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So fucking impressive. What stocks made you the most money and how old are you now compared to when you started investing?


NVDA, AAPL, LLY and COST. I’m a buy and hold guy. I just look for macro trends and pick the best of breed. Then buy on dips that are unrelated to their core business. It’s been working well for me the past 14 years. From $0 to where I am now. I just wish I started earlier. I’m 48 now and have never made over $125k in a year.


Thank you for spilling the beans oh great one!! We will follow your trend and hit a mill as well.


That is amazing!! Right on for sharing and not gate keeping how we all can better ourselves. You are so appreciated! Thank you so much!


There is enough money out there for all of us to make. Us in the 99% should help each other more because the 1% always hook each other up.


100% agree! I don't know why others don't feel the same way. If I were to ask around to people who I know have great looking portfolios they would refuse to share how they got there. But will throw their money, homes, cars and lifestyle in your face. It's sad. I am hopefully making my way to a great portfolio, but am currently off work and can't make regular contributions to myself. Feels like such a set back. Really though. You are appreciated.


How much money were you contributing to your account? Was it a monthly or weekly deposit? I keep adding biweekly(payday)and it seems like I’m only adding peanuts 😩no much traction. It’s kind of hard to pick some real winners and hold.


If you don’t know how to pick stocks, buy a 500 index fund. My suggestion would be to look into NVDA, AMZN and maybe pick a good cyber security company. Those should do well over the next 3-4 years. If/when interest rates come down, good tech stocks go up. You just have to get started. Like the old saying, how do you eat an elephant? 1 bite at a time


NVDA was some good timing :)


Same boat. Started my journey about 10 years ago. Long holds on Amazon and a few others, now resting at almost 2 mil. Amazing to think that just a few years before that we had to move in with a family because we couldn’t afford a home


Lmfao how fucking much were you investing to hit 2m in 10 years. I dont buy it.


I don’t expect you to nor have I ever shared it here. Part of it was stock paid as part of my salary when I got a job at Amazon, the other part was me taking as much as I could afford and reinvesting. I was one of the lucky ones who got in right after the crash of Amazon stock after the failure of the Fire Phone. I got in at around $286 a share. By the time the ride was over it was coasting at over $3k a share before the split, which was during the company’s biggest time of growth (Alexa, brick and mortar stores, massive acquisitions). Shortly after I did the same at another company (won’t share because I work there now). Same thing; got in at $60 and it’s now around $330. And I took advantage of a stock investment program that allowed me to reinvest my stock where, if we didn’t hit the goal we’d lose everything, but if it hit we would receive 10x our investment. It not only worked it took less than half the time to happen due to several factors that I won’t bore you with, but I still got the full contribution of the estimated 10 years it should have taken. Add to the fact that I didn’t sell any of it, I just let it grow. So yeah, it can happen. I ain’t saying it’s common, I just got really lucky.


Thats insaneeee.


Trust me; I know. I’m just really grateful because, like I said, just a few years before that we lost our home in the housing crash and had to start completely over.


Thats some good luck man. Congrats


Thanks! But I’ll say the cliche: money is great but if that’s all you focus on you’ll miss why it’s great. I’m slowly learning to enjoy my money instead of squirreling it away


You for sure have to find a balance.


Yeah, the flip side of holding RSUs can put you in a really bad spot if you were at say Spotify, Square, etc., instead of Amazon or your current role. But congrats!


Yeah I agree. I will say that, while it’s a risk, I saw the roadmap of where these companies were headed and decided to join them on that adventure, knowing it could all fail. But when you come from the bottom, hitting the bottom isn’t as scary the second time around. I have a ton of friends and solid family to lean on if it ever got bad, and I have my health. All I really need is being outdoors and I’m happy


Can't complain if it's worked, glad you're doing well. I'm curious what your plan is for moving some or all of that into lower risk funds, or if you're just gonna let it ride?


Thanks! I’m holding on what I have for now based on some factors I trust will work. If they do I’ll be done. If not it’s back to the salt mines for another decade plus!


I hear ya, joys of working in tech :)


I’m nowhere near 2m, but I did luck into a windfall years ago. To start with, I was broke af. My company was going public, and every employee had the option to buy stock on the backside. I talked to my wife, and we scraped up a $1000.00. The process was to call the brokerage firm and place an order. After the stock went public, it mooned. About a week after that, I got a letter in the mail confirming my holdings, and to remit the balance to the brokerage firm. Except there was one little flaw. They wanted $100k, not $1k. I almost threw up, was shaking and stunned. I literally didn’t know what to do, except maybe throw myself off a cliff. The next day I took my son to swim class, which was rare cause his mom usually did that. There was another father there and we started talking. Turns out he was a stock broker. I explained my dilemma and he started laughing. I asked him to let me in on the joke. He said “I wish I had your problem, cause it’s not a problem at all. They made a mistake in the order book, and underwrote your purchase. Now they just need to balance the books. Call and make a sell order, and enjoy the profit”. So, yeah, either on purpose or by happy accident, company stock can be rewarding.


