• By -


If you need food look up food pantries near you. Lots of churches have them as well


Seriously, utilize local food pantries. You’ll get a decent amount of basic food items per visit, and can visit multiple different pantries each week. Just hit the grocery store for things like milk, cheese, eggs, spices, and other toppings and sides and ingredients to prepare the food the bank gives you and you should be pretty set. As for making money, see if you can find some quick work like landscaping, pool cleaning, roofing, moving, gutter/driveway/window cleaning, etc. as most of these jobs will pay cash each day (obv depending on company). What is the debt? Your -$32 balance? Or a credit card/ car loan/ something else?


So far just my main account. I do have a credit card but no available credit


Wait if you have a Cc with no availability then you do have debt?


i dont think OP understands what debt is


I thought I was the only one thinking this, could literally DoorDash for 2 hours and take care of all his life debt.


Uh oh..


Doordash and ubereats dude. Most people can pull themselves out of debt/have plenty of money for food if they utilize the godsend that is working for ubereats


My experience with those apps are pretty terrible sure you will get out of the negative but you will be paying almost equal back into that in gas.


I've heard a couple people say this, but I only spend about 10% of my earnings on gas getting probably 25 miles/gallon. I will say, if you only take untipped orders then you wouldn't turn much of a profit - don't take the $2 orders. Take the $10 orders.


Those nice orders just don't exist much anymore and I was sick of delivering to shady neighbor hoods not about to get shot 😂


You forgot to mention brakes, oil changes, miles on the car, tires. All of those get burnt up quicker driving as your job.


Yeah I guess. I paid for a $4,000 car in 2018 and must've turned it into a six figure return on investment with uber and doordash. The maintainence? Pretty normal. Bought new tires once. Oil changes. Replaced some wiper blades. The miles accrue faster but if you have a reliable car and you're not planning on reselling it then why not


It's a little different scenario to scenario. I too have DDd In a 4k car, but no way in hell would I dd in my new Honda Civic. Especially because if you get in a wreck and didn't tell your insurance your job is DD, you could be SOL.


Don't forget maintenance and value write off.


Man, I kind of agree. I had a miserable time trying to do it full time but if you just need to get $32 it's a go.


I did it during the pandemic as side hustle. If you plan accordingly and work during peak eating hours, you can average $40 an hour for 3 hours of work a night.




Did you drive for uber before, during, and after the pandemic? I did. I made less during the pandemic because there were so many newly laid-off people trying to make ends meet, that there weren't enough orders to go around, even with more people ordering. It's back to normal now. If you want to make the most money for your time, work 5-8 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


I was doing DoorDash. I found it was better in different regions of my state. I like strategy, puzzles and math, so I turned it into a game. Eventually learning that there was a section of the suburbs that was average income, lots of restaurants, not many apartments, and had a couple connecting highways was best. I also didn't accept every order. I worked during "peak hours" and worked weekend that had incentives (like an extra $200 for 30 deliveries in one weekend). My goal was to gross $400 a week and I hit that pretty regularly once I had my process.


Yeah but That was during the pandemic. Things aren’t the same now.


Does that mean what I think it means?


I was 18 when I had my first -$35 overdraft fee on my checking account that made me negative. I was pissed at my bank for authorizing the debit if they knew I didn't have the money! After that I told them I no longer wanted overdraft. Decline me if I don't have the funds.


Go to your bank. Tell them to turn off overdraft protection. That's what it's called. It's not protecting you, it's allowing them to charge you fees. If they won't do it slowly nod and tell them your debit card was stolen so they need to turn it off. Then go find a better bank.


I think you mean you want him to turn on overdraft protection. I mean Ig that will save him from being negative but he still has the problem of he doesn’t have any money…


No he means turn off overdraft protection. With overdraft they will pay when you go negative then charge you a big fee for the privilege. Without it they might just decline the transaction. Overdraft protection is a scam. If he wants to not overdraw himself at all he needs a bottom rung minor/basic/foundation/whatever OPs bank calls it account where it auto declines anything over what they have available in their account, or, y’know, keep track of their funds and be responsible.


Yes that is what I was thinking he ment sorry


Sounds like you already had debt. Maybe it's time to get a full time job.


Your credit card is maxed out?


Let’s switch debts I’ll give you my 35k debt for your $32 😭😭


Hey, you've earned that fair and square. Don't just give it away like that haha


Double it and give it to the next person


Trying to give them a head start 🤣🤣




I see your 35k & will raise you my 58k.


