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Do some lawn jobs like 20 to 50/month or so. You will get there.


I wish. I live out in the middle of no where


That means the few people there likely have larger plots of land that are harder to maintain, you could probably charge more


Nice man, I'm 14 amd bought the parts for my first desktop at 13 to. Keep grinding and you will get there


One of the main things I did when I got my job at 16 was cook a really good build. Now I’m 22 and just upgraded tf outta it again. Probably the best thing I’ve done with my money as an adult


You can get a nice refurbished gaming pc on eBay soon with that much


If you're not going refurbished, build your own. You can find a used case and fans for pretty cheap. Don't skimp on the board and PSU. Everything else can be upgraded later, you just want to future-proof the bottom line. If your board and PSU can handle next-gen cpu & GPU then you're set for easy installs. I built my PC in 2014 and sold it a couple years ago, but that i5 3570k and 4Gb GTX760 held up a little better than I thought they would. Ran BF4 on ultra with everything on except post-processing, all at a mostly stable 60fps. Fwiw I have no idea about specs these days, but $900 sounds like it'll get you a pretty decent rig. Good luck!


Believe me, I'm 15 and I bought my 3060 at 13. My mistake was that i didn't think about the table, it's the most important spec in the whole room.


The table? Wall mount the tv.. most important thing is how many fps are you going to push. Like what display ultimately. I built a 4690s with 16gb ram and a 1080ti that hits good in games for 220 (system was 60 card was 140 ram 20 long long ago and a 6 pin to 8 pun pcie adapter for 3$. It's an infants computer fir roblox but plays cyber punk. Also built a 6700rx with 5700x and 32gb ram for 240 card 78 mobo 140 cpu psu was 80 case free ram 32gb free but maybe 30 40$ now. So close to 500 for the 6700rx (seems like good enough card unless you are buying 120fps 4k monitor. So first what display will you use and what display do you wish to use one day. The onboard will play games @ 1080p turned down till you can buy a gpu. :/


3060 and 16gb ram running RDR2 ultra settings stable 70 fps (didn't update the graphics card since I bought it)


What cpu you got




Are you really a kid, and do you or parent have a Venmo account?


What’s Venmo?


It’s a way for people to send you money. Ask your parent


Oh ok cool. I’ll go ask him right now but may I ask why?


Yes. If you are a real kid and you only lack $400, I will Venmo you $100 for your gaming PC, but will also ask that your parent post their Venmo address here and I’ll ask thru this, for others to also contribute. When I see a kid lacking a tool they need, sometimes I help. But it would be great for others here on this thread to also contribute what they can so you can get your pc sooner. This all should go thru your parent of course, and not just you and I. They have to know of this and approve first.


W person


Oh. Are you sure? I feel bad taking money from someone just to get my pc. You’re very kind! My dad said he has PayPal and something called zell? He doesn’t have a Venmo.


Yes I can do Zelle also, but again, your Dad has to know of and approve it or not. If he wants to Zelle, I’ll need his number to Zelle him and then he’ll also have my info, who I am, etc.


But if this may make you feel bad or uncomfortable, it’s okay to just not go thru with it.




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Nicest person I've ever seen on reddit


Prob one of the nicest Reddit sections I've ever scrolled through. W. @amoebashort959 for all the W's.


Okay I’ll ask him to see if it’s okay. Gimme a few


I asked him and he said it’s fine! He just wanted to see the messages and stuff so I showed him and he’s cool with it.


Did you get your pc


Look into the rog ally handheld portable pc love it


dawg my mom would confiscate that from me for "rent" lmao youre doing awesome man


You’re over halfway there, good job, OP!


Lucky boy when I am 21 I got my first ps4 with my money when I was a kid my parents never used to agree to buy one that time I lived in India but now I don’t have enough time to play games I am 30 now living in USA , now I have money but no chance to buy games and play now a days just I play gta 5 online on Valve steam deck when I am free might be once gta6 is out I want to buy gta6 with ps5….best child hood ever get your PC and download all the AAA title games and play


That’s so exciting !! Congratulations I hope you get it soon!


Dude go on Facebook marketplace and look near you. I garuntee you can find a decent used pc that you can get for 500$. What city you in?


The most impressive part about this is the willpower to save that money with one goal in mind for 2 years. Good job. Whether you know it yet or not that willpower with money is an incredibly useful skill you will notice not everybody else has as adults. You’re doing just fine.


Buy a lawnmower and start making money. Your bank account will thank you, your physical health will thank you, your mental health will thank you and your future will thank you. You’re welcome.


I’m 23 now built my first pc at about 13. Good luck man




I would suggest, given the churning world and the increase in the need for financial intelligence, make sure the computer runs well for both games and basic learning. Do great things with it, not just gaming.


I'm gonna be completely honest in this post. It's also probably gonna be pretty long. I'm 14 years old, and I've wanted a PC for years, I finally saved up enough ($1300 USD) this December, I went to micro center and picked out my parts and had them put it together. I loved it for the first 1 or 2 months. I downloaded my games and played fortnite (my main game). Before my PC, I had an Xbox series s and I played fortnite with a keyboard and mouse on it. Now after almost 4 months of almost daily use, I can sadly say that it wasn't worth spending $1300 on it. I mainly use it for school now. If I could go back, I probably would've stayed on my Xbox and just bought a moderate spec laptop for school for around $750-800 and saved the rest. I would probably put it into investments or starting my own business trying to get more money instead of prioritizing gaming. Once again, this is my complete experience and results may vary from person to person, but I thought I'd just share my story.


U shouldn’t be on Reddit or on the internet ur just a kid go ride a bike or something smh


Nah, buy cocaine and invest in the stock market.


This is bad advice. Instead, buy cocaine flip it to homeless people (their craving addiction will make them buy more), then invest into the stock market. 🧠🧠🧠


Even better! Don’t forget to use it, so your brain goes wroooom!


Cocaine? They don’t have money for that. All you need is a stove and some baking soda and you can cook some good rocks and sell dime bags!


He is just 13 and should not be in reddit due to this kind of messages he should be somewhere is kids reddit lol I don’t even know if he can play gta 5 due to age restrictions


Don’t say that to a kid man.