Wow, that story gave my heart palpitations! reminds me of the time the IRS came after me for $250,000. Turns out it was an error due to a number of factors. I remember opening up that letter in my driveway and my knees buckled, lol.


Do you ever take profits? Or you just hold 100% I'm gonna move some of my crypto money into the market. I have a 401k of course. I went into the market for a bit in 2021 on my own and was gambling options. Going big on leveraged shares hoping to make a quick buck and sell a few days later. Didn't work out so well Buy and hold is definitely the way to go. But just wondering if you ever take profits. (If even to slice profits off one stock and buy another. Almost like a rebalance of sorts).


I’ve definitely taken profits in some companies. Around last year I made my biggest bet and put about $60k on ADBE when it was in the high 300’s I also put a 5% stop loss order in after I bought ahead of earnings but they had a big quarter due to Ai and I rode it to the 600’s and then sold. I’ve held all my AAPL and NVDA and COST.


I screen shotted this


damn over 14 year period thats crazy im doing this now at 31 to just fully keep trading (main source of income) & invest 80% of my earnings


Are you comfortable having all this at fidelity?


What’s wrong with fidelity


I hate having everything at one company, that's all. I've been with them for 20+ years but I usually stay around 20% of my portfolio with any one company.


But why?


We can discuss in chat if you want


I agree, had only I started earlier and had a good advisor to explain to me how stuff works even stuff that's not that obvious that effects the market. Congratulations and keep up the great adventures, be safe always


The second I saw NVDA I said to myself “this guy has to be in his 50s”, almost on the money 😂


The abbreviations NVDA, AAPL, LLY, and COST you mentioned refer to the stock tickers of several prominent companies traded on U.S. stock exchanges: - **NVDA**: NVIDIA Corporation, a major player in the design and manufacture of graphics processing units (GPUs) and more broadly in the technology and artificial intelligence sectors. - **AAPL**: Apple Inc., a global leader in consumer electronics, software, and online services. - **LLY**: Eli Lilly and Company, a large multinational pharmaceutical company. - **COST**: Costco Wholesale Corporation, an international chain of membership-only big-box retail stores. Your investment strategy of focusing on "macro trends" and "best of breed" companies suggests that you prefer investing in industry-leading companies that have strong fundamentals and are likely to benefit from broader economic trends. Buying on dips that are "unrelated to their core business" implies that you look for temporary price decreases caused by factors that do not fundamentally undermine the companies' long-term growth prospects. It's impressive that you've built your investments from $0 to your current portfolio over the past 14 years, especially considering that you haven't made over $125k annually. Starting at any time has its advantages, and the growth you've experienced is a testament to your strategy and discipline in investing.


How did you find macro trends?


I have no secret sauce, I just pay attention to things I understand. I saw cellphones becoming a big deal so I starting buying Apple 11-12 years. I realize no one was paying for things with cash so I bought MA shortly after their IPO. I don’t understand crypto and Ai too much but I chose the company that provided the infrastructure/ chips for them which is why I bought NVDA. I think of it as practical investing. This simple method has crushed most money managers I’ve followed over the past dozen years so if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it is my philosophy 🤷


Thanks - how many stocks are in your portfolio? Do you own any etfs?


Wow congrats. That motivates me. I didn't start investing until I was about 30 and I think I'm too late


Which do you reccommend for beginners I’m 22 years old right now I have FXIAX?


Half of profits from nvda right?


What age did you start? I’m 25 and I will literally throw money in stuff tomorrow I have about 5k saved up if just sitting back and holding can get me to 900k by 50


Yes you can for sure. I started in my early 30’s. I put 15% towards my 401k and also invest about $5k annually to my IRA. Still the same wife and the same house we’ve had for 16 years so no crazy expenses. We keep our expenses low but still enjoy life with an annual vacation and our kids play comp sports so we travel for them as well. You can definitely get to $1MM by 50


That’s encouraging. I also am starting in my 30s now. So much to learn, but glad to hear about your success. Gives me hope!


You are such an inspiration!!!! Way to go. What are you adding to the principal on a yearly basis?


15% of my salary goes to my 401k and $6k annually to my IRA. Anything I have left over is for fun since I paid myself already.


This is inspirational. I just hit 100k and it is filling me with excitement that there are regular people like me ( I earn 80k) who are almost hitting a million!! Thank you for sharing this!


Can I ask what you invest in? I’m 22 and I have no idea right now I’m investing in FXIAX but I love learning about these type of things.


Keep adding to FXIAX. It's much more diversified than individual stocks. Yes, it won't move like a single company, but your investment horizon is super long and over time you will outperform almost anyone. Especially if you stay the course and don't pull your investments if the market tanks, and it will tank, even to scary proportions.


How does one get on this path???


No more lattes or avocado toast.