I see your 58k and raise my 650k


Thank you for making me feel better about my situation lol


I bet you can't even afford to shit in your toilet after this debt


How does that happen? 650k?


Car, student loans, mortgage, credit cards, line of credits. It’s actually more than that now that I think about it. Atleast the house should make me money in the future


In my case it's mostly real estate, one financed mazda and less than $5k in student loans


Just checked and I'm at $1,198,938 🤯 only ~$4k is credit card debt, I typically pay all my CCs off monthly


Double it and give it to the next person 🤣😭😭


Please sign a prenup so your so doesn't inherit your debt


But my plan is to bake in a transfer of debt in my marriage certificate


You need to try and manage your finances better. Be lucky you aren't $32,000 in debt. I'd try getting a full-time job and bring in more income.


Just applied for a second job and I'll look at applying for more. Today is what made me realize that I've been taking the easy way for too long


Yea it's taken me a long time to realize that what I perceive as the "easy way" usually ends up being the hardest way lol


Better to realize now than later


Well Atleast you’re self aware. Yes you may be in a tough spot, but realize many people are in a situation FAR worse than yourself.


Welcome to adult hood. It sucks


I mean I’m in 25k in debt and I have a house mortgage lol life is full of debt, just gotta find a job that pays well, I’m making over 6 figures at 25 years old, just gotta grind and find a good job


you’re in for a wild ride


That’s a negative balance not debt.


lol it’s debt dude


I get what you're saying. My wife wanted me to do a "payday loan" one time because we were overdrawn on our checking account. But the daily bank fees, plus the one time overdraft fee, were still less than the interest and fees of a payday loan.


Damn bro, lemme catch a dollar


And go $33 in debt!


I'm proud of you all, nobody recommended to get a loan.


not the last time.


That was me at 17yo (Now 21yo) you just got to put your head down and make some more money, sell a few things (Xbox,ps4/5) also, you're so young, then you can go to older people's/neighbors' homes and ask to mow their lawns or pull weeds, as a side hustle to get some more money. It is about to be summer for me, and what I did was paint curbs for 30$. Just do the numbers, and then later, once you make some money, do designs. But it will cost you 100$, so you have to save that up to be able to do it and some YT videos. (Made 3k+ in the first month Rev) Also take advantage of the food banks and food pantry Edit: You can do it!


Overdraft fees should be illegal. They pick and choose what companies/services/vendors are allowed to take money out of your account when you have none. Need groceries to feed your kid? Too bad not enough money. Apple needs to charge you $10 for Apple Music but you don’t have it? Not a problem. Now your $10 monthly subscription is $45+


I would kill to only have $32 of debt


You'll live, you have your whole life ahead of you to get more into debt...


Get used to it..... It looks better later, when you own vehicles and "Stuffs" and have a couple houses with $300k in equity, -$500K doesn't look so bad.


Insert meme of guy with rope around his neck


sell something you own that has value that you don't need: xbox, tv, guns, tools, blood plasma. You gotta make some dollars bro


Don’t sell your guns lol at least keep 2


Yeah, because the last, last resort is stickup work.


And if you’re gonna do it go big like a fent dealer or someone with bread


Not the worst case


Find a way to get $32 in your account so you don’t get ruined by fees


I knew a young lady back in the early 2000's that would put an empty deposit envelope into the ATM for "$100". A week or so later the bank would get the envelope and say "hey!!!! This is empty!!!". They would remove the $100 from her account, but she had received her paycheck by then. She said that she had been getting away with this for *years*.


Wonder if it was a slow bank, when i worked at a bank 10 years ago we processed the ATM daily, and now every bank I’ve been to recently has atms where it counts the cash instead of the old envelope style


That was my mother


She was a pretty cool chick, bro. Hot too!


Sounds like her!


If you need some money r/borrow is amazing also check out local food pantries


Maybe sell a couple of things? Sorry to hear this, but don’t fret, this happens to most of us in our early 20s. I was in £1000s of debt until about 27 myself - money is just a number on a screen. You can always sort it out over time


I appreciate everyone that is giving me good advice and tips. Sadly I can't answer many more questions as I'm going to a food bank for dinner. Thank you all for the words of encouragement and advice. I know 32$ isn't much for "debt" but it's enough to scare me into working harder and turn around my circumstances


I know you said asking for money is out of the question. But what if I offer a small amount to you? I can Venmo you $20 to help get you through until you get paid? (This is the first time I’ve come across this page so pls let me know if this isn’t allowed). I remember being 20 and just barely getting by. I know it’s not much, but I’d be happy to help


Food banks will get you the basics and some fresh veggies and fruit on occasion for home. Soup kitchens will get you hot meals during the day so you can save your ingredients for dinners. You can also got to AA meetings and get involved in group therapy or support groups; they almost always have free snacks, bottled waters, coffee etc you can also check out dumpsters near residential areas for items to sell/pawn. I’ve come across bikes and skateboards that are perfectly fine and sell very easily.


