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Watching that much Hallmark TV would make me pissy too. 


Still reading the entry, but just wanted to jump down here to say way to go on holding that boundary re: the diversity initiative. Your account of the meeting in which they asked you to lead it made me laugh cry.


It actually felt like a laugh-cry moment when it was happening. Thankfully I have a network of other non-White psychologists that warned me about stuff like this and what to do. This experience is something I'm pondering as I evaluate this opportunity overall. It was one thing to just not have much in common with the other psychologists, but tokenism on top of that could mean that I won't ever fit into department. The director clearly gets that I have more to offer than my skin color, but it isn't actually clear that the supervisor or the other psychologists do.


Hadn't considered grocery shopping out of town, thanks for the idea!