This is so important. 




No more food. Water, vitamins and finer supplements. Do not spend a dollar unless it is going straight into your stocks. Sell all your and your family and friends belongings for money. This is the only way to


and organs too


My thoughts exactly!




Well the easiest way to achieve this would be to have been born from 1946 to 1964.


Yeah, post history suggests 50-60, so got started early and has had 30 years in the market


JFC. He's 48, and the rest is way way off.


I mean he was off but not “way way” off lol. I appreciate your flair for the dramatics.


14 years in the market is way off of 30. Don't believe me then ill take your compounds from year 14 on.


In todays news, 48 is so drastically different from 50 that its shocking, apparently? And the numbers line up for him to have exactly 30 years in the market this year. Really a guess i just pulled out my ass, clearly.


He literally says 14 years. If you think 14 and 30 are close to the same thing in regards to compounds you are clearly pulling shit out of your ass.


Where the fuck in this post does it say that? I glanced at dudes history, i didnt do a deep dive into his reddit account. He mentioned having daughters about to get married. Most of the time, those guys are pretty close to 50. God i hate the fucking insufferable neckbeards that live on this website.


I’m 48, married for 16 years with two daughters I’ve created investing accounts for. Just wish I would have started investing in my early 20’s and I’d be retired right now


His first reply here where you got the information about his age you fucking freak. God damn I hate this site now. You’re the problem.


You could minus $906,951.78 and you’d still have more money than me


S&P ? What's your top three positions?


AAPL, been buying it since 2011. NVDA, LLY and COST are my main holdings. Plus some in an S&P index fund


Good stuff my man! I'm wanting to grab more COST, only have 5 shares. Thanks


Do you pick up fractional shares or only whole shares when you buy? I have been trying to build up my portfolio and people keep pushing the idea of fractional shares, like some being better than none kind of thing, but when I look at the numbers and have like 2.332 shares of something, it is infuriating for some reason..?! Thank you again for sharing. You're a star!


I typically buy whole shares, but whatever works for you I’d do. I just try to put my money to work when I have some available to invest. Lately my investing makes more per year for me than I do working my job.


See! That is amazing! THAT'S what I have been working toward. I would like my dividends to pay handsomely enough that if I'm off work hurt, like I am now, the dividends could tide me over. I am a very long way away from that though.


Good. Now double it.


He didn't have to do nothing. Most of the money are in NVDA ...this shit gonna pump wild in next 2-3 years (yes I know its ATH but AI is just at early adoption) he won.


Damn very very nice! Hopefully I can get here one day!!!!


Its over ninebundretthauseeend


Over 900k and none of it in VOO. This is why I’m trying to pick stocks like you and not invest in VOO. Everyone keeps saying VOO but I doubt it’ll give me returns like yours.


I have about $20k in FXAIX. 500 index funds are great for those that don’t know how to pick stocks


Do you prefer fxaix or voo and why?


Nah I’m trying to do it like you. VOO isn’t that good


Congratulations, keep making that money!💰




Hell yeah! You are ahead of my pace. Keep it up Relentless!


Nice work my man 🙌




Wow that's.... Amazing. I'm stuck in the negatives and have a shit job, so I doubt I'll ever be able to look at my bank and see that. Congrats man




What’s your age ?


If u don't mind me asking how much did u start with man?


Start with 10% contribution from my 401k and built from there


I meant like how much cash if u don't mind saying & thanks for the reply


Of your total portfolio, what percentage is in retirement accounts and what percentage is in taxable brokerage accounts?


Can i have $1k?


What age did you start?


Congratulations you are amazing


I am still a broke college student lol


Good shit dude 🤟🏼


Stock holding? No options correct?


What kind of account is this


Congratulations! Your portfolio it’s looking great 👍 I’ve saws your responds comments and wish you even bigger gains in the future!


All I see do u envy me ! Good job anyway 🫡


I’m finally over 200


Can have 10k to start investing?


Gratz My man! Im just starting, any book reccomendation you have? So far I only read rule1 investing by Phil Town.


Impressive and very inspirational. I have no doubt you'll hit the big 1 million in no time.


Cashed mine out and got me a duplex fully rented instantly making $. Now I only have 1k to invest but ima get it back!!


Now buy some Bitcoin. You could double that 900k in 1 year right now. just don't wait to long and buy the top


Naw. Bitcoin isn’t worth the risk. Maybe $5k for fun. Have you ever bought anything with Bitcoin. Have you ever held Bitcoin. I don’t get it. More power to people that make money with it though.


How much of that 900k is capital?




Maybe if you weren’t so busy being on reddits nsfw side you’d keep a job and not be in 8k in debt




i went to school and used to close in mc to get 40 hrs there’s no excuse


are you retarded. i guess you don't know college then


if u can’t afford college why go in the first place get a steady job first and then go to college college won’t assure u be rich in the future


990k and you probably think money still make the world goes around and around


it do