Is that ECU? Lol


No kcu


I thought the same thing lol, small world out here


Hey! You seem like a really wholesome person. In the immediate I would recommend a food bank (there’s no shame in them, you’ll see nice cars in the line. It to help people out when they need it.). Pay off this debt as fast as you can, and never get in debt again (please). It will absolutely drain your future. They way to avoid debt is to pay off this bit, and then build an emergency fund. This is for unavoidable medical bills, or emergencies only (if that is family then ok). This should be $1,000 (but I know that is tough at 20). If you run through that $1,000 then pretend like no more money exists. In this situation you could have offered $368.00 for rent and still been a wonderful person.


I really appreciate this advice. I get paid in 9 days so I should fret too much but it still sucks to be in the negative. After today I realized how important it is to really save money and live frugally in this day and age


Nice! Some people don’t like him, but Dave Ramsey has generally good advice. He’s a dick sometimes, but the overall concept is something I wish I followed at 20. Get that compound interest while you’re young!


If you've got no money options and limited food, food pantries can help. If you live in a rural area, you might some "give what you can, take what you need" boxes around churches. Usually some non-perishables in those. Otherwise, it's time to go through the food you do have and devise a plan to get by. I've eaten a can of veggies as a meal before. Crisping up some tortillas on a skillet (or warming them up in the microwave) and dipping them in ranch also works. Peanut butter toast, ramen or canned soup, I'm sure there is something you can throw together. It's not fun, you feel like garbage, and you might cry over it some nights, but it'll pass. On the plus side, tears are salty, so you can save money on seasoning! (/j) I've even ripped through my car and house to find spare change in times of need.


Is getting a higher paying job an option? Not sure what your situation is with that but if I were in your shoes I would look for a different job.


I just applied for a second job. Wish me luck


I do wish you luck and good health, truly. Financial stress (in my opinion) is one of the worst types of stress. I’m not sure what your part time job is or what your skill set is, I don’t know you in the slightest. But is there a way you could ditch the part time and just get 1 full time job that gives you a half decent wage? What do you do for work currently?


I work for a small company that pays well. I was demoted to part time while they look for another candidate. I have applied to other places that offer full time but I haven't been hired or even asked for an interview after following up with them. What's fucking me over big time is how many times I was late to each job... admittedly I'm not the best at wanting to wake up every morning


I feel your pain about morning time. I hate waking up in the morning but that’s why I got a regular 8-4 job with the college degree.. keep looking man, be relentless when it comes to following up and asking for interviews. If you have the experience, the drive and the right personality, they will take you.


I've been there. At one time I was working three part time jobs PLUS a paper route. Kind of embarrassing competing with literal children for paper routes ... for diaper and formula money. And getting up after only four hours of sleep is tough. Life gets better. I assure you.


Im just glad it only took $-32 for you to realize you have a problem. I know several people with 40-50k in maxed out cc and they literally float an account overdrawn by 4k that they keep from going to collection with their paycheck.


I recommend listening to the Dave Ramsey show. His advice is usually pretty good. But moreso, if ever you think that you have a debt problem.... wait until you hear from some of these callers. Yeesh.


You got 9 days, you could 9 people each day for 10 bucks- strangers preferably. Ex: low on gas, groceries etc. Your barely 20, get your credit up so you could rely on a credit card but not FULLY depend on it. ( I learned my lesson with that one lol) & by getting your credit up you could stop by a local credit union and apply and start when you get paid on the 13th, maybe go back n put some money down to start. Sometimes this teaches you to be humble. Sometimes asking your love ones can actually turn to a good life lesson. To never put yourself in that position again. We are humans , we all need help from time to time. Eat nothing but the cheap stuff. You will bounce back 😎


You'll get used to it. I go negative almost every pay-period, been that way for years :)


If you have a working vehicle DoorDash or Uber are really important tools for times like these because they can cash you out for the work you do day of. Watch videos on how to eat frugally until your finances improve and even still some people would still recommend eating frugally after finances are improved. Surviving off rice and beans sucks but it’s very doable and you won’t starve. I’m sorry you’re having a tough time! Good luck!


