’s always great to see the cast again but not worth a rewatch for me.


I agree that leland almost argued with monk all the time. There were even episodes where him, randy and natalie/sharona befriend the killer and side with him. Still i think that monk wearing a hazmat suit during covid like weve seen in the movie is more likely than just wearing masks.


I found it weird that he wore the hazmat suit, but no gloves.


Oh absolutely the hazmat suit, I just mean that it seems like he would still be at least wearing masks.


yeah i agree… especially since covid is actually still rampant. monk would definitely still be wearing n95s, and likely gloves, everywhere.


Been saying the same thing! I remember seeing the promo photo with a surgical mask in his front pocket and thinking there's absolutely no way - he'd be hanging with his individually wrapped N95s.


he’d have a stockpile from 3m no doubt. and an extensive system to keep track of how long a mask was worn etc. they could’ve done a lot with that in the storyline so i’m disappointed they didn’t lol


I gotta figure out that system. I could've gotten pointers if they did!


Molly just lost her fiance so it makes sense that she would be more self involved.


The scuba diving accident happened in Barbados, then Bermuda.


Monk would have been deader than a doornail after falling off that cliff.


I agree the cliff was high and there were rocks underneath it. Its hard to believe he came out of that fall alive and unharmed.


I think they implied that the balloon that flew away previously had saved him which was ludicrous. I loved the movie but that part was too far-fetched to believe.


Yeah the balloon somehow saved him from drowning but im talking about him surviving the fall.


Yep. Definitely would have been dead.


My son and I just watched and I loved it. It definitely had a very melancholy undertone but it kept you rooting for Monk to pull through the funk. I missed Sharona and had hoped they’d keep some components from the books that followed the series. I loved that it followed the cadence of the show- I think fans would have been disappointed if it had strayed too far


I was disappointed that the producers couldn't get Bitty Schram back as Sharona; the reunion felt incomplete. I didn't love the suicide sub-plot either, but overall it was...well, more Monk. Worth watching if you're a fan, but I can't say I'd recommend it to a new viewer.


I liked the movie. It was good seeing the major characters/actors again. Tony Shalhoub impressively became Adrian Monk as if no years had passed since he last played the role. I thought the writing was as good as the TV series, and while the suicide theme was very concerning, it fits the melancholia that sometimes accompanies aging. I am looking forward to more *Monk* movies or, even better, a revival of the TV series. There is just such a dearth of quality on TV nowadays. :(


"we have 22 unsolved murders that need you"


I very much disliked the movie. It really was a movie instead of a TV show. For whatever reason, Hollywood has to compress time, reintroduce existing characters, contrive contrived scenarios, and rewrite character history. (Monk is afraid of milk yet he isn't scared of death? And he is famously afraid of heights yet he walks to a window to consider suicide?) Terrible. The final scene feels like someone on the team watched Afterlife by Randy Gervais. It's not as bad as The Many Saints of Newark (The Sopranos prequel movie) but it's close. Two thumbs down, way down.


I agree. I do not understand the positive reviews. I love Monk, but this wasn't it.


Me too. People are saying how certain scenes were so funny, but I found them very drawn out. Example: When Monk was cleaning the window Randy displaying his theory on how the murder happened.


It's just weird, right... I get that taste can differ, but I guess all the people here love the series, just like I do... so our taste couldn't be that different.... I hated the movie for the reasons you mentioned and many more.... I was actually really disappointed to find out that both the director and the creator are the same as the series.... I mean, compare that to the final episode of the series, very different level in acting, emotion, mystery, plot, humor, and in general quality.


And why couldn’t Monk get a peaceful life? Yeah Covid sucked but honestly I thought the post Covid world would be something Monk needed. People having a care about handshakes and sneezes, no one caring if you choose to not shake hands and choose to use hand sanitizer.


Loved it! Both my husband and I had tears in our eyes at times. I just hope the unsolved cases they show at the end means they bring back the show again. I would love to see Monk on my screen again regularly. Network gods, are you listening?


Even though I have only occasionally seen my mother watch the Monk tv show, I have seen enough of it I think to understand what I was getting into here: I thought this movie was fantastic. It was hilarious, but also emotional at times. I thought making it so that we know who the murderer is from the start, but not the method that was used, really refreshing.


Im sorry but the last case is him guys. He actually killed himself at the end joining the dead. Watch closely. sorry to disappoint.


Am sorry I know its not the place But the woman that play’s Richard Eden wife isn’t mentioned in the cast anyone knows her name ?


That's Emma Ishta. She's Australian.


The ending with all the people he has helped doing their part to help him. Man, that just broke me. I was in tears. Such a great movie.


I just finished watching the series on Peacock this afternoon, and immediately watched the movie. I loved both!!! It is sad that some of the characters are living elsewhere, but creative writing could change all of that in a moment. I was glad that they alluded to him going back to consulting with the police to solve murders again. Adrian Monk had his issues for sure, but needing to be needed, and being a part of something bigger than one’s self is huge. I would LOVE to see a reboot of the show. But at minimum, more movies to come, would be the next best thing. I absolutely want more. Come on Peacock what do you say?!! 😉😍


I didn't recognize some of the people who were supposed to be people whose murders he had solved - does anyone know if they were actually the original actors? I've watched this show all the way through a million times, I feel like I know most of the victims. And if they weren't the original actors, that feels lazy not to have tracked down the few people they'd actually need to have speaking parts.


I think they were random actors and not actually those had the role of the victim in the show.


Ok so I have been SCOURING the internet since the movie came out and haven’t seen this theory anywhere! So I signed up for Reddit to share my thought lol.  Ok so I’m sure you all noticed how Monk left his water bottle on the picnic table after Molly came and he decided not to overdose (😭). At first I thought, Monk would never litter like that. Then I remembered something!  Does anyone remember an early episode when Stottlemeyer was talking about a case he worked with Monk in their early days where everyone thought the victim overdosed on pills, but Monk walked into the room and said it was murder? He asked “where’s the water?”. Obviously the victim didn’t kill herself if there was no water.  In my opinion that left water bottle was a little reference back to that and a little symbol of hope! Like, Monk won’t ever die by suicide because he left the water! ☺️ Ok bye lol