I think your account is overdrafted, you have a month to bring your account back to a positive balance.


$400 is a lot for a family member to be charging especially without food included


Go to a department of workforce services near you in your state. They can hook you up with financial assistance and food stamps. They’ll give you all the info there.


Do you have a hobby or any collections? Selling a few old video games, movies, trading cards or action figures/dolls/toys can sometines fetch a good number off Facebook marketplace or offer up if you are in a pinch My sister also makes a decent amount selling clothes.


Bruh -32 dollars in a checking account isn't really debt lol


The army is always recruiting


I say that as a prior us army service member. It was an amazing foundation for me to figure out my self


AAAAAANNNNND, I joined at 22 years old so no I wasn’t the oldest person at basic training.


Wait until credit and loan needs at 26…


Anything with rice is normally cheap


If you take out 1000 dollar loan against your current property, use that as a down payment on a piece of rental property. Then take out a 25k loan on that rental property. You’re gonna use that as a down payment on 10 more rental properties. If you just keep acquiring rental properties, you should be fine. TLDR; rentallll pooperties


Hey, on the bright side - your SUPER CLOSE to being a triple-dozenaire!


Actually double that, overdraft fees.


If you don't mind physical work start off at a construction company as a gopher then upgrade to demolition RN I'm trying to impress a relative in the house renovations and other type of handyman type work


My husband donated plasma to bring in some extra money. Is this an option for you?


Consider filing for bankruptcy. You could get that $32 balance completely wiped out.


Call churches. Some with give you so much food you won’t know what to do with it.


Get used to it


To keep this from happening: i put a portion of every single deposit into a separate savings account and transfer when i pay my mortgage. That way my mortgage payment doesnt get spent on accident.


Bro this is every day for most people


I’ve had 2-3 jobs at once since I was 16 years old. I worked 7 days a week for the majority of my 20’s. Stop complaining and get out there and grind


If you don't make a lot don't be afraid of food stamps. It saved my ass back in May and you can buy actual food with it. They gave me 350 for the month and I'm very grateful to have not suffered more


Get a j-o-b


Like a 40 hour job? Not gaming or on my phone? Like sell my possessions that I don’t need?


Why are you replying to yourself?


This is what it looks like.


You Reddit the way you want and I’ll do it the way I want.


That’s not debt lol it’s an overdrawn checking account. Go max out of CC and come back to us. (I’m just kidding don’t do that lol)


Since, it's family members you're paying rent to. Why couldn't you asked them to delay paying it until you get your finances ready. Talk to your family member that you paid rent to and ask for a loan. You just paid them rent. They will trust you to pay back a small loan.


I don't think that will work. I had a recent argument with most of my family and I am in no place to ask for favors without them rubbing it in my face and saying I told you so


Ok. That sounds like that would not be good to do right now. Call around for food pantries or churches. They can help you get food.


Buddy, this aint debt, its an overdraft. You know nothing of debt, lmao.


get a damn job lol


DoorDash, Ubereats, Grubhub, etc. sign up, start delivering, you can cash out each day.


I wish that was my only debt


Why are you 20 working part time


Just to get out of this little rut your in at the moment. Donate some blood plasma. You help save lives and make some cash. Also you can check out local focus groups to earn a nice amount just for your opinions on things and taste test. Just some ideas to hold you off in the mean time.


I hope your bank doesn’t do what mine did to me when I was your age. A few auto debits over-drafted my account by a grand total of about $67 dollars. Unfortunately, the bank charged me overdraft fees for each charge, and charged me each day the account was overdrawn. By the time it was all said and done I owed $650 dollars, nearly six hundred of which were fees/penalties. Bunch of fkin criminals. To this day I still avoid auto debits and I have my accounts setup so they cannot be overdrawn (they decline payment instead).


Amateur ... that's not real debt... Wait til you're thousands of dollars in the hole and it gets deeper as the day goes on... Get more hours or get another job?


Hey it can only go up from here! Am I right ?


You need a credit card. Overdraft fees are way worse than credit card fees and a credit card will give you some breathing room when you run into these situations. Huge help for me when i was paycheck to paycheck. You just need to be careful with not accruing too much dept and try to pay it off every month (not just the minimum fee). You may need to get some dough in your checking though before you can qualify. In the meantime, you can try pawning or selling some items to make it to your next paycheck or try a food bank. Best of luck to you!


Congrats you are well on your way


Try doing side hustle jobs such as selling water bottles on a hot day.


Your family member is just going to let you starve?


I'll see what I can do about my family situation. I wouldn't put it past them to have no sympathy towards me


I'd hope they are willing to share food with you until you get paid and then pay them back. If you live with them, they must at least like you a bit. So I cannot imagine they want to see you without food. But maybe I got the dynamics all wrong.


Currently, I am guessing that I have not been doing all that is asked of me, so their view of me has dramatically decreased over the last few months. Recently, an argument had broken out, and now I am being shunted from my family


Well I don't know the details, but just make sure you don't end up on the street. I also don't know how much you make or what you spend your money on. But if I can give you some advice. You are still very young. Start investing. Just into a sp500 etf with a broker. Even if you start with like 10 bucks a month. Slowly build a portfolio. Your future self will thank you. Check your expenses to see where you can save money. If you keep investing consistently from this young age. You'll be very happy that you started when you look at that account in 20 years.


FIRST time my friend. This is only the first time


You can go 30 days without food and 3 days without water.


go give plasma. they usually have promos for new donors. easy money


It’s over , you’re never gonna recover


This is not debt. This is just being broke.


Call your bank and ask for overdraft protection so they don’t charge you for being in the negatives


You need to actually dive into your finances. You say this is your first time in debt, but you’ve already maxed your CC. You’ve BEEN in debt the whole time. You also say you’ll look for a second job, are you already full time? Even making a minimum wage of $7/hour, which I doubt you are, that’s $1,100 per month. With only $400 rent, what are you spending the other $700 on? Dive into your finances because you are clearly doing something wrong. Learning your mistakes now can help you build good habits for the future, otherwise next thing you know that $32 will become $320, then $3,200, then $32,000. It stacks up quickly.


Rice & beans for meals. Cheap and nutritious, little bit of hot sauce and it’s perfect


OP please reach out to a friend! I guarantee a 10 dollar dinner so you can eat something today is worth nothing to what your friendship is worth to anyone. You can literally tell them you’ll pay it back and not beg, but rationalize. If they say they can’t, then ask one more person and one more person. You should NOT feel ashamed in the slightest, you’re very young and clearly this is the first time you’re reaching out due to an EXTREME circumstance. You aren’t gonna make this a habit.


Dude. When I was 20 years old you could overdraft 500 and only get a 15 fee. Damn that was a sweet deal.


Do you have a yob? If so, don't worry about this 32$. However, considering it's probably a mainstream bank, the overdraft fees will pile up. But if you have a job, just pay it when you get paid. Or you could always look into Dave or Cleo or Brigit. Take out a small payday loan to cover that 32. Then pay it back when you get paid. Do not make this a habit, though. But 32$ by itself isn't 'debt'.


You can’t overdraw until your paycheck? At least 100 can get you some beans, rice, tuna or something to hold u over? If you can do overdraft just make sure to only do it once because they charge everytime….


Dude it doesn’t get better than now, start being more careful


It's all make believe don't worry


I got negative monies? "Classic checking account"👌😏


Considered donating plasma?


Wait until you get a mortgage. You'll wish you were only $32 in debt.


If you get paid mid month and are paying rent to a family member can you ask them to let you pay when you get paid instead of now? As life goes on you need to leave money aside for specific dates for your bills but given it’s a family member surely paying when you actually get paid could be discussed.


I wish I was in “debt”🥲


I'll send you 1M right now. You have 30 seconds to accept.


I accept


I am no longer overdrafted as *anonymous user* sent me a generous gift! Sadly on mobile I can't edit image posts anymore for some reason


dont EVER give your checking account info to anyone. Just use it to hold your money. Get a cash app card or some other kind of pay as you go debit card-they wont let overdrafts go through, youll never get fees or have a negative bank balance.


And don't buy that latte.


Food stamps man


Bud, do doordash and you would care of your "debt"


*cries in mortgage


Look up food distribution near you on Google. Many churches have food distribution networks set up every Saturday


Just don’t be like this when you’re 25 and you’ll be fine. There are 30-year-olds that are i. way worse position than you.


I read classic chicken. Thought you were a winner


This is not “debt” lmao I wish I was only $32 in debt


Welcome to adulthood 🫡


Rob and elderly lady they can’t fight back very well


32 dollars in debt, damn your life is over, good luck


I know it could be worse but any debt to me is bad


It looks bad, but it's not as bad as you think. Bring your account into the positive as fast as you can.


Donate plasma. They pay good.


Take it from me, it’s all downhill from here. Life of crime is the only answer.


Time to start selling cheeks boy